Experiencing the Father`s Heart


Experiencing the Father`s Heart
Experiencing the Father's Heart
Pastor Tom Willcox
On a Friday night in the middle of July I had the opportunity to try something new in prayer. A prayer event
was held in the Shoe Room in Marvel Cave at Silver Dollar City. In the dark! Absolute dark. For a little over
three hours.
I love this kind of thing! Specifically, I love it when I have a chance to try a new kind of prayer event. New
prayer events provide a chance to stretch and grow. New prayer events shake me loose from stale,
unintentional habits. New prayer events can be like a splash of cold water in the face when you first wake up,
bringing clarity and energy and attention into the prayer experience. New prayer events can be awkward,
uncomfortable and confusing, all of which is actually good! Having to deal with new things in life is usually
somewhat awkward, uncomfortable and confusing, so I embrace it as what growing feels like. New prayer
events help me to experience renewal, and I need to experience renewal over and over and over.
The prayer in the cave event followed a course of five different phases. The first phase, after ALL the lights had
been turned out and we were in absolute darkness, was to be silent. We were all sitting or laying on the
ground or on a flat rock or, for Raylene and I, on camp chairs we had carried down with us. The only sounds
were water dripping and an occasional rustle of fabric or scrape of a shoe as someone adjusted position.
In the silence I found myself slowly letting go of all the distracting thoughts that became immediately evident
when it got dark and quiet. My mind is always busy but since I’m usually doing something, the business is
pushed back behind whatever I’m doing at the moment. Once I stopped doing anything, the business jumped
from the background to the front of my mind. Bit by bit I just surrendered each thought to Jesus, picturing
myself laying it down, like a package, at the foot of the cross.
The second phase was cleansing. We were to ask the Lord to show us anything that we needed to confess as
sin. We were to confess and seek to replace the sin with whatever God wanted in it’s place. Many of the folks
present shared aloud what they were called to confess. God helped each of us to lighten our load by showing
us sin baggage that we should not continue to carry. I was a little nervous about this phase because I never
know what sin I might have unresolved and that I had, conveniently perhaps, forgotten. By God’s grace, what I
had to deal with, un-forgiveness to people who had wronged me in the past, was not hard to face nor
embarrassing. Others in the group were set free from bondage to hate, lust, past sexual sin, sinful attitudes
towards family, friends and others. It seemed as if some were being released from some pretty deep pain and
bondage as they confessed their sins and received forgiveness.
The next phase was worship. We sang worship songs acapella (singing without instruments, not the resort in
Mexico). It is amazing to hear nearly twenty voices singing heart felt praise to God in a cavern. Worship went
on for a good while. It was obvious that most of us felt a deep and growing connection God as the prayer
event went on. Worship included both singing and prayer, weighted towards singing. We sang everything from
hymns to very currant praise and worship music. It was simply glorious.
Experiencing the Father's Heart
The fourth phase emphasized listening for what God had to say to us as individuals or as a group. What each
person heard was shared with the rest. This is the working of the prophetic in the Body of Christ. Prophecy is
not fortune telling nor is it normally foretelling the future. Prophecy is speaking out the heart and thoughts of
God as God reveals them to the Body through its many members. Everyone is capable of hearing God as God
speaks to us. Not everyone has experience doing so and even fewer are comfortable sharing what they think
God may be saying with others. In this time of listening to God we had folks hearing and sharing words that
God was speaking to specific individuals; words of encouragement or direction. We heard words spoken to us
about Ozark Mountain Country and about our nation as well.
For my part, what God gave to me was more along the lines of an image or vision. This is one of the ways that
God regularly “speaks” to me. It is part of my God given makeup that I tend to “think” and process concepts
through images. Therefore, it makes sense that God would often reveal his heart and thoughts to me through
images. The image God gave to me in that time of attending to what God had to reveal, was of our area, Ozark
Mountain Country, at night but lit up by countless points of light. It reminded me of photographs that we’ve
all probably seen of our country, at night, taken from space.
