June 5, 2016 - All Saints Parish
June 5, 2016 - All Saints Parish
10TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 5, 2016 ALLSAINTSPARISH our weekly bulletin MASS INTENTIONS: JUNE 6 - 11, 2016 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Rosario Wilson Joanna & Peter Couthino and Family Joseph Family Rosemary Azu Bill Sviatko Patricia Penk Ron Criss Bill Sliva Antonio Pellizzari Rosemary Yule “[We are here] to hear the voice of the Spirit speaking to the whole Church of our time, which is the time of mercy. I am sure of this…We are living in a time of mercy, and have been for 30 years or more, up to today. This was an intuition of Blessed John Paul II. He ‘sensed’ that this was the time of mercy…” Pope Francis BAPTISM PREPARATION Next class is on Jun 8, 7.00 pm in the meeting room. Please call office, 604-939-1741 to register. LOBSTER DINNER Next Sat, Jun 11. Tickets will be on sale after Sunday Mass for our third traditional East Coast lobster dinner at All Saints Parish Centre. 6.00 pm no host bar; 6.45 pm dinner with entertainment after. Ticket is $30.00 per plate and are also available at the parish office during regular hours. In addition to your dinner ticket, an extra lobster can be ordered for $20.00. Get your tickets now! DEVELOP PARISH LEADERSHIP & SUPPORT Parishes thrive when pastors are enabled to delegate leadership roles to a talented and evangelized team of parishioners. Visit rcav.org/prioritiesandgoals to read more about each of our Priorities and Goals. 55+ GROUP Season windup potluck lunch on Tue, Jun 7, at 12 noon. Please bring a dish or dessert for the buffet, also your own dinner plate and cup. There will be no Mass that day. Hope to see you all there. WORD OF LIFE BIBLE SHARING Mon, Jun 13, at 7:00 pm at the Parish Centre meeting room #1. If you are interested, please come and share with us, how the Word of God is making an impact in your life. Everyone is welcome! For further information please contact the Focolare centre at 604-468-2871. ALL SAINTS PRESCHOOL We are currently accepting applications for our Preschool for the year 2016-2017 classes. For more information please visit www.allsaintsparishbc.ca/preschool or email us at [email protected] PASTOR: Father Donald Larson ASSISTANT PASTOR: Father Reynaldo Usman, AM DEACON: Deacon Greg Barcelon a christian community engaged in the pursuit of holiness ADDRESS: 821 Fairfax St., Coquitlam, BC, V3J 5K7 TEL: 604-939-1741 FAX: 604-939-1749 EMAIL: [email protected]; WEBSITE: www.allsaintsparishbc.ca AT@A QUICK GLANCE ALL SAINTS PARISH PICNIC Mark your calendar for Sun, Aug 7, 3:30 to 8:30 pm at Rocky Point Park Picnic Shelter area in Port Moody. Details to follow.. CRAFT SALE AT ALL SAINTS PARISH On Sun, Jun 5, after all Masses, you are invited to a Craft Sale organized by the Yaakaar - Women Helping Women group. The group's mission is to empower African women through education and microeconomics projects. Items for sale will include: African jewellery, baked goods, greeting cards, photographs, fabric bags and toys. All proceeds from the sale will go directly towards supporting Yaakaar projects. PROJECT ADVANCE ANNUAL APPEAL In this Holy Year dedicated to Mercy, please support our annual appeal, Project Advance, which helps us meet the pressing material and spiritual needs of our parishes and ministries that assist so many in our Archdiocese. Let us bring the light of hope to others, as Pope Francis is asking us to do. For more information and to donate, visit www.projectadvance.ca 09.00am CHOIR Practice: Tue 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm 10.45am CHOIR Practice: Thu 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm 12.30pm CHOIR Practice: Sat 2.00 pm 55+ GROUP Meeting: Last Tue of the month 11.30 am CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE Meeting: 3rd Wed of the month 6.30 pm CHILDREN’S LITURGY Children 