2005 - Left Forum


2005 - Left Forum
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
2005 Left Foru m
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
Table of Contents
Comrades • • • • • • • . . • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • . . • • • • • • • • • • . • • •
Conference Schedule. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • •
Speakers' Index •••••••••••••••••••••••••••....•...••••••••••••••••••
Speakers' Biographies• •••••••••••••••••.•.•.••••••••••••••••.••••••••
Eric Canepa, Director
Julie Ruben, General Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator
Jamie McCallum, Exhibits & Ads Coordinator
Kai Krienke, Exhibits & Ads Consultant
Degaulle Adili, Web Manager
Spencer Sunshine, Office Manager
Juanita Webster, Registration Coordinator
Andrew Greenberg. Speaker Liaison
Joshua Howard, Speaker Liaison
Jennifer Kramer, Travel Coordinator
Vicki Larson, Media Consultant
James Trimarco, Program Designer
Carolyn Veith Krienke, Art Director
Organizing Staff:
Renee Barrett
Edgardo Burgos
Heather Gautney
Julie Neuspiel
Lucas Shapiro
Abigail Schoneboom
Polly Sylvia
Joseph Young
Founding Committee:
Leith Mullings
Frances Fox Piven
Julia C. Wrigley
Stanley Aronowitz
Eric Canepa
Nancy Holmstrom
Manning Marable
Board of Advisors:
Gilbert Achcar
Tariq Ali
Robin Blackburn
Barbara Bowen
Rose Brewer
Renate Bridenthal
Michael Brie
Stephen Brier
Stephen Eric Bronner
Paul Buhle
Joseph A Buttigieg
Angela Dillard
Stephen Duncombe
Hester Eisenstein
Barbara Epstein
Deepa Fernandes
Bill Fletcher, Jr.
Harriet Fraad
Josh Freeman
Barbara Garson
Marvin Gettleman
Arun Gupta
Jack Hammond
David Harvey
Gerald Horne
Boris Kagarlitsky
Robin D. G. Kelley
Christine A Kelly
Peter Kwong
Joanne Landy
Jesse Lemisch
Michael Lowy
Mahmood Mamdani
Manning Marable
Randy Martin
Liz Mestres
Susan O'Malley
Leo Panitch
Christian Parenti
Barbara Ransby
Michael Ratner
Jan Rehmann
Gerardo Renique
Rainer Rilling
Colin Robinson
Nan Rubin
Stephen R. Shalom
Stephen Shalom
Michael Steven Smith
Neil Smith
Hobart Spalding
William K. Tabb
Victor Wallis
Ross Weiner
Joseph Wilson
Richard D. Wolff
Kent Worcester
Special Thanks to:
The CUNY Graduate Center's Continuing Education and Public Program, the Doctoral Students Council, the PhD
Program in Sociology, and especially to David Levine and his staff, and to Scott Voorhees, Charles Scott, and Peter
2005 Left Forum
4 The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
to ou r co mr ad e
Bertrand Aubrey
Elinor Barr
Rosalyn Baxandall
Anna Beck
Bob Bender
Karl Bernhard
Joel Blau
Renate Bridenthal
Morton K. Brussel
Carole Campana
Folasade Campbell
Julie Davis Carran
Donald Chankin
Estelle Charles
Harold R. Cohen
Susie Day
John Dudley
Mary Dugan
Morton Frank
Selwyn Freed
Dick Friedrich
Pat Fry
Erna Gold
Frances Goldin
J. Paul Gregory
Lawrence Gross
Bill Hagel
Jack Hammon d
Michele Hehn
Marianne Jackson
Jerry Joffe
Herschel Kaminsky
Jim Kaplan
William Kirsch
Harry Kristy
Irving Kurki
Joanne Landy
Jesse Lemisch
Rendell Mabey
Eli C. Messinger
Susan O'Malley
William Pelz
Jim Perlstein
Fred Pincus
Basil Pollitt
Jacqueline Pope
Peter Ranis
Caroline Rath
Beulah Rudner
Jay Schaffner
Maynard Seider
Eleanor Shatzkin
George Sigal
David Michael Smith
Michael Steven Smith
Ann Snitow
Sandy and Sid Socolar
Hobart Spalding
Joanne Steele
David N. Stern
Gloria Sukenick
Carl Swidorski
Lise Vogel
Victor Wallis
Ira & Louise Wasserb erg
Lois Weiner
James M. Williamso n
Duncan Wright
Sylvia Zisman
M ichael Zweig
And thanks for the generous suppo rt
of the Rosa Luxem burg Foundation, Berlin
2005 Left Forum
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
to the 2005 Left Forum
he 2005 Left Forum brings together intellectuals, in and out of the universities, and activists from labor and
the social movements, to share their perspectives and experiences of the extraordinary crisis of our time. This
conference comes at a time of a stunning Rightist victory in the 2004 United States national elections, but also at
one of the most exciting periods of political activism since the 1960s. We are experiencing the bold, dangerous
and militarist initiatives of the Bush administration in the Middle East; the global effects of Tsunami which has devastated large regions of East Asia; the worldwide right-wing offensive to dismantle the social and cultural gains of the past
century; and the crisis of the labor and social movements which, especially in the United States, seem unable to stem
the tide of reaction.
Yet, millions in the United States and around the world have joined in anti-war and global justice protests; the fight to
prevent the privatization of social security is in high gear and involves diverse political groups; black intellectuals and
activists are engaged in intense discussions about the future of the black freedom movement; and in the face of rapid
and steep decline of membership and influence for the first time in seventy years, unions are openly discussing how to
revive the movement. It is generally a time of defeat for the Left, but there have been victories for progressive forces
in Latin America, regroupment in Europe against the prevailing neo-liberal policies, and the emergence of new secular,
democratic politics in parts of the Arab world, Asia and Africa. Stemming from worldwide protests against corporate
globalization, the World Social Forum and dozens of local and regional forums have brought hundreds of thousands of
people together for discussion and the development of alternatives to capitalist globalization.
This conference is a place of reflection and debate about these questions: how can the Left rise from the ashes of fragmentation and defeat? What is the relationship between electoral activity and direct action in the struggle to preserve
and extend democracy? How to combat the permanent war at home as well as abroad? With the spectre of global
warming and climate destabilization threatening life itself, what are the strategies for reversing the danger? How can we
integrate the struggles for sexual freedom, racial equality and immigrant rights with the battle against capitalist globalization and destruction of workers' gains and organizations?
We urge you to join the dialogue.
Stanley Aronowitz
Eric Canepa
Nancy Holmstrom
Manning Marable
Leith Mullings
Frances Fox Piven
julia C. Wrigley
2005 Left Forum
6 The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
Poor Workers' Unions reminds us that participatory
democracy ... should not
be abandoned in today' s
labor moveme . '
Steve Early, Communications
Workers of America
n the Borde r should be
carefully considered by
all those who care for the
future of the Israeli and
Palestinian peopl . '
Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies, Columbia
2005 Left Foru m
Every single adult human
being on this continent
needs to read Conquest. If
we did, we would all find
inside ourselves the wherewithal to face our history
and alter its cour e.l
Lee Maracle
·Cochabamba! embodies
the spirit of a united people
who would not allow corporate rule to trump demo·
cratic decision-making
Wenonah Hauter; director o
Public Citizen's Water for AI
The U.S•• the World. and the Next Four Years
Opening Plenary
Friday 7:00pm
Proshansky Auditorium
The U.S., the World, and the
Next Four Years
Welcome from Frances Degen Horowitz, President
The Graduate Center of the City University of NewYork
Chair: Stephen Brier, CUNY Graduate Center
Tariq Ali, New Left Review
Robin D. G. Kelley, Columbia University
Frances Fox Piven, CUNY Graduate Center
Barbara Ehrenreich, author, Nickled and Dimed
Saturday 10:00am
Room: Proshansky Auditorium
1. The Western Left and Iraq
Global Left Dialogue
Chair:julia C. Wrigley, CUNY Graduate Center
Tariq Ali, New Left Review
Stephen R. Shalom, William Paterson University
joanne Landy, New Politics
Anthony Arnove, editor, Iraq Under Siege
Room: Elebash Recital Hall
2. The Daniel Singer Essay Prize:
"The Soul of Socialism"
The Daniel Singer Foundation
Chair: Albert Ruben, Daniel Singer Foundation
Andrew Blackman, recipient, 2004 Daniel Singer Prize,
Wall Street journal
Barbara Ehrenreich, author, Nickled and Dimed
Frances Fox Piven, CUNY Graduate Center
Staughton Lynd, Historians Against the War
Room: Concourse 201-202
3. Just Around the Corner: The Paradox of the Jobless Recovery - Author
Meets Critics
Global Left Dialogue
Stanley Aronowitz, CUNY Graduate Center
Bill Difazio, St. John's University
Richard D. Wolff, UMass Amherst
Room: Segal Theater
4. New Strategies for RebuUding Power in the Labor Movement
Working USA
Chair: Immanuel Ness, Working USA
Saru Jayaraman, HERE Workers Center
Bhairavi Desai, New York Taxi Workers Alliance
Aijen Poo, New York City Domestic Workers United
Benjamin Day, Cornell University
Room: 9204 - 9205
5. The Digital Commons as a
Public Good
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin
Chair: Nancy Holmstrom, Rutgers University
Sabine Nuss, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin
Christoph Engemann, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin
Stephen Brier, CUNY Graduate Center
2005 Left Forum
8 The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
....- .....,._.
- --
Pox Americana.: Exposing
the American Empire
by john Bellamy Foster and
Robert W. McChesney, ed.s.
The Fiction of a T hinkable
Wor1d: Body, Meaning and
the Culture ofCa.pitali5m
by Michael Steinberg
Toward an Open
Tomb: The Crisis
of hradi Society
by Michd Warschawski
China a.nd Socialism:
Market Refonns and
Q.., Struggle by Martin
Harr· landsbc:rg
and Paul Burkert
u.. RoM
T he LiberA.! Virus:
Permanent War and
the Americanization
of the World
by Samir Amin
The Rosa
Luxemburg Reader
cdjced by Peter Hudis
and Kevin B. Anderson
The Empire Reloaded:
Socialist Register 2005
by Leo Panitch and Colin
Lcys. ed.s.
The Problem
of lhc Media; U.S.
Communic ation
The Socialist Feminist
Project: A Contemporary
Windows on the
Workplace: Computers ,
Reader in Theory and
Politics in the lht
Century by Robert W.
Politics by Nancy
Holmstrom, cd.
jobs, and the
Organizati on
of OfficeWorlc
by Joan Greenbaum
Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination
A new journ al of critical inqui ry and strate gic reflectio
Publi shed twice a year by the Cente r for the
Study of Cultu re, Technology and Work
of the CUNY Grad uate Center
Subs cripti on are $18 per year for indiv iduals and
$40 for instit utions.
Room 6115
CUNY Grad uate Cente r
365 5th A venu e
New York, NY 10016-4309
(212) 817-2002
www .radic alima ginat ion.co m
Visi t our table at the Left Foru m
2005 Left Forum
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
Room: Concourse 197
6. The Future of the Social Forum
Movement in the US
Saturday 12:00pm
NYC Social Forum
Room: Proshansky Auditorium
Chair: Michael Menser, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Victor Rosado, Social Justice Alliance
Premila Dixit, Women's International League for Peace
Global Left. Dialogue
and Freedom
Suren Moodliar, North Atlantic Alliance for Fair
Room: Sociology Lounge, rm. 61 12
7. Fighting for Health Under Neoliberalism in South Korea and Venezuela
11. Crisis of the Labor Movement
Chair: joseph Wilson, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Steve Early, Communication Workers of America
Stanley Aronowitz, CUNY Graduate Center
Bill Fletcher, Jr., TransAfrica Forum
Faryce Moore, SSEU, AFSCME Local 371
Marsha Niemeijer, Labor Notes
Room: Elebash Recital Hall
Global Left. Dialogue
12. The Left and Ecology
Chair: Carles Muntaner, University of Toronto
Francisco Armada, Ministry of Health and Social
Chair: Barbara Epstein, University of California,
Development, Venezuela
Capitalism, Nature and Socialism
Santa Cruz
Haejoo Chung, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Mia Son, Kangwon National University, South Korea
Juhwan Oh, Seoul National University
Joel Kovel, Bard College
Frieder Otto Wolf, "Sustainable Strategy" Freie
Universitat- Berlin
Ynestra King, co-editor, Dangerous Intersections
John Bellamy Foster, Monthly Review
Room: Student Lounge, rm. 5414
8. Ecological Disasters: The Case of
Council on International & Public Affairs
Chair:Ward Morehouse, Council on International and
Room: Concourse 203 - 204
13. Iraq, Imperialism, and
Social Text
Public Affairs
Ryan Boldanyi, International Campaign for Justice in
Carolyn Oppenheim, Public Purpose Communications
Rajan Sharma, lead counsel, class action against
Union Carbide
Chair: Randy Martin, New York University
Ashley Dawson, CUNY Graduate Center
Patrick Deer, New York University
Jasbir Puar, Rutgers University
Josefina Saldana, Rutgers University
llan Ziv, producer, Litigating Disaster
Room: Concourse 20 I - 202
Room: Concourse 198
14. The Enlightenment
9. Racism and the Politics of Oil
Alliance of Radical Academic! Intellectual
Chair: Barbara Foley, Science & Society
Chair: Gregory Zucker, Logos
Stephen Eric Bronner, Rutgers University
Frank Kirkland, Hunter College, CUNY
Tom DeZengotita, author, Mediated
Diana judd, Borough of Manhattan Community
Tony O'Brien, Queens College, PSC-CUNY
Jack Hammond, CUNY Graduate Center
Kanishka Choudhury, St. Thomas University,
College, CUNY
George Caffentzis, University of Southern Maine
Room: Concourse 205
Room: Anthropology Lounge, rm. 6402
15. Social Insanity, Family Transformation, and Personal Neurosis
10. Dialectical Perspectives on Developing an Alternative to Capitalism
News & Letters Committees
Chair: Andrew Kliman, New SPACE
Peter Hudis, News & Letters Committees
Anne Pomeroy, Stockton College
Sam Friedman
Seth G. Weiss, May Day Books & lnfoshop
Global Left. Dialogue
Chair: Harriet Fraad, psychoanalyst and
Richard Lichtman, The Wright Institute
joel Kovel, Bard College
2005 Left Forum
1QThe U.S.• the World, and the Next Four Years
rne ll Universi
College of Co
Oli ver Fein, We ill Medical
Yor k Health Ca re for
Ma rk Hannay, Me tro Ne w
Room: 920 4 - 9205
De mo cr ac y
16 . Po stm od er nis m an d
Global Left Dialogue
duate Ce nte r
All Campaign
Saturday 2:00pm
Ch air : Pa tric ia T. Clough,
Mic hae l Denning, Yale
l Seminary
Jan Re hm ann , Un ion
Ga yat ri Spivak,
Da vid Rucci
Mic ha el Ha rdt , Duke Univer
Room: Proshansky Aud itor
21 . Ha rd Qu es tio ns fo r th
Pe ac e Mo ve me nt
Global Left Dialogue
Room: Concourse 198
in Tr an sit io n
17 . Af te r 19 89 : Ma rx ism
Global Left Dialogue
Ch air :TB A
College, CU NY
Be ne de tto Fontana, Baruch
of Massachusetts, Am her st
Richard D. Wo lff, University
Ma ry Boger, Brecht Forum
Room: Segal The ate r
ve rn me nt :
18 . Th e Le ft in Local Go
Tu sc an y, Br az il, Ge rm an
an d Ne w Yo rk St at
Global Left Dialogue
ng De mo cra tic Soc
Ch air : Lucas Shapiro, You
of N ew Paltz
Jason We st, Ma yor, Village
ntal Spokesperson, Cit y
Me rce des Frias, Environme
Council of Empoli (Tuscany)
Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin
Cornelia Hildebrandt, Rosa
res (W ork ers ' Party), Brazil
TB A, Partido dos Trabalhado
Room: Student Lounge, rm.
