May 17, 2015 bulletin


May 17, 2015 bulletin
Pastor: Father Bruce Riebe
Deacons: Bill Fredrick, Robert Kirschner
Kenneth Malley
Office Administrator: Michele Wiltshire
Rectory Phone: 440-526-1818
Office Phone: 440-526-0016
Fax: 440-526-6464 (24 hrs.)
e-mail: [email protected]
“Living the Word of Christ Together”
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The Sunday which follows the Feast of the
Ascension commemorates the Holy Fathers of the
Council of Nicea. This Ecumenical Council, held in 325
A.D., affirmed the divinity of Christ. Our celebration
this weekend pays respect to the collective witness
that the Bishops gave to Christian truth. We are
already looking towards Pentecost and how the
power of the Holy Spirit can give courage to speak
for Christ and the truth.
In the Epistle for this Sunday from Acts (20:16-18a,
28-38), St. Paul is on his way to Jerusalem as the end
of his ministry begins. He charges the leaders of the
Church of Ephesus to keep watch for wolves who
would lead the flock astray. It might be said that what
causes corrosion in the Church is both on the universal and local levels. As this Sunday
of the Fathers of the Nicean Council testifies, theological error is part of this corrosion.
However, studies have shown that people drop out of the church for a number of
reasons: mobility without deep religious roots, too little or too much change,
deterioration of Catholic family life, diminishing loyalty to a specific parish,
impersonalism of the large parish, a quarrel with or perceived insult from a clergy
person. To be honest, the major reasons that people drop out of the Church are more
personal than theological. This Epistle Reading is a real warning to us to be honest with
God and ourselves as well as to constantly make the effort to be active members of
the Body of the Christ, the Church!
In the Gospel reading for John (17:1-13) we have one of the most intimate sections
of his Gospel. It is the prayer of Jesus as He looks back over His ministry. He also used all
the opportunities the Lord gives us by always living in the future. “Tomorrow, I will get
down to my spiritual life.” “Tomorrow, I will start spending more time with my family.”
“Tomorrow, we’ll reconcile.” Or, we can live in the past as we re-fight old battles and
rehearse old hurts. It is, however, in the present that the dynamics of salvation take
place! God’s Word is spoken to us in the now. Christ’s offer of peace and the healing
power of the Resurrection are available to us now. The time of salvation and of the
experience of God’s presence are now. It is in our particular parish, this diocese, this
neighborhood, with these people, that God is present and calling us to respond.
May 17, 2015
Christ is Among Us!
Liturgy Schedule
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
May 23
May 24
4:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Intention of Joseph Klinkovsky, Jr. by Bob/Pat
8:00 a.m.
Intention of Maria Churavy by Family
8:00 a.m.
†Tony/Mary Amato by Tony/Jackie Amato
8:00 a.m.
†George Lezan by Deacon Bill/Nancy Fredrick
8:00 a.m.
†John/Josephine Marcinik by Janet Marcinik/Don Toth
9:00 a.m.
5th All Souls (Requiem Liturgy, Panachida, Hramoty)
Vigil Liturgy
4:00 p.m.
†Emma Wolf by Mike Grocky
10:30 am. Intention of the Parishioners
Altar Servers
J. & J. Kodek
B. Fortlage
M. Jaryga, N. Jaryga,
T. Martinek
N. Matyas & T. Grzymkowski
D. & S. LaFleur
H. Pariza & J. Carrig
Obedience to God removes pretense from our prayers.
Traditionally on the Sunday
remember those individuals who
have died serving our country
with a prayer service on the oval
immediately following the liturgy. As part of
this commemoration all retired/active military
personnel are invited to take part. If you can
participate, please contact Diana Simpson
(330-205-0476) by May 17. Everyone present is
invited to the hall afterwards for a light
luncheon sponsored by GCU Lodge 302.
Next Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of
Pentecost. The church will be adorned in
green, symbolic of “new life.” It’s
considered that the Church was ”born”
when the Holy Spirit descended upon the
Apostles and they boldly went forth
spreading the “Good News” of Jesus
Christ. At the beginning of services the
“Kneeling Prayer” will be taken, as we
once again resume that posture for
prayer. Mirovanije $$ from next weekend
will be sent to Maggie’s Place in Parma
(home for un-wed mothers).
We’re getting very
close to launching
our new website!
Look forward to
an upcoming
The fifth and final All Souls’ Saturday is set for
this week. The series of liturgies are a beautiful
way to pray for and remember departed
loved ones. If you have submitted names for
the list and haven’t made it to any of the first
four, try and attend on Saturday. The
Requiem Liturgy begins at 9:00 and is followed
immediately by a Panachida (service for the
deceased) and the reading of the Hramoty
(names of our family members carried over
from year to year).
