Workbook Gr 3-4 M AH RA GA N ALKE R AZ A 20 1 6 M AH RA GA


Workbook Gr 3-4 M AH RA GA N ALKE R AZ A 20 1 6 M AH RA GA
Workbook Gr 3-4
H.H. Pope Tawadros II
H.G. Bishop David
Pope of Alexandria &
Bishop of Diocese of New York
and New England
Patriarch of the See of St. Mark
My Heart Rejoices In Christ
In My Church My Heart Is Complete
With The Bible My Heart Is Faithful
My Heart Cares For Everyone
My Peaceful Heart Makes No Mistakes
Dear Parents and Sunday School teachers;
please help your child learn the material
from the textbook and answer all the
questions in this workbook.
1.After the creation of Man, God prepared everything for him.
a) True
b) False
2. God created man in a way
different than all ofHis other creation. Man is the ONLY creature
that received _______.
a) Flesh
b) Bones
c) The breath of life from God Himself
d) Fruits to eat
God gave man a _____.
New car
Free will
One choice
4. God told man to Eat from the fruit of all trees
with the exception of __________
a) The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
b) The apple tree
c) The Tree of Life
d) Banana Tree
5. God told man that if he ate from the forbidden
tree, he will surely ______.
a) Live forever
b) become like God
c) will know the good from evil
d) Die
6. Unfortunately, because Adam and Eve ate from
the tree of knowledge of good and evil____
a) God had to apply the penalty of death
b) God told Adam and Eve not to do that again
c) God told Adam, I am glad you enjoyed it
d) God told Adam; I will destroy you and
create a new man
7.For Adam and Eve, death was
a) Not breathing
b) Separation
from God
c) Separation from each other
(Adam and Eve)
d) Losing their hair
8.Explain. in your own words how when Adam sinned
he was separated from God. (give the example of the
9.Because of sin, the nature of
Adam and Eve and all their
a) Became greater than God.
b) Was improved
c) Was corrupted
d) Died and were buried in pyramids
10. For man to be able to live with God again, he
needed to ______
a) Die and then live again
b) Remove the death penalty and renew his corrupted nature
c) Change their home town
d) Apologize to God
11. God loved man so much, God could have
forgiven man and remove the death penalty.
12. For man to go back and live with God again, he
needed _____.
a) Someone to redeem mankind and renew
the corrupted nature
b) Someone to get man some fruits from
the forbidden tree.
c) Someone to tell God that Adam
and Eve are miserable outside the
d) Someone to make Adam and Eve
new clothes for the winter
13. God loved man and created him in His own
image. He could not accept the fact that man will not
be able to live with Him anymore. So God planned to
redeem man.
Put the following steps in the correct order
a) God died on the cross (____)
b) God rose from the dead (______)
c) God was born of the Virgin Mary (_____)
d) God conquered death (______)
14.We do not deserve God’s redemption unless_
a) We die on the cross too
b) We Get baptized in the Jordan River
c) We get baptized and repent and confess
to the priest and take Holy Communion
d) We take Holy Communion regardless of whether
we had confessed or not
15. When man disobeyed God, he was ______.
a) Separated from God
b) Returned to live with God after man apologized
c) Destroyed from the face of the earth
d) Thrown on the ground,
broke his headand died
16. Adam and Eve’s descendants ______
a) Learned from their mistake and never ate
from the forbidden tree
b) Were free from sins
c) Had a new incorrupt nature
d) Inherited the sentence of death and the
corrupted nature
17. Because God is Holy, He had to _____
a) Forgive Adam and Eve and return them to
live with Him
b) Destroy that man and create another
creature instead
c) Have a lion eat Adam and Eve.
d) Renew the nature of Adam and Eve.
