drupa 2008: RIMA-SYSTEM reaps the fruits of hard work
Worldwide news about Post Press Technology English edition 02/2008 drupa 2008: RIMA-SYSTEM reaps the fruits of hard work After fourteen days of drupa 2008, lations, RIMA-SYSTEM proves its RIMA-SYSTEM looks back on a very expertise and earns the global appre- successful and well-attended ex- ciation of its equipment. Especially hibition. The presentation of new the markets in Europe and the USA solutions with reliable technology increasingly demand full automati- in a fully operational Post Press line on and are supplied with solutions attracted worldwide visitors to have ranging from single machines up to a look at innovative equipment complete Post Press systems. Being and to discuss topics surrounding business magazines and daily visits of well-suited for future demands on finishing. Convinced by the presen- multilingual guided tours underlined Post Press systems, RIMA-SYSTEM tation of state-of-the-art Post Press the outstanding technology and will continue to enter new markets systems coupled with the possibility the innovation leadership of RIMA- to increase customers’ productivity of real-time drawing of individual SYSTEM’s latest offerings. by providing flexible, innovative and CAD layouts, many customers took With more than 9000 sold stackers reliable solutions. the chance to close a contract with and hundreds of Post Press instal- RIMA-SYSTEM directly at the booth. The cornerstone of the exhibition’s success was the live presentation of new technology as well as established and flexible solutions for all customer needs. Frequent reports in drupa 2008 The RS 500 stole the show ! The Highlight at RIMA-SYSTEM’s booth was the presentation of the new RS 500 palletizing robot with new gripper technology capable of up to 2000 bundles per hour*. Due to decreased cycle times, the RS 500 outperforms every other palletizing solution and meets the demands of decreasing delivery windows in the printing industry. Based on the proven Fanuc four-axis-robot, the RS 500 features innovative highspeed gripper technology. From two accumulation conveyers, complete rows of loose or strapped bundles are smoothly put onto the pallet according to customer specific packing patterns. Single bundles can be rotated at 90° on a reversing station to optimize the packing patterns and to stabilize the pallet. For optional log palletizing, the gripper of the robot arm can be automatically changed very quickly. To further increase the degree of automation, the RS 500 can be optionally equipped with an intelligent software solutions, pallets automatic slip sheet feeder and an can be built precisely and stable even automatic pallet dispenser. at the highest speeds. Therefore, it The RS 500 is operated via touch is no surprise that the interest in the screen panel and PALETTI, the gra- new palletizing robot exceeded all phical, user-friendly control inter- expectations and that many printers face. Due to proven technology and are now requesting additional application and layout information of the new RS 500. * depending on products News T icker SEGO - Post Press for flexible formats RIMA-SYSTEM’s Post Press instal- Breaking News: SYSTEM UK Ltd. - a new but experienced Post Press supplier For a long time Press & Bindery Systems Ltd. (PBS) acted as representatives for RIMA-SYSTEM as well as for Civiemme, Elettra, GrafiKontrol, Affeldt and others. When PBS closed their business in April this year, there was no major Post Press supplier active in the UK. A few weeks later, SYSTEM UK Ltd. was founded by RIMA-SYSTEM in Germany to meet the growing demand of the UK market. Located in Swindon (England), SYSTEM UK Ltd. is a 100% subsidiary of the German company and is part of the RIMASYSTEM worldwide network with companies in Huntington Beach (California, USA), Atlanta (Georgia, USA), Düsseldorf (Germany) and Sin- gapore as well as several dealers all over the world. To ensure the supply of high quality Post Press systems as well as local service, qualified personnel with an expertise in RIMASYSTEM’s products will serve the UK market. SYSTEM UK is run by part of the former PBS crew. David Spencer and Mike Hall, both well-known in the UK printing industry, are responsible for sales. Jon Parkes and Pat O’Donnell are experienced engineers and continue to install RIMASYSTEM equipment. The subsidiary will be expanded step-by-step to consolidate the position of one of the leading Post Press suppliers of the United Kingdom. lation behind a format-variable 80-page commercial web press at SEGO in Taverny, France is a true success story. The new Compacta 818 web press with a format-variable V5 folder ensures the flexible production of various product formats both long grain and short grain paper. To fully exploit all possible production options, the Post Press system has to be flexibly configurable and has to process every production format quickly and easily. The complete Post Press system at SEGO was installed by RIMASYSTEM and consists of floor and overhead conveyors, one RS 840 double stream trimming line, two RS 36 stackers with direct-coupled RS 110 blocking units, two RS 600 log stackers as well as one pallet- Great demand for the ZMRpress optimized log stacker Basing on the fact that the length of RIMA-SYSTEM’s new RS 610 log sta- make-ready and downtime often is cker is optimized for application be- disproportionate to the overall run hind ZMR-presses. The new features length, the demand for solutions that like accurate product separation and minimize change-over downtimes automatic log length calculation en- grows continuously. Zero-Make- thused the visitors at RIMA-SYSTEM’s Ready (ZMR) presses have the advan- drupa booth. As a result of the inno- tage that no expensive change-over vative log building technology, there downtime is needed because the will be no “odd length” of the last change of printing plates occurs du- log in a run. Cost-prohibitive over- ring the current production without production or manual handling of stopping the web press. logs that under-run the minimal log size will no longer be an issue and gives printers a competitive advantage. The new log building technology, optimized ergonomics and proven features adopted from the RS 600 convinced many visitors at drupa 2008. In addition, the visitors were surprised and elated by the low-noise operation because they expected a much louder operating noise in consideration of the highspeed capacity of the RS 610. izing cell with two RS 400 robot arms. The intelligent installation ensures the fast, flexible and efficient palletizing of stacks and logs in consideration of the limited space of the production rooms. During the step-by-step installation of the finishing line, the flexible configuration allowed production on completed sections while still installing the remaining portions of the system. Thanks to the reliable and efficient production of flexible formats, the high degree of automation and the fast set-up, SEGO also requested that RIMA-SYSTEM optimizes two existing post press lines as well. Multiple partner companies trust in RIMA-SYSTEM Attentive visitors of drupa 2008 may have noticed that RIMA-SYSTEM’s products could not only be found at the company’s booth. Here are some partner booths that were also equipped with Post Press solutions from RIMA-SYSTEM! Kolbus - RS 33S Wohlenberg - RS 33S Hohner - RS 14 News T icker Roto3 decided for RIMA-SYSTEM Convinced by innovative and reliable Post Press solutions, the Italian printer Roto3 decided for finishing Grafitek - RS 24S Hugo Beck - RS 10 equipment from RIMA-SYSTEM for their Komori S32 web press. After comparing multiple Post Press suppliers, Roto3 considers it best to decide PRESS RELEASES for customized and efficient equip- Numerous press articles show the long-term experience in providing high interest in RIMA-SYSTEM’s highly automated machines. The latest products: new Post Press system consists of ment from a stable partner with floor conveyers, an RS 830 trimming line, an RS 36 stacker as well as a log stacker and will be put into operation in October 2008. After successful negotiations, the contract was signed at RIMA-SYSTEM’s booth at drupa 2008. As a result of pleasant negotiations and thanks to the offer of state-of-the-art Post Press solutions, Roto3 is planning to equip another 16 page web press with RIMA-SYSTEM’s finishing equipment.
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