2013/2014 Annual Report - United Way of Greater Waterbury
2013/2014 Annual Report - United Way of Greater Waterbury
MOVING OUR ENTIRE COMMUNITY FORWARD 2013-14 ANNUAL REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 42,522 People Served by United Way Funded Programs 91% of Every Dollar Invested in Programs & Services ‘WE MOBILIZE FINANCIAL AND VOLUNTEER RESOURCES AND CONVENE PARTNERS TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF OUR COMMUNITY AND TO INVEST IN APPROACHES THAT MEASURABLY IMPROVE THE COMMUNITY CONDITIONS FOR ALL.’ Dear Friends, When we support United Way of Greater Waterbury, what are we really doing? The short answer is that we are moving our entire community forward through better education, more stable incomes and healthier lives. Last year, the number of people helped in Bethlehem, Cheshire, Middlebury, Prospect, Southbury, Thomaston, Watertown, Wolcott, Woodbury and Waterbury by United Way donors could fill the Palace Theatre 21 times over. The answer to the challenges faced by our community does not lie in a single agency, program, or initiative. The solutions lie in the collective impact of these, delivering results that could not be achieved alone. This approach requires bringing the best, brightest, and most resourceful partners to the table. This includes knowledgeable volunteers, partner agencies, the local workforce, leadership donors, foundations and more. United Way brings these resources together to provide immediate assistance to those in need, while working toward long-term solutions that will prevent problems from happening in the first place. That is the power of United Way. United Way of Greater Waterbury funds 46 local programs, supports 28 partner agencies and collaborates with 15 community initiatives throughout our 10-town region. Together with these partnerships and the generous financial support of our donors, tens of thousands of people receive help. To build on our success and prepare for tomorrow, United Way of Greater Waterbury recently completed a new three-year strategic plan. The plan, developed with valued input from our community partners and stakeholders, will guide us into the future as we strengthen and enhance our community impact work and leverage the resources needed to move our entire community forward. This Annual Report is a testament to all United Way of Greater Waterbury has accomplished this year and the volunteers, donors, partners and staff who make it happen. The results we are achieving are proof that ‘Great Things Happen When We LIVE UNITED.’ Sincerely, Sandra Senich Chairperson, United Way of Greater Waterbury Bank of America IN THIS REPORT Moving Our Entire Community Forward............................................4 Education.........................................................................................5 Income / Financial Stability.............................................................6 Basic Needs.....................................................................................7 Kristen Jacoby, MPH President & Chief Professional Officer United Way of Greater Waterbury Volunteers........................................................................................10 Leadership Donors...........................................................................12 Top 100 / In-Kind.............................................................................16 Financial Statement.........................................................................17 3 MOVING OUR ENTIRE COMMUNITY FORWARD United Way helps tens of thousands of people each year across the 10-town Greater Waterbury region by focusing on the vital building blocks for a good life: Education, Income/Financial Stability and Basic Needs. A good academic foundation is key to acquiring life and work skills. An adequate income establishes financial and household security. Families and individuals are strong and can thrive when their basic needs are met. every town we serve. To accomplish this, we mobilize the people and organizations that have the passion, expertise and resources to get the job done. United Way funds 46 local programs, partners with 28 agencies, and supports 15 community initiatives throughout our region. By leveraging the collective power of the community, we are delivering immediate assistance to those in need and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to live a good life. United Way of Greater Waterbury works to make sure these building blocks are sound and stable in 28 46 PARTNER AGENCIES 15 4 COMMUNITY INITIATIVES LOCAL PROGRAMS EDUCATION We are investing in our future by increasing opportunities for children and youth to succeed. By expanding access to quality early learning educational experiences for young children, we are ensuring more children are entering school ready to learn. By increasing out-of-school time opportunities for youth, we are helping local youth reach their potential by building skills for success. Children who start school behind tend to stay behind. The best way to combat this achievement gap is with solid early education programs. For example, the Home Visiting initiative is a strategy that ensures children are prepared for school, both academically and emotionally, and reinforces the significant role parents play in their children’s education as their “first teachers”. • Working with early literacy partners Reach Out and Read, StayWell Health Center, Head Start and Wellmore, 7,195 books have been distributed through ‘well-child visits’ and ‘home visits’ to children 0-5 years old. • Parent Surveys indicate a significant improvement in parents’ active role in reading with their children Child developmental assets represent factors in children’s lives that facilitate positive development and resiliency. The more assets a child has the more likely he or she will demonstrate healthy development and fulfill their potential. • 135 children and youth between the ages of 11 and 18 engaged in United Way supported after-school programs completed a Developmental Asset Profile survey before and after their participation. The results showed, on average, that youth in these programs scored higher than the national average, demonstrating healthy development. EDUCATION PARTNERS Boy Scouts – Scoutreach Program Boys & Girls Club – After School Program Campership – Summer Camp Sessions Catholic Charities – Infant & Toddler Care Children’s Community School – Education Family Services of Greater Waterbury – Therapeutic Child Care Girl Scouts – Leadership Experience Girls Inc. – GirlStart Home Visiting & Oral Language Development – Early Literacy Kangaroo’s Korner – Child Care Nonprofit Assistance Initiative – Capacity Building for Nonprofits Nutmeg Big Brothers/Sisters – Mentoring Safe Haven – Child Education Waterbury Youth Service System – Truancy Program Cheshire YMCA – Early Child Care – School Age Care Greater Waterbury YMCA – Camp – Child Develpoment Center – Hoops & Homework – School Age Care A child enjoys her own special ‘reading corner’ set up to encourage reading at home. 7,195 Books to Children 0-5 Years Old 5 INCOME AND FINANCIAL STABILITY We are helping families and individuals become financially stable through training and educational opportunities. By linking unemployed and underemployed youth and adults with career training and