
This Document Will Be The Most Important, Most Eye Opening,
Most Life Altering Work YOU Will Ever Read!
This is a Publication of WOW Enterprises Inc. Please Feel Free To Visit
Our Various Entrepreneur Friendly Websites at
How Did I Get Started?
How did I wind up doing what I do? Marketing information products online and building
software solutions for entrepreneurs.
My major in college was Design and Human Ecology. What? You are probably saying. Well, I
went to Cornell University after the Berrigan Brothers had stirred the place up a bit, so this was
an up and coming environmental design type major. I only picked it because it sounded
interesting and I had no idea what I wanted to do. Frankly, I did not give any thought to my life
beyond the four years in college. This seemed an eternity to me at the time.
So when I did graduate I was in a real quandary, because I actually had no real marketable skills.
I had a college degree, but whip-de-doo. So I did the usual receptionist, accounting, waitressing
type of stuff until I hit upon graphic design, and this meshed pretty well with some of what I
had learned at school, so I settled on that for a while. I met my husband at work and we got
married. Then we had our daughter and my carefree life took a drastic turn.
Meaghan was diagnosed with autism in 1987 shortly before her second birthday. At this time it
was not as popular as it is today and it scared me to death. But in time, I adjusted and made my
peace with life outside the norm. Meg went to special schools but lived at home, so working at
a traditional job was out of the question for me. I had to be here when she got home and day
care was out of the question for her. She wouldn’t have lasted a day (meaning, I would get the
phone call to please come get her and take her off their hands within the first half hour.)
This was why I opted to work at home (no option, really:-). And it was about this time that the
internet was becoming fairly popular, so I decided to log on and see what all the fuss was
about. When I first got online, it was actually with the intent of selling Herbalife products but,
shortly after I signed on with that company, the CEO dropped dead. This caused me to conclude
that perhaps these “healthy dietary supplements” weren’t really all that they were cracked up
to be, and I moved on to bigger and better things.
Cory Rudl’s Insider Secrets To Internet Marketing got me hooked on Internet Marketing, and
after several months of devouring everything on the subject I could find, I went out an
purchased FrontPage. My first website was, a resource site for folks
planning to start their own businesses online. Original, huh! But actually, it did pretty well.
Then, I built a bookstore, and wrote a book, “Plan To Succeed Online,”
that I also turned into a membership site. After that, I decided it was time to step back from the
IM world for a time and talk about a subject that was near and dear to my heart. I wrote a book
on how I had gone about raising my daughter and on research I had done into the biological
and neurological factors that might be involved in causing autism. I called the book, Funny
Wiring, and it is still available online today at
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While I was writing the autism book, I had a brainstorm. I conceived of what I called Perpetual
Profit Portfolios. These would be viral affiliate marketing portfolios in pdf format, that folks
would download, brand and circulate and they would automatically generate sales for them
from all the top affiliate programs online. The idea was really pure genius, if I do say so myself:-)
You can read more about it at, but please don’t buy into the
program, because the portfolios are pretty outdated by now.
All this is background to show you that I didn’t just pop out of nowhere and start marketing
online with my WOW line of websites. I actually had a lot of history, of experience, before I hit
on the idea of what I REALLY wanted to do. And I am telling you this for a reason. Because if you
are currently struggling or feeling that well, I have been working at this online business thing for
a whole year now (or maybe even longer) and I am not seeing much success, hang in there!
You probably haven’t found your niche yet. Or you haven’t figured out the right formula. The
thing is, you cannot get too wedded to any one idea. Even if you think that you have created
the greatest site since Jobs and Wosniak came up with their first computer in that Menlo Park
garage decades ago, don’t be afraid to experiment with NEW things. Other ideas. Because
business online is really about multiple streams of income, it is not about one hit wonders.
So anyway. In 2002, I signed up to be the protégé of Jay Abraham, Rich Schefren and Stephen
Pierce. Did the whole training thing and then went to the conference in California. It wasn’t
what I learned there that changed the course of my online career so much as who I met there.
A fellow protégé by the name of Greg Land. He gave me a call when we returned home, said
that he had been to my sites and liked what he saw. But what had impressed him the most was
the huge amount of information products that I offered.
“You know what you should do,” he said. “You should start your own membership site, offering
information products.”
Now, let me tell you, this was not the most welcome news, because I had just spent well over a
year getting my business all ready to roll and building all the related
sites and Profit Portfolios. But I listened to Greg, and the more I thought about it, the more
sense it made.
Actually, our first thought was to open a gourmet restaurant online offering all types of content
on the menus, with built in bonuses, up-sales and cross-sales – and I actually designed an entire
website built around this concept, before we decided that it wasn’t really feasible. At any rate,
this is why my main site still bears the name of
The second site I created is the one that is currently the flagship site of WOW Enterprises, Inc.
and that is our membership site. This full spectrum content site has
been in operation for two years now and is still going strong, primarily because it offers what no
other site online does, and that is ALL TYPES of quality, marketable content for your web
business. We have thousands of private label rights products, reports and articles, public
domain works, master resale rights ebooks and software – you name it, we’ve got it! And we’ve
got more of it than any other site online.
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Another thing that I began with this site, that had never been done before with a membership
site, and is still very rarely done, is I began giving away monthly packages of 40 to 50 products.
The norm with almost all membership sites is 2 to 5 new products a month, but I totally broke
the mold on that. At the WOW Content Club, ever since it’s inception back in April of 2006, we
have been giving our members at least 40 new products each and every month – which we
divide equally between internet marketing, niche, public domain and private label content.
This is because our mission at WOW is to over-deliver. That is what we are all about. I did not
pick the brand name WOW just because it was catchy and easy to remember. I picked it
because that is EXACTLY what I want our customers and members to say when they first access
our sites. I want them to be blown away by the outstanding VALUE and the out-of-the-ordinary
QUALITY and VARIETY of what is being offered. I really want them to exclaim “WOW!” and most
actually do! You see, I was thinking with a customer focused Web 2.0 mindset long before it
became fashionable to do so, since I named my company back in January of 2006.
Of course, as I said above, business online is about more than just one site or product line. You
have to stay one step ahead of your customers, keep thinking of what they are going to need
next. I am pretty fortunate because the InfoMarketing business is pretty wide-open; there are a
lot of possibilities. So, the next project I worked on after the Content Club was actually twofold; one part of it, the, is a paid private label niche reports
membership site, while the other part, is a free membership site that
provides branded pdf versions of the reports. The purpose of this latter site is merely to drum
up business for our other sites.
After these sites were up and running, I turned my attention to a couple of software projects.
The first one was, a simple software wizard that does exactly
what it says it does, generates unlimited resale rights sites with just a few mouse clicks. This
tool is invaluable to me, I use it all the time, and I know many of my members have greatly
appreciated having it! It is an added perk of membership in the WOW Content Club, as is my conversion software, which also does exactly what it says it does, converts
pdf ebooks into streaming audio (downloadable mp3s).
What I was trying to do with both these tools was satisfy what I saw to be a unfulfilled need in
the marketplace. That is what I do. I just keep taking a look around and seeing what is missing.
You know even when you are in a very competitive niche, like Information Marketing, you can
find a lot of gaps where others just haven’t picked up the ball for one reason or another.
When I launched the WOWContentClub, there were a lot of specialty membership sites, private
label, resale rights, public domain, but there was not a single other site that offered ALL types
of content, much less so much of all types of content so well categorized and organized. And
this fact remains true even today. Probably because of the amount of work involved in running
a site of this size and scope. (But, I have never been one who is afraid of a little hard work.)
Another gap that I noticed in the marketplace early last year (2007) was that there was actually
no store online that offered the type of content that the offered. In
fact, when I started doing some research, it seemed that, just as with the membership sites, the
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few stores that were online selling downloadable content, seemed to specialize in just one type
of product. Also, all of these stores sold all of their products individually. Well, this got me to
thinking. What if I opened a store and not only sold ALL TYPES of digital products, but also sold
them in packages – discounted packages. It would be another first!
So that was how came to be. You can go there and help yourself to
hundreds and hundreds of blockbuster, re-publishable products at bargain basement prices!
And we also have the, if audio is more your thing… and several
other sites, including as well as our infrequently published
newsletter,, that really does give you food for thought.
And this, believe it or not, is actually just the beginning of the road for WOW Enterprises Inc.
We are just really getting our feet wet. I am really, really, excited about what this upcoming
year will bring for three BIG REASONS.
1. We will be launching a big new content membership site,
that will have a very easy to use database format, very similar to, and a
variety of novel options for membership, something sure to suit every situation.
2. We will be focusing a great deal of attention on becoming a major player and presence
in the important social media content sites like Hub Pages, Squidoo and
3. NEB, Niche Empire Builder: The Complete Done-It-For-You Niche Real Estate Builder’s
Dream Come True – is going to launch this spring 2008, and when it does, watch out!
When this site launches, we are going to go niche big time! And I hope you are too!
If you haven’t heard the buzz about this software yet, where have you been? If you
don’t get on the waiting list soon, it may be too late.
4. This is our BIG Surprise for YOU! Just wait ‘til you check this out!
The bottom line is, in 2008 The WOW Empire will become a reality! Not just for me, but for
YOU as well.
Exciting times are ahead. We have come a long way in two years, but we have a long way still to
go. And I am counting on having lots of you along with me for the ride. I am not doing all this so
I can get rich and famous. I am doing all this because I genuinely do want to make a
difference, in your life and in your business.
So please… whatever you do… read… underline… and re-read…
Wishing You All The Best,
Gail Buckley
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Find out What The Missing Link is and How All These Pieces Fit Together
into An Unbeatable Profit Making Formula For Your Future Success!
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This Document Will Be The Most Important, Most Eye Opening, Most
Life Altering Work YOU Will Ever Read!
Right Now, You Are In Possession of 82 Pages Chuck Full of Detailed, Actionable, Never Before
Revealed Strategies That Will Make You $1,000,000 in the Next Year – If You ACT Upon Them!
I stake my entire reputation on the statement above – and that is saying a lot, because my
reputation is the most important thing I’ve got! But I feel this book is SO IMPORTANT for you
that is warrants the strongest endorsement I can give it.
Two things to clear up right off the bat.
1. This is NOT your ordinary teaser doc designed just to whet your appetite for the real
information that I am going to charge you for later. I have revealed EVERYTHING right
here in this ebook and… there is absolutely no catch. There is no hype, no selling, not
even a single affiliate link. It is a content packed PROFIT PLAN, pure and simple.
2. Am I NUTS! If I have figured out a way to make a million dollars, why not keep it to
myself. Why pack on the competition unnecessarily. Good point! But the thing of it is, I
am more of a Mom than a Marketer, and I honestly think it is in my genetic make-up to
look after people. That is what I do best.
So yes, I could keep this plan all to myself and pocket huge profits, but if I can share this
knowledge with others and help them to achieve the same degree of success, perhaps even
more, than to my way of thinking, I will be getting a far greater reward in the long run.
That may sound schmaltzy, but once you have been in this business for as long as I have, you
too will come to the realization that it REALLY is all about RELATIONSHIPS – not lists or money
or power or any of those other status-y things. Yes, they are nice to have, but without the real
relationships underlying them, in the long run they will not make you successful.
OK, enough of that. We have a lot of ground to cover so we’d best get started. The first thing I
want to cover is…
Are you engaging in a hobby or are you building a business?
It is all too easy to get confused between the two when you start “working online.” The World
Wide Web is chock full of distractions, and it is all too easy to get side-tracked, even when you
have the very best of intentions.
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So if you are building a business online, you have to think in terms of it being a real, honest to
goodness business. And a real, honest to goodness business has to have some sort of PLAN.
If you don't have a business plan detailing how you are going to succeed, then you are
probably not going to. It is as simple as that.
So, what are you going to have for a PLAN, a PROFIT PLAN or FORMULA to be more precise.
Well, I propose a very simple one in this document.
BS = (MRKS) x (UPCD) x (SMPS) x (ML) = DTWWGC
OK, you got that? Not unless you are into deciphering codes. Here’s what it means in English.
BIG SUCCESS = Market Research Keyword Selection x Unique Product Creation Distribution x
Social Media Promotion Syndication x Missing Link = Dominating The Web with Great Content
That is your basic plan or formula. Now we will break it down into its separate parts and talk
about how you accomplish each one, specifically. We will begin with…
Market Research Keyword Selection
First thing you need to consider is this. Running an online business is really not much different
than running an offline business. If you were going to open a store offline, would you try to
stock it with every type of merchandise possible, hoping to appeal to every type of customer?
Or would you specialize in just one area, say pet care products or handicrafts or auto parts.
Obviously, you would specialize or niche down to the area of business where you felt most
comfortable, where you had the most experience or expertise and where you felt you could
best serve your customers or clientele.
Now, if you’ve read my story, you know that I actually “niched up” in starting my Information
Marketing business, because when I looked over the market, the gap that appeared was a site
or store offering ALL types of downloadable or digital content. This was what would and did
differentiate my business from all the other information businesses online.
