January 2013 - All Saints` Anglican Church
January 2013 - All Saints` Anglican Church
ALL SAINTS’ ANGLICAN CHURCH 30 High Street, Huntsville, Ontario. P1H 1N9 Diocese of Algoma—The Rt Rev’d Dr Stephen Andrews, Bishop Bishop’s Motto: ‘'Put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.' Malachi 3.10 (NRSV) Rector – The Venerable Dawn Henderson—Office: 705-789-2216 Res. 705-789-6450 Office Phone: 705-789-2216 FAX: 705-789-7487 Office e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.allsaintshuntsville.ca As Worshippers of the Living God We Hear, Proclaim and Live His Word; And in Love, Bring People to Jesus. Services for January 06 January: The Epiphany of the Lord 8.30 am Holy Eucharist 10.00 am Holy Eucharist - Family Service 3.00-6.00 pm Epiphany Open House at Ven Dawn’s 13 January: The Baptism of the Lord – healing services 8.30 am Holy Eucharist 10.00 am Holy Eucharist 20 January: 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany – Beginning of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 8.30 am Holy Eucharist Rev’d Nancy Ringham will preach 10.00 am Holy Eucharist with Holy Baptism at both services 27 January: 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany – Vestry Sunday 8.30 am Holy Eucharist 10.00 am Holy Eucharist Regular Wednesday morning Holy Eucharist at 9.30 in the chapel Other Services of Holy Eucharist Roger’s Cove Fairvern Chartwell Muskoka Tradition Huntsville Hospital Muskoka Landing Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday 03 January 10.00 am 08 January 10.30 am 15 January 10.00 am 17 January 11.00 am [GMH] 22 January 10.30 am As worshippers of the Living God, we hear, proclaim, and live His Word, and in love, bring people to Jesus. From the Rector... “ And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ ...Then he said, ‘ I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.’” from The Revelation of St John the Divine 21.5-6 Dear Members of All Saints’ Parish Family As we enter a new year, it is good to remember that, as Christians, our lives are hidden in the One who was before time, who will be when time is no more, and who is with us always. As St Paul spoke, “In him we live and move and have our being” [Acts 17.28] A New Year gives us the opportunity to see with fresh eyes those things we leave behind, as we look forward to new possibilities ahead of us. As we complete our Parish Assessment within the Diocesan Strategic Plan, we are invited to look around and within to see what we might do and be, here and now, to fulfil the will of God for our lives and the life of our Parish. I give thanks to God for each member of our parish family, and like St Paul, am “confident that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.” [see Philippians 1.3-5] I give thanks for each one of you who generously gave of time, talent and treasure over the Christmas season, whether with Starfish, the giving tree, other ministry needs of our parish, or the many and various services and special events that are part of our fabric at All Saints’. Thank you for your kindness and generosity to our church family, to me personally, and to those beyond our walls. The first Sunday of the New Year [06 January] is the Feast of the Epiphany which celebrates the visit of the magi [the wise ones!] to the infant Jesus. In their wisdom, they sought out the promise of God, and when they found Him, bowed down in worship and offered all that was most precious, to them, to the One born to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords [see Matthew 2.1-12]. May we continue to seek and worship and offer. The 10.00 am service will be our Family Service, with our younger saints dressed in ’period’ costume. It is a joy, and a blessing, to have our children, young people and families actively involved in our worship. Epiphany is a wonderful time to welcome people into our homes. That same afternoon [06 January], I invite each one of you to my home, for my annual Open House. [76 Florence Street West, 3.00-6.00 pm] Drop by anytime! Younger saints & older saints - everyone is welcome! On 20 January we will welcome ‘home’, the Rev’d Nancy Ringham as our preacher. Nancy, who is now a priest in West Thunder Bay, along with her husband Bill were members of our All Saints’ Parish family for many years when they lived in Huntsville. We end the month of January with our Annual Vestry Meeting, on Sunday 27 January, in the church, following our 10 am Service. We come together as a parish, looking forward, with thanksgiving, to the years ahead, remembering that our sufficiency is Jesus Christ our Lord, in whom all is contained, and who makes all things