4 - 7 years 9.00 am &10:45 am Sunday Masses & every other 5.00 pm Sat Mass of Anticipation KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Meeting: 2nd Wed of the month 7.30 pm LEGION OF MARY Meeting: Wednesdays at 1.00 pm ST. VINCENT de PAUL PARISH OUTREACH Call us if you need transportation 604-331-9295 NEW PARISHIONERS are welcome. Please complete registration form, available in the church vestibule. ATTENTION: ALL CWL MEMBERS AND NON MEMBERS Please mark your calendars for August 19 to 21. Our council is organizing a retreat at the Westminster Abbey in Mission on these days. Our Parish Priest, Fr. Don Larson, will be the Retreat Master. More details to follow. Please feel free to contact Susan Schembri at 604-931-3135 for more information. Cost to be determined. We will visit the Holy Door at the Abbey and complete the requirements to receive the Plenary Indulgence on the occasion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Year of Mercy. CWL POST SECONDARY BURSARY All Saints CWL offers a $200 Bursary for 2 Grade 12 students who are planning to enrol In a first year program of an approved post secondary education institute. Applicant must be a member, or a daughter/ son/ grandchild of a member of All Saints CWL. Forms available at MASS SCHEDULE: Weekend: Sat 5.00 pm; Sun 9.00 am, 10.45 am, 12.30 pm Weekday: Mon, Wed, Thu 8.00 am; Tue: 7.00 pm Fri, Sat & Public Holidays: 9.00 am LAST SUNDAY’S OFFERINGS LOOSE COLLECTIONS FORT MCMURRAY FIRE $ 6,514.00 $ 711.00 $ 3,817.00 religious goods counter in church vestibule. Deadline for applications is June 26, 2016. For more info call Ann Tuininga 604-942-2919 or [email protected]. A FISHY SENSE OF HUMOR Lost on a rainy Friday night, a priest stumbles into a monastery and requests shelter there. Fortunately, he's just in time for dinner and was treated to the best fish and chips he's ever had. After dinner, he goes into the kitchen to thank the chefs. He is met by two brothers, "Hello, I'm Brother Michael, and this is Brother Francis." "I'm very pleased to meet you. I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful dinner. The fish and chips were the best I've ever tasted. Out of curiosity, who cooked what?" Brother Charles replied, "Well, I'm the fish friar." Father turns to the other brother and says, "Then you must be...." "Yes," came the sorrowful answer, "I'm afraid I'm the chip monk." HEAR MASS DAILY It will prosper the whole day. All your duties will be performed the better for it, and your soul will be stronger to bear its daily cross. The Mass is the most holy act of religion; you can do nothing that can give greater glory to God or be more profitable for your soul than to hear Mass both frequently and devoutly. It is the favorite devotion of the saints. St. Peter Julian Eymard HOSPITAL VISITS—The Privacy Act and its implications for health care: If you or a family member are admitted to a hospital or other care facility and you wish to have a priest visit, please be sure to have someone call the parish office to make this request. We have no other way of knowing that you are in hospital, as privacy legislation restricts the information that can be given to us by the facility. CONFESSIONS: SAT 8.30-9.00 am; 9.30-10.00 am; 4.00-4.45 pm And by appointment at any time JESUS THE TEACHER RETREAT Join us for a weekend of enriching faith and personal discovery guided by the Catechetics Office retreat team with a special Saturday session with Archbishop Miller. Jesus the Teacher Retreat is a journey in faith, a sharing in Christian love, and an opportunity to learn more about yourself and explore your relationship with God. This retreat is primarily for catechists but is open to all who serve in ministry in our parishes. Fri, Jun 10, at 7.00 pm to Sun, Jun 12, at 1.00 pm at Westminster Abbey, Mission. Cost: $195. For more info and to register: rcav.org/jesus-the-teacher-retreat