Mekton 0 Let me give special thanks to the people of R. Talsorian Games, and to the writers of the Mekton Series of games who have given me hours of entertainment and fond Memories. And to Square Enix the creators of Final Fantasy, and to the fans of Final Fantasy VIII, this is for us who attend the Gardens and fought and will fight against the Time Compression. I take no credit for the art found in this book; it belongs to its original artists. Mekton Zeta belongs to R. Talsorian Games, I only did the work on the setting, magic system, Races, and some items. Welcome to Mekton SeeD, a fantasy based variation of Mekton Zeta. The world of Mekton SeeD is one of Magic, Mecha, Starships, Romance, Danger, Intrigue, and Imagination. The setting is a twin armed spiral galaxy named Duoarma, in this galaxy their existed a planet Earth and humans have moved out into the galaxy. 1 Contents Chapter 0: The World ..................................................................................................................... 4 Factions .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 1: Character Generation .................................................................................................... 7 Stats ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 Other statistics .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Magic ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 Psi ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Races ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Humans ............................................................................................................................................................... 10 Elves .................................................................................................................................................................... 13 High Elves ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 Wood Elves ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Star Elves ............................................................................................................................................................ 17 Fellpool ............................................................................................................................................................... 18 Vynifacus............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Non-Player Races ................................................................................................................................... 23 Avia (Featherfolk) ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Centra ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Aggendi ............................................................................................................................................................... 30 Warrior Caste Aggendi ....................................................................................................................................... 32 Technical Caste Aggendi .................................................................................................................................... 33 Ruling Caste Aggendi ......................................................................................................................................... 34 Lifepath ................................................................................................................................................... 35 Skill List .................................................................................................................................................. 39 Chapter 2: Equipment ................................................................................................................... 45 Adventuring Shop .................................................................................................................................... 46 Weapon Shop .......................................................................................................................................... 51 Armor Shop ............................................................................................................................................. 54 Item Shop ................................................................................................................................................ 55 Cards ....................................................................................................................................................... 55 Chapter 3: Magic........................................................................................................................... 56 Magic Combat......................................................................................................................................... 57 Spell Lists ................................................................................................................................................ 59 2 Special Arts ............................................................................................................................................. 78 Summons ................................................................................................................................................. 80 Name: Quezacotl..................................................................................................................................... 81 Name: Shiva ............................................................................................................................................ 82 Name: Ifrit............................................................................................................................................... 83 Name: Siren ............................................................................................................................................ 84 Name: Phoenix ........................................................................................................................................ 85 Name: Carbuncle .................................................................................................................................... 86 Name: Leviathan ..................................................................................................................................... 87 Name: Alexander .................................................................................................................................... 88 Name: Bahamut ...................................................................................................................................... 89 Name: Eden............................................................................................................................................. 90 Name: Boko............................................................................................................................................. 91 Name: Bahamut (Assault) ....................................................................................................................... 92 Name: Bahamut (Fury) ........................................................................................................................... 94 Chapter 4: Referee’s Section ........................................................................................................ 96 Mapping .................................................................................................................................................. 96 Optional Rules ...................................................................................................................................... 101 Weapon Speed ....................................................................................................... R. Talsorian Games101 Limit Breaks .......................................................................................................................................... 102 The Magic Creation System .................................................................................................................. 103 Creature Creation ................................................................................................................................. 105 Mekton Technical System ...................................................................................................................... 108 Ranges ................................................................................................................................................... 108 Power Plants ......................................................................................................................................... 109 Magi Lenses .......................................................................................................................................... 110 Appendix A: Mecha .................................................................................................................... 111 Appendix B: Characters .............................................................................................................. 129 Appendix C: Bestiary.................................................................................................................. 146 3 “I feel your love reflection In your eyes as they gaze back into mine Writing a distant, never ending story As if throwing off the sadness and pain, I flap my wings, and in my heart, I spread wide the wings of courage that you've given to me……” White Reflection, Two Mix Chapter 0: The World The world of Mekton SeeD is the Duoarma Galaxy, a realm of magic and technology. Very little of Duoarma has been explored but humans have found an answer to the age old question we are not alone, contact with the stars has brought semi-peaceful contact with the Elves and Fellpool. Also discovered was a system of “Stargates” that enabled travel between sectors of space almost instantaneously. How this was accomplished is unknown, and many times it has been asked what happened to the Centra, the ancient civilization that built them. Indeed so strong was the question that humanity was split in two. The republic of Esthar and the Kingdom of Galbadia had differing views on how and who should research the Centra ruins found on some planets. The differences of opinion escalated into a war, the initial fighting was bloody and Galbadia quickly gained the upper hand. In desperation Esthar turned to an ancient Centra relic they had found working as quickly as they could they were able to restore it. Then on the battlefield over the planet Esthar disaster struck. 500 years ago a great disaster befell the people of Duoarma; an ancient device called the Lunatic Pandora (aka Pandora’s Box) was activated. The device tore open a rip in the fabric of the universe from witch a single blood red tear fell. The tear fell onto the Lunatic Pandora and was redirected into streams of blood red energy and plasma. The energy and plasma streams traveled through the Stargate system, striking every planet they came across, in their wake, were left Monsters and people struggling to survive the power bases of all the races crumbled in an instant, and a new dark age began. Approximately 350 years ago a group of individuals began teaching people how to deal and survive in the wreckage left over from Dimensional Tear. The camp was on the planet Balamb and was located in an old park, in the center was a statue of a strange woman, and the air was always cool. The camp soon was well renowned as a place for children with nowhere else to go, and soon the first batch of students were ready to leave, the teachers were happy to see them off, and the students were given instructions to find and start their own gardens and teach others to survive, and to turn away no one for their race or gender but for what they wished to do with the training. Thus the Garden Military Academy and its true children SeeD were born. 4 In the resulting years Galbadia and Esthar, now a technocracy, rose to power again and Gardens were established on Galbadia and Tribia. In order to keep their doors open the three Gardens made a decision, they would hire out SeeD as an elite mercenary force, taking bids to come to the aid of whoever pays for it, unless it violated their code of conduct. Garden Military Academy: A military academy with an established tradition of turning out distinguished graduates. The Garden Academy is a place where students receive top notch education in the fields that they so wish from Art to Demolitions. The Garden Academy as well as the Garden Institute houses the mercenary group SeeD. SeeD students receive free tuition and meals as well as receiving a monthly allowance and store credit to the School Store. Factions Armies of the Esthar Mageocracy: A rebel faction within Esthar. The Armies of the Esthar Magocrasy or AEM believe that mages should rule over all. Deemed terrorists by the Esthar government, AEM conducts an indiscriminate guerilla war on the people of Esthar. Recent Rumors state that they are receiving help from an outside source. The Kingdom of Galbadia: Human nation that covers a large sector of space. The Galbadians are a expansionistic society, they are constantly trying to expand their borders this brings them into conflict with the unaligned territories, the Crystal Empire and Esthar. Galbanian culture is a hodgepodge of different things from people they have conquered. With a pop-culture that emulates whatever nation or party they seem to be at war with Astral Kingdoms: The region of space controlled by the Fellpool. Broken up into principalities the Astral Kingdoms cover about 1.5 sectors of space. The Astral Kingdoms are home to Elves, Fellpool, “Featherfolk”, Humans, and Vynifacus. Knights of Eden: a splinter group of SeeD, the Knights of Eden Follow an older version of the SeeD charter and claim to exist only to protect the innocent from the monsters and other horrors released by the Dimensional Tear. Unlike SeeD the Knights of Eden are made up of only magic users and recently they have shown great interest in the unrest in Esthar. Crystal Empire: A region of space controlled by the Elves. Divided into Duchies, Counties, and Baronies, the Crystal Empire covers almost 1.85 sectors. The Crystal Empire is not known for its hospitality however as many of its legal practices are often biased towards the Elves. Knights of the Steel Dragons: The elite branch of the Astral Kingdom’s mecha forces. These mecha pilots use mecha that are Draco-form thus the name. It must be said that all Astral Kingdom mecha are of the Beast-Mecha type. Estharian Technocracy: The ruling government of Esthar, the Estarian Technocracy, commonly called Esthar, is a government that favors scientists and engineers over the common people. Estharian Mobile Suits are top notch, and their weaponry and technology is some of the highest in the region. Esthar is undergoing a civil unrest at the moment. 5 New Garden Institute of Military Technology: A military technical collage run by Garden, The Garden Institute of Military Tecahnology accepts research contracts from whom ever pays them the money, as long as it falls within the Aires Convention of Warfare . All SeeD students receive invitations to the Institute, and as long as they maintain both their SeeD status and a 2.0 GPA, receive free tuition. Creating your own Campaign World The above is the campaign setting for Mekton SeeD, but say you want nothing to do with it or you find it unimaginative, well you’re the GM as such it entirely your right to toss out my setting for your own. Here are some things to consider for your Campaign. Setting: is it a planet, is it a star system with orbital colonies, or is it an entire galaxy of people and places SeeD: Mercenary unit that runs and recruits out of the Garden Academy and Institute, SeeDs are trained in a multitude of different skills and types of combat. SeeD students receive a monthly allowance and credit to spend at Garden run operations and stores. Tech Level: what types of technology do they have is 20th century, is it Star Trek level, or is it medieval level The Unaligned Worlds: A region of space between Galbadia and Esthar, it acts as a form of neutral zone to separate the two. The majority of the inhabited planets are self-governing and self-sustaining. The Unaligned Worlds is a major place of commerce. Type of Campaign: is it comedy, is it fantasy, is it Sci-Fi, is it dark, is it light or is it in between. Series Goal: what is the overall goal of your series? Is it to stop this week’s bad guys, save the world from an alien invasion, or is it to win the war and stop the never ending bloodshed. These questions and more must be answered before your campaign can take shape. 6 Hikaru looked over the files he was handed. “Why these three? One has clear self-esteem issues, another is outright psychopathic, and the third one is a packrat.” Professor Vincent slowly spun his chair to face him “because they have potential, because your grades have been slipping, and because if you don’t I’ll get to finally see how a half-Vynifacus’ brain operates first hand”. Hikaru straightened and gave a salute, “SeeD Rank 5 Hikaru Archer, going to retrieve Candidates Stardust, Arum, and Damian.” Chapter 1: Character Generation Step one of character generation is to imagine the type of character you want to play do you want to play a stuck up noble, a womanizing mecha pilot, or perhaps something less dangerous? Will the character be male or female? What sort of things dose he or she like or dislike? What quirks do they have? The important thing to remember is that role playing is like acting, so the balls in your court, and it’s up to you to make your character come alive. Character Points Character Points are the points used to create the stats for your character; your stats control everything from how attractive your character is to how stable they are under pressure. The way you generate your character points is to roll 6d10 reroll 1 and add 40. An alternate way is to have the referee or game master give a preset number of stat points, the average character should run around 75 Character points with high powered NPCs running at 80 to 85 points. Stats Stats are numeric values that represent how well your character preforms or handles certain tasks. Unless noted otherwise Stats range from 2 to 10. There are nine stats and one substat they are: Attractiveness: (ATT) this is the measure of how good looking your character is, at 2 your character is really ugly, at 5-6 your considered average, at 10 your considered beautiful. This stat is used for social interactions, scoring dates with the opposite sex, and what have you. Body Type: (BODY) this is the measure of how well your put together as well as how strong you are, this also determines how easily you able to be stunned, how much you can carry, and how much damage you can take before dying Cool: (COOL) this is the measure of how well you stand up under pressure a high cool represents leadership potential. Most social skills and will power skills use Cool. Education: (EDU) The only substat in the game Education measures how much Education and common sense your characters have. Education is unique in that it functions as a General Knowledge Skill after character generation. Empathy: (EMP) this measures your character’s ability to relate to others, a measure of likeability and sympathetic feelings. Intelligence: (INT) controls how smart your character is, and how many skill points your character has. Most scientific and lingual skills are Intelligence based. Luck: (LUCK) an intangible something, luck can tilt situations to your advantage. Luck represents a number of points you have to influence a die roll, to spend state that you’re burning the luck points before making the die roll. Important Note: once stated that you’re burning luck then you must burn the luck, no turning back. Luck replenishes at the end of each game session, once all your Luck Points are spent that’s it you’re out of Luck. Other statistics Stability: this represents how difficult your character is to intimidate, sway, confuse or otherwise hoodwink. Your stability stat is found by multiplying your Cool stat by 2.5. Reputation: this is how well known you are important to know that you can have different Reputations. Reputation ranges from 1 to 10, and whenever you meet a NPC or PC they have to roll under your Reputation to know who you are. Movement Allowance: (MA) measures the speed at which you walk, how far you can leap, and how fast you can run. Run: your characters MA x 3 Jump: MA divided by 4 Leap: Run divided by 4 Magic: (MAG) magic is the manipulation of the elemental forces that make up the world. Your magic stat is found by rolling an additional d10 (unless stated otherwise) on a roll of 8 to 10 the character is able to use magic. On a roll of 1 the character is unable to receive any magical bonuses or healing and you roll again on a roll of 9 to 10 afterward then the previous roll is negated and the characters Magic Stat is set to 6, however if the reroll rolls an additional 1 then no magic is usable within a 2 meter radius of that character and the character’s Magic stat is set to 2. If your character concept calls for Magic then you must spend points on it like a primary stat. Reflexes: (REF) this measures how dexterous and how good your hand-eye coordination is, almost all combat oriented skills are Reflex based. Technical Ability: (TECH) this is the ability to follow instructions and to use, create, modify, and repair technology. This stat is used with all skills that involve repairs or mechanical functions. Spending Character Points Okay you have you Character Points now how do you spend them? Well for stats that cannot exceed 10 it works on a 1:1 ratio, that is you spend 10 Character Points you get 10 Stat Points. However some races can exceed human limitations and have stats that are over 10, in this case for every Stat Point over 10 you must spend 2 Character Points. Magic Points: (MP) MP are points spent to cast magical spells or use Special Arts. MP can be restored by eating, drinking Ethers, and rest. MP are accumulated by casting and using spells for every point of MP used a point should be gained at the end of every adventure. Example: John is building a Fellpool character, the Fellpool have a max REF of 12 in order to have a maximum REF he must spend 10 to reach a 10 REF plus 2 for 11 and 2 for 12 a total of 14 Character Points. 8 Psi: The character’s Psionic Aptitude or how receptive to Psionics they are. On a roll of 10 human males are able to be psychic, and on a roll of 9 or 10 human females are able to be psychic. Elves have a higher chance to be psychic needing 8-10 on a d10 to be psychic. Just because your character has a high aptitude doesn’t mean they are active, Active psychics must add 2 years to their starting age. Magic and Psi are mutually exclusive a character cannot be both. If your character concept calls for Psi you must spend points in it like any primary Stat. Psionics use the rules given in Mekton Zeta Plus. Character Sheets The Character Sheet is a form used to organize your character’s data in a usable form. Without it your character is simply a group of random numbers and skills with no real connection between the two. Character sheets don’t have to be professionally made; a sheet of notebook paper can do, as long as it is organized. Psi Points: Psi Points are the point used to activate Psionic abilities. Unlike MP your starting Psi Points are equal to your Psi Stat. Races As you know by now the world of Mekton SeeD is populated not just by Humans but by Elves, Fellpool, Vynifacus, and Featherfolk as well other races that have yet to be discovered. Some players may want to play as non-humans this should not be discouraged, players and characters need to broaden their horizons. Here are the stat bases and cultural information about the different races. 9 Subject Race: Humans Planet of Origin: Sol III (Earth) Physiology Humans are a primate species, with two arms ending in hands with four fingers and an opposable thumb, two legs that end in feet with five tows, and one head. Humans can have skin tones ranging from pale pink to dark brown. Humans have wide range of hair colors including red, blue, blonde, and black. Humans have limited body hair and females of the species tend to remove or trim it. The human life span runs between 85-100 years on average. Humans are one of the most adaptable races known to science, humans either adapt to the environment they live in or they adapt the environment to suit them. Because of this, human evolution has slowed to a crawl. The one area that humans have begun developing is psychic abilities. Theses abilities are rare and tend to be more prevalent in females (a roll of 9-10 on a D10) than males (a roll of 10 on a D10). In rare instances humans have been born with a rare ability to null psionic abilities around them or that are being used on them, these “Psy-Blind” individuals tend to also have no other abilities as well. Humans have the odd ability of being able to interbreed with Elves and Vynifacus. This has led to theories about tampering in the past to make humans more flexible genetically. A typical human child takes approximately 18-23 years to reach adulthood. 10 Society/Culture Humans are unique in that they are the only race that is fractured in its control of space no other race has as many factions or governments as the humans. Human societies vary a great deal from dictatorships to democracies to nomadic tribes; each society has its own individual identity and is uniqueness. Humans do have evidence of cultural universals however, in most human cultures the negatives begin with N, several types of toys, instruments, and activities are also similar between cultures. During the reconstruction from the Dimensional Tear humanity fell into two different power blocks, the Technocracy Esthar and the Kingdom of Galbadia. While both are advanced civilizations, the two never seem to get along, and have had several wars over the rights to several planets and other resources. To end the conflicts the Unaligned Worlds were established. The Unaligned Worlds is a region of neutral space where neither Esthar nor Galbadia can lay claim to star systems. Each inhabited system is in charge of its own defense and organization, but will most often rely on mercenary groups to assist with paroling and system defense. Humans are well known for their will to fight, and their false clinging to a pacifistic way of life. Human nations seem to fight over the littlest of offences, or over desirable resources. Human nations are bound to a system of rules called the Ares Convention of Warfare. These rules control the types of targets and conduct on the battlefield, and are used to prevent unnecessary casualties on the battlefield. Humans are also known for their adaptability to adverse environments. In order to colonize space humans developed orbital space colonies, then terraforming technology to colonize worlds without an M class environment. Finally humans began developing Faster than Light drives to reach outside their solar system, in the end humans find a way to adapt to an environment or situation through changing the environment or their technology. Human technology is fusion based with a few companies experimenting with power cells and other alternative power sources. The most common power plant is based on a raw plasma, or “Hot”, fusion system that produces large amounts of raw energy for starships and mecha. This system is temperamental and has a tendency to explode if damaged. Nations like Galbadia tend to use these because of their ability to be rapidly produced. 11 Statistics Cool: 2-10 Intelligence: 2-10 Reflexes: 2-10 Attractiveness: 2-10 Education: 2-10 Empathy: 2-10 Tech: 2-10 Luck: 2-10 Movement: 2-10 Body Type: 2-10 Psi/Magic: 2-10 Body Type Table: Body Head Type: Hits V. Weak 4 Weak 5 Average 6 Strong 7 V. Strong 8 Limb Hits 6 7 9 10 12 Movement Allowance Table: Action: 2 Run (meters): 6 Jump(meters): .5 Leap (meters): 1.5 Torso Hits 8 10 12 14 16 3 9 .75 2.25 Stun/ Shock 4 5 6 7 8 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 Lift/ Drag 20kg 40 kg 60 kg 90 kg 120 kg 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 6 -2 12 -1 20 0 26 1 30 2 Enc. Val 2 2 4 6 8 8 24 2 6 10 30 2.5 7.5 9 27 2.25 6.75 Stat Points Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EDU EMP Tech Luck Move Body Psi/Mag 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 11 - 12 - - - Subject Race: Elves Planet of Origin: Amara Physiology The Elves are a humanoid race that has one head, two arms that end in hands with four fingers and a thumb, and two legs that end in feet with five tows. Elves possess a lighter build than most humans. Elves tend to have pale skin and dark hair, with very little body hair. Elves are sensitive to sodium chloride in mass quantities and use potassium chloride in their body chemistry. Elves have a life span of approximately 350 human years and show the symptoms of ageing much slower than humans. Their pointed ears give them excellent hearing (+2 Aware/Notice for sound), and their eyesight is topnotch. Elves also may weigh less than a human of the same body type, but they are able to take the same amount of damage as a human of the equivalent body type. Elves have begun developing Psychic abilities, but individuals with Psionic abilities are rare (roll of 9-10 on a D10 for Wood and Star Elves, 9-12 on a D12 for High Elves) and are slightly more powerful than humans. Elves are also capable of being “Psy-Blind”. While individuals with this odd ability are rare, they tend to be around families who work extensively with magic. Elven children take approximately 35-39 years to reach adult hood. Humans and Elves are actually genetically compatible, and can produce offspring. However Elves are not compatible with Vynifacus even though Vynifacus are almost genetically identical to humans. The offspring of a Human and an Elf is called a Half-Elf. Half-Elves are capable of breeding with humans and elves and grow as fast a human child. A Half-Elf’s hearing is only slightly better than that of a human (+1 to sound Awareness/Notice checks). Half-Elves have a life span of about 175 years. 13 Society/Culture Elven culture is complex and it contains many aspects of feudalistic societies. Elves have a system of royalty, and nobility. On paper the Elven law covers all people equally, in reality Elves tend to place the concerns of their own race ahead of the concerns of members of another race. This is particularly true of the Wood Elves, who hold a great deal of xenophobia towards other races. . Elves value beauty, nature, and magic very highly. Often young elves will learn some form of the arts, or study architecture. Elven architecture places an emphasis on arches and sweeping designs, as well as hiding lighting and convenience items like refrigeration units and climate control systems. Elves will also have gardens that encompass whole acres. These gardens are often passed down from generation to generation and also conceal places to live in amongst the plants Elves are the only known race to be able to weave magicite crystals into works of art or usable forms for industry. These crystals are used in everything from anti-grav generators to jewelry, with the most common application being power plants. This gives their mecha a bond with their pilot that is hard to quantify and often a pilot will go their entire career piloting one single craft. Elves are also known for their intellectual powers and their thirst for knowledge. Elven cities often have great libraries of knowledge that can span the entirety of the elven history. In times of trouble or distress, great elven leaders are found in libraries studying the works of the past to try to receive a new perspective on current events. Elves are famous for their archery, Elven bows are considered to be the finest that can be made. Elves have extremely long lives, and it is not uncommon to find bows that have taken decades to create. Often appearing to be more works of art than functional weapons, Elven bows are still very deadly and very high quality and will long outlive their original masters. Elven technology is more advanced than human technology, and includes antigravity generators small enough for use on Roadstrikers, and more advanced FTL (Faster than Light) drives. Elves dislike the use of personal firearms because they feel a lack of perceived control over the bullet. They do however use Autocannons and Machinecannons on their mecha and starships. For personal long-range combat, elves prefer to use bows, and may use the occasional energy weapon. 