April 17, 2016 bulletin


April 17, 2016 bulletin
“Living the Word of Christ Together”
Parochial Vicar:
Office Administrator:
Rectory Phone:
Office Phone:
Father Bruce Riebe
Father Jan Cizmar
Bill Fredrick, Robert Kirschner
Michele Wiltshire
[email protected]
St. George is called the Victorious Great Martyr. He
was an officer in the army of the Roman emperor
Diocletian, the great persecutor of Christians. As a
Christian, George refused to make a pagan sacrifice
and gave up his military commission. For this as well as
for his censure of the cruel persecution, he was tortured by
being beaten with spears. Cuts were inflicted upon his body
and he was bound to the rim of a wheel, set with sharp spikes.
These tortures had no affect on his steadfastness, and his example persuaded many
Christians to persevere in the faith and many pagans to be converted. He was beheaded
at Nicodemia in Asia Minor in 303 A.D.
The fame of George spread throughout the Eastern world and he came to be invoked in
time of trouble by Christian and Moslem alike. The Emperor Constantine is said to have
dedicated a church to St. George not long after the martyr’s death. Devotion to him soon
spread to the West and increased greatly after the Crusaders returned to their homes after
touring the Holy Lands of the East.
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April 17, 2016
Christ is Risen!
Liturgy Schedule
April 18
April 19
April 20
April 21
April 22
April 23
April 24
April 23
April 23
April 24
9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
†Peter Knapik Family by Joseph Klinkovsky
8:00 a.m.
†George Klucsar by Rich/Linda Szucs
8:00 a.m.
†Dennis Huntz by Don/Shirley LaFleur
No Liturgy
8:00 a.m.
†Jim Hultin by Joe/Marie Lupia
Simple Holyday: St. George
9:00 a.m.
†George Marchak by Churavy Family
Vigil Liturgy
4:00 p.m.
†Michael Lechko by Frank/Janet Petruno
10:30 a.m. Intention of the Parishioners
Altar Servers
C. & T. Macik
S. Lupia & M. Ebert
N. Matyas, A. Steen,
B. & J. Hallis
R. Evans
M. Waski
D. & S. LaFleur
S. Lambourne & M. Cohn
A retreat from the wrong direction is a wise move in the right direction.
Father will be on vacation this
week, returning on Saturday. In
case of an emergency, contact
Fr. Jan Cizmar (440-732-8182),
Deacon Bill Fredrick (216-4691425) or Deacon Robert Kirschner
Please remember all of
the sick/suffering in your
prayers, especially Mary
Jane Shaver (The Oakes;
rehab); Mary Jane Dietz (Greenbrier
Healthcare; rehab); Charlotte Picha
(St. Augustine Towers; rehab); Leonard
Burncheck (home); and Donna Neal
(home). Also, Bernie Hlivyak called
from California to ask that we
remember her husband Joe who is
under hospice care.
The Diocese is in possession of our request to
proceed with the parking lot project. The parish
Building Commission accepted the low bid of
$241,255.00 from North Coast Paving of Berea.
Once approval is received we anticipate the
project starting the week of May 9.
ather, help us to be mindful that it is not our
place to judge others. We are no better
than they are, and you will bring down and lift
up as you see fit. Help us to trust in your
almighty plan and the power of your love to
capture hearts and transform people. Thank
you for capturing our hearts. Transform us into
people who love unconditionally just as you do.
Help us to see people the way you see them,
and to be filled with compassion, even as
someone is doing wrong to us. Help us to
respond with love instead of anger and
bitterness. God, you make the impossible
possible. Thank you for filling us with your love
and freeing us from the compulsion to judge
others. Amen
Tickets are still available for
the annual Reverse Raffle
sponsored by the Men’s
Club on April 29. The
donation is $100 a couple
or $70 for a single. (Numbers alone can be
purchased for $40.) The price includes a
catered dinner, open bar, a chance at the
$4,000.00 grand prize and music for
dancing. Contact any member of the
Men’s Club for tickets or call Joe Csornok
Next Sunday is the final ECF class of the
year. Following the Divine Liturgy all
students and parents are asked to go
acknowledgement program. (Please bring
a bakery item.)
Our second grade ECF
students will make bread
(prosphora) on Saturday in
preparation for their First Solemn
Communion in May. Children should be
dropped off in the hall by 10:00. Pick-up is
scheduled for 12:30.
GCU Lodge 302 will meet next Sunday in
the hall following the 10:30 liturgy.
Paper Recycling Bonus Week
In commemoration of “Earth
Day” on April 22, River Valley
is donating an extra $5 per ton
for our paper recycling pick-up
this week. It would be a good time for a
“We ought not to be weary of doing
little things for the love of God, who
regards not the greatness of the work,
but the love with which it is
—Brother Lawrence
Your Weekly Offering
April 10, 2016
9 Student Envelopes:
Holy Days:
Building Fund:
Interested in E-Giving???
The Lenten alms were counted this week.
The amount of $535.05 was passed on to the
St. Joseph Outreach.
50/50 Ž—„
Congratulations to our March winners. Each
received $55.00.
Mike Andrako
Tony Borelli
Albert Matyas
Jeannette Schroeder
Dan McGurk ($100 winner)
Refrain from Judgment
A lovely little girl was holding two apples in
both hands. Her mom came in and softly asked
her little daughter with a smile, “My sweetie, could
you give your mom one of your two apples?”
The girl looked up at her mom for a few
seconds, then she suddenly took a quick bite on
one apple, and then quickly on the other. The mom felt the smile on her face freeze. She
tried hard not to reveal her disappointment. Then the little girl handed one of her bitten
apples to her mom and said, “Mommy, here you are. This is the sweeter one.”
No matter who you are, how experienced you are, and how knowledgeable you think
you are, always delay judgment. Give others the privilege to explain themselves. What you
see may not be the reality. Never conclude for others. We should never only focus on the
surface and judge others without understanding them first.
Those who like to pay the bill do so not because they are wealthy, but because they
value friendship above money. Those who take the initiative at work do so not because
they are stupid, but because they understand the concept of responsibility.
Those who apologize first after a fight do so not because they are wrong, but because
they value the people around them. Those who are wiling to help you do so not because
they owe you anything, but because they see you as a true friend.
Those who often text you do so not because they have nothing better to do, but
because you are in their heart. Those who take out time to chat with you do so not
because they are jobless or less busy, but because they know the importance of keeping in
One day, all of us will get separated from each other. We will miss our conversations of
everything and nothing and the dreams that we had. Days will pass by, months, years, until
this contact becomes rare. One day our children will see our pictures and ask, “Who are
these people?” And we will smile with invisible tears because a heart is touched with a
strong word and you will say, “It was with them that I had the best days of my life.”
PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: 440-526-6464 (24 hours)
CONFESSIONS: One half hour before liturgies for fifteen minutes and by request
MEN’S CLUB: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
LADIES’ AUXILIARY: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
A-OK CLUB: 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
COFFEE SOCIAL: Every Sunday after liturgy
EASTERN CATHOLIC FORMATION (ECF) CLASSES: Sundays 9:00 a.m.–10:20 a.m.

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