GNSS Receiver Front-ends I: Signals, Noise And Distortions
GNSS Receiver Front-ends I: Signals, Noise And Distortions
DANISH GPS CENTER GNSS Receiver Front-ends I: Signals, Noise And Distortions GPS Receiver Technology MM7 Darius Plaušinaitis [email protected] Based on original slides from Ragnar V. Reynisson Agenda • • • • • • 2008 DANISH GPS CENTER Receiver Basics Description of electrical signals Noise Linearity/Distortion Receiver Figures of Merit (FoM) Summary Danish GPS Center 2 Receiver Basics DANISH GPS CENTER • The purpose of a receiver is to: ”Separate information from carrier signal, keeping signal quality above predetermined minimum” Receiver (signal processing) • A radio front-end lies between the antenna and the baseband signal processing (digital or analog) Radio signal 2008 RF Front-end IF signal Danish GPS Center Signal processing Position 3 DANISH GPS CENTER Description Of Electrical Signals 2008 Danish GPS Center 4 Signals DANISH GPS CENTER • An RF signal is divided in two distinct parts: – A carrier signal – Modulation (Information) • The carrier signal is a sine wave which amplitude and frequency depends on the system (standards & regulations) • The modulation is a time-dependent variation in signal phase, frequency and/or amplitude which carries the actual information content in the signal 2008 Danish GPS Center 5 Signals DANISH GPS CENTER • An ideal signal can be expressed in several ways: In-phase/Quadrature Polar Complex Envelope Complex Envelope 2008 Danish GPS Center 6 Signals DANISH GPS CENTER • All three representations are equivalent • The conversion between I/Q and A/P is written as: Polar I/Q I/Q Polar Complex envelope useful in representing the signal at baseband: Modulation diagrams, signal constellations, etc. 2008 Danish GPS Center 7 Different Ways to Visualize Signals Complex Envelope 0.5 jQ(t) In-phase/Quadrature 1 I(t) 1 0 -1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 1 0.8 1 1 -1 -1 Q(t) -0.5 Polar 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1 s(t) a(t) 0.5 φ(t) [π rad] 1 0 -0.5 0 -1 0 t Signal (ω = 50) 1 0.5 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0.5 0 I(t) -0.5 1 2008 DANISH GPS CENTER 0.2 0.4 t 0.6 0.8 -1 0 1 Danish GPS Center 0.2 0.4 t 0.6 8 Amplitude/Power/Energy DANISH GPS CENTER Instantaneous Power Energy Average Power 2008 Danish GPS Center 9 What is dB (dBm, dBW)? DANISH GPS CENTER • Decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit of measurement that expresses the magnitude of a physical quantity relative to a specified or implied reference level P1 dB = 10 ⋅ log10 P2 • dB is dimensionless and is used for signal power comparison e.g. signal amplification, attenuation or signal to noise ratio • Signal power is typically measured in dBW or dBm P dBW = 10 ⋅ log10 1 W P dBm = 10 ⋅ log10 1mW dBW = dBm − 30 • dBV and dBµV are used for voltage amplitude levels VdBV = 20 ⋅ log10 (V ) 2008 P VdBµV = 20 ⋅ log10 1µV Danish GPS Center 10 DANISH GPS CENTER Signal Quality 2008 Danish GPS Center 11 Signal Quality DANISH GPS CENTER • Signal Quality is a ”catch-all” term for imperfections in the signal – In digital system SQ is linked to Bit Error Ratio (BER) – In GNSS SQ is also linked to quality of position measurements • Several mechanisms affect signal quality: – Noise – Distortion – Unwanted (interfering) signals 2008 Danish GPS Center 12 Signal Quality DANISH GPS CENTER • For microwave circuits, noise is predominantly generated inside receiver – Active circuits (noise from semiconductors) – Passive circuits (filters, interconnections – lossy circuits in general) • Distortion is generated by inherent nonlinearity of active circuits – Non-linear I/V characteristics – Clipping 2008 Danish GPS Center 13 Signal Quality DANISH GPS CENTER • Strong unwanted signals interfere with signal quality – Drive active circuits (primarily amplifier) into overload: Blocking – Saturate analogue to digital converts (ADC) – Third-order intermodulation effects can ”mix” two out-of-band signals onto the wanted frequency band: Impossible to filter out 2008 Danish GPS Center 14 DANISH GPS CENTER Noise Noise sources, filtering, SNR Physical Noise Sources DANISH GPS CENTER • Noise can be roughly grouped into: – Externally generated noise • Man-made noise • Atmospheric noise – Internally generated noise • • • • 2008 Termal noise (one of the biggest noise sources in GNSS) Resistive/lossy circuits Semiconductors Quantization Danish GPS Center 16 Noise Mathematical Description DANISH GPS CENTER • White noise has the following characteristics • Gaussian distribution • Flat power spectral density • Without memory (uncorrelated with previous values) • Band-limited white noise is called ”colored”. For a noise bandwidth, ∆ω and center frequency ω0: 2008 Danish GPS Center 17 Filtering\Components of Noise DANISH GPS CENTER Non-limited LPF (5 MHz) HPF (5 MHz) BPF (5-10 MHz) BPF (25-30 MHz) 2008 Danish GPS Center 18 Thermal Noise DANISH GPS CENTER PThermalNoise = kTB Power where: k - Boltzmann’s constant = 1.38e-23 J/°K T - absolute temperature in K B - equivalent noise bandwidth in Hz -- Noise floor -- GPS C/A ≈ -111dBm (2MHz BW) ≈ -130dBm 2.046MHz 1575.42 (MHz) Freq • Thermal noise for the GPS C/A signal: – (1.38e–23)(290)(2e6) = 8.004e-15 • Thermal noise in dB: – 10*log10(8.004e-15) = -140.97dBW ≈ -111dBm 2008 Danish GPS Center 19 Quantization Noise DANISH GPS CENTER Figures are taken from ”Global Positionig System, Theory and applications I” 2008 Danish GPS Center 20 Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) DANISH GPS CENTER • Signal to noise ratio is an important measure of signal