educational opportunities, we are helping local residents obtain the necessary skills that will help provide them with financial stability. The entire community benefits when individuals and families are financially stable. We work with partners who provide basic needs as well as employment training support and services. These efforts are helping a whole new category of people who are seeking assistance: individuals and families who once considered themselves part of the middle class but are now on the financial brink due to job loss, housing foreclosure, crushing medical costs or personal crisis. • Literacy Volunteers of Greater Waterbury offers programs that provide assessment and training services for adults with limited cognitive/ intellectual/literacy abilities. In 2013/2014, 117 adults came with work related goals, 34 found new/better jobs, 25 retained jobs, 15 improved job search skills, 8 entered Adult Ed, and 8 became new citizens. • The John J. Driscoll United Labor Agency’s Employment Counseling program assists dislocated and underemployed workers to become reemployed. Their goal to assist clients to achieve a 50% competitive reemployment rate was achieved for 79 participants. In addition, 421 clients participated in valuable computer literacy training. • Waterbury Youth Services’ Support for Self Determination program provides a 26 week training program for Hispanic women and men interested in opening their own child care business. 53% opened their own family child care or obtained employment. INCOME/FINANCIAL STABILITY PARTNERS 2-1-1 Literacy & Employment Training – Financial Stability Literacy Volunteers of Waterbury – Adult Literacy Program John J. Driscoll United Labor Agency – Employment Counseling Program Graduates of Waterbury Youth Services’ Support for Self Determination program taking steps toward financial stability. 6 Nonprofit Assistance Initiative – Capacity Building for Nonprofits Waterbury Youth Service System – Support for Self-determination BASIC NEEDS We are providing critical services that assist people to become more self-sufficient in meeting their basic needs. By working to ensure all residents have access to healthcare, housing and food, we are improving the quality of life of our neighbors and creating opportunities for a better tomorrow. Access to housing, healthcare and food continues to be a challenge for many in our community. A community cannot truly call itself healthy until those going without the most basic of needs are given a hand up. United Way is leveraging human, financial and technical resources to make sure help reaches the people who need it most. • Assisting the 13 partners of the United Way Food Resource Committee, whose food pantries are strained during the summer months, United Way rallied 56 partner companies who donated 17,842 pounds of food through the annual Stock the Pantry food drive, providing 14,868 meals to those in need. • • Helping increase access to vital prescription medicine, United Way of Greater Waterbury, in partnership with FamilyWize, a distributer of free prescription savings cards, have saved local residents over $1,478,000 on prescription medications they might not have been able to afford otherwise. $428,366 of those savings were from the purchase of mental health prescription medications alone. United Way, along with the The Waterbury Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, initiated the Flexible Assistance Fund as a strategy to prevent families from entering homelessness. One-time financial support is awarded to applicants experiencing an unexpected financial hardship that puts their housing in jeopardy who demonstrate the ability to remain self-sufficient after the financial hardship has been removed. The program is proving very successful, with 87% of those assisted stable in their housing 6 months after receiving assistance. BASIC NEEDS PARTNERS American Red Cross – Emergency Assistance Catholic Charities – Behavioral Health CT Counseling Center – Methadone Maintenance CT Legal Services – Legal Aid Families In Crisis – Family Counseling Family Services of Greater Waterbury – Behavioral Health Familywize – Prescription Discount Card Flexible Assistance Fund – Homeless Prevention Food Pantry Data Collection – Photo I.D. Swipe Card Food Resource Initiative – Food Pantry Network Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries – Food Pantry – Soup Kitchen Hispanic Coalition of Greater Waterbury – Senior Case Management Holiday Assistance Program – Thanksgiving Meals Jewish Federation of Western CT – Family Services Mental Health Association – Independence Center Nonprofit Assistance Initiative – Capacity Building for Nonprofits Safe Haven – Non-shelter Services – Sexual Assault – Shelter Salvation Army – Waterbury – Comprehensive Emergency Assistance – Family Emergency Shelter StayWell Health Center – Dental – Women’s Health Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness – Community Collaborative VNA Health at Home – Care of the Sick VNA Health Care – Home Health Care Waterbury Youth Service System – Youth & Family Emergency Services Wellmore Behavioral Health – Adult Outpatient Services – Children’s Clinical Services – Emergancy Mobile Psychiatric Services – Morris House – Therapeutic Shelter – Women/Children’s 37,776 Calls Received by United Way 2-1-1 for Information and Referral 7 Fu n vai la bi lit y I s s Asse tt Assess Community Needs m en Impact Cabinet and Councils li g n ie w gA Review Requests for Funding Shared Knowledge Learning & Expertise Rev din In tA Assess Outcomes & Performance Recom me nd en ent m s s e s s A gy Financial Review of Partners s ent stm ve Prior ity Str ate UNITED WAY OF GREATER WATERBURY COMMUNITY IMPACT CITIZEN REVIEW AND ALLOCATION PROCESS n tm s ve Thank you to all the Community Impact Volunteers, Councils and Cabinet members who support this work (see lists page 10). 8 HOW YOUR DOLLARS MAKE AN IMPACT WHERE THE MONEY GOES... Meet Jamie Jamie. Meet Hello Jamie anan opportunity. Jamie is is aachild childwho whowants wantstotosucceed. succeed.All Allheheneeds needsisis opportunity. Let's Go! Let’s Go! United Way brings communities together to United Way brings lift up millions of communities "Jamies." Wetogether focus onto EDUCATION, and lift up millionsINCOME of “Jamies.” BASIC NEEDS - the We focus on EDUCATION, building blocks for a– good INCOME and HEALTH quality life. the building blocks for a good quality life. A GOOD EARLY EDUCATION PUTS A GOOD EARLY JAMIE ON THE EDUCATION RIGHT PATH PUTS JAMIE ON THE RIGHT PATH JAMIE'S PARENTS STABILIZE THEIR HOUSING WITH ASSISTANCE FROM FIND JAMIE’S PARENTS HOMELESS PREVENTION JOBS AND MOVE TOWARDS PROGRAMS FINANCIAL STABILITY ACCESS TO NUTRITIOUS HEALTHY FOODS FOODS HELP HELP JAMIE FOCUS JAMIE FOCUS IN THE CLASSROOM IN THE CLASSROOM JAMIE'S PARENTS MOVE TOWARD FINANCIAL STABILITY FINDING GOOD JAMIE’S PARENTS JOBS A RESULT OF SAVEAS MORE OF THEIR EMPLOYMENT TRAINING HARD-EARNED MONEY JAMIE MISSES LESS JAMIE MISSES LESSOF SCHOOL BECAUSE QUALITY SCHOOL HEALTH BECAUSECARE OF QUALITY HEALTH CARE JAMIE EARNS HIS HIGH SCHOOL JAMIE EARNS DIPLOMA HIS HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA JAMIE'S DIPLOMA JAMIE’SDOORS DIPLOMA OPENS TO OPPORTUNITIES OPENS DOORS TO OPPORTUNITIES The next Jamie The next . . . . . . . . . begins his begins . . . . . . . . . Jamie