14 High Elves Statistics Cool: 4-10 Intelligence: 2-12 Reflexes: 2-10 Attractiveness: 2-10 Empathy: 2-10 Tech: 2-10 Luck: 2- 8 EDU: 2-10 Movement: 4-10 Body Type: 4- 8 Psi/Magic: 4-12 Description High Elves are the more stereotypical elves as far as disposition and appearance. They tend to be more intellectual and often take offices in bureaucracy. High Elves can have above human level intelligence and can have above human magical power. Body Type Table: Body Type: Weak Average Strong Head Hits 5 6 7 Limb Hits 7 9 10 Torso Hits 10 12 14 Stun/ Shock 5 6 7 Lift/ Drag 40 kg 60 kg 90 kg Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 12 -1 20 0 26 1 Enc. Val 2 4 6 8 24 2 6 10 30 2.5 7.5 Movement Allowance Table: Action: Run (meters): Jump(meters): Leap (meters): 2 6 .5 1.5 3 9 .75 2.25 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 9 27 2.25 6.75 Stat Points Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EMP Tech Luck EDU Move Body Psi/Mag 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 11 12 - 12 14 - - - Wood Elves Statistics Cool: 4-10 Intelligence: 2-10 Reflexes: 2-11 Attractiveness: 2-10 Empathy: 2-10 Tech: 2- 8 Luck: 2- 8 EDU: 2-10 Movement: 4-12 Body Type: 4-10 Psi/Magic: 4-10 Description Wood Elves are tall and highly dexterous, with lighter hair than the High Elves. They tend to have a more earthy nature than High Elves but are also more xenophobic. Wood Elves have the capacity to have slightly faster reflexes and faster running speeds than humans. . Body Type Table Body Type: Weak Average Strong V. Strong Head Hits 5 6 7 8 Limb Hits 7 9 10 12 Torso Hits 10 12 14 16 Stun/ Shock 5 6 7 8 Lift/ Drag 40 kg 60 kg 90 kg 120 kg Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 12 -1 20 0 26 1 30 2 Enc. Val 2 4 6 8 8 24 2 6 10 30 2.5 7.5 Movement Allowance Table Action: Run (meters): Jump(meters): Leap (meters): 2 6 .5 1.5 3 9 .75 2.25 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 27 2.25 6.75 Stat Points Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EMP Tech Luck EDU Move Body Psi/Mag 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 - 12 - 12 - 14 - Star Elves Statistics Cool: 4-10 Intelligence: 2-12 Reflexes: 2- 9 Attractiveness: 2-10 Empathy: 2- 8 Tech: 2-12 Luck: 2-10 EDU: 2-10 Movement: 2-10 Body Type: 4- 8 Psi/Magic: 4-10 Description Star Elves are the descendants of the first elves to try and explore space. They have paler skin and darker hair than most elves, and tend to also be weaker. Due to their star faring nature Star Elves tend to be less xenophobic than the other elves, and are treated as second class citizens because of their removal from nature. Star Elves can have above human intelligence and technical ability, but cannot be as dexterous, or strong. They also are less capable of taking damage than their brethren because of their adaptations to low gravity. Body Type Table Body Type: Weak Average Strong Head Hits 5 6 7 Limb Hits 7 9 10 Torso Hits 10 12 14 Stun/ Shock 5 6 7 Lift/ Drag 40 kg 60 kg 90 kg Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 12 -1 20 0 26 1 Enc. Val 2 4 6 8 24 2 6 10 30 2.5 7.5 Movement Allowance Table Action: Run (meters): Jump(meters): Leap (meters): 2 6 .5 1.5 3 9 .75 2.25 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 9 27 2.25 6.75 Stat Points Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EMP Tech Luck EDU Move Body Psi/Mag 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 11 12 12 - 12 14 14 - - - Subject Race: Fellpool (Felinefolk) Planet Of Origin: Altair III (Roak) Physiology The Fellpool are a humanoid race with one head with feline like ears, two arms that end in hands with four fingers and an opposable thumb, two legs that end in feet with five tows, and a feline like tail the extends from their spine. Fellpool have an lighter overall build than that of humans(-2 head and limb hits and -3 torso hits). Fellpool have no body hair but have ultra-fine velvet like fur on their ears and more feline like fur on their tails. Fellpool have copper based blood that tends to react differently to medications then iron based blood. Fellpool have a Life span of 65-80 years and grow to reach maturity much faster than Humans or Elves. Fellpool eyes have vertical pupils that give them excellent night vision (+2 to Awareness/Notice at night), and are able to see in full color. Due to their feline ears Fellpool hearing is more sensitive than that of humans (+2 Awareness/Notice for sound). Fellpool also have a nerve cluster at the base of their tails that connects the tail to the spine, if this cluster suffers trauma a Fellpool character must make a Stun/Shock Roll or go into shock. These traits give them faster reflexes than the average human, and enable them to cover more ground faster. The Fellpool have limited Psychic potential (roll of 10 on a D10 for both genders). Like all races Fellpool can also produce “Psi-Blind” individuals. The limited psionic potential of the Fellpool is largely due to their youth as a race and their shorter life spans. Fellpool children take approximately 16-17 human years to reach adulthood, and it is not unusual for Fellpool to have paternal twins. Fellpool are genetically incompatible with any other known race, and it has been theorized that this is because the Centra did not interfere with their development. 18 Society/Culture Fellpool control a region of space they call the Astral Kingdoms. Fellpool are not the only race in the Astral Kingdoms, there are also Elves, Humans, and a race of avian people the Fellpool refer to as Featherfolk. The capital of the Astral Kingdoms is planet Roak in the Altair system, much of Roak is now wilderness with a few small cities. The organization of the Astral Kingdoms is that each planet is in enough itself a kingdom, with its own royalty and nobility. The overall government is managed by the royalty of Roak and the overall defense is their reasonability. The individual kingdoms are responsible for their own management and defense and they are required to maintain a militia to protect themselves from the monsters that roam the worlds since the Dimensional Tear. If a kingdom is having problems the kingdom of Roak may dispatch troops to an area, but that is rare, and often the ruling family will be replaced if the trouble was due to mismanagement. Fellpool have primarily an agricultural society with small communities scattered across the surface of the planet and farms being their primary food source. Fellpool raise poultry, cattle, and grow vegetables, but still prefer to hunt for meat. Fellpool gather in these small communities to avoid presenting large targets for orbital bombardment and to help isolate problems to down to a more specific area. Due to the nature of small communities young Fellpool of both genders are encouraged to leave and find their own way. This is to prevent inbreeding and to keep up genetic diversity inside their communities. A Fellpool that is traveling may stay on the same planet but most tend to wander around the different kingdoms for a period of 3-6 years before settling down. Fellpool culture values children greatly, Fellpool view children as the most pure form of potential and will try to protect them without a second’s hesitation. This leads to their unusual patience when dealing with children. Fellpool will even endure tail pulling and being called a “kitty” if the child is young and doesn’t know better. Fellpool use solar energy, power cell, and fusion technology for power. Often cities are powered by solar power stations located at the top of Orbital Elevators. These elevators use a linear accelerator based train to haul cargo and personnel up into an orbiting station that houses the solar generators and a star port. These stations are under direct government control as and are heavily guarded. Fellpool mecha use a form of power cell that acts like a large capacitor. Unlike most of their human counter parts Fellpool power cells do not use very hazardous materials to store energy but a complex system of smaller cells that store the energy in plasma form and slowly render the plasma inert before needing to be recharged. Fellpool starships are powered by large fusion generators that are most commonly either built on spinner colonies or purchased from a human company. These large generators are customarily plasma based and produce enough energy to power the ship and recharge their mecha’s power cells. Fellpool starships are among the few that use linear catapults to launch their mecha rather than use large launch bays. This enables their aerospace mecha to intercept targets much faster than most other nations, but reduces the number of mecha able to be launched at a time. 19 Statistics Cool: 2-10 Intelligence: 2-10 Reflexes: 4-12 Attractiveness: 2-10 Education: 2-10 Empathy: 2-10 Tech: 2- 9 Luck: 2- 9 Movement: 4-12 Body Type: 2- 8 Psi/Magic: 5-10 Body Type Table Body Type: V. Weak Weak Average Strong Head Hits 2 3 4 5 Limb Hits 4 5 7 8 Torso Hits 5 7 9 11 Stun/ Shock 4 5 6 7 Lift/ Drag 20kg 40 kg 60 kg 90 kg Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 6 -2 12 -1 20 0 26 1 Enc. Val 2 2 4 6 10 30 2.5 7.5 12 36 3 9 Movement Allowance Table Action: Run (meters): Jump(meters): Leap (meters): 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 8 24 2 6 9 27 2.25 6.75 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 11 33 2.75 8.25 Stat Points Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EMP Tech Luck EDU Move Body Psi/Mag 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 11 12 - 12 14 - 12 - 14 - Subject Race: Vynifacus Planet of Origin: UNKNOWN Physiology A race of variant humans with magicite crystals in their bloodstream, Vynifacus are almost genetically and physically identical to humans. The majority of the differences between the two are related to the magicite crystals in their blood, these crystals control what element a Vynifacus can wield magically and their hair and eye color. As a result of having magicite in their blood Vynifacus are bound to only one element of magic, but are extremely powerful in that one particular element (treated as having their magic stat as their skill level in that one Element). Vynifacus are unable to learn spells outside of their Element and thus limited in their mastery of magic. Vynifacus are only able to inter breed with humans, the results of which is most commonly human (50% chance), but some have the elemental control of the Vynifacus parent (45% chance), and on rare occasions the child has both the branching ability of the human parent and the elemental control of the Vynifacus (5% chance). Half-Vynifacus are much weaker than their full blooded parent in their control of their magical element (+2 to their Expert: ___ Magic) Society/Culture No one knows what planet if any the Vynifacus evolved on so no one knows what their base culture was if any. Vynifacus have basically been absorbed into human culture blending and living side by side with humans. Vynifacus in areas that are distrusting or hateful of magic tend to form close-nit communities that protect them from outsiders. 21 Full-Blooded Half-Blooded Statistics Statistics Cool: 2-10 Cool: 2-10 Intelligence: 2-10 Intelligence: 2-10 Reflexes: 2-10 Reflexes: 2-10 Attractiveness: 2-10 Attractiveness: 2-10 Education: 2-10 Education: 2-10 Empathy: 2-10 Empathy: 2-10 Tech: 2-10 Tech: 2-10 Luck: 2 – 8 Luck: 2-10 Movement: 2-10 Movement: 2-10 Body Type: 2-10 Body Type: 2-10 Psi/Magic: 8-12 Psi/Magic: 4-10 Body Type Table Body Type: V. Weak Weak Average Strong V. Strong Head Hits 4 5 6 7 8 Limb Hits 6 7 9 10 12 Torso Hits 8 10 12 14 16 Stun/ Shock 4 5 6 7 8 Lift/ Drag 20kg 40 kg 60 kg 90 kg 120 kg Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 6 -2 12 -1 20 0 26 1 30 2 Enc. Val 2 2 4 6 8 8 24 2 6 10 30 2.5 7.5 Movement Allowance Table Action: Run (meters): Jump(meters): Leap (meters): 2 6 .5 1.5 3 9 .75 2.25 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 9 27 2.25 6.75 Stat Points Stat Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EDU EMP Tech Luck Move Body Magic 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 11 - 12 - Non-Player Races Of course there will be races that players should not be. These races are considered NonPlayer Races. In Duoarma there are races that are xenophobic, overly aggressive, or simply either missing or otherwise absent. Players may not play these races because of either their power, or difficulty in incorporating into a story as a long term PC. The following races should not be removed from the game setting because they are a central element to it. 23 Subject Race: Avia (Featherfolk) Planet of Origin: Altair III (Roak) Physiology A race of light weight winged humanoids, with one head, two arms then end in hands with five fingers, two legs that end in feet with five tows, and a pair of featherd wings protruding from their back just above the shoulder blades. Avia have a hollow bone structure and a specialized section of the brain that acts as a natural compass. Avia have difficulty with space travel due to the ions in their brain aligning to the magnetic fields planetside, this leads to extreme space-sickness and longer adjustment to being on a planet. Due to their lighter build Avia are also not as strong or as sturdy as humans. They do however have a pair of muscular bird-like wing that sprout from their backs just above their shoulder-blades. These wings are covered in feathers and enable them to fly and glide without the use of aircraft or wind magic. (100mpt flight MA, 50mpt for gliding). Avia have also begun developing Psionic abilities. While these abilities are rare, females have a higher tendency of possessing Psionic abilities (roll of 9-12 on a D12) than males (roll of 10-12 in a D12). Avia also have a tendency to be “Psi-Blind” (roll of 1-3 on a D12), these individuals are more common than they are in other races because of the extensive use of magic among Avia. . Avia children take about 12-15 years to reach adulthood, and are born from eggs in clutches of 1-3. Avia have a lifespan of 50-65 years on average. Avia tend to develop fast and deteriorate only when reaching their 40-45 year mark. 24 Society/Culture The Avia are a reclusive and xenophobic race that rarely ventures out into space due to their difficulty adapting to leaving a planet’s magnetosphere. Avia live in the high mountains of a few worlds in the Astral Kingdoms and rarely come down to deal with other races, this has led to the humans an Elves to consider them to be a myth. The Avia are Xenophobic due to their frailer forms and their physical beauty. Sometime during their past the Avia were attacked by a group of space pirates that destroyed much of their population. Since that time the Avia have remained in the mountains and skeptical of any NonAvian race that has approached them The Avia have an agrarian society with farms being their major source of food. Because of this Avia villages tend to only have 50-60 individuals in a community, with communities scattered across low traffic mountain ranges. Avia also tend to gather near old ruins and often defend them from unwanted intruders. Avia villages are ruled by a council of elders and are often quiet and peaceful. Avia villages remain in touch with the main government of the Astral Kingdoms via a limited radio link and often sell excess food supplies to the local kingdom. This has led to the Avia being a silent partner in the Astral Kingdoms. Avia place a high regard to wind, light, and water based magic and frown upon the use of other elements. Because of their exclusive use of these Elements any Avia who studies and uses another element is banished from the village and refused by all of the Avia villages. Magic users that use other elements are also barred from entering Avia villages. Because of their extensive use of magic Avia have not developed their own mecha or starship technologies, instead the Avia use magic to solve the majority of convenes like lighting and climate control, but refuse to allow spells of any other elements but wing and light to be used. The Avia have been known to trade for items like refrigeration units or sanitation purification systems, but most commonly that is only when a new village is starting being settled. The Avia do however use other forms of technology like indoor plumbing and refrigeration. In a pinch the Avia do use Fellpool medical technology when magic seems not to work. The Avia refuse to pilot mecha, but will travel on starships if they are large enough to accommodate their wings. Avia place a high value on functionality and openness, often living in open buildings with wide windows, and sweeping arches to accommodate their large wings. Avia buildings are often painted to match either clouds or the local terrain depending on the distance to the nearest Non-Avia settlement, and very large with open gardens for growing vegetables. Avia buildings don’t typically have glass windows but rather wooden shutters to keep out the rain and other elements. 25 Statistics Cool: 2-10 Intelligence: 2-10 Reflexes: 2-10 Attractiveness: 2-11 Education: 2-10 Empathy: 2-10 Tech: 2- 8 Luck: 2- 8 Movement: 4-12 Body Type: 2- 8 Psi/Magic: 8-12 Body Type Table Body Type: V. Weak Weak Average Strong Head Hits 4 5 6 7 Limb Hits 6 7 9 10 Torso Hits 8 10 12 14 Stun/ Shock 4 5 6 7 Lift/ Drag 20kg 40 kg 60 kg 90 kg Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 6 -2 12 -1 20 0 26 1 Enc. Val 2 2 4 6 8 24 2 6 10 30 2.5 7.5 Movement Allowance Table Action: Run (meters): Jump(meters): Leap (meters): 2 6 .5 1.5 3 9 .75 2.25 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 9 27 2.25 6.75 Stat Points Stat Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EDU EMP Tech Luck Move Body Magic 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - 26 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 11 12 - 12 - Subject Race: Centra Planet of Origin: Centra Physiology Centra are an evolutionary offshoot of the human race. Centra are almost identical to humans in term of physical form and strength, having one head, two arms ending in hands with four fingers and a opposable thumb, and two legs that end in feet with five tows. Centra are shorter than most humans with males standing around 167cm and females standing 157cm in height. Centra have practically no body hair and their hair colors tend to run in from silver to pale blonde with the occasional extravagant hair colors like blue or purple being natural. Centra have a lifespan is approximately 95-110 years on average. Centra have a highly evolved brain the enables all Centra to be able to either cast magic or use Psionics, and gives all Centra a limited genetic memory for technology. This genetic memory is very limited because it requires training to access and harness, and is only carries technical information that both parents knew up to the point of the child’s conception. Centra are able to inter-breed with humans, Elves, Vynifacus, and Avia, the results are most often Centra child, but occasionally a Half-Elf, Avia, or Half-Vynifacus will result. A Centra breeding with standard a human results in a child with a 50% chance of having the genetic memory of the Centra parent, but always has the lighter hair coloration of the Centra parent. 27 Society/Culture The Centrta are actually from the future, the Centra came from the future via a Stargate accident. After arriving in the past they found and modified the proto-Elves, Avia, Humans, and a few other races before encountering the Aggendi. The Centra have a strict society that values exploration and tradition. A Centra’s worth is based on their technical aptitude and their intellect. Centra have a monarchy, with a cabinet and parliament. In addition they have a system of lords and ladies that govern their assigned territories. Centra believe that the best form of management is that which governs least so lower ranking nobles have very limited powers and are often there to oversee he lands and to collect taxes and to se to the safety of the people. However the people have only limited freedom of speech and are often subjugated under unfair laws. Centra also place a great deal of emphasis on military strength, using vast armies of Mecha Suits and large space fleets. Often pilots and commanders who prove themselves in battle are awarded with low ranking titles like Knight or Baronet. Many Centra youth aspire to use the military as a means to gain fame and fortune; as such the number of soldiers available in the armed service is massive. Centra only use their cloning technology when their race is pushed to the breaking point and there are very few left to fight. The Centra have a sexually equal society only the slightest forms of bias are allowed before reprimands are in order. A Knight of either gender may be called Sir (or if the male insists M’lady), and the title of Baronet is used for both genders. For the others it is to each noble to decide how they wish to be addressed, and for the most part they tend to follow human norms. Centra do not hide their technology but rather try to emphasize it. Centra cities often use rust resistant alloys and transparasteel walkways with large hoverlanes going from section to section. Centra architecture uses a lot of curving and sweeping designs, often emulating vines or feathers. The Centra fell into conflict with the Aggendi almost 20,000 years ago, in a war that almost wiped out all life in the galaxy. The war lasted almost 10,000 years and in the end they had to craft and use the Lunatic Pandora. The act of which almost wiped out the Centra and depleted the magical energy in the galaxy, The Centra disappeared shortly afterward and have not been seen since. 28 Statistics Cool: 2-10 Intelligence: 4-12 Reflexes: 2-10 Attractiveness: 2-10 Education: 2-10 Empathy: 2-10 Tech: 4-12 Luck: 2 - 8 Movement: 2-10 Body Type: 2-10 Psi/Magic: 7-12 Body Type Table Body Type: V. Weak Weak Average Strong V. Strong Head Hits 4 5 6 7 8 Limb Hits 6 7 9 10 12 Torso Hits 8 10 12 14 16 Stun/ Shock 4 5 6 7 8 Lift/ Drag 20kg 40 kg 60 kg 90 kg 120 kg Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 6 -2 12 -1 20 0 26 1 30 2 Enc. Val 2 2 4 6 8 8 24 2 6 10 30 2.5 7.5 Movement Allowance Table Action: Run (meters): Jump(meters): Leap (meters): 2 6 .5 1.5 3 9 .75 2.25 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 9 27 2.25 6.75 Stat Points Stat Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EDU EMP Tech Luck Move Body Magic 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - 29 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 11 - 12 - Subject Race: Aggendi Planet of Origin: UNKNOWN Physiology Aggendi are a race of endothermic, highly intelligent bipedal reptiles with one head, two arms that end in hands with three clawed fingers and one clawed opposable thumb, two legs that end in feet with five clawed tows, and a long tail. Aggendi stand aproximently 2 meters tall and are covered in gray to gray-green scales. Female Aggendi tend to be larger than male Aggendi. Being reptiles Aggenidi have no hair but do have a crest on their heads that varies in color from red to bright blue. Aggendi have a lifespan of about 150 years on average. Aggendi skin contains bony plates that enables it to act as a form of natural armor (natural armor does no ablate like normal armor). Aggendi also possess sharp claws on their hands and feet (claws deal 1D6 plus strength bonus) that are quite deadly. Aggendi also have a strong tail that is covered in rough scales and can regenerate if removed. Aggendi have in rare instances produced individuals with Psionic potential (roll of 8 on a D8). These individuals tend to be weaker than the average specimen and valued highly. The Aggendi have tried to breed a Caste of psionic warriors but were unsuccessful. Aggendi also have the ability of being “Psi-Blind” (roll of 1 on a D8) but these these individuals are also rare. Aggendi lay eggs and females begin breeding upon reaching adult hood and every 5 years after that, and lay clutches of 4-24 (4D6) 15mm eggs. If males are unavailable the Warrior and Technical Castes have been engineered to be able to breed asexually. Aggendi embryos do not have the sex chromosomes instead sex is determined by the temperature in which the eggs are incubated. Aggendi eggs take aproximetly 12 weeks to hatch and Aggendi children reach adulthood about 8 years after hatching. Society/Culture The Aggendi are not from Duoarma, but rather another galaxy called Bendari. According to their ancient texts they were banished from Bendari by another group of Aggendi under the influence of a hive mind entity called the “Massmind”. The Massmind found that it could not control all the Aggendi because of their primal nature, so it banished a small part of them to Duoarma in order to gain control of the Aggendi as a race. The Aggendi Empire is ruled by a single monarch, and has a strict caste system to separate their leaders, solders, and technicians from one another. The Aggendi monarch is from the Ruling Caste and has consorts form every caste. The weaker offspring are put to death and the stronger ones are placed in power over groups of troops or in charge of R&D. The rights of ascension state that only offspring from Ruling Caste consorts are allowed to challenge for the throne. The Aggendi have a very ego-centric view of the universe and have no tolerance for any other races that exist within it. Often the Aggendi will destroy entire worlds because they supported non Aggendi life. The only race that is known to have stopped their march is the Centra. The Aggendi have no concept of forced servitude or making non-Aggendi second class. Instead they treat all other races the same way genocide. The few races they allow to remain alive are treated as cattle, bred and slaughtered like animals to provide food for the Aggendi war machine. These races are kept in inhumane conditions and eventually lose all shreds of sentience. It is unknown how many races have fallen to the Aggendi. Aggendi use brutal battle tactics involving waves of assaults on their enemies to wear them down before sending in ground troops to hunt down and exterminate the remaining troops and civilians. If a planet is too heavily fortified the Aggendi use heavy orbital bombardment to wipe out any life on the surface. The Aggendi then occupy the planet, setting up bases and spawning pits to further their Empire. The Aggendi use a form or technology that is banned by almost all civilized races, Organic or Techno-Organic Technology. The Aggendi battle machines and armor is made up of living tissues that has the ability to regenerate. The Aggendi are also not above engineering themselves to gain the upper hand in battle or to survive in environments that normal humanoids cannot. Aggendi also use cloning technology to bolster their ranks if their population is getting low or they need troops for an assault. Aggendi use fuel powered power plants in their starships and mecha. The fuel is a hydrogen rich nutrient slush that keeps the organic components alive and fuel its technological components via a plasma fusion drive. This fuel is highly volatile and unstable and can explode if the tanks are ruptured (treat all Aggendi power plants as Hot). Aggendi are also known to use ESPER Lens technology on some of their mecha and starships. This technology amplifies Psionic abilities to the scale of the vehical the lens is mounted on. None of these lenses have ever been recovered in any archeological dig. 31 Warrior Caste Aggendi Statistics Cool: 4-10 Intelligence: 2- 8 Reflexes: 6-10 Attractiveness: 2- 6 Empathy: 2- 8 Tech: 2-10 Luck: 2- 8 EDU: 2- 6 Movement: 4-10 Body Type: 8-10 Psi: 1- 8 Description Warrior Cast Aggendi are trained from birth in the combat arts. After a point in their development they are separated into Shock Troops, Pilots, and Ground Troops. Shock Troopers are the elite of the Aggendi forces, stronger and faster than the others, Shock Troopers are selected from the prime specimens from each hatching and have the strongest armor (SP: 5) of all the casts except the Ruling Caste. Shock Troopers are trained in the use of powered armor and personal weapons. Pilots are selected from the lighter and faster specimens from each hatching, and trained in the use of techno-organic mecha and starships. While Ground Troops are the leftovers from the Shock troopers and the Pilots, the weakest armored and slowest hatchlings Ground troops are considered expendable. Both pilots and ground troops have tough armor (SP: 4) and are skilled with their claws. Body Type Table: Body Type: Strong V. Strong Head Hits 7 8 Limb Hits 10 12 Torso Hits 14 16 Stun/ Shock 7 8 Lift/ Drag 90 kg 120 kg Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 26 1 30 2 Movement Allowance Table: Action: Run (meters): Jump(meters): Leap (meters): 2 6 .5 1.5 3 9 .75 2.25 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 8 24 2 6 9 27 2.25 6.75 10 30 2.5 7.5 Stat Points Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EMP Tech Luck EDU Move Body Psi/Mag 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 11 - 12 - - - Enc. Val 6 8 Technical Caste Aggendi Statistics Cool: 2-10 Intelligence: 6-10 Reflexes: 2- 8 Attractiveness: 2- 6 Empathy: 2- 8 Tech: 2-12 Luck: 2- 8 EDU: 6-10 Movement: 4-10 Body Type: 6-10 Psi: 1- 8 Description Technical Aggendi are the closest thing the Aggendi have to a civilian. Technical Aggendi do everything from janitorial work to starship engineering. Technical Aggendi tend to be smaller and lighter than the other castes with the weakest armor (SP 2) and tend to trim their claws to give them fine manipulation (thus removing them as usable weapons). Technical Aggendi unlike the Warrior Caste are separated by their intelligence and technical ability rather than their physical parameters. After a very basic training they are separated based off their affinities and further trained in their specific job. Body Type Table: Body Type: Average Strong V. Strong Head Hits 6 7 8 Limb Hits 9 10 12 Torso Hits 12 14 16 Stun/ Shock 6 7 8 Lift/ Drag 60 kg 90 kg 120 kg Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 20 0 26 1 30 2 Movement Allowance Table: Action: Run (meters): Jump(meters): Leap (meters): 2 6 .5 1.5 3 9 .75 2.25 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 8 24 2 6 9 27 2.25 6.75 10 30 2.5 7.5 Stat Points Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EMP Tech Luck EDU Move Body Psi/Mag 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 11 12 - 12 14 - - - Enc. Val 4 6 8 Ruling Caste Aggendi Statistics Cool: 2-12 Intelligence: 6-10 Reflexes: 2-10 Attractiveness: 2- 8 Empathy: 2-10 Tech: 2-10 Luck: 2- 8 EDU: 6-10 Movement: 4-10 Body Type: 6-12 Psi: 1- 8 Description Ruling Cast Aggendi are the elite of the Aggendi Empire, Ruling Cast are tasked with the job of leading armies and maintaining control of the Empire. Ruling Cast combine the strengths of the other casts, without the asexual reproduction of the lower Casts. Ruling Caste Aggendi have the heaviest armor of all the Aggendi (SP: 6) and can reach super human level strength and build, as well as having an uncanny coolness when under fire or being threatened. Body Type Table: Body Type: Average Strong V. Strong EX Strong Head Hits 6 7 8 9 Limb Hits 9 10 12 13 Torso Hits 12 14 16 18 Stun/ Shock 6 7 8 9 Lift/ Drag 60 kg 90 kg 120 kg 185kg Throw +Add Meters Dmg. 20 0 26 1 30 2 45 3 Movement Allowance Table: Action: Run (meters): Jump(meters): Leap (meters): 2 6 .5 1.5 3 9 .75 2.25 4 12 1 3 5 15 1.25 3.75 6 18 1.5 4.5 7 21 1.75 5.25 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 8 24 2 6 9 27 2.25 6.75 10 30 2.5 7.5 Stat Points Cool Intelligence Reflexes Attract EMP Tech Luck EDU Move Body Psi/Mag 1-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 11 12 - 12 14 - 12 - 14 - Enc. Val 4 6 8 13 Lifepath So you’ve got your character’s stats and race picked out, but there is more to character generation then how strong or weak your character is, where did he or she come from, what were their parents like, do they have siblings, do they have enemies, if so why, what type of people do they have for friends, these questions and more must be answered to help make your character come alive. To help answer these questions the Lifepath section has tables so you can roll or choose what happened to make your character the unique individual they are. A. Money & Family This is the measure of how well off and how well connected your family is. It also determines your starting cash and social status of your family Roll 1d10 1 2 3 4 5-6 7 8 9 10 Social Status Poor/Slave Poor/Servant Laborer/L. Middle Class Worker/L. Middle Class Worker/Middle Class Executive/Middle Class Vice Pres./Upper Middle Class Noble/Wealthy Royal/Wealthy A2. Family Situation Roll 1d10 or Choose Funds 200gil 300gil 400gil 500gil 600gil 700gil 800gil 900gil 1000gil A4. Parental Mysteries Roll 1d10 or Choose 1-2 Both parents are really deep cover spies for another power 3-4 Your parents were involved in a top secret project and are on the run 5-6 Your parents simply have nothing more to do with you 7-8 Your parents simply vanished, their house was left empty and you a non-entity 9-10 Your parents are spies and living on another planet 1-4 Something has happened to one or both of your parents. GO TO A3 5-9 Both parents are alive and well. GO TO B 10 There is something special about your parents. GO TO A4 GO TO B A3. Parental Fate Roll 1d10 or Choose 1 Your parent(s) died in a war or other form of organized violence 2 Your parent(s) died in an accident 4 Your parent(s) have amnesia and don’t remember you 5 You never knew your parents 6 Your parents are missing 7 Your parents are in hiding to protect you 8 Your parents defected to another power 9 You were raised by relatives or were adopted. You have no idea about your parents’ standing. 