18. _____ is the ONLY one that can redeem
a) An angel or archangel
b) A Prophet
c) God
d) An Arch prophet
19. God fulfilled the punishment of death when He _.
a) Was born from Virgin Mary
b) Was crucified and died on the Cross
c) Raised Lazarus from the death
d) Comes again to judge the living and the dead
20. Put the following words in the correct order and
rewrite the verse:
His own image- He created- male and female- Genesis 1- He created- “So God created- man in- of God
- in the image- him; - them.- :27
1. The Divine Liturgy is ______.
a) A Journey to heaven
b) A Journey to Disney Land
c) A Journey through the time machine
d) Very long and boring
2. During the Liturgy, we remember __.
a) What we had for homework at school
b) The life of our Lord Jesus
c) When Lord Jesus died on the Cross ONLY
d) The Second Coming of Lord Jesus ONLY
3.Which of the following is NOT true about the Divine Liturgy?
a) Going through the liturgy is like riding a plane
b) The pilot is the congregation and the priest is the
main passenger
c) Baptism is like the passport
d) The airport is the Church
4. ANYONE can partake of the Holy Communion.
a) True. All are welcome even non christians.
b) False. ONLY people who are baptized can.
c) Maybe. Depending on whatever Abouna wants
d) No way. ONLY Abouna and the deacons can
partake of the Holy Communion.
5. We need to prepare ourselves, personaly, before
partaking of the Holy Communion by: ______.
a) Repenting and confessing
b) Reconciling with those we have upset
c) Fasting for 19 hours
d) All of the above except “c”
6. We should dress up appropriately when we are
going to partake of the Holy Communion. An example
could be ____.
a) Shorts and sleeveless shirts
b) Swimming suite
c) Nice dress or long pants and shirt
d) We can go with our PJ
7. The purpose of the Raising of Incense is to ___.
a) Make the church smell nice
b) fix the microphones and the light
c) prepare the Korbana
d) Prepare the altar, the priest, and the congregation to recieve the Lord Jesus in the Liturgy.
8. ____ the raising of incense, the priest and the
deacons wear their service clothing.
a) Before
b) After
c) During
d) At the start of
9. The Tonya is ____.
a) The piece of fabric that covers the altar.
b) Abouna’s hat which he wears outside the church.
c) Abouna’s and the deacon’s service clothing
d) Abouna’s Easter’s costume
10. While Abouna is choosing the Lamb, the deacons
and the congregation chant______.
a) Amen (3 times)
b) Kyrie Eleison (41 times)
c) Thok Ta Ti Goom (12 times)
d) We believe in one God
11. The “lamb” is ______.
a) The wine and the water in the Chalice
b) An Aghaby meal after the Liturgy
c) The baby cow
d) The Korbana that will become the Body of Christ
12. “Kyrie Eleison” is a Coptic word meaning ______.
a) Lord have mercy
b) Lord bless us
c) Lord give us this day our daily bread
d) Lord please don’t make it snow on Christmas
13. The “Lamb” Korbana must be ______.
a) A square shaped bread
b) At least one year old
c) Without blemish
d) Baked with fresh milk
14. All the prayers in the church must start with __.
a) The Orthodox Creed
b) Amen Alleluia
c) The Thanksgiving prayer
d) The Holy Commmunion
15. The “Prospherin” is______.
a) A large cover to cover the paten and the chalice.
b) A triangle to symbolize the seal of the tomb
c) The Ostrich egg in front of the altar
d) The curtains by the door of the altar
16. ___ symbolizes the big stone and ___ symbolizes
the seal placed on the tomb.
a)The triangle-shaped handkerchief and the Prospherin
b)The Prospherin and the triangle shape handkerchief
c) The altar curtain and the incense
d) The shorya and the Holy Commuion
17. Abouna prays the _____ in
which he absolves all people who
are present.
a) The Thanksgiving prayer
b) The prayer of Reconciliation
c) The Fraction
d)The Absoluion of the Servants
18. The Liturgy of the Word is
also called______.
a) The Liturgy of the Catechumens
b) The Liturgy of the Water
c) The Liturgy of the Believers
d) The Liturgy of the Congregation
19. The correct order for the readings is:
a) Pauline, Catholicon, Synaxarium, Psalm and Gospel,
and finally the Praxis
b) The Gospel because it is the main part, then the
Praxis and the Pauline and the Catholicon
c) The Pauline, The Catholicon, The Praxis, the
Synaxarium, And finally the Psalm and the Gospel
d) There is no specific order. Abouna can decide
20. The ___ is an account of the lives of the Saints.
a) Synaxarium
b) Pauline
c) Acts
d) History book
21. The Praxis is a passage read from one of the
Books of the Holy Bible, specificlly; ______.
a) The Book of Genesis
b) The Book of Acts
c) The Super Book
d) The Gospel according to St. Matthew
22. Which statment is NOT true about the Catholicon
a) The Catholicon is read from the Catholic Epistles
b) The Catholic Epistles are SEVEN epistles
c) The Catholic Epistles are in the New Testament
d) The Catholic Epistles are read ONLY in the
Catholic Church.