journey... his journey... JAMIE HELPS BUILD A JAMIE HELPS STRONGER COMMUNITY BUILD A STRONGER COMMUNITY We All All Win! Win! We To how even a small change can strengthen your community, check out our interactive To learn learnmore moreabout about how even a small change can strengthen your community, Common Good Forecaster. UnitedWay.org/forecaster check out our interactive Common Good Forecaster. www.UnitedWay.org/forecaster United Wayof Anytown United Way of Greater Waterbury UnitedWayAnytown.org UnitedWaygw.org 79 VOLUNTEERS United Way was founded by volunteers, and it is sustained by volunteers. As our most trusted resource, our volunteers are engaged in creating a shared vision and taking action to address the underlying causes of our region’s most serious problems. OFFICERS & EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ms. Sandra Senich, Chairperson Bank of America Mr. Donald Ciampi Jr, First Vice Chair Ciampi Tax & Financial Services Mr. Joe Gugliotti, Second Vice Chair WORX Mr. John F. Worgan, Treasurer Ritch, Greenberg & Hassan PC Mr. Matthew J. Hickey, Secretary Connecticut Light & Power Ms. Susan E. Sprano, Governance Committee Chair Republican-American BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Timothy D. Bergstrom Webster Bank Mr. Frank E. Cirillo IBEW Local 420 Mr. Joseph T. Connolly Saint Mary’s Health System Ms. Janice A. Crelan Hubbard-Hall Inc. Dr. Daisy Cocco De Filippis Naugatuck Valley Community College Dr. James Gatling New Opportunities, Inc. Mr. Jimmie Griffin New Opportunities, Inc. Mr. Richard J. Iovanne People’s United Bank Ms. Jayne Kelly Ion Bank Mr. Joseph R. McGrath City of Waterbury Ms. Patricia A. McKinley Community Volunteer Dr. Donald W. Mroz Post University Mr. Robert Nocera Waterbury Housing Fund, Inc. Mr. David C. Petitti Torrco Mr. Frank Sherer Timex Group USA, Inc. Ms. Christine Shortell IBM Corporation Ms. Darlene Stromstad Waterbury Hospital Ms. Kara J. Summa Summa & Ryan, P.C. Ms. Anne Watkowski MacDermid, Inc. Attorney Mark F. Williams Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey LLP FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr. John F. Worgan, Chairperson Ritch, Greenberg & Hassan PC Mr. Daniel Harrington MacDermid, Inc. Mr. Dolton James Ph.D. Saint Mary’s Health System Ms. Jayne Kelly Ion Bank Mr. Terrence K. Mangan Webster Bank Mr. Frank J. Monteiro MacDermid, Inc. Mr. David C. Petitti Torrco 10 PLANNED GIVING AND ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE Mr. Timothy W. Grimes, Chairperson New England Financial Group Mr. John T. Daddona The Ridgefield Group Morgan Stanley, Wealth Management Mr. Charles W. Henry Henry & Federer LLP Mr. Donald Liebeskind Community Volunteer Mr. David C. Mulhall LPL Financial Services Mr. Peter W. Murphy Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Mr. Michael J. Reardon Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey LLP Basic Needs Impact Council Ms. Stephani Teixeira, Chairperson Savings Bank of Danbury Ms. Patricia Colaci, CPA Cherubino & Company Mr. Herbert F. Doscher Jr Timex Group USA, Inc. Ms. Francine DuVerger Connecticut Food Bank Volunteer Ms. Linda A. Janowitz Waterbury Youth Service System Inc. Ms. Toni Losee MacDermid, Inc. Mr. Joseph Perrelli Council of Governments of the CNV Ms. Janine Sullivan-Wiley Northwest Regional Mental Health Board PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Mr. Vincent M. Farisello Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey LLP Ms. Melanie Felladore Torrco Mr. Timothy W. Grimes New England Financial Group Ms. Cheryl Jurasek Crystal Rock Attorney Mark F. Williams Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey LLP Mr. Nick Zaino Jr Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey LLP Ad hoc Financial Review Committee Mr. Roy Balkus Community Volunteer Mr. Mario Cherubino Cherubino & Company Ms. Patti Colaci Cherubino & Company Ms. Debi Colacrai Community Volunteer Mr. Joshua M. Dickinson Blum Shapiro GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Ms. Susan E. Sprano, Chairperson Republican-American Mr. Donald Ciampi Jr Ciampi Tax & Financial Services Dr. Daisy Cocco De Filippis Naugatuck Valley Community College Mr. Jimmie Griffin New Opportunities, Inc. Mr. Timothy W. Grimes New England Financial Group Ms. Kara J. Summa Summa & Ryan, P.C. COMMUNITY IMPACT CABINET Mr. Matthew J. Hickey, Chairperson Connecticut Light & Power Ms. Nancy Becker Torrco Mr. Mark Casey Saint Mary’s Health System Ms. Lynn Franklin-Henry Community Volunteer Ms. Patricia A. McKinley Community Volunteer Mr. Mark C. Sanchioni Webster Bank Mr. Teddi Therkidsen Community Volunteer Ms. Stephani Teixeira, Basic Needs Impact Council Chair, Savings Bank of Danbury Ms. Elizabeth Brown, Education Impact Council Chair Community Volunteer Ms. Carolann Belforti, Income Impact Council Co-Chair JobLinks/NW Regional Workforce Investment Board Ms. Erin A. Dorman, Income Impact Council Co-Chair Webster Bank Mr. Richard J. Dumont, Ex Officio Member Post University Education Impact Council Ms. Elizabeth Brown, Chairperson E.C Brown Consulting Mr. Matt Abdifar Kindar Morgan Ms. Janice A. Crelan Hubbard-Hall Inc. Ms. Diane J. Eschner TD Bank Ms. Elaine M. Skoronski Waterbury Public Schools Ms. Isabella M. Squicciarini Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey LLP Ms. Deborah P. Watson Post University Income Impact Council Ms. Carolann Belforti, Co-Chair JobLinks/NW Regional Workforce Investment Board Ms. Erin A. Dorman, Co-Chair Webster Bank Mr. Joshua M. Dickinson BlumShapiro Mr. Thomas M. Abbott Post University Mr. Thomas J. Cronin Torrco Ms. Kit Salazar-Smith Department of Labor Ms. Maria Sanchez American Savings Foundation 2013/2014 CAMPAIGN LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Chairperson Ms. Mary Rosengrant-Chiappalone Biondi and Rosengrant, LLC Incoming Chairs Mr. George A. LaCapra. Jr UniMetal Surface Finishing, LLC Ms. Stacy LaCapra Community Volunteer Financial Division Mr. John T. Daddona The Ridgefield Group Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Mr. Richard J. Iovanne People’s United Bank Ms. Kimberly D. Lebron Thomaston Savings Bank Mr. Robert Yerger Northwest Mutual Financial Network Healthcare Division Mr. David C. Bigham Waterbury Hospital Dr. Steven E. Schneider Saint Mary’s Health System Ms. Darlene Stromstad, Advisory Role Waterbury Hospital Mr. Chad W. Wable FACHE, Advisory Role Saint Mary’s Health System Manufacturing Division Mr. George Strobel, Jr Marjan, Inc. Sales and Service Division Ms. Marianne Barbino Dubuque Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey LLP Mr. Frank Caruso H.D. Segur Mr. Christopher Fasano Torrco Public Service Division Mr. Joseph Geary City of Waterbury Retail Division Ms. Anna Demers Macy’s Logistics & Operations Mr. Dominic Frenza Bozzuto’s Inc. Non-Profit Division Mr. James M. O’Rourke Greater Waterbury YMCA Mr. Frank Tavera Palace Theater Education Division Mr. Leo Lavallee Waterbury Symphony Orchestra Ms. Veronica Montalvo Post University Ms. Melissa Riccio Santos Post University Opportunity Division Mr. Timothy D. Bergstrom, Co-Chair Webster Bank Mr. Joseph R. McGrath, Co-Chair City of Waterbury Mr. Matt Abdifar Kinder Morgan Mr. Kevin M. DelGobbo City of Waterbury Mr. Stephen A. Dohoney Webster Bank Mr. Thomas M. Gentile Waterbury Development Corp Ms. Elizabeth