November 1, 2015 - Sacred Heart Website


November 1, 2015 - Sacred Heart Website
November 1, 2015
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
All Saints Day
To know, love and serve as Jesus did
110 N. Jefferson Street
Milledgeville, GA 31061
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
Phone: 478-452-2421
FAX: 478-454-1110
Cell/Emergency: 770-289-3466
Rev. Young Nguyen, Pastor
Rev. Mr. John Shoemaker, Deacon Emeritus
Rev. Mr. Cesar Basilio, Deacon
Cindy Sencindiver
Susan Craig
Secretary & DRE
Sacrament of Penance
Saturday 4:30—5:00 or by appointment
Sacrament of Baptism
For information concerning baptism, call the
Parish priest.
Sacrament of Matrimony
Arrangements with the church should be made
at least six months in advance by calling the
Parish priest.
Sunday Bulletin
Deadline for items for the bulletin is 12:00
Noon on Wednesday.
Schedule of Masses
Parish Membership
We welcome new families to our parish.
Parish Registration
Parish registration forms can be picked up at
the back of the church or at the church office.
Annulment Case Sponsor
Jean Atwood
12:10 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m.,
11:15 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
Holy Rosary and Adoration
Monday—Thursday Holy Rosary
Saturday Holy Rosary
Monday—Thursday Adoration
Friday Eucharistic Adoration
11:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Mass of Healing
1st Saturday of the Month
9:30 a.m.
Masses for the Week of
Why Corner
October 25, 2015
All Saints
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
12:10 p.m.
12:10 p.m.
12:10 p.m.
12:10 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Jesus, am I a living saint?
Theresa Adair, R.I.P.
Pro Populo
Ellen Kane
All souls in purgatory
Michael Penn, R.I.P.
Ruth &Jack Lavery, R.I.P.
Agnes & Henry Lavery, R.I.P.
Ron Mlinarchick, R.I.P.
Carlos Sans
November 8, 2015
9:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
Carlton Sencindiver, R.I.P.
Pro Populo
Fr. Raymond Fitzpatrick
First, why are we celebrating this feast day? The saints remind us that we are to be like them while we are living on
this earth. In the words of St. Paul of the Cross, "[a living
saint] is God center, apostolic, prayerful person, totally dedicated to God, detached oneself from the world, things and
himself." Are you a living saint?
Second, why is it important to know our baptismal and confirmation saint's names? Normally, many of us kept them
the same. The reason why we need to know and study our
saint's names are because they have the blue print on how to
achieve heaven and teach us how to become a saint. Do you
know anything about your saints and why they are saints?
Do you know your blue print?
Please call the church office to schedule mass intentions.
Fr. Young
Diocese policy suggests an offering of $10 or more per mass
Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9;
Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or
from the Masses for the Dead, nos.
Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3;
Lk 14:15-24
Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9;
Lk 14:25-33
Thursday: Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14;
Lk 15:1-10
Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8
Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11;
Lk 16:9-15
1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28;
Mk 12:38-44 [41-44]
A day to commemorate all saints, those known and unknown,
has been celebrated at various times of the Church year since
the fourth century. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III dedicated a chapel in St. Peter’s Basilica to “all the saints.” The day
of this dedication was November 1. We have commemorated
all saints on this day ever since.
Listen to today’s Beatitudes, looking carefully at your own life.
How do you measure up to the ideals put forth by our Lord? As
we open our hearts to the word of God, let us remember the
saints who have gone before us and pray that one day we may
embody the Beatitudes and come to be counted among those
who enjoy God’s presence in heaven.
From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company
Weekly Offertory
Helping Hands
Welcome to Our Parish
We are glad that you have come to visit. We invite
you to register and become part of our parish family. Please fill out the registration form at the back
of the church or stop by the parish office during
the week.
