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PDF Version (click here) - English Montreal School Board
Prime Minister’s Awards Page 2 Dates to Remember Page 3 STUDENT QUIZ Win DeGrassi merchandise, Jonas CDs and Party in the Box Page 6 Today’s Choice, Golf Tomorrow’s Tournament Gets Success A Boost Page 7 Page 8 www.emsb.qc.ca for a comprehensive look at EMSB schools and services log on ! First Public School Education Week a success Five Montreal-area school boards – three French and two English – embarked upon a unique collaborative activity aimed at increasing public confidence in neighbourhood public schools. The English Montreal School Board (EMSB), the Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB), the Commission scolaire de Montréal (CSDM), the Commission scolaire MargueriteBourgeoys (CSMB) and the Commission scolaire Pointe-de-l’Île (CSPI), participated in the first Public School Education Week in January. Under the theme Following In Their Footsteps, the campaign encourages prominent graduates to return to visit their neighbourhood schools to talk to students about the role public school education played in leading them to their present-day success. These individuals now serve as outstanding role models, as do many other prominent Quebecers having or having had a link with area public schools or vocational centres. MACKAY CENTRE The EMSB formally kicked off its programming by showcasing the very unique reverse integration program at the Mackay Centre School in N.D.G. This program allows a limited number of children from pre-kindergarten to Grade 5 the opportunity to attend Mackay Centre School for one year where they learn alongside the physically disabled and deaf children. Canadian rock star Jonas (www.jonaslive.com) was part of the reverse integration process 17 years ago and on January 15 he was welcomed back by his former teacher Debra Colton, staff and students. (EMSB parents who wish to register their children for next year should call 514482-0500 ext. 218 immediately). Jonas was also a member of what is now the EMSB Chorale. Jonas, a rock phenomenon whose hit records and riveting stage presence attracted standing room only crowds throughout his Suite Life Canadian concert tour, which concluded Feb. 23 at the Bell Rock star Jonas kicked off Public School Education Week with a visit to the Mackay Centre, where he was part of the reverse integration program 17 years ago. Centre, expanded his international profile with the completion of a featurelength DVD in December 2005. Entitled Jonas Live As We Roll, it achieved platinum status almost immediately. In 2004 he opened up the last leg of Van Halen’s North American tour. He records under the Déja Musique label. Mackay Centre School Principal Jacques Monfette gave Jonas a brief tour of the building, including his old classroom and a spot called the snakepit, where students were permitted to write their names on the wall. Jonas found his signature and provided a new one next to it. Mr. Monfette later showed a brief slide show featuring pictures of Jonas as a 10-year-old. One of Jonas’ former classmates, Charlie Sivuarapi, was on hand to greet him. Students asked some very interesting questions and thanked their special guests by doing a performance to one of his songs. CARLYLE CTV News reporter and Carlyle alumnus Tara Schwartz, returned to her alma mater to report on Carlyle Elementary School’s latest project. Carlyle Cycle 3, Year 2 students worked on a podcast which was inaugurated that week. This project, initiated by Media Advisor Andrew Myers and Resource Teacher Phyllis Esar, was a huge success with the students. A podcast is an online radio show. Websurfers are able to download the show to their computer and even to their iPod. Such initiatives help students develop Tara Schwartz oral and media literacy skills in line with Quebec’s education reform. Schwartz, herself a newbie to podcasting, learned all about the new technology from Carlyle students. She had the opportunity to interview students and teachers in the computer lab while they worked vigorously on their next podcast. The next podcast is set to include topics varying from “What the world would be like without colors” to the latest innovations in the automotive industry. All Cycle 3 students then had the opportunity to ask Schwartz questions about her job and what being a reporter and anchorwoman entails. To listen to the podcast, log on to www.emsb.qc.ca/carlyle. Continued on page 4 – please see ‘DUNRAE’ Améliorations aux bâtiments Grâce au rendement meilleur que prévu de la CSEM en 2005-2006, au cours duquel un surplus « corporatif » de 3,6 millions $ a été enregistré, et malgré un déficit accumulé de 2 692 367 $, le conseil des commissaires a confié à l’administration le mandat de réinvestir 520 000 $ dans les écoles et centres. Le conseil a adopté une formule selon laquelle un montant spécifique sera alloué à chaque école et centre. La totalité du montant doit être appliqué à des projets faisant partie des catégories suivantes : peindre des sections des bâtiments qui sont visibles aux visiteurs; mesures de sécurité et rénovations de salles de toilette. La répartition des fonds prendra en considération des facteurs tels que : la grandeur du bâtiment, les inscriptions, le nombre de locaux d’un bâtiment ainsi que l’âge de la structure. Tous les projets doivent être complétée d’ici le 30 juin 2007. La répartition se fera comme suit : 10 ,000 $ pour 10 écoles primaires avec de plus fortes inscriptions; 5 000 $ pour 27 écoles avec des inscriptions moins élevées; 11 écoles secondaires recevront 10 000 $ tandis que 15 000 $ seront alloués à deux autres; sept écoles innovatrices recevront 2 500 $; huit centres d’EAFP recevront 10 000 $ et deux autres 15 000 $; Les écoles suivantes recevront divers autres montants : École secondaire John Grant (5 000 $), école secondaire Paul VI (2 500 $), MIND (2 500 $), Centre St. Raphaël (5 000 $) et Mountainview (2 500 $). Page 2 EMSB Express Vol. 8 Nº 1 Fall 2006 APPOINTMENTS A number of in-school administrative appointments have been Darlene made. Kehyayan is the new principal of Cedarcrest Elementary in St. Laurent. Taking her post on an interim basis as viceDarlene Kehyayan principal at Nesbitt Elementary in Rosemount is Laurier Macdonald High School teacher and former administration building multicultural worker George Koutsoulis. Donna Manos moves from Gerald McShane Elementary in Montreal North to become principal at Honoré Mercier in St. Léonard. Evelyn Alfonsi, who is already the principal of Frederick Banting Elementary in Montreal North, also assumes the helm at nearby Gerald McShane. Alice Sideropoulos goes from assistant to director of the Shadd Business Centre in N.D.G. Her assistant becomes Martina Schiavone, who has served in the same capacity on an interim basis at the St. Laurent Adult Centre … Connie Primiano has been appointed assistant director of human resources. Ms. Primiano has served as the principal at Honoré Mercier since 2003. Prior to that she was the principal of Dunrae Gardens in TMR, Cedarcrest in St. Laurent and viceConnie Primiano principal at Nesbitt in Rosemount and Roslyn in Westmount, where she began her teaching career as a tutor in 1976. … Mario Argiropoulos is the new coordinator of Adult Education and Vocational Services. He