Well, you want to do the same thing. You want to specialize, find a gap in the market and fill
it. Now, that said, I am not saying that you cannot specialize in many different areas -- and you
will be doing this over the long haul -- but to get started, you want to select just one topic or
area that you are really interested in or that you already know a lot -- or a little -- about.
You don't have to make a production over this, because this is just the first of dozens of niches
that you are eventually going to delve into . Just pick a niche that you either know something
about or one that you have always wanted to learn more about. Obviously, it should be
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something that you find relatively stimulating, because if you are not the least bit excited about
your subject matter, not only will you not enjoy building your site, but it’s a pretty sure bet that
those who visit it will not enjoy the experience.
If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, there is a list at the end of this document that
will jumpstart your thought process. Perhaps the problem is that you have too many ideas.
That is fine also. You can select a number of potential niches and go through the process that I
discuss below with several niche topics, rather than just one.
Right now, you are just at the MARKET RESEARCH STAGE. You are just looking to make sure
that the niche you select is going to be a profitable one. No use building a business in a niche
that does not already have a ready made mob of hungry potential customers, right?
1) Browse the Bestselling Magazines on Any Topic – Online
You don’t have to set foot out of your home, simply click here and you will find ALL the top
Magazines organized and presented to you by category. You can then click on each of the
individual covers and browse through the past 12 months worth of issues. Check out all the
headlines, subheads and features. These are the hot topics that you want to focus on.
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2) Bestseller List
Go to, type in your search term and check out the number of books they are
currently offering in your genre. Do they have a lot? How many of them are bestsellers?
If you type in your keyword or phrase and NOTHING comes up in the search box, that might set
off warning bells that your niche is not one that has a market worth pursuing.
3) Ebay Bestseller List
There are two great pages to check out on eBay for product ideas and idea popularity checks.
The first is their Most Popular Products page and the second is really cool. It is Seller Central.
And on it you will find all kinds of information, arranged by category.
This screenshot only shows a handful of the categories, but you can see all the information
available to you in each category. I have gone ahead and clicked on the “In Demand” link in the
Health and Beauty category, so let’s see what this turns up. (See next page.)
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From this screen capture you can see immediately what products are the most popular and
what folks are most interested in when it comes to Health and Beauty. So… if you are planning
on creating a product in this genre, you would do well to focus on one of these topics.
4) Clickbank Marketplace
Go to, click on the “Promote Products” tab at the top of the page, and
then on “Marketplace.” When you get to this page, you can either type in your keyword or
select a category. I am going to select the Health & Fitness category.
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I typed in “Weight Loss” and got back over 5 pages of products. But the reason you want to
study them is to find out what others are selling in your market. What is the over-riding theme?
What is the price range that most of the products fall into?
Yes, the market is competitive, but this is a GOOD THING. You know that folks in this market are
responsive, that they are buyers, not just browsers.
So… all you have to do is create better products. Innovate. Improve on what is already selling in
your market. And do a better job marketing your site and your products. (We will discuss how
you do both these things in upcoming segments of this doc.)
OK, there is one final way I am going to show you how to do quick and easy MARKET RESEARCH
and then we will move on to KEYWORD RESEARCH.
5) Use
Go to and type your keyword or phrase into the search box.
Are there lots of sponsored links on the right hand side and at the top of the page? If so, then
you know that advertisers are spending money and they wouldn’t be spending their money if
folks weren’t buying.
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OK. Let’s say, just for fun, you want to do something that no one has ever done before. You’ve
have been struggling to lose weight all your life, so you think you know a thing or two about
dieting and you’ve decided want to build a site telling others how to lose weight. Novel idea,
right? No one has ever thought of this before!
I’m kidding, of course. This is one of the most competitive niches out there. But does that mean
that YOU cannot join in the fray? I don’t see why not, especially if you go about it right. In this
instance, you are not going to worry about whether or not your niche is going to have a large
enough or hungry enough mob (literally). What you might be more concerned about is how you
are going to stake your claim to a piece of the hugely competitive ‘weight loss’ niche pie.
For this we are going to use a stealth market research tool called, but we will
begin by typing the word “weight loss” into When you do, this is what you come
up with the results page below (next page):
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So, I am going to select Successful Weight Loss: Top 10 Tips on What Works and Why. Because
that is the first non sponsor link that comes up with a real website behind it:
Now I am going to go to: and when I get there I am going to paste the URL into the Find reports space. And hit GO.
And what do you think is going to happen?
I’ll tell you what. It is going to do ALL your market research for you in one fell swoop!
Below is just a section of the first page of results, but from it right away, we can tell that the
MARKET IS HOT! ‘Course we already knew that.
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But take a look at some of those numbers above. 60,636, 150,420, 92,228, 315,556, 229,509.
How would you like to reach that many folks with your niche business by this time next year?
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It is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE, even probable. That is what internet marketing is all about. The
whole world is your marketplace. BUT… it isn’t just going to drop into your lap. You have to do
a few things to get the kind of numbers that these sites have. You can’t just put up a site – no
matter how great it is – then kick off your shoes and settle back in your easy chair waiting for
folks to discover you. Because… there are too many other guys out there hustling, playing it
smart, doing all the right things. You simply cannot afford not to be one of them.
And that is what this book is all about. Giving you the inside track, so that YOU can get to the
top. I have designed what I believe to be the best business-site-building solution ever created,
but I would be totally remiss, in this day and age, to just leave it at that. Because you are going
to need more if you are going to become a true entrepreneur – a true empire builder. You are
going to have to know how to get your site(s) to the TOP of the heap, regardless of which niche
you target. You are going to have to know how to DOMINATE YOUR NICHE.
And one of the keys to doing so is to know all there is to know about your primary competition.
This is where can be your best friend and ally. Not only does it supply you with
the numbers and ranking for each of your competitor’s sites, but take a look at this.
This is a full breakdown of the demographics of the market for Why you
might be interested in this is because you are targeting a very similar market. Well, right here,
in a nutshell, you can see who your market will primarily be comprised of. And if you click on
the links for ANY of the 20 related sites, you will get a similar demographic breakdown.
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Here is the Summary for Take a look at ALL the information you get –
and this is just for one site. You can go back to the first page and click on every site there and
get the same information, tailored to each individual site, of course.
Better still, if you look above on the right hand side, you will see a listing of sites with related
and similar audiences. All of these sites are hyperlinked and, if you click on them, you will get
their profiles as well! More Market Research handed to you on a silver platter!
We are not going to get into this now, but if you are thinking of doing JV ventures, here is
where you would come to find your partners. Also, did you notice on the first page the little
green dollar signs indicating the sites that accepted paid advertising? Well, you might want to
think about approaching those high traffic sites with a banner or ad for your business – food for
thought for any enterprising niche entrepreneur (and much cheaper than PPC!)
OK, now let’s move on to the second part of the first part of our equation and that is…
Now we all know that there are dozens of tools you can use for finding and selecting keywords.
Actually, if you go here you will find write-ups of some of the best, along free lists of the top
500 keywords in the last 48 hours and 90 days, both of which are updated daily.
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But what I am attempting to do with this doc is sift through all the clutter and bring you what I
feel are the best and most useful resources, and when it comes to keyword selection, I figure it
never hurts to go right to the source… the mighty
If you go here:, you can access their
own proprietary Keyword Tool. There is virtually nothing that you need to know that this tool
will not tell you. Let’s do a little show and tell here, so you can see what I mean.
Here is what the Google keywords tool looks like when you first access it. I am going to use for
an example a niche I might pick (for demonstration purposes only) on weight loss.
All you do is type in your keyword or key phrase and then click the “Get Keyword Ideas” button.
For this first go around, we are going to leave the button selected on Descriptive words or
The picture on the next page shows you what turns up when you hit the “Get Keyword Ideas”
button. As you can see, you get some pretty comprehensive and useful data.
First you get your most popular keywords over on the left, then you have your Advertiser
Competition, February Search Volume and Average Monthly Search Volume. (Obviously, the
February Search Volume changes to whatever the previous month is.)
The best keywords are those that have low advertiser competition and still get a decent
amount of traffic, but if you cannot find any of those, don’t get too stressed about by the
amount of competition. (Please note that this is just a partial list, not the whole keyword list
that Google generates.)
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OK. From the above information, not only do I know at a glance that
there is ample traffic in my niche to support plenty of websites, but
from the Advertiser Competition information I can see clearly that
there are plenty of topics that are apparently currently selling well that
I can either target my already created products to or create new
products for.
I can also see which keywords I want to stay away from. You are not
seeing the entire list here, but if you were, you would see some words
that have very little search volume – so products or services listed
under these terms are likely not selling at all or at least not very well.
(SIDEBAR: You see the Add hyperlinks on the right of each term. If you
want to add any of the terms to your list, you just click on these. Or, at
the bottom of each page there is a link to add all the terms to a list that
you can export in text or excel format. See Selected Keyword List in
table on right.)
But it gets even better because with the Google keyword tool you can
add additional keywords in and see where they come in and your list
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will just keep expanding! So, for instance, I could type in the word “diet” in the descriptive
words or phrases box at the top of the page and the keywords for that would show up in the
table above, falling into place with the “weight loss” words where they belonged. In fact, you
can type in more than one keyword to search for at the start if you want.
Once I have my list compiled, I am going to take careful note of the search traffic, both for the
previous month and the average annual. Here's why.
Google and the other search engines are going to rank your site(s) based not only on the quality
of your content, but also on the popularity of the keywords you use to organize it, and the way
in which you have it organized. The particular form of organization they are looking for is called
SILO structure. I am not going to go into the whats and whys and hows of silos here, but suffice
to say that silos are folders that contain your themed articles (arranged in a particular way).
But these SILOs or category folders will need to be named and that is what you should be
keeping in mind as you look at these keyword lists. Right away I can see that in the weight loss
niche, some popular keyword niche topics I might want to use for my silos are: weight loss
programs, weight loss tips, weight loss surgery, weight loss diets, weight loss supplements etc.
Using highly trafficked keywords or phrases for your site folders/silos just about guarantees
that GOOGLE and the other search engines will love your site -- provided, of course, that you
fill those folders with plenty of great content. It won’t do you a whit of good to pick a great
key phrase for a silo, if you do not have great content to go in it.
OK, now I am going to show you something else REALLY COOL about this Google tool.
Let’s go back to the top of the page and instead of selecting Descriptive words or phrases for
the output, we are going to select Website Content.
When you do this, the space at the right changes to one that ask you for a web page url. Now
what I have done is I have gone into the Clickbank marketplace and selected the top product in
the weight loss category just to show you how this works. I have typed that product URL in the
space and clicked on “Get Keyword Ideas.”
And here are the results Google has come up with for this website!
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Do you know how powerful this is? Google is not only telling you the keywords it finds for this
website, but it is ordering them for you – all nice and neat. (There are plenty more, this is just a
partial list.) So… you can know at a glance EXACTLY which keywords you should focus on,
include your article titles etc.
Now, I will grant you that you actually have to have a website created to use this feature, so
initially you will rely on Google’s Descriptive words and phrases, but once you have your
website all set, it wouldn’t hurt to run it through this tool to check and see if you are, in fact,
targeting the right words and phrases for your various silos and the content contained within.
So... let's take a minute to talk about CONTENT, because keywords come into play here too. You
are going to be using keywords or phrases in many ways to make sure that your CONTENT
gets the attention of both the search engines and folks searching on them.
Here is a partial list of places you will be using your keywords:
For the meta information for your website and web pages
For silo folder names
For article title names
For domain names
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For tagging the content you will be submitting to social media sites (covered later)
For bookmarking the articles on your site
For tagging your syndicated blog/podcast content
For listing your video content
As you can see, keywords and content go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other.
You can have the best content in the world, but if you do not label/tag it with good keywords,
odds are, it won’t be seen – or at least not by many.
Unique Product Creation Distribution
When it comes to CONTENT, there are actually two types that you can use to build your brand
and promote your business. Infoproducts, by which I mean anything from ebooks to videos, and
article content. Here is the deal…
You are going to want to get your hands on as much good content as you possibly can, as
soon as possible!
You are going to use this content in a myriad of different ways, namely:
1. For Products and Product Creation
2. For Website Content
3. For Reports and Report Creation
To Build Your Opt-in Lists
To Pre-Sell Your Products
4. For Articles and Article Creation
To Publish on your Websites
To Publish on your Blogs
To Publish on the Content Sharing Sites (i.e. Squidoo, Hub Pages)
To Publish on Ezine Articles
And, of course, the goal of creating and publishing all this GREAT, UNIQUE CONTENT, aside
from promoting your business and/or your brand, is to build your reputation and credibility in
your niche marketplace, so that your customers and subscribers come to trust you and turn to
you as their preferred source of information and products.
Right now, we are just going to focus on # 1 on the list above; using content as products. The
thing about products is you want to have something special to feed your hungry mob when
they get to your site and, assuming they like what they get the first time around, you want to
make darn sure that you have lots more great stuff to keep them happy and sated so they will
stick with YOU for the long haul. You know the old saying, it’s a lot easier to market to a
customer you already have then to continually have to go out and find new ones.