10 You grew up on the streets B. Family Standing Roll 1d10 1-6 Family standing is good, even if one or both parents are missing or dead. GO TO E 7-10 Family standing is bad, and you risk losing everything. GO TO C GO TO B 35 C. Family Crisis Roll 1d10 or Choose 1 Family lost all titles and properties through the betrayal of a family member 2 Family lost all titles and property through mismanagement 3 Family was exiled from home land, you have returned under an alias 4 Family was imprisoned you alone escaped 5 Family vanished you are the only locatable member 6 Family was murdered, you alone survived 7 Family lost everything fortunes collapsed, the now live homeless on the streets 8 Family killed in an act of terrorism. 9 Family killed in a border skirmish 10 Family destroyed in an accident. Those not crippled were killed Eb. Siblings Roll 1d6 1-4 is equal to the number of siblings you have a roll of 5-6 means you’re an only child. Roll a d10 for gender: odd for male, even for female Roll 1d10 for relative age 1-5 Older 6-9 Younger 10 Twin For each sibling choose or roll 1d10 their feelings about you 1-2 They hate you 3-4 They dislike you 5-6 They’re neutral about you 7-8 They like you 9-10 They hero-worship you GO TO F Ec. Siblings Roll 1d10 1-7 is equal to the number of siblings you have a roll of 8-10 means you’re an only child. Roll an additional d10 for gender: odd for male, even for female Roll 1d10 for relative age 1-4 Older 5-8 Younger 9,10 Twin GO TO D D. Familial Goals Roll 1d10 or Choose 1-2 Clear your name or finances 3-4 Live it down forget it 5-6 Hunt down those responsible and make them pay 7-8 Get what’s rightfully yours 9-10 Save, if possible, your remaining family For each sibling choose or roll 1d10 their feelings about you 1-2 They hate you 3-4 They dislike you 5-6 They’re neutral about you 7-8 They like you 9-10 They hero-worship you GO TO Ea ELVES GO TO Eb FELLPOOL TO Ec Ea. Siblings Roll 1d10 1-7 is equal to the number of siblings you have a roll of 8-10 means you’re an only child. Roll an additional d10 for gender: odd for male, even for female Roll 1d10 for relative age 1-5 Older 6-9 Younger 10 Twin GO TO F F. Friends Roll 1d6 this is how many friends you have. Then for each friend roll 1d10 to determine gender (odd for male, even for female) Roll another d10: the friend is… 1 An ex-enemy 2 Is like a foster parent 3 An old family friend 4 A friend from school 5 Someone who grew up with you 6 Is like a big brother/sister to you 7 Is like a little brother/sister to you 8 Is a teacher or mentor 9 Is a partner or coworker 10 Is an ex-lover For each sibling choose or roll 1d10 their feelings about you 1-2 They hate you 3-4 They dislike you 5-6 They’re neutral about you 7-8 They like you 9-10 They hero-worship you GO TO F GO TO G 36 G. Enemies Roll 1d10 on a roll of 10 you have made a lifelong enemy. Roll 1d10 or Choose: the enemy is… 1-4 An old friend 5 A relative 6 An official in government, organized crime, or a terrorist cell 7 A stranger to you 8 An ex-lover 9-10 Someone on “the other side” H. Romantic Life Roll 1d10 or Choose 1-3 You are currently involved in a romantic relationship GO TO H1 4-7 You are currently uninvolved 8-10 You are recovering from a romantic tragedy GO TO H2 GO TO H3 H1 Your Lover and You Roll 1d10 or Choose 1 Your lovers friends/relatives heat you 2 Your friends/relatives hate them 3 One of you has a romantic rival 4 You are continually separated in some way 5 You constantly fight (but making up is fun) 6 One of you is insanely jealous 7 You think your lover is seeing someone else 8 They think you’re seeing someone else 9-10 Everything is going smoothly This started when… Roll 1d10 or Choose: 1 They caused the death of your loved one. 2 You caused the death of their loved one. 3 One caused the other a major humiliation. 4 One caused the other a physical disfigurement 5 One disserted or betrayed the other 6 One caused the imprisonment of the other 7 You were romantic rivals 8 One foiled the plan of the other 9-10 It’s a mystery. GO TO I H2. Looking for Love Choose or roll 1d10 1-2 You date anything that moves 3-4 You’re waiting for the right one 5-6 You don’t have time for romance 7-8 You just don’t want to get serious 9-10 Sex? Romance? What’s that? Who’s mad at whom? Roll 1d10 or Choose: 1-4 They hate you 5-7 You hate them 8-10 The feeling is mutual GO TO I If you were to meet face-to-face the injured party would… Roll 1d10 or Choose 1-2 Go into a rage and attack the other 3-4 Avoid the other person 5-6 Cause the other injury in any indirect way 7-8 Ignore the other person 9-10 Verbally attack the other H3. The Romantic Tragedy 1 They were killed in a military or terrorist action 2 They were killed in an accident 3 They mysteriously vanished 4 They died suspiciously 5 They left you suddenly with no expectation, with orders never to see them again 6 They were kidnaped or imprisoned 7 They commited suicide or went insane 8 Society kept you apart 9 They defected to another power 10 A rival cut you out of the action GO TO H GO TO I 37 I. Physical Appearance & Personality Traits Roll 1d10 or Choose for each column Roll Hair Color Hair Style Eye Color 1 Red Neat Blue 2 Blue Long, Straight Green 3 Green Short w/ Bangs Silver/Gray 4 Blonde Swept over one eye Ruby 5-6 Black Short, Straight Black/Brown 7 Orange Long, Curly Amber 8 Purple Long w/ Bangs Gold 9 Silver/White Short, Curly Violet 10 Brown Wild Always Changing *When Applicable Fur Color* Taby Markings Blue Ginger Red Black Yellow/Blonde Silver/Gray White Brown Iron Based Blood Type Roll percentile Blood Type Roll A+ 01-28 B+ 29-48 AB+ 49-53 O+ 54-89 A90-93 B94-95 AB96 O97-00 The Thing you Value Most is… Roll 1d10 or Choose 1 Money 2 Honor 3 Your Word 4 Honesty 5 Knowledge 6 Vengeance 7 Love 8 Power 9 Having a good time 10 Friendship Copper Based Blood Type Roll percentile Blood Type Roll C+ 01-28 D+ 29-48 CD+ 49-53 O+ 54-89 C90-93 D94-95 CD96 O97-00 Your Most Valued Possession… Roll 1d10 or Choose 1 A weapon 2 A tool 3 A piece of clothing 4 A photograph 5 A book or diary 6 A recording 7 A musical instrument 8 A piece of jewelry 9 A toy 10 A letter Personality Traits Roll 1d10 or Choose 1 Shy & Secretive 2 Angst-ridden, Antisocial, and Violent 3 Arrogant, Proud, and Aloof 4 Moody, Rash & Headstrong 5 Friendly & Outgoing 6 Picky, Fussy & Nervous 7 Stable & Serious 8 Silly & Fluffheaded 9 Sneaky & Deceptive 10 Intellectual & Detached The Person You Value the Most is… Roll 1d10 or Choose 1 A parent 2 A sibling 3 A lover 4 A friend 5 Yourself 6 A pet 7 A teacher or mentor 8 A public figure 10 No one 9 A personal hero Elemental Control* Roll 1d6 or Choose 1 Light 2 Earth 3 Wind 4 Fire 5 Water 6 Darkness * When Applicable Skills In order to utilize your character’s natural abilities you need to learn skills. Each character starts off with their INT+EDU+10 in Skill Points. For skill levels 1-5 the cost is 1 point per level, for Skills that exceed +5 the cost is 2 points per level. For skills that are Hard to learn (designated with an “H” next to the title) they cannot exceed 5 for beginning characters. Skills level up via Improvement Points or IP. IP is earned via using skills often or creatively. In order to level a skill one must accumulate their current skill level multiplied by ten in IP. In order to pick up a new skill one must attempt the skill and accumulate ten IP to reach level one in that particular skill, or attend a class or training seminar. All skill checks that are made for skills you do not have are made at a minus three until the character has reached skill level one. Self-Taught skills are skills that the character has taught themself. A character who has gained a self-taught skill can only raise it to skill level two without professional help or actual combat experience (for combat skills). For Example: Leon has picked up a book on programming and has worked for weeks on a simple program to balance equations for his homework, over time his skill has raised up to level two, no matter what without someone to teach him he will never reach skill level three because he lacks the knowledge of higher programming. Likewise Ven who has had the stuffing beat out of him by the Galbadians has earned up to skill level two in Dodge & Escape, because he earned his skill ranks in combat (via the School of hard knocks, literally) he is able to advance to level three because he learned how to and how not to move. Skill Resolution In Mekton SeeD there are two ways of resolving skills the first is a roll of 1d10+Skill level + Applicable Stat versus a difficulty number given by the GM. The other is to roleplay the skill out and make rolls based on what the GM requests. Skill List Attractiveness Skills Wardrobe & Style: Knowing what to wear, when to wear them and how to look cool is what this skill is about. At +2 you’re good at off the rack shoping, at +6 your friends ask you for fashion tips and you wouldn’t be caught buying off the rack. At +9 you are a trendsetter with the capacity of having a major fashion line. Personal Grooming: Skill of knowing proper grooming and hair styling to maximize your physical attractiveness. The use of this skill enables players to increase or decrease their physical attractiveness. At a skill of +2 your good looking, +5 you look like a fashion model, at +8 and higher you’re capable of being a major model or film star. 39 Human Perception: The skills necessary to detect subtle changes in body language changes and tells that indicate when someone is lying or being evasive. At +2 you can tell your tell if you’re not getting the whole truth. At +6 you can detect subtle eye movements and mood swings, and at +8 you can detect emotional clues and can tell what a person is hiding in a general way. Cool Skills Interrogation [H]: The skill of drawing out information from uncooperative subjects. At +2 your able to determine if your significant other is lying to you. At a skill of +5 your capable of putting the heat on some of the toughest characters. At +9 you’re capable of making world leaders squirm. Interview: The skill of gathering information out of an interviewed subject, information gathered will be nonspecific and of a personal nature. At +3 the subject will only tell you information on the subject on which they are known, at +6 subjects will tell anecdotes about their lives and discus their own philosophies and intrests. At +9 you can get in-depth information about the subject including embarrassing or incriminating details. Intimidate [H]: The skill of getting what you want by fear or force. At +3 you are able to frighten the average citizen or low level thug. At +6 you can frighten most moderate tough guys, at +9 you can frighten even the largest and most powerful of people. Persuasion/Fast Talk [H]: The skill of getting what you want by talking a person or a group in to it. At +3 you can win most debates, at +5 you are a smooth talker of professional caliber and can get a job at most customer service places. With a skill +8 you’re as smooth as a professional politician and are capable of talking large groups to your viewpoint. Leadership: The skill of leading and convincing people to follow you. A skill of +2can manage a small office and be respected for it .at +4 you can lead a small band of troops into combat, and at +8 you can lead entire armies across battlefields. This skill can be used with either Empathy or Cool but the leadership styles are different. Resist Torture/Drugs [H]: This skill toughens a character against interrogation or the use of mind controlling drugs. A successful use of this skill raises the difficulty of any interrogation rolls by one. If a character is being drugged this skill adds to the characters Stun/Shock Save. Relationships: The skill of making and maintaining friendships (this skill is not used to form romantic relationships but can be used to maintain them in a healthy manor). This skill maybe used to determine if a character can form friendships with NPCs. Streetwise [H]: Knowledge of the seedy side of life, where to get contraband, how to talk to the criminal element, and how to avoid bad neighborhoods. At +2 you can get hot items, at +5 you can call a hit on someone and might know a few mobsters who owe you a favor. Characters with a +8 could be crime bosses themselves. Seduction: the skill of making and maintaining romantic relationships (also a measure of your ability as a lover). This skill may be used to determine if a character can form relationships with NPCs, and the intensity of those relationships. Social: the ability of knowing what is proper behavior in social situations. At +2 you can get into a fancy restaurant or social gathering, at +5 you can dine with royalty without fear of a faux pas. At +8 you are an authority on what is proper. Empathy Skills Acting: The skill of giving believable performances and trying to fool others. At +2 you are qualified to have a brief speaking role on a local television program, at +6 you can land a part on a primetime program, and at +8 you capable of landing the starring role in a major motion picture. Intelligence Skills Awareness/Notice: The skill of being a trained observer. With a +2 you will usually spot small, obvious items and clues, at +5 you are able to spot small, well hidden items or sophisticated atemps to shadow you. At +8 you are a TV detective capable of deductive reasoning. 40 Know Language: The ability to read and write in other languages other than your native one. At +2 you can get by with the language, at +3 you can actualy read and write it. With a skill of +6 you are fairly fluent, and at +8 you speak as well as a native speaker. Each different language requires a different Know Language. Intelligence Skills Cont. Compose/Write: the required skill for writing songs or short stories, at +4 you can produce sellable work that can gather a decent following. With a skill of +8 you are a bestselling author with a following and critical acclaim. Programming: This is the skill required to program, reprogram, as well as to protect and break into computer systems. Communication Operations: The character is trained in the use and basic maintenance of communications equipment, including personal communicators and larger units such as those mounted in vehicles, mecha, and even starships. This skill also covers the use of radio direction finders, frequency and signal scramblers, and similar electronic equipment as well as communication protocols. Sensor Operations: The character is trained in the operation of scanners and sensors, including reconnaissance systems and equipment. Shadowing/Avoid Pursuit: This is the skill of following people without attracting undue attention or avoiding being followed one’s self. The skill is primarily used in urban or inhabited areas rather than the wilderness and does not involve tracking. Computer Operations: This skill allows a character to operate a computer with more familiarity and skill than the average person. While it does not allow the character to program a computer, it does mean that the character is more familiar with common software and hardware, including most types of peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, specialized keyboards, etc. Survival: This is the skill of knowing how to survive in the wilds, including how to hunt and set snares, forage for food and materials, build shelters, and make fires. Disguise: This skill incorporates both makeup and acting to resemble someone else to hide your true identity Teaching: This is the skill of imparting knowledge to someone else. A character may not teach a skill unless they have a higher skill level than the student. Expert: This skill represents a expertise in a specific field of academic study. At +3 you are the local expert on the subject. At +6 you have written a few books on the subject and at +8 your books are considered major texts on the subject. Reflex Skills Non-Combat Skills Aerospace Pilot: This skill allows the character to pilot normal and trans-atmospheric spacecraft such as shuttles and star fighters. Expert ( __Magic) [H]: Skill of knowing the spells and abilities of magic. Each magical element requires their own skill (i.e. to know fire magic you need Expert ( Fire Magic) etc.) at +1 you’re capable of casting Rank 0 spells, at +3 you’re capable of using Rank 1 spells, at +5 you’re able to cast at Rank 2, at +7 your capable of casting Rank 3 spells, and at +10 your capable of casting Rank 4 spells. When you start the game your Skill level in Specific Knowledge (__ Magic) is equal to the number of spells you can cast. Athletics: This skill allows accurate throwing, basic climbing, and an improved sense of balance. It is something like a basic physical fitness regimen. Dance: This skill simply allows the character to dance with some level of proficiency. Driving: This skill allows the character to drive most fan, wheel. and track-propelled forms or transportation common to the campaign setting. It is also used to operate mecha-cars and mecha-bikes in their vehicle modes. Gamble [H]: The skill of placing bets and playing games of chance successfully. At +2 you are the local Saturday card shark, at +6 you can make a living at casinos, and at +9 you are one of the most notorious gamblers known. 41 Reflex Skills Cont. Hand To Hand Combat [H]: This skill allows the character to engage in hand to hand combat with some level of proficiency. This is a basic level of self-defense training and does not allow some advanced combat maneuvers such as chops, wheel and crescent kicks, or throws. Gun Combat -Gunblade [H]: This is the skill necessary to be able to fire a Gunblade’s projectile weapon, can be used to both fire at range or make a single melee attack can only be used with Blade Combat –Gunblade. Swimming: This skill simply allows the character to be able to swim and dive with some level of proficiency. The character may be familiar with the use of basic diving gear and a snorkel, but not SCUBA equipment. Stealth [H]: This skill helps the character to move with stealth; quietly, slowly, and carefully. Techniques include balance and footing, short steps and pacing, rifle positioning, prone positions for low visibility, and crawling. Martial Arts (__) [H]: There are many forms of martial arts. Each specializes in certain combat moves. When character uses a combat move in a martial art that he or she is specialized in, he or she not only gains a bonus on his or her attack roll, he or she gains a bonus to the damage done by the attack equal to his or her skill level divided by three, rounded off to the nearest whole point. Riding (Animal): This skill allows the character to be trained and skilled at riding some form of domestic beast of burden trained as a mount. The specific type of animal must be chosen when the skill is taken. . Zero-Gee Maneuvering: This skill allows the character to move and maneuver in a zero-gee environment, although penalties for combat still apply. Boxing: The character is trained and skilled in the art of boxing and therefore especially proficient in the combat maneuvers punch, jab, and feint. He or she may also attempt to use the punch maneuver as a knockout attack. Reflex Skills Cont. Personal Combat Skills Close Quarters Combat (CQC): A purely military martial art designed for maximum deadly force in close quarters, CQC was created in the 20th century and is rarely taught outside of the military community. An individual trained and skilled in this art is especially proficient in chops, jabs, elbow strikes, normal and thrust kicks, throws, sweeps, pins, and feints. Practitioners of CQC are also trained to handle a knife in conjunction with their unarmed attacks. Archery: This skill is necessary to use bows and crossbows proficiently. Blade Combat: The character is trained and practiced in the use of one particular type of bladed or archaic melee weapon that must be chosen when the skill is taken. Appropriate choices include any type of sword used outside of fencing, all types of traditional martial arts weapons, and medieval weapons such as battle axes, maces, and halberds. Judo: The character is trained and skilled in the art of self-defense known as judo and is therefore proficient in the combat maneuvers punch, jab, kick, thrust, throw, sweep, and pin. Blade Combat –Gunblade [H]: This is the skill necessary to use the weapons known as Gunblades a person who attempts to use an unfamiliar or an untrained person trying to wield a Gunblade is at a -4 penalty. Karate: The character is trained and skilled in one of the many oriental martial arts known as karate. Most of these styles evolved in Japan or on the surrounding islands and many date back to antiquity. As a practitioner of karate, the character is particularly proficient in all punch and kick attacks as well as the feint and sweep combat maneuvers. The character may use a karate chop as a knockout attack. Dodge & Escape: This skill is used to dodge attacks and to escape grapples and holds. If an attack is made without your knowledge then you do not get the skill bonus to your roll. Handgun: This skill allows the use of conventional handguns, including both revolvers and semiautomatic pistols, and less common pistols such as pump, lever, and bolt-action models. 42 Mecha Projectile Weapons [H]: This skill allows the use of machineguns, auto cannons, rail guns, and other projectile weapons used by mecha, power, armor, roadstrikers, and vehicles. Reflex Skills Cont. Personal Combat Skills Tae Kwan Do: The character is trained and skilled in the Korean art of kick-boxing known as tae kwan do and is therefore especially proficient of all kicking combat maneuvers and in the drop combat maneuver. He or she may also attempt to use a crescent kick as a knockout attack. Technical Ability Skills Aerospace Design: This skill is required to design aerospace craft, satellites, and spacecraft of under 100-tons displacement. It is a fusion of electrical, hydraulic, computer, and mechanical engineering as applied specifically to such devices. Wrestling: The character is trained and skilled in the art of Greco-Roman wrestling and is therefore especially proficient in the combat maneuvers bear hug, body slam, tackle, drop, and pin. Aerospace Technician: This skill is required to build, repair, and maintain aerospace craft, high-tech aircraft, satellites, spacecraft under 100-tons and similar mechanisms. It is a fusion of electrical, hydraulic, computer, and mechanical engineering as applied specifically to such devices. Rifle: This skill covers the use of most long-arm type projectile weapons such as rifles, carbines, and shotguns. It also covers the use of tranquilizer rifles, assault rifles and rail guns. Zero-Gee Combat: This skill not only allows the character to move and maneuver in a low or zero-gee environment, it also allows him or her to fight normally in such an environment with little or no penalty Accounting: The character is trained in the activity, practice, or profession of maintaining the business records of a person or organization and preparing forms and reports for tax or other financial purposes Basic Repair: This skill is required for building and repairing simple mechanical and electrical devices. Reflex Skills Cont. Mecha Combat Computer Repair: This skill is required for building and repairing computers and similar electronic devices. It does not include any programming skill. Mecha Beam Weapons [H]: This skill allows the use of all ranged energy weapons used by mecha, power armor, roadstrikers, and vehicles. Cooking: The character is trained and skilled in selecting, planning, and preparing meals. Mecha Fighting [H]: This skill is used specificly for fighting in hand-to-hand with mecha, not to be confused with Mecha Melee Weapons this skill allows for the use of Grapples, Dismembering, Punches, and Kicks First Aid: The character is trained in the basics of emergency medical treatment as it pertains to immediate care to ensure the survival of the patient until more comprehensive medical attention is available. This includes CPR, splinting broken limbs, wrapping sprains, how to induce vomiting, how to treat for shock, and the application of pressure dressings and tourniquets. Mecha Melee Weapons [H]: This is the skill used when making an attack with a melee weapon on a mech. This skill applies to both physical melee and energy melee weapons. Jury Rig: This skill allows quick repairs using improvised tools and parts. Such repairs are never as effective as repairs made with the proper skills, tools, and parts, however Mecha Pilot [H]: This skill allows a character to pilot mecha, power armor and roadstrikers in their mecha configuration. Mecha Missile Weapons [H]: This skill allows the use of missiles, rockets and torpedoes used by mecha, power armor, roadstrikers, and vehicles. 43 Technical Ability Skills Cont. Pick Lock [H]: This skill allows the character to pick locks and break into sealed containers and doors. Electronics [H]: The character is trained and skilled in the maintenance, repair, and building of electronic devices, including computers. At high skill levels, the character can even design new devices or make improvements on existing designs. This skill is only one-half as effective when applied to cybernetics and robotics, as those devices contain considerable mechanical components and are highly specialized. Pickpocket [H]: This skill is required to pick pockets without being noticed. Play Musical Instrument: This skill allows the character to play a musical instrument with some degree of proficiency. The skill must be taken separately for each type of instrument to be played. Mecha Design [H]: This skill is required to design mecha, power armor, and road strikers. It is a fusion of electrical, hydraulic, computer, and mechanical engineering as applied specifically to mecha. Singing: This skill indicates that the character has some degree of vocal training or natural talent at singing. Starship Design [H]: This skill is required to design corvettes, space stations, starbases, and starships. It is a fusion of electrical, hydraulic, computer, and mechanical engineering as applied specifically to such devices. Mecha Technician [H]: This skill is required to build, repair, and maintain mecha, power armor, road strikers, and similar mechanisms. Mechanical [H]: The character is trained and skilled in the maintenance, repair, and building of mechanical devices. At high skill levels, the character can even design new devices or make improvements on existing designs. This skill is only one-half as effective when applied to cybernetics and robotics, as those devices contain considerable electronic components and are highly specialized. Starship Engineering [H]: This skill is required to build, repair, and maintain corvettes, space stations, starbases, and starships. It is a fusion of electrical, hydraulic, computer, and mechanical engineering as applied specifically to such devices. Magic Skills Medical [H]: This is the skill and science of healing as it applies to the human body. It is needed to diagnose ailments and injuries as well as to apply the proper curative treatment. Special Art (__) [H]: This is the skill necessary to use Special Arts. Special Arts are magical Skills that temporarily imbue a select type of weapon with magical properties. Each special art must be bought separately. All Special Arts require a Magic stat of at least 8 in order to be used in standard combat. Special Art list is on Page 72 Paint/Draw: This skill allows the character to produce professional paintings or drawings. Photography & Film: This skill allows the character to produce professional photographs and films. 