CLERGY ABUSE: FINDING WAYS TO HEAL Wed, Jun 15, at 7.00 pm, Canadian Memorial Centre for Peace, (1825 West 16th Ave / Burrard Street) If you have been hurt or know someone who has been hurt or affected by the world-wide tragedy of clergy abuse, please come and join us. Healing is profoundly hopeful and we all desire wholeness for ourselves and for others. This outreach evening will give voice to this topic by exploring ways which may lead to healing and by offering support to those who are hurting. The evening will include a short presentation by an adult survivor of clergy abuse and will be facilitated by Bernadette Howell, who holds a Masters in Pastoral Studies, and Brenda Knight, a Vancouver psychologist with experience in treating children and adults who have been sexually, physically and emotionally abused. For more details please contact: [email protected] CUSTOMIZED PILGRIM TOUR OF ITALY Turning travel dreams into reality (Milan/Turin/Padua/Venice/Sienna/ Assisi/Cascia/Loreto/Manoppello/ Lanciano/Padre Pio/St. Philomena) and Rome (St. Peter’s Square/Holy Stairs/Vatican/Papal Audience and more…) Oct 15 -28, 2016 with Fr. George Edattukaran, Pastor of St. James Parish, Abbotsford, BC. For more information, call North Shore Venture Travel: 604-986-1377 or contact Dora Croner by email: [email protected] or 604-725-5350 THE TRAFFICKED HUMAN The AntiHuman Trafficking Coalition is working to eliminate the exploitation of women, youth and girls. The coalition supports Canada’s new law criminalizing those who purchase sex or who profit from the sale of another’s body. We recognize the social harm that results from prostitution, as well as the fact that women and children are most negatively impacted. Further, it is indisputable that johns, pimps and procurers take an inordinate toll on the lives of First Nations’ girls, youth and women; their predation on these communities, and on all communities, must stop. To learn more about the issue, visit thetraffickedhuman.org or rcav.org/ initiatives-against-trafficking/ EUTHANASIA AND ASSISTED SUICIDE On Jun 21, 7.00 pm - international pro -life presenter Stephanie Gray (www.stephaniegray.info) will be speaking at St. Clare of Assisi, Coquitlam on the topic of euthanasia and assisted suicide. All are welcome! "What should a civil and humane response to suffering be? How can people of good will respond to this push for legalized killing? How can we speak about euthanasia and assisted suicide in a winsome and compelling way?" Father’s Day Mass Join our families as we remember and honor our Fathers. Mass will be held on Sun, Jun 19, in our Evangelist chapel at the Gardens of Gethsemani, Surrey at 2:30 pm. For more info, visit rcav.org/event/fathers -day-mass/ ALPHA If you are between 12 and 14 years of age, please do NOT not read the following. What is Alpha? The Alpha Series is about getting to know Jesus Christ and every session starts with FOOD! Probably pizza. We learn from the Gospels that Jesus is very much in favor of food. After the food, there is a pretty cool video and an opportunity to discuss what you’ve watched. Who’s it for? It’s for students from 12–14 years old, essentially for those youth who will be confirmed next year and those who will have been confirmed this year, but anyone in that age group is welcome! How does it work? Alpha meets 10 times every other Saturday evening starting June 4. Each session includes food, a short talk on video and discussion - a time when you can share your thoughts, ask questions, and discover the person of Jesus Christ. You are still free to join us even after the first meeting has started, as we will be tackling different topics each session. Course Information: Join Us: Starting June 4, 2016, 6:30 - 8:30 pm at St. Clare of Assisi Parish, 1320 Johnson St, Coquitlam Sign up by filling out this short form: http://bit.ly/1saGhQs Feel free to