Thanksgiving for the Saints
We thank you, God, for the saints of all ages, for those who in
times of darkness kept the lamp of faith burning, for the great
souls who saw visions of larger truths and dared to declare
them, for the multitude of quiet, gracious souls whose presence
purified and sanctified the world; and for those known and
loved by us, who have passed from this earthly fellowship into
the fuller life with you. Accept this, our thanksgiving, through
Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever. Amen.
"Sacred Heart L.I.F.E. Team, in conjunction
with the Knights of Columbus, will be selling these
"Sacred Heart Catholic Church Choose Life" decals after
each Mass this weekend. Get yours early as we
have a limited number available at this time."
"Due to circumstances beyond our control we were unable to sell the Decals when previously announced but they are ready now and will be selling them immediately after all Masses this weekend."
November 3……………Pam McCabe (1st Tues.)
November 10.…………..Joe Sansotta (2nd Tues.)
November 17………….Jun & Este4r Ibanez (3rd Tues)
November 24………….Sandra Worsham & Celia Craig
(4th Tues.)
November 3…………...Vince Ciampa & Mary Thomas
November 2…………...Al Matysiak & Patsy Matysiak
November 7, 2015—5:30 p.m.
Lectors…….…..Ginny Frankenberger & Judy Malachowski
EMOHC……….Mary Hargaden & Ester Ibanez
November 8, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Lectors………...Diane Sargent & Michelle Nelson
EMOHC……….Lou Ann Luckey & Dan Smith
11:15 a.m.
November 7……....………JJ McClure & Jan Bessette
November 8, 2015
9:00 a.m………….Kirk Sencindiver & Dan Smith
11:15 a.m………...Bob Pruett & James Cox
5:00 p.m,…………..Campus Catholics
Lectors………...Mark Mudano & Bob Pratt
EMOHC……….Mary Thomas & Victoria Basilio
5:00 p.m.
Lector…………..Campus Catholics
EMOHC………..Campus Catholics
Eight hundred years ago, the church’s practice of penance underwent major revision as theologians, called scholastics, reflected on the practice of their day. By then, penance was normally a very secret rite, celebrated completely
apart from the community. Public penance had mostly disappeared behind the walls of monasteries and the cloister
grills of convents. The scholastics trimmed penance down
to bare essentials, even sweeping aside age‑old traditions
like a laying on of hands and prayers of absolution. All that
was left was the confessor’s simple statement, “Ego te absolvo,” “I absolve you.”
In 1614 a new ritual book tried to make penance more
public and solemn. It suggested, but did not require, that
the priest wear a surplice and stole, and hear the confession
in a confessional. For the first time, we have the directive
that the priest be separated from the penitent by a screen, a
rule that some bishops applied very strictly. By the 1940s,
large numbers of Catholics availed themselves of the sacrament of confession every Saturday, and most people
thought confession was a prerequisite for Communion. In
some urban parish churches, confessionals were staffed,
usually by the junior priest, for several hours every day,
even during the celebration of Mass. It is remarkable how
quickly things changed, but as we have seen, the system
has collapsed before and what often comes next is an impulse of the Spirit, new life, and a fresh start.
The Little Free Library
And Chard Wray Food Pantry
Feeding the Mind and the Body
The Gold Award Project of Senior Girl Scout Dana Probst
he Little Free Library is for everyone in the community.
The purpose of the library is to help improve the literacy rate in Baldwin County by making books easily
available. Literacy can beak the cycle of poverty, one
reader at a time.
The way the Little Free Library works is, if someone
sees a book they like, they can take it with them. Or,
if they are waiting in line at the food pantry, they can
sit down and read a book. If they would like to, they
can bring the book(s) back and get a new one or they
can keep the book and get a new one!
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Mick Sakey
For those of you who knew Mick Sakey and would like
to make a memorial contribution, donations may be sent
to Hospice Atlanta Center, 1244 Park Vista Dr. NE,
Atlanta, GA 30319. Please mark it “donation to visiting
The use and sustainment of the library is important for
the community. Book donations are welcome at the
food pantry or at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church.