LaCava Powerstation Events Ms. Lynn G. Ward Waterbury Regional Chamber Tocqueville Society Dr. Peter Jacoby Saint Mary’s Health System/EmCare Leavenworth Society Ms. Katherine M. Hanratty Jaci Carroll Staffing Ms. Stacy LaCapra Community Volunteer Mr. Nick Zaino Jr Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey LLP Residential Division Ms. Lissa Jennings, Chair Bentley Systems, Incorporated adam broderick Event Ms. Lisa Carotti adam broderick salon & spa Ms. Amy Conto Community Volunteer Ms. Stephanie McDonald Community Volunteer Bethlehem Event Dr. Emily Littman Eisen Community Volunteer Boys’ Night Out Event Mr. David Lepore DDL Enterprises, Inc. Mr. John A. Zinno Jr, CPA BlumShapiro Cooking Demo Event Ms. Sandra Senich Bank of America Ms. Barbara Diorio The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. Fitness at the Edge Event Ms. Kimberly Johnston Fitness at The Edge Ms. Anne Watkowski MacDermid, Inc. Middlebury Event Ms. Janet Collins United Way of Greater Waterbury Mr. John T. Daddona The Ridgefield Group Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Ms. Marissa Daddona Community Volunteer Ms. Jodi Wasserstein Community Volunteer Prospect Event Ms. Robin Sills R.N. Saint Mary’s Health System Waterbury Event Ms. Lori Greene Elizabeth Richards Gifts Watertown Event Ms. Sharon Zilahy Refresh Spa & Salon Communications Committee Ms. Wendy L. Augur Bank of America Mr. Grant Copeland WORX Mr. David Griffith Timex Group USA, Inc. Ms. Susan E. Sprano Republican-American Mr. Jon Crane, Advisory Role Critical PR Mr. Joe Gugliotti, Advisory Role WORX 2013/2014 SPONSORED EXECUTIVES Ms. Beatrice Chipelo Ms. Marie Greco Ms. Leslie Liben 2013/2014 99 VOTING MEMBERS Mr. Burton Albert Albert Brothers, Inc. Ms. Catherine Awwad Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board Dr. Robert Beaudoin REB Associates Mr. Joel Becker Torrco Mr. Michael W. Belden Community Volunteer Ms. Sylvia R. Biscardi Community Volunteer Ms. Margie Bonner Mount Olive Senior Center Ms. Sally Bowman Sally Bowman Real Estate, LLC Ms. Mary C. Bulkovitch Community Volunteer Mr. Robert Burns The Mattatuck Museum Ms. Kay Campbell Community Volunteer Ms. Jaci Carroll-Hanratty Community Volunteer Mr. Stephen Collins Waterbury Symphony Orchestra Mr. Joseph T. Connolly Saint Mary’s Health System Ms. Cathy Conti Timexpo: The Timex Group Museum Mr. Jon Crane Critical PR Ms. Janice A. Crelan Hubbard-Hall Inc. Mr. John F. Cronan Community Volunteer Ms. Anne Marie Cullinan Waterbury Public Schools Mr. John T. Daddona The Ridgefield Group Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Ms. Deborah A. D’Agostino Office of the State Treasurer Mr. Kevin M. DelGobbo City of Waterbury Ms. Anna Demers Macy’s Logistics & Operations Ms. Barbara Diorio The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. Chief Neil Dryfe Cheshire Police Department Mr. Brandon Dufour All-Star Driver Mr. Richard J. Dumont Post University Mr. Brad Erickson Paper Delivery, Inc Ms. Patricia A. Evans Saint Mary’s Health System Ms. Christina Fishbein Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging Dr. James H. Gatling New Opportunities, Inc. Rabbi Chaim S. Gewirtzman Community Services and Resources Mr. Brian Gibbons Western Connecticut Mental Health Network Mr. Samuel S. Gold Council of Governments of the CNV Reverend Larry Green Grace Baptist Chruch Ms. Ruth Grey MacDermid, Inc. Mr. Jimmie Griffin New Opportunities, Inc. Mr. Timothy W. Grimes New England Financial Group Ms. Peter B. Hance Housing Authority City of Waterbury Ms. Katherine M. Hanratty Jaci Carroll Staffing Ms. Audrey Harrell Community Volunteer Ms. Lori Hart Bridge To Success Ms. Laura G. Hess Community Volunteer Mr. Hilario Huertas Jr Yankee Gas Services Company Mr. Charles Fred Hull Republican-American Mr. Gregory Jacobi Webster Bank Ms. Lissa Jennings Bentley Systems, Incorporated Ms. Cheryl Jurasek (nee’ Gustafson) Crystal Rock Ms. Shelly Katz Jewish Communities of Western Connecticut, Inc. Mr. Charles T. Kellogg Hubbard-Hall Inc. Mr. Paul J. Largay Largay Travel, Inc Mr. Christopher LaRiviere Community Volunteer Ms. Peggy Lawlor Community Volunteer Mr. Donald Liebeskind Community Volunteer Mr. Frederick L. Luedke NEOPERL, Inc. Ms. Kathryn M. Luria Webster Bank Reverend Thomas Mallory Zion Baptist Church Ms. Wendy Matthews American Cancer Society Mr. Tim McDonald Holy Cross High School Mr. Joseph R. McGrath City of Waterbury Ms. Patricia A. McKinley Community Volunteer Ms. Angelica Medina Hispanic Coalition Ms. Pamela J. Medlock Connecticut Light & Power Ms. Judith Melchionna Community Volunteer Mr. Jonathan E. Michaels Michaels Jewlery Ms. Dana Moreira Law Offices of Dana D’Angelo LLC Mr. William J. Morris H.D. Segur, Inc. Mr. Ernest Mosley Community Volunteer Mr. Robert Nocera Waterbury Housing Fund, Inc. Selim G. Noujaim Noujaim Tool Co., Inc Mr. Michael L. O’Connor Webster Bank Mr. James Orsillo Community Volunteer Mr. Paul Pernerewski Jr Office of the Attorney General Mr. Antonio Pinto Health Educated, LLC Ms. Sheila Powers L.F. Powers Company Ms. Sharon Reilly Community Volunteer Mr. Daniel Rezende Connecticut Junior Republic Ms. Melissa Riccio Santos Post University Mr. Edwin Rodriguez Community Volunteer Ms. Kathleen Romagnano Savings Bank of Danbury Mr. Carl Rosa Main Street Waterbury Inc Mr. William Rybczyk New Opportunities, Inc. Mr. William M. Samuelson People’s United Bank Ms. Annie Scott Middlesex Community College Mr. Jack Senich The Senich Law Firm, LLC Mr. David Sfara Giuliano, Richardson & Sfara LLC Mr. William E. Solberg Community Volunteer Mr. Steve Solecki Bank of America Ms. Janine Sullivan-Wiley Northwest Regional Mental Health Board Ms. Barbara Tacchi Waterbury School Readiness Mr. Frank Tavera Palace Theater Mr. Donald J. Thompson StayWell Health Care, Inc Reverend Maner Tyson Waterbury Baptist Ministries SBC Mr. Alfred Vagnini Powerstation Events Ms. Paula Van Ness Connecticut Community Foundation Ms. Lynn Ward Waterbury Regional Chamber Mr. Mark Witkowski Ricoh USA Ms. Sharon Zilahy Refresh Spa & Salon Mr. John A. Zinno Jr, CPA BlumShapiro UNITED WAY STAFF Ms. Kristen Jacoby President/Chief Professional Officer Ms. Rebecca P. Williams Executive Assistant Ms. Joann Reynolds-Balanda Vice President, Community Impact Ms. Celine Provini Community Impact Manager Ms. Renee A. Young Community Impact Associate Ms. Mary DePinho Director of Finance Ms. Ruth S. Galiette Finance Manager Ms. Darlene Perrelli Finance Associate Mr. Glenn McCabe Director of Marketing & Communications Ms. Nancy Kinsella Director of Resource Development Ms. Stacy LaCapra Workplace Campaign Officer OFFICE INTERNS AND VOLUNTEERS Ms. Barbara Allvin Ms. Sky A. Glenn Ms. Stephanie Lobhai Ms. Jordan Martinez Ms. Daixy Pinto Ms. Shakira Seay Ms. Georgena Thomas OTHER VOLUNTEERS Mr. Max Calvert Ms. Allison Rescsenski Ms. Cierra Young Mr. Jake Zinno 1,404 9,400 Volunteers Volunteer Hours Donated 11 LEADERSHIP DONORS Following is a list of leadership donors in the 2013-2014 fiscal year. Leadership givers are United Way of Greater Waterbury’s most generous supporters. Through Leadership Gifts of $1,000 or more, these individual philanthropists set an example for others and make a measurable difference in our community. We thank all our donors for helping to create opportunities for a better tomorrow. Leavenworth Society