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Now, I know that most of you know that I run the largest
content site online, The WOW Content Club, so coming up
with products of my own is kind of a no brainer for me. All I
have to do is access my huge product database, click on the
topic of my niche and voila, there are all the private label,
public domain and resale right products and reports I could
ever hope for.
BUT… I am not the only one who has unfettered access to all
these products. All my WOW Content Club members do as
well. And, if you opt for a premium membership to NEB,
guess what? You get unfettered access to all of these
products too! That means you own them. You can resell
them any way you like.
And with the public domain and PLR ones, you can do even more than that! With private label
content you get full editorial rights over the content. You can use and change it as you wish.
You can break these products apart and use the content for articles and reports. You can use
the content for websites, blogs, newsletters, ecourses. Or… you could grab a bunch of the
reports and put them together and make your own unique ebook.
Now, there are other PLR and Resale Rights resources out
there on the ‘NET and you are welcome to check them out
and sign up with them. But frankly, it will probably be a
waste of your time and money, because you will find that
The WOW Content Club has all the products they have in
one place. And we have them all organized and categorized
by niche.
If you have a thing against membership sites, we also offer
all of our content in discount packages at our WOW store, so you are welcome to go that route if
you prefer. But, whether you use these resources or not, you
are going to need to get your hands on some content asap.
Now let’s go back to the first part of our product equation: Unique Product Creation.
Well, you may be saying to yourself… I’ve got all these great private label and public domain
products… but so do lots of other folks. There is certainly nothing unique about them. And that
is true. If you simply take the quick and easy route, download all the ebooks and websites you
get at WOW, slap a price tag on them, re-upload them to your own site and start selling them
exactly the way they are! If this is all you do, you will be doing exactly what EVERYBODY ELSE IS
DOING, so it will be that much harder for you to distinguish yourself from the crowd.
What you need to do is set yourself apart. Buck the system.
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And the thing is, it really doesn’t take that much work to be different! All you need to do is
The most obvious one that immediately comes to mind is audio. You could simply record any of
the PLR or public domain ebooks and right away you’d have a higher priced audio product! You
don’t even need to record it yourself. There is a great software you can use. And no, I’m not
going to toot my own horn here, although is one option. The software
I am going to recommend is actually one that is a bit more sophisticated and provides you with
a larger selection of different voices. It is called Text Aloud and it is put out by a company called
Or, if you have PowerPoint on your computer, you can turn any eBook into a screen capture
video slide presentation. This will take more of your time – or it is something you could
outsource. But the important thing to bear in mind is…
By offering your content in audio or video format, you set yourself apart from the
competition, most of whom is still primarily selling ebooks. You stand out from the crowd!
Another thing to bear in mind is, physical products cost more than downloadable products, so if
you are going to go this route, you can charge more. And we all know that folks have little
control over their expensive = best belief!
If it’s more expensive, it’s got to be good, right!
“Yes, but if I go with physical products, I’ve also got to go through the hassle and expense of
drop shipping and order processing and… what happens if I create all these fancy CDs or DVDs
and then they simply don’t sell?”
Have I read your mind? If so, you can relax, because I am going to share with you several ways
you can not only SELL physical products but CREATE them as well, and it isn’t going to cost
you a single penny!
The first strategy is a wonderful on demand publishing service called All you have to
do is head on over there and you can get all your audio mp3s or your videos made into DVDs or
CDs, complete with handsome cover jackets. AND you don’t have to worry about handling the
ordering or shipping, they will take care of everything.
And you won’t pay a thing! When someone orders they will just take a small fee/percentage
out of the price you charge for your product. It couldn’t be easier. Best part about it is you
don’t have any overhead. They only make up the products as the orders come in, so if you get a
lot of orders, great! You’re rich. If not, no sweat. It isn’t going to cost you. They even allow you
to set up your own storefront on their site – and there are lots of other great promotion
and/or distribution options.
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Take a look at all of the above product options for Does it get your creative juices
flowing? Give you any great ideas for different ways you can use various types of content?
Another great thing about is that you can also generate
hardcover products from your digital products. Real books with
regular ISBN numbers that you can sell on Amazon and in other big
name bookstores.
Or you can have your eBooks made into courses, in a notebook type
format. They offer many different types of bindings for you to
choose from. So you could take a private label ebook or even a bunch
of PLR reports, bundle them together into an ebook, create a physical
course or guide out of it (probably saddle stitch or coil bound) and
then offer BOTH products for sale on your site.
YOUR LULU.COM STRATEGY: Not only does Lulu give you your own storefront, where you can
list all of your various products, BUT they offer cool mini-storefront widgets that you can use to
post your products on Facebook and some of the other Social Media sites.
You can also link from your storefront on to your other related websites and blogs
(“For more information on this topic, please visit…”)
They also offer numerous other promotional tools and distribution services; ways you can
spread the word about your Lulu products and through doing so, spread the word about your
online business.
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If you are publishing a book on Lulu you can actually get an ISBN number for it and get it listed
with tens of thousands of retailers, online and off - among them, Borders, and
Barnes & Noble, Inc. Now just think if that book had a link or two in it advertising your NEB
business or website! Think of the traffic that could drive to your site!
Graphic of Lulu’s Promotional Services:
There is another publish on demand site at ViaTech Publishing Solutions, and if you have
printed material that you want to convert to digital format or audio products that you want to
covert to CDs or DVDs, you might want to look into this alternative. I prefer because
they offer many more promotional and distribution options, and they can convert ebooks into
printed material, but ViaTech does offer one distinct advantage and that is many local
distribution centers which cut down on the shipping costs. They also offer a wide range of
different packaging options, will help you design custom covers and source specialty items.
So… they are probably worth a look:-).
If you don’t want to go the Lulu route and just want a site that will convert audios and videos to
DVDs and lots of other stuff you can go to: . If you are thinking along the lines of
conducting an ‘expert’ interview and offering it up as a product (perhaps the quickest and
easiest product creation solution) you can get this all done very simply at .
You will need product labels and cases if you want to turn your recorded mp3s into more
valuable CDs or DVDs, so here are a few good places to get them.
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I mentioned above that there are actually several ways that you can CREATE and SELL your own
physical products without paying a penny out up front. The second way is…
Just look at ALL THAT STUFF!!!
And the great thing about it is that you can BRAND it all and then sell it all and, just like with, it won’t cost you a thing out of your own pocket. Pretty cool, huh!
Here’s how it works. Each product has Base Price that includes all fees
associated with selling. You simply set your retail price above the Base Price. When you sell an
item, they keep the Base Price and send you the markup (or the difference between the base
price and the price you charged.)
For instance, let’s say that you are selling one of their Organic Cotton T-shirts (that you have
branded with your company logo or some cool graphic, of course:-). The base price of the Tshirt is $16.99. Ok, if you sell it at your site for $24.99, you pocket the $8.00 difference.
And you don’t have to do a thing. Well, actually you do. You have to have a bit of fun taking
their basic products and customizing them to make them YOUR OWN. But that’s all. There are
no out-of-pocket setup, printing or inventory costs with
AND in addition to all of the above types of products, will ALSO do what does and publish your books, audios and videos on demand.
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Here’s what does for all the products you sell through them.
1. Gives you a FREE online shop to promote your products
2. Produces each item when ordered using our unique print-on-demand technology
3. Handles all payment transactions including major credit cards
4. Ships your products worldwide
5. Manages all returns/exchanges
6. Offers customer service via toll-free phone and email
7. Sends you a monthly check for your earnings on sales!
As you can see, they offer you the ability to create as many free stores as you want for your
products, free stores that you can link to from your NEB sites. Free stores that will link back to
your NEB sites. And most importantly, FREE stores that you can promote throughout the
CafePress marketplace, driving more traffic to them and from them back to your NEB site(s)!
So your CAFE PRESS STRATEGY: is to create a free CaféPress store for each of your niche sites.
And use that store both as a profit generating and a promotional tool for your online business.
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OK, now we are going to move on to the Product Distribution part of the equation. Unlike the
two essential resources above, aside from Ebay and Ebay Stores or Vendio, I recommend that
you select and utilize one of the other services that I have listed below.
1) Ebay
Can you say HUGE EXPOSURE! Ebay is the world’s largest marketplace!
More thatn 74 million people in the US alone have purchased or sold
items on eBay and worldwide the number is approaching 140 million members! So… is it worth
your while to post some of your products in this hugely popular, global online flea market? You
bet it is!
Now, this is NOT a course about “How To Sell On Ebay” -- there are hundreds of those (most of
which you can for free as a member of WOW Content Club:-) but I am going to share a few
things with you about selling Information Products on Ebay.
Actually, Ebay is completely revamping their digital products policy effective March 31st, 2008!
You can NO LONGER sell digital products on their auction (previously you could use their fixed
price, Buy It Now format). But now all goods that can be digitally downloaded or transferred
electronically must be listed using the Classified Ads format.
What this means is that:
You receive a 30-day ad at a fixed price. Classified Ad listings are a lead generation tool
and do not result in transactions that go through eBay, so Feedback cannot be
exchanged between buyer and seller.
To list your digital products select the Everything Else>Information Products category in
the Sell Your Item form and choose the Classified Ads format (not auction-style or fixed
price). Describe your product and list your asking price. No bidding will take place.
Bear in mind, this is a lead generation service, not a selling tool. Interested buyers fill
out a contact form, and their information is sent to you. Or you can provide contact
information (i.e. at telephone number) for them to get in touch with you.
The fees for this service vary depending on the item category and listing duration. The
basic listing fee is $9.95 but here is a page that will tell you more.
Now all that said, you are still free to sell non-digital products, like printed books and courses,
CDs and DVDs (that you have make up at your local Office Depot or at Lulu or ViaTech
Publishing) on the regular Ebay auction! Here are some things to bear in mind:
You must be able to verify that you are legally authorized to sell the product – i.e. that
you retain full resale or private label rights to the product.
Make sure that the payment/delivery process is a smooth one to create a positive
experience for your buyer and hopefully garner positive feedback for you.
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Make sure you are selling a quality product. Do not sell junk. If you do, you run the risk
of getting a low feedback score from your buyer – and your feedback is your reputation
in the eBay Marketplace. It can make or break your ability to sell effectively – or at all.
Offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you do this, you will overcome buyer resistance
and increase your sales. Yes, you might get a few returns, but so what? If you are polite
and issue a prompt refund, you will garner the much more important positive feedback.
eBay offers you numerous ways to make your listings stand out from others, my advice
is to take advantage of them. They don’t cost very much and they will increase your
sales. The three you should definitely use are highlighting your product title in boldface
type, the eBay Gallery and the ten day listing duration option.
The two best days for starting your auctions are Sunday and Monday. The worst day is
Tuesday. In general, you should try to end your auctions on a weekend, Friday – Sunday.
Your Two Most Important Ebay Pages:
When you sign up for eBay, you will be given an account with lots of stuff in it. Two pages are of
special importance; your My Ebay Page and your About Me page.
1) About Me Page
This is a page you are given to tell about yourself. You can personalize it any way you
want. The important thing is you can use this page to talk about your business and
build your brand. You can talk about your various websites and you can include
hyperlinks back to your sites.
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, because although eBay does not allow you to link to a
website from your auction product description pages, you can direct visitors to your
About Me page, and there they will find links out to your website(s).
My suggestion would be to offer them several additional bonus products that they can
only get by visiting your About Me page. And then, on this page you could tell them
more about these great products, and say: “To download these products right this
minute, no strings attached, click here now.” And that link could lead to your website.
You could have other links off that download page and perhaps a subscription box, but I
would not make opting in a pre-requisite for downloading your bonus. If you do so, you
are making them jump through too many hoops and this is bound to cause resentment.
2) My eBay Page
This is your eBay hub. This is where you keep track of everything that is going on with
your eBay account, particularly your selling activity. It will give you a list of all the items
you are selling, the current price, the number of bids and the number of people who are
watching your auction. This page will also help you facilitate product delivery, it will give
you a list of all the items you have sold and it includes an important My Messages link,
which lets you stay in touch with potential eBay bidders as well as eBay management.
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2) Ebay Stores
In addition to running auctions for many of your information products, you should also set up at
least a Basic eBay Store. (As you get more familiar with the format and as your profits increase,
you should consider upgrading to a Premium version.)
The reasons for having an eBay Store are many, but one of the principle ones is that listing your
products in these stores will increase your visibility and sales since these stores are indexed by
Froogle, and eBay Express. As you can see from the links on the left hand side of
the page displayed below, you can learn everything you want to know about these stores by
visiting their website, so I am not going to go over it all here.
You might be wondering whether you meet the requirements to open an eBay Store. They
aren’t too stringent. You either have to have a feedback score of 20 or higher OR have a PayPal
account in good standing OR establish proof of your identity with ID Verify for a cost of $5.00.
That’s all. And remember, you only need to meet one of the three requirements:-)
Below you can see a screen shot of what an actual Ebay Store looks like.