Please contact Dana Probst at
[email protected] if additional information is
Dare to be Happy
Date to be happy-don’t shy away,
Reach out and capture the joy of Today!
“Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.” This
antiphon for today’s responsorial psalm offers the focus for today’s readings. As we on earth celebrate the triumph of all the
saints—the ones officially canonized by the Church, and the
countless others who have also reached heaven—we add nothing
to their glory. But we give ourselves reason to hope. We too long
to see the face of God and believe that we can one day be counted
among those whose robes, as John tells us in the book of Revelation, are washed “white in the blood of the Lamb.”
Life is for Living! Give it a try;
Open y9ur heart to that sun in the sky.
Dare to be loving, and trusting, and true:
Treasure the hours with those dear to you,
Dare to be kind, it’s more fun than you know;
Give joy to others, and watch your own grow.
Dare to admit all your blessings, and then
Every day count them all over again.
Dare to be happy, don’t be afraid,
This is the day which the Lord hath made!
The passage from John’s First Letter offers further assurance:
we are God’s children who will one day see God. But today’s Gospel pulls us past longing and reassurance into action. Jesus clearly
tells us what we must do to be counted among the saints. We must
be poor in spirit, hungry for holiness, merciful, single-hearted, and
peacemakers! Then we too will see the face of God.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Complete Auto Care
Convention and Visitors Bureau
Craig Massee Insurance Agency
Craig Massee Real Estate
Crockett’s Café’
Cuscowilla on Lake Oconee
De Corrado Ristaurante
Dana Leary / Edward Jones
The Helping Hands Annual Fundraiser
Committee would like to thank every- Data Protective Services
one who attended the event, sponsored Designing Line Hair Salon
or donated items and helped out in
Duckworth Farm Supply
some way. We were able to raise
Exchange Bank/Terry Kennedy
$15,000 that will go towards helping
Exchange Club of Milledgeville
those in need in Baldwin County.
Five Star Toyota/Scion of
Each year we depend on the generosity G&S Gas
of area businesses to donate items or
GCSU Theater Group
funds. Your support of these busiGeorgia Mower & Equipment
nesses is appreciated. Thank you.
Georgia Old Capitol Museum
Georgia Power
Ace Hardware
Georgia’s Old Governor’s Manson
Amici's Restaurant
Gil’s Package Store
Asian Bistro & Grill
Harbor Club
Bass& Antler
Harris & Co. Landscaping
Battery Warehouse
Howard Pounds
Baynes Army Store
Ivey’s Tire Service
Bedrock Mulch & More
J.C. Grant & Company
Blu Culina
Jackson’s on Sinclair
Body Plex Fitness
Jen’s Bakery
Brooks Flooring
John F. Harrington, Jr. DDS
Buddy’s Recycling
Joy Collection
Central GA Lawn & Design
Lake Sinclair Furniture
Central Georgia Fly Boarding, LLC
Lee and Turner
Century Bank & Trust
Little Fishing Creek
Chad Collins, DMD LLC
Chambers Cleaners
Charmed Spa ./ Jodi Brynteson
Madison/Morgan Co. Chamber of
Childre Nissan
Medical Arts Pharmacy
Christmas Made in the South
Medical Center Pharmacy
Happy Birthday
Brother Knight, Jimmy Brannan, who
joined the ranks of Knighthood in the
1st Degree on Tuesday, October 27th
here at Sacred Heart.