has been the director of the Shadd Business Centre in N.D.G. since 2002. He was the EMSB EXPRESS Produced by the Communications and Marketing Services Division of the English Montreal School Board 6000 Fielding Avenue Montreal (Quebec) H3X 1T4 Phone: (514) 483-7200, ext. 7245 Fax: (514) 483-7213 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.emsb.qc.ca Editor Michael J. Cohen Communications & Marketing Specialist, EMSB Copy Editor Stuart Nulman Translation Aline Zerounian EMSB Photos Michael J. Cohen Legal Deposit Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec National Library of Canada ISSN 1488-416X Layout and design Ponctu@tion Grafix Inc. www.ponctuation.com w w w. e m s b. q c. c a assistant director for the previoius two years. His teaching career included stops at Laurier Macdonald and General Vanier Adult Centres and at the John F. Kennedy Business Centre … The EMSB has engaged the services of a manager of procurement services. Ivo Dittmar arrives via private industry… Pierre Dupont is the new energy manager … Benoît Duhême is the new director of legal services. He succeeds Dominique Launay, who returned to private practice … In December, the board of directors of the West Island Health and Social Services Centre appointed EMSB Director of Finance Robert Stocker as a volunteer co-opted director of the board. Mr. Stocker expects to use his financial and public sector experience in his new governance role. RETIREMENTS Beverly Townsend, the principal of Cedacrest Elementary School in St. Laurent has retired … Assistant Director of Human Resources Richard Meades has retired. His chief responsibility these last few years was the hiring of Beverly Townsend teachers … Over 200 people attended the annual EMSB retirees' dinner at the Omni Mont-Royal Hotel in downtown Montreal. The evening honoured 91 retiring employees of the EMSB who worked as educators, administrators, professionals and support staff, and whose combined years of service to the Board added up to 2,631 years. EMSB Chairman Dominic Spiridigliozzi, along with the senior administrators presented each retiree with a special thank-you gift of a framed painting by Quebec artist PaulMichel Gagnon. One of the longest serving employees present at the dinner was Helton Pachake, a former teacher at Lester B. Pearson High School, who served with the Board for 39 years and as a teacher for nearly 50 years. Please see the Photo Album on the EMSB website (www.emsb.qc.ca) for pictures of the evening. DISTINCTION Thirty-two exceptional leaders in education from across the country have been chosen as Canada’s Outstanding Principals for 2007. There was one winner in all of Quebec – the EMSB’s very own Paola the Miniaci, principal of Marymount Academy. Nominations were received from every province and Paola Miniaci territory and selection was on a representation by population basis. From February 25 to March 1, the 32 winning principals participated in a five-day Executive Leadership Training Program at the prestigious University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management where they had the opportunity to dialogue and reflect on leadership issues with other renowned leaders from the educational, social, cultural and business communities … John Grant High School in Côte Saint-Luc has received a $10,000 grant from the Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences to be used towards the purchase of musical instruments for their music program, which is called Band Aid … James Lyng High School in St. Henri and Laurier Macdonald High School in St. Léonard are amongst the 21 English schools in Quebec which have been chosen by the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) to become Community Learning Centres (CLCs). These CLCs will become hubs for education and community development in the English-speaking community and serve as models for future practice. CLCs are primarily partnerships that provide a range of services and activities, often beyond the school day, to help meet the needs of learners, their families, and the wider community … The EMSB would Gloria like to congratulate Chalupovitsch, a Grade 6 Language Arts, Math and Moral Education teacher at Merton School in Côte SaintLuc, and Theodora KourtelessiStathopoulos, a music teacher at FACE School, who were recently honoured with Certificates of Achievement from EMSB Director General Antonio Lacroce, Theodora Kourtelessi-Stathopoulos, Gloria Chalupovitsch and Dominic Spirigliozzi the Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence. The award honours the overall accomplishments and recognizes the efforts of outstanding educators across Canada who work in all disciplines at the elementary and secondary levels, as they help their students obtain the necessary skills to meet the challenges brought about by today’s society and economy … The Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) recently recognized EMSB Commissioner Rosa Cerrelli for reaching 12 years of service … Le prix pour services distingués de l’Association des administrateurs des écoles anglaises du Québec (AAEAQ) a été décerné au directeur général adjoint de la CSEM, Don Reid, au cours d’une cérémonie qui s’est tenue le 23 novembre. Ce prix est décerné annuellement à une personne dont la contribution à l’éducation s’est distinguée par la qualité du service et l’exécution de ses tâches au-delà des responsabilités usuelles … The Robert Alfred Peck Prize for Excellence in French was recently presented for the fifth time. This year there were six winners, each of whom received 99 percent in their final year of high school in 2006-2007: Mathieu Bray, Elizabeth Guevara and David Rudin from Royal West Academy in Montreal West; Angelo M. Macri and Patrick Macri of Laurier Macdonald High School in St. Léonard and Alexandre Prucha from Vincent Massey Collegiate in Rosemount. Mr. Peck, who passed away last year, served as the superintendent of French for the Ministry of Education and held similar posts with the former Westmount School Board and the former Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal. JOURNÉE DU DENIM La Fondation CURE pour la recherche sur le cancer du sein a félicité la communauté de la CSEM pour sa merveilleuse participation au 10 e anniversaire de la Journée Nationale du Denim en mai dernier et lui a décerné un certificat de participation exceptionnelle. Les écoles et les centres de la CSEM ainsi que le personnel du centre administratif ont recueilli 28 202,30 $ en 2006. Depuis 2000, la CSEM a contribué 175 293,23 $ et l’édition de 2007 est prévue pour le 15 mai. ÉDUCATION DES ADULTES ET FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE Le directeur du Centre d’adultes de Saint-Laurent, Harry Michalopoulos, a lancé un concept historique. Attendu que l’éducation physique et les sports interscolaires n’existent pas au niveau de l’éducation des adultes, M. Michalopoulos a formé une équipe de basket-ball composée de ses élèves et il a encouragé d’autres centres à suivre son exemple … The Professional Sales program at John F. Kennedy Business Centre in St. Michel has initiated an Intrapreneur Award that recognizes the true intrapreneur in the classroom. An Intrapreneur is the term coined for a person who focuses on innovation and creativity and who transforms a dream or an idea