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3) Vendio offers multiple tools and services, but the one I want to focus on here is their
stores option, because it allows you to not only manage and deliver your products easily and
seemlessly, but more importantly, to reach many more buyers by distributing your products to
a wider audience on big sites like eBay, Google Product Search, Shopzilla and
Page 33
4) Payloadz
Another product delivery/distribution service well worth considering, especially if you do not
currently have a product payment processor is They provide a safe way to
deliver and distribute any type of digital item such as: software, eBooks, music, movies, digital
art, manuals, articles, photos and anything else that can be downloaded.
Their automated service delivers your products to
your customers instantly after payment. Their
system operates using PayPal's online payment
system and Google Checkout. There are two key
reasons why you might want to consider using this
Increased exposure for your products. You
can not only sell your products on your own
website(s), but also on Payloadz e-stores
and on eBay and other auction sites.
They give you an e-store where you can list your products, along with the products sold
by other Payloadz customers, which gives you a broader product inventory. And you will
earn affiliate commissions on any sales made on other PayLoadz products either in your
e-store or on eBay auctions.
Page 34
Another easy-to-use digital product sales and delivery service, one that you can easily integrate
into any website, is The principle difference between DGD and
Payloadz is that, while this service also allows you to sell your products on eBay and also uses
PayPal as the order processor, it does not offer you the ability to sell the products of other
merchants as well, nor is there any support for affiliate tracking.
This last service,, allows you to simply, easily and securely automate your product
sales and delivery process on from your website(s), Ebay, MySpace, Google Base and CraigsList
using PayPal, Google Checkout, Authorize.Net, TrialPay, 2CheckOut and ClickBank.
You can sell BOTH digital and tangible goods securely through this service. If you are selling
tangible goods, their shopping cart automates the shipping and sales tax calculation as well as
inventory management. E-junkie has no transaction limit, no bandwidth limit, no setup fee and
no transaction fee. There are lots of other features as you can see from the graphic on the right.
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It is in your best interest to offer as many different versions of your product/s as you possibly
can. Here are some different formats you can consider for your info-products:
eBooks (pdf format)
Printed Books
Access to web pages with information
Videos (DVD or streaming video viewed on a web page with RealPlayer or Windows Media
Audio files on tape or CD
Subscriptions to a newsletter
Subscriptions to a paid or free membership site
Software programs
Combination of printed and electronic material i.e. workbook and DVD
High Quality digital photographs that can be printed and framed
As you can see, you have plenty of options. But what you need to do is think about is your
market. Who is it primarily comprised of? If it is young people who are comfortable with
downloading digital products via the internet, you may be fine with sticking to ebooks and
mp3s and flash videos. But if it is an older or middle aged crowd, male or female, who might
not be as computer savvy, you would be best served by at least giving them the option of a
physical version of your product.
The key thing is – this way you are definitely setting yourself apart from every one else out
there, because everyone else out there only gives folks one option to buy one type of
product. Or worse yet, they have them buy their product in one format (usually digital) and
then they turn around and hit them up for an upsell physical version.
BUT… you are not going to do that. You are going to be right up front with your customers. You
are going to say to them, “I want to give you this information in the way that will make it
possible for you to get the best possible value from it. So take your pick.”
Also, I highly suggest that you offer as many RELATED bonuses with your package as you
possibly can. This, again, is going to set you apart. In fact, you want to make your bonus offers
so enticing, that your clients or customers will want to purchase your product JUST for the
So get creative, visit all the product sources above and start generating those products now.
Then start getting them set up in your various distribution outlets/storefronts. Your website(s)
are just one place to post your products. By taking advantage of these other services, you are
not only going to get crucial backlinks to your site(s), you are also going spreading your name
and brand further and further out into the Web.
Page 36
OK, moving on to the second to last and biggest piece of the formula or equation and that is…
Social Media Promotion Syndication
A year ago, this might have been a bit tricky. But now, it is really almost a piece of cake, if you
know how to go about it, that is. You just have to know how to use the SOCIAL MEDIA and
CONTENT to you best advantage!
OK, here is where you really have to pay attention and grab hold of that highlighter.
Now, I do not claim to be an expert in social media or social marketing. Like you, I am just
learning the ropes as I go along. But I do realize several things about it.
1. It is very important!!
2. You have to be nuts not to take advantage of it.
3. If you do it right, it can garner you instant search engine rankings, lots of traffic, lots of
backlinks and great conversions.
4. If you do it wrong, you can get yourself in a lot of trouble.
5. You need to take action soon if you want to get the best results.
Let’s dive right in. You would have to be from another planet not to have heard of Web 2.0 and
Social Media. The buzz has been everywhere online lately. The most important thing you have
to understand is that there are actually 3 types of Social Media sites
1. Content Sharing Sites (i.e. Squidoo, Hub Pages)
a. Video Sharing Sites (i.e. YouTube, Flixya)
2. Social Networking Sites (i.e. Facebook, MySpace)
3. Social Bookmarking Sites (i.e. Digg, Technorati,
Content Sharing Sites
OK, For the purposes of this discussion, we are going to begin by focusing on the Content
Sharing Sites. There are actually quite a number of them out there:
Squidoo (lenses)
Hub Pages (share everything)
Cagora (share everything)
Helium (share everything)
Gather (share everything)
Scribd (content)
Zimbio (wikizines)
Qassia (article content, reviews)
Google Notebook (notetaking/sharing)
Epinions (reviews)
AssociatedContent (content)
Yahoo! Answers (answer people’s questions)
Slideshare (Power Point)
Twitter (share what you are doing)
JamGlue (music)
YouTube (videos)
Flixya (share photos, videos, blogs!)
Flickr (photos)
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The problem is… you only have so many hours in a day.
The other problem is… you only have so much quality unique content.
Yes, I mean unique. If you are going to submit articles to any of the sites above, they have to be
ORIGINAL. They cannot be the same stuff you have already used on your site or submitted to
article directories. In other words, you cannot use duplicate content – or you will be banned!
If you are going to use PLR articles, you have to re-write them almost in their entirety, so that
they do not resemble the original article at all.
Actually, I suggest re-writing all PLR content before you use it anywhere, because most of the
stuff is not of the best quality. And, if you use it exactly as is, you are running the risk of
getting penalized for duplication at some point in time.
A good idea if you are going to re-write an article for submission to a content sharing site is just
to read it through several times and then close up the page or text file and simply re-write it in
your own words. That way you can be assured that it will be completely original. Another
option is to use content from a Private Label Right or Public Domain ebook on your niche topic,
but even then it never hurts to inject a bit of your own personality into it.
OK, back to our topic at hand – Content Sharing Sites.
The two sites that I am going to primarily focus on here are Hub Pages and
(SIDE BAR: If you are into video, you definitely want to make use of the video sites like and This is something I fully intend to do, the minute I can figure out
how to clone myself.)
So… the idea with these content sites is that you go in and post your articles and… you can
actually do a lot more than that. You can also add in income generating stuff like Amazon and
Ebay products related to your topic. But what you want to make sure and do is link these
articles back to your site or your product page.
What these content sharing sites do is:
They get good search engine ranking, so they drive traffic to your site
They can boost the number of incoming links to your pages
They can build your credibility in your niche marketplace
Just as with your websites, you want to make sure that whatever content you post on these
sites provides the reader VALUE. I cannot stress this enough.
If you post articles that do not provide any real solid information value, you are just wasting
your time and effort. Because…
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1) No one is going to bother to click on from lousy content to anything else you offer a.k.a
your website and/or products, and
2) They sure as heck won’t bother to read anything else you post on that site or any other site.
INFORMATION. As you are reading through your articles, think to yourself, would I find this
article interesting and informative? If the answer is yes, then odds are, others will as well.
OK, lecture over with. Let’s get on with it.
We will begin with Squidoo:
First, if you do not already have an account there, sign up for one. It takes about two minutes.
Now, only because I know that getting started with anything new can be a bit intimidating – I
know it is for me – I am going to walk you through the process of setting up a lens, so you can
see that it is really very simple to do. Nothing to be leery of at all.
I actually went back and changed this title to “The Skinny on Anti-Aging Skincare,” so that is
what you will see as the title of my lens but, as you can see, it is simple to do. They even give
you examples of different titles others are using.
Once you have entered your title, simply click the button to go onto the next step. (You will
always be able to go back and change things, up until the point that your lens is created.)
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Here you should always just check the second option. (Unless you really don’t plan to have any
links out of your content to anything that could possibly be construed as income generating.)
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Above you can see that the URL for my Squidoo lens is going to be: (actually, I had to settle for because antiaging-skincare was already taken.)
Here you simply have to fill out tags (keywords and phrases) that describe your content/lense.
Tags can be important for people using a search engine to find Internet material on topics. They
alert the search engines that you have relevant material on the topic described by the tag.
The tags I added here were: skincare, anti-aging and antiaging. Don’t stress too much over this,
because you can always add more tags when you get to the lens page itself.
Then you simply enter the capcha code, press the ‘Done’ button and you are ready to start
creating/entering the content for your first lens! (See picture on the next page.)
I am not going to walk you through how to use all of the lens creating tools. That is not what
this course is about and actually, this is something you will learn yourself as you actually start
creating your lenses. You will learn best by doing.
But I did want to get you to this point, because I think now that you see how simple it is to
actually create a lens, you will hopefully be more likely to actually go and do just that!
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SQUIDOO STRATEGY: Ideally you are going to want to have at least one Squidoo lens for each
of your niche sites. Here are the reasons why:
Squidoo lenses get good search engine rankings, particularly on Yahoo! and MSN
They can drive traffic to your website/s
You can link from the lenses back to specific pages on your site/s
They enhance your credibility and your reputation in your niche market
They can be monetized (you can earn money from Adsense and Affiliate offers)
If you want to learn more about Squidoo Lenses, here is their FAQ page:
Now let’s go on to Hub Pages:
I will walk you through the Create A Hub process, but as you will see, it is dead simple. Below
you will see the first page you will come to. I have filled it out with a sample article.
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Your Title should describe the content of your hub. Be clear, concise, descriptive — and most of
all, interesting! You want to convey the contents in a glance, but also draw in a reader.
Tags are keywords and phrases that describe your Hub. As we said above, tags are important
for people searching for a particular type of material or topic AND they alert the search engines
that you have relevant material on the topic described by the tag.
So, in this example, my article is entitled: “Choosing The Best Diet Plan For Your LifeStyle.”
Now, the web address that I would have liked to give this page would have been “diet-plan” or
“best-diet-plan” – something shorter than “choosing-best-diet-plan”—but when I typed in my
first two choices they were already taken. So, I had to settle for the longer page name. (I did try
“dietplan” and “bestdietplan” as well, and they were also taken. (This sometimes happens
when you are writing on a popular topic.) So, the web address for this hub will be:
Page 43
OK, this is what it looks like once you are inside the Hub Editing Area. I am only showing you the
top part of the page, but you get the idea. You begin by clicking on the light blue edit button
and either typing in or copying and pasting in your content.
And as you can see from all the stuff on the right hand side of the page, you have numerous
options for monetizing your content (Ebay, Amazon etc.)
HUB PAGES STRATEGY: Your strategy for Hub Pages is similar to what it was for
Ideally you are going to want to have at least one Hub (preferably more) for each of your sites.
Here are the reasons why:
Hub Pages done well get good search engine rankings
They can drive traffic to your website/s
You can link from them back to specific pages on your site/s
They enhance your credibility and your reputation in your niche market
They can be monetized (effortless earning!)
Page 44
Final Word Regarding Hub Pages: Abide by
their rules and regulations.
The last thing you want to do is get booted
out of this great content sharing site, and
they really ask for so little, so please do
yourself a favor – and actually read the
rules on the right hand side of this page –
and heed them!
The bottom one got cut off, but it says if
you get a violation notification email…
Read it carefully, fix your Hub to be
compliant, and submit it for review using
the button in the Hub. And please don't
make the same mistake again. We really
don't like banning users, but we will be
forced to if there are repeated violations.”
Enjoy your Hub Pages experience!
Ok, now there are lot’s more Content
Sharing Sites, as I’ve listed above, but you
only have so much time and so much
content, so my advice is to use it where it
is going to do you the most good.
What I mean by this is, if you are going to go to all the trouble of coming up with great content,
either writing it yourself, outsourcing the task or editing PLR articles, for heaven’s sake, don’t
waste your efforts by publishing your work on a site that isn’t going to do you a darn bit of
good! Or isn’t going to do you very much good.
You have to leverage your information marketing efforts to their fullest! And you can only do
this by being smart about the sites you pick and choose to publish up on.
For instance. Wikipedia. Practically everybody knows about this Wiki service. You have
probably frequented this site yourself, when you’ve had to look something up. And anybody
can add their stuff to this site, provided you know what you are talking about. It’s a terrific
content sharing site!
BUT, I would not recommend that you bother using this site because… although you might feel
good about having your stuff on Wikipedia – it isn’t going to do a darn bit of good for your
online business. You won’t get any traffic or back links out of it. You won’t get any name
recognition. In fact, you will have no control over what becomes of your content once you have
submitted it. If it is accepted, it will be edited by others to the point where it may no longer
even be recognizable as your own – so… where is the leverage in any of this?