44 Hikaru reached into his locker and pulled out his backpack, “Hey getting geared up!” came a voice from behind him. Hikaru wheeled to see Ven, Rize, and Delor already packed and ready. “We were wondering what kept ya so we went ahead and picked up a few new items, OH! and Delor decided to try to buy out the store of Potions” Ven said cheerfully. Hikaru grinned “and how did that work out?” Ven shook his head “awful he already had too much stuff in his back pack already he had to settle for 10 potions and a pack of Cards.” Hikaru sighed “Well that’s something.” Chapter 2: Equipment So you’ve got your character all finished up skills ready to be used, what now? Well now it’s time to purchase supplies and armor, your character won’t survive long in the world without some means of protection. In game terms weapons, armor, items, and other gear, are equipment. Weapons Armor Due to the Monsters roaming the worlds after the Dimensional Tear, Melee weapons have returned as the most common form of weapon, swords, daggers, spears, bows, and pistols have become common place among travelers due to Monsters unique ability to neutralize energy weapons. Also used in this world are Gunblades. Gunblades are a fusion of gun and sword meant for close in fighting. Gunblades have a unique fighting style and are capable of dealing their gun damage as in addition to their blade damage if a successful GUN COMBAT (GUNBLADE) vs difficulty 15 is made. This skill check can only be made if the initial melee attack is successful and must be made before intial damage is dealt. In other words you can’t go “oops a rolled a 1 for my sword damage I’ll make a GUN COMBAT (GUNBLADE) check so I can deal more damage” it’s all or nothing. Due to the setting and theme of this book all weapons deal less damage then their standard Mekton Zeta counterparts. Armor in Mekton SeeD is a combination of Ballistic Mesh armor and Multi-Polymer Combat armor. While this is good from keeping standard weapons and animals at bay it does nothing to protect you from magical attacks. To protect yourself from magical attacks you need Magical Armor. Magical Armor comes in the form of Accessories. Accessories are things like necklaces, rings, anklets, bangles, etc. Accessories can also provide standard armor protection but only in a limited fashion, armor from Accessories does not ablate or fade. A Character can only wear at most two Accessories; any other accessories worn have no effect. Due to the setting of this book all armor values are lower than their standard Mekton Zeta counterparts. Items The term Items covers the range of Potions and Ethers, or any other single use item. Items can only be purchased in Item Shops, and unlike in Final Fantasy there isn’t one in every town so stock up when you can. 45 Items also cover Cards; Cards are disposable spells that can be used by anyone with a magic stat of 6 or above. Card Magic is quick and dirty, spells cast from cards leave no lasting impression on the caster, and as such Card user gains no skill levels in the spells they use and gain no skill in using Cards themselves. Cards can be bought both individually and in packs. In fact some shops sell packs of assorted Cards. Adventuring Gear Adventuring Gear is everything from rope to air mattresses. You may not think it important but when you’re out in the world you may want to pick up some, just so you’re not out in the open camping in the rain, just saying. Adventuring Shop ADVENTURER’S GEAR Air Tanks 0.5kg Aqualantern 0.2kg Ascension Gun Atmosphere Tester Axe, Ice Backpack Beacon, Emergency Bioscanner Boots, Climbing Boots, Hiking Boots, Ski Bullhorn Canteen 1-liter 2-liter 1-liter Filtration 2-liter Filtration Carryall, Leather Carryall, Nylon Clothing, Cold Weather Clothing, Desert Cold Light Lantern Cold Light Torch Cold Light Refill Compass, Electronic Compass, Log Compass, Magnetic Computerized Language Translator Blank Memclip Pre-Programmed Memclips $200 Coveralls Crampons Densitometer, Handheld Dye, Water Environmental Bubble 2-Man 4-Man 6-Man 8-Man Filter Mask Filter Mask/Respirator Combination Flare Gun Signal Flares (4) Smoke Flares (4) Illumination Flares (2) Flares Extra Bright (6) Long-Burning (12) Smoke (6) Flashlight Gas Mask Goggles, Tinted Grapnel Grapnel Gun Hammer, Rock Hardhat Hardhat w/Light Heatsuit Heatsuit Battery Helmet, Transparent 0.8kg Hoist, Climbing Hoist, Jumar Hostile Environmental Suit Lightweight, SP: 3 0.5kg Medium Weight SP: 4 1.0kg Heavy, SP: 5 1.5kg Very Heavy, SP: 6 2.0kg Inertial Locator Inertial Navigator Leather Jacket Machete Map Box Mask, Protective 0.5kg Mess Kit, Individual Mess Kit, Small Camp (4-6) Mess Kit, Large Camp (7-12) Metal Detector $200 $25 $250 $150 $25 $30 $750 $200 $50 $50 $150 $60 $5 $8 $15 $25 $25 $10 $400 $95 $20 $10 $3 $15 $20 $10 $2,000 $10 $100$10 $20 $25,000 $50 $400 $800 46 $1,200 $1,600 $10 $75 $75 $10 $25 $25 $20 $10 $12 $10 $30 $5 $15 $100 $10 $8 $20 $300 $40 $30 $175 $50 $2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $600 $375 $200 $25 $2,500 $25 $5 $25 $45 $150 Mirror, Signal Mountaineering Kit (2kg) Ore Sampler (5kg) Parachute Parawing Pitons Standard Adhesive Thermal Plasteel Cable, 50m, 250kg test Plasteel Cable, 50m, 500kg test Radiation Counter Rations (1 person, 1 week) C-Rats (15kg) MRE (7kg) Nutrient Tabs Vacc-Pack (1kg) Respirator & Air Tank Rope, 10m Rucksack & Frame Saw, Folding Scanalyzer (3kg) Shoes, Rock Shovel, Folding Sleeping Bags Light, Single Light, Double Heavy, Single Heavy, Double Spotlight, handheld Suit Air Conditioner Suit, Desert Survival Suit, Protective Suit, Protective, Heavy Suit Heater Sunglasses Survival Kit, Desert Tent, Inflatable 1-Man 2-Man 4-Man 6-Man 8-Man Utility Belt Water Jug, Collapsible 5-liters Water Purification Tablets (50) Water Purification/Distillation Unit $5 $100 $5,000 $250 $400 Audio/Video/Data-Net Communicator, Laser 500km Communicator, Personal Audio Only Audio/Video Audio/Video/Data-Net Access Emergency Alert 50km Multi-Channel Radio Short Range 5km Medium Range 50km Regional Range 500km Continental Range 5,000km Personal Amplifier Sensceiver Implant Orbital Transceiver, Audio/Video Handheld 500km Headset 500km Wall/Desk Mount 500km Transceiver, Dental 500km Transceiver, Micro3km Transceiver, Mini5km Transceiver, Nano1km Wrist-Comm Audio Only Audio/Video Audio/Video/Data-Net $5 $6 $10 $100 $250 $125 $10 $15 $40 $20 $50 $10 $50 $8 $5,000 $10 $10 $25 $45 $50 $90 $50 $200 $4,500 $1,000 $1,400 $250 $15 $450 $20 $50 $75 $125 $75 $250 $500 $5,000 $25 $500 $650 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $20 $10 $50 $30 $70 $105 DATA SYSTEMS Hand Computer Wrist Computer Pocket Computer Laptop Computer Desktop Workstation Mainframe $1,000,000+ Data Discs (box of 10) Data Display/Recorder Headpiece Flash Drive Hypernet Connection Card Monitor, 2D Flatscreen $1,500 Monitor, 3D Holographic $2,500 Net-Scanner Printer $1,500 Replicator $5,000 Scanner, 2D $1,500 Scanner, 3D $5,000 Sculptor, 3D $7,500 VR Glasses $50 $75 $125 $175 $225 $20 $10 $6 $75 COMMUNICATIONS Auditory Filter Commdots, 1 Set Commdot Multiplexer Communicator, Headset-Type Audio Only Audio/Video $150 $2,500 $50 $100 $800 $35 $100 47 $1,000 $500 $300 $600 $1,000 $10 $5,000 $50 $75 $75$750$500 $75$1,000$75$1,000$1,000$100 VR Gloves VR Headset VR Tank $50 $500 $50,000 Antifungal Spray 20 Antiseptic Spray 10 Aphrodisiacs 10 Brain Booster 1 Burn Cream 10 Coagulant Powder 1 Contact Anesthetic Spray 10 Hyronaline 5 Multi-Vitamin Supplement 30 Nutrient Tabs 7 Pain Killer Mild 25 Moderate 10 Strong 10 Very Strong 5 Pan Spectrum Antibiotic 10 Pan Spectrum Antiviral 10 Salt Pills 100 Sleepdrug 10 Speed Booster 1 Spray Foam Dressing 10 Stadose 10 Sterilite Spray 10 Stim-Caps 10 Stim-Tabs 10 Stun-Stim 10 Synthe-Flesh Spray 10 Tri-Ox Compound 10 Truth Drug 5 DIVING GEAR Dye, Water Echo Sounder Face Mask Gauge, Depth Gauge, Tank Pressure Gill, Artificial Gill, Cybernetic Gill, Powered Oxygen Rebreather SCUBA Tanks Snorkel Suit, Dry Suit, Heated Dry Suit, Wet Standard Advanced Cold Water Light Swim Fins Weight Belt 0.1kg 0.2kg 0.5kg ----4.0kg --0.5kg 4.0kg 2.5kg 0.1kg 3.0kg 3.0kg 2.0kg 1.5kg 2.5kg 0.5kg 0.5kg Varies $25 $75 $75 $125 $25 $2,000 $17,500 $3,750 $2,000 $800 $5 $300 $650 $60 $75 $100 $40 $15 $25 MEDICAL GEAR First Aid Kit Medic’s Kit Field Surgery Kit Laser Scalpel Sonic Scalpel Pneumatic Hypodermic Injector Medipack Medscanner Medical Scanner Computer $12,500 Preserving Sleeve Cryogenics Tank $100,000 Regenerator Tank $8,750,900 Clinic Visit Day in Hospital Day in Intensive Care Day in Regenerator Tank Cybernetic Organ Replacement Cybernetic Limb Replacement $10 $100 $500 $20 $18 $10 $400 $200 1 100 10 $10 $10 $25 $25 $25 $250 $2 $5 $50 $10 $50 $10 $25 $10 $10 $15 $20 $100 PERSONAL ELECTRONICS Digital A/V Player Portable Home Console Digital Audio Recorder Pocket Portable Home Console Console, Multi-Channel Console, Semi-Professional Digital Camcorder Good Quality High Quality Excellent Quality Professional Quality Digital Camera Disposable Good Quality High Quality Professional Quality Digital Flat-Screen 2D A/V Display Small Medium Large Huge $25 $75 $300 $1,000 $5,000 $500,000 $1,000,000+ DRUGS Anagathics (?) Analgesic Tablets Antibiotic Ointment $10 $5 $100 $50 $5 $1 $10 $100 $20 $40 $10,000 $5 $5 48 $30 $50 $15 $30 $50 $250 $1,000 $75 $150 $300 $750 $20 $50 $100 $500 $50 $100 $250 $2,000 Gigantic $12,500 Digitally Recorded Holographic A/V Player Portable $300 Home Console $500 Digital Stereo Sound System MP9 Player or My-Pod $75 Pocket $25 Portable $50 Block Buster $100 Home Console $500 Home Sound System $5,000 Digital Text Converter/Recorder Pocket $90 Portable $180 Home Console $300 Holographic Camcorder Good Quality $2,500 High Quality $3,750 Excellent Quality $7,500 Professional Quality $15,000 Holographic Camera Good Quality $125 High Quality $250 Excellent Quality $375 Professional Quality $750 Holographic Chessboard $50 Other game boards $50-$250 Holographic Entertainment Display Tank Small $500 Medium $1,000 Large $2,500 Huge $20,000 Holographic Entertainment Player/Projector Small $750 Medium $1,500 Large $3,750 Musical Instruments Electric Guitar $300 Keyboard (Musical) $600 Drum Set $1,000 Amplifier $750 Data Discs (Box of 10) $10 Voice Lock Decrypter DNA Scanner Infrared Scanner Metal Detector (Scanning Wand) Palm-Print Scanner Retinal Pattern Scanner Stress Detector Gripper Gloves Handcuffs Breaking & Entering Tool Kit Disguise Kit (5kg) Forgery Kit (3kg) Lockpick Set Vibro Lockpick Kit Sneak Suits Electronic Camouflage Suit Electronic Countermeasures Suit Infrared Suppression Suit Camo Sneak & ECM Sneak Camo Sneak & IR Sneak ECM Sneak &IR Sneak Camo, ECM, & IR Sneak Disguised, mini spy gear SECURITY Binoculars, Optic Binoculars, Electronic Binoculars, Image Converter Binoculars, PRIS Binoculars, Rangefinder Communicator/Recorder Contact Microphone Goggles, Infrared Goggles, Light Intensifier Goggles, IR/LI Combination Goggles, Thermal Imaging Keyhole or Tube Microphone Keyhole or Tube Camera Key Lock, per level Card Lock, per level Code Lock, per level Voice Lock, per Level Poor, Difficulty = 10 Fair, Difficulty = 15 Good, Difficulty = 20 Excellent, Difficulty = 25 Superb, Difficulty = 30 Card Lock Decrypter Code Lock Decrypter $1,000 $10,000 $100 $300 $500 $2,500 $1,500 $1,000 $50 $120 $1,000 $1,000 $10 $2,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $21,000 $21,000 $21,000 $30,000 x2 cost SPACE GEAR Airlock, Portable EVA Thruster Rod EVA Thruster Pack EVA Thruster Pack, LR Ball, Rescue Helmet, Basic (SP: 6) Helmet, Combat (SP: 8) Helmet, Deluxe (SP:10) Magnetic Grips Skin Suit (SP: 4, 2hr) Suit Patches (10) Vacc Suit (SP: 4, 2hr) Vacc Suit (SP: 6, 4hr) Vacc Suit (SP: 10, 6hr) 6.0kg 1.0kg 24.0kg 38.0kg 5.0kg 2.0kg 2.0kg 1.0kg 2.0kg 1.0kg 0.1kg 2.0kg 4.0kg 8.0kg $1,000 $100 $1,000 $4,000 $150 $35 $50 $150 $20 $1,000 $5 $175 $250 $400 SURVEILLANCE $20 $50 $100 $200 cost x1 cost x2 cost x3 cost x4 cost x5 $250 $500 49 $75 $375 $6,000 $3,500 $125 $400 $170 $250 $250 $650 $1,000 $50 $150 Movement Sensor Multi-Optics Helmet (M.O.H.) Pocket LI Scope Pocket “Scrambler” Shotgun Microphone Voice Scrambler TTL Devices Commline Tap Tracking Device Listening Device TTL Jamming Transmitter TTL Scanner/Locater TTL “Bug-Buster” $40 $2,900 $800 $300 $300 $200 Shop-Bot Shop Gloves Shop Vacuum Cleaner Techscanner Tool-Belt Toolkit, Electronics Toolkit, Mechanic Toolkit, Tech Tool Set, Carpenter’s (25kg) Tool Set, Electronics (10kg) Tool Set, Metal Work (50kg) Tool Set, Mechanic’s (20kg) Tool Set, Tech’s (35kg) $20-$50 $15-$35 $10-$20 $500 $750 $1,250 TOOLS Cable, 50m, 250kg test Chain Saw Cutting Torch, Oxy-Acetylene Diagnostic Computer (Mecha) Filter Masks, Disposable (10) Filter Mask, Reusable Gas Mask Gyroscope Repair Kit Hoist, Powered 1,000kg capacity 1,500kg capacity 2,000kg capacity Micro Tools Mobile Scaffold Myomer Cutting Kit Myomer Joining Kit Optics Band Portashop Trailer Protective Goggles Reactor Repair Kit Repair Platform Sensor Test & Repair Kit Shop Apron $2,000 $5 $25 $200 $10 $100 $100 $100 $300 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $2,500 Special Items $100 $500 $15 $600 $5 $10 $30 $50,000 Item: Backpack, Extradimensional Cost: 10,000 gil Description: A backpack that holds a matter conversion system to hold vast amounts. The storage system has 40 storage slots each capable of holding 99 of any particular item. The system weighs about 10kg and has a battery life of about six months. $175 $275 $10 $7,500 $1,000 $1,000 $800 $1,000 $2 $100K $150K $50,000 $5 Item: Pack Set, Extradimensional Cost: 15,000 gil Description: A pack system that incorporates multiple smaller matter conversion systems to store and organize vast amounts of items and materials. The packs are mounted on a central belt with two leg pouches and one detachable fanny pack, the unique situation reduces the fatique on the wearer and has earned it the nickname “Saddle Bag System”. The storage system has 20 storage slots per pouch, each capable of holding 99 of any particular item. The system weighs about 15kg and has a battery life of about six months. $100 50 Weapon Shop Common Melee Weapons WEAPON Brass Knuckles Switchblade Dagger Punch Knife (2”-3” Blade) Punch Knife (4”-6” Blade) Bowie Knife Combat Knife Rapier Cutlass Short Sword Sword Claymore Two-Handed Sword Hand Axe Battle Axe Bayonet Spear Halberd Pike Cudgel Staff Police Baton WA +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +1 +1 +0 -1 +0 -1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +1 +0 +1 RN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 1 DAMAGE Strike+1D2 1D2 1D3 1D2 1D3 1D3+1 1D3+1 1D6 1D6+1 1D6 1D6+1 1D6+2 1D6+2 1D6 1D6+1 1D3 1D6+1 1D6+2 1D6+2 1D6+1 1D6 1D6 SH INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF WT 0.1kg 0.1kg 0.2kg 0.1kg 0.1kg 0.3kg 0.3kg 0.5kg 1.2kg 0.6kg 1.0kg 2.0kg 2.5kg 0.5kg 1.3kg 0.2kg 2.0kg 2.5kg 3.0kg 1.0kg 1.0kg 0.4kg COST 10gil 10gil 20gil 10gil 16gil 40gil 30gil 40gil 50gil 50gil 40gil 90gil 100gil 30gil 80gil 20gil 40gil 90gil 60gil 30gil 30gil 30gil WA +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +0 RN 1 1 1 1 1 TH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 DAMAGE 1D3 1D4+1 1D6 1D6 1D6 1D3/Group 1D3+1 1D6 1D6+1 1D6+1 1D3 1D2* 1D4 1D3* SH INF INF INF INF INF 1 INF INF INF INF INF INF INF INF WT 0.1kg 0.2kg 0.5kg 0.4kg 0.4kg 0.1kg 0.3kg 0.6kg 0.9kg 1.0kg 1.4kg 1.4kg 1.6kg 1.6kg COST 10gil 16gil 30gil 40gil 30gil 20gil 40gil 100gil 120gil 160gil 50gil 50gil 60gil 60gil WA +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 RN 1 1 1 1 1 DAMAGE 1D4+1 1D6 Strike +1 1D6 1D6+1 SH INF INF INF INF INF WT 0.5kg 0.6kg 0.8kg 0.8kg 0.5kg COST 30gil 60gil 40gil 100gil 100gil Martial Arts Weapons WEAPON Butterfly Knife (4” Blade) Butterfly Knife (6” Blade) Nunchaku Sai Tonfa Shirikin Tanto Wakizashi Ninjato Katana Kyoketsu-Shogi (Blade) Kyoketsu-Shogi (Chain) Kusarigama (Pick) Kusarigama (Chain) Exotic Weapons WEAPON Katar Kukri Sap Gloves* Sword Cane (as Cane) Sword Cane (as Sword) 51 Two Handed Gunblades WEAPON WA RN Revolver (Sword) +1 1 Revolver (Gun) +0 4 Sheer Trigger (Sword) +1 1 Sheer Trigger (Gun) +0 6 Cutting Trigger (Sword) +1 1 Cutting Trigger (Gun) +0 6 Twin Lance (Sword) -1 1 Twin Lance (Gun) +0 4 Lion Heart (Sword) +1 1 Lion Heart (Gun) +0 4 Vanishing Star (Sword) +1 1 Vanishing Star (Gun) +0 4 * Not Available In Standard Weapon Shops DAMAGE 1D6+1 1D4 1D6 1D6 1D6+1 1D6 1D6+2 1D6 1D8+1 AP 1D6+1 1D6+1 1D6 SH INF 6 INF 6 INF 10 INF 6 INF 12 INF 6 WT 2.3kg COST 350gil* 2.0 kg 400gil* 2.6 kg 650gil* 3.6 kg 800gil* 1.8 kg 10,000gil* 2.7kg 450gil* DAMAGE 1D6+1 1D4 1D6+1 1D6 1D8+1 AP 1D6+1 1D6+1 1D6 SH INF 6 INF 10 INF 12 INF 6 WT 1.6 kg COST 400gil* 2.0 kg 650gil* 1.4 kg 10,000gil* 2.7kg 450gil* SH 12 11 12 12 10 WT 0.8kg 0.8kg 0.6kg 0.8kg 0.5kg COST 200gil 250gil 40gil 60gil 1500gil* One Handed Gunblades WEAPON WA RN Revolver (Sword) +0 1 Revolver (Gun) +0 4 Cutting Trigger (Sword) +1 1 Cutting Trigger (Gun) +0 6 Lion Heart (Sword) +1 1 Lion Heart (Gun) +0 4 Vanishing Star (Sword) +1 1 Vanishing Star (Gun) +0 4 * Not Available In Standard Weapon Shops Ranged Weapons WEAPON WA RN DAMAGE BV 9mm Automatic +1 24 1D6+1 NA .45 Automatic +1 24 1D6+2 NA Bow, Common +0 40 1D6 NA Bow, Compound +0 100 1D6+2 NA Bow, Elven +1 100 2D6 NA * Not Available In Standard Weapon Shops **All Ranged Weapons require ammunition, Ammo Costs 10gil per reload 52 Gunblade Descriptions Revolver Cost: 350gil The first Gunblade developed at Garden and is the bases for most other models of Gunblade. Fires 5.56mm ammo designed for extreme short range, and has a high-grade steel blade Available in both One Handed and Two Handed variations. Capable of adding gun damage with a difficulty 15 roll on GUN COMBAT-GUNBLADE Shear Trigger Cost: 400gil Gunblade based on the Revolver. Designed to handle heavier rounds in the cylinder, however this modification requires a lighter blade that deals less damage. Capable of adding gun damage with a difficulty 15 roll on GUN COMBAT-GUNBLADE Cutting Trigger Cost: 500gil Gunblade designed to handle case-less ammunition, capable of holding 10 rounds in a clip instead of the usual 6. The blade has been replaced and the unit has had a cosmetic makeover, but the base frame is still that of the Revolver. Capable of adding gun damage with a difficulty 15 roll on GUN COMBAT-GUNBLADE Twin Lance Cost: 650gil Gunblade designed to handle case-less ammunition, capable of holding 6 rounds in a clip. The blade has been replaced and reinforced to handle blocks and parries better, however this makes the unit heavy. Capable of adding gun damage with a difficulty 15 roll on GUN COMBAT-GUNBLADE Lion Heart Cost: 1200gil 1.5 kg Orichalcum + 2 kg Mithril Gunblade with a blade made of an alloy of Orichalcum and Mithril that has been so magically charged with astral energy it glows blue. Clip fed with 12 rounds, the blade is said to cut though any armor with ease. Available in both One Handed and Two handed models. Capable of adding gun damage with a difficulty 15 roll on GUN COMBATGUNBLADE Vanishing Star Cost: 450gil Gunblade developed at Garden and is the based on the Revolver. Fires 7.65mm ammo designed for extreme short range, and has a jet black blade uniquely able to be used both One Handed and Two Handed. Capable of adding gun damage with a difficulty 15 roll on GUN COMBAT-GUNBLADE Armor Shop TYPE Ballistic Mesh Cloth Khaki/Wool Padded Cloth Heavy Quilted Ballistic Mesh + Cloth Khaki/Wool Padded Cloth Heavy Quilted Ballistic Mesh Type II Cloth Khaki/Wool Padded Cloth Heavy Quilted Ballistic Mesh Type II + Cloth Khaki/Wool Padded Cloth Heavy Quilted Plastic Plate Light Medium Heavy Plastic Plate + Light Medium Heavy Plastic Plate Type II Light Medium Heavy Plastic Plate Type II + Light Medium Heavy Shields Shield, Light Shield, Medium Shield, Heavy Accessories Protect Chain Protectara Chain Protectaga Chain Defense Earring Dancer’s Bangle Dark Anklet Thunder Anklet Elven Anklet Lucky Charm Sniper’s Bangle Ultima Ring SP MSP DC WT 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0.1kg 0.2kg 0.3kg 0.4kg 5gil 10gil 15gil 20gil 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0.3kg 0.5kg 0.6kg 1.0kg 10gil 20gil 30gil 40gil 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 0.1kg 0.2kg 0.3kg 0.4kg 10gil 20gil 30gil 40gil 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 0.1kg 0.2kg 0.3kg 0.4kg 20gil 50gil 70gil 90gil 5 6 7 0 0 0 1 1 1 0.5kg 0.8kg 1.0kg 30gil 40gil 50gil 5 6 7 0 0 0 4 4 4 0.5kg 0.8kg 1.0kg 60gil 80gil 100gil 7 8 9 0 0 0 1 1 1 0.5kg 0.8kg 1.0kg 60gil 80gil 100gil 7 8 9 0 0 0 4 4 4 0.5kg 0.8kg 1.0kg 110gil 130gil 150gil 5 10 15 0 0 0 1 1 1 0.5kg 1.0kg 1.5kg 48gil 96gil 145gil 2 4 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 9 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.0kg 0.0kg 0.0kg 0.0kg 0.0kg 0.0kg 0.0kg 0.0kg 0.0kg 0.0kg 0.0kg 54 NOTES: COST 100gil 1000gil 2500gil 250gil +1 Dodge/Escape 5000gil +25% Dark Resist 1500gil +25% Wind Resist 2000gil +15kg to Lift/Carry 5000gil 10% chance of +1 Luck 7500gil +1 Weapon Accuracy 5000gil +25% Elemental Resist 10,000gil Item Shop Restorative Items: ITEM Potion Hi-Potion Hi-Potion+ X-Potion Ether Hi-Ether Hi-Ether+ X-Ether Elixir Elixir+ Megalixir Megalixir+ Echo Screen Holy Water Antidote Eye Drops Soft Remedy * Not Guaranteed In Stock RESTORE VAL 1d4 Hits 1d6 Hits 1d8 Hits All Hits 25 MP 50 MP 75 MP 100 MP 1d4 Hits/20 MP 1d6 Hits/40 MP 1d8 Hits/60 MP All Hits/80 MP Cures Silence Cures Zombie Cures Poison Cures Blind Cures Stone Heals all Status Ailments COST 50gil 100gil 300gil* 400gil* 100gil 250gil 500gil* 1000gil* 400gil* 800gil* 1000gil* 1200gil* 50gil 50gil 50gil 50gil 50gil 600gil* Cards CARD SA RN Fire +1 10 Fira +1 10 Firaga +1 10 Blizzard +1 10 Blizzara +1 10 Blizzaga +1 10 Thunder +1 10 Thundara +1 10 Thundaga +1 10 Cure +1 10 Cura +1 10 Curaga +1 10 Shell +1 10 Fireball +1 15 Water +1 0 Aero +1 15 * Healing Spell ** Defensive Spell Cards Not Guaranteed In Stock BR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 DAMAGE 1d4 1d4+2 1d6+2 1d4 1d4+2 1d6+2 1d4 1d4+2 1d6+2 1d4* 1d4+2* 1d6+2* 1d4** 1d6+2 1d6 1d6 55 MP 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 6 6 6 6 COST 50gil 100gil 150gil 50gil 100gil 150gil 50gil 100gil 150gil 50gil 100gil 150gil 100gil 100gil 100gil 100gil The Evorlet loomed over them, its massive wings blocking the sun as they struggled to their feet. “Ven, can you keep that thing distracted?” Hikaru yelled. “I’ll try, what have ya got in mind?” Ven asked as he struggled to his feet. “I’m gonna try a new spell I learned” Hikaru answered, “Then stop talking and start casting” Ven yelled as he charged forward. Hikaru began to concentrate focusing on the magical power within his blood, his heart, and soul. “Oh light, gather within me and smash the abysmal darkness apart! ELMEKIA FLAME!” Chapter 3: Magic Mekton SeeD is a world where magic is fully functional and quite active. Magic follows its own rules; from Magicite crystals to a light spell, magic cannot be ignored. One of the first things to state is that MAGIC IS NOT PSIONICS, magic is manipulating energy from the very foundations of the world, the elemental and astral planes. Duoarma exists in the Prime Material plane, that plane is made up of other planes the Elemental Planes. The Elemental Planes are Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water, these planes should not be confused with dimensions, a world can have infinite dimensions, but rather as that which exists beneath them, a foundation on which they are built. The Prime Material Plane is also built with Astral Planes, Astral Planes are planes of spiritual energy Duoarma has two primaries a positive “Light” Astral Plane and a negative “Darkness” Astral Plane, these are not to be confused with Heaven and Hell the afterlives exist on an entirely different set of planes. In game terms magic roughly the same system then psionics, magic may run on MP (magic points), and deal damage using dice rather than having characters sitting there concentrating on using telekinesis or pyrokinesis. It is a skill centered system like that focuses on the Elements as individual types of magic with individual spells being different applications of the central skill. Using magic spells generates IP for the central branch that the spell belongs to, not towards the individual spell. Another difference is that using magic consumes calories, think of every MP as 50 calories (deliberate use of the lower case). Your max MP is the total amount that your body has been trained to quickly burn, so the more you cast the more you need to eat. This is not an excuse to pig out, weight gain does not increase you MP, in fact it may just lower it because your body is trying to store the fat for energy. Think of casting as exercise, the more you do it the less fat you have, and the longer you do it the more you’re able to do. Psionics however do exist in Douarma and are quite powerful. Rules for Psionics are found in Mekton Zeta Plus. 56 A Status Ailment is an effect that inhibits or kills a character, poisoning is a form of Status Ailment, most status Ailments are curable others wear off; some are only relevant during combat. Magic Combat Magic is broken up into elements, Light, Darkness, Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth. Each element has strengths and weaknesses. Light and Darkness cancel each other out, Fire beats Wind, Wind beats Earth, Earth beats Water, Water beats Fire. All magical attacks by default go to the torso of target unless aimed; curative spells are exempt from this unless targeting Undead type monsters. Magic attacks are only able to be stopped by Magical Armor or MSP provided by Accessories. MSP stands for Magical Stopping Power, you do not need MSP for all locations instead MSP covers all locations, your MSP covers your arms, legs, torso, and head equally, meaning you only need to document it once. MSP does not ablate like armor but Accessories can be destroyed if the take double their MSP in a single attack. Current Status Ailments are: Burn: Target catches fire and is burned, Burn damage is halved every round untill the fire is put out. Canceled by: Esuna, Remedy, Water Elemental Damage Blind: Target is sorounded by a black cloud blinding them all Dodge and Attack rolls are at -4 penalty. Canceled by: Esuna, Eye Drops, Remedy, Basuna Condemned: A sinister spectre appears over the combatant, placing a fatal curse upon them before vanishing into thin air. When the combatant is first afflicted with Condemned, a four-Round timer starts. Should the timer reach 0 before the battle ends, the combatant’s life essences are torn from their body, instantly reducing them to 0 Hits, Canceled by: None There are different types of attack spell, Standard, Status Attack or Status Att., and Astral Frozen: The combatant is frozen solid, caked with a layer of ice thick enough to prevent them from performing any Actions until Frozen expires. If struck by Physical damage whilst in this state, the resulting shock will reduce the Frozen combatant to 0 Hits, If necessary, the combatant’s body can be carried around by allies until Frozen wears off. Canceled by: Fire Elemental Damage, Esuna Standard: The most basic type of spell it deals damage then it’s over, other than getting hurt no other real effects. Status Attack: A combination of attack spell and a status spell, deals damage and has the potential of leaving a Status Ailment behind. Astral: attack spell that focuses on hitting on the astral plane, humans and other normal people are unaffected by it, same goes for normal animals, only Monsters and ExtraPlaner creatures are affected. Poison: The combatant is afflicted with a virulent poison, turning them a sickly shade of purple. For every Status Phase that Poison remains untreated for, the combatant loses a number of Hits equal to 10% of their current Hits. Canceled by: Antidote, Remedy, Poisona, Esuna 57 Meltdown: A hazy, deep-red aura forms around the combatant, rendering all armor useless. All Armor SP it treated as 0 for as long as Meltdown remains in effect. Canceled by: Remedy, Esuna Petrify: The combatant’s body begins to harden, flesh slowly turning to stone. When the combatant is first afflicted with Petrify, a four- Round timer starts. Should the timer reach 0 before the battle ends, the petrification is complete; the combatant is turned to stone on the spot with the same effects as the Stone Status Condition. Canceled by: Soft, Remedy, Stona, Esuna Lock: A glowing set of crosshairs encloses the combatant, magically guiding incoming attackers. Dodge/Escape reduced by 2 for as long as Lock remains in effect. Canceled by: Esuna Silence: A zone of absolute silence forms around the combatant; while sound penetrates in a normal fashion, they themselves can't even hear themselves breathe, let alone speak. Until cured, a character afflicted by Silence may not use Magic Abilities. Canceled by: Echo Screen, Remedy, Esuna Zombie: The combatant is drained of their life force, transforming them into a greenskinned zombie. As they are effectively undead, Recovery effects that would normally restore Hits instead inflict an equivalent amount of damage, Any effect that revives an unconscious combatant or restores Hits to maximum instead has a 25% of instantly reducing a Zombied combatant to 0 Hits. Drain attacks are also reversed; all damage inflicted by such an attack on a target affected by Zombie is subtracted from the attacker’s Hits instead, with the combatant regaining an amount of Hits equivalent to that lost by its attacker. In addition to this, the combatant gains Immunity to Death-type Status Conditions and Condemned for as long as Zombie remains in effect. For purposes of resolving Skill Checks which use Social Skills, the character’s Skill Ratings are decreased by 5 for as long as Zombie remains in effect. Canceled by: Holy Water, Remedy, Esuna Sleep: The combatant falls asleep on the spot, completely oblivious to the dangers around them. Until this Status Condition is cured, the combatant may make no Actions during the course of the Round. The combatant’s dodge is also reduced to 0 for as long as Sleep remains in effect. If necessary, the combatant’s body can be carried by an ally until Sleep wears off. Canceled by: Physical Damage, Alarm Clock, Remedy, Esuna Flight: The combatant gains the ability to move through air, traveling over hindering environmental features almost effortlessly. While in this state, the combatant can move over hazardous terrain – such as lava flows and spiked floors – with no ill effects, and suffers no movement modifiers for terrain. Combatants under the effects of This Status Condition also protects against certain other attacks, such as Quake. Canceled by: Dispel, Drag 58 Curative Spells are spells that restore health and cure Status Ailments, there are three types Curative, Status Healing, and Resurrection Status Healing: these Spells are used to counteract the effects of Status Ailments there is one cure all Status Healing Spell Esuna, but even it has its limits Curative: Curative or Recovery Spells are spells that restore hits these nothing more nothing less Resurrection: a last ditch spell to bring back a fallen comrade, Resurrection Spells are extremely draining and limited, you can only resurrect someone if they died within the last 15 minutes. Spell Lists The following sections contain the spells for the different elements. There are always more spells than what is currently listed these are just the Spells available to starting players. Element: Fire Rank: 0 NAME FIREFINGER HEAT SA +1 +1 RN 0 0 DAMAGE NA NA BV NA NA BR NA NA MP 1 1 SA +1 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 0 DAMAGE 1D4 1D4 1D4 1D4** BV NA NA NA NA BR NA 3 3 NA MP 5 8 8 2 SA +1 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 0 DAMAGE 1D4+2 1D4 1D6 1D4+2** BV NA 3 NA NA BR NA NA 3 NA MP 8 18 10 4 SA +1 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 0 DAMAGE 1D6+2 1D6 1D8 1D6** BV NA 3 NA NA CT NA NA NA NA BR NA NA NA 3 MP 12 36 12 8 SA +1 0 RN 10 10 DAMAGE 1D8+2 1D6 BV NA 3 CT NA 3 BR NA 3 MP 18 39 Rank: 1 NAME FIRE* FIRE BLAST* HEAT WAVE HEAT VEIL Rank: 2 NAME FIRA* FLAMING ARROWS* FIREBALL HEAT VEIL+ Rank: 3 NAME FIRAGA* FLARE ARROW* FLARE FLAME ARMOR Rank: 4 NAME FIRAJA* EXPLOSION* *Capable of being amplified via Magi Lens ** Defensive Spell: Damage turns to SP 59 Rank 0 Rank 2 Firefinger Magic Points: 1 Range: 0 Type: Non-Combat Duration: Instant Description: A Spell that congers a 2.54cm flame from the index finger of the caster, Firefinger Deals no damage and is only able to light the same type of things that a common lighter can. Fira Magic Points: 8 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A furious explosion tears through the air as a column of incandescent fire erupts under the target. Flaming Arrows Magic Points: 18 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Three energy bolts in the shape of arrows, form at the casters hands, the caster then mimics the actions of firing a bow. Heat Magic Points: 1 Range: 0 Type: Non-Combat Duration: Instant Description: A Spell that transfers heat energy into the object that the caster is holding, the spell is only powerful enough to heat medium rocks the approximate amount of other non-living material to about 29.4º Celsius. Fireball Magic Points: 10 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A ball of fire forms in the casters hand and is then thrown toward the target, on impact it explodes dealing damage to everything within a 2 meter radius. Rank 1 Fire Magic Points: 5 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A burning sphere of fire rushes towards the target, exploding on impact. Heat Veil+ Magic Points: 8 Range: 0 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Envelopes the caster in a veil of fire energy capable of stopping 1D4+2 hits of damage, this barrier is nonablative and covers all hit locations. . Fire Blast Magic Points: 8 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Spell that calls down a blast of fire that deals 1D4 damage across a 6 meter radius area. Rank 3 Firaga Magic Points: 12 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A colossal sphere of white-hot fire crashes onto the target, sparking a furious explosion that engulfs it in a cloud of ash and cinders. Heat Wave Magic Points: 8 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Attack spell that calls forth a wave of super-heated air 6 meters across and strikes everything in its path. Flare Arrow Magic Points: 36 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Three energy bolts in the shape of arrows, form at the casters hands, the caster then mimics the actions of firing a bow. Heat Veil Magic Points: 5 Range: 0 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Envelopes the caster in a veil of fire energy capable of stopping 1D4 hits of damage, this barrier is treated as ablative armor and covers all hit locations. 