new. I pray, as St John prayed, that each of us may ‘prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers’ [3 John 2] and that all of us may have a new year filled with the presence of our Lord as he leads us and guides us in His will and way. Yours, with love thanksgiving, in the peace of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, The Venerable Dawn Henderson + Rector New Year’s Greetings from the Wardens By the time you read this, Advent and Christmas will have passed. It is our hope that you have had a joyous and blessed Christmas season as you celebrated the birth of Christ with family, friends and your All Saints’ church family. December was a busy month at All Saints’ as saints in many ways tried to reach out to our community and be Christ’s presence in acts of love and compassion during the Christmas season. Marj Payne along with Patti Payne and team worked hard to organize and distribute your Christmas gifts as well as food hampers to recipients of the Giving Tree and Star Fish programs. Many Huntsville homes will have a much better Christmas as a result of their efforts and your generosity. On a freezing cold evening, thanks to Joy Gervais and friends, All Saints’ was a presence and part of the Santa Claus parade. Thank you to Kaye Fowler and Carol Corry for organizing the Christmas Bazaar and Tea. Thank you to all who helped, baked, made sandwiches, decorated, and in any way donated time and energy. It was a fun time together and resounding success. The result made a significant dent in the deficit. Thank you! Thank you to Joanne Cunnington and team for organizing a wonderful church Family Christmas Dinner. It was a full house (106!) and an evening of great fellowship, fine food, and good fun. The evening finished with carol singing and a visit from Santa. As a follow-up to our book study, a small group gathered to share reflections for our Vision and Vitality assessment. Many diverse and excellent ideas were shared. It is hoped that some of these ideas can be realized. It was thought that to move our church forward on many levels, we need to continue to focus on building community by having more small groups gather for a variety of purposes. These groups would include gatherings for prayer, study, as well as various types of social interaction / projects. The Property Committee is pleased to finally get through the frustrating but necessary ‘red tape’ and to realize progress on ASH. The weather provided a window of opportunity to get the roof shingled just before the Christmas snowfall. Under the direction of Bill Nunn (site manager) and the Property Committee renovation is now underway. We will keep you updated. Wishing you a blessed New Year as together we hold God’s hand and attempt to share His love in a broken world. We ask and pray that he holds a light on our path and gives us courage to listen and follow his guidance. Wishing you a blessed New Year, The Wardens Parish Advisory Council Sue Dixon Chaired the meeting and the following actions items / information items were identified: Special Thanks Joanne was thanked for her expertise in spearheading many successful events the Christmas party was a huge success. It was noted that the children really enjoyed it as well. The ACW was thanked for their support with the sound system. Financial Brainstorming Linda Smith to follow up with protocols for advertising business cards in the back of the parish news Georgi to work with her contact at the Toronto Anglican publication to see about an ad for All Saints that would go in April / May Joy to take notices to hotels / motels with our Christmas services Joanne to follow up with chamber of commerce Ed requests we review and provide feedback to the Sutherland Hall rental brochure he drafted prior to December 20th Joy advised the bake sale raised $200.00 and inquired if the money could be used to purchase pens / bookmarks etc. for Welcoming; there was discussion about carrying over money in the next year which will be taken up with Tom. Everyone was reminded that the policy and application for fundraising is on the web site. Other/ General It was felt it would be prudent that the call for warm cloths for Seafarers commence in early September; it was also felt it might be beneficial to do on the Spring when people are putting away their warm cloths i.e. a lenten clothing drive. It was also noted the warm cloths could be shipped as they arrive to help give the Seafarers the most we can. Linda and Joanne to follow up with Corporation on residual work from Screening in Faith initiative. The book study group advises they are looking for more small group interaction