23. Which reading is an account of the lives of the
a) The Psalm and the Gospel
b) The Paulin Epistles
c) The Praxis
d) The Synaxarium
24. The Pauline Epistles are written by _____.
a) Saint Mark
b) Saint Peter
c) Saint Paul
d) Saint Luke
25. There are _______ Pauline Epistles.
a) 24
b) 4
c) 7
d) 14
25. Which of the following readings is from the Old
a) The Praxis
b) The Synaxarium
c) The Psalm
d) The Pauline
27. The Orthodox Creed is ____.
a) The Declaration of
b) The Declaration of our love
c) The Pledge of allegiance
d) The Declaration of our faith
28.The reconciliation with heaven happened by: ____.
a) The incarnation, death and resurrection of our
Lord Jesus Christ
b) Greeting one another
c) Sending Holiday cards on Christmas
d) Drawing an original baby picture
29.We greet each other with a holy kiss to signify _.
30. After Abouna prays the prayer of Reconciliation,
next sectuon of the Liturgy is called ________.
a) The Liturgy of the Catechumens
b) The Anaphora
c) The Commuion
d) The Sermon
31. The sermon comes right
after ______.
a) Reading the Synaxarium
b) Reading the Psalm and the
c) The Reconciliation Prayer
d) Praying the Agpeya
32. At the start of the Anaphora Prayer, Abouna
asks the congregation to _____.
a) Lift up their eyes
b) Lift up your heads
c) Lift up your hearts
d) Lift up your chair
33. After we tell Abouna that we have our hearts
with the Lord, Abouna starts to _____.
a) Discribe heaven and the angels surrounding the
throne of God and praising Him.
b) Discribe his clothes
c) Discribes The way to the church.
d) Discribes pictures around the church.
34. The angels surrounding the Throne of God and
praising saying _________.
a) “Kerie Elison”
b) “Holy, Holy, Holy”
c) “Your Throne O lord forever”
d) “Thok Ta Ti Goom”
35. Abouna recounts ____ by beginning with the creation and fall of man; ending with the Second coming.
a) The story of Salvation
b) The story of David and how he killed Goliath.
c) The Story of Moses
d) The story of Mary Magdalene when she met Crist
36. When God appears again in the Second Coming,
he will judge each one ______.
a) According to his color
b) According to his deeds
c) According to his postion
d) According to his school grades
37. In the Consecration section of
the Liturgy, Abouna explains the
story of ______.
a) Creation
b) the institution of the Sacrament
of the Eucharist
c) The institution of the Sacrament
of Baptism
d) The Birth of our Lord Jesus
38. The institution of the Sacrament of the
Eucharist took place on _____.
a) Good Friday
b) Holy Sunday
c) Palm Sunday
d) Holy Thursday
39. Write a verse from Psalm 34 to show how sweet
the Lord is.
40. Partaking the Body and Blood
of Christ is necessary for us to be
able to _______.
a) Enter the Kingdom of Heaven
b) Go to Sunday School
c) Enter church from the back
d) Enter the Altar
41. Rearrange the words to write
the verse correctly: flesh- blood- “Whoever- Myeternal- John- drinks - 6:- life.”- My- has- and54__________________________________________
42. In the section of _____, Abouna calls on the
Holy Spirit to descend upon the bread and the wine.
a) Consecration
b) Invocation of the Holy Spirit
c) Reconciliation Prayer
d) The Orthodox Creed
43. The Holy Spirit turns the Bread
and wine to ___
a) Sandwich and juice
b) Body and Blood of Christ
c) Body and Blood of the Church
d) Body and Blood of the Church
44. The word “Litany” means:_____.
a) “Petition”
b) “Long”
c) “Late”
d) “Lent”
45. In the Commemoratin of Saints, we remember __
a) Lord Jesus when He instituted the Sacraments
b) Lord Jesus when He was buried in the tomb
c) The Saints who departed
d) The Saints who are still alive on earth
46. The Commemoration of the Saints reflects ____.
a) The unity of all the churches in the area
b) The unity of the Church in Egypt and USA
c) The unity of the Church in heaven and on earth
d) The unity of Abouna and the deacons
47. While Abouna prays _____ he breaks the Holy
a) Thanksgiving Prayer
b) The Fraction Prayer
c) The absolution of the servants
d) The Orthodox Creed
48. In the Confession, Abouna confirms that ______.
a) what he has in his hands is the True Body and
True Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
b) The bread is ready to be eaten
c) The wine in the Chalice is so delicious
d) The Liturgy is almost over (finally!)