60 Rank 3 Cont. Rank 4 Flare Magic Points: 12 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Globes of pure magical energy blast into the target in a relentless stream, setting off one chaotic explosion after another before rushing out again. Firaja Magic Points: 18 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: The skies cloud over and darken, lightning splits the skies and thunder deafening rolls are all that can be perceived then a single bolt of lightning strikes the target before dissipating. Flame Armor Magic Points: 5 Range: 0 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Envelopes the caster in a veil of fire energy capable of stopping 1D6 hits of damage, this barrier is treated as ablative armor and covers all hit locations. . Explosion Magic Points: 39 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A fiery hemi-sphere 12 meters in diameter, forms around the target everything inside is subjected to a seires of explosions before is dissipates. Explosion takes 3 actions to cast. 61 Element: Water Rank: 0 NAME DETECT MAGIC CHILL SA 0 +1 RN 10 0 DAMAGE NA NA BV NA NA BR NA NA MP 1 1 SA +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 10 0 DAMAGE 1D4 1D4 1 1D3 1D4*** BV NA NA 5 NA NA BR NA 3 NA 3 NA MP 5 8 8 5 2 SA +1 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 10 0 0 DAMAGE 1D4+2 1D6 1D4 1 1D6 1D4+2** BV NA NA 3 10 NA NA BR NA 3 NA NA 2 NA MP 8 16 18 15 10 4 SA +1 +1 RN 10 10 DAMAGE 1D6+2 2 BV NA 10 BR NA NA MP 12 33 SA +1 RN 10 DAMAGE 1D8+2 BV NA BR NA MP 18 Rank: 1 NAME BLIZZARD* COLD WAVE ICE NEEDLES* FREEZE** ICE VEIL Rank: 2 NAME BLIZZARA* WATER* FREEZE ARROW* ICE NEEDLES+ COLD SNAP** ICE VEIL+ Rank: 3 NAME BLIZZAGA* ICE SPEARS* Rank: 4 NAME BLIZZAJA* *Capable of being amplified via Magi Lens **Status Aliment Attack Spell: Freeze *** Defensive Spell: Damage turns to SP 62 Ice Veil Magic Points: 5 Range: 0 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Envelopes the caster in a veil of water magic capable of stopping 1D4 hits of damage, this barrier is nonablative and covers all hit locations. . Rank 0 Detect Magic Magic Points: 1-10 Range: 10 Type: Non-Combat Duration: Instant Description: A Spell that enables the user to see magical auras and fields around people and objects for about 1 minet per activated level Rank 2 Chill Magic Points: 1 Range: 0 Type: Non-Combat Duration: Instant Description: Spell that lowers the temperature of any non-living inanimate object to about 2.8◦c Blizzara Magic Points: 8 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: The air around the target condenses to freezing point in an instant, encasing it in a towering spire of ice. Rank 1 Blizzard Magic Points: 5 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A flurry of high-speed ice particles is launched at the target. Water Magic Points: 16 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Water begins to filter out of the air, forming a solid ball around the target that lifts it off the ground before bursting in a shower of liquid. Cold Wave Magic Points: 8 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A wave of freezing wind is called forth by the caster, damaging all targets within a 6 by 20 meter zone in front of the caster. Freeze Arrow Magic Points: 18 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Mimicking the firing of a bow, the caster calls upon the Para-elemental plane of ice to form three 600mm by 10mm “arrows”. Ice Needles Magic Points: 8 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Attack spell that calls forth five 150mm by 15mm “needles” of ice in rapid succession, ice needles doesn’t deal incredible damage. Deals Physical Damage Ice Needles+ Magic Points: 15 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Attack spell that calls forth ten 150mm by 15mm “needles” of ice in rapid succession, ice needles doesn’t deal incredible damage. Deals Physical Damage Freeze Magic Points: 5 Range: 10 Type: Att/Status Spell Duration: Instant Description: Spell that encases the target in a thin veil of ice, target must make a body check difficulty 13 in order to avoid status ailment Freeze. Ice Veil+ Magic Points: 8 Range: 0 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Envelopes the caster in a veil of water magic capable of stopping 1D6+2 hits of damage, this barrier is nonablative and covers all hit locations. . 63 Rank 3 Rank 4 Blizzaga Magic Points: 12 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Particles of frost and snow accelerate towards the target, rapidly sealing it in layer after layer of solid ice before the entire edifice shatters. Blizzaja Magic Points: 18 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: The skies cloud over and darken, snow and ice begin falling and a single pillar of ice forms around the target encasing them before disappearing. Ice Spears Magic Points: 33 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Attack spell that calls forth ten 200mm by 15mm “spears” of ice in rapid succession, ice needles doesn’t deal incredible damage. Deals Physical Damage 64 Element: Earth Rank: 0 NAME DETECT MAGIC SA 0 RN 10 DAMAGE NA BV NA CT NA BR NA MP 1-10 SA +1 +1 +0 +1 RN 10 10 0 0 DAMAGE 1 1D3 1D4*** 1D8*** BV 5 NA NA NA CT NA NA NA NA BR NA 3 NA 3 MP 8 5 5 12 SA +1 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 0 0 0 DAMAGE 1 1D4+2 1D6 1D8+2*** BV 10 NA NA NA CT NA NA NA NA BR NA 3 2 3 MP 15 9 10 18 SA +0 +1 +1 RN 0 10 0 DAMAGE 1D6*** 2 1D6+2 BV NA 10 NA CT NA NA NA BR NA NA 3 MP 10 33 15 SA +1 +1 0 RN 10 0 10 DAMAGE 1D8+2 1D10+2 1D6 BV NA NA 3 CT NA NA 3 BR NA 3 3 MP 18 27 39 Rank: 1 NAME ROCK NEEDLES* PETRIFY** STONE SKIN EARTH WALL Rank: 2 NAME ROCK NEEDLES+ STONE SPIKER* PETRIFY RING** EARTH WALL+ Rank: 3 NAME STONE SKIN+ STONE SPEARS* STONE SPIKER+ Rank: 4 NAME EARTH GLAVE* TRUE STONE SPIKER* QUAKE* *Capable of being amplified via Magi Lens **Status Aliment Attack Spell: Petrify or Stone ** Defensive Spell: Damage turns to SP 65 Rank 0 Rank 2 Detect Magic Magic Points: 1-10 Range: 10 Type: Non-Combat Duration: Instant Description: A Spell that enables the user to see magical auras and fields around people and objects for about 1 minet per activated level Rock Needles+ Magic Points: 15 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Attack spell that calls forth ten 150mm by 15mm “needles” of rock in rapid succession, Rock Needles+ doesn’t deal incredible damage. Deals Physical Damage Rank 1 Petrify Magic Points: 5 Range: 10 Type: Att/Status Spell Duration: Instant Description: A ring of earth energy forms around the caster striking everything around them, targets must make a difficulty 15 body check or receive the Status Ailment Petrify Rock Needles Magic Points: 8 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Attack spell that calls forth five 150mm by 15mm “needles” of rock in rapid succession, Rock Needles doesn’t deal incredible damage. Deals Physical Damage Stone Spiker Magic Points: 9 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: An earth spell that calls up stone spikes around the caster in a diameter of 6 meters, Spikes deals 1D4+2 damage , turns terrain around caster into rough terrain Petrify Magic Points: 5 Range: 10 Type: Att/Status Spell Duration: Instant Description: A blast of earth energy strikes the target, target must make a difficulty 10 body check or receive the Status Ailment Petrify Earth Wall+ Magic Points: 18 Range: 10 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: Instant Description: Caster summons a 6 meter long waist high wall, wall has 1d8 hits and is treated as being armor. . Earth Wall Magic Points: 12 Range: 10 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: Instant Description: Caster summons a 6 meter long waist high wall, wall has 1d8 hits and is treated as being armor. Rank 3 Stone Skin Magic Points: 5 Range: 0 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Envelopes the caster in a veil of earth energy capable of stopping 1D4 hits of damage, this barrier is nonablative and covers all hit locations. . Stone Spiker+ Magic Points: 15 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: An earth spell that calls up stone spikes around the caster in a diameter of 6 meters, Spikes deals 1D6+2 damage , turns terrain around caster into rough terrain Stone Spears Magic Points: 33 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Attack spell that calls forth ten 200mm by 15mm “spears” of stone in rapid succession, Stone Spears doesn’t deal incredible damage. Deals Physical Damage 66 Stone Skin+ Magic Points: 10 Range: 0 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Envelopes the caster in a veil of earth energy capable of stopping 1D6 hits of damage, this barrier is nonablative and covers all hit locations. True Stone Spiker Magic Points: 27 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Most powerful form of Stone Spiker, an earth spell that calls up stone spikes around the caster in a diameter of 6 meters, Spikes deals 1D10+2 damage, turns terrain around caster into rough terrain Quake Magic Points: 39 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A violent tremor tears through the length of the battlefield, breaking up the ground into shuddering, crumbling fragments and yawning crevasses. Rank 4 Earth Glave Magic Points: 18 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Three claw like stone spikes strike the target from underground before crumbling into dust and pebbles. 67 Element: Wind Rank: 0 NAME BREEZE GUST OF WIND SA +1 +1 RN 0 0 SA +1 +1 +0 +1 +1 DAMAGE BV BR MP NA NA NA NA NA 3 1 2 RN 10 10 10 10 0 DAMAGE 1D4 1D4 SLEEP 1D4 1D6** BV NA NA NA NA NA BR NA NA 3 3 NA MP 5 5 2 8 5 SA +1 +1 -2 +1 +1 RN 10 10 0 10 0 DAMAGE 1D4+2 1D4 1D4*** NA 1D6+2** BV NA 3 NA NA NA BR NA NA 3 3 NA MP 8 18 8 2 8 SA +1 +1 +1 +1 0 RN 10 10 10 10 10 DAMAGE 1D6 1D8 2D4 1D6+2 1D6 BV 3 NA NA NA 3 CT NA NA NA NA 3 BR NA NA 3 NA 3 MP 36 12 16 12 39 SA +1 +1 RN 10 0 DAMAGE 1D8+2 1D10 BV NA NA CT NA 2 BR NA 5 MP 18 90 Rank: 1 NAME THUNDER* AERO* WIND OF SLEEP AERO BLAST WIND BARRIER Rank: 2 NAME THUNDARA* THE SHREDDING* HEALING WIND* INCREASE OXYGEN WIND BARRIER+ Rank: 3 NAME AERO BLADES* AIR SLASH* STORM THUNDAGA* TORNADO Rank: 4 NAME THUNDAJA* SHINING WIND* *Capable of being amplified via Magi Lens ** Defensive Spell: Damage turns to SP ***Healing Spell: Convert Damage to Healing 68 Wind Barrier Magic Points: 5 Range: 0 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Envelopes the caster in a veil of wind capable of stopping 1D4 hits of damage, this barrier is nonablative and covers all hit locations. Rank 0 Breeze Magic Points: 1 Range: 10 Type: Non-Combat Duration: Instant Description: A Spell that enables the user to create a breeze in the direction of their choosing, the wind deals no damage and only has the strength to at most scatter loose leaves and paper . Rank 2 Gust of Wind Magic Points: 2 Range: 0 Type: Non-Combat Duration: Instant Description: A Spell that enables the user to create a wind gust around them, just powerful enough to kick up loose dirt and leaves. Thundara Magic Points: 8 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Electric-blue thunderbolts crash into the ground, creating a deadly array of ball lightning to encircle all targets. Rank 1 The Shredding Magic Points: 10 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Howling green winds encircle the target, drawing together in an ever-tightening funnel of air before disappearing. Thunder Magic Points: 5 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A brilliant bolt of lightning tears down from the sky, striking the target with barely-contained energy. Healing Wind Magic Points: 10 Range: 10 Type: Recovery Spell Duration: Instant Description: Spell that calls forth a soothing wind that heals all targets within a 12 meter area. Is one of the more difficult spells to cast. Aero Magic Points: 5 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A vicious gust of wind assails the target, tearing into it with razor sharp debris. Increase Oxygen Magic Points: 2 Range: 10 Type: Support Duration: Instant Description: Wind spell that increases the oxygen content of the air, giving fire based spells an additional +3 to damage, it can also be used to interrupt fire spells with a casting time longer than 1 action. Wind of Sleep Magic Points: 2 Range: 10 Type: Status Aliment Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: A soothing wind scatters flower petals in a 6 meter raidius around the target lulling them to sleep. All targets within the affected area must make a Resistance check vs. the casters roll to stay awake. Wind Barrier+ Magic Points: 8 Range: 0 Type: Defensive Spell Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Envelopes the caster in a veil of wind capable of stopping 1D6+2 hits of damage, this barrier is nonablative and covers all hit locations. . Aero Blast Magic Points: 8 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Spell that calls down a blast of wind that deals 1D4 damage across a 6 meter radius area. 69 Tornado Magic Points: 39 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A distant rumble is heard as the sky darkens and fierce winds begin to whip around the caster. As the gale picks up strength, a violent twister erupts from the sky, tearing through the immediate area without mercy. Tornado takes 3 actions to cast. Rank 3 Aero Blades Magic Points: 36 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Spell that whips the air into such a frenzy that it hurls 3 blade like currents toward the target for devastating damage. Air Slash Magic Points: 12 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Spell that forms a single blade of wind and hurls it toward the target, the single blade deals incredible damage. Rank 4 Thundaja Magic Points: 18 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: The skies cloud over and darken, lightning splits the skies and thunder deafening rolls are all that can be perceived then a single bolt of lightning strikes the target before dissipating. Storm Magic Points: 16 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A distant rumble is heard as the sky darkens and fierce winds begin to whip around the caster. Vicious winds and lightning strikes cover an area 12 meters in diameter. Shining Wind Magic Points: 90 Range: 10 Type: Att/Recovery Duration: Instant Description: Spell calls forth a wind that heals all allies and damages all enemies in a 20 meter area, the wind appears to have its own radiance and feels no stronger than a breeze. Thundaga Magic Points: 12 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A deafening peal of thunder rolls across the battlefield as lightning bolt after lightning bolt crashes to earth, trapping the target in a sizzling sphere of electrical energy before dissipating again. 70 Element: Light Rank: 0 NAME LIGHTING SA +0 RN 10 DAMAGE NA BV NA BR NA MP 1 SA +1 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 10 10 10 DAMAGE 1D4* NA NA NA NA 1D6+1 BV NA NA NA NA NA NA BR NA NA NA NA NA NA MP 5 2 2 4 3 5 SA +1 +0 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 10 10 DAMAGE 1D4+2** NA 1D8+2 NA 1D8+2*** BV NA NA NA NA NA BR NA NA NA NA NA MP 8 15 9 15 18 SA +1 +1 +0 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 10 10 DAMAGE 1D6+2** 1D10+2 NA NA 2D4 BV NA NA NA NA NA BR NA NA NA NA 3 MP 12 15 35 20 16 SA +1 +0 +1 -1 RN 10 200 125 125 DAMAGE 1D8+2** 2D10 4D6 4D10 BV NA NA NA NA BR NA NA 5 5 MP 18 97 75 91 Rank: 1 NAME CURE* STONA POISONA BASUNA DISPELL ELMIKIA LANCE Rank: 2 NAME CURA* ESUNA ELMIKIA BLADE* LIFE SHELL Rank: 3 NAME CURAGA* ELMIKIA FLAME* FULL-LIFE REFLECT BANISH Rank: 4 NAME CURAJA* HOLY* RA TILT* ULTIMA* *Capable of being amplified via Magi Lens ** Healing Spell: Convert Damage to Healing *** Defensive Spell: Damage turns to SP 71 CT NA NA NA 6 Dispell Magic Points: 4 Type: Status Recovery Duration: Instant Description: A shimmering blue mist engulfs the target, its power tearing away enchantments in an instant. Rank 0 Lighting Magic Points: 1 Type: Non-Combat Duration:1hour Description: Spell that produces a small orb of light that illuminates an area 30 meters in diameter. Elmikia Lance Magic Points: 5 Type: Astral Attack Duration: Instant Description: An attack spell that channels the casters raw astral power in the form of an energy beam, can only hit Extra-Planer or Monstrous targets Rank 1 Cure Magic Points: 5 Type: Recovery Duration: Instant Description: An iridescent spark of blue light spirals around the target, trailing glowing specks in its wake. Cure restores 1D4 Hits to one location. Rank 2 Cura Magic Points: 8 Type: Recovery Duration: Instant Description: Twin specks of glowing green light twine around the target, trailing a dusting of soothing magical energy. Cura restores 1D4+2 Hits to one location. Stona Magic Points: 2 Type: Status Recovery Duration: Instant Description: Needles of rainbow light stab into the target, showering dust as stone cracks and splinters under the onslaught. Stona cancels the Status Conditions Stone and Petrify. Esuna Magic Points: 15 Type: Status Recovery Duration: Instant Description: Beams of warm violet light emerge from the ground around the target, cleansing away all debilitating effects and malicious enchantments. Esuna cures any negative Status Conditions. Poisona Magic Points: 2 Type: Status Recovery Duration: Instant Description: A slurry of dull purple spheres washes over and through the length of the target, canceling all Toxintype Status Conditions currently afflicting it. Elmikia Blade Magic Points: 9 Type: Astral Attack Duration: Instant Description: An attack spell that channels the casters astral power in the form of a blade like energy beam, can only hit Extra-Planer or Monstrous targets Basuna Magic Points: 4 Type: Status Recovery Duration: Instant Description: A gentle mist of green and gold blows over the target, canceling the Status Conditions Blind, Sleep, and Zombie. 72 Life Magic Points: 15 Type: Resurrection Duration: Instant Description: Spirals of twinkling red light encircle the target, showering it with a gentle drift of ghostly, radiant feathers. Raise restores any target whose current Head and or Torso Hits are 0 or lower to 1 Hit in the arms, legs, and head, and 2 Hits in the Torso. Undead monsters targeted by Life – as well as combatants affected by the Status Condition Zombie – will not be revived; if their current Head and or Torso Hits are greater than 0, they have a 25% chance of being instantly reduced to 0 Hits. Caster must make a Difficulty 15 skill check to successfully cast Life. Full-Life Magic Points: 35 Type: Resurrection Duration: Instant Description: Glowing particles of light shower down on the target, raising up a beam of golden-red life force to revive it in a shower of fathers. Full-Life restores any target whose current Head and or Torso Hits are 0 or lower to 100% of all Hits in all locations. Undead monsters targeted by Life – as well as combatants affected by the Status Condition Zombie – will not be revived; if their current Head and or Torso Hits are greater than 0, they have a 50% chance of being instantly reduced to 0 Hits. Caster must make a Difficulty 15 skill check to successfully cast Full-Life. Shell Magic Points: 18 Type: Barrier/ Status Augmentation Duration: 4 Combat Turns Description: Twelve pearls of softly-glowing light enclose the target in intertwined hexagons Reflect Magic Points: 20 Type: Barrier/ Status Augmentation Duration: 4 Combat Turns Description: A shower of green light splashes over the target, solidifying into layer after layer of shimmering magical protection to grant the Status Condition Reflect Rank 3 Curaga Magic Points: 12 Type: Recovery Duration: Instant Description: A brilliant constellation of blue and violet light encircles the target’s body, restoring 1D6+2 Hits to one location before fading away. Banish Magic Points: 16 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Beams of blazing white light saturate the area, touching off a chain of searing explosions which tears through all targets in short succession. Elmikia Flame Magic Points: 15 Type: Astral Attack Duration: Instant Description: An attack spell that channels the casters astral power in the form of a pillar of blue flame, 25% chance of inflicting Burn Status Condition. Astral Attacks can only hit Extra-Planer or Monstrous targets. Rank 4 Curaja Magic Points: 18 Type: Recovery Duration: Instant Description: Brilliant blue lights descend onto the target, releasing a burst of radiant golden energy upon contact to restore the target’s Hits by 1D8+2 to 1 location. Ra Tilt Magic Points: 75 Type: Astral Attack Duration: Instant Description: Most powerful Astral attack spell, channels the casters astral power in the form of a pillar of blue flame 20 meters in diameter. Astral Attacks can only hit Extra-Planer or Monstrous targets. 73 Ultima Magic Points: 91 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: An eerie calm falls over the battlefield as the sky grows dark, shading the combatants in blue and black. Only one sound breaks the silence; a single note, gaining in pitch as a dome of purest blue energy forms underneath the targets, growing outwards in an unstoppable, destructive rush that engulfs the area whole. As the sound reaches ear-splitting frequencies, the dome flashes out of existence, and all becomes still once more. Ultima takes 6 actions to Cast. Holy Magic Points: 97 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: Motes of brilliant blue light begin to circle the target, moving in a deceptively lazy fashion as they gain in intensity; as the light reaches blinding levels, beams of holy energy erupt from the ground, blasting the target in a series of powerful explosions. 74 Element: Darkness Rank: 0 NAME CONCEALMENT SA +0 RN 0 DAMAGE NA BV NA BR NA MP 1-10 SA +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 10 10 10 DAMAGE NA 1D4 NA 1D6** NA NA BV NA NA NA NA NA NA BR NA NA NA NA NA NA MP 2 5 2 8 2 2 SA +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 10 10 10 DAMAGE 1D4+2 NA 1D2 1D6+2*** 1D4+1 NA BV NA NA NA NA NA NA BR 3 NA NA NA NA NA MP 21 10 10 12 6 5 SA +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 RN 10 10 10 10 10 DAMAGE NA 1D8+2 1D6 1D6+2 1D8+2 BV NA NA NA NA NA BR NA NA NA 3 NA MP 30 23 35 24 18 SA +1 +0 +0 RN 10 100 100 DAMAGE 1HIT per10kg 2D10 2D8 BV NA NA NA BR 3 10 5 MP 50 95 74 Rank: 1 NAME BLIND DARK* POISON RASP* SHADOW SNAP SLEEP Rank: 2 NAME BIO* DEBARRIER DRAIN OSMOSE PAIN* ZOMBIE Rank: 3 NAME DEATH MELTDOWN* SYPHON SCOURGE* PAIN+ Rank: 4 NAME GRAVITY* DOOMSDAY* SCATHE* *Capable of being amplified via Magi Lens ** MP Drain: Convert Damage into MP Damage *** MP Leach: Convert Damage into MP theft 75 CT NA 4 2 Sleep Magic Points: 2 Range: 10 Type: Status Aliment Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Clouds of light mist play around the target as the apparition of a moon appears overhead to shower soft starlight upon it. Inflicts Sleep Status Aliment. Rank 0 Concealment Magic Points: 1-10 Range: 0 Type: Non-Combat Duration: 1 hour Description: A Spell that enables the user to hide in shadows undetected unless a successful Awareness/Notice roll vs Casters Concealment +MP spent is made. Rank 2 Rank 1 Bio Magic Points: 21 Range: 10 Type: Att./Status Aliment Duration: Instant/10 Combat Rounds Description: Virulent green orbs begin to bubble out of the ground, quickly overwhelming the target with a deadly shower of toxins. 20% chance of inflicting Poison Status Aliment Blind Magic Points: 2 Range: 10 Type: Status Aliment Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: A blinding cloud of thick black fog surrounds the target, robbing it of all sight. Inflicts Blind Status Aliment. Debarrier Magic Points: 10 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A beam of dazzling blue light strikes the target, blasting away all protective magics in the blink of an eye. Dark Magic Points: 5 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A sphere of utter blackness launches at the target, dissipating into a dark mist as it strikes. Poison Magic Points: 2 Range: 10 Type: Status Aliment Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: A frothing cloud of sickly violet bubbles swarms over the target with suffocating force. Inflicts Poison Status Aliment. Drain Magic Points: 10 Range: 10 Type: Att/Recovery Duration: Instant Description: Blood-red orbs circle the target, growing larger and more livid as they draw out the very essence of the target's life; once full, the orbs return to the caster, releasing their payload of stolen vitality on contact. Caster regains a number of Hits equal to the amount lost by the target. Rasp Magic Points: 8 Range: 10 Type: MP Drain Duration: Instant Description: Inexorably drawn by the lure of magical power, translucent spheres of violet energy spiral in towards the target, sapping all mana out of the surrounding area before rushing away. Osmose Magic Points: 10 Range: 10 Type: MP Drain Duration: Instant Description: Orbs of blinding pink energy form around the target, growing larger and more luminous as they draw MP from the target; once full, the orbs return to the caster, transferring the stolen energy upon contact. Caster regains a number of MP equal to the amount lost by the target. Shadow Snap Magic Points: 2 Range: 10 Type: Status Aliment Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: Caster attacks and pins opponents shadow with some form of melee, thrown, or arrow inflicts Immobile Status Aliment. . 76 Pain Magic Points: 6 Range: 10 Type: Status Aliment Duration: Instant Description: A Dark spell that calls up dark energy to cause excruciating pain, does only non-lethal damage. If the torso or head reach 0 hits due to this spell the target is knocked unconscious. . Zombie Magic Points: 2 Range: 10 Type: Status Aliment Duration: 4 Combat Rounds Description: The target disappears, swallowed by a wave of miasmic green smoke seeking to steal away its life force. Inflicts Zombie Status Aliment. Scourge Magic Points: 24 Range: 10 Type: MP Drain Duration: Instant Description: A long shadow creeps over the ground, darkening an area 12 meters in diameter, as wicked spikes of unholy energy burst through to skewer all targets. Pain+ Magic Points: 16 Range: 10 Type: Status Aliment Duration: Instant Description: A Dark spell that calls up dark energy to cause excruciating pain, does only non-lethal damage. If the torso or head reach 0 hits due to this spell the target is knocked unconscious. Rank 4 Rank 3 Gravity Magic Points: 50 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: The caster launches a dark bubble of energy 12 meters in diameter , wholly enclosing the target before subjecting it to a brief burst of crushing gravitational force. Death Magic Points: 30 Range: 10 Type: Status Aliment Duration: 10 Combat Rounds Description: A decaying, hooded figure emerges from the ground in a cloud of dark smoke, raising a massive scythe to cleave the target’s life force in twain before fading away with a blood-curdling laugh. Inflicts Condemned Status Aliment. Doomsday Magic Points: 95 Range: 100 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A wall of dark smoke, 40 meters in diameter, sweeps across the battlefield, cloaked shadows and glowing eyes visible through the oily tendrils before the dark scene fades away. Doomsday takes 4 actions to cast. Meltdown Magic Points: 23 Range: 10 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A high-speed stream of heat and energy assails the target, immersing it in furious, bone-searing temperatures.25% Chance of inflicting Meltdown Status Aliment, Scathe Magic Points: 74 Range: 100 Type: Attack Spell Duration: Instant Description: A fiery agglomeration of rock flashes into existence above the battlefield, gathering fragments of onyx and dark energy to it before beginning its descent to earth, crackling with malevolent energy as it crashes down. Scathe takes 2 actions to cast. Syphon Magic Points: 35 Range: 10 Type: Att/Recovery Duration: Instant Description: Orbs of golden energy surround the target, growing larger and more brilliant as they sap at its vital and magical forces; once large enough, they return to the caster, dissolving in a shower of pale light. the caster regains an amount of HP and MP equal to that lost by the target. If the target has no MP, all damage defaults to the target’s Hits instead. 77 Special Arts A highly specialized form of attack, Special Arts are able to be used by swordsmen with a magical aptitude of eight or more and a skill of six or more in their weapon of choice to achieve magical effects without the actual use of spells, Special Arts are mechanics wise are focused spells, but role-play wise are considered to be a mark of a skilled swordsman to be able to use them. Firestorm Blade: Element: Fire Magic Points: 5 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Sword Description: An attack where the users sword is charged with energy from the elemental plain of fire, deals an additional 1D4 of damage. Blasting Zone: Element: Fire Magic Points: 18 Range: 3 Type: Special Art Type: Sword Description: An attack that uses fire magic to attack everything for 3 hexes in front of the user; deals 1D6 worth of damage. Shocking Strike: Element: Wind Magic Points: 8 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Sword Description: An attack where the users sword is charged with energy from the elemental plain of wind, deals an additional 1D3 of damage. Defender must make a Stun/Shock Roll Thunder Strike: Element: Wind Magic Points: 5 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Dagger/Knife Description: An attack where the users blade is charged with energy from the elemental plain of wind, deals an additional 1D3. Defender must make a Stun/Shock Roll Air Slash: Element: Wind Magic Points: 8 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Sword Description: An attack that uses wind magic to strike an opponent at range, however it can only do as much damage as the user’s weapon Concealed Strike: Element: Dark Magic Points: 10 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Dagger/Knife Description: An attack where the users blade is charged with dark energy, deals an additional 1D3 of damage. Defender always struck in the torso Rough Divide: Element: Wind Magic Points: 2 per hex Range: 10 Type: Special Art Type: Sword Description: An attack that uses wind magic to dive into an opponent for 2 additional points of damage per hex moved, cost is 2 MP per hex moved Frozen Waste: Element: Water Magic Points: 10 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Dagger/Knife Description: An attack that uses water magic to attack everything in a 2 hex radius; deals 1D4+1 damage. Defenders must make a Stun/Shock Roll or be Frozen Fated Circle: Element: Fire Magic Points: 18 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Sword Description: An attack that uses fire magic to attack everything in a 2 meter radius; deals 1D6+1 worth of damage. Blaze Kick: Element: Fire Magic Points: 5 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Hand-to-Hand Description: An attack where the users foot is charged with energy from the elemental plain of fire, deals an additional 1D3 of damage 78 Iron Fist: Element: Earth Magic Points: 5 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Hand-to-Hand Description: An attack where the users fist is charged with energy from the elemental plain of earth, deals an additional 1D4 of damage. Artic Lance: Element: Water Magic Points: 8 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Bow Description: An attack where the users arrow is charged with energy from the elemental plain of water, deals an additional 1D4 of damage at LV 1, 1D6 at LV 5, and 1D4+2 at LV 9. Defender must make a Stun/Shock Roll or be frozen Air Punch: Element: Wind Magic Points: 8 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Hand-to-Hand Description: An attack that uses wind magic to strike an opponent at range, however it can only do as much damage as the user’s attack Heartkiller: Element: Dark Magic Points: 10 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Bow Description: An attack where the users arrow is charged with energy from the Negative Astral, deals an additional 1D4 of damage. Target must make a Stun/Shock roll or be Poisoned. Helldarts: Element: Dark/Fire Magic Points: 20 Range: 100 Type: Special Art Type: Bow Description: An attack where the user’s arrow shatters into1D6 darts charged with dark energy, each deals 1D3 Hits Waterkick: Element: Water Magic Points: 18 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Hand-to-Hand Description: An attack where the user’s foot is charged with energy from the elemental plain of water, deals an additional 1D6 of damage. Meteor Palm: Element: Wind Magic Points: 10 per lvl Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Hand-to-Hand Description: An attack that uses wind magic to strike the opponent with as many attacks as the activated LV of the art Freezing Rain: Element: Water Magic Points: 15 Range: 100 Type: Special Art Type: Bow Description: An attack where the user fires 1D6 arrows charged with water energy, each deals an additional 1D3 Hits. Defender must make a Stun/Shock Roll or be Frozen Firethorn: Element: Fire Magic Points: 8 Range: NA Type: Special Art Type: Bow Description: An attack where the users arrow is charged with energy from the elemental plain of fire, deals an additional 1D4 of damage 79 Draw Magic is one of the benefits some GFs and ESPERs give to their partners, it’s a type of magic specifically meant to pull GF and ESPERs out of monsters and individuals who have them trapped or are using them against their will. Summons One of the reoccurring types of spells in most fantasy games and books is the summoning spell. Summoning Spells are spells that call forth creatures from another realm or plane. In Mekton SeeD there are two types of summonable monsters, Guardian Forces, and ESPERs. ESPERs ESPERs are an unusual form of life; they’re a crystalline life form that has properties of energy based life. ESPERs come in all shapes and sizes, from dragons to people and everything in between. ESPERs are from an astral plane that has sporadic contact with our own plane so very little is known about it. When an ESPER arrives on our plane is takes on the physical characteristics of the first creature they come across, and that fits within their personal style. Once they find a suitable form they go about their lives. If and when an ESPER dies they return to their crystalline form. When an ESPER feels their powers are needed an ESPER will search for a person worthy of their power. When an ESPER has found a suitable summoner, they will provide a test for them, this test may be combat or it may be a test of intellect or morals. Whatever the test is, once a potential summoner has passed it the ESPER will revert to a crystalline form known as a Summon Gem. An ESPER will remain a Summon Gem until it feels it is no longer required or is simply ready to move on. Guardian Forces Guardian Forces, or GF, are a unique form of life that has both the properties of corporeal life and energy based life. A GF can live for years in a corporeal state until it encounters a life form that is capable of defeating it and/or is worthy of its power. Once a suitable person is found the GF becomes an energy based life form, in its energy state the GF becomes “Junctioned” to the one whom they deemed worthy of their power. People who are Junctioned can summon them to the battlefield for a massive attack. Junctioning has its limits the longest amount of time anyone can remain Junctioned is about six months, also while Junctioned the “Protectorate” must pay an allotment of MP to maintain the Junction or it will be lost and the GF will either cause damage to the brain of the individual or simply return to being a corporeal life form and leave. Monsters can also become hosts to unwilling GF by defeating their Protectorates or them, GF trapped in this way can be rescued by using a form of magic known as Draw Magic. Once rescued a GF may feel a need to repay a debt to those who rescued them and form a Junction. 