and everyone who attended the conclusion session was thanked. It was felt name tags in the future might be beneficial Property Property advises things will be messy for a while with the construction at ASH; it will be kept within the confines of the fence. Property to install a sign indicating the direction of the office Please note the following important dates: Next PAC meeting January 12 Next Vestry meeting January 27 I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on the Parish Advisory Council; it is truly marvelous how much work each of the committees is able to do it truly helps us to live our mission statement. I would also like to thank Venerable Dawn for all of her prayers, kindness and leadership we are truly blessed. On behalf of the Parish Advisory Council we wish everyone many blessings in 2013. Sue Dixon, Parish Advisory Council, Chair Wednesday mornings 8:00—9:00 am. Please join us at the church [or from home] to prayer for the church, our parish, mission, members, families, community, the world. Pastoral Care The Pastoral Care team met and were able to deliver Christmas Remembrances to our friends in retirement and long term care facilities. Card, funeral rose and prayer shawl ministries continue. We are also very grateful to those who make our walking program possible. On behalf of everyone on the pastoral care team we wish everyone many blessings in 2013. Sue Dixon, Pastoral Care, Chair Members of our All Saints’ Parish sing with the Muskoka Rock Choir on 09 December: [left] Grant Nickalls, narrating, [right] Barb Willms and Betty-Lou Durr singing. Parish News Online - The full colour edition of Parish News is available online at www.allsaintshuntsville.ca Outreach The last and ninth box of warm, winter clothing was filled and shipped to the Mission for Seafarers, Thunder Bay. Winter started early this year and the warm clothes are welcomed. We may continue this project longer or start earlier. Watch for further information. Donations from the Narthex Outreach Box totalled $47.80. Thank you to everyone who donated Canadian Tire coupons and money. This will be used for emergency Christmas shopping. The Outreach account had $200 to be spent before year end. It has been learned that Ramesh Ferris has spent his adult life promoting the eradication of polio worldwide. [Only one case was reported in India last year.!] He continues to work diligently to provide polio vaccine in other countries AND this year his project is to fund polio vaccine for Aboriginal Canadians. Team members all agreed to support this important dream and voted to donate the $200 to this worthy campaign. Many of us remember family friends and children afflicted with polio – a life changing illness. Ramesh overcame his disabilities and has made it his life work to ensure vaccine is available to all. (Remember his ride across Canada in 2000? We followed his journey (hand cycling) from BC to Newfoundland. [Ramesh, born in India, developed polio as an infant and was adopted by Bishop Ronald Ferris and his wife. Married this past summer, Remesh lives in the Motto of John Wesley “ D o all the good you can, Yukon where spent his childhood and early teen by all the means you can, years.] Thank you, one and all, for supporting Outreach! Have a blessed New Year! Outreach Team in all the ways you can, quoted in The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren in all the places you can, Parish News: the deadline for our next issue is Friday 18 January. Please submit articles and pictures about life at All Saints’ to [email protected] With thanks. The due date for articles is generally the Friday 9 days before the last Sunday of the month [so that we have time to prepare and print the newsletter before the end of the month]. To understand the Bible, says author and pastor Randy Frazee, you need bifocal lenses, because two perspectives are involved. The Lower Story, our story, is actually many stories of men and women interacting with God in the daily course of life. The Upper Story is God's story, the tale of his great, overarching purpose that fits all the individual stories together like panels in one unified mural. The Story video curriculum will open your eyes to God's master-plan unfolding in the lives of the Bible's characters-and in your own life. Discover the heart of God's Upper Story, and the joy that comes as you align your story with God's. You Are Invited “Family Potluck” on January 14th. 6:00-9:00pm Sutherland Hall We look forward to presenting you with new ways through Stewardship Events to become a stronger together in our parish Family. in the love of Christ Jesus, your Stewardship Team: Janine Marson, Georgi Doyle, Betty-Lou Durr, and Joy Gervais Men’s Club Breakfasts— 3rd Saturday 19 January 2013 8:00 am Coffee. 