members of five years or more appear in bold. Tocqueville Society members of five years or more have an asterisk. TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY MEMBERS Levels beginning at $10,000 and progressing to over $1,000,000 ORDRE D’EGALITE Contributions of $50,000 to $74,999 Christopher Gleason and Lyn Enright Jim and Cathy Smith* ORDRE DE LIBERTE Contributions of $25,000 to $49,999 George and Mary Giguere* MEMBRES DE LA SOCIETE Contributions of $10,000 to $24,999 Sylvia and Burt Albert* Mr. Peter Baker Nancy and Joel Becker* Daniel H. Bley Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carpinella* Karen and Al Castaldi* Norman S. Drubner and Family* Colin and Caroline Eccles Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Grasing Joe and Debra Gugliotti Gene and Irene Guilbert Tom and Joanne Howe Kris and Mike Jacobi* Mauria and Greg Jacobi Kristen and Peter Jacoby* Charles and Martha Kellogg* Julie and Dan Leever* Glenn I. MacInnes Gregory Madar Robert J. Mazaika* Frank and Sandy Monteiro* Christopher James Motl John and Kristin Pronovost* Jay and Carol Ryan Joseph and Jane Savage Larry and Diane Selnick Sandra Vigliotti Senich and Atty. Jack Senich* Michael and Cheryl Siegmund* Ralph and Alice Spinella George and MaryJane Strobel Darlene Stromstad Ms. Patricia Sweet Mr. Stedman Sweet Bob and Kathy Twomey Chad and Teresa Wable 12 A.J. and Jodi Wasserstein* Linda J. Welles Robert and Suzanne Wesson* Bill and Heidi Wrang III* Two donors choose to remain anonymous PLATINUM LEVEL OF MEMBERSHIP Contributions of $5,000 to $9,999 Jan and Eric Albert Rachel and Jonathan Albert Michael Blumenthal Garth and Janet Collins James H. Gatling, Ph.D. John and Cara Koster Anita and Donald Liebeskind Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pape, II Sharon Reilly Andrew K. Skipp and Jill Stevenson One donor chooses to remain anonymous GOLD LEVEL OF MEMBERSHIP Contributions of $2,500 to $4,999 Jennifer J. Ahern Diana and Bob Annon Mr. Roy Balkus and Ms. Teddi Therkildsen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dubuque Chris and Lisa Beede Raymond and Tracy Beloin Scot Benson Kirsten and Timothy Bergstrom Douglas Blakeley Fritz Blasius Victoria Carmichael Carl and Lisa Casper Don and Ellen Ciampi John Robert Ciulla Dr. Gregory Colodner and Ms. Lisa Stanger Joseph and Paula Connolly John & Marisa Daddona Joe and Doris D’Ambrisi David and Christine Dixon Rebecca Eleck Bruce, MD Elizabeth and Dan Esty Lynann Faraca-Bond Robert and Susan Finkenzeller Michael Fitzsimmons Stephen C. Forsyth Rosemary A. Gaidos Michael and Kristin Goralski Kenneth J. Goss Timothy Gotsick Robert Guenther John and Paula Guy Toni Hirst Raymond C. Hoefling Rob & Ellen Kostraba Terry and Kim Mangan Mr. and Mrs. Gerard L. Mastropietro Leonard and Maribeth Mecca Nitin Mhatre Warren K. Mino George & Dana Moreira Barbara C. Munger Attorneys Robert and Kathleen Nastri Richard O’Brien Michael and Julie O’Connor Philip C. Picillo Lauren L. McGregor and George J. Romanik Gregg and Holly Rossetti Bill and Katie Samuelson Mark Sanchioni Peter D. Sanderson Gene and Chris Shugrue Mr. and Mrs. Gary Steck Alan Swiech Timothy H. Throckmorton John P. Trainor Jack E. Traver Jr. John K. and Vivian E. Unikas Bruce and Kathy Wandelmaier Mark and Sue Watson Stephanie Wilson Jack and Maura Worgan Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Zlotoff Carolyn & Jonathan Zolty One donor chooses to remain anonymous SILVER LEVEL OF MEMBERSHIP Contributions of $1,500 to $2,499 Karl Adamsons Christine Anderson Justine U. Arnold John B. Baker Carolyn Bean Nancy Bissonnette Elaine and Joseph Bizzozero Adam Blakeley Kayrnne A. Bochicchio Richard and Mary Bulkovitch Matthew Frank Cammarota Mr. and Mrs. William Campion Jr. Thomas R. Caplinger The Capozzi Family Anthony Capuano, Jr. Jaci Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Carter Martha Finkel Ceppetelli Mary Rosengrant Chiappalone and Steven Chiappalone Arthur Chiu Dr. Frederick and Patricia Cohn Steve Corcoran and Xi Jin John and Kathy Cordani Linda Y. Cote Janice and Arthur Crelan, Jr. Tamara Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Davis Harriet A. Deverry Barbara Diorio Erin Dorman Joe and Donna Dornfried Richard Dumont and Michele Berthiaume Gary R. Edwards David Elliott Patricia A. Emons Frederik F. Erikson Robert W. Farrell Jr. Kevin Flaherty Karen Flanders Madeleine F. Follett Maria Freburg Daniel Fry Robin Gallagher Mr. Joseph L. Gannon Thomas A. Gawel Louis C. Gelada Jr. Steven J. Goyette Alan and Kathleen Green Tara Gregson James Grenier Denise & Tom Hall Gerald Hall Katherine Hanratty Barbara A. Hart James and Joan Hartley Brian and Susan Henebry Charles Henry and Lynn Franklin-Henry Richard and Cyndie Holden Dr. Stephen and Joanne Holland Mark Hollinger Fred and Faith Hull Dr. and Mrs. Eric A. Hyson Ab and Pricilla Igram Denise I. Kaufman Ms. Patricia Kavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kellogg Chad and Charlotte Kienbaum Family Joseph and Nancy Kinsella Richard and Susan Kociszewski George and Stacy LaCapra, Jr. Mike Lachapelle James Lane Ms. Irma Lange Paul Largay and Reenie Parker Frederick and Bonnie Leavenworth Ann Hinman Lilley Emily Littman Eisen Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. David Lowry Jane and Keith Mahler Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malaspina Brian E. Maloney Gene Marinelli Gail C. Marino Deborah S. McCleary Mrs. William J. McCurdy James McGregor, Jr. Adam and Laura McLaughlin Patricia E. Mellitt Timothy Mellitt Paul Merkel John and Shirley Michaels / Michaels Jewelers Foundation Robert A. Miller Miguel A. Moll Jr. Kevin A. Moran William J. and Michelle Morris Sean and Delene Mulready Harriet Munrett Wolfe, Esq. Lawrence Murray John Olerio Drs. Eric and Beatriz Olson Jim and Georgia O’Meara Patricia and Timothy Phalon James and Madeline Orsillo Dawn Orsini Thomas, Alyssa and Quinn Roma Ostergren David and Brenda Paniati William B. Pape and Barbara Bradbury Pape Maureen and John Pennington Brenda and David Petitti James B. Pfadenhauer Robert F. Polito Jr. Sheila M. Powers Dr. and Mrs. Hector Pun Carol and Mel Ranish Richard and Cynthia Retallick Thomas M. and Elizabeth Rickart Michael and Karen Ritzenhoff Virginia C. Roberts M. M. Rollefson Renee Rovelli Lynn M. Ryan Elizabeth Shelley The Shinn Family Charitable (SSP) Fund (Sarah Shinn Pratt) Lee E. Sirotnak Lori S. Sobel, M.D. Gus and Susan Southworth Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Sperry, Jr. Harold and Arlene Sullivan Wayne and Sandy Sullivan Michael Swoszowski Carl and Polly Temme Elizabeth A. Tillinghast Don Troppoli Alfred Vagnini Lori Vigeant Lynn G. Ward James and Anne Watkowski Rebecca and Matthew Williams Desiree Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Zackin Jason and Jennifer Zbell Peter and Sharon Zilahy John and Lisa Zinno Two donors choose to remain anonymous BRONZE LEVEL OF MEMBERSHIP Contributions of $1,000 to $1,499 Shelly L. Abdella Doris and Joel Abramson Kevin Aiken Jamie K. Ainsworth Dr. S. Mark Albini Martin H. Anderson Thomas P. Anderson M.D. Richard W. Atkinson Robert and Jane Bailey Henry E. Baker John A. Baker Richard and JoAnn Balanda Helen K. Balboni Mrs. Malcolm Baldrige Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Beauvais Ralph Becker Tricia P. Belfonti John Stephen Beloin Robert B. Benjamin