Page 45
For articles, written content, my final recommendation is to submit them to the biggest and
best Article Directory site and I am referring, of course, to Ezine
In general Article Marketing sites are declining in effectiveness, so don’t waste your time
publishing to any others. But Ezine Articles is the exception to the rule. It’s articles actually
rank very well in the search engines, many of them placing in the top spots on the mighty
Google. So while this site might not technically be considered Web 2.0, it is definitely a content
sharing site that you want to submit to.
And once again, make sure that the content you submit is ORIGINAL and has good information
value. If you are using PLR content, make sure that you or someone else has substantially rewritten it, because the editors at Ezine Articles will not accept any duplicate content.
Once you sign up for the service, by clicking on the “Submit Articles” link in the upper left hand
corner of the home page, you are immediately forwarded to article publishing page below.
As you can see, everything is pretty self-explanatory, but should you need help at any point
along the way, you can simply click on the red buttons, and you will get advice and guidance.
Page 46
One thing, I took these screen shots from the instruction video, but when you are actually
creating your own articles, you want to make sure that you use keyword rich titles, so that they
will attract more search engine searches.
Some points to go over here. You are probably going to be copying and pasting in your article
content. I advise you to take advantage of the html formatting. Use bold headers and sub-titles
for easier scanning and readability. As you can see in the picture above,
shows you the tags you are allowed to use, but if you are not sure how to use them, you can
find some html guidelines here:
Also, bear in mind that your article body is where you GIVE. Your article resource box is where
you TAKE. Although does allow you 3 self serving links in the BODY of your
article, make sure if you use them that they are well spaced and that they fit in well with the
information of your content. Above all, you DO NOT want to come off sounding “hypey” or
promotional or your article will not get published.
Page 47
In your Resource Box you have a bit more leeway to do some promotion of your business
and/or website(s). Here you are again allowed up to 3 links back to your web pages, and you
should definitely use them, making sure that they are “anchor text” links. For example, rather
than just saying, “For more great private label content, click here.” I would be better of saying,
“More great private label content can be found on my site.”
You can use multiple Resource Boxes, they actually allow you five to start – and you will
definitely need these since you will have several different niche sites. Actually, you will probably
need a lot more than five as your niche empire grows, but this will not be a problem as you are
allowed to use alternative author pen names. And for each pen name, you will get an
additional five resource boxes!
One thing I should mention is that you initially have to get 12 articles approved before you can
go on to publish unlimited articles. So… they have to see the quality of your work before they
will grant you the right to keep publishing content on the site. This being the case, you clearly
want to make sure that those first 12 submissions are your best work.
EZINE ARTICLES STRATEGY: Write or have ghostwritten for you 12 terrific articles in your niche
and submit them to the site get over the acceptance hurdle and then…
1. Submit Regularly or submit a lot of articles all at once (they actually like it if you do this).
2. Use top quality, original content and follow the rules carefully.
3. Link back to your site and your related Hub page, Squidoo lens and blog in the content and
in the resource box (using anchor text links).
4. should be one of your top promotional resources.
OK. We are almost done with the sites that you should be publishing up content to. However, I
have left one of your biggest aces in the hole until last. Can you guess what it is?
Page 48
Yup. But wait a minute, I can hear some of you thinking to yourself. If I am going to have a
bunch of high content niche websites, do I really need to have blogs as well? Isn’t having one
just as good as having the other?
Well yes – and no. Having stand out sites that rank well in the SERPS is important, BUT… that is
not ALL it is about today. Today, the tables have turned and it is NOT so much about folks
seeking you out as it is about you making it as easy as possible for them to access you.
So yes, you could just stick with your websites and wait for folks to find you and, if you do some
of the stuff above, they will certainly find you and you will do very well.
But… the reason you want to add the blogging piece is not so you can duplicate your website in
any way, shape or form. But rather because having a blog enables you to deliver your content
to folks in a variety of ways that are simply not possible with a regular website.
The sole REASON you want a blog is because it enables you to SYNDICATE your content. It
enables you to allow folks to read your posts at the time and place of their choosing.
This is made possible with FEEDS.
1) A feed is a machine readable (usually XML) content publication that is updated
2) Feeds are a function of special software that allows "Feedreaders" to access a site
automatically looking for new content and then post updates about that new content to
another site. This provides a way for users to keep up with the latest information posted
on different weblogs or blogging sites.
3) The most common feed is RSS (alternately defined as "Rich Site Summary" or
"ReallySimple Syndication"), but there are also Atom or RDF feeds.
Syndication essentially means that the content of a feed can be easily lifted and displayed by
other sites and tools that have feed reading capability built in. RSS is a standard that makes this
The good news is that most blogging solutions nowadays have this "Syndication" feeds
feature automatically built in. So all you have to do is take advantage of it. And, for course,
build yourself a blog or two or… as many as you want or need.
How do you do this? Well, there are numerous blogging systems in existence, but since you
really only want a solution that you control you are definitely going to want to go with a
software vs. a web based solution. The two best software solutions are:
Page 49
Some hosting services actually have a plug in for word press in their control panels, which
makes this a particularly easy and attractive option. To give you an idea how this is done, I am
going to show you how to use the wordpress plug-in for our optional NEB hosting service.
Once you sign up, you’ll be assigned a cpanel, from which you can manage your growing empire
of niche sites. When you first login to register your first domain, this is what you’ll see.
You will just sign up your domain name, check or uncheck the boxes as you see fit (I generally
leave the top two boxes checked and uncheck the bottom two) then click ‘Create.’
Page 50
Now you will not automatically have all the domains you see above once you sign up. This is
obviously a screenshot from my account. But I wanted to show you how you would get started.
OK, let’s get busy building a blog. The first thing I am going to do is select the domain I want to
build the blog for. I have selected the domain ‘’ from the list above.
When I do that, the control panel for that particular domain opens up and this is what I get. I
am going to look under Advanced Features and click on Installation Script Installer.
When I get here, I am going to click on the New Install tab (See arrow.)
Page 51
Click WordPress here.
Click Install WordPress. Follow the rest of the instructions it gives you.
Page 52
(Just so you know, the values in light blue are all pre-defined for you, you don’t have to fill them
out. However, you could make changes if you want.)
Page 53
Page 54
(SIDEBAR: VERY IMPORTANT! Make sure you look for and Click the External Task Completed!
Button before you log out. If you don’t do this, then all your work will be for nothing and the
Page 55
OK, two things to note here.
1. The hosting service has updated their version of wordpress since I created these
screenshots, so the process might not be EXACTLY the same, but it will be pretty similar.
And pretty easy. It takes all of about 3 to 5 minutes at the most to set up a blog on any
NEB hosting account.
2. You will probably not want to use a domain address like the one above. After I created
this I went back and recreated it so that it would have the URL:
So once you have your blog set up, what are you going to post on it?
More great content, of course:-) But it is up to you to decide what form this content will take.
Will it take the form of a weekly newsletter, company news, product reviews, articles with
some commentary?
Page 56
Once again… I feel like I should be chanting a mantra… you have got to make sure that
whatever you put on your blog provides solid value. Remember, this is a business blog not a
personal blog. Your purpose in creating and maintaining it is to build your business, your brand.
So you are not going to be talking very much about yourself in this blog – at least not unless
your anecdotes strongly relate to your niche topic.
Also, while it is fine and probably a good idea to use Wordpress themes to dress up your blog,
to make it stand out and make it appeal to your niche market base, do not spend a lot of time
on this gussying up stuff. In the overall scheme of things, it is not that important.
Your over-riding goal is to get the folks who come to your blog to subscribe to your feed.
And since we are talking about this, just how are you going to do it?
Well, actually in much the same way as you get folks to subscribe to your opt-in newsletter on
your website. The only difference is that when they subscribe, they will be clicking buttons that
subscribe them to syndication services like the ones below:
Both of the above subscription options are actually available to you through a simple
Wordpress plugin called Subscribe Me.
The thing for you to REMEMBER is that you want to encourage anybody who comes to your
blog to SUBSCRIBE to your FEED. That is your #1 goal. And yes, you will probably have to bribe
them with some very intriguing special something – a report, ebook or even a CafePress gift
item, but on top of that, they will have to see that the content you are publishing on your blog
is well worth their while subscribing to.
Another thing to bear in mind, if you are in a niche where your audience is unlikely to be
familiar with RSS or syndication, you might want to explain a bit about the process on your
blog. Don’t just assume that they will know what it is all about. Because folks aren’t likely to
sign up for something they don’t understand – and you don’t want to lose potential subscribers
for this reason.
After they have subscribed, depending on how technically savvy they are, folks may or may not
actually revisit your blog, which is why you shouldn’t fuss over it too much. Most of your
subscribers will probably access your content through feedreaders.
Page 57
What feedreaders do is they keep checking specified blogs to see if they have been updated,
and when blogs are updated, they display the new post, and a link to it, with an excerpt (or the
whole contents) of the post.
All you have to do with these feedreaders is to add the link to the RSS feed of the blogs you are
interested in. The feedreader will then inform you when any of the blogs have new posts in
them. This makes it easy for you to quickly scan through multiple RSS feeds at once, choosing
which articles are of interest to you.
There are a number of different feedreader programs out there. The most popular one is
probably Google Reader: But there are other good ones as well,
Newz Crawler:
The thing you need to bear in mind as a blogger is, since many of your readers are going to be
accessing your content through alternative means, and you have no control over how different
platforms display your posts and the elements in them, you need to keep things as simple as
possible. Bottom line, sticking to plain text as best. When you start trying to get fancy,
incorporating audio and video, you run the risk of losing a large part of your remote audience.
This is NOT to say that you shouldn’t be using audio and video, because YOU DEFINITELY
SHOULD! You just don’t need to be using TOO MUCH OF it on your blogs.
SO YOUR BLOGGING STRATEGY IS: You should create a blog for your niche site(s) if – and only
if—you can come up with enough consistently good content to support it. Having a blog will
definitely increase your sphere of influence if you use it primarily as a syndication tool.
Also since search engines favor blogs and index RSS feeds, by having a blog and linking it back
to your site, you not only stand to benefit by getting listed higher and faster in the SERPS, but
also possibly getting multiple listings for essentially the same content.
1) If you set up a business blog for your site, make sure that you post to it regularly.
2) Don’t concern yourself overmuch about the format of your blog; concern yourself instead
with the CONTENT.
3) Business blogging is ALL ABOUT SYNDICATION and building your feed list.
4) Your blog is not a website. It is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT than your website. Your goal is not to
get folks to come back to your blog. It is simply to get them to subscribe to your syndicated
5) The content you post should be primarily in plain text format. You do not want to
incorporate too many hi-tech elements since you have no control over how or if they will
appear on remote aggregator screens and doing so could alienate a large part of your
Page 58
6) Make sure you link from you blog back to your niche website(s) and to any product pages if
you are doing any product reviews.
7) Make sure you link your blog to any related Hub Pages and/or Squidoo Lenses. Also, of
course, to your storefronts at and
A few final words about blogging and then we will move on…
It is up to you as to whether you want to add any ppc or contextual ads (like Google Adsense or
Text-Link-Ads) on your blog. If you want to toss them in, that is fine, but remember, income
generation is not your main focus. That is the function of your website(s).
A word about “splogging,” which is when someone takes your feed/content and republishes it
on their own blog, adding advertising to it and trying to profit off of it. My advice, don’t worry
about it. You have far too many fish to fry. Besides which… if you have embedded some links in
the content that lead back to your site, it might actually produce a bit of traffic for you!
That’s it then for blogging. I am just going to leave you with a few helpful links to help you learn
more about WordPress and a few of the plug-ins for it that you might find useful.
Word Press Lessons
Word Press Features
Using Themes with Word Press
RSS Feeds and Word Press
Subscribe Me (Subscription Plug-in)
OK, while we are talking about Syndication, there is another means of syndicating your content.
Can you guess what it is? If I gave you the hint: It uses audio RSS feeds, I think most of you
would know.
It’s Podcasting, of course.
Podcasting is simply distributing audio content using RSS. It is like a blog, only for audio. The
process is actually pretty simple; when you make a podcast you simply enclose an RSS feed that
contains an MP3 or audio file in a tag.
And by making audio content available using RSS, once again you are giving listeners more
control not only over what they listen to, but when and where they listen to it.
You could use podcasting for training, discussions, commentaries, guided tours of your various
products or services – anything you can record on audio can be podcasted.
And by making your podcasts available for syndication, you are increasing your exposure.
Once again, if you are going to do this, you goal is to get folks to subscribe to your podcast.
Page 59
I am not going to go over the whole process of how to make a podcasts here. This is not an
area I have any expertise in, nor is it the focus of this guide. But I will supply you with some
useful links below so you can learn more about how to create your own podcasts (hopefully
after you finish reading the rest of this document:-)
Great Podcasting Tutorial
Audacity Podcast Recording Software (Free, Open Source)
Wild Voice Podcast Recording Software (Free, Windows only)
Record For All Podcast Software (Free Trial)
Pod Press (Wordpress Podcast Plug-in)
PODCAST STRATEGY: Again, it is all about getting your CONTENT out there in as many ways and
forms as possible. So, for instance, you could take your blog content, record it into audio and
put it out as a syndicated podcast on your blog.