8:30 am Breakfast. Great food. Great fellowship. Great speakers. call Morley Higgins for details 789-6429 Some of our youth model their gifts from Santa at the All Saints’ Family Christmas Dinner. THE PRIMATE’S WORLD RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT FUND: PWRDF Begins 5-year $2 million Health Care Program The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund is undertaking, with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), a health care project in South Africa. PWRDF will contribute half a million dollars over five years towards the $2 million project that will focus on preventing HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis among pregnant women in the Ngqushwa district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. “This project will train village health workers to run education programs in their communities about prevention of and care for people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS and TB,” said Adele Finney, Executive Director of PWRDF. “The HIV infection rate in Ngqushwa district is 17.5% in the general population, and a staggering 33-45% amongst pregnant women. Those who are HIV positive in the region are at a greater risk of contracting TB. The project will therefore encourage HIV and TB testing, especially among child-bearing women and their partners. A family-centred approach will improve the survival rate of infants and children, as well as their mothers.” The program will reach about 30,000 people in the region, increasing access by 43% to anti-retroviral drugs among children under 16, through the South African government’s HIV and AIDS Directorate. It will mobilize communities to promote HIV and TB prevention, care, and testing, and provide counseling to pregnant women and specialized training to government health providers. Over the five years of the program, HIV and TB infection rates will decrease as awareness of and support for testing, prevention, and treatment increase, especially among children in the region. The village health workers recruited and trained by this program will promote HIV and AIDS education, testing, early access to health care and treatment for patients before they become chronically ill. For more information and resources, contact Joy Lewis, our All Saints’ PWRDF rep; or go to www.pwrdf.org See more at www.pwrdf.org Thank you to Darla McMeeken & Joanne Cunnington for the photos in this month’s Parish News! Church School We hope that everyone had a very joyous Christmas season, and thanks goes out to our All Saints’ families for their participation in the services during Advent and Christmas. Looking forward to 2013, and wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! Sunday Jan. 6th: Family Service: A service celebrating the Epiphany of our Lord. Lead by the very capable youth of All Saints’, th Sunday Jan. 13 : The Baptism of our Lord – Regular classes Sunday Jan. 20th: 2nd after Epiphany. Regular classes. Sunday Jan 27th: 3rd after Epiphany. Regular classes. All Saints’ Church School – Join us for: singing, stories, The next JAG schedule will be sent out soon. activities, crafts, and fun with friends. Note: Please check the Family Service schedule, as well as the regular schedule for duties. Also, for more activities see the Y.E.S. – youth group news. Thanks Shirley Spiers All Saints’ Family Christmas Dinner 7 December 2012 Y.E.S.! YOUTH GROUP REPORT UPCOMING December 31st will be a SPECIAL NEW YEARS EVE night of games, movie and dinner party for our youth and a sleepover if enough interest is shown. Come with your friends and celebrate the New Year! Please let Joy know by email if you are going to participate! Email - [email protected] or call 705 380 1628 after 6 p.m. 2013 Calendar of events will be available in the new year. As we enter into what most families feel is the busiest time of the year, may we stop,...to reflect on our time spent, ... is it Christ-filled enough to effect Gods will on earth? May the peace of the Lord be with you. Wishing all the youth and their families, a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Yours in Christ, Joy Gervais, Y.E.S.! of All Saints youth coordinator All Saints’ at the Santa Parade and at the Youth Group Bake Sale in the Mall. Matthew 2 The Magi who visited Jesus some time after His birth are a very familiar sight on Christmas cards; there are songs written about them — We Three Kings; Wise Men Seeking Jesus. It is very likely that the magi had with them a group of people: servants, helpers, perhaps some of their family. It was not safe to travel such a long distance alone. After a 2 month journey, they arrived near to their destination, but they turned toward Jerusalem. They assumed that King Herod would know that a new King of the Jews had been born. Herod’s advisors said that the Scriptures were clear: the expected King was to be born in Bethlehem. So the magi continued toward the place where the star had stopped — Bethlehem. When the magi found the place where Mary, Joseph and Jesus were staying, they fell down before the little child to worship Him. The magi presented their gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh—gifts worthy of the King of Kings. Then God warned them in a dream that they should not return to Herod, but go home another way. And, wisely, they did so. C J M I H E R O D N K E T B I W C A E H I H K M Y S W P D H I O K P L W S A S N X U P Z Q V U D N C A R A E T J O P C Z K S U X G Y S C I C A M R E I A Z B C J C N U O A A R P J P Y M S J M I M H R M H J S C W G M W E K A E R G E B D M T E N T V N N J H R O L J F P N I Q Y A D O E E Y L S L P C O J K R T S I D L M D G I V M S Q F L E S F M H G N I K G U Z S D P W E H T T A M A R S A C F Colouring: http://dailycoloringpages.com/ H G P T F M E N C P E L I M G C Q S Q X I B T G J V H X O L St Matthew tells the story of the visit of the magi. He does not say there were only 3; he does not say there were only men! 700 years before Jesus was born, the Prophet Isaiah wrote that wealthy people from the East would travel on camels bearing gifts of gold and frankincense St Matthew writes that the magi saw a brilliant star in the night sky. This star, or perhaps a star so close to one or two planets that it appeared unusually bright, indicated to the magi that a King had been born to the Jewish people. They were so amazed by the star and what it indicated that they left their homes and set off for the Promised Land. BETHLEHEM CAMELS FRANKINCENSE GOLD HEROD ISAIAH JERUSALEM JESUS JOSEPH KING MAGI MARY MATTHEW MYRRH STAR Colossians W h o W r o t e Colossians? St Paul. It is thought that Timothy served as his secretary. When was the Gospel written? Around 62 AD a few years before Paul was beheaded in Rome by the Emperor Nero. W h er e W as It Written? Paul wrote the letter from prison in Rome. It is one of 4 “prison epistles” Paul wrote while he was under house arrest: Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon. To whom was the letter written? To the Christians in the small city of Colossae. The Church was founded by a man named Epaphras who had heard Paul preach while Paul was in Ephesus. Paul asks that the letter also be read in the Church in Laodicea. Why was the letter written? The Church seems to have fallen prey to those who would mix Christianity with paganism. This, syncretism, was leaving believers with the idea that Christ was not sufficient in Himself. Paul’s Letter to the Colossians Colossians is a short epistle, one of Paul’s “prison letters”. He begins by assuring the Christians in Colossae that he is praying for them. He encourages them to grow in the truth “so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, bearing fruit, growing in the knowledge of God.” [1:10] In his letter, Paul explains the true nature and position of Jesus Christ: He is the very image of God; He is infinitely superior to any false gods, or earthly philosophy. Before their conversion, believers had lived in the kingdom of darkness; but through belief in Christ Jesus, they had been transferred into the Kingdom of God. And Paul succinctly states the goal of each Christian: to become “mature in Christ.” [1:28] Some of the Colossians had previously trusted in philosophy. A few had fallen into syncretism [mixing Christianity, paganism and philosophy], regarding Christian doctrine as a smorgasbord from which one can pick and choose, and to which one can add. But true Christianity rests fully on the Grace of God and the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus on the cross: nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. And so Paul warns the people, both of Colossae and Laodicea, against false philosophies, and assures them that “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” can be understood in God— Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Paul reminds the Colossians to “seek the things above” — not being “so heavenly minded they are no earthly good” — to get rid of sins [sexual sin, greed, anger...]