into a profitable venture, by operating within the organizational environment. Student Thembekile Ndlovu was chosen as the first winner ... Quarante-huit élèves de finition de meubles et d’ébénisterie étaient accompagnés par quatre enseignants lors d’un voyage à Ottawa pour assister à des ateliers et des séminaires au Ottawa Wood Show. Ils ont été aussi invités à visiter une collection privée d’antiquités au Musée de la Civilisation et visité aussi la Lee Valley Tools Company. RAPPORT ANNUEL Le rapport annuel 2005-2006 de la CSEM est maintenant accessible au site Web à www.wmsb.qc.ca. Consulter la section nouvelles du site IN MEMORIAM A memorial service was held recently for St. Pius X Culinary Institute Chef Robert Pietrantonio, who died unexpectedly from a heart attack on Christmas day. He was only 44 years old. w w w. e m s b. q c. c a DATES TO REMEMBER March 24, 2007 Franco Di Giovanni Foundation Social Night Prima Luna Reception Hall 7301 Henri Bourassa Blvd. East. 5:30 p.m Info: (514) 494-6831 or (514) 352-6730 March 25-27, 2007 Bell Montreal 25th Regional Science and Technology Fair Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School, Info: (514) 231-2478. May 10-12, 2007 Bell Montreal Expo Sciences Regional Finals (Primary) Aréna Etienne-Desmarteau 3430 Bellechasse (www.exposciencesbell.qc.ca) May 15, 2007 National Denim Day April 18, 2007 May 29, 2007 EMSB Volunteer Appreciation Evening Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal Le Crystal in St. Laurent Outstanding Student Awards April 20- 22, 2007 June 15, 2007 Global Youth Service Days EMSB Night Montreal Impact Soccer Game April 22-28, 2007 Administrative Assistants Week April 27 2007 Terry Fox Run Lester B. Pearson High School Montreal North April 27 and 28, 2007 Robocup Junior Quebec 5th Edition Lester B. Pearson High School 11575 P.M. Favier Interested schools may register at www.sciencetech.ca. Also, free entry school visits are available. Contact Wilson at (514) 231-2478. May 9, 2007 The third annual Brain Waves gala Featuring the talents of students from five high schools – Rosemount, Laurier MacDonald, Vincent Massey Royal Vale and John F. Kennedy will take place on May 9, 2007 at the Leonardo Da Vinci Center, (8350 Lacordaire Blvd.) in St. Leonard. Tickets are $25. For more information call Vince Lacroce at (514) 483-7200 ext. 5365. SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS Claude Robillard Centre June 28, 2007 EMSB Scholarship Golf Tournament Lachute Club (355 Bethany Road) Info: (514) 483-7200, ext. 7379 Board Meetings The EMSB council of commissioners meet in public once a month. These sessions begin at 7:30 p.m. and are held in the Laurence Patterson Conference Room of the administration building at 6000 Fielding Avenue. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please note that occasionally during the year special meetings are called. Parents are urged to bookmark the EMSB website (www.emsb.qc.ca) to access Board meeting agendas and to be advised about special meetings. To register for question period, please call 483-7200, ext. 7264. The meetings scheduled for this academic year are as follows: March 28, 2007 April 25, 2007 May 23, 2007 June 20, 2007 School board elections will take place on Sunday, November 4, 2007. Voters in the territory of the EMSB will elect commissioners in 23 wards. The makeup of the electoral divisions appear on the EMSB website. In order to vote, you must currently be on the permanent list of electors in Quebec, be 18 years of age and over, a Canadian citizen, domiciled in the territory of the EMSB, have been domiciled in Quebec for at least six months, not be under curatorship and not have been convicted of an offence that is a corrupt electoral practice. Any parent who has a child registered in an EMSB youth sector elementary or high school as of September 1, 2007 are automatically entered on the EMSB Fall 2006 EMSB Express Vol. 8 Nº 1 Page 3 LES COMMISSAIRES DE LA CSEM EMSB COMMISSIONERS Electoral Division/ Circonscription 16 (St. Léonard) DOMINIC SPIRIDIGLIOZZI Electoral Division / Circonscription 12 (Ahuntsic) JOSEPH PETRAGLIA Chair Président Vice-Chair, Finance and Legislation Committee Vice-Président, Comité des affaires financières et législatives Electoral Division / Circonscription 3 (N.D.G.) ELIZABETH FOKOEFS Vice-Chair Vice-Président Electoral Division / Circonscription 1 (Côte Saint-Luc) SYD WISE Vice-Chair, Education and Facilities Committee Vice-Président, Comité des affaires pédagogiques et des services éducatifs Electoral Division / Circonscription 2 (Montreal West) DR. JOHN SIMMS Immediate Past Chair Président Sortant Electoral Division / Circonscription 4 (Hampstead - Côte Saint-Luc) MARVIN HELFENBAUM Electoral Division / Circonscription 5 (N.D.G. - St. Henri - Ville Émard) MICHÈLE CIAMPINI Electoral Division / Circonscription 6 (St Henri - Pointe St-Charles Westmount - Downtown) DANIEL ANDRELLI Chair, Transportation Advisory Committee Président, Comité consultatif du transport Electoral Division / Circonscription 7 (Westmount-N.D.G.) GINETTE SAUVÉ-FRANKEL Electoral Division / Circonscription 8 (Côte-des-Neiges - Snowdon - Outremont) ZEV NEUWIRTH Electoral Division / Circonscription 9 (Mount Royal - Saint-Laurent) RON PATERSON Electoral Division / Circonscription 10 (Saint-Laurent) BERNIE PRAW Vice-Chair, Adult Education and Vocational Services Committee Vice-Président, Comité consultatif de l’éducation des adultes et de la formation professionnelle Electoral Division / Circonscription 11 (Saint-Laurent - Cartierville) JAMES KROMIDA Chair, Finance and Legislation Committee Président, comité des affaires financières et législatives Electoral Division/ Circonscription 13 (Park Extension - The Plateau) GEORGE VOGAS Electoral Division / Circonscription 14 (St-Michel) ROCCO BARBIERI Chair, Education and Facilities Committee Président, Comité des affaires pédagogiques et des services éducatifs Electoral Division / Circonscription 15 (Montreal North) SYLVIA LOBIANCO Chair, Executive Committee Président, Comité exécutif Electoral Division/ Circonscription 17 (St. Léonard) FRANK VERRILLO Electoral Division / Circonscription 18 (Rosemount) AGOSTINO CANNAVINO Electoral Division / Circonscription 19 (Rosemount Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Downtown - The Plateau) ANGELA MANCINI Electoral Division / Circonscription 20 (St. Léonard) FRANK DICESARE Chair, Adult Education and Vocational Services Advisory Committee Président, Comité consultatif de l’éducation des adultes et de la formation professionnelle Electoral Division/ Circonscription 21 (Anjou - Pointe-aux-Trembles Montreal East) LUCIANO D’IORIO Electoral Division/ Circonscription 22 (Rivière-des-Prairies) ROSA CERRELLI Vice-Chair, Executive Committee Vice-Président, Comité exécutif Electoral Division/ Circonscription 23 (Rivière-des-Prairies) MARIO CAGGIANO Vice-Chair, Transportation Advisory Committee Vice-Président, Comité consultatif du transport Parent Commissioners Représentants de parents LIZ LEAMAN VIKY KELLER *For a complete list of which committees EMSB commissioners sit on, please log on to the governance section at www.emsb.qc.ca electoral list. In addition, any elector who made a choice prior to the June 1998 elections and had their name entered on the EMSB electoral list is included. These