As is often my experience with such God given images, there was a great deal of meaning behind the image
that was given with the image. Like the images of our country taken from space, there were clusters where
the points of light were more densely gathered. The individual points of light were us, all of God’s people in
Ozark Mountain Country. The clusters were individual congregations. As I “looked” at this image in my mind, it
was as if I was suddenly zooming in on individual lights. In one instance, several people were talking in an
office setting, coworkers, and one of them was sharing about God’s love with the others. As the scene zoomed
in on another point of light I saw a group of people in a park (this scene was in daylight) listening to another of
God’s people sharing the Good News. I began to flick through other scenes, scenes of people in prayer over
someone, scenes of people performing acts of service for unchurched neighbors and strangers.
The import of the image was that God was showing me an image of what the Church in Ozark Mountain
Country was supposed to be, what God wanted it to be. It was a vision of the Church made up not of separate
congregations but of thousands upon thousands
of individual believers. In this vision of the
Church, every one of us was a blazing light in the
dark land. Every one of us was actively,
passionately and continuously engaged in
showing, sharing and living out the love of God
with our unchurched and de-churched neighbors.
There were still congregations but, like cities in
an orbital nightscape, there were no clear edges,
boundaries of borders between them. I also
“knew”, as part of the vision, that the
congregations were support systems for the work
all of us were doing as individual sons and
daughters of our heavenly Father. The individual
Experiencing the Father's Heart
congregations were there to provide healing to the wounded, freedom to the captive, nurture to those newly
born into God’s Kingdom and support to everyone as we were out and about, doing the Father’s work.
The overall theme of the revelations being spoken out in that prayer in the cave was that of the unity and
renewal in the Body of Christ. For some it was about their own healing and reconciliation to family or to the
Church. For others, like me, it was more about there being one Church in Ozark Mountain Country and about
that Church being on fire for the Lord.
The last phase of the prayer in the cave was that of declaring what God had shown to be His will. Statements
of authority born out of the revelation of God’s heart and will were intermixed with intercession. We placed
our selves into God’s hands and lifted each other through our intercession. We shifted things in our world and
in the heavenly realm through our agreement with God and our declarations of His will.
It was an exhilarating time. I was amazed, when the prayer time ended and the lights came back on, to realize
that a bit more than three hours had gone by. It seemed much less.
There is another prayer time coming very shortly, on Friday evening August 14th at 7:00pm in the Old Stone
Church. I don’t know what this prayer time will be like, though I know it won’t be just like the prayer in the
cave. So, I’m excited for the chance to experience another new prayer adventure.
I encourage you to think, and perhaps pray, about being part of this “Unusual” prayer adventure on August
14th. It may not be a familiar prayer experience; it may not even be an entirely comfortable prayer experience.
I believe that God wants us to move beyond life as usual, church as usual and prayer as usual. I expect that
God will meet us, challenge us, stretch us, empower us, inspire us and perhaps ignite us to be the Church on
fire in Ozark Mountain Country.
See you there!
Pastor Tom Willcox
Baby Bottle Boomerang
Spins to a Close for Another
Please return your filled bottle to the church as
Erselius can deliver it to Options Pregnancy
Baby Bottle Boomerang is a significant
annual fundraiser that helps Options provide
Experiencing the Father's Heart
We had a great turn out at the Akers’
creek property for a picnic and a whole lot
of swimming. There were about 45 who
turned out on a day that the weather was
wonderful. It was a little soggy from the
previous rainstorms but that made the
creek perfect for playing in.
MARCH 2015
more if you
like, please see Frieda Sindorf or Donna
Baker for details.
Blessings from your Little Disciples Team
How does a pajama party with a movie and
Build Your Own Sundae sound! Friday,
August 28th wear your favorite PJ’s, bring a
blanket and plan an evening of fun! The
movie has yet to be decided, but James will
bring one from the IMAX that can be
shown on the “silver screen.” For the
parents, there will be a social gathering in
the annex with games and activities. Don’t
worry…you get to have a sundae, too.