. Instead believers are to clothe themselves with godly characteristics [see 3:12 below]. As he has in other letters, Paul encourages a loving and godly approach to all relationships: husbands and wives, parents and children, slaves and masters. Paul is not promoting slavery; rather, ever the realist, he is taking life as it actually is, and saying, Here is how to conduct yourselves in a manner which is pleasing to God. Paul closes his letter by commending those who work with him; he is always generous with praise and quick to give credit and thanks where they are due. He mentions his fellow workers in Rome, among them “Luke the physician” [Gospel writer] and Mark [Gospel writer], the cousin of Barnabas. It is believed that this is the same Mark with whom Paul quarreled and parted company many years earlier—all relationships can be reconciled in Christ! Paul’s In His Own Words He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible...For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross. [1:15- 16, 19-20] there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all. [3:11] ... clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts... And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly [from 3:12-16] Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters [3:23] Rector’s Report [for November 2012] Services continue apace: regular Sunday Eucharists: 04 November - All Saints’ Patronal Festival- 8.30 am Rev’d Don Clark preached; 10 am Family Service - APP: Celebrating Saints with Alleluia! Amen!; blessing & dedication of children’s Alleluia! Amen! marching banner, made by Ronna Law; also dedication of the Alleluia! Amen! tea bells; 11 November - Pentecost 24 - Remembrance Sunday - 8.30am : Wreath present as veterans took part in the service; Louis Tusz played trumpet; 10am Rev’d Judie Cooper celebrated [she preached both services]; Rev’d Don Clark officiated the ‘remembrance portion’ at the beginning of each service; 18 November - Pentecost 25; 25 November - Reign of Christ special service: 07 November [Wednesday] - All Souls’ Service held in the Church regular weekly Wednesday morning Eucharist at 9.30 am in the chapel additional scheduled monthly Eucharist services: Rogers Cove [01 November], Fairvern [13 November Rev’d Judie Cooper], South Haven [Huntsville Hospital - 15 November-GMH], Chartwell Muskoka Traditions [20 November], Muskoka Landing [27 November] Parish Stats for the month of November: 14 private communions [home or hospital] During the month of November: attended parish meetings as required: PAC [10 Nov], Corporation [15 Nov] Stewardship [18 Nov] 02, 16 November- assisted with All Saints’ supper prepared for the youth of The Door 04 November - led Prayer and Praise Hymn Sing at Chartwell Muskoka Traditions 09-10 November - 10,000 Villages sale in Sutherland Hall 09-13 November - on team Wholeness Through Christ Prayer Ministry Retreat in Toronto [with various quick commutes!] 17 November - attended Men’s Breakfast [speaker: Ed Willms with Bill Nunn discussing the All Saints’ House Renovations] 19 November - attended ACW meeting 24 November - participated in All Saints’ Parish Christmas Tea and Bazaar [thank you to Kaye Fowler and her team for all their hard work!] 28 November - wrap up gathering for the Book Study portion of our Parish Assessment 30 November - participated on our Y.E.S.! Float in the Huntsville Christmas Parade [karaoke carols] as Archdeacon: 05-06 November - Bishop’s Council Retreat and Meeting in Sudbury 07-08 November - Diocesan Executive Committee Meeting in Sudbury 16 November - met with Deanery Child and Youth Facilitator 21-22 November - Strategic Plan Implementation Team meeting in Sudbury 26 November - Deanery Executive in Parry Sound as Legion Padre: 09 November - officiated at Legion Remembrance Services at Fairvern [am], Muskoka Landing [pm] and Rogers Cove [pm] 10 November - service of dedication for the new Veterans Memorial Garden near the Summit Centre 11 November - participated in Legion Cenotaph Service; also organized and conducted subsequent Legion Remembrance Day Service indoors at the Legion regular on-going pastoral & administrative work continues including home and hospital visiting [when informed of members of the parish in hospital who wish a visit], marriage and baptism preparation. regular meetings with peer clergy group Please remember to contact Ven. Dawn when you are aware that anyone is in hospital, in distress or in need of a priest. New Government Privacy Laws prevent the Hospital and other agencies from relaying such information. Thank you. [email protected] Your Card Here Please support the businesses that support All Saints’ Church. If you have a business and would like your card displayed in the Parish News, Please contact Dana Porter at 789-7756