individuals would have signed a special form. If you do not recall doing so, you can verify whether your name appears on the list during the revision process in the fall of 2007 or by calling 1-888-353-2846. However, if you no longer have any children enrolled in the system, by default you will be placed on the French electoral list. You will receive a postcard from the Directeur Général des Élections du Québec notifying you of this change. When you receive this postcard, call the EMSB Election Office and a Notice of Choice form will be sent to you to fill out and return to the English Montreal School Board. For more information, please call (514) 483-7200, ext. 8800, or e-mail [email protected]. You can also consult the Directeur général des élections du Quebec website at www.electionsquebec.qc.ca. Page 4 EMSB Express Vol. 8 Nº 1 Fall 2006 ‘DUNRAE’ – continued from page 1 w w w. e m s b. q c. c a First public school Educ SINCLAIR LAIRD Dunrae Gardens students showcase samples of Andrey Courey’s granola products. DUNRAE GARDENS Dunrae Gardens Elementary School in TMR welcomed back former student Andrea Courey to talk about her life as an entrepreneur. In 1997 she launched her own company called “Grandma Emily’s Granola,” which manufactures 100 percent natural granola cereals, bars and crunches, as well as healthy snacks. But Ms. Courey was not there just to talk about her success. Instead she wanted to engage the students in a marketing workshop. She divided them into groups and gave them samples of “Grandma Emily’s Granola” products, and asked them to analyze the products and come up with ideas on how to sell them. In May, the school expects to host famous graduate Angelo Esposito. He is a star forward for the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League’s Quebec Remparts and may be the very first choice in the June National Hockey League entry draft. ROSLYN At Roslyn Elementary School in Westmount, Mayor Karin Marks spoke to Grade 6 students who were totally captivated by what she had to say about the world of municipal politics and her years at that school. Students presented her with some Chinese artwork for City Hall. Pasto’s company, Pastoslan and Associates, have offices in Montreal and Toronto. They own and manage commercial properties in Montreal, Laval, Michael Fratino Brossard, Quebec City and are presently in the process of constructing three multi-unit condominium buildings in Old Montreal and one in Little Italy. He has been teaching Finance and Entrepreneurship at Vanier College and at Champlain College for the last 10 years. The colleges liked the fact that he had working experience that he could share with his students. ST. MONICA Ernie Butler, CJAD radio host and owner of The Comedy Nest, was back at St. Monica Elementary School in N.D.G. He grew up around the corner at the Benny Farm apartment complex and also attended Marymount Academy. His sister once taught at St. Monica. Mr. Butler noted that he graduated from McGill University with the intention of becoming a teacher. Instead, he turned to entertainment and the world of comedy. He prepared some exercises for the students to do, one of which had them making captions for comics. Mr. Butler even told a few jokes aimed at elementary students. “Where do cool mouse live?’ he asked. The answer: “A mouse pad.” Westmount Mayor Karin Marks meets with students. JOHN CABOTO John Caboto Elementary School in Ahuntsic had visits from guitarist and adjunct lecturer at Plattsburgh State Michael Fratino, commercial real estate executive Angelo Pasto and Marzia Michielli, director of the EMSB’s Rosemount Technology Centre. Mr. Ernie Butler does an exercise with students. Sinclair Laird Elementary School in Park Extension received a number of alumni visitors during Public School Education Week, including chartered accountant Tom Giannoukakis, CTV Montreal television lineup editor Helen Michailidis, newspaper publisher George Guzmas, Royal Vale School Vice Principal Suzy Douranos, nurse Effie Rahaniotis and attorney Voula Neofotistos from McMillan Binch Mendelson. Mr. Giannoukakis, class of 1982, is now a chartered accountant and senior manager at Price WaterHouse Coopers. He shared his school memories with the attentive young audience noting how in kindergarten he didn’t know a word of English and later graduated with perfect English. Ms. Michailidis explained that she writes what the anchors read, and her job requires putting a newscast together to fit in one hour and choosing the order of the stories in the newscast. She gave the students three stories and asked them which one they would pick as the lead story. Mr. Guzmas, class of 1976, is the publisher of three papers: Park Extension News, The Chomedey News, and The North Elizabeth Ballantyne students get to meet actor Conrad Pla. worker Ruth Weber, McGill student and top Canadian ranked squash player Ben Marien, CEGEP student and Dawson College basketball player Louis Marien, Concordia University radio personality Hannah Lusthaus, theatre student Annie Crowley, mechanic Matthew Murray, community volunteer Brian Thicke, author Katherine O’Neil, drama student Sebastien Jacek-Coté and retired girl guide leader Joan Wahl. The students had many interesting questions. They were particularly interested in Mr. Pla’s career, which include a starring role on Global TV’s Regenesis and experience in such movies as 16 Blocks with Bruce Willis. Global Television did a broadcast live from the school that morning. GENERAL VANIER Domenic Fazioli, reporter for Global TV, returned to General Vanier Elementary School in St. Léonard, which he attended 25 years ago. A month earlier he had taped a public service announcement there for the EMSB which was aired on Global in January to promote registration week. Mr. Left to right at Sinclair Laird: Commissioner George Vogas,Tom Giannoukakis, Helen Michailidis George Guzmas, Principal Viola Vathilakis and teacher Esther Wearing, who worked on the committee to find past graduates of the school. Shore News. Although he graduated around 30 years ago, he still remembered the names of his teachers. He had a couple of surprises for the students of his old school by announcing that the best student from each level will get his/her photo in the Park Extension newspaper, and will receive two movie tickets to Cinemas Guzzo. Domenic Fazioli is welcomed back to General Vanier. ELIZABETH BALLANTYNE LAURIER MACDONALD Elizabeth Ballantyne Elementary School in Montreal West devoted an entire morning to an alumni day. After an assembly with all of the students, the alumni were then assigned to visit different classrooms. The impressive list of ex-grads who came to the school included actor Conrad Pla, Montreal General Hospital Trauma Unit clinical nurse Louise Fullerton, retired principal Betsy Kremmel, engineer and teacher Melissa Macdonald, former Canadian Olympic wrestler Doug Yeats, Canadian badminton and squash players Katherine and Michael Meredith, water colour artist, children's dress designer, furniture restorer/interior decorator, and landscape designer Jane Prince Water, naturopath Kadeja Lefebvre, social Roberto Del Papa, Community Relations Officer for Montreal Police Fazioli explained to the students his role as a crime reporter and answered many questions. Officer Del Papa makes his point. Station 