This way you are giving your blog visitors the option of either subscribing to your feed in
written format or in audio format. Those that want to listen rather than read will opt for the
audio, so they can listen on their ipods, iphone, zoom or even Apple TV.
OK, the last step in our Content Sharing Marketing Strategizing – and you might say I have
saved the best for last – is VIDEO.
If you are marketing anything online today, you have got to incorporate video into the mix of
your informational and/or promotional materials. This is the age of instant gratification, after
all; the age when 35% of our population grew up playing Nintendo and PlayStation and started
using computers when they were in the 1st Grade. Yes… there are still plenty of us who prefer
the written word and, even when you offer visual video, you would do well to always offer a
print backup, but you have got to keep up with the times. And today this means using Video.
But you don’t have to just take my word for it. Google is putting tons of money into video, just
like they invested in blogging and started their own blogging site when this medium came out.
The Google Guys are always in the forefront when it comes to online technology – because they
recognize that you have got to stay one step ahead of your audience or your audience will
pass you by!
So you get it that you have to use videos. But you may be
technologically challenged, as I freely admit that I am. Or… you
simply do not have the time to take on one more task. Again, I hear
you. But the good news is that there is a great service called Traffic
Geyser, that really does take the lion’s share of the work in
publishing and marketing video out of your hands.
Page 60
Now I will grant you that you still have to make the video – but they even have a solution for
this. Their Slide Show Creator tool will take your photos or graphics and your audio (that you
can simply call in by phone) and create a stunning video out of them, complete with fade ins,
transitions and just about everything else that professionally made videos have.
Also… they may soon be coming out with a new service where they actually will create your
videos for you! It is called and it is still in Beta, but if it does
actually come to pass, I know it will certainly fill a huge void in the marketplace. There is
nothing like this at all out there currently. Oh, sure, you can hire a professional videographer to
do videos for you and pay a fortune in the process – but even then you will not get the kind of
package that you are going to get if and when this new site goes live. Stuff like:
Video Script (copywriting)
Professional voice-over
Audio Editing along with Royalty-Free Music
Video edit and export
Keyword Research
Video submissions to 35 sites
Blog/Social Bookmarking submissions
Podcast creation and submission
So… it is something to consider. Other than that, you can always attempt to make your own
videos using PowerPoint or SnagIt screen captures and Camtasia software. (Mac users can use a
similar software called ScreenFlow from
Another great option is something called Flip Video. It is a little pocket sized, video camcorder
with one-touch recording and digital zoom. It is simple to use, holds 60 minutes of full VGAquality video on 2GB of built-in memory AND when you are finished recording, you simply pull
out the little USB arm and plug it directly into your computer and you are ready to view or
share your videos.
Page 61
Once you capture your video, you have to edit it and upload it to the web or burn it on a CD or
DVD. There are numerous video editing packages available. Microsoft provides one for free for
Windows XP called Windows Movie Maker. You can read about it here.
However you MAKE your videos, you are still going to NEED Traffic Geyser. There is simply NO
WAY AROUND IT. You need this service if you want your videos to get noticed. Period.
Why do you need this service? Because it will save you a whopping amount of time. And I am
talking days… not hours or minutes. Listen, there are only so many hours in a day, and I have
just listed half a dozen other tasks that you need to be attending to. Granted, you can always
pay someone else to do the work – but why pay hundreds of dollars to someone else to do it –
when in this case, you have a top quality service all set up and ready to do it all for pennies on
the dollar! I mean that is nuts! It is certifiable.
Well, you might say. I will definitely bookmark the site and look into it when I have some videos
and am ready to start marketing them. NO! This was the mistake that I made – and I have paid
the price. I actually signed up for the service, because I recognized the value, but I never used it.
I was just SO busy with other stuff. And… as a result, I have probably lost out on thousands and
thousands of potential visitors to my sites, and I hate to think of how many of those visitors I
might have today as customers if I had only USED all the Traffic Geyser tools that I had at my
disposal instead of just thinking “I’ll get to that next month.”
And here is what I mean by tools.
1. They take your video – or they help you make one – and they submit it to over 35 video
hosting sites!
2. But they don’t stop there. They then post your video to dozens of social bookmarking
sites and blogs.
3. But they don’t stop there. They then make a podcast of your content and submit it as
well. (Hello iTunes! This is the key to instant, highly qualified traffic
4. And they use templates, so you don’t have to be filling in everything over and over
again. Once you have submitted a video once, the forms are saved for resubmissions.
So… what does all this mean?
You NEED to be using videos, right? And just making them is not going to do you a whit of
good. You NEED to get them out there and get them seen by the masses, right?
Well, with Traffic Geyser in 5 minutes you can promote your video on all the top search
engines, social bookmarking sites, blogs and on iTunes etc.
You will get listed on the major search engines for your major keywords, including GOOGLE,
Yahoo! and MSN in less than 24 hours AND your listing will stay there for a very long time!
The videos create "backlinks" which help push your main site's visibility and, of course,
they deliver gobs of targeted, qualified traffic to your niche sites. Sometimes that traffic
comes directly to your site from the video listings without even watching the videos.
Page 62
The quid pro quo to all this is… you have to have decent videos. Folks aren’t going to watch,
much less click through to your site, if your video stinks. Your videos have to contain useful
content, be entertaining or remarkable in some way – while still communicating your message.
It is the same thing we have stressed throughout this document, you need to always deliver
GOOD CONTENT. Doesn’t matter the medium. If you aren’t putting forth quality information,
don’t bother creating the video (article, ebook, blog). Not only are you wasting your time, but
you are also undermining your business, because, when you get right down to it, in this era of
Web 2.0, we are only as good as the information we put out.
VIDEO STRATEGY: Figure out a way to create videos and start creating them for your business.
1. The more videos you create, the better. Make them interesting, compelling, entertaining.
2. They do not have to be long – 30 seconds is the ideal length for a promo video.
3. They do not have to be perfect – it is better to have lots of OK videos out there than one
perfect one. Repetition will help generate a reputation for you. Plus, you learn by doing.
4. Make sure that you add in back links to your website, product or whatever the video is
5. Sign up for Traffic Geyser and let them handle the promotional side of things.
Now before we move on to the Social Networking sites, I just want to finish up with this
Content Sharing section by driving home a few very important points.
1. It is ALL ABOUT CONTENT. But all Your Content should lead back to YOU, in a strategic
2. Your mindset in all of this should be: My Content is My Business Presence in the world. You
want to get it out there – give it away in as many ways as you possibly can – social media,
ebooks, blogs, podcasts, videos – but have it all leads back to YOU and your business in
some way.
3. Through syndication, digital delivery, audio and video, you are getting your content out to
as many people, through as many means as humanly possible, you are giving the people
IT. You are providing Content “On Demand.”
4. The better you can do all of this – serve your audience – the better you will do!
One thing that I think it is very important for you to do before you begin this whole process,
and that is to take some time to think about your business assets and organize them in a
systematic and strategic way. If you don’t do this, you are going to be floundering about,
wondering what to use for content on what sites. Or you may forget what content you used
where, reuse it and get penalized.
Page 63
So… it is well worth your while to just take some time before you begin your all out CONTENT
ASSAULT ON THE WEB to figure out exactly what you’ve got and how you are going to deploy
your troops, so to speak:-).
Here’s what I have done. You might want to follow the same strategy in planning your business.
1) Organize All Your Content By Niche Topic
I have taken all my ebooks, reports, PLR articles and put them into folders according to
niche topic. If you are currently a WOW Content Club member, you should have plenty of
niche ebooks, reports and PLR articles to get going on the organizing bit. And if you are a
member of other content sites, or have purchased template packs with article content
included, you can add this stuff into the mix.
2) Go Through and See Where You Have The Most Material
After I went through and organized everything, I went back into that article content in
particular (which I had organized into topics by folder) and looked at where I had the most
material. This serves two purposes. First of all, if you have a lot of material on a particular
topic, that is a good topic to build a site around. Secondly, that is a good topic to pull
articles out to use on the content sharing sites.
3) Begin the Process of Editing The Articles
This is something you will probably want to outsource unless you have lots of spare time.
(More about outsourcing at the end of this doc.) Odds are, all of your PLR articles are going
to need editing, some more than others, and the sooner you get this process started, the
sooner you can begin posting the content on your website(s) or on content sharing site(s).
4) Sort Out the eBooks and Reports as Frontends, Backends and Bonus Products
Ok, this is a pretty big job, but a pretty important one as well. You are going to want to go
through all the products you have associated with each niche and decide what you want to
use for front ends i.e. subscriber bait – stuff you are going to give away for free to get folks
to opt in to your list.
TIP: The more FRONT ENDs that you have, the more potential customers you will have
going through your system/funnel. Just make sure that your prospects can benefit and
derive VALUE from them.
You also want to decide what you are going to use for your actual product/s. And
remember, you should be thinking about offering this content in other formats to
differentiate yourself from all the me-too marketers out there.
Page 64
Lastly, you want to decide stuff you are going to use for bonuses and back ends. Bonuses
you will give away with your product and back ends are upsells to your product offer. For
instance, most marketers sell an ebook as their front end and then offer a more expensive
physical version of the product, with all types of bells and whistles, as the back end. Or you
could sell a course on golf as your front end, and some type of physical golf product or a golf
vacation for two as your back end.
Here’s a great, easy to use tool that you can use to mind map your business content strategy:
Social Networking is all about connecting or networking with others and Social Network sites
have “virtualized” this process.
Once again, there are more of these sites than you can shake a stick at and, unless you want to
spend your life immersed in the social media – or pay someone else to do the honors for you –
you really have to be strategic here as well. You have to look at the sites that are getting the
most search engine attention and just focus on those.
The two biggies, of course, are and . So I will cover both of these
sites – briefly – from the vantage point of what they can do for YOU as a business owner.
But before I get into them I want to make you aware of another that is actually a combination
of social networking and content sharing and it is called…
Now, you may not have heard a whole lot about this one because it is relatively new… BUT it is
definitely going places and I think it is well worth your while to tap into what it has to offer.
Page 65
As you can see above, offers a wide range of services and benefits. I will let you be
the judge as to whether it is worth an investment of your time and content.
Page 66
OK, let’s dig into
When you view Facebook as a business building entity, as opposed to a meet and greet media,
you have to consider at its various parts: Your Profile, Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups.
Your Profile: You are only allowed one Personal Profile and you should use this profile
to tell all about yourself, make yourself sound as interesting – and well-rounded as
possible. This is where you will form relationships. This is also where you will link out to
(i.e. drive others to) your Facebook Pages and your various Facebook Groups.
Facebook Pages: Although you can only have one profile, you can have as many pages
as you want. So… you could have a facebook page for every one of your websites or
every one of your products! They are really easy to create and once you have created
them, they give you lots of ways to promote them, the easiest and quickest of which is
simply to add a link to them from your Profile page. Pages are seen by the search
engines and pages can link back to your websites or individual web pages (nofollow).
Facebook Groups: These can be very powerful because they invite conversation and
feedback. When you create your own facebook group, you are in control of that
conversation. You can form as many groups as you want, but the thing you want to
keep in mind is that these are all like-minded people who share something in common
and that something is the essence of the group.
There is one other thing that facebook offers that you should definitely take advantage of. I
have not listed it with the three components above because this is more of a service…
Facebook Social Ads: These are highly target ads that show up on people’s profiles
when they log into their facebook accounts. Right now they are amazingly cheap – just a
penny a click – but they are bound to go up in price as more and more advertisers start
using them, so my advice is to get started asap.
OK, now that we have reviewed the basics of Facebook I will show you briefly how to access
each of these things. First, your profile. You get to this just by clicking the Profile link once you
have signed up and logged in.
Here is a screenshot of portions of my Facebook profile (next page).
Page 67
Notice the list of Applications on the upper left hand side of my profile page, under the search
box? The forth one down the list is Groups. Click on that and you’ll come to this page. Click on
the + Create A New Group button and that is how you do just that.
Page 68
Next up, Social Ads. To locate these, you have to scroll all the way down to the very bottom of
your Profile page. See the Advertisers link down there? Well, click on it.
One other thing I want to mention here is that at Facebook you can communicate with friends
in several ways. One of the common ways of communicating is by writing on a person’s Wall.
When you do this, others can read what you have written, as you can see above. If you don’t
want everyone to see what you have to say, then you are better off sending a private Message.
Page 69
Here you have both the links to + Create Social Ads and to + Create Facebook Pages. Another
way you can access the Facebook pages interface is simply to go here:
Last thing, let’s talk a bit about “friending” or making friends on Facebook and the other social
networking sites. Actually, the process is much the same in the virtual world as it is in the real
world. You meet someone (either in a group or forum or possibly at a seminar or through
mutual friends) and, if you have interests in common and you both belong to Facebook, you can
become ‘friends.’ One of you sends a request to the other and the other either confirms or
denies the friendship. If you are both amenable, you both go on each other’s Friends list.