19 . Th e Di ale cti c of Po ve
Global Left Dialogue
hor, Alas, Poor Darwin
Ch air : Hil ary Rose, co-aut
a University
Ca rol yn Eisenberg, Ho fstr
rs League
Fri da Berrigan, Wa r Resiste
Vin cen zo Striano, ARCI-Tos
Room: Elebash Recital Hall
23 . Me di a in th e Co nt ex
of Gl ob ali za tio n
Global Left Dialogue
Luciana Ca ste llin a, II Manife
Sc ott Forsyth,
tice Fund
An twu an Wa lla
ymedia Center, Clamor
Josh Bre itb art , Michigan lnd
Room: Concourse 203 -204
pa tio n an d
24 . Pa les tin e: Th e Oc cu
th e Ch all en ge s Ah ea d
Global Left Dialogue
Ch air :TB A
rsit y
Aseel Sawalha , Pace Unive
of Paris VIII
Gil be rt Ac
rna tive Info rma tion
Michel Warschawski, Alte
Center, Jerusalem
d College
Bashir Ab u-M ann eh, Barnar
Ch air : Bill Dif azi o, St. Joh
Ch arn eyV . Bro mb
Rod Bush, St. John's Universit
s Co unt y
David van Ars dal e, Tompkin
Ro om : Concourse 20 I - 203
Co mm uni ty Col
e Pa st,
lege, CU NY
25 . Hi st or y Ma tte rs : Th
Me lan ie Bush, Brooklyn Col
ry , an d Resistan
Olu fun ke Ok om e, Brookl
Me mo
Global Left Dialogue
Mo hu aol u
Room: Concourse 197
20 . Fascism Th en an d No
Science & Society
nce & Society
Ch air : Ba rba ra Foley, Scie
Carolina State University
G~gory Meyerson,
olina State Un iversity
Mic hae l Ro ber to, No rth Car
rna tive Info rma tion Center:
Mic hel Warschawski, Alte
dy, rm. 5409
Ro om : Do cto ral Student Stu
l He alt h Ca re
21 . Fig ht ing fo r Na tio na
me nt
in a Ri gh t-W in g En vir on
Physicians for a National He
Old We stb ury
Ch air : Ma rth a Livingston,
e, CU NY
Le n Rodberg, Queen
s College, CU NY
Ma rci a Bayne-Sm
Columbia Un ive rsit
Ch air : Manning Ma rab le,
Scholars & Activists C.
Lau ren Langman, Mid we st
mton University
Tif fan y Patterson, Bingha
Russel Rickford, Co lum bia
College, CU NY
Renate Bri den tha l , Bro okl
Room: 9204 - 9205
th e
26 . W ha t's Ha pp en ing in
US Economy?
Global Left Dialogue
ng De mo cra tic Social
Ch air : Nic ole Shippen, You
Minnesota, Tw in Cit ie
Rose Bre we r, University of
y of Massachusetts, Ar
Richard D. Wo lff, Universit
lege, CU NY
Wi llia m K. Tabb, Queens Col
2005 Le ft Fo rum
Pu bl
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
Room: Segal Theater
Room: Concourse 205
27. Anarchism and the Left: New
Dialogues on Power and
Social Change
30. Capitalism and Collapse: A Symposium on Jared Diamond's New Book
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: Eddie Yuen, editor, Confronting Capitalism
Andrej Grubacic, ZNet
Chris Dixon, University of California, Santa Cruz
Cindy Milstein, Institute for Anarchist Studies
Bill Fletcher,jr.. TransAfrica Forum
Stephen Duncombe, New York University
Room: Concourse I 97
28. Refocusing Marxism on Class,
Surplus, & Exploitation
AESA/ Rethinking Marxism
Chair: Stephen Resnick, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
Stephen Cullenberg, University of California, Riverside
Ceren Ozsel~uk, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Room: Doctoral Student Study, rm. 5409
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: Richard Smith, writer
Neil Smith, Center for Place, Culture & Politics, CUNY
Room: Concourse 198
31. The Politics of the Neoliberal
Working Group on Globalization and Culture,
Yale University
Chair: Michael Denning, Yale University
Amanda Ciafone, Yale University
Daniel Gilbert, Yale University
Sumanth Gopinath, University of Minnesota
Myra jones-Taylor, Yale University
Nazima Kadir, Yale University
Christina Moon, Yale University
A. Naomi Paik, Yale University
Room: Student Lounge, rm. 5414
29. The Challenge of the Rightist
Values Agenda to Secular and
Religious Socialists
32. Gendered Aspects of US Empire
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: Hester Eisenstein, Queens College and CUNY
Religion and Socialism Commission, DSA
Graduate Center
Martha Gimenez, University of Colorado--Boulder
Johanna Brenner, Portland State University
Chair: Roderick Ryon, Religion and Socialism
Commission, DSA
Esther Kaplan, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice
Stephen Hart, SUNY Buffalo
Norman Faramelli, Boston University School of
Scie nce & Soci ety
A Journal of Marxist Thought and Analysis
ow in Volume 69, an essential source for rigorous, documented, non-sectarian research and
iscussion in the Marxist tradition. Forthcoming Special Issues: The Deep Structure of the
resent Moment; World Communist Biography Project; New Directions in Historical Mate. alism. Continuing discussion of capitalist globalization; Eurocentrism, Sinocentrism and
orld history; envisioning socialism; etc.
s..u.bs.: Guilford Press, 72 Spring Street, NY 10012/1 800 365-7006/ guilford.com
Editorial: Science & Society, 445 W. 59th St., NY 10019/212 246-4932
scienceandsoci ety.com
2005 Left Forum
12 The U.S.• the World, and the Next Four Years
Saturday 4:00pm
Room: Proshansky Auditor ium
33. Build ing Allian ces: Partie s, Move ment s, Left Strate gies
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, Brecht Forum
Chair: Stephen Brier, CUNY Graduate Center
Michael Brie, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin
Luciana Castellina, II Manifesto
Stanley Aronow itz, CUNY Graduate Center
Bill Fletcher,Jr., TransAfrica Forum
Fran~ois Houta rt, Centre Tricontinental, Louvain
Vincenzo Striano, ARCI-Toscana
38. Roun dtable : the Globa l
justic e Move ment
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: Manning Marable, Columb ia University
Keesha Middlemass, University of Kansas
Lauren t Alfred, Columbia University
Angel Asale Ajani, New York Univers ity
Adolphus G. Belk Jr., Winthro p University
Chair: Fred Rosen, NACLA
Maria Helena Moreir a Alves, Viva Rio, Brazil
Steve Ellner, Duke University
Margar ita Lopez Maya, Columb ia University
Room: 9204 - 9205
36. Repre ssion and Resistance in Higher Educa tion: Acad emic Freed om,
Corpo ratiza tion and Organ izing
New Political Science
Chair: Christi ne A . Kelly, William Paterson University
Preston Smith, Mt. Holyoke College, Free
Faculty Senate
World Go Around
Marina Sitrin, New York University
Fran~ois Houtar t, Centre T ricontinental, Louvain
Michael Brie, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin
Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange
Eddie Yuen, editor, Confronting Capitalism
Thoma s Ponniah, Networ k Institute for
Room: Proshansky Auditor ium
35. Neoll beral ism: Brazi l, Venez uela,
and Latin Amer ican Strate gies
of Resistance
Socialism and Democracy
Susan O'Malle y, Radical Teacher, Chair, CUNY
Chair: Barbar a Garson, author, Money Makes the
Global Democratization
Room: Concourse 203 - 204
Yale University
Chair: Magali Sarfatt i Larson , Temple University
Max Fraad Wolff, University of Massachusetts, Amhe
Piruz Alemi, economist
Doug Henwo od, Left Business Observer
Room: Elebash Recital Hall
34. Race- ing justic e: Black Resistance
and the Politic s of Mass Incar cerat ion
Global Left Dialogue
Higher Education
37. Debt or Famil ies - Debto r Natio n
Global Left Dialogue
Sunday 10:00am
Room: Elebash Recital Hall
Ellen Schrecker, Yeshiva University
David Schultz, Hamline University
Melissa Mason, Graduate Student Organizer,
Room: Student Lounge, rm. 5414
39. Imper ial Contr adicti ons at Home
&: Abroa d: Empi re Reloa ded or
Overl oaded ?