1 returned to Laurier Macdonald High School in St. Léonard and spoke about his career in law enforcement. w w w. e m s b. q c. c a Fall 2006 EMSB Express Vol. 8 Nº 1 Page 5 ation Week at the EMSB EDWARD MURPHY Tourism professional Maureen Kelahear and school commissioner Luciano D’iorio were back at Edward Murphy Elementary School in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. Ms. Kelahear is also a present-day school mom and volunteer. Mr. D’Iorio caught the imagination of the students with his presentation about life as a businessman and a commissioner. ST. GABRIEL Community activist Glen Cambridge, and author/McGill professor Beverly Patwell returned to St. Gabriel Elementary School in Point St. Charles. They spoke to the Glen Cambridge and Beverly Patwell students about their experiences, dreams, successes, failures and the fact that hard work is the key to success! The two advocated the importance of friends, teachers and good role models. Ms. Patwell is presently president of Patwell Consulting and has just published a book called Triple Impact Coaching. Mr. Cambridge is vice-president of a a successful advertising firm called Anderson DDB. GARDENVIEW Michael Vathilakis, a lawyer and Harvard graduate, came back to Gardenview Elementary School. Presently the general counsel to Convergia and legal counsel to Michael Vathilakis and a Future student. Electronics, Mr. Vathilakis expressed how exciting it was for him to be back at the school he graduated from in 1984 Most of all, he told the students to enjoy their time with one another. “Those friends you make in elementary school are real friends forever,” he said. “You will meet a lot of people, yet every memory I have from school is a memory with my friends. Those friends will know you and remember you when you meet them later on the road.” language was Yiddish,” he said. “I learned English here at Bancroft.” MARYMOUNT John Parisella and Rocco Barbieri answer student questions. Marianna Simeone tapes a commercial at her old school, St. Dorothy Elementary. Brendan Elementary School in Rosemount. He was also a teacher with the former Montreal Catholic School Commission. Joining Mr. Parisella at the school was his friend, one-time teaching colleague and present-day EMSB commissioner Rocco Barbieri, who also attended St. Brendan. “All of my life I went to public school,”Mr. Parisella said. “I believe public school represents more of the real world. It is a much better reflection of what you are going to experience in life.” during that first year she picked up the language thanks to her teachers and new friends. She went on to attend nearby John F. Kennedy High School. Ms. Simeone showed a video depicting a day in the life of the CBC newsroom and answered questions. She then gave a small group of students an opportunity to film a CBC newsbreak commercial which aired a few days later. Two other former students were recognized: Sandra Andre, a 1995 grad who is doing an internship there in early childhood education and Maria Perrozzi, who today teaches at the school. CORONATION Seeta Ramdas, public relations officer for the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) and special effects makeup artist, inspired the students at Coronation Elementary School in Côte des Neiges. This Trinidadian born Canadian is a graduate in clinical psychology from McGill University and has gone on to complete studies in fitness and nutrition. During her university years as an anatomy and physiology student, she developed a hobby of creating models of human organs. This launched her into a parttime career as a special effects make-up artist earning her credits on several scifi and horror films as well as numerous magazine and TV contracts. “My most memorable time at Coronation was my gym teacher, Mr. Czsillag,” she recalled. “He taught sports, fitness and folk dancing and had us do a show every year that featured folk dances from around the world. He also had us square-dancing on Saturday mornings on a CBC kids show called Tween Set. Coronation had a wonderful summer program in storytelling and writing and theatre which helped me to break out of my shy "fresh immigrant shell." Seeta Ramdas gets a big welcome back to Coronation. ST. DOROTHY ST. BRENDAN John Parisella, former chief of staff to the Premier of Quebec, president, BCP Consultants and special communications advisor to the president of Concordia University, returned to St. CBC TV News at Six commentator Marianna Simeone returned to St. Dorothy Elementary School in St. Michel, where she first attended school as an immigrant from Italy 40 years ago. She noted that she did not even speak English when she arrived, but BANCROFT Dr Phil Gold first entered Bancroft Elementary School in the Plateau 65 years ago. He has gone on to become one of Canada’s most prominent physicians. After obtaining his primary and secondary schooling, Dr. Gold went on to McGill University, where he obtained four degrees. His graduation from medical school was accompanied by the Wood Gold Medal for First Place High Aggregate Standing in the Final Year, the J. Francis Williams Scholarship Marymount Academy in N.D.G. devoted an entire day for students to meet with successful alumni, who included Montreal Impact soccer team captain Mauro Biello, real state agent Dominique Lamport, Champlain College International Baccalaureat Coordinator Mauro Biello remembers his roots. Dr. Steve Hreha, Queen’s University Professor Dr. Gabby Ciccarelli, Youth World 2002 Day (in Toronto) organizer Paul Kilbertus, clinical nurse Luisa Francescangeli and teaching student Chantal Lewis. Mr. Biello was the keynote speaker. He attended St. Monica Elementary School and began playing for the N.D.G. Soccer Association at a young age. He graduated from Marymount in 1989 and remembers being exempt from final exams so he could represent Canada in the Junior World Cup. NESBITT Dr. Kosar Khwaja, trauma surgeon and critical care specialist at the Montreal General Hospital of the MUHC, visited his old elementary school, Nesbitt, in Rosemount. Dr. Khwaja played an important role during the Dr. Phil Gold, Principal Artemis Maravei and students. in Medicine and Clinical Medicine, the Women’s Pavilion Prize in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Prize of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Quebec in Pathology and Medicine. His early research led to the discovery and definition of the Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA), the blood test most frequently used in the diagnosis and management of patients with cancer. He has served as chairman of the Department of Medicine at McGill, physician-in-chief at the Montreal General Hospital and executive director of the Clinical Research Centre of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). Dr. Gold is a companion of the Order of Canada and the Order of Quebec and the recipient of numerous international honours. He told the students about his present-day work as an immunologist and an allergist and of the wonderful memories he has of the school, especially the enormous amount of time he spent studying in the library. “My first Dr. Kosar Khwaja and students. Dawson College shooting crisis. He is also a graduate of the EMSB’s Royal West Academy. Dr. Khwaja spoke fondly of his school days at Nesbitt, his