May God continue to bless you 0on your journey in
Merritt Professional Carpet Cleaning
Mike Wood Builders and Rebath
Milledgeville Players
Need a Nerd—Mark Brownlou
Oconee Outfitters
Oconee Signs
Old Clinton Barbeque
O’Reilly Automotive
Pettigrew & Pettigrew Accounting
Pittman’s Paint & Body Shop
Private Parties Only / Hank Hadaway
Quinn Pest Control
Ray Wells
Reynolds Plantation
Roberts & Sons Propane
Robins Federal Credit Union
Sinclair Custom Awards
Sinclair Marina
Sinclair Power Sports
Southside Tire & Brake
Spires Auto Sales of Milledgeville
T-Bones Nursery
TCH Water Sports
The 42nd Floor
The Brick
The Campus Catholics
The Fun Factory
The Goodie Gallery
The Lemon Tree
The Local Yolkal Café
The Milledgeville Country Club
The Other Guys Paint & Body Shop
The Pickle Barrel
Thiele Kaolin Company
Twin Bridges Landing
Twin Lakes Physical Therapy, Inc.
Vickie Brown, MD
Video Bazaar
Williams Funeral Home
William Harmon
Prisca Ubah
Austin Kirby
Ann Burch
Fran Allen
Dennis Morgan
Laura Pangia
Michael Pangia
Mary Collins
If there has been a change in your address, phone
number or e-mail address, please kindly notify the
church office of these changes. The quickest way to
notify you of important events, etc. is through e-mail
and we don’t send e-,mails very often (except for the
weekly bulletin).
Chard Wray Food Pantry
The food pantry is in need of
the following items:
□ Canned Beans (like
□ Canned Chili
□ Canned fruit
□ Canned milk
□ Canned Spam
□ Canned Tuna and Chicken
□ Canned tomatoes
□ Cereal
□ Cornmeal
□ Dried Beans
□ Grits
□ Instant Potatoes
□ Jelly
□ Jiffy Cornbread Mix
□ Juice
□ Macaroni & Cheese
□ Oatmeal
□ Pasta - different varieties
□ Pasta sauce
□ Peanut Butter
□ Powdered Milk
□ Rice
□ Saltine Crackers
□ Soup—all varieties,
If you can help with any of
these items, it will be greatly
The Pantry now has freezers. They are able to accept
bologna and hot dogs if
they are frozen.
These names will be removed at the beginning of each month unless otherwise
Bruce Blaszinski
New Construction
Home Repair
Call for Estimates
References Available
Prayer requests: the homebound; nursing
home and veteran home residents; the
chronically ill; the mentally ill; all prisoners;
all military personnel. Addie Johnson, Elba
Bejarano, Carol Sturgeon, Elaine Crow,
Renate Martinez, Jeanne Schoenholz, Theresa Egejuru, Michael
Keefe, Carol Parsons, Wayne Parsons, Carmen Sans Graciaa,
Earl Elm, Rita Elm, Josh Thompson, Betty Bertoli, Donald Baden, Donna Haskins, Eugena Enero, Bill Sessions, Zenobia Sessions, David Foster, Marina Williams, Judy Powell, Barbara
Levinsky, Kenneth Wood, Lance Nearman, John Ruk, Wigberto
Vivas, Andrew Gordon, Suzanne James, Joel Rivera, John
Vinson, Andalusia, Mary and Al Serna, Allen Pabler, Carl
Comier, Connie Thomas, Jackson (Grace & Jack Souto’s great
grandchild), Terie Albright, Dean Moody, James Thomas,
James McFadden, Mary M. Thomas, David Foster, Janna DeFayette, Bonnie Wheeler, Paul Leitgeb, Tom Waller, Emily Sewani, Sally Pratt, Patsy Williams, Gause Family, Courtney Hill,
Micah Spandau, Richard Rogers, George Sargent, the Clark
Family, Matt & Amanda Seamans, Cathy Bailey, Charles Weasel, Mimi McClure, Patricia Foster, Bethany Keyes, Dr. Patrick
Neligan, Ellen Letostak, Suzanne Bryant, Glenn Bryant, Genie
Hargrove , Ron Rothenberger
Please pray for the deceased: All deceased members of Sacred Heart Church, Jean Guitton, Jim Thomas, Mick Sakey,
Winn Jefferson
John & Lou Ann Luckey,