If you are requesting to befriend someone, it is always a good idea to write a little note to
remind them where you met or how you know each other, so you won’t be accused of
spamming. Facebook has lots of automated tools that will help you locate friends you already
have from your old schools or associations or online email or IM accounts. You can also go
trolling for friends in the various Facebook groups, but I wouldn’t worry too much about having
a large list of friends right at the start. You will make more as you go along and as you spend
more time on Facebook and folks get to know you. Just as it happens in real life…
Page 70
YOUR FACEBOOK STRATEGY: Facebook is currently the most popular of the Social Media sites,
so it is in your best interest to become familiar with it and make good use of the tools it offers.
1. Join if you haven’t already, login and spend a few minutes filling out your
profile. Remember, this is about you personally, not about your business.
2. Use the automated tools they offer to see if you can locate any friends you might already
have that are members of Facebook and invite them to join your list.
3. Create a Facebook page for each of your websites and any special products. These pages
will serve to communicate what you are all about, position you in the marketplace and build
your brand.
4. Join several groups related to your niche and create your own group. This will build your
reputation in your niche, make you aware of the conversation. In your own group you can
get and shape opinions and instill a sense of belonging among others.
5. Take advantage of Facebook “Social Ads” before the price hike – if you have something to
advertise now. If not… just sit tight. You soon will:-).
OK, next up is
Like Facebook, is a social networking site. It is not just a
meeting place and relationship building site for teens and singles,
however. You can set up a strong business building platform using
this site, and it is a lot easier than you think.
First off, you have to register and when you register you will get a
basic profile page. But the great thing about is that
you can CUSTOMIZE your profile page any way you want to. In effect,
you can create your own MySpace website.
And they make this very easy to do by supplying you with a Profile
editing tool (See next page for screenshot). To access this you simply
click on the gray Settings button you will find in the left hand
Navigation panel in your Profile.
Right now this editor is still in BETA mode, so it only works with the
Internet Explorer browser, but will soon work with other browsers as
well. The reason this is important to you is that you can customize
your profile to show your various business ventures, provided you DO
NOT make it a SALES brochure.
Page 71
What you want to do is TALK about what you offer, but do not
promote it. You want to do what Frank Kern refers to as
implicit rather than explicit marketing. So you might mention
a niche site that you have and the helpful information and/or
products that folks might find there – and leave it at that.
Don’t tell folks to Go there. Leave it entirely up to them to
decide whether or not they want to take further action.
This laid back approach is really the best tact to take at all the
social media sites. You do not want to be seen as selling in any
way. If you are perceived as a marketer, folks will not trust
you, and you will not succeed in getting them to like you,
which is really what the social networking sites are all about.
OK, I am not going to go into a lot more detail about One more thing I want you to take note of on
the profile page (see screenshot on previous page) is that they
also allow you to create blogs – as many blogs as you want.
So, this is another tool you can use to let people know about
your business, your websites and your products.
The final thing I want to show you about is the Classified Ads. You can find a link
for these in the upper right hand corner of the toolbar at the top of every page.
Page 72
When you click on the “Classifieds” link, you are brought to a page that looks like this:
This is just a small sampling of the Small Business Ads. I am going to click on the one for
Perfectly Perfect Wedding Favors, just to give you an idea of how folks are advertising their
businesses through these classifieds.
Page 73
OK, see how Stephanie has done this. Very simple. And no hype. Just letting folks know what
she offers and if they’re interested they can send her an email. You can also list a phone
number, and physical store address if you want.
You should note that at the top, next to the picture, there a hyperlink. Most advertisers do
what Stephanie has done and hyperlink their name or Company name back to MySpace profile
page. So, if you have created an effective profile page, with link(s) to your websites, these ads
could be effective traffic driving vehicles. What you have to keep in mind is that it is a step by
step PROCESS, and you don’t want to be perceived as being too pushy at any step along the
way or you will only succeed at getting yourself banned!
Page 74
Please take note of all the rules in the screen shot above, but most importantly, the copy in RED
ink. Very important. You CANNOT post any business opportunity/make money stuff or your
account will be deleted. So focus on niches, not riches.
YOUR MYSPACE.COM STRATEGY: is important, but not as important as Facebook
in the amount and quality of traffic it can deliver to your business.
1. You should set up a website profile on MySpace and make it as unique, interesting and
informative as possible.
2. My advice would be to give away some really excellent content that visitors can’t get
anywhere else. This will garner you a lot of friends, which is what you ultimately want.
3. You can also set up some blogs on if you have the time, but I would not
spend a whole lot of time on this. You have bigger fish to fry.
4. I would use the classifieds judiciously. If you have a product or service that you think a lot of
people would like, then by all means advertise it. Make sure you target your ad
appropriately and that you don’t get too sales pitchy.
Remember, your over-riding goal is to form and build RELATIONSHIPS! The old saying that the
money is in the LIST is out-dated. Nowadays, the money is in the RELATIONSHIP and the social
media sites are a great tool, if used correctly, to begin the relationship building process.
Social Bookmarking is a type of service that developed out of the old Web 1.0 bookmarking
tool. The problem with this tool was that users could only bookmark their favorite sites on their
own computers and, if their computer’s crashed or they got new ones or they were away
somewhere and using a different computer, they lost access to these bookmarks.
So, along comes Web.20 and social interactivity and content sharing and someone has the great
idea to put two and two together and allow folks to not only bookmark their favorite content
but also to share those bookmarks with others – i.e. social bookmarking. And then, of course,
they added features to this, like the ability to rate the content, to vote it up or down and to let
others easily bookmark or tag your own content on the various social bookmarking sites.
Now, right away you can see that there are some great advantages to be had if you use social
bookmarking properly and effectively.
You can build incoming links to your websites and web pages.
You can increase the traffic you get from the Search Engines to a ‘bookmarked’ page.
You can get multiple listings in the Search Engines for your content because it is
spidered and ranked on the Social Bookmarking sites as well.
You can build your reputation as an expert, generate a following in your niche.
Page 75
Here are some things you definitely DON’T WANT TO DO, if you want to succeed with social
Submit or tag ALL your content or even all your best content. You ONLY want to submit
or tag your VERY BEST STUFF and even then, you have to be careful how you go about it.
The reason is that the various bookmarking sites are actively looking for SPAMMERS, for
folks who are using their services for social marketing and not for social interaction. If
they suspect you are doing this, because they see you are only tagging or bookmarking
content from one or two sites and you are posting a lot of it all at once, they will ban
you. This is especially true if you are not at the same time tagging other sites.
The Search Engines will also crack down on you if they detect multiple bookmarks for a
site across multiple bookmarking services all at the same time. This is especially true if
all of the tags and descriptions for these bookmarks are the same, because this indicates
to them that you are probably using an automated tool to do the posting.
So, the thing is, you don’t want to do anything that is going to look UNNATURAL.
The idea with social bookmarking is that you are supposed to give as well as get, probably
give more than get. You are supposed to be giving GREAT CONTENT that others will appreciate.
If you do this CONSISTENTLY, you will build a following on these sites. Folks will begin to
associate the great content with your name and/or your business and/or your website. But this
is something that will happen over time and it cannot be rushed if you want to do it right.
Still the question remains? Then what? What should you post? Well, the answer is, simple.
CONTENT. But not just any content. Good content, and whenever possible, GREAT CONTENT!
The reason for this is you want to generate “link bait.” (This is exactly what it sounds like –
content noteworthy or special or attention grabbing enough that folks want to tell others about
it, thereby generating links back to your website.)
So, while it is ok to use topical articles for your content sharing submissions or blog posts, if you
plan on using them for social bookmarking sites, you might want to think about giving them an
extra added spin. Add a touch of creativity, or controversy. Or take a look at the news headlines
and see if you can use them in developing an insightful, informative post. Or research some
interesting data on your topic that you can then reveal in an eye-opening way.
Other ideas for link bait include interviews, giveaways, contests, top ten lists and interviews
with someone well known in your niche. This might be in the form of a downloadable podcast
or mp3. And then, of course, there are videos. I think with these, you’re best off going for
entertainment rather than information value. If you can get folks laughing, you’ve got yourself
some great link bait.
Here is a great article on Linkbait Tactics by Andy Hagan that might give you some more ideas.
Page 76
So now that you have a better idea of what to
post, you are probably wondering where to post
it. Well, I’ve got good news! You are NOT going to
register with EVERY social bookmarking site,
because that would take you to the end of time
and frankly, again, it would be a waste of time (in
my humble opinion).
Also, if you were to actually start adding the
various separate social markers to your toolbar
individually, it would get pretty darn cluttered
pretty darn fast.
So what is the solution? Well, there are several
out there, but I think one of the best free ones is
One site, no sign up, no fee, one button to install
in your toolbar. Couldn’t be simpler. Within
seconds you are all set up and ready to do
business with all of the sites you see on the left.
Note that you can also select Best sites up at the
top, which I have done, and this immediately cuts
down on the number of sites that are checked.
My recommendation to you is to select Best
sites when you are making a submission of
content from one of your sites, this way you
cut down on the chances of the search
engines flagging you for using an automated
submission tool. You may select All sites if
you are tagging the content of others or you
can keep it set at Best.
What you want to keep in mind is to keep a
balance going between posting your own
stuff and posting the content of others. This
way it won’t be so obvious that you are
engaging in the evil business of ‘marketing.’
A few more things and then we will leave this topic. Unlike with the Social Networking sites, you
do NOT have to go in and create a profile on each of these sites – the only exception being
Stumble Upon and, where it is a good idea to do so. I wouldn’t bother with
because that site is extremely geek focused (unless you happen to be a Geek and your sites
Page 77
cater to that crowd). Yes, tag and post your best content as you do to the other sites, but leave
it at that. The so-called “Digg Effect” is not all it’s cracked up to be, especially for non-Geeks.
Many of these sites, like Stumble Upon, also give you the ability
to rate content. At Stumble Upon you can give stuff a Thumbs Up or a Thumbs Down. Actually,
their premise is that they discover web sites based on your interests, so by consistently voting
up or down it learns what you like and brings you more of the same.
As a site owner, however, your job is a bit more complicated, because you not only want to
make sure that the content that you are serving up is good enough to get a thumbs up, you also
would like it to be good enough that others besides yourself would do the initial stumble post.
You can buy advertising at Stumble Upon for .05 a click through. You probably won’t make
many sales out of it, but it is an effective way to drive up your thumbs up score so you can work
your web pages up in the Stumble Upon rankings and get some free stumbles.
SOCIAL BOOKMARKING STRATEGY: Don’t rush it! Take a long term rather than a short term
approach to social bookmarking.
1. Bookmark or tag several pieces of content every day, your own as well as other people’s. If
you have several high content sites or blogs, you might select an article of your own to
bookmark each day and then select several others from other sources.
2. If you don’t have a site yet, you can still get started bookmarking the content of others. You
will be building up your reputation as a giving member of the community.
3. Bookmark only your VERY BEST STUFF, especially on sites that have the ability to rate it or
vote it up or down. Make sure that it is interesting, funny, entertaining, eclectic or
controversial. Or you could give something of real value away for free – information that no
one has shared before or a gimmicky thing that people may find humorous.
4. Do not attempt to sell obviously or be self serving in any way. Instead, participate in the
social bookmarking community to the best of your ability. If you do this often enough for
long enough, you will earn a reputation that will enable you to do a lot more.
One final piece of business before I wrap everything up.
We have covered A LOT of ground in this document. I have laid out A LOT of strategies and
given you A LOT of stuff to do. I didn’t say that I was going to show you how to make your first
million by doing NOTHING. You have got to TAKE ACTION. BUT… you do NOT have to do it all
yourself. In fact, if you are even contemplating this, you are NUTS!
You have no business even thinking about building your own business if you are entertaining
any notion of trying to DO IT ALL YOURSELF! If you try to do everything yourself, you may think
you are saving money, but the fact of the matter is, you will be far less productive, so you will
actually be cheating yourself.
Page 78
When you get right down to it, your time is the most valuable asset you have. You really need
to decide early on what tasks you are going to spend it on and what tasks you are going to
outsource to others. You need to decide how you value your time and your own self worth.
Basically, it boils down to three decisions:
What your time is worth
What tasks are worth spending your time on
Everything else, OUTSOURCE.
I do not mean OUT-Task, I mean OUT SOURCE. There is a big difference. When you out-task
you simply find someone to do a job once and then you have to go and find someone else the
next time you want that job (or a similar one) done. When you outsource you set about
deliberately to find the very best person you can for each job with the INTENT of forming a
long-term association with that person.
Now you are not always going to find the perfect person right off the bat, but your goal should
be to find someone who will, in effect, become a permanent fixture in your company. This way
you do not always have to start from square one with the hiring and training. You will already
have a freelancer who knows the ropes, is well trained in their job and over time, becomes a
loyal and dedicated member of your staff.
In addition to outsourcing, you are going to need to systematize the tasks that you want others
to perform. Now, you don’t need to make a big deal out of this. Most of these tasks are pretty
straight forward and all you really need to do is break them down into steps and describe each
step in as much detail as possible. The reason for doing this is because YOU are not going to be
doing the work, but you do want the person who is going to be doing it to do it EXACTLY the
way you want it done, the way you would do it yourself if you had the time.