education after elementary school as well as his life as a trauma surgeon who operated on the Dawson students last September. As a professor, he could not resist teaching a few lessons to the students. His message was clear – to always wear a seat belt, as that could save their lives if involved in an accident and to always play safe. The students listened and were very impressed by the many accomplishements of Dr. Khwaja. He told them that with hard work they could accomplish anything they wished for. The students had many questions. Interested in seeing student photos? Log on to www.emsb.qc.ca and go the Press Room Page 6 EMSB Express Vol. 8 Nº 1 Fall 2006 w w w. e m s b. q c. c a EMSB Sports line FOOTBALL ! Als tour schools SOCCER # EMSB/Impact night is June 15 The Montreal Impact and the English Montreal School Board (EMSB) recently concluded year two of the successful stay-in-school program called All the way with the Impact (Jusqu’au bout avec l’Impact), designed to promote the importance of persevering in school. Over the period of a few weeks, members of the Impact visited seven EMSB elementary schools (Pierre de Coubertin, Leonardo Da Vinci, General Vanier, Merton, Westmount Park, Dunrae Gardens and Parkdale) and one high school (John Paul I) to discuss with kids the importance of staying in school and striving for excellence. As part of the partnership, the Impact’s game on Friday, June 15 against the Charleston Battery will be The Impact’s Massimo Di loia is mobbed by Pierre de Coubertin students. He graduated from the same St. Léonard school in 1999. dedicated to the EMSB. Last June, 3,500 tickets were sold for the EMSB gameday. The EMSB Board hopes to surpass that number this year. The Impact will hold a special ceremony before the game highlighting some of the most outstanding students, and bursaries will be awarded to the top students. These bursaries are named in honour of the late Tony Licursi, the longtime Impact statistician who died last year. Mr. Licursi was a member of the EMSB’s James Lyng High School Alumni Association. The Impact 2007 seasonticket packages are now on sale. For further information, contact the Impact ticketing office at 514-328-3668 or [email protected]. HEART WEEK Sheldon Souray helps the cause Canadiens star defenceman Sheldon Souray and Impact captain Mauro Biello with Edward Murphy students (left to right): Jessica, Milena and Melissa Bentrovato at the Heart Week launch held at Roslyn School. Jessica is a heart patient at the Montreal Children's Hospital. The Heart of Life Foundation recently organized its fourth annual Heart Week celebrations, with the support of The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation. Roslyn Elementary School in Westmount was the site of the official launch. Special high profile guests included Sheldon Souray of the Montreal Canadiens, Ed Philion of the Alouettes, Mauro Biello of the Impact and Daman Jones of the Royal. Children who have gone through open heart surgery at the MCH were present along with cardiologists to answer questions and be photographed. Tony Marinaro from THE TEAM 990, whose nephew was born with a heart defect, served as the emcee. During Valentine’s Day Week ( Feb. 12-16) students with healthy hearts were asked to bring a small donation - a loonie or toonie - to help a child with a «broken heart » while wearing a red garment to show their friendship towards children with more fragile hearts. One in 100 children is born with a heart defect and this year, this rate is 10 times higher than for any other childhood illness. The Heart of Life Fund was created in 1997 by parents of children born with heart defects who had undergone, at birth or at a very young age, a complex open heart surgery at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Fourth annual EMSB Golf Tournament Last fall the EMSB distributed 30 cash scholarships of $500 each to students from the graduating class of 2006 at an Administration Building ceremony in N.D.G. These scholarships were funded from the proceeds of a previous tournament. Scholarships were awarded to high school students who are continuing their studies in a post-secondary educational program. The scholarships are divided into two categories: Category I scholarships were presented to students who have demonstrated a high academic achievement as well as involvement in school life activities such as leadership, volunteerism, student council, school sports, representing the school in different events. The recipients were: Mary Adams-Campbell, James Lyng High School in St. Henri; Charles Brenchley, Royal West Academy in Montreal West; Belinda De Luca, Vincent Massey Collegiate in Rosemount; Christina Di Lazzaro and Glladvin Joseph, John F. Kennedy High School in St. Michel; Isadore DodardFriedman and Noah Dueck, F.A.C.E. School downtown; Samantha Fiori and Adam Smith, Royal Vale School in N.D.G.; Krystal Francis, Marymount Academy in N.D.G; Zahra Ghassemi, Westmount High School; Mallory Lafferty, Options I School in Ville Emard; Francesca Magliocco, and Richard Razack, Rosemount High School; Christina Mantzioros and Laura Petrovic, Lester B. Pearson High School in Montreal North; Amanda Ménard and Carolyn Perugino, Laurier Macdonald High School in St. Léonard; Varouni Nagulesapillai and Dimitrios Poliderakis, LaurenHill Academy in St. Laurent; and Ti-Anna Wang M.I.N.D. School in the Plateau. The Montreal Alouettes are in the midst of their 2007 basketball tour of schools in conjunction with its CN Adopt an Alouette program in collaboration with Pfizer. Led by tackle Luke Fritz, Alouettes’ players Étienne Boulay, Bryan Chiu, Anwar Stewart, Paul Lambert, Uzooma Okeke, Damon Duval, Matthieu Proulx, Shaun Diner, Anthony Calvillo, Keith Stokes, Duane Butler, Dave Mudge, Ian Allen, Scott Flory and a few others face local elementary school representatives throughout Quebec. Reaching close to 300 schools all over the province, the School is Cool and CN Adopt an Alouette programs are designed to promote education and fight Quebec’s high school dropout rate. EMSB schools visited so far include John Caboto in Ahuntsic, Carlyle in T.M.R.. St. Raphael in Ahunstic, Frederick Banting in Montreal North, Hampstead, John Paul I in St. Leonard, Edinburgh in Montreal West, Leonardo Da Vinci in RDP, Mackay Centre in N.D.G., Gerald McShane in Montreal North and St. John Bosco in Ville Emard. St. Gabriel in Pointe St. Charles (April 3) and McLearon in Pointe-aux-Trembles (April 4) round out the list. BASKETBALL % Honourary chair Joey Saputo Noted businessman and president of the Montreal Impact soccer team, Joey Saputo, has agreed to serve as honourary chair for the fourth annual EMSB Scholarship Golf Tournament on Thursday, June 28 at Lachute. Luke Fritz and Anwar Stewart of the Als speak to a class at John Caboto. Category II scholarships were awarded to students who have persevered in the face of overwhelming odds and personal difficulties. The recipients Joey Saputo were: Nailasada Alidina, Marymount Academy; David Chafe, Royal West Academy; Babsie Chalifoux-Reis, M.I.N.D. School; Vassili Cremanzidis, Vincent Massey Collegiate; Po-Hsiang Hsu, James Lyng High School; Anthony Rainone, Laurier Macdonald High School; Bianca St. Martin, Rosemount High School; Erika Sullivan, Westmount High School; and Kuan Hong