Nancy Bennard John Benson Lynn Ellen Bond Regina L. Botsford Harvey and Helen Boxer Elizabeth B. Bozzuto Glen Breault Fund John and Susan Brennan Fund John D. Brigham Stephanie Ann Brockway Christopher A. Brooks Barbara W. Brown Dennis M. Burke Edward and Tamara Bushka Jennifer Calcagni Marie Cameron Kay Campbell Christopher A. Carrozzo Joel Carvalho Mark and Sue Casey Edythe C. Cerbo Phillip C. Chan Alex D. Chaplin Angela Chirico Jane and Dean Christensen Ms. Lisa M. Ciarlo Robert and Vivian Cicero John D. Cilyo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cirillo James F. Clancy III Frederic and Terri Clark Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coleman Ruth A. Cortez Maureen Danehy Cox Kelly Cronin Ian Crooks William and Hope Crutcher Tracy C. Cusano Carlos A. and Cecilia C. DaCunha Juliana B. Dalton Bruce Davison Elizabeth and Scott Deakin David J. Decker Angelina Degore Leslie A. Deleo Linda P. Demarco Jack & Shelley Donahue Maurice Donini Debra Drapalla Mr. Patrick J. Draper Noel A. Dutton Christopher Emerton Ingrid and Brad Erickson Alan Esplin Christopher and Emily Fasano Gregory and Diane Fehrs Melanie and Scott Felladore Erin F. Ferguson David and Brenda Ferraro Billie S. Flaherty Barbara Flight Mr. William S. Foglio Diane L. Fountas Jack and Chip Frost John and Ruth Galiette Jose L. Garcia Mr. Louis Garesio Josephine M. Gargano Mr. Joseph L. Gatto Anne P. Delo & Rosemary E. Giuliano Michael D. Giusto John H. Gorman Darcy E. Graham Michael and Nancy Guay Samuel E. Hanna Ms. Patricia Ann Harmon Craig C. Harper Daniel Harrington Scott A. Hartley Lori Hart and Stephen Zippilli Phillip J. Hartsig Kelly Haskins Mr. and Mrs. James Healey Kenneth W. Heidkamp Jean Henry Mr & Mrs. Matthew Hickey Kirk W. Hoewisch Jack & Jennifer Hogan Michael Hullinger William and Amy Jakobeit Family John Jamison Randall Jarabek Richard and Lissa Jennings Deborah Johnson Catherine A. Johnston Exxie Jones Linda A. Jose Florry Richards and Gene Kaplan Michele C. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark Kearney Jayne Kelly Nancy and Jack Kelly Patricia A. Kelly Dr. Paul and Karen Kelly William P. Kelly Steven P. Kenney Dr. Kevin and Cynthia Kett Thecla Kirby Brian and Connie Klanica Jeffrey A. Klaus Deborah J. Kos-Harmon Bob and Dee LaBonne Lois Lanning Susan F. Laplante Mrs. Vincent B. Largay Sr. Walter Laskow Peggy and Jim Lawlor Kinson Lee John D. Leever Hal A. Leitch David D. Lemkey Molly B. Lemle Dr. Robert Leventhal Stephen Lewis John Lindgren Carol Loughrey Frederick L. and Jeanne Luedke Kathryn Luria Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Lussier Jr. George V. MacDonald Anabela S. Machado Dr. Paolo and Gabriella Mapelli Nancy Marchetti Gary Markhart Anne Marshall-Christner Charlotte V. Mattei Wendy and Scott Matthews Rebecca J. Maxwell Andrew L. McCarthy Paul and Cynthia McCraven Kenneth McCullough Joe and Sue McGrath Nancy G. McGraw Patricia A. McKinley Lee and Gail McTaggart Robert E. Meditz Ivaann Miller Patricia Mills Mojtaba Mirsalimi Beth and Joe Molder Paul F. Mollica Ms. Marie Monahan Colin Moore Mrs. Richard G. Morgan Paula Moynahan M.D. Don Mroz and Susan Lapine David and Jackie Mulhall Patrick Mullaney Matthew K. Murphy Patricia M. Murphy Peter W. Murphy In memory of Susan Murray Heather Musante Mitchell and Marc Mitchell Joann and Bob Narkis Richard Nave Patricia Lee Neville Robert and Karen Nocera Selim and Linda Noujaim Joseph E. O’Brien Mary C. O’Hara Eileen M. Oliveira Carol M. Olson Sue Olson Stacey M. Ormsby James and Nicola O’Rourke Heidi A. Otton Barbara Paillard Emma E. Paine 13 Craig A. Rogerson Edward Romero Lisa A. Ronga David Rosenberg Edward Ruddock Stephen F. Russell Nancy Ryder Alicia Sadoski Thomas Samph Ph.D. Edwin L. Savitsky Jr. Steven E. Schneider, MD and Ms. Sheryl Smith Nancy Scirocco Mariana and Jim Sequeira Danielle and Corey Shaker Mr. David J. Sikora Dana Marie Silva Scott A. Silvay James M. Sitro Paul Skibo Alison Skratt Craig and Lori Snyder Bill and Norma Solberg Cheryl A. Soli Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Palesty Peggy Panagrossi Patricia Paola Carolyne Papson Diane E. Petersen Dr. and Mrs. W. Scott Peterson Laura R. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Picano Antonio Paulo Pinto Patricia Placencia Robert W. Plant Ph.D. Aaron Pokowski John and Karen Pollard Cheryl Poryanda Sheila and Lee Powers Matthew and Jaqueline Purpora John J. Quinn David J. Reckdenwald Melissa and Carlos Santos Rita C. Richards Mark S. Roach James and Joann Robertson Jr. Mary Ellen Robichaud Thomas Rockoff Eric and Peggy Somma Jeffery L. Soucy Susan E. Sprano Drue A. Stegner David Stickney and Kathy Paduano Jason Stockton Sherry and Chuck Stohler Mary Ann Stokes Peter St. Pierre Frank J. Strange George Strobel Jr. Aralee Sullivan Mr. Neil Sullivan Lois M. Sweeney Simon Tahan Ron Tamburri Frank Tavera Janine D. Thomas Mr. Donald Thompson, Jr. Nhan Trang Sharon E. Trask Laurin and Thomas Traub Terry and Susan Tyrrell Sumakshi Vali Marcos H. Valladares David Van Allen Paula Van Ness Jeff Van Wagenen David Veneri Dee Veneziano Robert C. Walsh Frank Wagner Kenneth J. Ward Ronald and Giovanna Weller Bette and Paul West David Wilkins Luke and Stephanie Williams Mark F. Williams Harvey Winter Mark and Linda Witkowski Joel Wolak Joseph T. Wood III Sara Woods John and Amy Yarbrough Jimmy D. Yates Nick and Laura Zaino Karen Rae Zarcone We apologize if your name has inadvertently been omitted; please notify Nancy Kinsella, Director of Resource Development, 203.757.9855 x17 or [email protected]. We would like to take this opportunity to remember and honor the following departed members for their generosity and leadership: Robert Bean Eileen S. Emison Eugene Kaplan Roland Largay Ruth Ann Leever Franics Xavier Macary, Sr. Robert Mobillio Joseph J. Salvini Please contact us if you would like us to remember a departed member not listed above. 1942 SOCIETY The United Way of Greater Waterbury has provided services to our community since 1942, making a positive difference in the lives of countless individuals. Over time, the needs and types of services have changed, but United Way of Greater Waterbury’s commitment to investing in our community’s future and enriching lives is constant. The 1942 Society recognizes those individuals who have chosen to have a significant impact on the future of our community by arranging for a planned gift to United Way of Greater Waterbury. If you have included United Way of Greater Waterbury in your estate plans or will and your name is not included below, please contact Nancy Kinsella, Director of Resource Development, at 203.757.9855 x17 or [email protected]. 1942 SOCIETY MEMBERS Christopher A. Brooks Orton P. Camp Jr.