Socialist Register
Chair: Leo Panitch, York University
David Harvey , CUNY Graduate Center
Sam Gindin, Socialist Register
Frances Fox Piven, CUNY Graduate Center
William K.Tabb, Queens College, CUNY
Room: Concourse 20 I - 202
40. The Legacy of Bandung: Rebu ildir
a Third World Politics of Resis tance
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: Manning Marable, Columbia Univers ity
Rabab Abdulhadi, Univers ity of Michigan at Dearbo n
Michael West, Binghamton University
Gary Okihiro , Columb ia University
Room: Concourse 203 - 204
41. The Politi cal Impa ct of
Digita l Technologies
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: Abigail Schoenboom, CUNY Graduate Cen1
Steve Pierce, New Media Alliance
Christoph Engemann, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Anthon y Riddle, Alliance for Commu nity Media
2005 Left Forum
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
Room: Segal Theater
42. The Crisis of Americ an Educat ion
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: Julia C. Wrigley, CUNY Graduate Center
Jean Anyon, CUNY Graduate Center
Michelle Fine, CUNY Graduate Center
Patricia Kruger, CUNY Graduate Center
Gregory Anderson , Columbia University
Lois Weiner, New Jersey City University
Room: Concourse 198
43. The Marxis t Theory of Class and
Its Importa nce for Today
Global Left Dialogue
Chair:TB A
Bertell Oilman, New York Unversity
Michael Zweig, SUNY Stony Brook
David McNally, York University
Sun day 12:00pm
Room: Proshansky Auditorium
45. After the 2004 Election s:
Progres sive Respon ses
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: jessica Shearer, Young Democratic Socialists
Joel Rogers, University of Wisconsin , Madison
Joanne Landy, New Politics
Dan Cantor, Working Families Party
Joe Trippi, Trippi & Associates
Bill Resnick, Portland Alliance
Councilm an Bill Perkins, NY City Council
Room: Elebash Recital Hall
46. Whithe r the Middle East?: Iraq,
Lebano n and the Region al Reshuf fle
Global Left Dialogue
Room: Concourse 205
44. The Left and the Rich: Income
Inequa lity and Democ racy
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: Sam Pizzigati, author, Greed and Good
Meizhu Lui, United for a Fair Economy
Ross Zucker, author, Democratic Distributive justice
Chair:W adood Hamad, physicist and writer
Gilbert Achcar, University of Paris VI II
Irene Gendzier , Boston University
Christian Parenti, CUNY Graduate Center
Fawwaz Trabulsi, American University, Beirut
Sat urda y 7:00
The New Imperialism: Strategy,
Stru ctur e, and Ideology
Mode rator: Franc es Fox Piven,
CUNY Gradu ate Cente r
Tariq Ali, New Left Review
Ellen Meiksins Wood , author , Empire of Capital
Robe rt Brenn er, UC Los Angeles
The Grand Ballroom
The Puck Building,
295 Lafayette Street
(at the corner of Houston and Lafayette)
2005 Left Forum
14 The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
Mar tha Gim enez , University of Colo rado - Bould
Rich ard Gold stein ,
Pam ela Brid gew ater, American University,
Room: Concourse 205
47. Soc ial Sec urit y "Cr isis ": Rol ling
Bac k the New Dea l
Dollars & Sense
Washington, DC
Cha ir:A my Gluc kma n, Dollars & Sense
Ellen Fran k, Poverty Institute
Dou g Hen woo d, Left Business Observer
Trud y Gold berg , Adelphi University
Chri s Rude , York University
Su nd ay 2: 00 pm
Room: Proshansky Audi toriu m
48. Res ista nce in the Mil itar y
Sl. Insu rge ncy and the Lim its of US
Imp eria l Rea ch
Global Left Dialogue
Chai r: Barb ara Gars on, author, Money Makes the
Ame rica
Room: Concourse 203 - 204
Cha ir: Eliya nna Kais er, Democratic Socialists of
Global Left Dialogue
World Go Around
Tod Ensign, Citizen Soldier
Alex Ryabov, Iraq Veterans Against the War
Vict or Pare des, broth er of Pablo Paredes
Kim Rosa rio, moth er of a G.I. currently serving in
Gilb ert Ach car, University of Paris VIII
Leo Pani tch, York University
Pete r Gow an, University of Nort h London
Caro lyn Eise nber g, Hofs tra University
Room: Concourse 20 I - 202
54. The Fra me -up of Lyn ne Ste war t:
The Em erg ing Pol ice Sta te
49. Clas s or Mu ltitu de
Global Left Dialogue
Room: Elebash Recital Hall
National Lawyers Guild
Co-Spons.or: Center for Constitutional Rights
Cha ir: Rain er Rilling, Rosa Luxemburg
Cha1r: M1chael Stev en Smit h, National Lawyers
Lynn e Stew art, Attor ney
Adb een jaba ra, New York Civil Liberties Unio n
Mich ael Aver y, National Lawyers Guild
Dali a Hash ad, American Civil Liberties Unio n
john Gera ssi, Queens College
Foundation, Berlin
e of Capital
El~en Meik sins Woo d, author, Empir
Stan ley Aron owit z, CUN Y Graduate Cent er
Michael Albe rt, Z Magazine
Room: Concourse 198
50. We Go t Nex t: You th Act ivis m
in Har lem
Room : Concourse 203 - 204
Global Left Dialogue
Cha ir: Mich ael Tyne r
Que Aleq uin, Upto wn for Peace and Justice
Jean ette Cace res, Upto wn for Peace and Justice
Alcy Mon tas, Upto wn for Peace and Justice
Este van Nem bhar d, Upto wn for Peace and Justic
Room : Segal Theater
51. Eur o-lm per ialis ml
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin
Chai r:TB A
Frie der Otto Wolf, "Sustainable Strategy" - Freie
Universitat, Berlin
55. Edu cato rs to Sto p the Wa r:
Mo ving For war d
Educators to Stop the War
Chai r: Nan cy Rom er, USLAW, PSC-CUNY
(AFT Local 2334)
joan Beck erma n, Clara Barton High School
Lusm aia Dlaz, Beacon High School student
jack ie DiSalvo, Baruch College, CUN Y
To":' Roderi~k , Educators for Social Responsibility
Justm o Rodr~guez, Campus Action Netw ork, "CUN
Michael Zwe ig, USLAW, UUP -SUN Y (AFT Loca
Room: Concourse 20 I - 202
56. Chi na and the Wo rld
Vict oria de Graz ia, Columbia University
Tobi as Pflug er, European Parliament
Diet er Pleh we, Yale University
Phili p G. Cern y, Rutgers University at New ark
Global Left Dialogue
Room : Concourse 197
Room : Segal Thea ter
Chai r: Rich ard Smit h, write r
Saty a Gabr iel, Mou nt Holyoke College
And rew Ross, New York University
52. Sex , Gen der and Pol itics Tod ay
Global Left Dialogue
Chai r: Nanc y Holm strom , Rutgers University
Ellen Will is, New York University
57. Fre edo m Dre am ln':
Ima gini ng Soc ialis m
Global Left Dialogue
2005 Left Foru m
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
Chair: Manning Marable, Columbia University
Robin D. G. Kelley, Columbia University
Sam Webb, Communist Party USA
Michael Albert, Z Magazine
Room: Concourse 198
58. Youth Organizi ng and
Politics in the US
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: Malav Kanuga
CrystaiYak acki, United Students Against Sweatshops
Jonathan Wilson, Critical Resistance
Steve Theberge, War Resisters League
Room: Concourse 197
59. Why America ns Fall for
Ownersh ip Society
Global Left Dialogue
Chair: Maria Svart, Young Democratic Socialists
Aaron Brenner, Rank & File Enterprises
Ellen Willis, New York University
Graham Cassano, Union of Radical Political Economics
Chris Rude, URPE and New School University
Closing Plenary,
Sunday 4:00pm
Proshansky Auditori um
The Future of the Left
Chair: Leith Mullings, CUNY Graduate Center
Bill Fletcher, Jr., TransAfrica Forum
Bogdan Denitch, Transition to Democracy
Ralph Nader, Nader Campaign
Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange
Ron Daniels, Center for Consitutional Right
2005 Left Forum
16 The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
Speakers Index by Page Number
Abdulhadi, Rabab 12
Abu-Manneh, Bashir I o
Achcar, Gilbert 10. 13, 14
Ajani, Angel Asale 12
Albert, Michael 14, IS
Alemi, Piruz 12
Alequin, Que 14
Alfred, Laurent 12
Ali, Tariq 7, 13
Alves. Maria Helena
Moreir a 12
Anders on, Gregor y 13
Anyon, jean 13
Armad a, Francisco 9
Arnove , Anthon y 7
Aronow itz, Stanley 9, 12, 14
Arsdale, David van 1o
Avery, Michael 14
Chung, Haejoo 9
Ciafone , Amand a 11
Clough, Patricia T. 10
Cullenberg, Stephen II
Dawson, Ashley 9
Day, Benjamin 7
Deer, Patrick 9
Denitch , Bogdan IS
Denning, Michael 1o, 11
Desai, Bhairavi 7
DeZen gotita, Tom 9
Dfaz, Lusmaia 14
DiFazio, Bill 7, 10
DiSalvo , jackie 14
Dixit, Premilla 9
Dixon, Chris 11
Duncom be, Stephen II
Bayne-Smith, Marcia 10
Beckerman, joan 14
Belk, Adolph us G. Jr. 12
Benjamin, Medea 12
Berrigan, Frida 1o
Blackman, Andrew 7
Boger, Mary 10
Boldanyi, Ryan 9
Breitbart, josh 1o
Brenner, Aaron IS
Brenner, johanna 1 I
Brenner, Robert 13
Brewer, Rose 1o
Bridenthal, Renate 10
Bridgewater, Pamela 14
Brie, Michael 12
Brier, Stephen 7, 12
Bromberg, Charney V. 10
Bronner, Stephen Eric 9
Bush, Melanie 1o
Bush, Rod 10
Early, Steve 9
Ehrenreich, Barbara 7
Eisenberg, Carolyn 10, 14
Eisenstein, Hester 1I
Ellner, Steve 12
Engemann, Christo ph 7, 12
Ensign, Tod 14
Epstein, Barbara 9, 11
Euro-lmperialism? 14
Caceres, jeanett e 14
Caffentzis, George 9
Canto r, Dan 13
Cassano, Graham IS
Castell ina, Luciana 1o. 12
Cerny, Philip G. 14
Choudhury, Kanishka 9
Gimenez, Martha 14
Giminez, Martha 11
Gindin, Sam 12
Gluckman, Amy 14
Goldbe rg, Trudy 14
Goldstein, Richard 14
Gopinath, Sumanth II
Gowan , Peter 14
Grazia, Victoria de 14
Grubacic, Andrej 11
Hamad, Wadoo d 13
Hammo nd, jack 9
Hannay, Mark 1o
Hardt, Michael 10, 14
Hart, Stephen I I
Harvey, David 12
Hashad, Dalia 14
Henwo od, Doug 12, 14
Hildebr andt, Cornel ia 10
Holmst rom, Nancy 7, 14
Houtar t, Fran<;ois 12
Hudis, Peter 9
jabara, Adbeen 14
j ayaraman, Saru 7
j ones-Taylor, Myra II
Judd, D iana 9
Faramelli, Norma n II
Fein, Oliver 1o
Fine, Michelle 13
Fletcher Jr., Bill 9, II, 12, I S
Foley, Barbara 9, 10
Forsyth, Scott 10
Foster, John Bellamy 9
Fraad, Harriet 9
Frank, Ellen 14
Frias, Mercedes 10
Friedman, Sam 9
Kadir, Nazima II
Kaiser, Eliyanna 14
Kanuga, Malav IS
Kaplan, Esther 11
Kelley, Robin D. G. 7, I S
Kelly, Christine A 12
King, Ynestra 9
Kirkland, Frank 9
Klare, Michael 12
Kliman, Andrew 9
Kovel, Joel 9
Kruger, Patricia 13
Gabriel, Satya 14
Garson, Barbara 12, 14
Gendzier, Irene 13
Gerassi, john 14
Gilbert , Daniel 11
Landy, Joanne 7, 13
Langman, Lauren 10
Larson , Magali Sarfatti 12
Lichtman, Richard 9
2005 Left Forum
Livingston, Martha 10
Lui, Meizhu 13
Lynd, Staughton 7
Marable, Manning 1o, 12, IS
Martin, Randy 9
Mason, Melissa 12
Maya. Margarita Lopez 12
McNally, David 13
Menser, Michael 9
Meyerson, Gregor y 10
Middlemass, Keensha 12
Milstein, Cindy 11
Montas, Alcy 14
Moodliar, Suren 9
Moon, Christina 1I
Moore, Faryce 9
Morehouse, Ward 9
Mullings, Leith IS
Muntaner, Caries 9
Nader, Ralph IS
Nembh ard, Estevan 14
Ness, Immanuel 7
N iemeijer, Marsha 9
Nuss, Sabine 7
O'Brien , Tony 9
O'Malley, Susan 12
Oh, juhwan 9
Okihiro , Gary 12
Okome , Mohuaolu Olufunke 10
Oilman , Bertell 13
Oppenheim, Caroly n 9
Ozsel<;u k, Ceren I I
Paik, A Naomi I I
Panitch, Leo 12, 14
Paredes , Victor 14
Parenti , Christian 13
Patterson, Tiffany I 0
Perkins, Bill 13
Pfluger, Tobias 14
Pierce, Steve 12
Piven, Frances Fox 7, 12, I;
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
Pizzigati, Sam 13
Plehwe, Dieter 14
Pomeroy, Anne 9
Ponniah, Thomas 12
Poo, Aijen 7
Puar, Jasbir 9
Rehmann, Jan 10
Resnick, Bill 13
Resnick. Stephen II
Rickford, Russel 10
Riddle, Anthony 12
Rilling, Rainer 14
Roberto, Michael 10
Rod berg, Len 1o
Roderick, Tom 14
Rodriguez, Justino 14
Rogers, Joel 13
Romer, Nancy 14
Rosado, Victor 9
Rosario, Kim 14
Rose, Hilary 10
Rosen, Fred 12
Ross, Andrew 14
Ruccio, David 10
Rude, Chris 14, Is
Ryabov, Alex 14
Ryon, Roderick II
Saldana, Josefina 9
Sawalha, Aseel 10
Schoenboom, Abigail 12
Schrecker, Ellen 12
Schultz, David 12
Shalom, Stephen R. 7
Shapiro, Lucas 10
Sharma, Rajan 9
Shearer, Jessica 13
Shippen, Nicole 10
Sitrin, Marina 12
Smith, Michael Steven 14
Smith, Neil I I
Smith, Preston 12
Smith, Richard II , 14
Son, Mia 9
Spivak, Gayatri 10
Stewart, Lynne 14
Striano, Vincenzo 10, 12
Svart, Maria 1s
Wallace, Antwuan 1o
Warshaws ki, Michel 10
Webb, Sam IS
Weiner, Lois 13
Weiss, Seth G. 9
West, Jason 10
West, Michael 12
Willis, Ellen 14, IS
W ilson, Jonathan 1S
Wilson, Joseph 9
Wolf, Frieder Otto 9, 14
Wolff, Max Fraad 12
Wolff, Richard D. 7, 10
Wood, Ellen Meiksins 13, 14
Wrigley, Julia C. 7. 13
Yakacki, Crystal 1S
Yuen, Eddie 12
Tabb, William K. 10. 12
Theberge, Steve 1s
Trabulsi, Fawwaz 13
Trippi, Joe 13
Tyner, Michael 14
Ziv, llan 9
Zucker, Gregory 9
Zweig, Michael 13
The Daniel Singer Lecture
Andrew Blackman , winner of the 2004 Daniel Singer Prize for his essay "The Soul of Socialism ,"
de liver a lecture based on the essay, on Saturday April16 at 10 AM. He will be joined on the panel
by Barbara Ehrenreic h, Frances Fox Piven, and Staughto n Lynd. Moderato r: Albert Ruben
The 2005 Daniel Singer Prize ($5,000) will be awarded for an original essay of not more than 5000
words which explores the questions: In the struggle for socialism , what should be done to attain
sustain equality and justice ? What should we mean by equality and justice ?
Essays may be in any language and will be judged by an internatio nal panel of distinguis hed scholars
and activists. The winner will be announce d in Decembe r 2005.
Submissi ons should be made not later than August 31,2005 to:
Daniel Singer Millennium Prize Foundation
P.O. Box 334, Sherman, CT 06784 USA
2005 Left Forum
18 The U.S.• the World, and the Next Four Years
Bashir Abu-Manneh teaches English at Barnard College. H e is the
author of "Palestine Revealed: T he Liberation Cinema of Michel Khleifi"
in Dreams of a Nation: On Palestinian Cinema, edited by Hamid Dabashi
Gilbert Achcar teaches political science at the University of Paris-VIII
and is currently working on a research fellowship in sociology at the
Marc Bloch Center in Berlin. He is a frequent contributor to various
publications. including Le Monde Diplomatique, Monthly Review and ZNet.
His most recent books published in English are The Clash of Barbarisms:
September II and the Making of the New World Disorder (2002) and
Eastern Cauldron: Islam, Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq in a Marxist Mirror
has just been published by Routledge.
Francisco Armada is a Venezuelan physician and health care admin,
istrator with a Public Health degree from the Johns Hopkins School of
Public Health. Dr. A rmada is currently working at the Ministerio de Sanidad y Desarrollo Social, in Caracas, Venezuela. As a participant in the
Bolivarian process. he has also conducted research on the health effec4
of nee-liberalism in Latin America with Caries Muntaner and Vicent~
Navarro. His analysis of nee-liberalism in Latin America, The Visib/
Hand of the Market, was recently published in Arachu Castro and Mer
rill Singer's volume Unhealthy Health Policies (Aitamira 2004).
(2004), both from Monthly Review Press, New York.
Anthony Arnove is the editor, with Howard Zinn, of Voices a( a Pea;
Michael Albert works full time on ZNet, the Z Magazine hosted web
pte's History of the United States (Seven Stories). H e is also editor of lra1
Under Siege: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War (South End) an~
Terrorism and War (Seven Stories). An activist based in Brooklyn, he il
site. He helped found and worked on South End Press and Z Magazine
in the past. He has written numerous books and articles, and regularly
speaks publicly on movement matters. He co-authored the economic
vision called Participatory Economics with Robin Hahne!, and his most recent book, Parecon: U(e After Capitalism, just published by Verso Books,
is about that vision.
a member of the International Socialist Organization and the Nation~
Writers Union, and writes regularly for ZNet. He is on the editori~
board of Haymarket Books and International Socialist Review.
