90 Ferry Operators Receive Certification in Customer Service


90 Ferry Operators Receive Certification in Customer Service
90 Ferry Operators Receive Certification in
Customer Service
Carnel Clyne, Senior Product Officer at the British Virgin Islands Tourist Board, presents
representatives of Tortola Fast Ferry and Native Son with their certificates
Ninety (90) ferry operators in the British Virgin Islands were recently presented with certificates
in training for completing a workshop in customer service that was coordinated by the British
Virgin Islands Tourist Board and facilitated by Aubergine Partners, LLC, an executive coaching
and leadership development firm based in New York. The training took place from 27th to 30th
October on Tortola and Virgin Gorda and consisted of two, four-hour daily training sessions that
covered Customer Engagement, Dynamic Communications, and Service Recovery. Native Son,
Romney’s Associates, Inter-Island Ferry, New Horizon Ferry, and Speedy’s participated.
In addition to this programme, the British Virgin Islands Tourist Board provided other
comprehensive workshops this year within the different tourism sectors that included: Aquila, a
Canadian Tour Operator, who certified tour guides and tour operators through its Centre for
Cruise Excellence; multiple guest experience workshops through the Disney Institute; packaging
and customer service training for Crafts Alive vendors; and most recently a workshop in Latin
American cross cultural interaction that was held at The Moorings.