80 Name: Quezacotl Element: Wind MP per Day: 12 Description: Some believe that Quezacotl is the source of the South American myths of Quetzalcoatl, while others believe that Quezacotl may be the source of the legend of the thunderbird. One thing is certain Quezacotl is a powerful Guardian Force Attack: Thunder Storm Stats: Attack Thunder Storm AA +1 Damage 2d6 Hit Locations/Hits Remaining Location Hits 1 Head __/13 2-4 Main Body __/25 5-6 Left Wing __/19 7-8 Right Wing __/19 9-10 Tail __/19 Abilities: Ability: Flight Shock Ranged Attack Type Natural Natural Natural Armor __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 Lv: NA NA NA 81 TMP: 6 SIZE: 7 REF: 10 MA: 7 DMG: 2d6 Scale: 1:25 RN 10 BV NA CT 3 Name: Shiva Element: Water MP per Day: 10 Description: Guardian Force that controls ice, no relation to the Hindu deity of the same name, Shiva has shown a great deal of interest in humans and seems to like them. First discovered in the Garden courtyard trapped in a statue, the statue still stands but Shiva’s whereabouts are unknown. Attack: Diamond Dust Stats: TMP: 8 SIZE: 6 REF: 9 Attack Diamond Dust AA +1 Damage 1d6+4 Hit Locations/Hits Remaining Location Hits 1 Head __/10 2 Left Arm __/15 3 Right Arm __/15 4-5 Left Leg __/15 6-7 Right Leg __/15 8-10 Torso __/20 Abilities: Ability: Imobilize Ranged Attack Type Natural Natural RN 10 Armor __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 Lv: NA NA 82 MA: 4 DMG: 1d6+4 Scale: 1:25 BV NA CT 2 Name: Ifrit Element: Fire MP per Day: 15 Description: A Fire Elemental that prefers to be left alone rather than deal with the outside world. It is said that if someone can defeat him in battle Ifrit would lend them his power. Ifrit is commonly sighted around volcanic caves, and has no qualms about killing those who intrude into his home. Attack: Hellfire Stats: TMP: 8 SIZE: 7 REF: 10 Attack Hellfire AA +1 Damage 2d6 Hit Locations/Hits Remaining Location Hits 1 Head __/13 2 Left Arm __/19 3 Right Arm __/19 4-5 Left Leg __/19 6-7 Right Leg __/19 8-10 Torso __/25 Abilities: Ability: Armor Piercing Ranged Attack Type Natural Natural RN 10 Armor __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 Lv: NA NA 83 MA: 4 DMG: 2d6 Scale: 1:25 BV NA CT 3 Name: Siren Element: Water MP per Day: 12 Description: A Water Elemental that seems to attract trouble to herself. Siren’s Silent Voice is one of the few NonElemental attacks. Siren is often found lounging on rocky beaches, playing her harp, she has been known to lure people into deep water. Attack: Silent Voice Stats: TMP: 6 SIZE: 6 REF: 8 Attack Silent Voice AA +1 Damage 1d6* RN 10 * 45% chance of causing Status Ailment Silence Hit Locations/Hits Remaining Location Hits 1 Head __/10 2 Left Arm __/15 3 Right Arm __/15 4 Left Leg __/15 5 Right Leg __/15 6 Left Wing __/15 4 Right Wing __/15 8-10 Torso __/20 Abilities: Ability: Hypnosis Ranged Attack Type Natrual Natural Armor __/0 __/0 __/0 __/0 __/0 __/0 __/0 __/0 Lv: NA NA 84 MA: 5 DMG: 1d6+4 Scale: 1:1 BV NA CT 3 Name: Phoenix Element: Fire MP per Day: 15 Description: A Great Phoenix that protects the skies and watches over the young. Phoenix has no known name but is different from the Monsters of the same name in that it possesses a grand intelligence far greater than that of even the most intelligent High Elf. Phoenix appears randomly whenever it feels it is needed often coming to aid children. Attack: Flames of Rebirth-Gives an one time only resurrection to the Protectorate Stats: TMP: 6 SIZE: 6 REF: 10 Attack Flames of Rebirth AA +1 Damage NA Hit Locations/Hits Remaining Location Hits 1 Head __/10 2-3 Left Wing __/15 4-5 Right Wing __/15 6 Left Leg __/10 7 Right Leg __/10 8-10 Torso __/20 Abilities: Ability: Intelligent Flight Ranged Attack Type Natural Natural Natural RN 10 Armor __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 Lv: NA NA NA 85 MA: 7 DMG: 1d6+4 Scale: 1:25 BV NA CT 3 Name: Carbuncle Element: Earth MP per Day: 12 Description: A helpful little Earth Spirit that most find to be adorable. Carbuncle is often found around statuary, and has been known to slumber within statues to get away from would be summoners. Carbuncle is one of the more peaceful Guardian Forces often preferring to flee than to fight. Attack: Ruby Light-Casts Reflect on the entire party Stats: TMP: 4 SIZE: 3 REF: 10 Attack Ruby Light AA +1 Damage NA Hit Locations/Hits Remaining Location Hits 1 Head __/2 2 Left Arm __/3 3 Right Arm __/3 4-5 Left Leg __/4 6-7 Right Leg __/4 8-10 Torso __/5 Abilities: Ability: Smart Type Natrual RN 10 Armor __/0 __/0 __/0 __/0 __/0 __/0 Lv: NA 86 BV NA MA: 6 DMG: 1d4 Scale: 1:25 CT 3 Name: Leviathan Element: Water MP per Day: 20 Description: A Water Dragon that drifts throughout the galaxy, no one knows how Leviathan moves from planet to planet. Leviathan has been shown to assist creatures in need but commonly prefers to be left alone in deep water trenches. Attack: Tsunami Stats: TMP: 8 SIZE: 9 REF: 10 Attack Tsunami AA +1 Damage 2d6+4 Hit Locations/Hits Remaining Location Hits 1 Head __/17 2-4 Main Body __/35 5-6 Left Wing __/27 7-8 Right Wing __/27 9-10 Tail __/27 Abilities: Ability: Flight Ranged Attack Type Natural Natural RN 10 Armor __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 Lv: NA NA 87 BV NA MA: 8 DMG: 2d6+4 Scale: 1:25 CT 3 Name: Alexander Element: Light MP per Day: 25 Description: No one knows what Alexander is just that he is the size of a small city. Alexander is the only Guardian Force to not test his Protectorates with combat rather he lends his strength to those that need it. And tests them by indirectly observing them and viewing their actions. Attack: Holy Judgment Stats: TMP: 6 SIZE: 10 REF: 10 Attack Holy Judgment AA +1 Damage 3d6 RN 10 Hit Locations/Hits Remaining Location Hits 1 Head __/20,000 2 Left Arm __/30,000 3 Right Arm __/30,000 4-5 Left MP __/30,000 6-7 Right MP __/30,000 8-10 Torso __/40,000 Armor __/750 __/750 __/750 __/750 __/750 __/750 Abilities: Ability: Ranged Attack Lv: NA Type Natural 88 BV NA MA: 4 DMG: 3d6 Scale: 10:1 CT 3 Name: Bahamut Element: Wind MP per Day: 25 Description: The great king of the dragons, Bahamut has been guarding a dangerous bioweapon left over from the Centra. Bahamut has seen ages come and go and may indeed have two ESPER forms, that he uses to keep tabs on the current events. Bahamut may be convinced to join if defeated in battle. Attack: Mega Flare- Deals nonElemental Damage in a 3 meter radius around the target. Stats: TMP: 8 SIZE: 8 REF: 10 Attack Mega Flare AA +1 Damage 2d6+2 Hit Locations/Hits Remaining Location Hits 1 Head __/15 2 Left Arm __/23 3 Right Arm __/23 4 Left Leg __/23 5 Right Leg __/23 6 Left Wing __/23 7 Right Wing __/23 8-10 Torso __/30 Abilities: Ability: Armor Piercing Flying Ranged Attack Type Natural Natural Natural RN 10 Armor __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/6 Lv: NA NA NA 89 BV NA MA: 7 DMG: 2d6+2 Scale: 1:25 CT 3 Name: Eden Element: Dark MP per Day: 30 Description: An ancient bioweapon that was mutated by a Dimensional Tear long ago, Eden contains the soul of a young woman trapped inside of it. Currently the whereabouts of Eden are unknown but it has been theorized that the Knights of Eden my know more than they are letting on. Attack: Eternal Breath Stats: TMP: 8 SIZE: 10 REF: 10 Attack Eternal Breath AA +1 Damage 3d6 Hit Locations/Hits Remaining Location Hits 1 Head __/2,000 2 Left Wing __/3,000 3 Right Wing __/3,000 4-5 Tail __/3,000 6-10 Torso __/4,000 Abilities: Ability: Flight Intelligent Ranged Attack Type Natural Natural Natural RN 10 Armor __/300 __/300 __/300 __/300 __/300 Lv: NA NA NA 90 BV NA MA: 7 DMG: 3d6 Scale: 1:1 CT 3 NAME : BOKO TYPE : ESPER/BIRD ELEMENT : WIND MA : 100m FLIGHT MA : NA TEMPERAMENT: ACTIVE (6) REFLEXES : FAST (8) MP : __/50 MSP :3 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG RIGHT WING LEFT WING ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE BITE [H] CLAW [RL] CLAW [LL] Lv1 CHOCOBO STOMP Lv4 CHOCOBO THUNDER Lv8 CHOCOBO METEOR ABILITIES MOUNT: SUMMON: RANGED ATTACK: ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK WA +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 DAMAGE 1D6 1D6+4 1D6+4 1D6+2 1D8+2 1D10+2 HITS __/10 __/20 __/15 __/15 __/10 __/10 BV NA NA NA NA 2 NA SP __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 BR NA NA NA 5m 2m 10m RN 0 0 0 10 15 25 MP NA NA NA 10 15 25 CREATURE IS CAPABLE OF BEING USED AS A MOUNT AND OR CAPABLE OF BEING USED AS A BEAST OF BURDEN CAPABLE OF BEING CALLED FORTH FOR AN ATTACK OR TO BE USED AS A MOUNT CAPABLE OF ATTACKING AT RANGE ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% RESISTANCE 0% 0% 25% 150% 0% 0% DESCRIPTION A NOBLE ESPER THAT HAS PASSED IN AND OUT OF LEGEND FROM THE DAYS OF THE CENTRA, BOKO TOOK THE FORM OF A CHOCOBO AND USES HIS FORM TO TRAVEL BETWEEN WORLDS UNSUSPECTED. BOKO APPEARS WHENEVER HE SENSES TROUBLE AND CHOOSES ONES HE DEEMS WORTHY TO USE HIS POWER. BOKO HAS A STRICT MORAL CODE AND HAS BEEN KNOWN TO LEAVE THOSE HE FEELS HAVE VIOLATED IT. BOKO CAN BE CALLED FORTH AS A MOUNT AT A COST OF 1 MP PER HOUR. 91 NAME : BAHAMUT (ASSAULT) TYPE : DRAGON/ESPER ELEMENT : WIND/FIRE MA : 100m FLIGHT MA : 200m TEMPERAMENT: DANGEROUS (8) REFLEXES : VERY FAST (9) MP : __/75 MSP : 12 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG RIGHT WING LEFT WING TAIL ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE CLAWS (AP) [RA] CLAWS (AP) [LA] BITE [H] TALONS (AP) [RL] TALONS (AP) [LL] BLADES (AP) [RW] BLADES (AP) [LW] Lv:1 ASSAULT FLARE* Lv:4 STEEL DROP* Lv:8 MEGA FLARE WA +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +0 +1 DAMAGE 1D6+2 1D6+2 2D6 2D6+2 2D6+2 1D6+2 1D6+2 1D6+4 1D6** 2D6+2 HITS __/17 __/35 __/27 __/27 __/27 __/27 __/17 __/17 __/17 BV NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SP __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 BR NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5m NA 3m RN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 40 10 MP NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20 40 25 * RESOLVED AS A PHYSICAL ATTACK WITH ARMOR PIERCING ** +1 DAMAGE PER EVERY 4m MOVED ABILITIES INTELIGENT FLIGHT RANGED ATTACK SUMMON : HAS HUMAN LEVEL OR ABOVE INTELLIGENCE : IS CAPABLE OF FLYING AT TWICE GROUND MA : IS CAPABLE OF ATTACKING AT RANGE : IS CAPABLE OF BEING CALLED FORTH TO ATTACK A SET TARGET 92 ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 0% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% RESISTANCE 50% 0% 75% 75% 0% 0% DESCRIPTION ONE OF THE ESPER FORMS OF BAHAMUT, THIS FORM FOCUSES ON PHYSICAL ATTACKS. ABLE TO ACT INDEPENDENTLY OF THE OTHER FORMS ASSAULT BAHAMUT IS STILL AN AVATAR OF BAHAMUT AND DEMANDS A MEASURE OF RESPECT. ASSAULT BAHAMUT TENDS TO REMAIN ALONE IN MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS FAR FROM PRYING EYES, ONLY LEAVING WHEN DISTURBED OR WHEN CIRCUMSTANCES REQUIRE HIS PERSONAL TOUCH. 93 NAME : BAHAMUT (FURY) TYPE : DRAGON/ESPER ELEMENT : LIGHT/FIRE MA : 100m FLIGHT MA : 200m TEMPERAMENT: DANGEROUS (8) REFLEXES : VERY FAST (9) MP : __/75 MSP : 12 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG RIGHT WING LEFT WING TAIL ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE CLAWS (AP) [RA] CLAWS (AP) [LA] BITE [H] TALONS (AP) [RL] TALONS (AP) [LL] Lv:1 MEGA FLARE Lv:4 BIT RAIN* Lv:8 GIGA FLARE WA +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +1 +0 +1 DAMAGE 1D6+2 1D6+2 2D6 2D6+2 2D6+2 2D6+2 1D6+4 3D6+2 HITS __/17 __/35 __/27 __/27 __/27 __/27 __/17 __/17 __/17 BV NA NA NA NA NA NA 6 NA SP __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 __/12 BR NA NA NA NA NA 3m NA 6m RN 1 1 1 1 1 10 40 20 MP NA NA NA NA NA 25 40 60 * RESOLVED AS A PHYSICAL ATTACK WITH ARMOR PIERCING ** +1 DAMAGE PER EVERY 4m MOVED ABILITIES INTELLIGENT FLIGHT RANGED ATTACK SUMMON : HAS HUMAN LEVEL OR ABOVE INTELLIGENCE : IS CAPABLE OF FLYING AT TWICE GROUND MA : IS CAPABLE OF ATTACKING AT RANGE : IS CAPABLE OF BEING CALLED FORTH TO ATTACK A SET TARGET 94 ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% RESISTANCE 50% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% DESCRIPTION ONE OF THE ESPER FORMS OF BAHAMUT, THIS FORM FOCUSES ON LONG RANGE ATTACKS. ABLE TO ACT INDEPENDENTLY OF THE OTHER FORMS FURY BAHAMUT IS STILL AN AVATAR OF BAHAMUT AND DEMANDS A MEASURE OF RESPECT. FURY BAHAMUT TENDS TO REMAIN ALONE IN SPACE AND NEBULAS FAR FROM PRYING EYES, ONLY LEAVING WHEN DISTURBED OR WHEN CIRCUMSTANCES REQUIRE HIS PERSONAL TOUCH. 95 Hikaru’s team paused, something wasn’t right. “Hey Ven, you got any ideas on how we’re supposed to find the central chamber?” Hikaru asked. Ven sighed and shook his head “If we’re looking for the central chamber then why not follow those monsters” Arum volunteered, Hikaru looked, several creatures were heading deeper into the crystal pillar, “I don’t know it could be a trap.” Arum smirked “That’s why you’re going first”. Chapter 4: Referee’s Section Mapping The Duoarma Galaxy is made up of approximately 300 cubic sectors of space each sector is made up of 100 cubic parsecs of space. Each cubic parsec is about 2.93800656 × 1040km3. As you can imagine space is vast to simplify mapping we use a 10x10 grid on a sheet of paper this represents a 10x10x1 region of space or sector. The first step is to pick your star density; do you want a sparsely populated sector or a highly populated sector? Once you figure this out the use the chart below and roll for each square in your sector Density 5% 10% 12.5% 16% 20% 25% 33% 40% 50% Roll 1 on a d20 1 on a d10 1 on a d8 1 on a d6 1-2 on a d10 or 1-4 on a d20 1 on a d4 or 1-2 on a d8 1-2 on a d6 1-4 on a d10 or 1-8 on a d20 Half the numbers on any die Example: Leon tries to map out a sector with a 25% star density, the first parsec Leon rolls a 5 on d8, meaning there is no star in that parsec, second parsec Leon rolls a 1 meaning there is a star in that parsec. Leon continues this until all of the parsecs have been rolled. System Creation So you have setup your stellar density and mapped out where the stars are now you need to know what’s around those stars what types of stars they are. To do this we need to create the star system itself. To start this process we need to determine the number of stars in the system, the type of star(s), and how many/what kind of planets are in the system 96 A1. Type of System Roll 2d6 Result System Type 2-3 Trinary 4-7 Single Star 8-11 Binary 12 Four or more GO TO A2 A2. Stellar Classification Roll 2d6 Result 2-11 Main Sequence or V GO TO B1 12 Giant or White Dwarf GO TO B C. Basic Stellar Data This chart gives the basic Stellar Data about your system’s Star(s) also given is the stars Yellow, Green, Blue, and Black Zones, given in AU, these zone indicate the types of planets that can exist there and the distance from the star. Red Zone: this zone it too hot and too close to the star to have planets Size Yellow Zone: Planets can form in this zone, but in most cases liquid water is unable to form tidally locked planets may have water either in liquid form or ice. Green Zone: The zone that is most capable of supporting M class planets. Not all planets in this zone are class M. This is also known as the “Biozone” or “Habitable Zone” B1. Main Sequence Star Types Roll 2d6 Result Class 2-4 Type M (Red) 5-6 Type K (Orange-Red) 7 Type G (Yellow-White) 8-9 Type F (Blue-White) 10-11 Type A (Blue-White) 12 Type B (Blue) Blue Zone: This zone is too cold for liquid water. Life here is unlikely except on the moons of class J planets. Black Zone: In this zone water can me mined like a mineral; even Methane and Ammonia are liquid or solid. In this zone the system’s primary looks like a really bright star in the sky. B2. Giant or White Dwarf Types Roll 3d6 Result Class 3-9 Type A Subgiant 10 Type D White Dwarf 11 Type F Giant 12 Type A Giant 13 Type B Giant 14 Type O Giant 15 Type B Supergiant 16-18 Type M Giant GO TO C 97 Type Brightness Main Sequence Stars Type B (Bright) 13,000 Type B (Dim) 830 Type A (Bright) 50 Type A (Dim) 10 Type F (Bright) 7.0 Type F (Dim) 2.5 Type G (Bright) 1.0 Type G (Dim) 0.6 Type K (Bright) 0.4 Type K (Dim) 0.1 Type M (Bright) 0.01 Type M (Dim) 0.001 White Dwarf Stars Type D 0.1 Giants & Subgiants F II-IV 10-500 A II-IV 100-1,500 B II-IV 200-8,000 Type O 10,000-20,000 Supergiant 7,000-100,000 M I-IV 4,000 Mass Yellow 17.5 8.2 2.7 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.2 20 5.5 1.8 0.8 0.66 0.4 0.25 0.2 0.16 0.08 0.03 0.0 0.8 2.0-5.0 3.0-6.0 4.0-10 10-12 9.0-18 2.0-10 Green Blue Black Boundry 108 27.4 5.5 5.5 2.1 1.2 0.78 0.6 0.49 0.25 0.08 0.025 148 37.4 9.3 8.2 3.5 2.1 1.3 1.0 0.83 0.42 0.13 0.042 2220 555 140 60 50 32 20 15 13 6.0 2.0 0.63 12,250 2,690 292 130 102 68 40 32.4 25.6 14.4 3.6 1.6 0.08 0.25 0.42 6.0 25.6 0.3 0.4 4.0 13 5.0 5.0 2.5-13 4-20 180-250 630-790 50-200 60 3.0-19 6.0-30 270-375 950-1,190 75-300 67 45-285 90-450 640-2,000 14,000-17,000 1,125-4,500 1,200 160-1,000 360-1,440 640-2,000 4,000-5,760 3,240-12,960 160-4,000 GO TO D D. System Dynamics Now that we know about the star(s) in the system we need data on the planets. The planets are the locations where most of your adventures will take place. But first things first we need to find out how many planets you system has. D1. Number of Planets by Stellar Type Stellar Type A Ia, F Ia, G Ia A Ib, A II, F Ib, G Ib, K I A III, B II-IV, F II, K II A IV, B V, F III-IV, G III, K III, M I-III A V, F V, G IV, K IV G V, K V, M V D O, B GO TO D2 Number of Planets 3d6+1 3d6 3d6-1 3d6-2 3d6+3 3d6+2 1d6+2 0 98 D2. Orbital Distance It is important to generate the average orbital distance between your planets, this way they don’t all wind up in your red zone. In order to find the orbital distance roll a die it doesn’t matter what type, then starting at 0 run a doubling series (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.), after this is done roll the die again and add the number from your sequence (Example: Leon’s first roll is a one getting the sequence above his next roll gets him a constant of 3 thus his sequence becomes 0, 4, 6, 8, 12, 20, etc.), After this is done divide the sequence by 10 to find the average Distance in AUs (i.e. 0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 2.0 etc.) After you have found the orbital distances remove any planets that fall within the Red Zone, and any that fall outside the system’s boundary. GO TO D3 E. Planets Planets are assigned a letter designation depending on the climate, terrain, an atmosphere of the planet. The Designations are Class D: Rocky planetoids, barren with little to no atmosphere Class F: Dry, airless planets basically big rocks in space Class G: Low to medium gravity, unbreathable atmosphere, basic ice balls Class H: Dry, Thin atmosphere, but terraformable Class J: Gas Giant Class K: Earthlike gravity, extreme temperatures, poisonous atmospheres D3 Belts Belts come in two different types, there is the Ort Cloud on the outside of almost every system, and the asteroid belts that occupy every system. An Ort Cloud is a belt on the outside of a system’s primary’s gravitation well made up of trillions of ice comets and chunks, and is a good source of water for terraforming and ships. Asteroid belts are either planets that have been broken up or the leftovers from a systems planetary evolution. Asteroid belts should be placed on the next innermost orbit from a Class J Gas Giant. If your innermost orbital is a Class J planet then move it in by one and place the asteroid belt between it and the system’s primary. GO TO E Class L: Earthlike gravity and temperature, oxygen-noble gas atmosphere Class M: Earthlike gravity and temperature, carbon-water chemistry, oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere Class T: Gas Giant with considerable ring system Class Y: High temperature and pressure, corrosive atmosphere, deadly radiation levels. 99 E1. Planetary Class Roll 2d6 cross-reference with Orbital Zone Result Yellow Green Blue 2 Y G D 3 D F F 4 D H J 5-6 F M D 7 K H H 8-9 K M L 10 F J G 11 J D T 12 H L K GO TO E2 E2. Planetary Masses Type Mass (Earth=1.0) D 3d6*0.00005 F 3d6*0.005 G 3d6*0.01 H 2d6*0.5 J GO TO E3 K, Y 2d6*0.1 L, M (2d6+5)*0.1 Black D D J G J T F G J E4. Gravity and Atmosphere and Other Factors When it comes to gravity I recommend that the GM use their discretion, as long as they keep it reasonable. Remember that the higher the mass of a planet the higher the gravity, and the higher the gravity the thicker the atmosphere should get. Also use your discretion when it comes to the climate and hydrosphere of your planets. Remember this is your world, but try to keep things believable. E3. Class J and Class T Planetary Masses Roll 2d6 Result Type and Mass 2-5 Subjovian 3d6+10 6-8 Jovian 3d6*20 9-10 Superjovian (2d6-1)*300 11-12 Brown Dwarf 2d6*1,500 GO TO E4 100 Optional Rules These are rules you may want to implement within your Champaign to help balance the game out for players who are new, overpowered/underpowered, and/or really over the top with their weapon choses (i.e. I’m gonnna use Cloud Strife’s Buster Sword). Weapon Speed Got a player abusing 2 handed weapons, or one that always seems to win the dice off for initiative, or the one who does both meaning that no one else gets to play? Well then I recommend using a Weapon Speed rule. Weapon Speed is an initiative modifier used to indicate the time it taken to swing or use the weapon, of course the bigger the weapon the longer it takes to attack. To find Weapon Speed, or WS, there are two methods: the first method is to take the weight of the weapon and round it to the nearest whole number, this only applies to melee weapons ranged weapons always have a WS of 2. The second method is to use the chart below to construct your WS. WS cannot be negative and does not affect reflex checks; it only affects a character’s initiative. WS has a cap set a four, though you can modify it as you see fit. Other factors also influence WS, Weapons of Elven make are designed to be faster than most other cultures, Gunblade type weapons house complex components and have are weighted towards the blade and their for slower than average swords. Weapon Speed Chart Type/Modifiers Weapon Types One-Handed sword Two-Handed sword Staff Pole-Arm Anything below 45cm Pistol Rifle Bow Crossbow Modifiers Elven Gunblade 2.0+kg 3.0+kg WS 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 3 -1 +1 +1 +2 101 The Limit Breaks are: Limit Breaks Limit Breaks are desperation effects, in essence a Limit Break is a last ditch effort to defeat the enemy using all the strength the user has in a single attack. This leaves the user in an extreme state of exhaustion, leaving them with no MP and forcing them to make a Stun/Shock roll to stay conscious. Limit Breaks must be chosen during Character Generation and characters cannot learn new Limit Breaks, without a reason for it, but they can learn new “Finishers” via the Special Arts. If they choose a Special Art as a Finisher the character cannot use it in standard battle. Entering a Limit Break is almost as devastating as the Limit Breaks themselves. To enter a Limit Break a character must be reduced to below approximately 40% of their total Hits and still have all their limbs (limbs reduced to 0 hits but not severed or shredded). The character must then state that they are going to use a Limit Break. Upon declaration the character enters EX Mode, while in EX Mode a character is considered to be under the effects of Regen as well as having all their Hits are replenished with “Phantom Hits” that go away after the character exits EX Mode. Limit Breaks last for 1 round or 1 attack depending on the situation. A GM must consider a lot of things before deciding to allow this system into his or her game first off, will all PC have access to it or will only certain ones, secondly will then NPCs and enemies have access to this, and third, will the GM allow characters to use this if they’re in over their heads (like for example, a party ran into a dragon which proceeded to stop all over them leaving them all but dead before the dragon was even getting warmed up). Finally a GM must decide that they like this system before allowing it. Renzokuken: (Gunblade Only) User makes attack rolls until the gunblade runs out of ammo or the attacker misses. Has a % chance of executing a finisher equal to the number of attacks *5 Fusillade: (Magic Only) Pick Three Spells, user casts these back to back alternating between the first and second spells for 2-5 attacks before finishing with the third, spells deal their full damage. Steel Rain: (Bow Only) User fires upwards 2-12 times, arrows fall in a 2 meter radius around the target dealing full damage has a 25% chance of using a Finisher. Knights Honor: (Swords Only) User preforms 2-7 attacks to the target’s weapons and torso; attacks are at -1 accuracy, regardless of the accuracy of the weapon, and deal 150% max damage. Duality Strike: (Twin Weapons) Attacker strikes with both weapons simultaneously, each charged with different elemental energies, weapons deal their full damage plus 2. Elemental Overdrive: (Vynifacus Only) the elemental energies within the attacker burst forth shattering the reality around the caster and the target and revealing a set of wings made up of elemental energy (type and color depend on the caster), Elemental Overdrive deals 1d10 and hits 2-12 times before reality fades in and the wings fade out. 102 The Magic Creation System The magic creation system is for Game Master use only, it is the system that enables the creation of new magic spells. The system is setup like the old MTS from Mekton 2 but has a maximum and minimum amount of damage chart in order to build a spell that deals damage you must use both of these charts to “build” your die roll. The costs are given in MP which will be used to cast the spell later when a character or NPC learns it. Example: Terra wants to build a new spell that deals a d6+2 worth of damage to build it she must buy a maximum damage of 8 which costs 12 MP and a minimum damage of 3 which costs1.2 MP the total not counting any other modifiers is 13.2 or 13 MP. Max Cost 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 Damage: 6 7 8 10 8 12 9 15 10 18 11 21 12 24 Min. Cost 1 0 2 .2 3 .3 4 .4 5 .6 6 .8 8 1.2 9 1.5 10 1.8 11 2.1 12 2.4 10 *1.0 *2.4 11 *1.4 *2.8 12 *1.8 *3.6 SA Cost Range Cost (HH) Cost (MH) 0 *0.35 NA 3 *0.4 *1.2 -2 *0.6 4 *0.45 *1.3 Actions: 0 Cost *1.0 Hexes Cost Cost (w/o Center) 0 *1.0 *1.0 -1 *0.8 5 *0.5 *1.4 7 1.0 Accuracy: 0 +1 *0.9 *1.0 Range: 6 7 *0.6 *0.7 *1.6 *1.8 Casting Time: 2 3 *.7 *.6 1 *.9 Blast Radius: 1 2 3 *1.5 *1.8 *2.0 *1.7 *2.0 *2.2 +2 *1.5 8 *0.8 *2.0 4 *.5 9 *0.9 *2.2 5 *.4 4 *2.3 *2.5 Element: Element Earth Wind Fire Water Light Dark Combo(2) Combo(3) +3 *2.0 6 *.3 5 *2.5 *2.7 10 *3.0 *3.2 20 *6.0 *6.2 Type Cost *1.0 *1.0 *1.0 *1.0 *1.0 *1.0 *1.5 *2.0 Type Standard Astral Card/Scroll Focused Status Ailment Healing +Status Ailment Status Cure 103 Cost *1.00 *0.50 *0.60 *0.75 *1.00 *1.00 *1.25 *1.25 Other What Multi Dice Multiple Hits Non-Combat Summon Defensive Flight/Levitation Cost: *1.5 per Die *1.5 per hit *1.0 to *0.5 *1.0 *1.0 *1.5 Wind: Wind whips over Earth. Wind spells tend to be more offensively based, with spells like Thunder and Aero. Wind magic can also be noncombat oriented with spells like Levitation and Flight. Fire: Fire consumes Wind. Fire has the most offensive spells of all elements. Fire based spells tend to center around flames and explosions as well as heat conduction. Damage Association Max 1-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Min 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Water: Water douses Fire. Water spells are versatile having detecting spells, defensive magic, healing magic, and offensive magic. Light: Light dispels the Dark. Light magic is used mostly for support or astral spells. Light has the most Healing spells but very few attack spells. Damage: This is the amount of damage a spell can do, divided into minimum and maximum damage. A spell at most can deal 15 hits of damage and at minimum 1 hit of damage. Each set damage has a minimum associated with it in the Damage Association Chart Dark: Darkness shrouds Light. Dark has mostly Status Ailment magic. Dark spells focus on hitting in vital locations or inflicting Blind, Poison, Zombie, and Paralysis. Type: Determines the type of spell your constructing, spells can be of the following types Cost: How many Magic Points or MP it takes to Cast that particular spell Standard: Standard spells can be cast straight off your magic or reflex stat. standard spells require only MP and their casing time. Accuracy: This is the spells accuracy (SA) or ability to hit its intended target, Astral: Astral spells are attacks on the Astral plane, they don’t effect humans or other races but can strike Monsters straight though their armor Range: This is the spells range in hexes, available in both Human Hexes (HH) which are 2m across, and Mecha Hexes (MH) which are 50m Card/Scroll: Spell has been cast onto a Card or Scroll, to activate the Card or Scroll one must pay the MP cost, after activation the Card or Scroll is consumed. Casting Time: How long a spell takes to cast in actions (5 sec), the longer it takes to cast the less MP it costs but the downside is you have to spend that time focused completely on casting the spell Focused: Spell works though a focusing point like a wand or staff. A focused spell cannot be cast without a focus. Blast Radius: The radius of area affect spells, essentially how big a spell is. Available with and without the center hex for different effects. Status Ailment: Status Ailment spells are spells that inflict an ailment like Blind, Sleep, Poison, Frozen, Paralysis, and Zombie. Built as a one point spell in terms of damage, they don’t do any damage. Element: Decides the spells Element, important as some Monsters have Elemental Resistances and Elemental Weaknesses as determined by the Elemental Attribute of the Monster. + Status Ailment: Status Ailment spells are spells that inflict an ailment like Blind, Sleep, Poison, ect. Built as standard spells in terms of damage, they do damage and then add status ailments. Earth: Earth pollutes Water. Earth spells tend to be defensive. Earth offensive magic tends to focus around Gravity or Stone spells but can yield Lightning spells. 