Piruz Alemi received his PhD in Political Economy from New School
ban Education at the CUNY Graduate Center, and author and editor ol
over 20 books. He was the Green Party's New York State gubernatori~
candidate in 2002. His latest books are How Class Works (Yale 2003) anc
for Social Research and his MS in Comparative Economic Systems from
University of Wisconsin, Madison. Dr. Alemi worked for 7 years in the
Risk Management, International Operations, Enterprise Development
and Finance divisions of American Express. Currently Dr. Alemi conducts seminars on Marx at the Brecht Forum in New York, teaches labor economics at SUNY- Empire State, and will teach a short course on
Marx at City College, CU NY.
Que Alequin is youth activist and organizer for the Young Communist League. She also works with Harlem youth at BrotherhoodSisterSol, a grassroots organization. She is a member of Uptown for
Peace and Justice.
Tariq Ali was born and educated in Pakistan and later at Oxford University. He is a writer, playwright and film-maker, editor of New Left
Review, and author of over a dozen books on politics and world history.
His most recent is Bush in Babylon: Reco/onising Iraq (Verso, 2003). Ali has
authored three novels as part o f a planned quartet of historical novels
depicting the confrontation between Islamic and Christian civilizations.
They are Shadows of the Pomegranate Trees, The Book of Saladin, and The
Stone Woman (Verso).
Maria Helena Moreira Alves is currently Coordinator of Institutional Relations for the grassroots organization Viva Rio, and works to
develop and implement social projects in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.
She was active in the founding of Brazil's Worker's Party, the Partido dos
T rabalhadores (PT), and was a member of the government of D iadema,
the first city government of the PT in Brazil. She has been an advisor to
the PT since its founding.
Gregory M.Anderson is Assistant Professor in the Programs in H igher and Postsecondary Education and Associate Director of the Center for African Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. He
earned a PhD in sociology from CUNY Graduate Center. Anderson's
research interests include issues of race, equity, access, compensatory
reform and higher education policy from a comparative perspective
(with emphasis on South Africa and the United States).
Jean Anyon is Professor of Education Policy at the CUNY Graduate
Center's Doctoral Program in Urban Education. Her latest book, Radical Possibilities: Public Policy, Urban Education, and a New Social Movement,
Stanley Aronowitz is Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Ul)
just Around the Corner: The Paradox of jobless Recovery (Temple 2005
He is the Managing Editor of a new journal, Situations: A Project of Radl
Michael Avery is an Associate Professor of Law at Suffolk Law Schoa
in Boston and is the President of the National Lawyers Guild. H e has
been active in the Lawyers Guild since he began practicing law in 1970
He practiced as a civil rights lawyer and criminal defense attorney befo~
joining the Suffolk faculty in 1998. He is a co-author of Police Misconduct
Law and Utigation , a leading treatise on civil rights law, a co-author of the
Handbook of Massachusetts Evidence, the leading treatise on that subject, and has authored several law review articles on police misconduc~
Professor Avery frequently lectures across the country on civil righu
and civil liberties issues and is considered one of the leading civil right!
litigators in the United States. He graduated from Yale College in 1961
and Yale Law School in 1970.
Marcia Bayne-Smith formerly taught in the Department of Heald
and Physical Education and recently moved to the Urban Studie
D epartment at Queens College. Her research and publications del
with issues of teen pregnancy and immigrant health. She serves as Chal
of the Caribbean Women's Health Association and is a member of 1
number of city-wide committees on minority health issues. Bayne-Smid
teaches courses on Women and Health, Community Organizations, ani
Introduction to Public Policy.
Joan Beckerman has been a classroom teacher in New York Ciq
for over twenty years, and has organized struggles against the m ilitar'j
war and racism in Brooklyn high schools. She is a member of the UF1
and Prospect-Lefferts Voices for Peace, and coaches the Clara Bartol
Debate Team. She has organized anti-war teach-ins and actions i
Brooklyn, including a school-wide debate on the right of soldiers to re
sist. Joan has published a labor studies guide for social studies teachers
and has a MAin Political Science from Brooklyn Col lege.
Medea Benjamin has struggled for social justice in Asia, the Amen
cas, and Afr ica for over 20 years. She is Founding Director of Globi
Exchange. She has led a delegation of 9/ II families to Afghanistan aftEI
the invasion to highlight civilian casualties, and has traveled to Iraq tC
organize the Occupation Watch International Center in Baghdad. Shl
2005 Left Forum
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
helped form the coalition United for Peace and Justice, and is the cofounder of Code Pink. a women's peace group. In early 2005. Medea
accompanied a delegation of US military families whose loved ones had
been killed in Iraq to the lraqi/Jordanian border to bring a shipment of
humanitarian aid for the Iraqi people in Falluja.
Frida Berrigan is a graduate of Hampshire College, Frida worked with
a Central America solidarity organization for two years before coming to the World Policy Institute as a Senior Research Associate with
the Arms Trade Resource Center. She is interested in US foreign policy
towards Latin America. and also focuses on nuclear weapons policy.
weapons sales to areas of conflict, and military training programs. She
has recently published articles in The Providence journal, The Nonviolent
Activist and The Hartford Courant.
Ryan Bodanyi is the Student Coordinator of the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal. Over the past two years. Bodanyi has worked
with students from nearly 70 colleges from around the world to form
the student network "Students for Bhopal," a coalition dedicated to
advocating for justice for the gas-affected people of Bhopal. A 2003
graduate of the University of Michigan, Bodanyi has also worked for
the Ecology Center's Clean Car Campaign and the Greenpeace Toxics
Joshua Breitbart is the director of Allied Media Projects, which convenes the annual Allied Media Conference. He is a founder of Brooklyn's
Rooftop Films and an organizer in the global lndymedia network.
Stephen Brier is Associate Provost for lnstnuctional Technology and
Dean for Interdisciplinary Studies at CUNY Graduate Center. He is codirector of the Graduate Center's New Media Lab. Brier co-founded
the American Social History Project at CUNY was its executive director
for 18 years. He is the supervising editor and co-author of the awardwinning Who Built America?, a multimedia history curriculum which includes a number of other award-winning historical documentary videos,
CD-ROMS, and Websites. He has published numerous articles on new
media and history.
Charney V. Bromberg has been the Executive Director of Meretz
USA since November 1997. A graduate of Harvard College. he spent
most of his undergraduate years in Mississippi ( 1964-67) w here he was
director of the Scott County Project and a trainer for the Mississippi
Freedom Democratic Party. He began his career in Jewish communal
service with the Jewish Labor Committee and has, since, specialized in
Israel and Middle East Affairs. He is editor of Meretz USA's fi fty eight
year old publication. Israel Horizons and has just returned from a two
week study mission in Israel. Palestine, and Egypt .
Stephen Eric Bronner is the Senior Editor of Logos. an interdisciplinary internet journal, as well as the author of Socialism Unbound; A Rumor
about the Jews: Antisemitism, Conspiracy and the Protocols of Zion; Imagining the Possible: Radical Politics for Conservative Times, and Reclaiming the
Enlightenment: Toward a Politics of Radical Engagement. He is Professor
of Political Science and a member of the Graduate Faculties of Comparative Literature and German Studies at Rutgers University.
Aaron Brenner is president of Rank & File Enterprises, a research,
writing, and editing firm specializing in financial and equity analysis and
strategic corporate research.
Johanna Brenner teaches Women's Studies at Portland State University in Portland. Oregon. She is a founding member of Solidarity: a
socialist-feminist anti-racist organization. Her publications include "After
9/ II : Whose Security?" (written with Nancy Holmstrom) in Against the
Current (March-April 2005). and Women and the Politics of Class (Monthly Review Press, 2000).
Melanie Bush is the author of Breaking the Code of Good
Intentions: Everyday Forms of Whiteness (Rowman and Littlefield 2004)
examining the link between the everyday thinking of ordinary people
(particularly whites) and the perpetuation of racialized structures of
inequality. She has been an educator and administrator at Brooklyn
College since 1990 and active for three decades in community struggles
and academic projects for full employment, education, women's rights,
peace and social justice.
Rod Bush is author of We Are Not What We Seem: Black Nationalism
Rose M. Brewer is the Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of African American & African Studies and former Chairperson of
the African American & African Studies Department at the University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities. She also holds appointments in the Departments
of Sociology and Women's Studies and is an adjunct faculty member in
the Humphrey Institute. She has a edited forthcoming multi-authored
book, The Color of Wealth, to be released from the New Press in 2006.
As a scholar-activist, for over a decade she's been a member of the
board of Project South. She is also a founding member of the Black
Radical Congress and is currently a member of its coordinating committee. In 2004 she received the Josie R. Johnson Social Justice and Human
Rights Award from the University of Minnesota.
Renate Bridenthal, Emerita Professor of History, Brooklyn College,
CUNY. Co-editor and contributor to Becoming Visible: Women in European History (Houghton Mifflin, 1997, 1987, 1977), When Biology Became
Destiny: Women in Weimar and Nazi Germany (Monthly Review Press,
1984), The Heimat Abroad: The Boundaries of Germanness (University of
Michigan Press, 2005). Also on the editorial board of Science & Society,
the oldest Marxist journal in the world.
Michael Brie is a member of the Managing Board of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, and head of the Department for Policy Analysis. He has written extensively in the areas of international relations.
history, and social policy.
and Class Struggle in the American Century (NYU Press 1999). He is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at
St. John's University. He spent most of his adult life in the movement for
Black Liberation and social change. He is currently working on a book
tentatively entitled The End of White World Supremacy: Black lnternatiorfalism and the Problem of the Color Une.
jeanette Caceres is a youth activist, spoken word artist and writer.
She currently works with young hip hop artist in a youth group called
The Lyrical Circle. She is member of Uptown for Peace and Justice.
George Caffentzis is Professor of Philosophy at the University of
Southern Maine, a coordinator of the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa and a member of the Midnight Notes Collective. He has
co-edited (with Midnight Notes) Midnight Oil: Work, Energy, War 19731992 and Auroras of the Zapatistas: Local and Global Struggles in the
Fourth World War (both published by Autonomedia).
Dan Cantor is founding Executive Di rector of the Working Families Party, one of the three minor parties with official ballot status in
New York State. Cantor has been a community, labor, and political organizer since 1977. He was labor coordinator for Rev. Jesse Jackson's
1988 Presidential campaign. and has worked across the country to build
multi-racial, class-oriented coalitions. He has written numerous articles
on American politics, and is co-author, with Juliet Schor, of a book on US
2005 Left Forum
2Q The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
foreign policy called Tunnel Vision.
Graham Cassano studies semiotics and political economy. He received his doctorate from Brandeis University and spent several years
lecturing in Harvard University's Department of Social Studies. More recently, lie has worked with trade union community organizing campaigns
in the city of New Haven and helped co-found The New Haven Center for Economic Interpretation, a political economy forum that brings
prominent academics and activists to speak on local issues of pressing
importance. At present, he is a member of the steering committee of
the Union for Radical Political Economics and an adjunct professor of
sociology at Southern Connecticut State University.
Luciana Castellina has been an activist in the Italian left since the
1970s. After leaving the leadership of the Communist Youth, she cofounded the political organization and daily newspaper II Manifesto on
who se directorate she remains. She has been elected to the Italian and
European parliaments several times. Castellina is active in Italy's Environmental League and in the International Network for Cultural Diversity. In the European Parliament she presided over the Committee on
Culture and Media and the Committee for International Economic Relations. As president of Itali a Cinema, she promoted Italian films abroad.
She is now president of No-War-TV.
Philip G. Cerny is Professor of Global Political Economy in the Department of Political Science and the Center for Global Change and
Governance, Rutgers University- Newark. He previously taught at the
Universities of York, Manchester, and has been a visiting professor or
visiting scholar at Harvard University (Center for European Studies),
the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (Paris), Dartmouth
College, N ew York University, the Brookings Institution and the Max
Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (Cologne). He is the author
of The Politics of Grandeur: Ideological Aspects of de Gaulle's Foreign Policy
(Cambridge 1980); The Changing Architecture of Politics: Structure, Agency
and the Future of the State (Sage 1990), and editor of Finance and World
Politics: Markets, Regimes and States in the Post-Hegemonic Era (Edward
Elgar 1993).
Kanishka Ch9wdhury is Associate Professor of English and Cultural
Studies at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul. He has written widely
on globalization, postcolonial theory, and South Asian public culture. His
most recent writings appear in Cultural Logic and South Asian Review. He
has just completed a project on globalization and endless war, and is
working on a piece that examines the connections between globalization and the remapping of Calcutta's urban markets.
ment of Economics at t he University of California, Riverside. He is a
member of the editorial board of Rethinking Marxism. He is the author
of The Falling Rate of Profit, co-author of Economics and the Historian,
and Transition and Development in India; and co-editor of Globalization,
Culture and the Limits of the Market, Postmodernism, Economics and Knowledge, Whither Marxism?, and Marxism and the Postmodern Age.
Ron Daniels is a scholar -activist who has taught History, Political Science and Pan African Studies/Black Studies, and now serves as the Executive D irector of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). CCR is
a leading force fighting against police brutality and misconduct, church
burnings, hate crimes, voter disenfranchisement, environmental racism,
and the threats to civil liberties posed by the government's response to
the September I I, 200 I terrorist attack. His weekly column, "Vantage
Point," appears in more than one hundred African-American and progressive newspapers nationwide and he is a featured columnist for the
internet newspaper, The Black World Today.
Ashley Dawson is Assistant Professor of English at the College of Staten Island. He is the author of Mongrel Nation: Diasporic Culture and the
Making of Post-Imperial Britain, and co-editor, w ith Malini Johar Schueller,
of Contemporary US Culture and Imperialism (both forthcoming), as well
as of many articles on postcolonial literature and theory.
Benjamin Day is a graduate student at the Cornell University School
of Industrial and Labor Relations.