If you would like to be notified when a
parishioner dies (including calling hours and
times for the Parastas/Liturgy) contact
Michele via e-mail or by phone and she’ll
gladly add your address to our e-mail blast.
For the months of June, July and August the Sunday liturgy time
will be 10:00. The half hour adjustment has been popular over the
years with a majority of people. Please make note of it.
Our Vacation Bible School will be
July 20-24. Watch for registration
forms in next week’s Byzzline. (This
is for children ages 5-12.)
Marge Marvan was buried this past week at
the age of 95. She was a member of St. Joe’s
her entire lifetime. Most recently she had been
on our monthly Communion visitation list. She
died at Seasons of Life Hospice in Parma.
Sympathies are extended to her sister
Eleanor O’Kresz (who is now at Atrium Assisted
Living in Aurora).
In blessed repose grant O Lord eternal rest
to Your Handmaid Margaret and remember
her forever! Vichnaja Pamjat!
Parish sympathies are also extended to
Lynne (Chuck) Dorobish and family.
mother, LaVerne Kozak from Garfield Hts. was
buried this past week at the age of 85.
The Building Commission will meet on Thursday
at 6:00.
Sandwich making will take place on Saturday
at 9:30 in the Education Center.
“SLAVtemberFEST” (October 10) will take place
on June 7 following the Sunday liturgy. Anyone
interested in helping should attend. Contact
Deacon Bill for more info (216-469-1425).
The Global Outreach is planning another
Rummage Sale on August 28, 29, & 30.
Donations are now being accepted (please
no clothing, TV’s, books, or computers) and
can be left in the Kindergarten room in the
Education Center.
Parish “thanks” to the crew who took down the
tomb on Wednesday and to everyone who
lends a hand around the church—especially
those who take on regular duties. It all goes for
the Glory of God!
We’re seeking pictures of high school and
college graduates. They will be featured in the
Education showcase during the month of June.
(Please provide a photo by the end of this
month. They will be returned.)
Your Weekly Offering
May 10, 2015
Student Envelopes:
Holy Days:
Building Fund:
Have you remembered St. Joseph Church
in your Will and/or Trust?
Mirovanije $$ from this weekend will be sent
to Jennings Center for Older Adults in
Garfield Hts.
Congratulations to the following winners
who each received $55.
Barry Diedrick
Cheryl Kalnasy
Gregory Flowers
Jeff Lukas
The final A.C.E. (Adult Catholic
Education) program of this
session will be on Tuesday,
7:00, at St. Michael Church in
Independence. Dr. George Matejka will
speak on “The Many Faces of Mary.” His
focus will be on how art can be an effective
tool for communicating lessons from the
Bible and Church teaching about Mary.
Refreshments will be served and a free will
offering taken. If you have any questions,
contact our A.C.E. representative Barbara
Fortlage (216-524-1885).
New altar server and greeter schedules
can be found in the mail slots.
Please remember all of the sick/suffering in
your prayers, especially Rita Farago (Parma);
Charlotte Picha (St. Vincent Charity) and Mary
Jane Dietz (Greenbrier Healthcare; rehab).
Good luck to our GCU
bowlers at this weekend’s
Five Do’s and Don’ts
for the Catholic
Taking on the role of
grandparent leads to many
blessings, along with some
unforeseen challenges. Here are
ten guidelines for the prudent
Catholic grandparent.
Realize that your grandparenting choices should always fit within the
parents’ parameters.
Limit the number of material gifts and give the gift of time, when
Serve as an example of the Catholic faith in your daily life and
regularly pray for your grandchildren.
Act as an experienced sounding board for parents only when asked.
Foster a unique relationship with all of your grandchildren to avoid
competition or hurt feelings.
Allow any of your own parenting regrets or issues to negatively impact how
you grandparent.
Disrespect the parents’ faith choices in front of your grandchildren even if
you disagree with those choices.
Permit your grandchildren to do, see or eat something with you that they’re
not allowed to at their own home.
Forget that your grandchildren have another set of grandparents who also
want to create memories with their growing family.
Be afraid to say no—just like your own children, grandchildren need
boundaries, too.
PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: 440-526-6464 (24 hours)
CONFESSIONS: One half hour before liturgies for fifteen minutes and by request
MEN’S CLUB: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
LADIES’ AUXILIARY: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
A-OK CLUB: 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
COFFEE SOCIAL: Every Sunday after liturgy
EASTERN CATHOLIC FORMATION (ECF) CLASSES: Sundays 9:00 a.m.–10:20 a.m.

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