quality • A high SNR implies a low error ratio for digital modulation systems • Minimum SNR requirement sets limit to receiver sensitivity 2008 Danish GPS Center 21 DANISH GPS CENTER Signal Distortions Distortion DANISH GPS CENTER • While noise is critical for weak signals, distortion sets the upper limit on receiver performance • This is because often strong (wanted and/or interfering) signals cause distortions, but there are also other kinds of distortions 2008 Danish GPS Center 23 Distortion DANISH GPS CENTER • Different distortion mechanisms include: – Nonlinear transfer functions – Clipping (signal amplitude exceeds hardware limits) • Distortions can occur also due to other (interfering) signals – Powerful, unwanted signals can block receiver by driving non-linear circuits into compression – An intermodulation product of two powerful unwanted signals can cause interference in the signal band impossible to filter out 2008 Danish GPS Center 24 Distortion: Non-linear Blocks DANISH GPS CENTER • Active blocks in receiver (amplifiers, mixers, active filters etc.) have significant non-linear behavior • For linear blocks (amplifiers), the effect is unwanted (but practically unavoidable) • For inherently non-linear blocks (mixers, etc), a non-linear operation is needed while the signal envelope should survive the process with sufficiently low distortion 1 so 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 2008 Danish GPS Center -1 -0.5 0 si 0.5 1 1.5 25 Non-linear Transfer Functions DANISH GPS CENTER • A linear transfer function is a function on the form: • Which includes a change in amplitude and phase shift/time delay • A linear transfer function must satisfy the superposition relation • For a non-linear circuit, the output signal resulting from two input signals cannot be determined by superposition 2008 Danish GPS Center 26 Non-linear Transfer Functions DANISH GPS CENTER 1 so 0.5 Non-linear input/output 0 relationship (e.g. amplifiers) -0.5 -1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.2 si 0.15 characteristic (e.g. mixers) 0.1 Gain Time-dependent transfer 0.05 0 -0.05 0 2008 Danish GPS Center 1 2 t [ns] 3 4 5 27 Non-linear Effects Are… DANISH GPS CENTER • Complex to model simple models for hand calculations are rough guesses at best • Difficult to calculate analytically For most RF receivers, the non-linear behavior of the circuits is found via simulations • On a system level, distortion effects are hard to estimate without simulations 2008 Danish GPS Center 28 Example of a Distortion DANISH GPS CENTER A simple non-linear Amplifier 1 so(t) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 2008 Danish GPS Center -1 -0.5 0 si 0.5 1 1.5 29 Example of a Distortion DANISH GPS CENTER 1 so(t) • An input signal: 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 t [ns] 4 5 6 • Red curve – output of a linear amplifier • Blue curve – output of the non-linear amplifier from the previous slide 2008 0 -2 0 2 so(t) • Three amplitude cases: so(t) 2 0 -2 0 Danish GPS Center 30 Distortion: Frequency Domain View DANISH GPS CENTER • For RF circuits, time domain measurements can be hard to perform or evaluate • For transmitters, time-domain tests involving modulated signals is possible • Receiver distortion analysis is most often performed in the frequency domain • Next slide: A look at the output of the amplifier from the previous example in the frequency domain • The two largest tones (arrows) in the graphs are the fundamental frequencies (850 MHz and 1 GHz). The remainder of the spectrum is due to distortion. 2008 Danish GPS Center 31 Distortion: Frequency Domain View DANISH GPS CENTER A=0.7 So [dBV] 0 -50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f [GHz] 2008 Danish GPS Center 32 Distortion: Frequency Domain View DANISH GPS CENTER A=1.0 So [dBV] 0 -50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f [GHz] 2008 Danish GPS Center 33 Distortion: Harmonics DANISH GPS CENTER • Harmonics: Distortion in the signal can be seen in the frequency domain as signal harmonics • For multiple tones (sine waves), the non-linearity of the block causes intermodulation: 2008 Danish GPS Center 34 DANISH GPS CENTER Receiver Figures-of-Merit Receiver Figures-of-Merit • • • • 2008 DANISH GPS CENTER Gain Sensitivity/Noise Figure Intercept points (2nd and 3rd order) Dynamic Range Danish GPS Center 36 Gain DANISH GPS CENTER • Gain is a measure of power or amplitude increase/decrease • For RF circuits power gain is most frequently used , as voltage levels can be hard to define due to standing waves and reflected signals • For integrated circuits, voltage gain is sometimes used at RF and most often at baseband 2008 Danish GPS Center 37 Sensitivity DANISH GPS CENTER • The quality of the signal at the lower end of the power scale is dominated by signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) • Receiver sensitivity is defined as the input signal power level which results in minimum detectable SNR at the demodulator 2008 Danish GPS Center 38 Dynamic Range DANISH GPS CENTER • The dynamic range of the receiver is the range of input power levels that the receiver can be used for without noise or distortion corrupting the signal 2008 Danish GPS Center 39 Summary DANISH GPS CENTER • Radio receivers must deliver a received signal to the signal processor while adding a minimum of noise and distortion • Noise can “burry” weak signals • Distortion change received signals and/or create unwanted additional signals • Receiver/components figures of merit: • Gain • Intercept point • Sensitivity • Dynamic range • Noise figure 2008 Danish GPS Center 40