Bogdan Denitch is a founding member and honorary co-chair of
Democratic Socialists of A r11erica and its permanent representative to
the Socialist International, and chaired the Socialist Scholars Conference
for twenty-three years. As a trade unionist and socialist he organized
in the South during the Civil Rights movement, participated in anti-war
struggles, and agitated for democracy in the US and abroad. For more
than two decades he has been an active member of the dissident circle
around the journal Praxis and has participated in democratic socialist
opposition circles in Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia. He is director of the
Institute on Transitions to Democracy (ToO), with offices in Zagreb,
Belgrade. Tusla, and Split. ToO organizes conferences in Eastern Europe
and the former Soviet Union, aids labor education, and links non-nationalist democrats in those regions with labor and social democratic groups
in Europe and North America.
Michael Denning teaches American Studies at Yale University and directs the Initiative on Labor and Culture. His books include Culture in
the Age of Three Worlds and The Cultural Front The Laboring of American
Culture in the Twentieth Century.
Haejoo Chung is a PhD student at Johns Hopkins School of Public
Health. Her research interests include class inequalities in health and the
political determ inants of welfare, population, health and health services.
She has conducted public health research in various universities and research institutions in South Korea, the United States and Canada. She
is a member of People's Health Coalition based in Seoul, South Korea.
Her most recent publications deal with multilevel analyses of the health
effects of political and economic structures.
Bhairavi Desai is co-founder and D irector of the New York Taxi
Workers Alliance. She has been organizing in the taxi industry since
1996, and has worked with Manavi, an organization for South Asian
women in New Jersey. She has worked in the support movements of
Cuba, Palestine and El Salvador; and in the student struggle at Rutgers
University around issues of violence against women.
Tom DeZengotita is a contributing editor at Harper's and The Nation,
Amanda Ciafone studies globalization and culture at Yale University
where she also organizes for the Graduate Employees and Students Organization.
and holds a PhD in anthropology from Columbia University. He teaches
at the Dalton School and at the D raper Graduate Program at New York
University. His new book, Mediated ( Bloomsbury July 2005) examine
the way the media shapes every aspect of our lives.
Rosa Clemente is co-founder of the National Hip Hop Convention.
She is a New York based grassroots organizer, hip hop activist and journalist. She co-hosts a weekly show on WBAI called "Where We Live."
Lusmaia Diaz studies at Beacon High School and is a members of
Students against Nuclear Insanity and for Tomorrow's Youth (SANITY)
a project of Educators for Social Responsibility.
Stephen Cullenberg is Professor and former Chair of the Depart-
2005 left Forum
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
William Difazio is Professor of sociology at St. John's University. He
is the author of Longshoremen: Community and Resistance on the Brooklyn Waterfront and co-author, with Stanley Aronowitz, of The jobless Future: Sci-Tech and The Dogma of Work and Ordinary Poverty: A Uttle Food
and Cold Storage (Fall 2005). He is the co-host of a weekly WBAI radio
show, "CityWatch," and member of the editorial collective of Situations:
Project of the Radical Imagination.
at Hofstra University. She is the author of Drawing the Une: the American Decision to Divide Germany, I 944-49. (Cambridge University Press)
a prize-winning study of the American occupation and the origins of
the Cold War. She is also Co-Chair of Brooklyn Parents for Peace and
serves on the Steering Committees of Long Island Teachers for Human
Rights and Historians Against the War. Carolyn has written and spoken
extensively on the Bush "war on terrorism" and the role of the anti-war
Jackie DiSalvo is Professor in English & Women's Studies at CUNY.
She is a socialist-feminist active in anti-war, anti-racist, women's and
labor movements since the 60s, and now in the anti-war struggle in
CUNY and the AFT. She has published on gender, class and radical traditions in English Literature, the politics of religion, John Milton, the bourgeois revolution, and its ideologies, as well as Romanticism and William
Blake's radical critique. She also teaches the 1960s and women writers.
She is interested in synthesizing Marxism, revolutionary strategies, feminism, materialist spiritualities and transformative psychologies.
Premila Dixit is Coordinator of the Women's International League
for Peace and Freedom's New York City Chapter Campaign to Challenge Corporate Power/ Assert People's Rights, which has stimulated
the creation of activist study groups across the city. She has a long history of organizing events to explore radical issues in local, national, and
international politics and was a key organizer of last year's New York
Social Forum, a counter gathering to the World Economic Forum in
Daves, Switzerland.
Chris Dixon ([email protected]) is a longtime anarchist organizer and
writer. He co-led a campaign to have Mumia Abu-Jamal as the featured
speaker at his 1999 graduation at Evergreen State College (and won),
was deeply involved in organizing the mass action against the WTO in
Seattle, and has helped build the Colours of Resistance network (http:/ I
colours.mahost.org). He currently is a graduate student studying radical
social movements in the History of Consciousness PhD program at the
University of California, Santa Cruz.
Stephen Duncombe teaches the history and politics of media and
culture at the Gallatin School of New York University. He is the editor
of the Cultural Resistance Reader and is currently writing a book on the
possibilities of progressive spectacle. Duncombe is also a life-long political activist, in recent years working with the Lower East Side Collective
and Reclaim the Streets/NYC.
Steve Early has been active in labor since 1972 and a Boston-based international representative or organizer for the Communications Workers of America for the last 25 years. He has been involved in organizing,
bargaining, and/ or major strikes at major telecommunications companies. He serves on the steering committee of Massachusetts Jobs with
Justice and editorial advisory committees for three independent labor
publications- Labor Notes, New Labor Forum, and WorkingUSA. H e is
also a member of the board of the International Labor Communications Association (ILCA), an organization of union editors. Early is also a
frequent contributor to The Nation, Boston Globe, and many other publications.
Hester Eisenstein is Professor of Sociology at Queens College and
the Graduate Center, CUNY. Her books include Contemporary Feminist
Thought ( 1983) and Inside Agitators: Australian Femocrats and the State
( 1996). Her current research focuses on the relationship between feminism and neoliberal "globalization."
Steve Ellner has taught at the Universidad de Oriente in Venezuela
since 1977. He is the author of several books and scores of articles on
the Venezuelan left and labor movement. He is co-editor of The Latin
American Left: From the Fall of Allende to Perestroika ( 1993) and Venezuelan Politics in the Ch6vez Era: Class, Polarization and Conflict (2003). He is
a regular contributor to In These Times, Commonweal and NACLA: Report
on the Americas. He is currently visiting professor at Duke University.
Christoph Engemann is pursuing a PhD in Sociology at the Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Bremen. He is a research
associate at the Faculty of Media, Bauhaus University, Weimar, and a
Non-Residential Fellow at the Center for Internet and Society, Stanford
Law School. His main research interests are media theory, the political
economy of the internet, electronic government, authentication media,
and European unification and its media.
Tod Ensign, an attorney, is director of Citizen Soldier, a non-pro fit Gl
and veteran's rights advocacy organization founded during the Vietnam
war. Ensign has helped defend Gls and veterans on a wide range of issues. Ensign is author, most recently, o f America's Military Today: The
Challenge of Militarism, recently published by the New Press. He is also
author of Military Ufe: The Insider's Guide and co-author of Gl Guinea
Pigs: How the Pentagon Exposed Our Troops to Hazards Deadlier than War.
Ensign has also written hundreds of articles on military related issues for
a wide variety of newspapers and magazines over the past forty years.
Barbara Epstein teaches in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She has written on social movements in the US and is now writing a book on the underground
movement in the Minsk ghetto during World War II.
Norm Faramelli is an Episcopal priest serving an urban congregation
in Boston. He is a Lecturer in Social Ethics at the Boston University
School of Theology, a member of the Religion and Socialism Commission of DSA, and a frequent contributor to its publication Religious
Socialism. He is a consultant to religious institutions on social and public
policy issues, especially with regard to urban mission and racial, economic and environmental justice. H is consulting work also includes assessing the moral values and religious issues related to the development
of science and technology.
Barbara Ehrenreich is a political essayist and social critic, and author
or co-author of several books including Fear of Falling: The Inner Ufe of
the Middle Class; Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War,
and, most recently, Nickled and Dimed: Surviving in Low-Wage America.
Her magazine writings include pieces in Ms., Harper's, The Nation, The
Progressive, The New Republic, The Atlantic Monthly. and The New York
Times Magazine.
Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg is a professor of US diplomatic history
Oliver Fein is Professor of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Public Health
at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University; and Associate Dean
for Affiliations responsible for Weill Cornell domestic and international
affiliations. At Weill Cornell, he coordinates the David Rogers Health
Policy Colloquium, a weekly interdisciplinary health policy forum.
Barbara Foley is a professor of English at Rutgers University and an
authority on post-World War I American writers of the Left.
2005 Left Forum
22 The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
Michell e Fine, Distinguished Professor of Social Psychology, Women'
Studies and Urban Education at the Graduate Center, CUNY. has
at CUNY since 1991. Theorized at the intersection of feminist,
race and social psychological thought, her work with youth in
and is designed toward policy, theory and commun
Sam Friedm an is a lifelong activist, as well as a poet and a socialist.
ty Press
He is the author of Teamster Rank and File (Columbia Universi
1982). His current writings are on dialectical processes and what
suggest about how we
Bill Fletcher, Jr. is the President and Chief Executive Officer ofTrans-
Africa Forum. He was formerly the Vice President for Internati
Trade Union Develop
t to
the AFL-CIO, and served as Education Director and later Assistan
the President of the AFL-CIO. Bill is a graduate of Harvard Universi
and has authored
pers and magazines. He is also the co-autho r of the pictorial
The Indispensable Ally: Black
as an
adjunct faculty member with the Labor Studies
sity of Massachusetts - Boston.
Barbar a Foley is a professor of English at Rutgers University and
authority on post-Wo rld War I American writers of the Left.
Scott Forsyth teaches film studies and Marxist cultural theory in
Departments of Film and Video and Political Science at York Universi
in Toronto. He has published on film and politics in Sodalist
CineAction, Canadian journal of Film Studies and other journals. He is a
founding editor of the film studies journal CineAction. Current
is comfocuses on the cultural work of Canadian Communists and he
pleting a manuscript
John Bellamy Foster is co-edito r of Monthly Review and associate
professor of sociology at the University of Oregon. He is the
of Marx's Ecology and The Vulnerable
Profit. Capitalism and the Information Age.
Harriet Fraad is a psychotherapist in private practice in New York
of BringCity. She is the author, with Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff,
ing it All Back Home: Class, Gender and Power in the Modern Household.
She is a founding mother of the women's movement, and a founder
the journal Rethinking Marxism . She publishes in Rethinking Marxism
The Psychohistory journal. Her work appears in books such as Class and
Its Others and Marxism in the Postrnodern Age. Her latest article, "Class
Transfor mation in the Household, An Opportu nity and a Threat,"
Sociology illustrates the ideologic
comes in her analysis of the US family.
Ellen Frank holds a PhD in economics and has taught economi
of New
at Emmanuel College, Wellesley College and the University
Hampshire. She has written extensively on US macro-economic
financial markets, Social
Her latest book is The Raw Deal: How Myths about Deficits, Inflation
Wealth Impoverish America, Beacon Press.
Mercedes Frias was born in Santo Domingo. In the 1980s she worked
in coopera tive projects involving Haitian immigrants in the Dominica
Republic as well
1990 she has lived in Italy, where she is involved in public projects
intercultural education. An organize
aassociations, she is active in interventions against racism and discrimin
the city
tion and for the rights of citizensh ip. Currently, as Assessor of
of Empoli in Tuscany, she oversees policy on the environment, immigration, and gender.
lion copies. She
book is
and today she's active in the global justice movement. Her latest
Money Makes the World Go Around: One
the Global Economy (Penguin). Her 1970s book about work, All the Uve-
Barbara Garson wrote the anti-war play Macbird, that sold half a
long Day, has been republished recently.
Rina Garst is a long-time URPE member and trace-union activist.
has worked in early federal and New York anti-poverty program
Irene Gendzi er is Professor of Political Science at Boston Univer-
sity. She writes on US foreign policy in the Middle East and problem
of development.
ColumStates Intervention in Lebanon and the Middle East./945-1958 (
bia 1998); Development Against Democra
Fanon: A
John "Tito" Gerassi has been active in the progressive moveme
r of San
since 1964, and was jailed for " leading" the student takeove
Francisco State University in 1966. He was head of the Bertrand
Peace Foundation
investigate US war crimes. He has written or edited 14 books, including
The Great Fear in Latin America and Jean-Paul Sartre: Hated Conscience of
His Century. He is Professor of Political Science at Queens College
CUNY Graduate Center.
Martha Gimene z, Professor of Sociology at the University of Colo-
rado at Boulder has published numerous articles and book chapters
the political econom y of populatio
and the political constructions of race, ethnicity, and gender. Her
The Inhas appeared in, for example, Science & Society, Monthly Review,
surgent Sociologist, Gender & Society, Radical Philosophy. Actuel Marx, Argument and Latin American Perspectives. Together w ith jane Collins, she
edited Work Without Wages .
Gertrud e Schaffner Goldbe rg is Professor of Social Policy at
Adelphi University School of Social Work, and director of its doctoral
supprogram . Her areas of interest are full employment, public income
port, the feminization of poverty, comparative social welfare systems,
for the
and social administr ation. She is the author of Jobs for All: A Plan
tion of America (with Sheila D. Collins and Helen Lachs Gins-
burg, 1994); Washington's New Poor Law: Welfare "Reform" and the
Not Taken, 1935 to the Present
k and
tionDeborah Petry, 2004); and editor of Diminishing Welfare: A Cross-Na
al Study of Soda/ Provision
Feminization of Poverty: Only in America? (with Eleanor Kremen, 1990).
She is a co-found er and Chair of the National jobs for All Coalition
Richard Goldstein is an executive editor of The Village Voice and
author, most recently, of Homocons:The Rise of the Gay Right
He has w ritten about the intersection of sex, culture, and politics
the past 35 years.
Peter Gowan is Professor of International Relations at London Metro-
of the
politan University in Britain and a member of the editorial board
New Left Review. His research interests combine analysis of the external
2005 Left Forum
The U.S.• the World, ond the Next Four Years
political and economic relations of the North Atlantic states with work
on international relations theory.