104 Healing: Healing spells are spells that are built as normal spells but reverse the damage to give back hits instead of taking them away Summons: In terms of construction Summoning Spells are just really big attack spells, with wicked cool special effects Status Healing: Status Healing spells are spells that reverse Status Ailments, Status Healing spells must buy a maximum damage equal to the number of ailments they reverse. Defensive: Defensive Magic is a branch of magic that covers Barriers and protective items, defensive magic is built like offensive magic but instead of dealing damage it blocks it instead. Other: Other little things that spells can do that don’t really fit anywhere else Levitation/ Flight: Built like Offensive Magic but instead of having damage it has Flight MA, all Flight/Levitation spells are Wind based and deal no damage. Multi Dice: The ability to throw multiple damage dice, each one identical to the one that is set for the base damage. Cost is by the die Finishing Up: Now you’ve got your spell, but you’ve got a decimal at the end. The final step is to round all decimals to the nearest whole number. Multiple Hits: The ability for a spell to hit you multiple times, determined like burst value, each hit does its own damage. Non-Combat: Non-Combat spells are spells that don’t do any damage or Status Ailment, spells like Lighting and Detect Magic are examples of NonCombat Spells Creature Creation Alright we’ve got the spells, we’ve got the star maps, we’ve got the mecha (or can get the mecha), so what are we missing? The monsters! We need monsters and animals fast. To do this we need a Creature Creation system. Okay what is a Monster and how does it differ from a standard animal. Well in Role Playing terms a monster is a lifeform released or mutated by the Dimensional Tear incident. In game terms a monster is a creature with an Elemental Attribute and there for more than a simple animal. Now don’t get me wrong animals are still deadly in a fight. A cornered wolf is still going to take the path of least resistance, namely you. Monsters are also immune to energy weapons that are smaller than Mecha Scale. Monsters are not immune to projectiles however, thus an auto-pistol will still hurt most monsters, or at least annoy them. If you want to build animals using this system just omit the Elemental Attribute, or look on pgs.130-132 in Mekton Zeta Plus. Monster/Animal Temperament Table Value Temperament 1 Cowardly 2 Very Timid 3 Timid 4 Quiet 5 Neutral 6 Active 7 Aggressive 8 Dangerous 9 Very Dangerous 10 Vicious Monster/Animal MA Table MA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 105 Meters per Turn 1m 5m 15m 22m 30m 50m 75m 100m 200m 300m Monster/Animal Size Table Size Head Limb Body 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 3 5 4 5 7 10 5 7 11 15 6 10 15 20 7 13 19 25 8 15 23 30 9 17 27 35 10 20 30 40 SP/MSP 0 0 0 0 1 3 6 9 12 15 Damage 1 1d6/3 1d6/2 1d6 1d6+2 1d6+4 2d6 2d6+2 2d6+4 3d6 Hit Mod -2 -1 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +2 Lift/Weight 0 3kg 10kg 40kg 120kg 250kg 500kg 666kg 825kg 1000kg Monster/Animal Reflexes Table Stat Description 2 Torpid 3 Very Slow 4 Slow 5 Below Average 6 Average 7 Above Average 8 Fast 9 Very Fast 10 Lightning Monster/Animal Scale Scale Human Roadstriker Mekton Corvette Starship Hits *1 *4 *10 *100 *1000 Elemental Attributes: Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Element Light Light Fire Fire Water Water Earth Earth Wind Wind Dark Dark SP/MSP *1 *4 *10 *20 *50 Damage *1 (Max)*4 (Max)*10 (Max)*100 (Max)*1000 Weakness 50% Dark 100% Dark 50% Water 100% Water 50% Earth 100% Earth 50% Wind 100% Wind 50% Fire 100% Fire 50% Light 100% Light 106 Hit Mod +0 +3 +6 +9 +12 Resists 25% Light 50% Light 50% Fire, 25% Wind 100% Fire, 75% Wind 50% Water, 25% Fire 100% Water, 75% Fire 50% Earth, 25% Water 100% Earth, 75% Water 50% Wind, 25% Earth 100% Wind, 75% Earth 25% Dark 75% Dark Lift/Wt. *1 *4 *10 *100 *1000 Abilities: Some creatures have unusual abilities, a Creature can only have three abilities, not to be confused has three abilities, a creature may have as few as it requires but it may not exseed three total abilities. For a complete list of abilities turn to pg.131 of Mekton Zeta Plus. Hypnotic: The creature can hypnotize others of its size or smaller requiring a Cool or Temperament check of difficulty 15. Keen Senses: This creature has exceptional senses; A difficulty 25 Shadow/Avoid Pursuit check must be made to avoid detection Armored: the Creature has an armored hide +10sp Phasing: Creature can shift their density to allow solid matter to pass through them or to allow them to pass through solid matter. Creature can phase every 10 Turns. Armor Piercing: Creature’s claws and Fangs are extremely sharp and can pierce armor (treat armor as 1/2 SP) Camouflaged: Creature can make itself very hard to detect subtract creatures reflexes from Awareness/Notice Checks Ranged Attack: The creature can attack with some sort of ranged attack, deals damage determined by its size rating has a weapon accuracy of 0 and its range is equal to its MA. Entangle: The creature can perform entangling attacks, successful entangles do 1/2 damage every action until victim escapes Regeneration: The creature can regenerate at a rate of 1 hit every 12 terns. Flying: Creature is capable of moving a twice the speed determined by its MA 107 Mekton Technical System Mekton SeeD is designed to be used with the standard Mekton Zeta Plus with one or two exceptions. The weapon creation systems have had a slight overhaul, to bring them into the realm of easier to build and control. Power Plants have had a slight addition and a slight overhaul for playability and game balance. Finaly a new system has been addes called a Magi Lense, which operates as a ESPer Lens for magic. Ranges In Standard Mekton Zeta long range weapons are limited based on their Kill value. For example a 1Kill laser only has a range of 4 hexes, a 1K Missile has a 4 hex range, and a 1K projectile weapon has a range of 3 hexes. Now the above ranges are stock ranges without modification. The point of changing the system is to create a more cost effective and easy to use system without creating weapons that cost in the hundreds of CP not counting Space Efficiency. For building weapons in Mekton SeeD ignore the weapon range based on the kill value of the weapon and use the chart below for weapon range and how much it costs. Beam Weapons Projectile Weapon Missile Weapons Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Cost *0.0 *0.3 *0.4 *0.5 *0.6 *0.7 *0.8 *0.9 *1.0 *1.1 *1.2 *1.3 *1.4 *1.5 *1.6 *1.7 *1.8 *1.9 *2.0 *2.3 *2.5 Cost *0.0 *0.2 *0.4 *0.5 *0.6 *0.8 *1.0 *1.2 *1.4 *1.6 *1.8 *2.0 *2.2 *2.4 *2.6 *2.8 *3.0 *3.2 *3.4 *3.6 *3.8 108 Cost *0.2 *0.3 *0.4 *0.5 *0.6 *0.7 *0.8 *0.9 *1.0 *1.3 *1.5 *1.8 *2.0 *2.5 *3.0 *3.5 *4.0 *4.5 *5.0 *5.5 *6.0 Power Plants As stated in this Book several Nations use a form of power not standardly available in Mekton Zeta Plus. They are Crystal Power Plants. Crystal Power plants use a Magicite Crystal to provide power to the Mecha without the dangers of fuel or radioactive waste storage. Crystal Power Plants can over-pressurize the crystal to provide short bursts of incredible power but this can lead to either the distruction of the mecha, or the crystal fracturing rendering the mecha without power. Mechanics wise Crystal Power Plants are almost identical to Bioenergy Power Plants except that they cannot change the level in which they were built (i.e. an under charged power plant cannot raise to a standard or super charged no matter how heightened the pilots emotional state is). All Crystal Power Plants are considered to have a V-Max System installed but the results vary with the state of the power plant, Hot Power Plants tend to explode at the end of the V-Max effect with only a 15% chance of the crystal just fracturing, whereas a Cool Power Plant has a 15% chance of exploding or the Crystal fractures rendering the mecha powerless. Type Crystal Power Cell XS(H) 1(5) 1(5) Another change is some definition on Power Cells or Batteries. Mecha with a Power Cell is bound by a six hour time limit on operation time, not counting use of beam weapons. Each Power Cell has 360 Power Points to be used for actions Every round of full movement is 1 Power Point, use of beam weapons is 1 point per kill of damage, and sensors use 1 point per Kilometers in an active scan, 2 points for recon systems (except ASP which costs 4). Cool Power Cells are big capacitors that hold energy from the mecha’s base or carrier, these if struck, lose Power Points Equal to the Damage dealt and are rendered useless if they Fail their XS. Hot Power Cells are giant thermonuclear or plasma based batteries, these also lose Power Points equal to the Damage dealt if they are hit but release heavy long lasting radiation that renders the mecha irrecoverable and deals 2 hits of damage per action to each hit location without special protection. Power Cell Power Plants do not gain more Power Points the more they are Charged but they gain the other benefits of being Overcharged. Individual Power Cells Cost one tenth of what they save in CP. (i.e. a Power Cell Power Plant that costs -25 CP costs 2.5 CP beyond the first Power Cell) Power Plants Undercharged Standard(H) *-0.2 *0.0(-0.13) *-0.02 *0.0(-0.015) Other types found Pg. 67 Mekton Zeta Plus 109 Over *0.19 *-0.02 Super *0.38 *-0.05 spells do not heal mecha but rather are amplified to cover an area-of-effect of 1 hex per rank of spell. To use Magi Lenses take the average damage of the spell and deals that as damage on the scale that the Lens is built at. Unlike 1:25, or human scale, spells do not use MSP but use standard attack rules and armor ablation. This is to maintain play balance across the board due to the fact that magic is more common than Psychics. Magi Lenses scale the same as ESPer Lenses and suffer from backlash like ESPer Lenses. Magi Lenses suffer from backlash because of the nature of channeling magical energies direct from the pilot and amplifying it across the mecha. Because of the nature of magic the backlash deals damage to the equivalent location on the pilot. Magi Lenses In standard MTS there are rules for ESPer Lenses, in Duoarma magic exists side by side with Psionics. Do to that fact, some organizations have been working on a similar system for magic use. The Magi Lens takes a magic user’s natural abilities and amplifies them to the scale of the unit. Magi Lenses can only be used in units that use Crystal Power Plants, and reflexive cockpits, this is because it requires magical energy to function. Game wise magi lenses use the same construction and costs as ESPer Lenses. The spells that are able be amplified are primarily attack spells, healing spells, and most support spells. Status affecting spells and all special arts are incompatible with Magi Lens technology. Most healing 110 Hikaru stared up into the lifeless face of the unit in front him, ”Two eyes? Really, two eyes went the way of the dodo twenty years ago.” The old designer just stared at him, “Just because it looks dated doesn’t mean that it can’t keep up, besides Esthar just released its newest MS so you might want to rethink your statement”. Hikaru climbed into the cockpit and began preflight “Hey old man, this unit have a name?” The old man turned “Freedom” Appendix A: Mecha The different peoples of the Duoarma galaxy have developed robotic weapons that have taken the battlefields by storm. First usage of mecha dates back to the first Esthar/Galbadia war, the suits used were little more than walking tanks that shelled and devastated the battlefield. Today’s mecha are more refined and more agile, often being as fast as a human SOLDIER, also today’s mecha power plants are much more stable than those 500 years ago. The different peoples of Duoarma place different design values on their mecha, for instance Galbadia values heavy armor and sturdy construction, whereas Esthar values balanced light weight mecha. Astral Kingdom: The Astral Kingdoms utilize a form of mecha known as beast mecha, beast mecha gain a bonus to their maneuverability because it is faster to turn (stably) on 4 legs than 2 legs. Knights Of Eden: This splinter Group of SeeD uses mostly Transforming Mecha and has been experimenting with Lens Technology. Centra Coalition: The Centra are the masters of Multi-Function Beam Weapons. Centra Mecha use a Crystal Core for power and incorporates a self-destruct system tied directly to the pilot’s vitals. Centra Mecha have their cockpits located in their head and don’t take kindly to head hunters. Crystal Empire: The elves value speed and melee combat over all else, often sacrificing armor and ranged capacities. The elves often design there mecha to look like knights or at least suits of armor, Elven Mecha use a magicite core for power. Estharian Technocracy: The people of Esthar value balanced performance and low weight often using projectile weapons rather than beam due to versatility and cost. Estharian Mecha often use internal automation systems to alleviate the strain on the pilot. Aggendi Empire: The Aggendi use Biological Monsters as Mecha, as such the Aggendi never fully mastered built in beam weapons. Aggendi Techno-Organic mecha utilize Claws and Blades over built in long range weapon they do often carry large projectile weapons and use external weapons mounts. Due to their TechnoOrganic nature all Aggendi Mecha are Able to Regenerate. Armies of the Estharian Magiocracy: A terrorist band that uses any mecha that they can get their hands on. AEM mecha tend to be discarded Galbadian or Etharian mecha that are considered out of date. 111 NAME TYPE MANUFACTURER STATS MV: -2 SENSORS: 4 : M-09 DRAGOON : GROUND COMBAT SUIT : MITHRIL MECHAWORKS MR: APT: 2 SENSOR RANGE: 15km WHAT HEAD MAIN BODY RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG w/FOOT LEFT LEG w/FOOT TYPE “MW” SENSORS BACKUP SENSORS KILLS __/3 __/6 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 LOCATION HEAD MAIN BODY FACTION WEIGHT COST +ADD: +0/+1 MA: 5 COMM RANGE: 1,500km SERVOS & ARMOR COST 3.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 SENSORS KILLS __/2 __/2 112 : ESTHAR : 29.1 tons : 106.8CP (1,068,100gil) FLIGHT MA: NA XS: 01 ARMOR __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 RANGE 15km 1km DC 2 2 2 2 2 2 COST 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 TOTAL: 39.8 COMM. RANGE 1,500km 300km TOTAL: 11.0 WHAT/WHERE TWIN PHALANX SYSTEM* [H] TWIN PHALANX AMMO [H] HAND [RA] HAND [LA] MONO-CUTTER (AP) [1H] M-36 ASSAULT RIFLE [2H] M-36 AMMO [GUN] M-36 AMMO [RL] M-36 AMMO [LL] WA +0 NA +0 +0 +0 +0 NA NA NA ARMAMENTS RN DAMAGE 3 1K per hit NA NA 1 1K+ 1 1K+ 1 2K+ 6 3K per hit NA NA NA NA NA NA SH NA 20 NA NA INF NA 15 15 15 BV 3 NA NA NA NA 3 NA NA NA ANGLE COST NA 1.9 NA 0.4 NA 2.0 NA 2.0 NA 2.0 NA 6.0 NA 0.9 NA 0.9 NA 0.9 *VARIABLE PHALANX/ANTI-PERSONNEL TOTAL: 17.0 WHAT/WHERE RADIO/RADAR ANALYZER [MB] TARGET ANALYZER [MB] RES. INTENSIFIERS *1034 (VIDEO) [H] ECM: SENSOR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: MISSILE JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: RADAR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: ECCM LV: 3 [MB] NIGHTLIGHTS [H] P.A. SYSTEM LIFT WIRE EJECTION SEAT OPTIONS SPACE 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA NA CP 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 1.0 TOTAL: 27.3 OTHER ADDITIVE SYSTEMS WHAT SPACE EFFICIENCY: TWIN PHALANX SYSTEM SPACE EFFICIENCY: RES. INTENSIFIERS SPACE EFFICIENCY: ECM SUITE MULTIPLIER SYSTEMS WHAT POWER PLANT (COOL) ENV. PRO. (ARTIC, DESERT & UNDERWATER) INTERNAL AUTOMATION (LV:4, PROTFOLIO: 4) COST 0.5 0.5 1.0 TOTAL: 2.0 SPACE NA NA 1 MULTIPLIER *0.00 *0.10 *1.10 TOTAL: *1.1 INTERNAL AUTOMATION STATS INT: 4 COOL: 4 REF: 4 SKILLS SKILL COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS E. WARFARE SKILL GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SENSOR OPERATIONS TECH: 4 STAT INT INT INT INT 113 LUCK: 4 Lv 4 4 4 4 NAME : M-110 STRIKE DAGGER TYPE : “STRIKER” MULITI-ROLE MECHA MANUFACTURER: MITHRIL MECHAWORKS FACTION : ESTHAR STATS WEIGHT : 35.5 tons COST : 248.5CP (2,485,000gil) MV : -2 MR : APT :2 XS : 05 +ADD : +0/+1 MA :6 FLIGHT MA : 12 OTHER MA : 2 SENSORS : __/2 SENSOR RANGE: 11km COMMO RANGE: 1,300km SERVOS & ARMOR COST 3.0 8.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 WHAT HEAD MAIN BODY RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG KILLS __/3 __/8 __/4 __/4 __/5 __/5 TYPE THRUSTERS THRUSTERS THRUSTERS FLIGHT SYSTEMS LOCATION MAIN BODY RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG TYPE “HS” SENSOR SUITE BACKUP SENSORS SENSORS KILLS __/2 __/2 LOCATION HEAD MAIN BODY WHAT/WHERE RIGHT HAND (Q, H) [RA] LEFT HAND (Q, H) [LA] TWIN PHALANX SYSTEM* [H] TWIN PHALANX AMMO [H] M-48 BEAM RIFLE [1H] XM-30 BEAM SABER [1H] WA +0 +0 +0 NA +1 +1 ARMOR __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 SPACE 5.3 5.3 5.3 COST 5.3 5.3 5.3 TOTAL: 15.9CP RANGE 11km 1km ARMAMENTS RN DAMAGE 0 1K+ 0 1K+ 3 1K per hit NA NA 8 4K 0 3K DC COST NA 4.0 NA 4.0 NA 4.0 NA 4.0 NA 4.0 NA 4.0 TOTAL: 53.0CP COMM. RANGE COST 1,300km 6.0 300km 2.0 TOTAL: 8.0CP SH INF INF NA 20 INF INF BV NA NA 3 NA NA NA ANGLE COST NA 2.0 NA 2.0 NA 1.9 NA 0.4 NA 6.0 NA 3.0 *VARIABLE PHALANX/ANTI-PERSONNEL TOTAL: 15.3CP 114 TYPE “LW” SHIELD SHIELDS SP __/6 LOCATION ONE HAND WHAT/WHERE COCKPIT [MB] IA COMPUTER [MB] RADIO/RADAR ANALYZER [MB] TARGET ANALYZER [MB] RES. INTENSIFIERS *1034 (VIDEO) [H] ECM: SENSOR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: MISSILE JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: RADAR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: ECCM LV: 3 [MB] SPOTLIGHTS [H] P.A. SYSTEM LIFT WIRE ESCAPE POD [MB] DA -2 SPACE: 1 OPTIONS SPACE 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA 1.0 COST 6.0 TOTAL: 6.0CP CP 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 2.0 TOTAL: 28.3CP OTHER ADDITIVE SYSTEMS WHAT SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [RL] SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [LL] SPACE EFFICIENCY: TWIN PHALANX SYSTEM [H] SPACE EFFICIENCY: RECON SYSTEMS [H] SPACE EFFICIENCY: RECON SYSTEMS [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: ECM SUITE [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: ESCAPE POD [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: IA COMPUTER SPACE EFFICIENCY: M-48 BEAM RIFLE MULTIPLIER SYSTEMS WHAT SPACE POWERPLANT (HOT, OC) NA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (ARTIC, DESERT, SPACE, EM, UNDERWATER) IA COMPUTER (Lv:4 PORTFOLIO:4) [MB] 1 COST 1.5 2.0 2.0 0.8 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 TOTAL: 10.8CP MULTIPLIER *0.15 *0.30 *0.36 TOTAL: *0.81 INTERNAL AUTOMATION STATS INT: 4 COOL: 4 REF: 4 SKILLS SKILL COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS E. WARFARE SKILL GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SENSOR OPERATIONS TECH: 4 STAT INT INT INT INT 115 LUCK: 4 Lv 4 4 4 4 NAME TYPE MANUFACTURER STATS MV: -4 SENSORS: 4 : TYPE 02a GOLEM : GROUND COMBAT MS : KINGDOM MECHAWORKS MR: APT: 2 SENSOR RANGE: 15km WHAT HEAD MAIN BODY RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG w/FOOT LEFT LEG w/FOOT KILLS __/5 __/12 __/6 __/6 __/7 __/7 TYPE LOCATION “MW” SENSOR SUITE HEAD BACKUP SENSORS HEAD FACTION WEIGHT COST +ADD: +1/+2 MA: 4 COMM RANGE: 1,500km SERVOS & ARMOR COST 5.0 12.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 SENSORS KILLS __/2 __/2 116 : GALBADIA : 46.7 tons : 129.5 (1,295,000gil) FLIGHT MA: NA XS: 05 ARMOR __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 __/6 RANGE 15km 1km DC 1 1 1 1 1 1 COST 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 TOTAL: 79.0 COMM. RANGE 1,500km 300km TOTAL: 11.0 WHAT/WHERE HAND [RA] HAND [LA] M-26 ASSAULT RIFLE [2H] M-26 AMMO [GUN] M-26 AMMO [RL] M-26 AMMO [LL] WHAT/WHERE RADIO/RADAR ANALYZER [MB] TARGET ANALYZER [MB] RES. INTENSIFIERS *1034 (VIDEO) [H] ECM: SENSOR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: MISSILE JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: RADAR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: ECCM LV: 3 [MB] NIGHTLIGHTS [H] P.A. SYSTEM LIFT WIRE EJECTION SEAT WA +0 +0 +0 NA NA NA ARMAMENTS RN DAMAGE 1 1K+ 1 1K+ 6 2K NA NA NA NA NA NA SH NA NA NA 20 20 20 OPTIONS SPACE 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA NA BV NA NA 3 NA NA NA ANGLE COST NA 2.0 NA 2.0 NA 10.4 NA 2.1 NA 2.1 NA 2.1 TOTAL: 20.7 CP 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 1.0 TOTAL: 27.2 OTHER ADDITIVE SYSTEMS WHAT SPACE EFFICIENCY: M-26 AMMO [ALL] COST 1.5 TOTAL: 1.5 MULTIPLIER SYSTEMS WHAT POWER PLANT (HOT) SPACE NA 117 MULTIPLIER *-0.10 TOTAL: *-0.10 NAME TYPE MANUFACTURER FACTION : GMX-305 JEGAN : MEDUM STRIKER MS : KINGDOM MECHAWORKS : GALBADIA STATS WEIGHT : 40 tons COST : 175.9 CP (1,759,000gil) MV : -4 MR : APT :2 XS : 01 +ADD : +1/+2 MA :4 FLIGHT MA : 12 OTHER MA :2 SENSORS : __/2 SENSOR RANGE: 15km COMMO RANGE: 1,500km SERVOS & ARMOR COST 4.0 8.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 WHAT HEAD MAIN BODY RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG THRUSTER POD KILLS __/4 __/8 __/5 __/5 __/5 __/5 NA TYPE THRUSTERS THRUSTERS THRUSTERS FLIGHT SYSTEMS LOCATION THRUSTER POD RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG SENSORS KILLS __/2 __/2 TYPE LOCATION “MW” SENSOR SUITE HEAD BACKUP SENSORS HEAD WHAT/WHERE HAND [RA] HAND [LA] M-38 MISSILES [RA] M-38 MISSILES [LA] M-28 BEAM RIFLE [1H] WA +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 ARMOR 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K SPACE 6 6 6 118 COST 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 TOTAL: 63.0 COST 6.0 6.0 6.0 TOTAL: 18.0 RANGE 15km 1km ARMAMENTS RN DAMAGE 1 1K+ 1 1K+ 8 3K 8 3K 8 2K DC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMM. RANGE 1,500km 300km TOTAL: 11.0 SH NA NA 2 2 INF BV NA NA NA NA 3 ANGLE COST NA 2.0 NA 2.0 NA 1.2 NA 1.2 NA 6.0 TOTAL: 12.4 TYPE “LW” SHIELD SHIELDS SP __/6 LOCATION LEFT HAND WHAT/WHERE RADIO/RADAR ANALYZER [MB] TARGET ANALYZER [MB] RES. INTENSIFIERS *1034 (VIDEO) [H] ECM: SENSOR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: MISSILE JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: RADAR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: ECCM LV: 3 [MB] NIGHTLIGHTS [H] P.A. SYSTEM LIFT WIRE EJECTION SEAT DA -2 SPACE: 1 OPTIONS SPACE 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA NA COST 6.0 TOTAL: 6.0 CP 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 1.0 TOTAL: 27.3 OTHER ADDITIVE SYSTEMS WHAT SPACE EFFICIENCY: X-28 BEAM RIFLE SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [RL] SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [LL] MULTIPLIER SYSTEMS WHAT POWER PLANT (COOL) IA COMPUTER (LV: 4, PORTFOLIO 3) ENV. PRO. (ARTIC, DESERT, SPACE, & UNDERWATER) COST 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL: 3.0 SPACE NA 1 NA MULTIPLIER *0.00 *1.10 *0.15 TOTAL: *1.25 INTERNAL AUTOMATION STATS INT: 4 COOL: 4 REF: 4 TECH: 4 SKILLS SKILL E. WARFARE SKILL COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS SENSOR OPERATIONS LUCK: 4 STAT INT INT INT 119 Lv 4 4 4 NAME TYPE MANUFACTURER FACTION : GAT-101 RANGER : STRIKER MS : GARDEN FACTORIES 1&2 : SeeD STATS WEIGHT : 32.5 tons COST : 256.4 CP (2,564,000gil) MV : -1 MR : APT :2 XS :1 +ADD : +0/+1 MA :7 FLIGHT MA : 16 OTHER MA : 2 SENSORS : __/4 SENSOR RANGE: 20km COMMO RANGE: 2,000km POWER POINTS: ___/360 SERVOS & ARMOR COST 3.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 WHAT HEAD MAIN BODY RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG KILLS __/3 __/6 __/4 __/4 __/5 __/5 TYPE THRUSTERS THRUSTERS THRUSTERS FLIGHT SYSTEMS LOCATION MAIN BODY RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG ARMOR __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 SPACE 6.5 6.5 6.5 DC 1 1 1 1 1 1 COST 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 TOTAL: 51.0 COST TOTAL: 19.5 TYPE “LH” SENSOR SUITE BACKUP SENSORS WHAT/WHERE HAND [RA] HAND [LA] X-38 BEAM RIFLE [1H] X-38 CLIP [GUN] X-38 CLIP [RL] X-38 CLIP [LL] X-04 BEAM SABRE [1H] SENSORS KILLS __/2 __/2 LOCATION HEAD HEAD WA +0 +0 +1 NA NA NA +1 RANGE 20km 1km ARMAMENTS RN DAMAGE 1 1K+ 1 1K+ 8 3K NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 4K 120 COMM. RANGE 2,000km 300km TOTAL: 14.0 SH NA NA NA 10 10 10 INF BV NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ANGLE COST NA 2.0 NA 2.0 NA 3.7 NA 1.0 NA 1.0 NA 1.0 NA 4.0 ARMAMENTS CONT. WA RN DAMAGE +1 1 4K WHAT/WHERE X-04 BEAM SABRE [1H] TYPE “MS” SHIELD SHIELDS SP __/8 LOCATION LEFT HAND SH INF DA -2 BV NA ANGLE COST NA 4.0 TOTAL: 18.7 SPACE: 1 OPTIONS SPACE NA 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA 1.0 1.0 WHAT/WHERE ANTI-THEFT CODE LOCK RADIO/RADAR ANALYZER [MB] TARGET ANALYZER [MB] RES. INTENSIFIERS *1034 (VIDEO) [H] ECM: SENSOR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: MISSILE JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: RADAR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: ECCM LV: 3 [MB] NIGHTLIGHTS [H] SOUND/P.A. SYSTEM LIFT WIRE ESCAPE POD STORAGE MODULE [MB] CP 0.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 2.0 1.0 TOTAL: 29.5 OTHER ADDITIVE SYSTEMS WHAT SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [RL] SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [LL] SPACE EFFICIENCY: X-38 BEAM RIFLE [1H] SPACE EFFICIENCY: RECON SYSTEMS [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: ECM SUITE [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: ESCAPE POD [MB] MULTIPLIER SYSTEMS WHAT POWER PLANT (COOL, SC, POWER CELL) IA COMPUTER (LV: 4, PORTFOLIO 5) ENV. PRO. (ARTIC, DESERT, SPACE, & UNDERWATER) COST 2.8 2.3 2.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 TOTAL: 10.1 SPACE NA 1 NA MULTIPLIER *0.15 *1.40 *0.15 TOTAL: *1.70 INTERNAL AUTOMATION STATS INT: 4 COOL: 4 REF: 4 TECH: 4 LUCK: 4 SKILLS SKILL STAT AUTO PILOT COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS E. WARFARE SKILL GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SENSOR OPERATIONS REF INT INT INT INT 121 COST 8.0 TOTAL: 8.0 Lv 4 4 4 4 4 NAME : TYPE : MANUFACTURER: FACTION : GAT-000-0a G.U.N.D.A.M. HEAVY STRIKER MECHASUIT GARDEN FACTORY 01 SeeD STATS WEIGHT : 45.5tons BASE COST : 242.4 COST : 557.29 MV : +0 MR : APT :2 XS : 01 +ADD : +1/+2 MA :6 FLIGHT MA : 16 OTHER MA :3 SENSOR RANGE: 30km COMM RANGE: 3,000km SERVOS & ARMOR COST 4.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 WHAT HEAD MAIN BODY RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG W/FOOT LEFT LEG W/FOOT BACK POD KILLS __/4 __/10 __/5 __/5 __/6 __/6 0/0 TYPE THRUSTERS THRUSTERS THRUSTERS FLIGHT SYSTEMS LOCATION BACK POD RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG SENSORS KILLS __/3 __/2 TYPE LOCATION “AH” SENSOR SUITE HEAD BACK UP SENSORS MAIN BODY WHAT/WHERE HAND [RA] (QUICK) HAND [LA] (QUICK) MW-51 BEAM SABRE [1H] BW-48 BEAM RIFLE [1H] WA +1 +1 +1 +1 ARMOR __/5 __/5 __/5 __/5 __/5 __/5 __/5 SPACE 9.1 9.1 9.1 122 COST 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 TOTAL: 92.5 COST 9.1 9.1 9.1 TOTAL: 27.3 RANGE 30km 1km ARMAMENTS RN DAMAGE 1 1K+ 1 1K+ 1 5K 8 4K DC 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 COMM. RANGE 3,000km 300km TOTAL: 24.0 SH INF INF INF INF BV NA NA NA NA ANGLE COST NA 2.3 NA 2.3 NA 5.0 NA 6.0 TOTAL: 15.6 TYPE LOCATION “MW” BINDER LEFT ARM MW-55 BEAM SHIELD BINDER SHIELDS SP __/7K 5K WHAT/WHERE ANTI-THEFT CODELOCK [MB] ECM: MISSILE JAMMING Lv: 4 [MB] ECM: RADAR JAMMING Lv: 4 [MB] ECM: SENSOR JAMMING Lv: 4 [MB] ESCAPE POD [MB] LIFTWIRE [MB] LOGIC PROCESSORS (+2 INT) [MB] RADIO/RADAR ANALYZER [H] RESOLUTION INTENSIFIERS *1034 [H] SOUND/PA SYSTEM [MB] SPOTLIGHTS x5 [H] STORAGE MODULE [MB] TECH ANALYZERS (+2 TECH) [MB] OPTIONS SPACE NA 6.0 NA NA 1.0 NA 1.0 1.0 1.0 NA NA 1.0 1.0 DA -1 -2 SPACE 1.0 7.5 COST 15.0 7.5 TOTAL: 22.5 CP 0.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 0.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 5.0 TOTAL: 42.5 OTHER ADDITIVE SYSTEMS WHAT SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [BP] SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [RL] SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [LL] SPACE EFFICIENCY: RECON SYSTEMS [H] SPACE EFFICIENCY: ECM SUITE [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: ESCAPE POD [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: MANEUVER VERNIERS [MB, RA, LA, RL, LL] MULTIPLIER SYSTEMS WHAT POWERPLANT (SC, COOL) ENVIRO. PROTECTION (DESERT, ARTIC, SPACE, UNDERWATER) MANEUVER VERNIERS (+4 MV) [MB, RA, LA, RL, LL] INTERNAL AUTOMATION (Lv: 4 PORTFOLIO 5) [MB] COST 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 0.5 10.0 TOTAL: 18.0 SPACE NA NA 20.0 1.0 MULTIPLIER *0.30 *0.20 *0.40 *0.40 TOTAL: *1.30 INTERNAL AUTOMATION STATS INT: 6 COOL: 4 REF: 4 SKILLS SKILL AUTO PILOT COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS E. WARFARE SKILL INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS SENSOR OPERATIONS TECH: 6 STAT REF INT INT TECH INT 123 LUCK: 4 Lv 4 4 4 4 4 NAME TYPE MANUFACTURER : VF-2ss VALKYRIE FACTION : “MS” VARIABLE BATTLEMECHA WEIGHT : VOIGHT FAIRCHILD MECHAWORKS COST MV: -1/-2/-3 MR: SENSORS: __/2 STATS: +ADD: +0/+1 MA: 5 FLIGHT MA: 16/20, 24/28, 32/36 SENSOR RANGE: 15km COMM RANGE: 1,500km XS: 01 WHAT HEAD MAIN BODY RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG RIGHT WING LEFT WING WEAPON MOUNT [MB] WEAPON MOUNT [RW] WEAPON MOUNT [LW] KILLS __/3 __/8 __/4 __/4 __/5 __/5 __/3 __/3 SERVOS & ARMOR COST 4.0 8.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 : KNIGHTS OF EDEN : 44.0 tons : 557.2CP (5,572,000gil) ARMOR __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/3 __/3 DC 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 COST 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.8 3.8 TOTAL: 79.6CP TYPE THRUSTERS THRUSTERS THRUSTERS FLIGHT SYSTEMS LOCATION MAIN BODY RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG TYPE LOCATION “MW” SENSOR SUITE HEAD BACK UP SUITE MAIN BODY SENSORS KILLS __/2 __/2 124 SPACE 8.8 8.8 8.8 RANGE 15km 1km COST 8.8 8.8 8.8 TOTAL: 26.4CP COMM. RANGE COST 1,500km 9.0 300km 2.0 TOTAL: 11.0CP WHAT/WHERE RIGHT HAND (Q, H) [RA] LEFT HAND (Q, H) [LA] BW-18* VRF LASER [H] BW-18* VRF LASER [H] EMW-55 BEAM SABRE (ReChrg) [1H] EMW-55 BEAM SABRE (ReChrg) [1H] M-510 SHRIKE MISSILES [RWM] M-510 SHRIKE MISSILES [LWM] PW-36 GUNPOD** [2H] PW-36 GUNPOD AMMO [GUN] PW-36 GUNPOD AMMO [RL] PW-36 GUNPOD AMMO [LL] WA +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 ARMAMENTS RN DAMAGE 0 1K+ 0 1K+ 8 1K per hit 8 1K per hit 0 5K 0 5K 10 5K per hit 10 5K per hit 6 3K per hit NA NA NA NA NA NA SH INF INF INF INF 5** 5** 4 4 NA 10 10 10 BV NA NA 5 5 NA NA 1-2 1-2 5 NA NA NA ANGLE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA COST 2.0 2.0 10.5 10.5 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 12.6 1.3 1.3 1.3 *VARIABLE: ALL PURPOSE **TURNS IN USE *** VARIABLE: PHALANX-STANDARD TOTAL: 54.5CP TYPE XS-52 BEAM SHIELD LOCATION LEFT ARM WHAT/WHERE ANTI-THEFT CODE LOCK RADIO/RADAR ANALYZER [MB] TARGET ANALYZER [MB] RES. INTENSIFIERS *1034 (VIDEO) [H] ECM: SENSOR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: MISSILE JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: RADAR JAMMING LV: 3 [MB] ECM: ECCM LV: 3 [MB] SPOTLIGHTS [MB] SOUND/P.A. SYSTEM LIFT WIRE ESCAPE POD [MB] RECHARGE RACK [RA] RECHARGE RACK [LA] SHIELDS SP 5 DA -2 OPTIONS SPACE NA 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA 1.0 3.0 3.0 OTHER ADDITIVE SYSTEMS WHAT SPACE EFFICIENCY: BW-18 (x2) [H] SPACE EFFICIENCY: EMW-55(x2)[1H] SPACE EFFICIENCY: XS-52 BEAM SHIELD SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [RL] SPACE EFFICIENCY: THRUSTERS [LL] SPACE EFFICIENCY: PW-38 GUNPOD [2H/MWM] SPACE EFFICIENCY: RECON SYSTEMS [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: ECM SUITE [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: ESCAPE POD [MB] SPACE EFFICIENCY: MANEUVER VERNIERS [MB, RA, LA, RL, LL] 125 SPACE: 7.5 COST 7.5 TOTAL: 7.5CP CP 0.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 TOTAL: 29.5CP COST 10.0 2.6 4.8 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 1.0 1.5 0.5 5.0 TOTAL: 34.8CP MULTIPLIER SYSTEMS WHAT SPACE POWER PLANT (COOL, OC, CRYSTAL) NA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (ARTIC, DESERT, SPACE, RE-ENTRY) NA MANEUVER VERNIERS +2 MV [MB, RA, LA, RL, LL] 10 TRANSFORMATION: MECHA, GERWALK, FIGHTER NA 126 MULTIPLIER *0.19 *0.25 *0.20 *0.65 TOTAL: *1.29 NAME TYPE MANUFACTURER : KI-101 CLAYMORE XS : HEAVY STRIKER MECHABIKE WEIGHT : KNIGHT INDUSTRIES MOTORWORKS COST :1 : 3.7 tons : 660,000gil (66.0 CP) STATS CONFIG: MECHA +ADD: 5/10 CONFIG: CYCLE +ADD: NA POWER POINTS: ___/360 MV: -1 MV: -1 MR: MR: MA: 70mpt MA: 14hpt SERVOS & ARMOR COST 1.3 4.0 1.7 1.7 2.3 2.3 WHAT HEAD TORSO RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG W/FOOT LEFT LEG W/FOOT HITS 20 60 25 25 35 35 TYPE FRONT WHEEL REAR WHEEL MOVEMENT SYSTEMS LOCATION SPACE MB NA MB NA TYPE MAIN SENSORS BACKUP SENSORS LOCATION HEAD TORSO SENSORS HITS 10 10 127 FLIGHT MA: NA FLIGHT MA: NA ARMOR 10 HITS 20 HITS 10 HITS 10 HITS 10 HITS 10 HITS RANGE 7km 1km COST 1.0 1.0 COST 0.7 1.3 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 TOTAL: 18.1 HITS 15 15 TOTAL: 2.0 COMM. RANGE 100km 33km TOTAL: SUBASSEMBLIES SPACE 10 NA NA NA WHAT/WHERE COCKPIT [TORSO] SPOTLIGHTS [TORSO] RADIO [TORSO] ANTI-THEFT CODELOCK WHAT/WHERE RIGHT HAND [RA] LEFT HAND [LA] BEAM RIFLE [1H] MICRO SCHNEIDER* [1H] MICRO SCHNEIDER* [1H] BR CLIP [GUN] BR CLIP [LL] BR CLIP [RL] WA +0 +0 +1 +0 +0 RN 1 1 8 1 1 ARMAMENT DAMAGE 5 HITS 5 HITS 20 HITS 10 HITS 10 HITS CP 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.4 HITS 5 5 20 10 10 SH INF INF 10/CLIP INF INF 10 10 10 HITS NA NA NA NA TOTAL: 0.8 SPACE 1 1 4.9 3.0 3.0 1 1 1 COST 0.7 0.