49. At the end of the Liturgy, we partake of the
Sacrament of ______.
a) Holy Matrimony
b) Unction of the sick
c) Baptism
d) Holy Communion
50. After Holy Communion, Abouna says ______.
a) Now, you may eat
b) Run home as fast as you can
c) Depart in peace
d) Stand up in the fear of God.
51. The Holy Liturgy is a journey to heaven. What is
your favrite section of the Liturgy? and why?
1.The Story of King Jehoshaphat is written in the
Second Book of _____.
a) Genesis
b) Samuel
c) Revelation
d) Chronicles
2.The name Jehoshaphat means: _____
a) God judges
b) God is Love
c) God is compassionate
d) God is my helper
3.After King _____ the kingdom of Israel was
divided into two kingdoms
a) Saul
b) David
c) Samuel
d) Solomon
4.The Northern Kingdom is _____ and the
Southern Kingdom is _____
a) The Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel
b) The United Kingdom and the United Sates
c) The Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah
d) The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of
the Earth
5. Jehoshaphat was the son of King _____
a) Asa of the Northern Kingdom
b) Asa of the Kingdom of Judah
c) Asa of the Southern Kingdom
d) Asa of the Kingdom of Heaven
6. King Jehoshaphat was the ____ king of the
Kingdom of Judah
a) First
b) Last
c) Fourth
d) Fifth
7. King Jehoshaphat ___.
a) Worshiped idols
b) Got rid of the worship of idols
c) Offered his son,Isaac, a sacrifice
d) Built a great big church in the middle of town
8. King Jehoshaphat was not
a good king. He prevented the
priests and levites from teaching
the people the way of God.
a) True
b) False
If “False” please correct: _______
9.Which of the following did God give King
Jehoshaphat as a blessing?
a) Peace with his neighboring countries
b) Gifts from the Philistines
c) Power and honor
d) All of the above
10.When a big army came to fight against King
Jehoshaphat, he_.
a) Lifted up his eyes to God and prayed.
b) Trained his soldiers
c) Called for a fast in the whole kingdome of Judah
d) Both a and c
11.What did King Jehoshaphat say in his prayer to
God? Write his prayer on the lines below.
12.The Prophet ______ encouraged the people to be
strong and not to be afraid of the big army.
a) Daniel
b) Jahaziel
c) Samuel
d) David
13.Complete and memorize
the verse:
“Do ____ be ____________ nor dismayed
because of this ___________
______________, for the _______________
is not ______________, but ___________.”
(2 _____________ 20:15)
14.The prophet told them to go down in the battle
but ______
a) Be careful of the heat
b) take enough food and drink
c) Practice well before the battle
d) Not to fight because the Lord will fight for them
15.King Jehoshaphat asked the people to ___.
a) Sing praises to the Lord
b) Have mercy on the enemy
c) Fight hard
d) Enjoy the weather
16.As the people sang and praised, the Lord sent an
ambush against the enemies, then the enemy army
began ______
a) Laughing at the people of Israel
b) Defeating the people of Israel
c) Fighting against each other
d) Fighting Jehoshaphat’s army
17.King Jehoshaphat’s army came to the place of the
battle and found _______.
a) All the emenies dead
b) The enemy celebrating
c) King Jehoshaphat dead
d) The enemy went back home
18. Because King
Jehoshaphat trusted God
in the time of trouble,
God _______.
a) Delivered him to his
b) Did not care about
c) Made him rejoice
over his enemies
d) Gave him up to death
19.King Jehoshaphat presented his problem before
God and confessed his weakness.Complete the
following to find out what he exactly said:
“For we have no _____________________________
___________________________2 Chronicles 20:12
Pope Kyrillos VI, the 116th Patriarch
(Synaxarium 30 Amshir)
1. The Agpeya is the Book _____.
a) Of the stories of the lives of the saints
b) That contains the Liturgy prayer
c) Of Prayers
d) Used only during Passion Week
2. The Agpeya contains _____.
a) Seventeen prayers throughout the year
b) Seven prayers throughout the week
c) Seven prayers but we cannot pray them
outside of the church.