Victoria de Grazia is Professor of History at Columbia University
and Visiting Professor at The European University Institute at Fiesole,
Italy which is the graduate faculty of the European Union. She has written widely on Italian fascism, consumer cultures, and Trans-Atlantic re-
lations. Her most recent book is Irresistible Empire: America's Advance
through Twentieth Century Europe (Harvard Univ. Press, 2005)
Andrej Grubacic is a historian and a social critic, working with "Planetary Alternatives Network", "Z Communications" and "Peoples Global
Action". His affinity towards anarchism stems from his experiences as a
member of the Belgrade Libertarian Group that derives from the Yugoslav 'Praxis' experiment. In the past years, he has been active in the
post-Yugoslav moveme nt- a coalition of anti-authoritarian collectives
called "DSM!" He is currently the European convener of the Peoples
Global Action Network and has authored books and numerous articles.
Due to his political activism he was forced to leave the University of
Belgrade and move to SUNY Binghamton.
Wadood Hamad is a research physicist and writer who lives in
Vancouver, Canada.
Sale:In Defense of Public Goods (Westview 2000) and edited The Socialist
Feminist Project:A Reader in Theory and Politics (Monthly Review 2002).
She has been a lifelong activist.
Fran~ols Houtart is a Belgian priest and Marxist sociologist, globaljustice activist, director of CETRI (Centre Tricontenental) and of the
journal Alternatives Sud. He is the author and co-author of numerous
publications on socio-religious issues and participated in the work of the
Vatican II council ( 1962- 1965). He is one of the most active founders of
the World Social Forum at Porto A legre. He presided over the Brussels
Tribunal, established to invest igate the war crimes of the Vietnam War.
Peter Hudis is co-editor (with Kevin B. Anderson) of The Rosa Luxemburg Reader (Monthly Review Books 2004) and The Power of Negativity:
Selected Writings on the Dialectic in Hegel and Marx (Lexington Books
2004). He has published on social theory, philosophy, and politics; recent articles include "Marx Among the Muslims" (Capitalism , Nature,
Socialism 2004); "The Death of the Death of the Subject" ( Historical Materialism 2005); "Acheh: The Social Form of 'Natural D isaster'" (
Politics and Culture 2005); and "The Philosophic Ambiguities of C.L.R.
James" ( Socialism and Democracy 2005). He is a member of the national editorial board of News & Letters.
Abdeen Jabara is former president of the American-Arab Anti-Dis-
Jack Hammon d is the author of Fighting to Learn: Popular Education
and Guerrilla War in El Salvador and Building Popular Power: Workers'
and Neighborhood Commissions in the Portuguese Revolution. He teaches
sociology at Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center and is an
active member of the Professional Staff Congress, the faculty union.
Larry Hanley is the editor of Academe, the union chapter chair at City
College, CUNY, and a Professor of English at City College, CUNY.
Michael Hardt teaches in the Literature Program at Duke University.
He is co-author of Empire and Multitud: War & Demoaacy in the Age of
David Harvey is Distinguished Professor of Anthropolo gy at
the CUNY Graduate Center. His books include The Condition of
Postmodernity, The Spaces of Capital, and most recently Paris, Capital of
crimination Committee . During the mid- 1970s and 1980s he was instrumental in exposing the Nixon administration's "Operation Boulder"
program against Arabs and Arab-Americans, which included deportations, surveillance and harassment campaigns. He practices civil rights
law in New York C ity.
Eliyanna Kaiser is the former youth organizer for the Democratic So-
cialists of America (DSA) and a founding member of the National Youth
& Student Peace Coalition. She has worked for the New Democratic
Party in Canada and is currently a senior editor at $pread Magazine.
Saru Jayaraman is director of the HERE Workers Center in New
York City. She worked for the Workplace Project and has taught at the
City University of New York. She is co-founder of Youth and Women
Supporting Each Other, a Los Angeles-based non-profit dedicated to the
empowerm ent of young women.
Heather Johnson received her PhD in Philosophy from Michigan State
Dalia Hashad is the Arab, Muslim, and South Asian Advocate for the
American Civil liberties Union. Her position in the Campaign Against
Racial Profiling encompasses civil liberties advocacy and protection, the
plight of detainees, community outreach and empowerment, and discrimination for Arab, Muslim and South Asian Americans in the wake
of post-9/ II backlash. Hashad received her BA in Environmental Policy
from the University of California at Berkeley, and her JD from the New
York University School of Law. She worked as a human rights advocate
in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and is a host of the grassroots
radio program, "Law and Disorder."
Doug Henwood is the author of Wall Street and After the New Economy; writerI publisher of Left Business Observer; and host of an economics
University in 2002. Her primary area of study was mental representa tion, a branch of philosophy dealing with theories about how the mind's
mental states come to represent things in the external world. In 1999,
she relocated to the New York area where she became increasingly
involved in the open source community, converting 95% of her organization's online infrastructure to an open source platform. Heather currently teaches Information Ethics at Rutgers University, covering topics
such as privacy online, spam, piracy, and the merits of the free and open
source software movements.
Esther Kaplan is the author of With God on Their Side: How Christian
Fundamentalists Trampled Science, Policy and Democracy in George W.
Bush's White House (New Press). She is a member of Jews for Racial and
radio show on WBAI.
Economic Justice, and is the co-host of the WBAI radio show "Beyond
the Pale."
Conny Hildebrandt is a sociologist in the Departmen t for Political
Analysis at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin. She is an expert on
the European Left Party.
Robin D. G. Kelley is Professor of Anthropology and African Ameri-
Nancy Holmstro m is a professor of Philosophy at Rutgers Univer-
sity in N ewark. Her publications include articles on exploitation and
freedom, rationality and women's/human nature. She co-edited Not for
can Studies at Columbia University. He is the author of several books,
including Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great
Depression ( 1990); Race Rebels: Culture Politics and the Black Working
Class ( 1994); Yo' Mama's DisFunktional!: Fighting the Culture Wars in Urban America ( 1997); and Three Strikes: Miners, Musicians, Salesgirls, and
2005 Left Forum
24 The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
the Fighting Spirit of Labor's Last Century, written collaboratively with
Dana Frank and Howard Zinn (2001). His most recent book is Freedom
Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination (2002).
Christin e Kelly is an Associate Professor of Political Science at William Paterson University where she is also director of the American
Democra cy Project. She is the author of Tangled Up in Red, White and
Blue: New Social Movements in America (Rowman & Littlefield 200 I) and
is currently finishing another book for the same press titled Chimes of
Freedom: Student Protest and the Changing American University. She is an
active member of the Caucus for a New Political Science, and an Editorial
Board member of journal New Political Science. She is a former national
student activist, and is currently working with the Debs-Jone s-Douglass
Institute on the Free Higher Education Campaign.
Ynestra King , anarcha and ecofeminist, is the co-author of Dangerous Intersection: Feminist Perspectives on Population, Environment, and
Development. She taught for many years at the New School for Social
Research and has been a Visiting Scholar at Rutgers University and
Columbia University.
Frank Kirkland teaches at Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center. He is the author of "Enslavement, Moral Suasion, and Struggles for
Recognition: Frederick Douglass' Answer to the Question - 'What is
Enlightenment?"' in Frederick Douglass: A Critical Reader, co-edited with
B.E. Lawson (Oxford, Blackwell Publishers 1999).
Michael T. Klare is director of the Five College Program in Peace and
World Security Studies at Hampshire College in Amherst. Defense analyst for The Nation, he is the author of Blood and Oil, Resource Wars, and
Rogue States and Nuclear Outlaws.
Andrew Kliman, an Associate Professor of Economics at Pace University, is co-editor (with Alan Freeman and Julian Wells) of The New
Value Controversy and the Foundations of Economics (2004). A founder
of The New School for Pluralistic Anti-Capitalist Education (New
SPACE) -(http:/ /new-spa ce.mahos t.org)-he is also active in the
struggle for pluralism on the Left as co-organizer of the International
Working Group on Value Theory.
joel Kovel is Editor-in-Chief of Capitalism Nature Socialism, and Professor of Social Studies at Bard College. Originally a physician and psychoanalyst, Kovel's works include White Racism. The Age of Desire, History
and Spirit, Red-Hunting in the Promised Land, and The Enemy of Nature
(Zed 2002).
Patricia Krueger is an educator in New York City's public high
schools. She has worked in the Dominican Republic. India, and in the
United States around health issues, immigration policies, and human
rights education. She is currently a PhD student at CUNY Graduate
Center in the urban education program.
Joanne Landy is an editor of New Politics and co-Direct or of the Campaign for Peace and Democracy. Before the Iraq invasion, CPO circulated a statemen t "We Oppose Both Saddam Hussein and the US War
on Iraq," signed by thousands (www.cpdweb.org). Landy calls for the
immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq, supports resistance
to the US, and opposes the victory of those elements of the resistance
organized to impose a repressive, extreme authoritarian regime on the
Iraqi people. Domestically, Landy advocates independ ent politics, believing it is suicidal for progressive movements to continue to support
the Democra tic Party, a party fundamentally inimical to their interests.
Her articles have appeared in The New York Times, International Herald
Tribune, The Progressive, The Nation, New Politics, and In These Times.
Magali Sarfatti Larson is Professor Emerita of Sociology at Temple
University. She is the author of The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological
Analysis (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977) and Behind the
Postmodern Facade: Architectural Change in Late Twentieth-Century America ( Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993) among others.
Richard Lichtma n has taught philosophy, psychology, social theory,
etc. at a variety of schools. His major writings are The Production of Desire, Essays in Critical Social Theory, and Dying in America. He is Professor
Emeritus at The Wright Institute and is currently involved in the planning of a graduate program at the Professional School of Psychology in
Sacramento based on critical theory.
Martha Livingston, PhD is Associate Professor of Health and
Society at the SUNY Old Westbury , where she teaches and researche s
US health care, comparat ive health care systems, international health,
health policy, medical ethics, and women's health. She is Vice-Chair
of the Board of Directors of the New York chapter of Physicians for
a National Health Program, and a member of the Editorial Board of
The journal of Public Health Policy. Dr. Livingston lived and studied for
several years in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada, has researche d
and written on the Canadian health care system, and was a recipient, in
1994, of t he Canadian Embassy's Canadian Studies Research Grant.
Karim Lopez is an activist, youth worker and filmmaker. He is currently directing a short narrative film about a struggling rap artist. He is
a member of Uptown for Peace and Justice.
Margari ta L6pez-M aya is a Senior Professor at the Center of Development Studies of the Central University of Venezuela. She has dedicated more than 20 years to research on the political and social history
of 20th-cent ury Venezuela. Her recent works include "The Venezuelan
Caracazo of 1989: Popular Protest and Institutional Weaknes s" (JLAS
2003), and "Venezue la: fortunas y penas de un pals petrolero " (Vanguardia Dossier. America Latina Democracia, Neoliberalismo, Populismo, 2003).
Meizhu Lui currently serves as the executive director of United for
a Fair Economy. A long-time hospital worker union activist, Lui rose
from the rank and file to become president of AFSCME Local 1489,
and helped t he local take on tough issues that ranged from maintaining
affirmative action gains during layoffs to returning Haiti's President Arist ide to power. Lui is a long-time member of the Freedom Road Socialist
Staughton Lynd is an attorney/a ctivist and member of the Steering Committe e of Historians Against the War. He was the chairpers on
of the first march against the Vietnam war in Washington, DC in April
1965. He is the author of several books, including Lucasville: The Untold
Story of a Prison Uprising (Temple University Press 2004).
Manning Marable is Professor of History and Political Science, Founding Director of the Institute for Research in African-American Studies at
Columbia University, and editor of Souls: A Critical journal of Black Politics, Culture and Society. He is the author of numerous books, including:
Black Leadership, Black Uberation in Conservative America; Speaking Truth
to Power: Essays on Race, Radicalism and Resistance; Beyond Black and
White, The Crisis of Color in Democracy; Race, Reform and Rebellion: The
Second Reconstruction in Black America, 1945-1990; African and Caribbean
Politics; WEB DuBois: Black Radical Democrat; Black American Politics; and
How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America.
Randy Martin, co-editor of Social Text, teaches at New York University. He is author, most recently. of On Your Marx: Relinking Socialism
2005 Left Forum
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
and the Left (Minnesota 200 I) and Financialization of Daily Life (Temple
2002). He is working on the links between financial logics and imperial
Melissa Mason is currently in the PhD program at Yale University in
Political Science and African American Studies. Her research interests
include the effects on racial and ethnic heterogeneity on comparative welfare development and labor union organization. She is also an
organizer and Co-Chair of GESO (Graduate Employees and Students
Organization) at Yale.
David McNally teaches at York University. His recent publications include Another World is Possible: Globalization and Anti-Capitalism and Bodies of Meaning: Studies on Language.
Michael Menser is Assistant Professor in Philosophy at Brooklyn College, a member of the editorial collective of Situations: A Journal of the
Radical Imagination, and a member of the NYC Social Forum coordinating committee since 200 I.
Gregory Meyerson co-edits the Marxist online journal Cultural Logic
(eserver.org/clogic) and has published numerous articles on critical race
theory, poststructuralism, American literature and academic labor. He
teaches critical theory, American Literature and composition at North
Carolina A and T University.
Cindy Milstein is co-organizer of the Renewing the Anarchist Tradition conference, a board member with the Institute for Anarchist Studies, and a member of Free Society Collective and Black Sheep Books
collective in Montpelier, Vermont. She also teaches at the Institute for
Social Ecology each summer. Her work appears in anti-authoritarian
periodicals and several recent anthologies, including Globalize Liberation
(City Lights), Confi'onting Capitalism (Soft Skull), and Only a Beginning (Arsenal Pulp).
Alcy Montas, a member of Uptown for Peace and Justice is a
youth activist, who works with Mothers-on-the-Move, a grassroots
Suren Moodliar is a coordinator for the North American Alliance
for Fair Employment (NAAFE) and was a coordinator of last summer's
Boston Social Forum.
Ward Morehouse, author and human rights activist, is President of
the Council on International and Public Affairs, a research, education,
and advocacy group working on environmental and social justice issues.
He has written or edited some 20 books, including The Bhopal Tragedy,
Abuse of Power: The Social Performance of Multinational Corporations, and
Worker Empowerment in a Changing Economy. He is a member of the
regular panel of jurists for the Permanent People's Tribunal headquartered in Rome.
