The Collegiate Academy Trust Transparency and Published Information In accordance with The Academies Financial Handbook September 2015 Members, Governors and Trustees Last edited – 17th December 2015 1 Contents Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 The Collegiate Academy Trust Board ................................................................................................................ 4 The Local Governing Body ................................................................................................................................. 6 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Membership .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Quorum ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Frequency of meetings and programme of work .......................................................................................... 6 Review Date ................................................................................................................................................... 6 The Resources Committee................................................................................................................................. 8 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Membership .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Quorum ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Frequency of meetings and programme of work .......................................................................................... 8 Review date. .................................................................................................................................................. 8 The Audit Committee ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................ 10 Membership ................................................................................................................................................ 10 Quorum ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Frequency of meetings ................................................................................................................................ 10 Review date ................................................................................................................................................. 10 The Family and Community Forum ................................................................................................................. 12 The Collegiate Academy Trustee Appointment............................................................................................... 13 The Local Governing Body Appointment ......................................................................................................... 13 2014-2015........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Declarations of Pecuniary Interests 2014/2015 .......................................................................................... 15 Training Attendance 2014/2015.................................................................................................................. 16 Meeting Attendance 2014/2015 ................................................................................................................. 17 Family and Parent Forum 2014/2015 .......................................................................................................... 18 Academy Links 2014/2015 .......................................................................................................................... 19 Gift and Hospitality Declarations 2014/2015 .............................................................................................. 20 2015-2016........................................................................................................................................................ 21 Declarations of Pecuniary Interests 2015/2016 .......................................................................................... 22 Training Attendance 2015/2016.................................................................................................................. 23 Meeting Attendance 2015/2016 ................................................................................................................. 24 Family and Parent Forum 2015/2016 .......................................................................................................... 25 Academy Link Visits 2015/2016................................................................................................................... 26 Gift and Hospitality Declarations 2015/2016 .............................................................................................. 27 Last edited – 17th December 2015 2 Introduction This document details all of the information required to be publicly published in order comply with the Academies Financial Handbook 2015. The Academies Financial Handbook 2015 states: The trust must be transparent with its governance arrangements. 2.5.1 Publishing information about governance structures 2.5.2 In the interests of transparency, an academy trust must publish on its website up-todate details of its governance arrangements in a readily accessible format. This must include: • the structure and remit of the members, board of trustees, its committees and local governing bodies, and the full names of the chair of each (where applicable) • for each member who has served at any point over the past 12 months, their full names, date of appointment, date they stepped down (where applicable), and relevant business and pecuniary interests including governance roles in other educational institutions • for each trustee and local governor who has served at any point over the past 12 months, their full names, date of appointment, term of office, date they stepped down (where applicable), who appointed them (in accordance with the trust’s articles), and relevant business and pecuniary interests including governance roles in other educational institutions • for each trustee their attendance records at board and committee meetings over the last academic year • for each local governor their attendance records at local governing body meetings over the last academic year (taken from the Academies Financial Handbook 2015) The structure that is referred to within this document is shown below: CAT Board Performance Management Committee Admissions Committee Discipline Committe Local Governing Body SLL Resources Committee Appeals Committee Audit Committee Parent Forum Please note: Throughout this document, especially in the attendance records the term “N/A” is used to show that the participant in question is either not required or not expected to attend. Last edited – 17th December 2015 3 The Collegiate Academy Trust Board As the Board of Trustees of the Collegiate Academy Trust are required to approve a Governance structure for the Trust on an annual basis, this is also documented with this report. This structure is to comply as it must be: compliant with DfE requirements, company