d) Seven prayers for different hours of the
3. The Synaxarium holds _____.
a) The stories of the lives of the saints.
b) A newspaper for Copts only
c) The prayers for Pascha Week
d) The prayers of the wedding
4. The Church calls ____ “The Man of Prayer”.
a) Pope Athanasius
b) Pope Kyrillos the First
c) Pope Kyrillos the Fourth
d) Pope Kyrillos the Sixth
5. Pope Kyrillos VI spent most
of his time ___.
a) Playing basketball or soccor
b) Praying
c) Reading History Books
d) Taking care of his beard
6. Pope Kyrillos VI was born on _____ in the
City of _______.
a) August 20, Damanhour
b) August 02 1920, Alexandria
c) August 20 1902, Cairo
d) Auguat 02 1902, Damanhour
7. ______ was Pope Kyrillos VI’s patron saint.
a) St. George the Prince of the Martyers
b) St. Mina the Wounder worker
c) St. Shenouda the Archimandrite
d) Archangel Michael
8. Pope Kyrillos VI’s Original name _______.
a) Mark
b) Jaccoub
c) Azer
d) Pishoy
9. Azer’s family had to move to
a) Damanhour
b) Alexandria
c) Cairo
d) New York
10. Azer was _____in his workplace.
a) Honest and dedicated
b) Lazy and dishonest
c) A big boss
d) Sloppy and rushes through his work
11.Azer liked the monastic life, so _____.
a) He asked his boss to turn the workplace
into a church
b) He asked his dad to build him a castle
where he can worship with his forty friends
c) He joined one of the local churches
d) He resigned from his job and went to the
Monastary of El-Baramous.
12. Azer became a monk when he was ____.
a) 26 years old
b) 62 years old
c) 16 years old
d) 20 years old
13. When Azer had become a monk, his name
changed to _______.
a) Azer
b) Kyrillos Elbaramosy
c) Mina Elbaramosy
d) Antonious Elbaramosy
14. A monk is someone who _______.
a) Likes wearing black.
b) Likes to keep away from any distraction
from the world.
c) Likes to live alone with no responsibilities.
d) Likes monkeys
15. After ____ years, He was ordained a
priest with the name of _____.
a) 3, Pope Kyrilos VI
b) 3, Fr. Mina ElSouryani
c) 3, Fr. Mina Elbaramosy
d) 3, Bishop Mina of Elbaramos
16. Besides praying and reading the Holy Bible,
Fr. Mina Elbaramosy spent his time ______.
a) Watching TV
b) Playing video games
c) Serving little children
d) Serving the older monks
17. The life of solitude is when a monk _____.
a) Wants to live with his parents
b) Wants to live by himself and pray.
c) Wants to have his own monestary
d) Wants to have his own books.
18. Fr. Mina Elbaramosy prayed a liturgy
everyday in the _____.
a) Windmill.
b) Cathedral
c) House
d) Cave
19. Fr. Mina Elbaramosy was chosen to be ___.
a) The abbot of the Monaster of St. Samuel
the Confessor
b) The Abbot of Elbarmos Monastery
c) The Abbot of the Monastery of St. Mina
d) The Abbot of the Windmill.
20. Fr. Mina Elbarmosy established the Church
of _______.
a) St. Samuel in Boston
b) St. Kyrillos in New York
c) St. George in Alexandria
d) St Mina in Old Cairo
21. Because he was faithful with the few things
in his care, Fr. Mina Elbaramosy was chosen to
be ___.
a) The Dean of the
School of Patriachs
b) The 20th Patriarch of
c) The 116th Patriarch
of the see of St. Mark
d) A Bishop
22. Pope Kyrillos VI contiued to ______.
a) Pray a liturgy everyday
b) Play ping pong
c) Drive his car
d) Work in the shipping company
23. Pope Kyrillos VI prayed more than _____
liturgies during his life.
a) 120
b) 2100
c) 1200
d) 0012
24. Pope Kyrillos VI is also called _____.
a) The Pillar of the Faith
b) The Man of Fasting
c) The Vinedresser
d) The Man of Prayer
25. Pope Kyrillos VI was born on _____ and
departed to Heaven on _______.