Leith Mullings is Presidential Professor of Anthropology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She received her PhD in
anthropology from the University of Chicago. Her books include: Therapy, Ideology and Social Change: Mental Healing in Urban Ghana ( 1984); Cities of the United States (editor, 1987); On Our Own Terms: Race, Class and
Gender in the Lives of African American Women ( 1997); let Nobody Turn
Us Around: Voices of Resistance, Reform and Renewal, An Afi'ican American
Anthology (2000, co-edited with Manning Marable); Stress and Resilience:
The Social Context of Reproduction in Central Harlem (200 I , with Alaka
Wali); Freedom: A Photohistory of the Afi'ican American Struggle (2002,
with Manning Marable).
Carles Muntaner is Chair and Professor at the University o f Toronto,
Canada. His research deals with the relationship between social class,
politics, work organization and mental health. Some of his recent publications have appeared in the American journal of Public Health, and the
International journal of Health Services, among other venues. He has recently co-edited with Vicente Navarro the volume Political and Economic
Determinants of Health and We// Being: Controversies and Developments
(Baywood 2004).
Ralph Nader founded Democracy Rising in 2000, one of more than
I 00 civic organizations he has helped to found or organize. He has authored countless books and publications. One of his central achievements is the creation of an effective national network of citizen reform
groups dedicated to safety and quality of life in the US. His groups have
made an imprint on many areas including civic skills, tax reform, pensions, aviation, regulation of atomic power, renewable energy, clean air
and water, clean elections, food, medicine and auto safety, safety in the
workplace, access to healthcare, civil rights, civil justice, Congressional
ethics, campaign finance, discriminatory lending, the tobacco industry,
corporate crime and reform, investor protection, corporate globalization, agribusiness and small farms, intellectual property, medicine prices
abroad, freedom of information, and government procurement.
Estevan Nembhard is Chair of the Young Communist Uptown Club.
He is currently working on the campaign to get a street named after Ben
Davis. He also heads Blacklist Records, a record company dedicated to
uplifting the people.
Immanuel Ness is Professor of Political Science at Brooklyn College
and the editor of Working USA: The journal of Labor and Society. His
latest book is Immigrants, Unions and the US Labor Market.
Marsha Niemeijer works at Labor Notes in its New York
office. For Labor Notes she works with longshore workers (ILA/
ILWU),telecommunication workers (CWA. IBEW), United Electrical
Workers, and Canadian workers. She has also been working with the
Transnationals Information Exchange since 1995.
Sabine Nuss is a political scientist working on a dissertation about (intellectual) property in informational capitalism. She is member of the
editorial staff of Prokla, a journal for Critical Social Sciences
Tom O'Donnell is Lecturer in Science, Technology and Society (STS),
and Social Science at the Residential College, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; teaching technological history, energy and environment,
the intellectual history of information, and does fundamental nuclear
research. Recent interdisciplinary research and teaching examines the
global oil system. New School Graduate Faculty, summer 2005; Michigan, 2005-2006; http:/ /www.umich.edu /-twod/oil.
Juhwan Oh is an active member of the Korean Institute for Labour
Safety (http:/ /kilsh.or.kr) and the Power of Working Class (http:/ I
www.pwc.or.kr) . He is a PhD student at the Seoul National University School of Public Health. He is also a practicing gynecologist. His
research interests include equity issues in health outcomes, health care
financing & utilization, public health financing & provision, health economics, and class inequalities in health. He was actively involved in the
case presented in this session, working closely with hospital trade union
Mojubaolu Olufunke Okome is an international political economist
whose regional specialization is on the African continent. She is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Brooklyn College, CUNY , co-editor of the online journals: jenda: journal of African
Culture and Women Studies, and lrlnkerindo: a Journal of Afi'ican Migration
2005 Left Forum
26 The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
and author of A Sapped Democracy: The Political Economy of the Structural Adjustment Program and the Political Transition in Nigeria, 1983-1993.
Bertell Oilman is Professor of Politics at New York University, and
author of a number of books on Marxist theory, including Alienation:
Marx's Conceptions of man in Capitalist Society, Social and Sexual Revolution, Dialectical Investigations, and Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx's
Method. He is also the inventor of the Class Struggle board game.
Susan O'Malley is chair of the CUNY University Faculty Senate and
the faculty trustee. She is one of the original founders of the Radical
Teacher. She is also a university-wide officer of the Professional Staff
Congress, CUNY's union. Her latest book, Custome Is an Idiot: jacobean
Pamphlet Uterature on Women, was published last May by University of
Illinois Press. She is a Professor of English at Kingsborough Community
College and a Professor of Liberal Studies at the Graduate School.
Carolyn Toll Oppenheim is a former reporter for both the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times, and freelance journalist and social
activist for some 30 years. She advises and writes about Israeli/
Palestinian peace movements and other conflict resolution initiatives.
With Public Purpose Communications, she advises advocacy organizations on communications strategy. She founded the US-based Friends
of Open House, to publicize the work of a unique Jewish/Arab peace
center in Ramie, Israel. She spent a year reporting for ABC radio news
in Tehran, Iran.
Ceren Oz.sel~uk is a member of the Rethinking Marxism editorial collective and is currently completing her doctoral dissertation in economics, The Political Economy of Social Movements. Her work connects
the political theory of social movements to anti-foundational Marxian
political economy.
Leo Pan itch is Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political Economy at York University, Toronto and the co-editor of the Socialist Register published annually by Merlin Press and Monthly Review Press. He
is the author of many books including Renewing Socialism: Democracy,
Strategy and Imagination (Westview) and, with Colin Leys, The End of
Parliamentary Socialism (Verso), and most recently, with Sam Gindin,
Global Capitalism and American Empire (Merlin Press and Independent
Publishers Group).
Sam Plzz.igati, a veteran labor journalist, currently edits Too Much, an
online weekly on income and wealth distribution. He has edited national
publications for four different unions and spent 20 years directing the
publishing operations of the largest union in the United States, the 2.7
million-member National Education Association. His most recent book
is Greed and Good: Understanding and Overcoming the Inequality That Urnits Our Uves (Apex Press).
Dieter Plehwe is a senior fellow at the International Center for Advanced Studies at New York University where he contributed to a 3 year
research program on the authority of knowledge in a global age (year
one: the rule of the market). He currently has a permanent position as
Senior Research Fellow at the Social Science Research Center, Berlin, in
their department of internationalization and organization. With others
he has edited the forthcoming volume Neoliberal Hegemony: A Globaf
Critique (Routledge 2005).
Anne F. Pomeroy is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion at
the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. She is the author of Marx
and Whitehead: Process, Dialectics, and the Critique of Capitalism (SUNY
Press 2004). Her PhD is from Fordham University.
Thomas Ponniah is the co-editor of Another World is Possible: Popular.
Alternatives to Globalization at the World Social Forum. He is also the co·
writer, w ith Richard Peet and others, of Unholy Trinity: the IMF. the World
Bank, and the WTO. He is a PhD student at Clark University who studies
social theory and social movements.
Aijen Poo is an organizer with New York City Domestic Workers
United, an organization of Third World immigrant women working in
the domestic setting as housekeepers, nannies, and elderly companions.
She is the staff organizer for the Women Workers Project, a program
of the Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence that organizes Asian immigrant women working in informal service industries such as domestic
work, nail salons, laundries and massage parlors.
Jasbir K. Puar is Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender Studies
at Rutgers University. She worlks on queer globalizations, South Asian
diasporas, gay and lesbian tourism, and sexual scripts of terrorism. Her
articles appear in GLQ, SIGNS, Society and Space. feminist Review, Radical
History Review, Antipode, Social Text, and Gender, Place and Culture.
Victor Paredes is the brother of Pablo Paredes, a Navy enlisted sailor
who refused to deploy with his Iraq-bound troop ship in December
2004 because of his opposition to the war. Pablo faces courts martial in
the near future for his act of resistance.
Christian Parenti is a Fellow at the CUNY Graduate School's Center
for Place, Culture, and Politics. He writers regularly for The Nation , and
his recent books are The Freedom: Shadows and Hallucinations in Occupied Iraq (New Press 2004), The Soft Cage: Surveillance in America fi'om
Slavery to the War on Terror (Basic Books 2003) and Lockdown America:
Police and Prisons in the Age of Crisis (Verso 2000). He holds a PhD in
Sociology from the London School of Economics.
Jason Pramas is a longtime labor and community organizer based in
Boston, MA. He is the networking director of Massachusetts Global
Action, and a member of SEIU Local 888. He was a coordinator of last
summer's Boston Social Forum.
Jan Rehmann, Dr. phil., habil., teaches philosophy at the Free Univer'
sity Berlin, and social theories and modern languages at Union Theolog~l
cal Seminary in New York. He is a member of the editorial committee o
the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism (HKWM) and of the journal
Das Argument. His most recent book is Postmodernism: Deconstructin~
Postmodernist Nietzscheanism (published in Germany). Current research
topics: Farewell to Postmodernism?, Neo-Nietzschanism, Philosophi4
Tobias Pfluger is a German Member of the European Parliamentary
of Religion, Neoliberalldeologies.
Group, European United Left Nordic Green Left, lnformationsstelle
Militarisierung (Tubingen)
Bill Resnick produces and conducts interviews for the "Old Mole Van!
Frances Fox Piven teaches political science and sociology at CUNY
Graduate Center,. She is known as a political activist and scholar, and
is the author, with Richard Cloward, of Why Americans Still Don't Vote;
Regulating the Poor, Poor People's Movements; The New Qass War, and
edited Labor Parties in Postindustrial Societies
ety Hour" (KBOO radio Portland, OR) and writes for the Portland All~
ance news monthly. His articles on US politics have appeared in Sociali~
Review, Against the Current, among others.
Stephen Resnick has co-authored many books and articles on Mant'
ian theory with Richard Wolff. He is a member of the Advisory Board
2005 Left Forum
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
of Rethinking Marxism.
committee. She is Professor of Psychology at Brooklyn College and Director of the BC Community Partnership.
Anthony Riddle is the National Chair of the Alliance for Community Media. He started the first nationwide Youth Channel and was the
Executive Director of Manhattan Neighborhood Network. For the
past 25 years he has worked in many media for social change and has
concentrated his efforts in the emerging field of community media.
Riddle has worked from technician to policy-maker, from pro ducer
to political advocate, from community-based teacher to international
Rainer Rilling is a professor of sociology at the University of
Marburg, and is a member of the Department of Policy Analysis at the Rosa
Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin. He has published extensively in the
fields of political communication, international relations and peace and
conflict studies.
Michael joseph Roberto is Assistant Professor of History at North
Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, NC,
where he teaches courses in contemporary world history, the history of
modern socialism, and modern revolutions. As a member of the Global
Studies faculty, he teaches the introductory survey for the university's
Certificate in Global Studies. He earned his PhD in Modern European History from Boston College in 200 I and is writing a book on Karl
Marx's concept of progress.
Leonard Rodberg holds a PhD in physics and now teaches in the
Urban Studies Department at Queens College, CUNY. In the mid-70s
he led the development of the US Health Service Act, usually referred
to as the Dellums Bill. In the late 80s he was one of the founders of
Physicians for a National Health Program, and he is now active with the
New York Metro Chapter of PNHP. where he writes and speaks on
health care reform and serves as Treasurer and Co-Editor of its Forum
Report series.
Tom Roderick has served as executive director of Educators for
Social Responsibility, NYC Metropolitan Area, since 1983. In 1985 Tom
co-founded the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program, nationally recognized as one of the most effective school-based conflict resolution
programs in the country. Tom is the author of A School Of Our Own:
Parents, Power, and Community at the East Harlem Block Schools (Teachers
College Press 200 I). He has a MS from Bank Street College of Education and a BA in history from Yale University.
Victor Rosado is a graduate student at SUNY Stony Brook in Hispanic
Languages and Literature, a founder of the Long Island Social Justice Alliance and an organizer in the NYC Social Forum group since 2002.
Kim Rosario, from Brooklyn, is the mother of a son currently serving
with the US military in Iraq. She is active with Military Families Speak
Out (www.mfso.org)
Hilary Rose is Professor of Social Policy at Bradford University. She is
the author of A/as, Poor Darwin: Arguments against Evolutionary Psychology
Fred Rosen is Contributing Editor of NACLA Report on the Americas
and an independent journalist based in Mexico C ity. He is a regular cont ributor to the Mexican daily La jornado and to the Mexico edition of
the Miami Herald.
Andrew Ross is Professor of American Studies at New York University. His books include Low Pay, High Profrle: The Global Push for Fair Labor,
No-Collar: The Humane Workplace and its Hidden Costs, The Celebration
Chronicles, and the forthcoming The Fast Boat to China. He has also edited several books, including No Sweat Fashion, Free Trade, and the Rights
of Garment Workers, and, most recently, Anti-Americanism.
Albert Ruben is a writer of screenplays for motion pictures and television. He is on the Board of the Daniel Singer Foundation.
David F. Ruccio is the editor of Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Politics, and Culture. He teaches in the Department of Economics
and Policy Studies at the University of Notre Dame and has published
widely on the topics of Marxism, postmodernism, and international political economy. His most recent book is Postmodern Moments in Modern
Economics (Princeton 2003).
Chris Rude, a former Wall Street and NY Fed economist, is finishing
his PhD in Economics from the New School University. While studying there, he was Assistant Director of the Center for Economic Policy
Analysis (CEPA) . He was also a consultant to the United Nations on the
Asian financial crisis. He is currently teaching and doing research at York
University in Toronto.
Alex Ryabov is from Brooklyn, served in combat in Iraq with the MaJustino Rodriguez is a anti-war activist and a student at the City
rine Corps. He is a co-founder of Iraq Veterans Against the War ( www.
College of New York, where he has been active in counter military
recruitment work. He participated this year's World Social Forum in
Porto Alegre, where he spoke at the international youth encampment.
He, along side 2 other students and a staff member, was arrested and
suspended from City College for peacefully protesting military recruitment on campus.
Roderick Ryon co-chairs the Religion and Socialism Commission of
Democratic Socialists of America. He teaches history and environmental studies at Towson University (Baltimore) and works for single-payer
health care in Maryland.