Yuan, Rosemount Technology Centre (RTC). A Royal day The first EMSB Day took place Jan. 21 at the Montreal Royal American Basketball Association (ABA) franchise's game against the Strong Island Sound at the Centre Pierre Charbonneau. More than 800 tickets were distributed to EMSB students, staff and family. EMSB Chairman Dominic Spiridgliozzi and Director General Antonio Lacroce took part in the ceremonial tipoff. Montreal head coach Nevio Marzinotto is the physical education teacher at the EMSB's John Paul I Junior High School in St. Léonard. Star forward Shawne Brown attended Coronation Elementary School as a child and still remains active there as a volunteer coach. A number of EMSB students performed musical numbers during the game's quarter breaks and a half time: Mara Peixinho from Nesbitt Elementary School in Rosemount sang Hurt by Christina Aguilera; Gabriel Gagnon and McLoud Truesdale from FACE High School played trombone and trumpet; and brothers Michaylo and Giuseppe Poprawa from General Vanier Elementary School in St. Léonard played trumpet and clarinet. w w w. e m s b. q c. c a CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE School closures necessary The English Montreal School Board Council of Commissioners recently voted to close two elementary schools: McLearon in Point-aux-Trembles and Frederick Banting in Montreal North, as of June 30, 2007. Two others which were being considered for closure, St. Gabriel in Point St. Charles and Carlyle in Town of Mount Royal, will remain open. A period of consultation involving the governing boards for each school affected, the Central Parents Committee and the specific municipalities and boroughs where they are situated took place over a five month process. These partners were given the opportunity to present briefs which served as the basis for public hearings and discussion in early December. An extensive demographic study of the EMSB network was prepared by the Long Range Planning Committee with data clearly demonstrating how the EMSB is operating too many facilities in the youth sector. Over the last two years the EMSB has experienced a sharp drop in enrolment of almost 2,000 students. This is due to a variety of reasons, including a declining birth rate, families with children moving out of the EMSB territory and the introduction of Bill 104 by the Quebec government. The latter excludes studies completed in the Quebec private school system as a way to gain English public system eligibility. It is anticipated that our youth sector student population could drop by at least 2,700 more students in five years. Despite the fact we have an accumulated deficit of $2,692,367, and we faced a significant shortfall in 20062007, the Council of Commissioners have mandated our administration to re-invest $520,000 in schools and centres. Council has adopted a formula in which every school and centre will be granted a specific amount of money for projects such as painting areas within facilities that are visible to visitors, safety and security measures and bathroom upgrading. The English Montreal School Board (EMSB) will hold its sixth Volunteer Appreciation Evening on Wednesday, April 18 at Le Crystal (5285 Henri Bourassa West) in St. Laurent. This year’s event is being held during National Volunteer Week, which is occurring nationwide. The Gardenview Elementary School Choir will be the musical guests. Everyone on hand will get a CD containing a compilation of their songs. Global Television anchor Jamie Orchard and 940Montreal business editor Luciano Pipia will return as the emcees. First Canadian Financial Services (www.fcfs-inc.com) and TransAmerica Life Canada, specialists in Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), will once again be the title sponsors of event. The theme is You Light Up Our Schools. First Canadian’s president, Joseph Afshar, will serve as the evening’s honourary chairman. An Education Savings Plan (ESP) is a vehicle generally used by parents to save for their children's post-secondary education. Mr. Afshar and his team meet regularly with EMSB parent groups and provide free consultations. DIRECTOR GENERAL Today’s Choice, Tomorrow’s Success In December the English Montreal School Board Marketing Committee, chaired by Sylvia Lo Bianco, unveiled a new slogan: Today’s Choice, Tomorrow’s Success. This has become part of an EMSB promotional campaign in the youth and adult sector in general. The Marketing Committee arranged for a special photo shoot at Le Royaume de Lucie (www.royaumedelucie.ca) Day Care Centre in St. Léonard. Prominent – Dominic Spiridigliozzi EMSB to mark Volunteer Appreciation Week Please see the advertisement for First Canadian Financial Services on page 8 for contact information. Time and space will not allow the Penny Fenwick EMSB to honour all of its nearly 1,500 volunteers in person. Therefore, only those individuals who have volunteered for more than five years will attend the reception, representing some 500 people. However, several thousand copies of a commemorative program book will be distributed to each school. This year’s Volunteer of Distinction is Penny Fenwick. She has been volunteering at Willingdon Elementary School in N.D.G. for 37 years. It began when her two children attended classes there. She initially helped out in the library and assisted some children with their reading. However, virtually all of her time has been spent in the area of tutoring. She spends two mornings a week at the school working with students who need help with math, Fall 2006 EMSB Express Vol. 8 Nº 1 Page 7 The photo shoot for the EMSB advertising campaign took place at Le Royaume de Lucie (www.royaumedelucie.ca) Day Care Centre at 8952 boul. Langelier in St. Léonard. The beautiful children featured are (left to right): Ilyas Mazouz.. Océanne L’Italien and Louise-Isabelle Mata-Ballestas. At the bottom is Vivian Nguyen. Le Royaume de Lucie is planning to hold a summer camp geared towards 5 to 12 year olds at an East End school. It will focus on educational activities, sports, and weekly educational outings. Daycare services before and after scheduled camp hours will also be offered. For more information call (514) 8525151 Montreal photographer Marcie Richstone (www.marcierichstone.com) spent most of the day there taking pictures of a number of “future” EMSB students, depicting them as “Tomorrow’s Success.” Richstone is well known for her excellence in child photographer. Her work regularly spelling and reading. “I just love it,” she says. “When my kids went on to high school, I still had a connection with the school and the teachers so I stayed on. And I have no intention of leaving.” Global TV’s This Morning Live will feature a live broadcast from Willingdon on Wed. April 11, with reports at 7:40 a.m., 8:10 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. Ms. appears in Montreal Families Magazine. The EMSB wishes to thank Carole and Lucie from La Royaume de Lucie for their cooperation and for providing the beautiful models. Meanwhile, banners, sponsored by three companies (Roche Engineering, Ecosystem and Elise Thibodeau Architecte) have been placed on four EMSB buildings which are located in strategic locations vis-a-vis traffic flow: the Administration Building at 6000 Fielding in N.DG.; LaurenHill Academy on Cote Vertu in St. Laurent; the