Gifts of the Dark Woods - Lake Ozark Disciples of Christ
Gifts of the Dark Woods - Lake Ozark Disciples of Christ
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OPERATING FUND BUILDING FUND Weekly Need/Budget Weekly Need/Budget $6,192 $3,259 WEEKLY OFFERING WEEKLY OFFERING Dec 13 6,398 Dec 13 7,771 Dec 20 2,625 Dec 20 14,691 Dec 27 1,150 Dec 27 5,140 Jan 3 825 Jan 3 4,028 Jan 10 2,387 Jan 10 4,886 Jan 17 370 Jan 17 2,426 Jan 24 4,097 Jan 24 6,714 Jan 31 4,584 Jan 31 2,955 NOTE: The Building Fund Offering will now include Building Pledges received weekly. 2016 Operating Fund Jan 1-Jan 31 YTD Operating Fund SHORTAGE –8,333 2015 YEAR End Results Jan 1-Dec 31 Year END Operating Fund INCOME $7,706 BUILDING TO BLESSINGS CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE Dec 31 Pledge Goal $600,000 over 3 Years Total 3 Year Pledges Commitments $607,450 Total 3 year Pledges Received $230,860 Lake Ozark Christian Church Worship Service Times First Service 8:15 am Second Service 10:30 am Sunday School 9:30 am Address P.O. Box 194 1560 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark, MO 65049 Office Hours Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00 - 3:30 Tues, Thurs, 10:00 - 3:30 Contact Information Tel: 573-365-3366 Fax: 573-365-7011 [email protected] February 14, 2016 Gifts of the Dark Woods “The Gift of Uncertainty” 1 Corinthians 13:11-12 The mission of Lake Ozark Christian Church is to provide a spiritual environment for persons of all ages, walks of life and prior religious affiliations. Celebrating open communion, empathy and love, we strive to serve our community and people throughout the world in accordance with the principles taught us by Jesus Christ, our Savior. Connection Card New Visitors: Please fill out this card and drop it in the offering plate. We are glad you are here! Members: Please fill out the top portion of the card unless you have information to update. We are glad you are here! Service Attended: 8:15_____ 10:30_____ Adult’s Names: ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Children’s Names : ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Please tell us about yourself. I am: Guest of member/frequent visitor Former Member(s) Relative of a Member(s) Prospective Member(s) Summer Visitor(s) Member(s) Visitor(s) Please add the following to the prayer list: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ I would like to share the following praise: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ I would like information on the following: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Contact Information: Please fill out if you have new or changed information Address: ________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________________ Email: We want to sincerely thank you for being with us today. Please join us again, because you are welcome here! Gifts of the Dark Woods February 14, 2016 “The Gift of Uncertainty” Prelude: *Call to Worship: There are many places in this world where uncertainty reigns. Let us lift up names of places in this world that need our prayers… Worship Leader *Opening Hymn: “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” Community Prayer: #104 Worship Leader Unexpected Love, enter our lives and open us to the gifts residing deep within the Holy dark places of our lives. Walk with us, speak to us, call to us. In your many names, we pray. Amen *Greet Each Other! *Congregation Response Prayer Hymn: “Gloria Patri” “Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Love” #36 #248 Litany of Confession, Assurance and Peace Leader: For giving fear too much face-time, People: Forgive and restore us, O God. Leader: For digging in rather than going with the flow, People: Forgive and restore us, O God. Leader: For holding on too tight when what we need to do is let go, People: Forgive and restore us, O God. Silent prayers… Leader: Hear these words of assurance: God dwells with us, no matter how sure or unsure we are. God is not uncertain about whether or not we are worthy of love. God is with you, forgiving and restoring you to wholeheartedness. People: Thanks be to God! Amen! Prayers of the People “Come and Rest” Leader: Come and rest (echo: come and rest) Come and listen (echo: come and listen) All: Lay the fullness of your lives before the Maker (Repeat) There are many people who are walking the Dark Woods for various reasons. Let us lift up names of those who need our prayers… Leader: God, in your mercy, People: Hear our prayer. Leader: God, in your mercy, People: Hear our prayer. Carol Bassett Leader: Come and rest (echo: come and rest) Come and listen (echo: come and listen) All: Lay the fullness of your lives before the Maker Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Prayer Response Choir Children’s Moment Anthem (10:30) “Be Thou My Vision” Choir with Carol Bassett, piano Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:11-12 Message: “Into the Woods” pg. 934 Rev. Gary Mitchell Communion Hymn: “For the Bread, Which You Have Broken” #412 Words Of Institution Communion Prayer All followers of Christ are invited to share in the Lord’s Supper Receiving Tithes and Offering *Congregation Response Invitation Hymn: “Doxology” #46 “When in Awe of God’s Creation” *Announcements #688 Worship Leader Blessing Leader: Please speak the words in bold when we get to them: May the Spirit of the Living God, Made known to us most fully within life’s Dark Woods: Go before you to show you the way; Go above you to watch over you; Go behind you to push you into places you may not necessarily go yourself; Go beneath you to uphold and uplift you; Go beside you to be your strong and constant companion; *Benediction *Sending Forth: “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” refrain Postlude #560