Watch for a sign-up sheet in the Fireside
We know families get busy with many
activities during the summer but we’d like
to let you know we have Sunday school at
9:00 which has a short lesson and
fellowship time and then Kids Own Worship
is held from about 11 to 11:30, at which
time we are showing the video series, “Buck
Denver asks…What’s in the Bible?”
We are still in need of volunteers to help
guide the lessons. And guess what?
Everything is prepared for you and very
simple to follow along and guide the
children through. If you can give of
yourself a couple of Sundays a year, or
To all who volunteer with childcare
in the nursery:
It takes a church to help raise children and
without our volunteers this would be a
missing brick in the foundation of our
children’s spiritual growth.
Each Sunday morning and Wednesday
evenings during the school year there is a
need of volunteers, like you, to help in the
nursery. It’s a small commitment of only a
few times a year for you to love on the
youngest of our flock. If you have love to
pour out please see either Shelley Sloan or
Frieda Sindorf for details.
Also, the nursery has undergone a
complete cleaning from fuzzy little critters,
Experiencing the Father's Heart
to planes, trains, and automobiles, to
cribs and carpet. We would like to ask
the helpers to place any soiled items
in the basket in the nursery bathroom.
The toys that are played with will need to
be sprayed with Lysol, found on the shelf
by the changing table. Please help us to
keep those nasty germs down to a minimum.
& Steve Collier
Aug 23
Aug 30 Edd & Karen Akers
16 Ty
Christeson & D.
Chapa Jenni
Roger & Betty Radebaugh
Thank you for your help.
At our recent meeting, it was noted
that we have an inordinate number of
members suffering physical ailments,
recovery from surgeries and other
medical conditions who are in need of
prayer and support. We were reminded
of 1 Thess. 5:18which says, “Give
thanks in all circumstances for this is
God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” And
Ps. 73:23 reminds us, “Nevertheless, I
am continually with you.” So please join
us as we lift up our ailing brothers and
sisters to receive a healing touch from
the One who loves them and knows the
plans He has for them to give them a
future and a hope.
Aug 2
Auu 9
Aug 16
Aug 23
Aug 30
Pastor Tom Willcox
Pastor Tom Willcox
Pastor Tom Willcox
Pastor Tom Willcox
Pastor Tom Willcox
Rob Sindorf
David Whetstone
Barbara Hunt
Peggy Chastain
Aug 2 Louise Ellingson/B.Bengtson Jim & Jennifer Justus
Aug 9 Jerry & Caroline Pierce
Meg Pyron/Karen Akers
Joyce Clemenson
Donna Schisler
Donn Russell
Lindsey Sullivan
Daxton Stanley
Heather Allen
Jean Morris
Madeline Houston
Arlene DuBois
Sloan Houston
Benjamin Rolf
Stanley Gant
Jenni Collier
Ivan Wayne Miller
Donna Yoh
Doug Baker
Walter Erselius
Janice Summers
Tom Dodds
Tyler VanderLaan
Experiencing the Father's Heart
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on
every occasion. Stay alert and be
persistent in your prayers for all
Ephesians 6:18
believers everywhere.
August 30 – Sept 5
Mission Focus: LUC
Sloan & Kari Houston, Madeline and James Ryan
Don Long
Dorothy Erland
James & Mary Lou Edkin
David & Jane Huffstetler
Lydia Allen
The names are picked randomly and will rotate weekly throughout the
year until we have prayed for our entire church family. Thank you for
joining us in this endeavor as we continue to encourage one another in
our daily walk with Christ.