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 *ARMOR PIERCING, QUICK, AND THROWN TOTAL: 7.4 WHAT TRANSFORMATION (CYCLE) IA COMPUTER POWERPLANT C, SC, PC ARCTIC & DESERT PROTECTION MULTIPLIER SYSTEMS MULTIPLIER *0.35 *0.5 *0.05 *0.1 OTHER ADDITIVE SYSTEMS WHAT SPACE EFFICIENCY (MICRO SCHNEIDER) SPACE EFFICIENCY (MICRO SCHNEIDER) SPACE EFFICIENCY (IA COMPUTER) SPACE NA 1 NA NA TOTAL: *1.0 COST 0.9 0.9 0.5 TOTAL: 2.3 INTERNAL AUTOMATION STATS INT: 5 COOL: 5 REF: 5 TECH: SKILL 5 STAT INT INT INT INT TECH NAVIGATION: STREET COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS SENSOR OPERATIONS LANGUAGE: STANDARD MECHA TECH 128 LUCK: 5 Lv 5 5 5 5 5 As the Lunatic Pandora’s glow pierced through the night like a blade, Instructor Lionheart looked over the bridge crew of the Archangel, “This is our mission, our duty, and our burden. SeeD was founded to protect people from this monstrosity, so bring particle cannons to bare and let’s go down fighting” The crew responded with an almost unanimous clamor of activity, “Logengrin Cannons online” “Igelstellon PD System online” Instructor Lionheart brought his hand to his chin, “Now let’s hope those boys can stop that thing.” Appendix B: Characters Every universe is populated with people Duoarma is no different. While the people in Duoarma are split into different factions each trying to further their own agenda, they are none the less important. The listed characters here are the important NPCs for Mekton SeeD from the differing factions in Duoarma, including Instructors for Garden and SeeD, heads of state for all the governments of Duoarma, the heroes that were involved in the events of this book. Also included are the average foot soldiers and pilots for the different governments, as well as celebrities and government officials that can be encountered in Duoarma. Armies of the Esthar Mageocracy: A terrorist organization that claims to fight for the freedom of Esthar’s people by attacking the people behind what they claim to be an oppressive and cruel government. The truth is they intend to place people with magical abilities over the common people, and they don’t care who they hurt to get their way. Crystal Empire: The culture of the Crystal Empire is very complex and multifaceted with artists and entertainers. The nation’s pride is the crystal weavers of the capital city of Beinost. The Crystal Weavers are the only people who are able to get magicite crystals to grow into usable forms for both industry and sculpture. The military of the Crystal Empire is a single command that divides into subcommands for planet side and space. Planet side command is charged with the defense of planets within the Empire. The Space command is in charge of maintaining the borders of the Empire and transporting Planet Side troops to their destinations. Astral Kingdom: The people in the Astral Kingdoms are simple and hardy. Due to the culture most entertainment is in the form of theater and music. Often entertainers travel from place to place sometimes even planet to planet never settling in any one particular place. Musicians gather a larger following than most actors because it’s easier to hide music players than vid screens. The Astral Kingdoms have a multibranch military with Army, Navy, Space Navy, and Mecha Corps divisions. The Commander of the military is an appointed official by the Monarchy of Roak. The Elite military forces of the Astral Kingdoms are the Knights of the Steel Dragons, stationed aboard the carrier AKS Shieldwing. 129 Estharian Technocracy: Engineers, scientists, and other technical workers are the core of the Estharian populace. Esthar has placed more emphasis on technical growth than entertainment to the point that the arts and sports are almost nonexistent. The few sports they have are centered on mechanics and mental prowess rather than physical prowess. The Estharian military is divided into three braches the Ground Forces, Navy, and Star Navy. Each has their own mecha and each has been fighting a guerrilla war with the Armies of the Esthar Mageocracy. Centra Coalition: The Centra Coalition is the Centra’s Monarchy; Centra strive for a Meritocracy within the confines of a monarchy. While this may seem counter intuitive the Centra manage to make it work, via promotion to lower ranking nobility via service and through implementing very few hereditary titles. Centra civilians are a quiet group that tends to prefer the arts and to try make a living, but typically give full support of their military. Overall Centra prefer exploration over fighting, and their literature and arts reflects this. Kingdom of Galbadia: Galbadians tend to be a self-expressive lot, with wild fashion and the occasional sports riot. Galbadia is a monarchy with a King that has absolute power over the masses through his dukes, barons, baronets, and knights. The Kingdom of Galbadia has an expansionistic culture and always seeks to achieve its goals even if it means bending a few conventions. The Galbadian military is divided into four Branches, A Ground forces branch, a Space Fleet Branch, A Mecha Corps, and an Aero-Space Corps. Aggendi Empire: Violent and hungry, the Aggendi have no concept of a civilian. This is because all Aggendi are in some way involved in the military from the lowest technician to the Emperor. Aggendi are a blood thirsty race that Seeeks to conquer the Galaxy and beyond. To this end they give no quarter, and take no prisoners. The few Slaves the Aggendi take are used a Cattle to feed their population . 130 NAME: AVERAGE MECHA PILOT RACE: ANY FACTION: ANY RANK: ANY LOWER RANK ATTRIBUTES INT 7 COOL 8 REF 9 TECH 7 ATT 7 LUCK 7 BODY 8 EDU 8 BODY TYPE STUN/SHOCK: 7 LIFT/DRAG: 90kg THROW: ENC VAL: 23 6 HIT LOCATIONS 1 HEAD __/8 4-5 R. LEG __/12 ARMOR SP __/4 __/4 __/4 __/8 SKILL MECHA PILOT MECHA BEAM MECHA PROJECTILE MECHA MISSILE MECHA MELEE MECHA FIGHTING HTH: AKIDO SENSOR OPS DODGE & ESCAPE COMMUNICATIONS OPS ATHLETICS 2 6-7 +ADD: +1 LEAP: 6 R. ARM __/12 L. LEG __/12 LOCATION/OBJECT RIGHT ARM/JACKET TORSO/JACKET LEFT ARM/JACKET HEAD/FLIGHT HELMET STAT REF REF REF REF REF REF REF INT REF INT REF 131 MA EMP 8 6 MAG 6 MP __/12 RUN: 24 STABILITY: 3 8-10 JUMP: 2 20 L. ARM __/12 TORSO __/16 WEIGHT 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 1.0kg TOTAL: 1.6kg LEVEL/10 3/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 1/0 2/0 2/0 1/0 2/0 NAME: VETEREN MECHA PILOT RACE: ANY FACTION: ANY RANK: ANY MIDDLE RANK ATTRIBUTES INT 7 COOL 8 REF 9 TECH 7 ATT 7 LUCK 7 BODY 8 EDU 8 BODY TYPE STUN/SHOCK: 7 LIFT/DRAG: 90kg THROW: ENC VAL: 23 6 HIT LOCATIONS 1 HEAD __/8 4-5 R. LEG __/12 ARMOR SP __/4 __/4 __/4 __/8 SKILL MECHA PILOT MECHA BEAM MECHA PROJECTILE MECHA MISSILE MECHA MELEE MECHA FIGHTING HTH: AKIDO SENSOR OPS DODGE & ESCAPE COMMUNICATIONS OPS COMPUTER OPS ATHLETICS 2 6-7 +ADD: +1 LEAP: 6 R. ARM __/12 L. LEG __/12 LOCATION/OBJECT RIGHT ARM/JACKET TORSO/JACKET LEFT ARM/JACKET HEAD/FLIGHT HELMET STAT REF REF REF REF REF REF REF INT REF INT INT REF 132 MA EMP 8 6 MAG 6 MP __/12 RUN: 24 STABILITY: 3 8-10 JUMP: 2 20 L. ARM __/12 TORSO __/16 WEIGHT 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 1.0kg TOTAL: 1.6kg LEVEL/10 6/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 NAME: ELITE MECHA PILOT RACE: ANY FACTION: ANY RANK: UPPER MIDDLE RANK ATTRIBUTES INT 7 COOL 8 REF 9 TECH 7 ATT 7 LUCK 7 BODY 8 EDU 8 BODY TYPE STUN/SHOCK: 7 LIFT/DRAG: 90kg THROW: ENC VAL: 23 6 HIT LOCATIONS 1 HEAD __/8 4-5 R. LEG __/12 ARMOR SP __/4 __/4 __/4 __/8 SKILL MECHA PILOT MECHA BEAM MECHA PROJECTILE MECHA MISSILE MECHA MELEE MECHA FIGHTING HTH: AKIDO SENSOR OPS DODGE & ESCAPE COMMUNICATIONS OPS COMPUTER OPS ATHLETICS 2 6-7 +ADD: +1 LEAP: 6 R. ARM __/12 L. LEG __/12 LOCATION/OBJECT RIGHT ARM/JACKET TORSO/JACKET LEFT ARM/JACKET HEAD/FLIGHT HELMET STAT REF REF REF REF REF REF REF INT REF INT INT REF 133 MA EMP 8 6 MAG 6 MP __/12 RUN: 24 STABILITY: 3 8-10 JUMP: 2 20 L. ARM __/12 TORSO __/16 WEIGHT 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 1.0kg TOTAL: 1.6kg LEVEL/10 8/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 6/0 4/0 5/0 5/0 4/0 4/0 5/0 NAME: IGNUS FYRAN RACE: HUMAN FACTION: SeeD RANK: SeeD RANK 15 ATTRIBUTES INT COOL ATT BODY MA MAG 8 9 8 10 10 8 REF 10 TECH 9 LUCK 8 EDU 10 EMP 7 MP __/36 BODY TYPE STABILITY STUN/SHOCK: LIFT/DRAG: ENC VAL: THROW: +ADD: RUN: JUMP LEAP: HIT LOCATIONS 1 HEAD __/8 4-5 R. LEG __/12 ARMOR SP __/3 __/3 __/3 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/3 __/3 4/4 0/0 MSP NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6/6 2/2 2 6-7 R. ARM __/12 L. LEG __/12 LOCATION/OBJECT TORSO/SHIRT L. ARM/SHIRT R. ARM/SHIRT TORSO/JACKET L. ARM/JACKET R. ARM/JACKET L. LEG/JACKET R. LEG/JACKET L. LEG/PANTS R. LEG/PANTS PROTECTARA CHAIN SNIPER’S BANGLE* 3 8-10 TYPE MESH MESH MESH MESH MESH MESH MESH MESH MESH MESH ACC. ACC. 22 8 120kg 8 30m +2 30m 2.5m 7.5m L. ARM __/12 TORSO __/16 WEIGHT 0.1kg 0.1kg 0.1kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.1kg 0.1kg NA NA *+1 TO ALL WEAPONS ACCURACY SKILL MECHA PILOT MECHA FIGHTING MECHA MELEE WEAPONS M. BEAM WEAPONS M. MISSILE WEAPONS M. PROJECTILE WEAPONS ATHLETICS AWARENESS/NOTICE BLADE COMBAT (GUNBLADE) COMM OPS STAT REF REF REF REF REF REF REF INT REF INT 134 LEVEL/10 6/0 4/0 5/0 5/0 4/0 4/0 3/0 4/0 6/0 2/0 SKILL DODGE & ESCAPE DANCING DRIVING DUAL WIELD GUN CBT - LASERS HTH - AKIDO INVENT/DESIGN LEADERSHIP SHOWMANSHIP SENSOR OPS SP. ART (FIRESTORM BLADE) SP. ART (FATED CIRCLE) TACTICS TEACHING STAT REF REF REF REF REF REF TECH COOL COOL INT REF REF INT INT RN 1 100 1 FA NA SS NA LEVEL/10 6/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 WEAPON GUNBLADE “EXIA” [AP] ENERGY PISTOL SHEILD SP:5 WA +1 +1 +1 BV NA NA NA PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION HEIGHT: 182.8cm WEIGHT: 81.8kg AGE: 19 SEX: MALE EYES: RUBY HAIR: SILVER COIF: SHORT W/ BANG VOICE: DAVID GALLAGHER DAMAGE 1D6+1 1-8* 1D2 SH NA 10 NA WT 4.5kg HOME-WORLD: GRYPHTON RACE: HUMAN BLOOD TYPE: A+ BODY TYPE: V. STRONG BIOGRAPHY: IGNUS FYRAN WAS BORN ON THE PLANET GRYPHTON IN THE UNALIGNED WORLDS. FROM A YOUNG AGE IGNUS HAS SHOWN SURPRISING PHYSICAL APTITUDE FOR SOMEONE OF HIS BUILD, BEING BOTH STRONGER AND FASTER THAN THE AVERAGE HUMAN OF HIS AGE. ENROLLED AT GARDEN AT AGE 10, IGNUS SHOWED A HIGH APTITUDE FOR PERSONAL WEAPONS DESIGN, MECHA PILOTING, AND MARTIAL ARTS WHEN HE DEVELOPED THE EXIA TYPE GUNBLADE. IGNUS IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY PERSON TO BE ABLE TO DUAL-WIELD HIS EXIA TYPE GUNBLADES. IGNUS CURRENTLY ACTS AS A FIELD INSTRUCTOR AND A TUTOR FOR MECHA PILOTS. IGNUS IS ACTUALLY A CENTRA PRINCE WHO’S CRYO-STASIS CHAMBER MALFUNCTIONED AND RELEASED HIM PREMATURELY. HE WAS FOUND ON THE PLANET GRYPHTON AND RAISED AS A HUMAN BEING. IGNUS HOLDS THE GENETIC MEMORY OF THE CENTRA BUT CURRENTLY HAS NO MEANS OF ACCESSING IT. PERSONALITY: IGNUS HAS A STRICT NO NON-SENSE POLICY AND CAN BE DESCRIBED AS A BIT OF A HARD-HEAD. HE REFUSES TO ALLOW ANYONE TO GET CLOSE TO HIM AND OFTEN TRIES TO ENCOURAGE DISTANCE BETWEEN STUDENTS. IGNUS ALSO IS KNOWN FOR FOLLOWING HIS PERSONAL HONOR CODE TO THE LETTER, WHICH HAS LEAD TO SOME DISCIPLINARY MEASURES IN THE PAST 135 NAME: GALBADIAN “RANGER” RACE: HUMAN FACTION: GALBADIA RANK: PRIVET-SARGENT ATTRIBUTES INT COOL ATT BODY MA MAG 7 6 4 8 7 6 REF 8 TECH 6 LUCK 6 EDU 7 EMP 7 MP __/36 BODY TYPE STABILITY STUN/SHOCK +ADD LIFT/DRAG ENC VAL THROW RUN JUMP LEAP HIT LOCATIONS 1 HEAD __/7 4-5 R. LEG __/10 2 6-7 ARMOR SP __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/6 __/5 __/5 __/5 SKILL ATHLETICS AWARENESS/NOTICE BLADE COMBAT (SHORT SWORD) COMM OPS DODGE & ESCAPE DRIVING GENERAL KNOWLEDGE GUN CBT - RIFLES HTH - BACIC LEADERSHIP SHOWMANSHIP SENSOR OPS TACTICS R. ARM L. LEG __/10 __/10 LOCATION/OBJECT R. ARM/JACKET TORSO/JACKET L. ARM/JACKET R. LEG/PANTS L. LEG/PANTS HEAD/HELMET RIGHT ARM/ARMGUARD TORSO/CHESTPLATE LEFT ARM/ARMGUARD STAT REF INT REF INT REF REF INT REF REF COOL COOL INT INT 136 3 8-10 15 7 +1 90kg 6 26 21 1.75 5.25 L. ARM TORSO __/10 __/14 WEIGHT 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.8kg 0.5kg 0.5kg 0.5kg TOTAL: 3.3kg LEVEL/10 3/0 4/0 3/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 5/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 DESCRIPTION: GALBADIAN “RANGERS” ARE THE RANGED COMBAT SPECIALISTS OF THE GALBADIAN WAR MACHINE. RANGERS ARE TRAINED TO BE PROFICIENT IN BOTH MELEE AND RANGED COMBAT, BUT PREFER RANGED COMBAT OVER MELEE. GALBADIAN SOLDIERS WEAR A SP 5 MULTI-POLYMER BREASTPLATE AND ARMGUARDS IN ADDITION TO THEIR SP 4 JACKET AND PANTS AS STANDARD ISSUE. RANGERS ALSO CARRY A STANDARD SHORT SWORD, AND ASSAULT RIFLE AS STANDARD WEAPONS, RANGERS CARRY 1D10*15 WORTH OF GIL AND SOME ASSORTED ITEMS. WEAPON WA SHORTSWORD +0 GM-63 ASSAULT RIFLE +0 RN 1 200 FA NA NA WEAPONS BV DAMAGE NA 1D6 3 1D6+2 SH NA NA WT 0.5kg 4.1kg ITEMS ITEM POTION ETHER SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (FIRE X5) SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (WATER X5) SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (THUNDER X5) TRIPLE TRIAD CARDS (ASSORTED) % 25 10 05 05 05 25 137 WT 0.25kg 0.25kg 0.01kg 0.01kg 0.01kg 0.01kg NAME: GALBADIAN “GRUNT” RACE: HUMAN FACTION: GALBADIA RANK: PRIVET-SARGENT ATTRIBUTES INT COOL ATT BODY MA MAG 7 6 4 8 7 6 REF 8 TECH 6 LUCK 6 EDU 7 EMP 7 MP __/10 BODY TYPE STABILITY STUN/SHOCK +ADD LIFT/DRAG ENC VAL THROW RUN JUMP LEAP HIT LOCATIONS 1 HEAD __/7 4-5 R. LEG __/10 ARMOR SP __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/6 __/5 __/5 __/5 SKILL ATHLETICS AWARENESS/NOTICE BLADE COMBAT (LONGSWORD) COMM OPS DODGE & ESCAPE DRIVING GENERAL KNOWLEDGE GUN CBT - HANDGUNS HTH - BACIC LEADERSHIP SHOWMANSHIP SENSOR OPS TACTICS 2 6-7 R. ARM __/10 L. LEG __/10 LOCATION/OBJECT R. ARM/JACKET TORSO/JACKET L. ARM/JACKET R. LEG/PANTS L. LEG/PANTS HEAD/HELMET RIGHT ARM/ARMGUARD TORSO/CHESTPLATE LEFT ARM/ARMGUARD STAT REF INT REF INT REF REF INT REF REF COOL COOL INT INT 138 3 8-10 15 7 +1 90kg 6 26 21 1.75 5.25 L. ARM __/10 TORSO __/14 WEIGHT 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.8kg 0.5kg 0.5kg 0.5kg TOTAL: 3.3kg LEVEL/10 3/0 2/0 4/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 DESCRIPTION: GALBADIAN “GRUNTS” ARE THE BASIC SOLDIERS OF THE GALBADIAN WAR MACHINE. GRUNTS ARE TRAINED TO BE PROFICIENT IN BOTH MELEE AND RANGED COMBAT, BUT PREFER MELEE COMBAT OVER RANGED. GALBADIAN SOLDIERS WEAR A SP 5 MULTI-POLYMER BREASTPLATE AND ARMGUARDS IN ADDITION TO THEIR SP 4 JACKET AND PANTS AS STANDARD ISSUE. GRUNTS ALSO CARRY A STANDARD LONG SWORD, AND ASSAULT RIFLE AS STANDARD WEAPONS, GRUNTS CARRY 1D10*10 WROTH OF GIL AND SOME ASSORTED ITEMS. WEAPON LONG SWORD [AP] .45 AUTOMATIC WA +1 +1 RN 1 24 FA NA NA WEAPONS BV DAMAGE NA 1D6+1 NA 1D6+2 SH NA 11 WT 0.5kg 0.8kg ITEMS ITEM POTION ETHER SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (FIRE X5) SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (BLIZZARD X5) SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (THUNDER X5) TRIPLE TRIAD CARDS (ASSORTED) % 25 10 05 05 05 25 139 WT 0.25kg 0.25kg 0.05kg 0.05kg 0.05kg 0.01kg NAME: GALBADIAN OFFICER RACE: HUMAN FACTION: GALBADIA RANK: LIEUTENANT-LT. COLONEL ATTRIBUTES INT COOL ATT BODY MA MAG 7 6 7 8 7 6 REF 9 TECH 6 LUCK 6 EDU 7 EMP 7 MP __/12 BODY TYPE STABILITY STUN/SHOCK +ADD LIFT/DRAG ENC VAL THROW RUN JUMP LEAP HIT LOCATIONS 1 HEAD __/7 4-5 R. LEG __/10 ARMOR SP __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/6 __/5 __/5 __/5 SKILL ATHLETICS AWARENESS/NOTICE BLADE COMBAT (LONG SWORD) COMM OPS DODGE & ESCAPE DRIVING GENERAL KNOWLEDGE GUN CBT - HANDGUNS HTH - BACIC LEADERSHIP SHOWMANSHIP SENSOR OPS TACTICS 2 6-7 R. ARM __/10 L. LEG __/10 LOCATION/OBJECT R. ARM/JACKET TORSO/JACKET L. ARM/JACKET R. LEG/PANTS L. LEG/PANTS HEAD/HELMET RIGHT ARM/ARMGUARD TORSO/CHESTPLATE LEFT ARM/ARMGUARD STAT REF INT REF INT REF REF INT REF REF COOL COOL INT INT 140 3 8-10 15 7 +1 90kg 6 26 21 1.75 5.25 L. ARM __/10 TORSO __/14 WEIGHT 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.8kg 0.5kg 0.5kg 0.5kg TOTAL: 3.3kg LEVEL/10 3/0 4/0 6/0 3/0 4/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 3/0 4/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 DESCRIPTION: GALBADIAN OFFICERS ARE THE LEADERS OF THE GALBADIAN MILITARY. HIGHLY TRAINED, OFFICERS LEAD GROUPS OF 4 SQUADS WITH A COMMAND GROUP. OFFICERS ARE TRAINED IN LEADERSHIP AS WELL AS RANGED AND MELEE COMBAT. OFFICERS ARE TRAINED IN THE LONG SWORD AND IN HANDGUNS, WITH A FAMILIARIZATION CORSE IN RIFLES. GALBADIAN OFFICERS ARE NOT TRAINED IN MECHA COMBAT BUT ARE FAMILIARIZED IN CURRENT MECHA MODELS. GALBADIAN SOLDIERS WEAR A SP 5 MULTI-POLYMER BREASTPLATE AND ARMGUARDS IN ADDITION TO THEIR SP 4 JACKET AND PANTS AS STANDARD ISSUE. OFFICERS ALSO CARRY A STANDARD LONG SWORD, AND .45 AUTOMATIC AS STANDARD WEAPONS, OFFICERS CARRY 1D10*20 WORTH OF GIL AND SOME ASSORTED ITEMS. WEAPON LONG SWORD [AP] .45 AUTOMATIC WA +1 +1 RN 1 24 FA NA NA WEAPONS BV DAMAGE NA 1D6+1 NA 1D6+2 SH NA 11 WT 0.5kg 0.8kg ITEMS ITEM POTION ETHER SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (FIRE X5) SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (BLIZZARD X5) SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (THUNDER X5) % 25 10 05 05 05 141 WT 0.25kg 0.25kg 0.05kg 0.05kg 0.05kg NAME: ESTHAR SOLDIER RACE: HUMAN FACTION: ESTHAR RANK: PRIVET-SGT. 1ST CLASS ATTRIBUTES INT COOL ATT BODY MA MAG 7 6 7 8 7 6 REF 9 TECH 6 LUCK 6 EDU 7 EMP 7 MP __/12 BODY TYPE STABILITY STUN/SHOCK +ADD LIFT/DRAG ENC VAL THROW RUN JUMP LEAP HIT LOCATIONS 1 HEAD __/7 4-5 R. LEG __/10 2 6-7 ARMOR SP __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/6 LOCATION/OBJECT R. ARM/UNIFORM TORSO/UNIFORM L. ARM/UNIFORM R. LEG/UNIFORM L. LEG/UNIFORM HEAD/HELMET SKILL ATHLETICS AWARENESS/NOTICE BLADE COMBAT (SHORT SWORD) COMM OPS DODGE & ESCAPE DRIVING GENERAL KNOWLEDGE GUN CBT - SHOTGUNS HTH - BACIC LEADERSHIP SHOWMANSHIP SENSOR OPS TACTICS R. ARM __/10 L. LEG __/10 STAT REF INT REF INT REF REF INT REF REF COOL COOL INT INT 142 15 7 +1 90kg 6 26 21 1.75 5.25 3 8-10 L. ARM __/10 TORSO __/14 WEIGHT 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.8kg TOTAL: 1.8kg LEVEL/10 3/0 3/0 3/0 2/0 4/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 DESCRIPTION: ESTHARIAN SOLDERS ARE THE BASIC TROOPS OF THE ESTHAR MILITARY. TRAINED IN THE USE OF BOTH SHORT SWORDS AND SHOTGUNS, THESE TROOPS ARE DEADLY ON THE BATTLE FIELD BECAUSE OF THEIR AMBUSH TACTICS AND URBAN WARFARE TRAINING. ETHARIAN SOLDIERS WEAR A SP 4 UNIFORM AS STANDARD ISSUE. OFFICERS ALSO CARRY A STANDARD SHORT SWORD AND A M23 SHOTGUN AS STANDARD WEAPONS, AS WELL AS 1D10*20 WORTH OF GIL AND SOME ASSORTED ITEMS. WEAPON SHORT SWORD [AP] M23 SHOTGUN WA +1 +1 RN 1 24 FA NA NA WEAPONS BV DAMAGE NA 1D6 NA 1D6+1 ITEMS ITEM POTION ETHER SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (FIRE X5) SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (BLIZZARD X5) SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (THUNDER X5) SH NA 12 % 25 10 05 05 05 143 WT 0.5kg 0.8kg WT 0.25kg 0.25kg 0.05kg 0.05kg 0.05kg NAME: ESTHAR OFFICER RACE: HUMAN FACTION: ESTHAR RANK: LIEUTENANT-LT. COLONEL ATTRIBUTES INT COOL ATT BODY MA MAG 7 6 7 8 7 6 REF 9 TECH 6 LUCK 6 EDU 7 EMP 7 MP __/12 BODY TYPE STABILITY STUN/SHOCK +ADD LIFT/DRAG ENC VAL THROW RUN JUMP LEAP HIT LOCATIONS 1 HEAD __/7 4-5 R. LEG __/10 2 6-7 ARMOR SP __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/6 LOCATION/OBJECT R. ARM/UNIFORM TORSO/UNIFORM L. ARM/UNIFORM R. LEG/UNIFORM L. LEG/UNIFORM HEAD/HELMET SKILL ATHLETICS AWARENESS/NOTICE BLADE COMBAT (SHORTSWORD) COMM OPS DODGE & ESCAPE DRIVING GENERAL KNOWLEDGE GUN CBT - SHOTGUNS HTH - BACIC LEADERSHIP SHOWMANSHIP SENSOR OPS TACTICS R. ARM __/10 L. LEG __/10 STAT REF INT REF INT REF REF INT REF REF COOL COOL INT INT 144 15 7 +1 90kg 6 26 21 1.75 5.25 3 8-10 L. ARM __/10 TORSO __/14 WEIGHT 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.2kg 0.8kg TOTAL: 1.8kg LEVEL/10 3/0 3/0 4/0 3/0 5/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 2/0 3/0 DESCRIPTION: ESTHARIAN OFFICERS ARE THE LEADERS OF THE ESTHAR MILITARY. TRAINED IN THE USE OF BOTH SHORT SWORDS AND SHOTGUNS, ESTHAR OFFICERS HAVE HAD EXSTENSIVE TRAINING IN URBAN WARFARE AND LEADERSHIP. ETHARIAN SOLDIERS WEAR A SP 4 UNIFORM AS STANDARD ISSUE THEY ALSO CARRY A STANDARD SHORT SWORD, AND A M23 SHOTGUN AS STANDARD WEAPONS, AS WELL AS 1D10*20 WORTH OF GIL AND SOME ASSORTED ITEMS. WEAPON SHORT SWORD [AP] M23 SHOTGUN WA +1 +1 RN 1 24 FA NA NA WEAPONS BV DAMAGE NA 1D6 NA 1D6+1 ITEMS ITEM POTION ETHER SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (FIRE X5) SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (BLIZZARD X5) SYMBOLOGICAL CARDS (THUNDER X5) SH NA 11 % 25 10 05 05 05 145 WT 0.5kg 0.8kg WT 0.25kg 0.25kg 0.05kg 0.05kg 0.05kg Hikaru woke on a sandy beach his head spinning, ‘where am I, what happened, where are Ven and Rize’. Hikaru shook his head to clear it “no point just sitting here” he muttered to himself standing up. Just then a blood freezing howl cut through the night air, Hikaru froze in fear “ShShadow Hounds” he muttered reaching for his gunblade. Appendix C: Bestiary Every universe has it animals, in Duoarma it’s not just the standard wild life you have to worry about. Due to magical energies escaping during the Dimensional Tear, true monsters roam the worlds, monsters that range from the size of cats to the size of a starship. Of course there is no book that could hold all the information on even a sector of biodiversity let alone a whole galaxy, so the beasts listed here are the universals. Creatures that are found on multiple worlds not just on one or two, but rather creatures that for some unknown reason have apperared on multiple worlds or have been used as some form of work animal. Monsters: Monsters are creatures that have magical abilities. Monsters don’t necessarily follow the rules of standard biology, in fact some creatures, like the undead monsters, outright ignore the rules of biology all together. Not every monster uses magical attacks in fact some use magical defenses or simply are able to resist and absorb magical attacks. All monsters have an elemental affinity, this can determine it disposition but just as often can be entirely unrelated to the creature’s nature, remember just because the monster is light element doesn’t mean it won’t kill and eat you. Examples of monsters include: Shadow Hounds, dragons, Forbidden, Cockatrice Animals: Creatures without magical properties, animals can be every bit as deadly as monsters and tend to be so. Animals are the products of nature, or genetic engineering and have no magical properties but can have some amazing abilities. Animals follow standard biological laws and tend to have an environmental niche. Examples of animals are: dogs, cats, chocobos, parrots, tribbles, ants, etc. 146 Mekton NAME : SHADOW HOUND TYPE : FIEND ELEMENT : DARK MA : 100m FLIGHT MA : NA TEMPERAMENT: DANGEROUS (9) REFLEXES : FAST (9) MSP :4 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT F. LEG LEFT F. LEG RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE BITE [HEAD] CLAWS [RIGHT F. LEG] CLAWS [LEFT F. LEG] CLAWS [RIGHT LEG] CLAWS [LEFT LEG] CHARGE* WA +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 DAMAGE 1D6 1D6+2 1D6+2 1D6+2 1D6+2 1D6+2+ BV NA NA NA NA NA NA HITS __/7 __/15 __/11 __/11 __/11 __/11 SP __/1 __/1 __/1 __/1 __/1 __/1 RN 1 1 1 1 1 50 * +1 PER 2 HEXES MOVED ABILITIES DARK CONCEALMENT -ABLE TO HIDE IN SHADOWS DIFFICULTY 25 AWARENESS/NOTICE NEEDED TO SPOT REGENERATION -ABLE TO HEAL 1 HIT PER 12 ROUNDS (120 SECONDS) KEEN SENSES -DIFFICULTY 25 SHADOW/AVOID PURSUIT NEEDED TO NOT BE DETECTED ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% RESISTANCE 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% DESCRIPTION CREATURE OF PURE DARKNESS THAT FEEDS ON THE NEGATIVE ENERGY OF DEATH, SHADOW HOUNDS ARE COMPLETELY PREDATORY AND QUITE CUNNING. SHADOW HOUNDS TRAVEL IN PACKS OF 4-12, AND ONLY HUNT AT NIGHT. SUNLIGHT IS LETHAL TO SHADOW HOUNDS AND STANDARD LIGHT IS EXTREMELY IRRITATING. 147 Mekton NAME : GRAT TYPE : PLANT ELEMENT : NA MA : 15m FLIGHT MA : NA TEMPERAMENT: AGGRESSIVE (7) REFLEXES : AVERAGE (6) MSP :2 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT VINE RIGHT VINE LEFT VINE LEFT VINE ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE THORN VINE THORN VINE THORN VINE THORN VINE ABILITIES ANESTHETIC POWDER ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK WA +1 +1 +1 +1 DAMAGE 1D6+1 1D6+1 1D6+1 1D6+1 HITS __/5 __/10 __/7 __/7 __/7 __/7 SP 0 0 0 0 0 0 BV NA NA NA NA RN 1 1 1 1 -TARGET MUST MAKE A STUN/SHOCK ROLL OR LOSE CONCISENESS, USES ONE ACTION ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 50% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% RESISTANCE 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% DESCRIPTION MONSTER RELEASED BY THE DIMENSIONAL TEAR 500 YEARS AGO. A PLANT TYPE MONSTER THAT USES ANESTHETIC POWDER TO RENDER ITS PREY UNCONSCIOUS BEFORE SPRAYING THEM WITH GASTRIC JUICES, ACCORDING TO RUMORS GRAT ARE ACTUALLY SEEDLINGS FOR A LARGER FORM OF PLANT MONSTER. 148 Mekton NAME : DOOM BUG TYPE : INSECT ELEMENT : EARTH MA : 15m FLIGHT MA : NA TEMPERAMENT: AGGRESSIVE (7) REFLEXES : SLOW (4) MSP :4 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT LEG RIGHT LEG RIGHT LEG RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG LEFT LEG LEFT LEG LEFT LEG ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE BITE [HEAD] SPIKE [TORSO] SONIC WAVES* WA +0 +1 +1 DAMAGE 2D6 1D6+4 1D6+2 BV NA NA NA HITS __/13 __/25 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 __/4 SP __/6 __/6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RN 1 1 10 * BURST RADIUS 5M ABILITIES RANGED ATTACK ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK -ABLE TO ATTACK A RANGE ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% RESISTANCE 0% 25% 50% 0% 0% 0% DESCRIPTION MONSTER RELEASED BY THE DIMENSIONAL TEAR 500 YEARS AGO. DOOM BUGS ARE A FORM OF INSECT THAT RESEMBLES A GIANT CATERPILLAR. IT IS UNKNOWN WEATHER OR NOT THESE MONSTERS UNDER GO A FORM OF METAMORPHOSIS INTO A MORE ADVANCED STATE, BUT WHAT IS KNOWN IT WHEN THREATENED THEY GIVE A LOW-FREQUENCY CRY THAT DEALS DAMAGE VIA AIR REVERBERATIONS . 149 Mekton NAME : COCKATRICE TYPE : BIRD ELEMENT : WIND MA : 75m FLIGHT MA : NA TEMPERAMENT: VERY DANGEROUS (9) REFLEXES : FAST (8) MSP :4 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG RIGHT WING RIGHT WING LEFT WING LEFT WING TAIL ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE CLAWS [RIGHT LEG] CLAWS [LEFT LEG] BEAK [HEAD] TAIL SWIPE THUNDARA ABILITIES RANGED ATTACK STONE STARE ARMOR PIERCING ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK WA +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 DAMAGE 1D6 1D6 1D4 1D6+2 1D4+2 BV NA NA NA NA NA HITS __/7 __/15 __/11 __/11 __/7 __/11 __/7 __/11 __/11 SP __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 RN 1 1 1 1 10 -ABLE TO ATTACK AT RANGE -TARGET MAKES A DIFFICULTY 15 CHECK TO AVOID THE STONE STATUS ALIMENT, USES ONE ACTION -CREATURES CLAWS AND BEAK ARE TREATED AS ARMOR PIERCING ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 50% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% RESISTANCE 0% 0% 50% 125% 0% 0% DESCRIPTION MONSTER RELEASED BY THE DIMENSIONAL TEAR 500 YEARS AGO. COCKATRICE ARE APEX PREDATORS WITH ELECTRICAL ABILITIES AND THE ABILITY TO TURN THEIR ENEMIES STONE. COCKATRICE ARE HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE AND TEND TO TRAVEL ALONE OR IN GROUPS OF TWO OR THREE. 150 Mekton NAME : THRUSTEAVIS TYPE : BIRD ELEMENT : WIND MA : 22m PER TURN FLIGHT MA : 44m PER TURN TEMPERAMENT: ACTIVE (6) REFLEXES : FAST (8) MP : __/30 MSP :0 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG RIGHT WING LEFT WING ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE WA DAMAGE BEAK [H] +0 1D3+1 CLAWS [RL] +0 1D6 CLAWS [LL] +0 1D6 SKY DIVE -1 1D6+X* WIND BLAST +0 1D6 *X IS EQUAL TO THE NUMBER OF HEXES MOVED DIVIDED BY 2 ABILITIES FLIGHT: LIGHT ARMOR: RANGED ATTACK: ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK BV NA NA NA NA NA BR NA NA NA NA 3 HITS __/5 __/10 __/7 __/7 __/5 __/5 RN NA NA NA 44 22 SP __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 MP NA NA NA 10 5 HAS THE ABILITY TO FLY AT TWICE GROUND MA SP 5 ARMOR ON ALL LOCATIONS DEALS DAMAGE DETERMINED BY SIZE, WITH A RANGE OF MA AND A WA OF +0 ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% RESISTANCE 0% 0% 25% 50% 0% 0% DESCRIPTION MONSTER RELEASED BY THE DIMENSIONAL TEAR 500 YEARS AGO. THRUSTAEVIS TRAVEL IN FLOCKS OF 4-10 AND ARE FIERCELY TERRITORIAL, IF THREATENED THEY WILL UNLEASH THEIR WIND BLAST ATTACK OR WILL DIVE FROM VERY HIGH ALTITUDES TO KILL THEIR PRAY. 151 Mekton NAME : RUBY DRAGON TYPE : DRAGON ELEMENT : FIRE MA : 75m FLIGHT MA : 150m TEMPERAMENT: VERY DANGEROUS (9) REFLEXES : FAST (8) MP : __/50 MSP :9 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG RIGHT WING LEFT WING TAIL ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE CLAWS [RA] CLAWS [LA] BITE [H] TALONS [RL] TALONS [LL] FLAME BREATH* WA +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 DAMAGE 1D6+2 1D6+2 2D6 2D6+2 2D6+2 2D6 HITS __/15 __/30 __/23 __/23 __/23 __/23 __/15 __/15 __/15 BV NA NA NA NA NA NA SP __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 BR NA NA NA NA NA NA RN 1 1 1 1 1 15 MP NA NA NA NA NA NA *60 DEGREE ARC ABILITIES FLIGHT: RANGED ATTACK: ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK ABLE TO FLY AT TWICE GROUND MA ABLE TO ATTACK AT RANGE ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% RESISTANCE 100% 0% 0% 75% 0% 0% DESCRIPTION MONSTER RELEASED BY THE DIMENSIONAL TEAR, RUBY DRAGONS LIVE HIGH IN THE MOUNTAINS AWAY FROM PRYING EYES. RUBY DRAGONS ARE PRIMARILY A CARNIVORE FEEDING OFF ANY LARGE ANIMALS INCLUDING HUMANS AND CATTLE. RUBY DRAGONS ARE COMPULSIVE HOARDERS AND USE THEIR HOARDS TO ATTRACT MATES. LIKE ALL DRAGOND RUBY DRAGONS ARE HIGHLY TERRITORIAL AND WILL ATTACK ANYONE INTRUDING INTO THEIR TERRITORY. 152 Mekton NAME : BLUE DRAGON TYPE : DRAGON ELEMENT : WATER MA : 50 FLIGHT MA : NA TEMPERAMENT: VERY DANGEROUS (9) REFLEXES : AVERAGE (6) MP : NA MSP :9 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT ARM LEFT ARM RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG RIGHT WING LEFT WING TAIL ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE CLAWS [RA] CLAWS [LA] BITE [H] TALONS [RL] TALONS [LL] AQUA BREATH* WA +1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 DAMAGE 1D6+1 1D6+1 2D6 2D6+1 2D6+1 2D6 BV NA NA NA NA NA NA HITS __/15 __/30 __/23 __/23 __/23 __/23 __/23 __/23 __/15 BR NA NA NA NA NA NA SP __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 __/9 RN 1 1 1 1 1 15 MP NA NA NA NA NA NA *60 DEGREE ARC ABILITIES KEEN SENSES RANGED ATTACK ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK : DIFFICULTY 25 SHADOW/AVOID PURSIT NEEDED TO AVOID DETECTION : ABLE TO ATTACK AT RANGE ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% RESISTANCE 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% DESCRIPTION MONSTER RELEASED BY THE DIMENSIONAL TEAR, BLUE DRAGONS IN THE WATER AROUND ARCHIPELAGOS AND ISLAND CHAINS. BLUE DRAGONS ARE PRIMARILY A CARNIVORE THAT FEEDS ON FISH AND LARGE MARINE ANIMALS. LIKE ALL DRAGONS, BLUE DRAGONS ARE COMPULSIVE HOARDERS AND USE THEIR HOARDS TO ATTRACT MATES, AND ARE HIGHLY TERRITORIAL. 153 Mekton NAME : ANACONDAUR TYPE : SNAKE MA : 50m FLIGHT MA : NA TEMPERAMENT: DANGEROUS (9) REFLEXES : AVERAGE (6) TO FAST (8) MSP :4 LIMBS HEAD TORSO TAIL ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE BITE SPIKES [TAIL] SPIKES [TORSO] CONSTRICT ABILITIES ENTANGLE CAMOUFLAGED ELEMENT FIRE WATER EARTH WIND LIGHT DARK WA +0 +1 +1 +0 DAMAGE 1D6 1D6+2 1D6+2 2D6 HITS __/13 __/25 __/13 BV NA NA NA NA SP __/6 __/6 __/6 RN 1 1 1 1 -ABLE TO PREFORM ENTANGLING ATTACKS -SUBTRACT REFLEXES FROM AWARENESS/NOTICE CHECKS ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE WEAKNESS 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% RESISTANCE 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% DESCRIPTION LARGE SNAKE-LIKE CREATURE FOUND ON MULTIPLE WORLDS. ANACONDAR ARE COLDBLOODED AND COLD BASED ATTACKS SLOW THEIR REFLEXES DOWN. ANACONDAR ARE HIGHLY TERRITORIAL AND ONLY CROSS INTO OTHER TERRITORY DURING BREEDING SEASON. BEING COLDBLOODED COLD BASED ATTACKS SLOW THEIR REFLEXES. 154 Mekton NAME : CHOCOBO TYPE : BIRD ELEMENT : NA MA : 100m FLIGHT MA : NA TEMPERAMENT: ACTIVE (6) REFLEXES : FAST (8) MP : MSP :3 LIMBS HEAD TORSO RIGHT LEG LEFT LEG RIGHT WING LEFT WING ATTACKS WHAT/WHERE BITE [H] CLAW [RL] CLAW [LL] ABILITIES MOUNT: WA +0 +0 +0 DAMAGE 1D6 1D6+4 1D6+4 BV NA NA NA HITS __/10 __/20 __/15 __/15 __/10 __/10 BR NA NA NA SP __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 __/3 RN 0 0 0 MP NA NA NA CREATURE IS CAPPABLE OF BEING USED AS A MOUNT AND OR CAPABLE OF BEING USED AS A BEAST OF BURDEN ELEMENTAL WEAKNESS/RESISTANCE ELEMENT WEAKNESS RESISTANCE FIRE 0% 0% WATER 0% 0% EARTH 0% 0% WIND 0% 0% LIGHT 0% 0% DARK 0% 0% DESCRIPTION A TYPE OF LARGE FLIGHTLESS BIRD THAT IS COMMONLY USED AS EITHER A BEAST OF BURDEN OR A MOUNT, CHOCOBOS ARE TIMID AND ONLY FIGHT WHEN THEIR NESTS ARE THREATENED OR WHEN THEY ARE CORNERED. BABY CHOCOBOS ARE CALLED CHICKABOS AND FOLLOW THEIR MOTHER UNTIL THEY REACH ADOLESCENCE. 155