Gaileo Adult Centre facing busy Pie IX Blvd. in Montreal North and Laurier Macdonald High School facing Viau in St. Léonard. Meanwhile, Georges Haligua and the Virtus Group sponsored advertisements which appeared on the back of Montreal Transit Commission buses for kindergarten registration week. Capital Traiteur Catering, R.T. & Tony Electrique and Dennis Kounadis of Kounadis Perreault and Associates sponsored ads in the TV Times and some other publications. Domenic Fazioli, a graduate of General Vanier Elementary School in St. Léonard, visited his old school to tape an EMSB promotional announcement which aired on Global TV. The EMSB spearheaded the idea of introducing a Public School Education Week in January, with schools bringing back notable grads from the past to talk to students. This was an extraordinary success and one which we hope to repeat annually. We also participated in a high profile Quebec English School Boards (QESBA) advertising campaign to promote public education. We are doing everything possible to market this board and maintain a high profile so that the public knows about the excellent education we offer. But there are certain factors beyond our control in terms of attracting new students. I am referring to the declining birthrate, families moving off the island of Montreal and, of course, the language laws. – Antonio Lacroce Fenwick will be interviewed and shown working with students. Please log on to the Parent Info section of the EMSB website (www.emsb.qc.ca) to review the list of volunteers. Page 8 EMSB Express Vol. 8 Nº 1 Fall 2006 w w w. e m s b. q c. c a JOHN GRANT HIGH SCHOOL Students express themselves through video By Clarise Samuels Special Education Correspondent Tony Borioni, a native of Montreal, started out as an artist who found that making experimental videos put his art across in an interestingly dynamic way. As a teacher of film-making, he has placed the video camera into the hands of students and the results have been dramatic. Mr. Borioni is a specialist who teaches video production at John Grant High School, an EMSB special needs school in Côte Saint-Luc. With the assistance of two students, Denny Kypriotis, 16, and Bhavik Patel,17, he produced a video of last fall’s EMSB Career Fair. “I taught them their craft,” says Mr. Borioni, “but they made the film themselves.” The fast-paced, well-edited video was applauded by commissioners and other school board officials. Mr. Borioni has been teaching at John Grant for five years, where he is greatly appreciated not just by his students, but also by Principal Michael Cristofaro and guidance counselor Susan Freed, who give him much praise and support. “It gives teens a chance to speak out about emotional issues,” Mr. Cristofaro explains. John Grant High originally hired Mr.Borioni five years ago so that the students could make videos and participate in a CTV program called TV 101. News segments produced by Mr. Borioni's students were broadcast on the local CTV affiliate. The Career Fair video represents only a fraction of the success Mr. Borioni has experienced with his students who outdid themselves with their award-winning video Second Hand Smoke, a public service announcement on smoking that won first place at the 2006 Hot Shots Film Festival in Calgary. Their two racism videos, Racism Hurts and Speak Up, were shown at the “Racism. Stop It!” National Competition in 2005 and 2006. Racism Hurts is a portrayal of a real-life racist encounter experienced by one of Mr. Borioni's students, who wanted to capture the episode on film. In addition, they have had videos aired on CTV Montreal, including Does Music Influence Teens, What's Wrong with Fast Food? and What Are We Doing to the Left to right: EMSB Director General Antonio Lacroce, John Grant guidance counselor Susan Freed, Principal Michael Cristofaro, student Environment? They Denny Kypriotis, EMSB Chairman Dominic Spiridigliozzi, Tony Borioni, have also shown student Bhavik Patel and Regional Director Mario Tirelli. their work on ZED TV, an arts program on CBC. “They're works with them for five to 10 hours a using a medium that is a constant part week. The program provides all the of their daily lives and that influences equipment, including video cameras, them profoundly,” says Mr. Borioni. laptops, and microphones. Mr. Borioni “They come up with their own ideas for is currently seeking to expand the music videos and public service program to other high schools. announcement.” To see the Career Fair video, go These works are all part of Mr. to www.emsb.qc.ca or Youtube and Borioni's My View Video Project, a access Mr. Borioni’s website at program that was started to give youth www.myviewproject.org. Schools wishing a chance to express themselves. He to engaged Mr. Borioni’s services can selects six to 10 students a year and contact him directly. STUDENT QUIZ Win DeGrassi merchandise, Jonas CDs and Party in the Box Students are encouraged to complete and cut out the entry form below. Bring it to your school office and request that it be sent directly via internal mail to the Administration Building (Room 109). Those who fill out the answers correctly will be eligible for some fantastic prizes : • Products from the popular CTV series DeGrassi : The Next Generation, including a giant Roots duffel bag, a t-shirt, a signed script, a signed postcard, a watch and two signed graphic novels. • Copies of the red hot JONAS Suite Life CD, featuring rock star Jonas, who recently became an EMSB Alumni Ambassador for the Mackay Centre School. • For elementary age pupils, the Party in the Box package. This was recently introduced by Cantor’s Bakery vice-president Tony Medeiros, a former student at Vincent Massey Collegiate and Pierre Elliott Trudeau (née Francesca Cabrini). Party in the Box provides youngsters with all of the essentials they need to plan their birthday party. STUDENT QUIZ ENTRY FORM 1. When are the next school board elections ? __________________________________________________________ 2. What is the EMSB’s new slogan ? __________________________________________________________ NAME : 3. How many commissioners does the EMSB have ? __________________________________________________________ SCHOOL : 4. The Montreal Impact will play which team on EMSB Night June 15? __________________________________________________________ _______________________ 5. What was the name of the program rock star Jonas took part in at the Mackay Centre ? ________________________________________________________ Bring your entry form to your school office and request that it be sent directly via internal mail to the Administration Building (Room 109) _______________________ _______________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS : With each sale, Medeiros is making generous donations to the Montreal Children’s Hospital to help another child celebrate a birthday. Congratulations go out to Shai Spilberg of Marymount Academy in N.D.G. and Santino Sevigny of Westmount High School, who were the grand prize winners of the EMSB/Centrale Audio Video Crossword Challenge, which was featured in the Fall 2006 edition of the EMSB Express newspaper. They each won MP3 players. CLUE : The answers to these questions can be easily found by looking through stories in this newspaper and on the EMSB website (www.emsb.qc.ca).