contact [email protected] or call Fr. Larry at 604-941-4800 for further information. PRAY FOR THE SICK Tad Fetterly, Ron Peterson, Frank Mattman, Willie Banman, Irene Baumann, Frank Gismondi, Gavina Quijano, Frank & Maria Cirko, Rita Azana, Norma Castilho, Mariette Sund, Rob Johnstone Sr, Tena Colton, Olivera Lambeta, Bugette Zecca, John Rizzo, Miklos Ignacz, Peter Muc, Chris Yuan, Sophie Morson, Michael Coss, Arnie DeLeon. NOVENA TO MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP Every Tuesday at 6.45 pm in church AFTER HOURS & EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER 604-474-1003 HALL & MEETING ROOM RENTALS: 604-939-1741 ADORATION CHAPEL: Open 24 Hours Get your Free Home Market Evaluation today! Convenient & affordable programs for students to achieve better skills, stronger concentration and improved self-confidence. CatherineCatherine 778-888-0271 778-888-0271 Verislav Verislav 604-779-7145 604-779-7145 Pre-school to High-school and beyond. www.teamperic.com www.teamperic.com Sutton -West Coast Realty Sutton Group Group—West Coast Realty *active parishioners & CWL member* Get your Free Home Market Evaluation today! Coq. Plaza, #203-2773 Barnett highway, Coq. (Entrance by Wine Kitz) Call: 604-944-1223 www.kumon.ca/coquitlam-centre COMO LAKE KIDS VILLAGE Looking for a plumber? For reliable and honest service call Out of School Care and Group Daycare GEORGE 604-868-0348 604-809-5318 | 778-998-4747 www.kidsvillagedaycare.com COMO CREEK BREWING 228 Cayer Street, Coquitlam Award wining Champagne, Wine, Beer, Ciders and Coolers made easy 604-777-1477 www.ubrew.ca In stock: 23litre premium grape juice pail YourTrusted TrustedSource Sourcefor forReal RealEstate Estate Your NIDA BALATBAT REALTOR® NIDA BALATBAT 778-859-7225 REALTOR® [email protected] 778-859-7225 [email protected] group westcoast realty sutton group westcoast realty MAY’S FLOWERS 604-937-3440 For your floral needs, call Marina (or May Vianzon). www.maysflowers.ca ◦ Medical equipment and Rob Johnstone B.Comm PFP supplies; Investments ~ Insurance Compression garments Retirement & Estate Planning For inFinancial home visits please call: Worldsource Management Inc. 604-888-8811 671G Market Hill, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4B5 www.bcmedequip.com Phone: 604-862-8480 Donations to All Saints on related sales [email protected] www.worldsourcefinancial.com SIVEY’S LAWN & ORDER LANDSCAPING Lawn maintenance; Weeding; Pruning; Power Washing Home Renovations; Gutters; Windows Junk Removal For free estimates call Dave Sviatko—604-379-0121 Piano and Theory Lessons Herbert Kwan’s Music Studio University of British Columbia Bachelor of Music Royal Conservatory of Music Performer’s ARCT Specialized in RCM Examination and Pop 10:45 Choir Accompanist for the past 10 years 604-727-1594 Donations to All Saints Parish on related sales Call for free market evaluation 604-779-2992 www.herbertkwan.com Serving the Community for over 34 years 202 - 1046 Austin Ave., Coquitlam denisboyd.com 604.931.7211 CREATIVE KIDS DAYCARE ANDREW R. DE BODA, BSc, CMC Licensed Montessori Family Daycare in ACCOUNTING * TAXATION Catholic Home *ADVISING* 20+ years experience withCorporate excellent references Personal and from parents.Phone: We provide care for kids 9 months 604-936-4527 to 5 years and before and after school care. 604-992-4317 Evening & Weekend appointments available [email protected] OLIVEIRA FUNERAL HOME “A Family You Can Trust” Our Integrity Makes The Difference Arrangements in the Family home or at your office Personalized & Affordable Service that you will not get anywhere else Our family is avail.24 hours a day, 7 days a week to serve you better 604 942 7920 ; [email protected] For advertising opportunities, email [email protected]
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For your floral needs, call Marina
(or May Vianzon). www.maysflowers.ca