Regardless of how competent a coder or freelancer is, he or she cannot read your mind. So the
only way you are going to get them to do the work the way you want it done is to invest a small
amount of time in documentation. If you don’t put down in writing precisely what you want
done, how you want it done and when you want it done by, you cannot fault a freelancer for
getting it wrong. Also, the price they bid for doing the work is based on the information they
receive, so the more complete the information, the more likely their bid will not increase.
A final note… if you are hiring freelancers to write or re-write or edit information products for
you, bear in mind that the less preliminary work they have to do, the lower their bid price will
be. This is important because if you are asking them to create a product on Online Dating, for
instance, and you can easily supply them with 4 ebooks on Online Dating that they can use for
research, you have eliminated a big part of their job.
Same thing with articles. If you want a freelancer to write a bunch of articles for you on a
certain topic and you can supply him/her with a private label or public domain work on that
topic, so that all he/she has to do is extract the content, break it up into articles and perhaps
polish them up a bit, then you save the freelancer a lot of time and yourself a lot of money.
Page 79
For content creation (Freelance Marketplace for finding writers)
Mechanical Turk (New Freelance Service offered by Amazon) (Freelance Service for finding ghostwriters) (Indian Company that specializes in writing & editing content)
For software coding (Site for locating freelance writers & software programmers) (Site for locating freelance software programmers) (Site for locating freelance software programmers)
The Missing Link
OK. We are almost done. Problem is, I have given you most of the pieces to the puzzle, but I
haven’t put it all together for you have I?
I mean, I am pretty sure that if you have read this document all the way through, your head is
buzzing with exciting ideas and plans, but do you really have a full blown PROFIT PLAN for
bringing your business to the next level? Do you know what the MISSING LINK is that ties
everything together and without which all the work above will amount to nothing?
If so, then you can skip this next part. If not, then keep reading…
Let’s take another look at our formula. I doubt you have it memorized:-)
BS = (MRKS) x (UPMD) x (SMPS) x (ML) = DTWWGC
BIG SUCCESS = Market Research Keyword Selection x Unique Products Mass Distribution x
Social Media Promotion Syndication x Missing Link = Dominating the Web with Great Content
OK, our stated end goal is to Dominate the Web with Great Content. Well, I suppose anyone
could do this if they applied themselves diligently enough and used all the resources that I have
pointed out to you in this document. But… without our missing link I am not sure what that
would accomplish beyond earning them a well deserved reputation as an expert in whatever
field they were creating content about.
Clearly… the missing link in ALL THIS is the WEBSITE that all these content sharing sites and
social networking sites and blogs and videos and auction sites and storefronts link back to.
Without this crucial piece to the puzzle, the picture is not only incomplete, but it makes
virtually no sense – at least from a business building standpoint!
Page 80
And this WEBSITE cannot just be any old website. Because AGAIN, my mantra, if this WEBSITE
is not jam-packed with useful, interesting information that actually solves a problem or fills a
need, then it will not do YOU any good – because it will not do your visitors any good.
Not only should the content of this website be top notch, but as I said earlier, it should be
organized in the way Google and the other search engines like it, using themed SILOs.
And, of course, what would be the point of ANY of this if you weren’t going to monetize the
content through keyword targeted affiliate and contextual links, not to mention your own
selection of products. Pretty hard to make $1,000,000 if you don’t offer anything for sale!
But the thing is… if you are going to make $1,000,000 you are probably going to want to have
more than one of these high content portal niche business sites – but building one of these
babies is not something that you can outsource.
Well, I suppose you could hire a professional website designer or service, and pay a fortune in
the process, but even then you would only get a website frame. It would be left up to you to do
the hard part – to fill the site up great content and products – and to add in all the dynamic and
interactive stuff that would insure that the site maintained a high listing in the SERPS.
Ah, the missing link. You see what is needed would be some miracle tool that could generate
high content, SILO structured, Web 2.0 websites on the fly – based on your keywords. No two
of these sites would ever be the same, since each user would be selecting their own graphics
and content (which would be incorporated into the software) so there would be no need to
worry about duplication -- and all of the sites would automatically incorporate Ebay, Amazon,
Clickbank, Adsense, Azoogle, Chikita and many other affiliate and PPC monetization sources.
Does this sound like an impossible dream? Well... I can
tell you this. There is currently NOTHING that comes
even remotely close to this existing on the Web today.
BUT… there will be:-)
In a matter of weeks, Niche Empire Builder will
become a reality and the missing link to this
complete Niche Empire Building Web Domination
puzzle will come into play. Our complete done-it-foryou niche real estate empire building solution will
make EVERY OTHER site building solution obsolete.
Great Content is what it is all about and here are some of the reasons why:
With lots of great content you can create a great silo structured website that ranks well
with the search engines.
Page 81
With lots of great content you can take advantage of the social media and get lots of
links back to your site from high search engine ranking sites.
With lots of great content you can create unique products (printed books, combination
courses, videos on DVDs, audios on CDs and mp3s) which you will brand with your
business logo and link back to your website.
With lots of great content you can create lots of free branded frontend digital products
(that you can use as bonuses or subscription bait) and make them viral by giving others
the ability to pass them along.
With lots of great content you can create ‘content on demand’ with syndicated blogs
and podcasts, where folks can access it any time in any way they like, but it will all lead
them back to your website.
With lots of great content you can create videos that link back to your site and get
spidered by the search engines in a matter of hours…
Are you beginning to get the picture? Great content, well placed, gives you lots of backlinks to
your website and backlinks are still very important.
But they are NOT the KEY to dominating your NICHE. The key to dominating your niche is to
dominate the first page of the SERPS when someone types in your keyword or key phrase.
Used to be, you counted yourself lucky if you even made the first page of the SERPS, much less
got yourself listed in the top ten. But nowadays, you can actually get MULTIPLE LISTINGS.
Because the social media sites allow you to create web pages so easily and because the search
engines LOVE these sites so much, it is entirely possible to not only to rank highly for your
chosen keyword or phrase – and do it much faster than ever before – but it is possible to have
multiple listings on the first page for that keyword – all of them driving traffic back to your
site, either directly or indirectly!
Now combine your Squidoo lenses, Hubs, Facebook and MySpace pages, Stumble Upon and postings with an Ebay store and a Lulu and CafePress storefront (where you are
allowed to have categorized content pages)—then add in your syndicated blogs and some well
crafted, targeted videos and you have a surefire recipe for search engine domination!
AND you can do this for as many keywords as you have content for… and as many websites as
you care to create. Creating them is the easy part… NEB handles all of that.
I will grant you that is does take a bit of work to set everything up, but once that work is done,
it is virtually set it and forget it (aside from the syndicated content, of course.)
So… you now know how you can dominate the search engines for any niche you choose
(Dominating the Web with Great Content).
Your next question is: How is this going to translate into you making your first million?
Page 82
Well… NEB is the key. Or you could create your own income generating niche portal sites. But
you need to have some focal point for all the traffic and attention your CONTENT is going to
generate and that focal point or hub has to not only be able to make you money, but it has to
be able to build your list and enhance your reputation.
Obviously, it stands to reason that the more of these hubs that you have, the more money
you will make and the faster you will make it!
Whew. That was a lot of ground to cover. I hope that you learned lots of stuff that you can
really use. More importantly, I hope that I opened your eyes to the POSSIBILITIES of WHAT is
out there and HOW YOU CAN USE ALL OF IT to dominate any niche that you choose. You just
have to be strategic about it. And… of course, you have to have LOTS of good content:-).
Below is a graphic that sums up what this document is all about. How it all comes together, and
how it will all come together for you, if you choose to use this business plan or formula to make
YOUR first million online!
So are you ready to build yourself an empire? I hope so.
Page 83
Niche Categories and Topics
Health and Fitness
Accounting Payroll
Careers Employment
Change Management
Continuity Disaster Recovery
Customer Service
Human Resources
Industrial Mechanical
International Business
Marketing Direct
Non Profit
Resumes Cover Letters
Sales Management
Sales Teleseminars
Sales Training
Small Business
Solo Professionals
Strategic Planning
Team Building
Venture Capital
Workplace Communication
Aerobics Cardio
Anti Aging
Back Pain
Build Muscle
Breast Cancer
Skin Cancer
Contraceptives Birth Control
Critical Care
Dental Care
Developmental Disabilities
Diseases STD's
Drug Abuse
Ears Hearing
Eating Disorders
Eyes Vision
Fitness Equipment
Hair Loss
Healing Arts
Healthcare Systems
Heart Disease
Home Health Care
Men's Issues
Mental Health
Mind Body Spirit
Multiple Sclerosis
Pain Management
Physical Therapy
Popular Diets
Internet & Businesses Online
Affiliate Revenue
Audio Streaming
Banner Advertising
Page 84
Domain Names
E Books
Email Marketing
Ezine Publishing
Internet Marketing
Link Popularity
List Building
PPC Advertising
PPC Publishing
Paid Surveys
Product Creation
Product Launching
Search Engine Marketing
Site Promotion
Social Bookmarking
Social Media
Social Networking
Spam Blocker
Traffic Building
Video Marketing
Video Streaming
Web Design
Web Development
Web Hosting
Quit Smoking
Skin Care
Sleep Snoring
Speech Pathology
Weight Loss
Women's Issues
Self Improvement
Anger Management
Goal Setting
Grief Loss
NLP Hypnosis
Positive Attitude
Self Esteem
Stress Management
Time Management
Auto Loans
Bankruptcy Lawyers
Bankruptcy Medical
Bankruptcy Personal
Bankruptcy Tips Advice
Commercial Loans
Credit Counseling
Credit Tips
Currency Trading
Debt Consolidation
Debt Management
Debt Relief
Estate Plan Trusts
Home Equity Loans
Leases Leasing
Recreation and Sports
Auto Racing
Fantasy Sports
Page 85
PayDay Loans
Personal Finance
Personal Loans
Structured Settlements
Student Loans
Taxes Income
Taxes Property
Taxes Relief
Taxes Tools
Unsecured Loans
VA Loans
Wealth Building
Figure Skating
Fish Ponds
Horse Racing
Martial Arts
Mountain Biking
Scuba Diving
Sports Apparel
Track and Field
Day Trading
IRA 401k
Mutual Funds
Retirement Planning
Agents Marketers
Car Auto
Home Owners Renters
Life Annuities
Long Term Care
Medical Billing
Personal Property
RV Motorcycle
Workers Compensation
Corporations LLC
Criminal Law
Cyber Law
Employment Law
Identity Theft
Travel and Leisure
Airline Travel
Aviation Airplanes
Bed Breakfast Inns
Budget Travel
Car Rentals
Charter Jets
Cruise Ship Reviews
Destination Tips
First Time Cruising
Hotels Accommodations
Limo Rentals Limousines
Luxury Cruising
Pet Friendly Rentals
Ski Resorts
Page 86
Intellectual Property
Labor Law
Living Will
Medical Malpractice
National State Local
Personal Injury
Real Estate Law
Regulatory Compliance
Vacation Homes
Vacation Rentals
Home Improvement
Audio Video
Bath and Shower
Cleaning Tips and Tools
Energy Efficiency
Feng Shui
Heating and Air Conditioning
House Plans
Interior Design and Decorating
Kitchen Improvements
Landscaping Outdoor Decorating
New Construction
Patio Deck
Pest Control
Stone Brick
Storage Garage
Swimming Pools Spas
Tools and Equipment
Yard Equipment
Real Estate
Building a Home
Commercial Construction
Commercial Property
Green Real Estate
Home Staging
Leasing Renting
Mortgage Refinance
Moving Relocating
Property Management
Home Based Business
Network Marketing
Writing and Speaking
Writing and Speaking
Article Marketing
Book Marketing
Public Speaking
Writing Articles
Home and Family
Babies Toddler
Baby Boomer
Crafts Hobbies
Crafts Supplies
Death Dying
Elder Care
Computers and Technology
Certification Tests
Computer Forensics
Data Recovery
Mobile Computing
Page 87
Personal Tech
Computer Games
Console Games
Console Systems
Online Gaming
Video Game Reviews
Farm Ranch
Reptiles Amphibians
Broadband Internet
Mobile Cell Phone
Mobile Cell Phone Accessories
Satellite Radio
Satellite TV
Telephone Systems
Video Conferencing
Mobile Audio Video
News and Society
Pure Opinion
Food and Drink
Cooking Tips
Crockpot Recipes
Low Calorie
Main Course
Pasta Dishes
Restaurant Reviews
Wine Spirits
Kids and Teens
Dating for Boomers
Domestic Violence
Gay Lesbian
Women's Interests
Cosmetic Surgery
Plus Size
Page 88
Post Divorce
Arts and Entertainment
Casino Gambling
Movies TV
Performing Arts
Visual Graphic Arts
Reference and Education
College University
Financial Aid
Future Concepts
Home Schooling
Nature / Wildlife
Online Education
Survival and Emergency
Vocational Trade Schools
Shopping & Product Reviews
Book Reviews
Fashion Style
Internet Marketing
Jewelry Diamonds
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