* Garth and Janet Collins Dr. Richard Dyer Patricia Emons Dr. William Finkelstein* 14 Phyllis Gephardt* Timothy W. Grimes Kristen and Peter Jacoby Tocqueville Legacy Circle Eugene Kaplan* Tocqueville Legacy Circle Reverend Boardman Kathan Chuck Kellogg Marita Lawlor* Ruth Ann Leever* Michael R. Lenkowski Anita and Don Liebeskind Marie-Jeanne McDuff* Patricia A. McKinley William Noble* Sandra Vigliotti Senich Roger Shinn* Gene and Chris Shugrue Attorney David Sfara Rebecca P. Williams One 1942 Society Member wishes to remain anonymous *deceased A Partnership with United Way of Greater Waterbury provides: •A way to invest in and improve the community making, it a better and healthier place in which to live, work and do business for all its citizens •The assurance that you are investing in local, community programs with measurable goals, proven track records and solid reports on results •A way for you to integrate your organization’s values into all aspects of your business •A way to empower your employees by equipping them with opportunities to execute social responsibility and bring your organization’s values to life •A way for the community to recognize the good works you are doing and supporting •A way for employees to sense that you care and understand the needs of not only their community but also their families A very special thank you to the following foundations for their incredible and continuing support of United Way’s Community Impact Initiatives: TOP TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY COMPANIES BY NUMBER OF MEMBERS Webster Bank.................................................................. 15 MacDermid, Inc............................................................... 4 Saint Mary’s Health System............................................. 2 Albert Bros., Inc.............................................................. 1 Bank of America.............................................................. 1 Carpin Manufacturing, Inc.............................................. 1 Crystal Rock.................................................................... 1 Hubbard-Hall Inc............................................................ 1 JSD Partners.................................................................... 1 Marjan, Inc...................................................................... 1 Torrco.............................................................................. 1 Waterbury Hospital.......................................................... 1 Wesson Energy, Inc.......................................................... 1 WORX.............................................................................. 1 TOP LEAVENWORTH SOCIETY COMPANIES BY NUMBER OF MEMBERS Webster Bank.................................................................. 205 MacDermid, Inc............................................................... 42 Chemtura Corporation..................................................... 18 Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey LLP................. 13 Saint Mary’s Health System............................................. 10 Crystal Rock.................................................................... 8 Hubbard-Hall Inc............................................................ 8 Torrco.............................................................................. 7 Franklin Medical Group................................................... 6 Waterbury Hospital.......................................................... 6 American Savings Bank Foundation Bank of America Foundation Ion Bank.......................................................................... 5 Republican-American..................................................... 5 Bank of America.............................................................. 4 H.D. Segur, Inc................................................................ 4 Post University................................................................ 4 People’s United Bank...................................................... 4 United Way of Greater Waterbury.................................... 4 Albert Bros., Inc.............................................................. 3 Dumouchel Paper Company............................................ 3 Naugatuck Valley Gastroenterology Consultants............. 3 Pratt & Whitney............................................................... 3 Timex Group USA, Inc...................................................... 3 American Electro Products, Inc....................................... 2 Cadi Company................................................................. 2 Carpin Manufacturing, Inc.............................................. 2 Diagnostic Radiology Associates..................................... 2 GE Capital....................................................................... 2 IBEW Local 420............................................................... 2 Jaci Carroll Staffing........................................................ 2 L.F. Powers Company....................................................... 2 Loehmann-Blasius Chevrolet, Inc................................... 2 New Opportunities, Inc.................................................... 2 Ricoh USA, Inc................................................................. 2 Secor, Cassidy & McPartland, P.C................................... 2 Traver IDC....................................................................... 2 UniMetal Surface Finishing, LLC..................................... 2 Waterbury Regional Chamber.......................................... 2 Wellmore, Inc.................................................................. 2 Wesson Energy, Inc.......................................................... 2 WORX.............................................................................. 2 The Leever Foundation Thomaston Savings Bank Foundation 14,868 Summer Meals provided through Stock the Pantry 15 TOP 100 CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTORS 2013-2014 CAMPAIGN SEASON *Italicized Are Partner Agencies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 16 Webster Bank MacDermid, Inc. Chemtura Corporation Crystal Rock Saint Mary’s Health System Hubbard-Hall Inc. Torrco Waterbury Hospital Connecticut Light & Power and Yankee Gas Timex Group USA, Inc. Albert Bros., Inc. The Cly-Del Manufacturing Company Waterbury Public Schools Republican-American Connecticut State Employee Campaign United Parcel Service of America, Inc. Ion Bank Macy’s Logistics & Operations ITW Highland and ITW Waterbury Buckle/ITW Plastiglide, divisions of Illinois Tool Works Inc. Bank of America People’s United Bank Wesson Energy, Inc. Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey LLP City of Waterbury Marjan, Inc. Stop & Shop Supermarket Companies United Technologies Corporation United Way of Greater Waterbury Wellmore, Inc. Carpin Manufacturing, Inc. Post University WORX The Platt Brothers & Company AT&T IBM Corporation H.D. Segur, Inc. EmCare Thomaston Savings Bank Wells Fargo & Company Emerson Process Management TD Bank NEOPERL, Inc. Traver IDC New Opportunities, Inc. American Electro Products, Inc. Savings Bank of Danbury Cheshire Public Library UniMetal Surface Finishing, LLC Gem Manufacturing Company, Inc. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Truelove & Maclean Inc. GE Capital Wolcott Public School System Dumouchel Paper Company The Marion Manufacturing Company 55. Costco Wholesale Corporation 56. StayWell Health Care, Inc 57. Koster Keunen Inc. 58. Nelnet Inc. 59. The Carby Corporation 60. IBEW Local 420 61. Somma Tool Company 62. Waterbury Regional Chamber 63. Jaci Carroll Staffing 64. Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury Inc. 65. Liberty Bank 66. First Niagara 67. Connecticut Legal Services, Inc. 68. Powerstation Events 69. Waterbury Development Corporation 70. Alliance Medical Group 71. Target 72. Town of Cheshire 73. Ricoh USA, Inc. 74. Bentley Systems, Incorporated 75. VNA Health at Home, Inc. 76. Region 15 Middlebury/Southbury 77. Diagnostic Radiology Associates 78. Catholic Charities 79. Largay Travel, Inc. 80. ATI Allegheny Ludlum Corporation 81. Family Services of Greater Waterbury, Inc. 82. Eyelet Crafters 83. Naugatuck Valley Gastroenterology Consultants 84. The Siemon Company 85. Waterbury Youth Service System Inc. 86. Gillette Company 87. L.F. Powers Company 88. Community Health Center, Inc. 89. Microtech, Inc. 90. Palace Theater 91. AI-TEK Instruments, LLC 92. Loehmann-Blasius Chevrolet, Inc. 93. Tinley, Nastri, Renehan & Dost, LLP 94. Greater Waterbury YMCA 95. Noujaim Tool Co., Inc 96. Region 16 Prospect/Beacon Falls 97. Kimberly-Clark 98. Secor, Cassidy & McPartland, P.C. 99. Waterbury CT Teachers Federal Credit Union 100. Westover School IN-KIND SUPPORT United Way of Greater Waterbury would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the businesses and individuals that graciously provided in-kind support throughout the 2013-2014 campaign. adam broderick salon & spa Albert Bros., Inc. AT&T Blum Shapiro Brass City Harvest Bushka Lumber & Millwork Co. LLC Caesars Camera Mr. Steven Castaldi Mr. Tom Chute Ms. Janet Collins Connecticut Food Bank Connecticut Legal Services, Inc. Ms. Amy Conto Mr. Jon Crane, Critical PR Crystal Rock Mr. Joseph D’Ambrisi Mr. Ed DePhillips, The Hartford Granite & Marble Co. Ms. Barbara Diorio F.P.C. Transportation, Inc. General Mills Glenn Andrew Productions LLC Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries Ladybug Cake & Candy Supply LLC Law Offices of Dana D’Angelo LLC Ms. Julie Ledbetter, Highfield Club Ms. Eileen Manela Ms. Stephanie McDonald Ms. Lori McGovern Mr. Hugh Meehan Middlebury Consignment Mr. Gerald Mullings PROforma Mr. Tim Phillips Ms. Emily Pierce Republican-American Mr. Jerry Reveron Roma Ristorante Nida Rodriguez-Rosado The Big Dipper Ice Cream Factory The Country Club of Waterbury Ms. Sandra Senich Ms. Robin Sills St. Margaret Church ShopRite of Waterbury Ms. Alissa Sullivan Betty Sumbula Sweet Claude’s Ice Cream Sweet Maria’s Timexpo: The Timex Group Museum Torrco Votto Vines Mr. Clifred Walker Ms. Jodi Wasserstein WATR 1320 AM Wesson Energy, Inc. WORX John Zinno UNITED WAY OF GREATER WATERBURY STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 (with summarized financial information for the year ended June 30, 2013) 2014 2013 Combined Combined CAMPAIGN REVENUE AND OTHER SUPPORT: Total Total Campaign applicable to current period: Contributions: Gross Multi Year Campaign $ 3,589,948 $ 3,451,006 Future Revenue 236,288 0 Allowance for Uncollectible pledges (131,168) (111,815) Net Contributions $ 3,695,068 $ 3,339,191 Other Support: Program Support (Campership, Turkey, Homeless Connect, Bridge to Success) $ 332,243 $ 337,774 Investment Income (Includes realized gain/loss on investments net of fees) 165,143 22,092 Corporate Sponsorship/Event Revenue 132,800 129,640 Administrative Fees 76,365 80,358 Miscellaneous Income 6,411 8,820 Total other support $ 712,962 $ 578,684 TOTAL REVENUE $ 4,408,030 $ 3,917,875 ALLOCATIONS, DESIGNATIONS AND FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES: Allocations and Donor Designations: Allocations, Program Support & Donor Directed to Funded Agencies $ 2,249,280 $ 1,634,717 Donor Directed Designations to Misc. Nonprofits & Other United Ways 1,435,125 1,383,580 Total Allocations for Community Investments $ 3,684,405 $ 3,018,297 Functional Expenses: Allocations and Agency Relations $ 56,506 $ 73,958 Community Planning 76,480 95,433 Community Relations 108,144 114,898 Program Support 143,290 199,080 Total Program Services Expenses $384,420 $483,369 Corporate Sponsorship $ 89,664 $ 102,656 Resource Development $ 194,451 $ 140,873 Management and General $ 220,880 $ 167,014 Total Support Services Expenses $ 504,995 $ 410,543 Total Functional Expenses $ 889,415 $ 893,912 TOTAL EXPENSES 4,573,820 3,912,209 Change in Net Assets Unrealized gain and (losses) from investments net of fees Change in Net Assets Net Assets, beginning of year Net Assets, end of year $ (165,790) (113,046) $ (278,836) 1,088,743 $ 809,907 $ 5,666 32,868 $ 38,534 1,050,209 $ 1,088,743 91% OF EVERY DOLLAR IS INVESTED IN PROGRAMS AND SERVICES THAT HELP PEOPLE IN NEED Please visit our website at unitedwaygw.org to view our complete 2014 Audited Financials and IRS 990. 17 LOOKING FORWARD The reality that Connecticut has a higher percentage of affluent individuals and families than most other states often overshadows the fact that far too many residents face a very different reality – and that far too many of us are unaware of how this affects the overall social and economic viability of our communities. ALICE: A STUDY OF THE MANY HARD WORKING, LOW-INCOME PEOPLE IN CONNECTICUT This fall Connecticut United Ways will unveil the first statewide ALICE Report, a data-driven, comprehensive research project that quantifies the situation confronting many low-income working families across our state – in our urban, suburban and rural communities. The Report documents that the number of Connecticut households unable to afford all of life’s basic necessities far exceeds the official federal poverty statistics. United Way calls this newly revealed demographic ALICE, an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. ALICE represents the men and women in Connecticut’s households of all ages and races who get up each day to go to work, but who aren’t sure if they’ll be able to make ends meet. ALICE is our co-workers, friends, and neighbors. ALICE does essential work that we depend on, and contributes to our community’s well-being. The ALICE Report shines a light on the challenges facing people who play a vital role in preserving our state’s overall social and economic well-being. While it is true that ALICE has existed long before this study, the Report provides a framework that goes beyond the data and demographics that quantify ALICE households, and allows us to meaningfully discuss solutions that make it easier for ALICE to get by and get ahead. THE ALICE REPORT INTRODUCES FOUR NEW MEASURES OF FINANCIAL HARDSHIP: 1. Household Survival Budget – a conservative estimate of the costs for basic necessities in Connecticut (housing, child care, food, health care, and transportation) 2. ALICE Threshold – the average level of income that a household needs to afford the basics defined by the Household Survival Budget 3. ALICE Income Assessment – a calculation of all sources of income, resources and assistance for ALICE households, revealing the unfilled gap between income and the ALICE Threshold 4. Economic Viability Dashboard – an index that summarizes economic conditions that are most significant to ALICE, which are housing affordability, job opportunities, and community support OUR 2014-2015 CORPORATE SPONSORS PLATINUM MEDIA SPONSOR PLATINUM GOLD SILVER BRONZE GIVE. ADVOCATE. VOLUNTEER. 100 North Elm Street, 2nd Fl. | Waterbury, CT 06702 phone 203.757.9855 | fax 203.757.0867 Scan this code using a smart phone or equipped mobile device www.unitedwaygw.org STAY CONNECTED Get community news, information alerts, campaign updates and special invitations: Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, Watch us on YouTube
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