Please pray daily for our :
Mission Focus of the Month:
August 2 - 8
Jim & Diane Barber, Jessica
Norris & Rosemary Grant
Bob & Ruth Abbott
Phil & Patty Loyd
Mike & Cassandra Nabena, Cameron, Caitlyn and
Bob & Peachie Hevel
August 9 - 15
Bob & Mary Lynn Grimes
Jacki Lee & Bailee
Gordon & Barbara Proctor
Mary Jane King
Keith Olson
Vashti Shrum
August 16 - 22
Kirk & Shelley Sloan, Emma and Payden
Sam & Candi Owens
Sue Bisplinghoff
Fred & Wanda Emmenegger
Carol Pratt
Lola Dudley
August 23 - 29
Lynn Fontaine
Jan Medlock
Irvena Kennedy
Scott & Katherine Murphy, Aubrey
David & Joyce Clemenson
Mission for August
Tuesday, August 18th
4:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Showboat Branson Belle
To celebrate 10 years of loving and
mentoring children in our area
through Care for Kids
Call 417-336-7055
Email -> [email protected]
All current, past and prospective volunteers are
welcome to attend!
Experiencing the Father's Heart
Hear how God has blessed students,
teachers, administrators, pastors, and
volunteers while you enjoy a dinner cruise
on the wonder Showboat Branson Belle.
at a
is known for
being a month
holidays. Well, at least well known holidays. One holiday that I like
to celebrate is August 13th - it is International Left Handers Day.
Being left handed is one of those things that I am and I embrace.
What is a bit interesting for me is that I just found out that the only
other left hander in my grade in elementary school is also a
pastor. There are a lot of different characteristics that each person
can have in common with another person. And there are a lot of
differences that we also experience. I believe that God created so
many differences so we could compliment each other as we live
out our faith. The diversity we have as Presbyterians creates a
richness that allows us to do a lot of different things a lot of
different ways. This diversity was evident in the Creative Ministry
Grants that were approved by General Council in July. These
grants will be awarded at the August 3rd meeting of Presbytery in
Crane, MO. There are no two grants that are alike and they all
show how creative and different we are as people of God. I praise
God for the creativeness of our churches and how they choose to
serve God in their communities. Seeing God at work in our
diversity is something to treasure.
Susan Rosenbaum
Pastoral Presbyter
Rev. Susan Rosenbaum
Cardinals Baseball Game
Thursday, August 20
Game Time - 7 pm
Cost - $12 approx.
Thursday night is $1 Brat Night.
Sign-up at the Welcome Center by Aug. 10.
If you need a ride,
contact Robin Carlock (972/741-3534).
See the September newsletter for updates from the
Fellowship Team on upcoming monthly fellowship
Presbyterian Women’s News
Thursday, July 9th,2015, the Presbyterian Women met
at Jean Morris’s home for a delightful and delicious
luncheon. We had a great time getting to know more
about one another. Thank you Jean, for your gracious
On August 13th, 2015, the Presbyterian Women will
meet at ‘Ye Olde English Inn’, located at 24 Downing
Street in downtown Hollister, at noon, for lunch. We
will have dessert at Barbara Hunt’s home, located at
416 Oak Lane, Branson, afterwards. We will meet in
the church parking lot at 11:30 am. to carpool. Please
contact Linda Perillo at 417-544-4718 if you are
planning to attend.
The Presbyterian Women will meet on Septermber
11th, 2015, in Fellowship Hall at 1:00 pm. We will do
the last lesson of study book, Women of the Bible 2,
‘Following God’.
Please continue to support CAM by bring a donation
on Sunday mornings. CAM is now accepting food
items, paper products, hygiene products, and cash as
Experiencing the Father's Heart
night will
be marked
by fervent and joyful corporate prayers, an
atmosphere of faith, decrees of Scripture, passionate
worship and a cry for awakening in the Ozarks.
Prepare toe experience a raw and unpolished
atmosphere of fire fueled by the Holy Spirit Join with
other firebrands and contend together for an
outpouring that will awaken the sleepers and raise the
dead to life!