Joel Rogers is Professor of Law. Political Science, and Sociology at
Ellen Schrecker is Professor of History at Yeshiva University, where
the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and founder and director of its
Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS). COWS is a research center
and laboratory for field experiments in " high road" - i.e., profitable,
labor-friendly. environmentally sustainable, and democratically accountable- economic development and state and local public policy.
she has taught since 1987. An expert on McCarthyism, she has published Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America ( 1998), The Age of
McCorthyism ( 1994, rev. ed. 2002), and No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism and
the Universities ( 1986) which won the History of Education Society's
Outstanding Book Award for 1987. Schrecker also writes about contemporary academic freedom and is the former editor of Academe, the
magazine of the American Association of University Professors.
Nancy Romer is on the Executive Committee of the Professional
Staff Congress of CUNY, chairs their Peace and Justice Committee, is
their representative to the Steering Committee of US Labor Against the
War, and USLAW's representative to the national steering committee
of United For Peace and justice. She co-convened Educators to Stop the
War conference on March 5th and continues to serve on their steering
David Schultz is professor in the Graduate School of Public Administration and Management at Hamline University. He also holds appointments in the Hamline University Department of Criminal Justice and
Forensic Science, and at the Hamline and University of Minnesota law
2005 Left Forum
28 The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
schools. Professor Schultz is the author of over 18 books and 40 articles
on various aspects of law, public administration, and American politics.
Stephen R. Shalom teaches political science at William Paterson University in New Jersey. Among his books are Which Side Are You On?
An Introduction to Politics, and Imperial Alibis: Rationalizing US Intervention
After the Cold War. He is on the editorial board of New Politics and writes
frequently for Z Magazine and ZNet (www.zmag.org).
Lucas Shapiro is the National Organizer for the Young Democrat-
ic Socialists (YDS), the youth section of the Democrati c Socialists of
America. He has worked with various activist and community organizations promoting alternative media, LGBT rights, prisoner education,
youth empowerm ent, literacy, student labor solidarity, peace and global
justice. Through YDS, he is active in the National Youth & Student Peace
Coalition and United for Peace &Justice.
H. Rajan Sharma is a New York attorney, author and an expert on
international law, including the subject of international litigation and arbitration. Since 1999, he has served as lead counsel in an environmental
class action against Union Carbide in the US federal courts on behalf of
survivors and victims of the 1984 Bhopal Gas Disaster. He also served
as counsel in the Holocaust-era litigation against French, German, Swiss
and Austrian entities that resulted in the creation of $5 billion restitution
fund to victims of World War II atrocities.
Jessica Shearer is a member and former co-chair of the Young Dem-
ocratic Socialists. She is a political organizer who has worked with SEIU,
the Working Families Party, America Coming Together, Polo Democraticc in Colombia, and the African National Congress.
Nicole Shippen is a PhD candidate at Rutgers University studying
labor, women and unions. She is coordinating committee member of
the Young Democrati c Socialists, and on the steering committee of the
American Association of University Professors.
Marina Sitrin is a PhD student at Stonybrook studying contemporary
social movements. She just published a book Horizontalidad: Voces de
Poder Popular en Argentina, which is a collection of testimonies of people
in the new autonomous social movements. (an English version is on the
way). She has a degree in law and teaches part time at Gallatin, New
York University.
Michael Steven Smith has testified on human rights issues before
committees of the United States Congress and the United N ations. He
has written or edited five books, the latest being The Emerging Police
State by William M . Kunster. He is on the Board of The Brecht Forum,
the New York City chapter of The National Lawyers Guild, and practices law in New York City.
Neil Smith is D istinguished Professor of Anthropolo gy and Geography
at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York where he
also directs the Center for Place, Culture and Politics. He recently won
the LA Times Book Prize for Biography (2003) for his book American
Empire: Roosevelt's Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization (2003).
He works on the broad connections between space, social theory and
history, and is also author of New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the
Revanchist Oty ( 1996) and Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the
Production of Space ( 1991) and most recently The Endgame of Globaliza-
tion (2005).
Preston H. Smith II is National Co-coordin ator of the Free Higher
Education campaign sponsored by the Debs-Douglass-Jones Institute,
educational and cultural arm of the Labor Party. He also directs the
community-based learning program and teaches politics and African
American Studies at Mount Holyoke College. He teaches and writes on
class in black politics and community development. A member of the
Labor Party since 1995, he currently sits on the party's Interim National
Committee of the Labor Party.
Richard Smith trained as a comparative historian at UCLA, taught a
Rutgers New Brunswick, and has written on the transition to capitalism
in China, capitalist development and China's environment, and primitive
accumulation in Russia and China for New Left Review, Monthly Review,
The Ecologist and other publications. He is now working on a book on
capitalism and the global environmental crisis."
Mia Son is Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine at the College of
Medicine, Kangwon National University. She works in the fields of social
and occupational epidemiology on issues of social class, unemployment,
irregular work, shift work, and work intensity. Her research interests
also deals with empowering workers' solidarity in the workplace. She is
affiliated with the Korean Institute for Labour Safety (http:/ /kilsh.or.kr),
the Korean Institute for Labour Studies and Safety Policy (http:/ /kilsp.
jinbo.net) and the Power of Working Class (http:/ /www.pwc .or.kr).
Hobart A. Spalding specializes in contemporary Latin America, especially labor and social movements. He works with NACLA, Latin American Perspectives, and the Brecht Forum, among other organizations. He
recently coordinated the special issue of Socialism and Democracy on
Cuba in the 1990s.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak teaches Comparative Literature, Marx,
Global Feminism, Derrida, and various other subjects at Columbia
University. She is the director of the Center for Comparative Literature and Society, and is an activist in both elementary education and the
facilitation of ecological agriculture . Dr. Spivak has published translations of Derrida as well as translations of Bengali fiction and poetry.
Lynne Stewart is an attorney who has been providing political defense
to those criminalized by state and federal govenments since the 1980s
(Anti-Springbok, May 19 Communist, Black Panther, Black Liberation
Army, Weather Underground, Ohio 7, Richard Williams, Larry Davis,
Ahmad Ajaj, Nasser Ahmed). In February, the governmen t won a guilty
verdict against her in federal court relating to her defense of Omar Adel
Rahman, and she faces a maximum jail term of thirty years. Sentencing
is scheduled for September 23 w ith an appeal to follow.
Vincenzo Striano is the President of ARCI-Toscana. He has written
extensively on third-secto r institutions and "associationism." Since the
1950s, the Associazione Ricreativa Culturale ltaliana (ARCI) has been
Italy's major co-operative association, responsible for much of the
country's progressive civil society network. In the late 1990s, ARCI
took on new significance as the most prominent nationwide institution
within the new global justice and peace movements. It has well over 2
million members.
Maria Svart is Co-chair of the Young Democratic Socialists (the
youth section of DSA). She is currently an organizer for the Service
Employees Internation al Union, buthasspentthe lastnineyearsasacampus
activist and community organizer in the environmental, feminist, antiracist, anti-war and labor movements.
William K. Tabb is Professor of Economics at Queens College. His
books include Economic Governance in the Age of Globalization (Columbia 2004); Unequal Partners: A Primer on Globalization (The New Press
2002); The Amoral Elephant: Globalization and the Struggle for Social Justice
in the Twenty-First Century (Monthly Review Press 200 I ); Reconstruct-
2005 Left Forum
The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
ing Political Economy: The Great Divide in Economic Thought (Routledge
1999); and The PostwarJapanese System: Cultural Economy and Economic
Transformation (Oxford 1995).
Michael Tanzer is president of Tanzer Economic Associates, Inc, which
for 35 years has specialized in consulting to Third World governments
in the oil and energy areas. He is the author of five books, including The
Political Economy of International Oil and the Underdeveloped Countries
(Beacon Press 1969) and Energy Update: Oil in the Late Twentieth Century (Monthly Review Press 1985; with Stephen Zorn). "Solidarity at the
Pump: A Proposal for the Oil Exporting Nations of the Third World,"
appeared in NACLA Report on the Americas (January/February 200 I).
Steve Theberge is the Youth and Counter Militarism National Organizer at the War Resisters League. The WRL's Youth and Counter
Militarism Project, based in New York City, provides youth with the
resources and training necessary to agitate against military recruitment
in their schools and communities. Our long term goal is to bring youth
organizers and young veterans together to help build a unified, national
anti-war movement.
Joe Trippi was heralded by The New Republic as the man who reinvented campaigning. He worked on Edward M. Kennedy's presidential campaign in 1980, as well as the presidential campaigns of Walter
Mondale, Gary Hart, Richard Gephardt and Howard Dean. As National
Campaign Manager for Howard Dean, he pioneered the use of online
technology to organize what became the largest grassroots movement
in presidential politics. Through Trippi's innovative use of the internet
for small-donor fund raising, Dean for America raised more money than
any Democratic presidential campaign in history, all with small donations. As a political analyst and commentator, Trippi appears regularly
on MSNBC and the Fox News Channel. He has been profiled in GQ,
Fast Company, The New Republic, and The New York. Times Magazine.
for education and a progressive response to it.
Leonard Weinglass is a criminal lawyer whose clients have included
the Chicago Seven and Mumia Abu Jamal. He was an attorney in the
Pentagon Papers case.
Seth Weiss works at May Day Books & lnfoshop, a radical bookstore
in NYC (www.maydaybooks.net). He is also a founder of a new anticapitalist school in Manhattan, The New SPACE (http:/ /new-space.
Jason West, elected Mayor of New Paltz in the spring of 2003, gained
international attention as part of the first Green Party majority elected
in New York State, and later for risking criminal prosecution to marry
25 same-sex couples. They are the first legal gay marriages in New York..
Mayor West continues to create innovative public policy that combines
environmental protection, social justice and fiscal responsibility. He has
been the recipient of numerous civil rights awards.
Ellen Willis directs the Cultural Reporting and Criticism program at
New York. University and is the author of three books of essays on
cultural and political issues. Her articles have appeared in The Nation,
Dissent, Salon, First of the Month, and other publications.
Joseph Wilson is Professor of Political Science at Brooklyn College.
He is Director of the Brooklyn College Graduate Center for Worker
Education and has authored numerous works on labor, race, steel, and a
forthcoming book evaluating race and labor in the contemporary era.
Frieder Otto Wolf has been teaching philosophy since 1966 at Saarbri.icken, Coimbra and Berlin University. He is active in European politics. and served as a Green MEP from 1994 to 1999. He is a leading
member of the German Humanist Organization since 1998, and president of the Humanist Academy of Berlin since 2003.
Michael Tyner, a member of Uptown for Peace and Justice, is a youth
activist, hip-hop DJ, music producer and filmmaker. He works with
youth teaching video production and is currently working on the "We
Got Next" public access show.
Max Fraad Wolff is a doctoral candidate in economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is a freelance writer in the areas of
finance and foreign policy.
David Van Arsdale is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at SUNY
Richard D.Wolff is a Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is the co-author with Stephen Resnick of numerous books and articles. They are currently working on a class analysis of contemporary households and of some major historical trends in
US capitalism. He also teaches at the Brecht Forum.
Tompkins Cortland Community College and 2004 graduate of distinction from the Social Science Doctorate Program of the Maxwell School
of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University.
Antwuan Wallace serves as a the Program Consultant for the Media
Justice Fund, which aims to galvanize activists, practitioners and analysts
to elevate media issues of equality and fairness within a social justice
framework.. A doctoral student in Policy Analysis at the New School,
his proposed dissertation will investigate how youth-of-color are using
information communication technologies within community-based organizations to affect social change.
Ellen Meiksins Wood taught Political Science for many years at York.
University in Toronto. Her books include The Retreat from Class; Peasant-Citizen and Slave: The Foundations of Athenian Democracy; The Pristine
Culture of Capitalism; The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View; and most
recently, Empire of Capital.
Julia Wrigley is a professor of sociology at the CUNY Graduate CenMichel Warschawski is a veteran journalist and peace activist as
well as author of numerous books, including Toward and Open Tomb
and most recently On the Border (South End, 2005). He co-founded the
Alternative Information Center, a Palestinian-Israeli research and media
organization promoting a just resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He lives in Jerusalem. On the Border is an account of the psychological and political pressures that Israeli intelligence agents, the Shin Bet,
brought to bear on him and his Palestinian colleagues.
ter. She is the author of Class Politics and Public Schools and Other People's
Eddie Yuen is the co-editor, along with George Katsiaficas and Daniel
Burton-Rose, of The Battle of Seattle (2002) and Confronting Capitalism
(2004), both on Soft Skull Press. He teaches in the Activism and Social
Change program at New College of California in San Francisco
llan Ziv, the filmmaker of Utigating Disaster, emigrated from Israel in
Lois Weiner teaches education at New Jersey City University and has
recently joined the editorial board of New Politics. Her recent research,
available at www.newpol.org, focuses on neoliberalism's global design
1950, graduated New York University's film school, and co-produced
New York's first Middle East Film Festival in 1978. He is the founder of
Icarus Films, an educational film distribution company. Since then he has
2005 Left Forum
JQ The U.S., the World, and the Next Four Years
directed dozens of award-winning documentaries dealing broadly with
issues of human rights, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and investigations
of contemporary history. His film, The Junction was Human Weapon,
about the history of suicide bombing ran at Film Forum in 2002.
Gregory Zucker is the managing editor of Logos Journal and the assistant film editor at The Brooklyn Rail. In addition to Logos and The Brooklyn
Rail, he has also written for New Politics and Democratic Left.
Ross Zucker's recent book, Democratic Distributive Justice (Cambridge
University Press), presents a two-part justification of greater incomeequality within a democratic framework, suggesting that greater income
equality is warranted by considerations both of economic community
and of rewards for economic contributions. Democracy demands, his
latest work notes, not just conditions of political equality, but also egalitarian rules for the distribution of income. Zucker received his PhD in
political science from Yale University in 1990.
Michael Zweig is the founder and director of the Center for Study of
Working Class Life and Professor of Economics at SUNY Stony Brook.
His most recent books are What's Class Got to Do with It: American Society in the Twenty-ftrst Century (Cornell 2004), and The Working Class
Majority: America's Best Kept Secret (Corne112000). He is co-convener of
Educators to Stop the War and represents his union, United University
Professions, on the national steering committee of US Labor Against
the War.
2005 Left Forum
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Call for Vietnam Conference Papers and Tour
Conference: Consequences
of the Changing World
Economy for Claaa
Relations, Ideology, and
Culture, 9-11 Jan. 2006, Hanoi
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