a) August 20, March 09 1972
b) August 02 1920, May 01 2016
c) August 20 1902, March 17 2013
d) Auguat 02 1902, March 09 1970
26. Pope Kyrillos VI established many new services. Please circle ALL answers indicating the
services he established:
a) The Bishopric of Service
b) The Bishopric of New York and New England
c) The Bishopric of Christian Education
d) The Bishopric of Egypt
e) The Monestary of elbaramos
f) The Monastery of St. Mina in Mairout
g) The renovation of St. Mark Cathedral
h) Gave special attention to the Copts abroad
27. Pope Kyrillos VI brought the relics of ____
from Italy.
a) St. Mark
b) St. George
c) St. Mina
d) St. Mary The Mother of God
28. The Holy Synod recognized the sainthood
of Pope Kyrillos VI. This means: ________.
a) We can ask his prayer
b) We can celebrate his feast and anoint
churches after his name
c) We can name children after his name
d) We can have his pictures
The wisdom of Abigail. 1Samuel 25:1-35
1. David is the son of ____.
a) Solomon
b) Jesse
c) Asa
d) Saul
2. The name “Abigail” means _______ .
a) “Gives Joy”
b) “Gives Wisdom”
c) “Gives Wealth”
d) “Gives Orders”
3. Abigail was the wife of ______.
a) Daniel
b) Saul
c) Nabal
d) She was not married
4. The name “Nabal” means ______.
a) “Fool”
b) “Wise”
c) “Selfish”
d) “Shellfish”
5. Nabal was ________ in dealing with people.
a) Kind and nice
b) Fair and honest
c) Wicked and harsh
d) Strict and double tounged
6. One evidance that Nabal was a rich man _.
a) He married Abigail
b) He had thousands of sheep and goats
c) Lots of trees
d) Lots of cars
7. After the death of ____, David and his men
dwelt in the wilderness of Paran.
a) Samuel the Prophet
b) King Saul
c) Moses the Prophet
d) Elijah the Prophet
8. While David stayed in the Wilderness of
Paran, he was _______.
a) Guarding the king
b) Guarding his house and farm
c) Protecting the wilderness from the attacks
of the Philistines and wild animals
d) Protecting his sheep flock
9. Nabal was ____ his sheep in the Carmel.
a) Killing
b) Feeding
c) Shearing
d) Eating
10. Shearing sheep means
a) Feed the sheep
b) Eat the sheep
c) Play fetch with the sheep
d) Give the sheep a “hair cut”
11. At the shearing of sheep, Nabal ____.
a) Made a lot of money
b) Ate a lot of vegetables
c) Shared his goods with David
d) Made a huge banquet
12. Do you think that David was entitled to recieve gifts from Nabal? Why? Why not?
13. When David asked Nabal, politely,for some
gifs, Nabal refused and said: _________.
a) “Actually, I’m missing a few sheep
b) “ Who is David, and who is the
son of Jesse?
c) “Not by the hair of my chinny chin”
d) “You are not smart, David and I will not
give you anything.”
14. When David’s men told him Nabal’s answer,
David decided to ____.
a) To avenge himself and go fight Nabal
b) To eat all Nabal’s sheep
c) To take Nabal’s wife Abigail
d) Kill his wife
15. God prevented David from ____.
a) Becoming friend with Nabal
b) Marrying Abigail
c) Doing wrong and fighting
d) Eating the sheep
16. David’s heart was according to __.
a) God’s Heart
b) Nabal’s Heart
c) Saul’s Heart
d) The heart of a cat
17. What happened when one of the servants
told Abigail the story?
a) Abigail decided to kill David
b) Abigail told her husband Nabal
c) Abigail didn’t care
d) Abigail used her wisdom and took gifts and
went to appease David’s anger.
18. Abigail blamed the problem on _____.
a) Herself
b) Nabal her husband
c) David
d) David’s men
19. We read the story of Abigail and David in
the Holy Bible in the ______.
a) First Book of Moses
b) First book of Samuel
c) Book of Genesis
d) Book of Acts
20. What did David say to Abigail when she
used her wisdom to make peace between David
and her husband? (Write down the verse)
Hymns & Tasbeha
Coptic Language
Creative Writing
Drama & Mime
Praise & Music
Multimedia & Technology
This Workbook is a production of the Diocese of New York and New England
under the Auspices of His Grace Bishop David. May God use this ministry
for the Glory of His Holy Name.