Pastors, intercessors, youth groups and every person
hungry for the shock and awe of God's glory in this
region are encouraged to attend!
Learn more, watch an info video, contact us and
donations. If you have any questions please contact
Harlene Rantz at 417-559-0194.
Please remember Irvena Kennedy, Pauline Barton,
Jean Ford , and Shirley Cunningham at Point Lookout
. Brighten their day, give them a call, stop by and visit,
bring them some flowers from your yard, or send
them a card.
Please come and join us at our meetings. It’s a
wonderful opportunity to become better acquainted
with the ladies of the church. Enrich your heart with
friendships, and your mind with a Bible study. We
look forward to seeing you there!
If you have any questions, please call Linda Perillo, at
God Bless from all the Presbyterian Women.
UNUSUAL is a regional prayer and worship
gathering of people who are desperate for legitimate
revival and transformation in the SOUTHWEST
Please join us for
a Bridal Shower honoring
Katie Sindorf
in the Church Parlor
Sunday, August 23, 2015
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Hosted by Katie's Church Family
RSVP to Meg at 365-1660 or
[email protected] by August 19th.
Experiencing the Father's Heart
The couple is registered at
Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target.
adults or friends. More information will
be out soon including a signup sheet;
 There is also a need for help with the
after school snack time. Those helping
out will need to prepare and get the
snack set out for when the kids arrive
after school. After snack time there is a
small amount of cleanup, but not much.
Please indicate on the registration form that
you are able to help out in these areas. Thank
you for your support of our children’s
programs. We are looking forward to seeing all
the kiddos back and hearing all about their
summer. Blessings!
It’s time to start thinking about the 2015-2016
Chorister and John Calvin Ringers programs.
Enclosed is a registration form for completion.
We would appreciate them being returned no
later than August 28th, which is the “movie and
a sundae” activity (see article). The registration
can also be dropped off or mailed to the church
office. ([email protected])
There are a couple of changes this year.
 Due to a transportation challenge we
need to know if you are able to bring
your child and possibly another child to
the church on Wednesdays. You could
take turns with driving each week;
 We are asking that all parents assist with
Choristers this year. We need one
parent, grandparent or family friend to
sign up for assisting with your child’s
group on at least two Wednesdays
during the year. We understand some
parents work and can’t be there, and
that’s why we’ve included other family
Wednesday Night youth will start up on
August 19th! Any students 7 –
12th grade are welcome to join. Parents,
please drop off students at the youth
building at6:00pm, and have them ready
for pick up at 8:00pm.
Experiencing the Father's Heart
Participation forms: All
students/parents must fill out our
Participation Form to allow
students to participate in our youth
activities this year. I’m beginning to send
them home with students to be returned
as soon as possible.
Things to look forward to:
Parent/Guardian meeting in
September. We’ll get together to
discuss this year’s events,
calendar, etc.
As always, please contact me with any
comments or questions: 417.335.0428
Experiencing the Father's Heart
Experiencing the Father's Heart
BRANSON, MO 65616-2726
Experiencing the Father's Heart
Experiencing the Father's Heart is a monthly publication of First Presbyterian Church of Branson, 420 West Main St., Branson, Missouri. The church office is
open Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30, (417) 334-3468, [email protected]. The church is located one block east of Highway 65. Sunday School - 9:00 a.m.;
Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m. All visitors are welcome. The Reverend Thomas N. Willcox, Pastor, Robert Sindorf, Youth Director; Robert Abbott, Jr, Interim
Director of Music and Worship Arts; Frieda Sindorf, Discipleship Assistant; Stephanie Taylor, Choristers II Director, Jenni Collier, Choristers I Director; Meg Pyron,
Administrative Assistant; Marcia Schemper-Carlock, Organist and Assistant Director of Worship Arts; Ron VanderLaan, Jr., Custodian; and Cindy Haydon,
Preschool Director. Website: fpcbranson.org Preschool Website: www.bransonprechool.com