and charity law; scalable and so adaptable to growth or change in the Collegiate Academy Trust; capable of being serviced by the Trustees of the Collegiate Academy Trust and members of the Local Governing Body. The Collegiate Academy Trust has a strategic role in the running of Shireland Collegiate Academy and may (subject to the Articles of Association) delegate to any Committee (this includes the Local Governing Body), any Trustee holding an Executive office, or to the Executive Principal such of their powers or functions as they consider desirable to be exercised by them. The Collegiate Academy Trust has approved a Scheme of Delegation defining the powers and functions that are reserved for the Board and its Committees Any delegated decision must be reported to the next full Trustees’ meeting but a decision taken under delegated powers is binding and immediately effective. In exercising its strategic role the Collegiate Academy Trust Board will retain exclusive responsibility for the following: Ensuring compliance with the Trust’s duties under Company Law and Charity Law and agreements made with the DfE, including the Funding Agreement, and the Deed of Gift; The determination of the educational character and mission of the Academy; Ensuring the solvency of the Academy Company and Charity, safeguarding its assets and delivering its charitable outcomes; The appointment or dismissal of the Executive Principal, Principal (where appointed) and Finance Director; Ensuring the continued charitable status of the Company; Setting key strategic objectives and targets and reviewing performance against these; Determination of the establishment, constitution, membership, proceedings and delegated powers and functions of the Governing Body and committees and their annual review and revision; The approval of Collegiate Academy Trust policies, not delegated to the Local Governing Body or Resources to include Admissions and Child Protection; The approval of annual estimates of income and expenditure for the Academy at the beginning of the academic year; To approve the appointment/resignation of the auditors for the Trust on an annual basis; The approval of the Trust year end accounts; Entering into all contracts on behalf of the Trust; To authorise expenditure or income over the value of £100,000; To authorise the opening of a bank account; To approve the pay structure for the Trust; To receive reports from its trading subsidiary company Shireland Learning Ltd (SLL) and to make recommendations to the Board of SLL regarding this company. Last edited – 17th December 2015 4 The Collegiate Academy Trust Board Chair - Academy Trustee Ashley Savell Boss Vice Chair - Community Trustee - Nusrat Hussain Ex-Officio Trustee - Sir Mark Grundy - Executive Principal Co-opted Trustee - Jithesh Nair Co-opted Trustee - Kiran Egan Family Trustee - Michael Conway Jones Also in attendance: Finance Director – Jane Kellas HR Director – Melanie Adams Company Secretary – Ian Foyle Senior Vice Principal – David Irish Vice Principal George Faux Family Trustee - Taher Mulla Co-opted Trustee - Zahur Akhtar Community Trustee Jeyaraj Anandou Last edited – 17th December 2015 5 The Local Governing Body Purpose The Local Governing Body will be responsible for monitoring and reviewing the operational day to day running of the Academy to include; the implementation of decisions of the Collegiate Academy Trust Board and the Executive Principal the management and organisation of the Academy in line with the Collegiate and individual Academy Development Plans; Performance in relation to curriculum targets and to include the receiving and reviewing of student performance data on a termly basis and to oversee the policies and procedures for reporting student progress and performance; The implementation of policies approved by the Board according to the agreed policy schedule. Implementation of all extended school activities Performance in relation to the site and Health and Safety Membership The membership of the Local Governing Body will be agreed on an annual basis The Executive Principal is an ex officio member of the Local Governing Body. The membership for the 2015/16 academic year shall be: Three Community Trustees appointed by SLL The Executive Principal; One Academy Trustee (the Chair of the Local Governing Body) Two staff Governors Up to Four family Governors one Co-opted Governor Quorum The quorum is two Trustees plus one Governor who are members of the Local Governing Body. Frequency of meetings and programme of work The Local Governing Body will meet as often as is necessary to fulfill its responsibilities and at least once each term. The Chairman of the Local Governing Body should meet with the Collegiate Academy Trust Chairs, and the Executive Principal of the Academy to plan the Local Governing Body’s work in relation to the development plans of the Collegiate Academy Trust. Review Date This Committee’s meeting arrangements and terms of reference will be reviewed annually. Last edited – 17th December 2015 6 The Local Governing Body Chair - Academy Trustee Ashley Savell Boss Vice Chair - Parent Governor Iffat Hussain Ex-Officio Trustee - Sir Mark Grundy - Executive Principal Community Governor - Sita Malhi Community Governor - Alan Price Parent Governor - Zahur Akhtar Parent Governor - Michael Conway Jones Also in attendance: Finance Director – Jane Kellas HR Director – Melanie Adams Senior Vice Principal – David Irish Vice Principal George Faux Senior Administrator – Claire Humpage Parent Governor - Taher Mulla Staff Governor - Lesley Finnegan Staff Governor Sally Philpotts Last edited – 17th December 2015 7 The Resources Committee Purpose The Resources Committee will be responsible for the day to day financial management of the Academy to include; Assisting the decision making process of the Trustees, by enabling more detailed consideration to be given to the Academy’s finances and resources. Ensuring the annual accounts are produced in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006, Charity Commission requirements and the DfE guidance issued to Academies. Reporting directly to the Trust Board. Compliance with financial regulations and standing orders of the Trust. Considering all personnel management procedures. Membership The membership of the Committee will be agreed on an annual basis. The Executive Principal of the Academy is an ex-officio member of the Committee. The membership for the 2015/16 academic year shall be 7 named Trustees/Governors including ex-officio members. Executive Principal A minimum of 4 Trustees nominated by the Board Chair of Governors SCA Governors (1) Quorum The quorum is three Trustees who are members of the Committee. Frequency of meetings and programme of work The Committee will meet as often as is necessary to fulfill its responsibilities and at least once each term. The Chairman of the Committee should meet with the Chair of the Trust and the Executive Principal to plan work in relation to the Academy’s Development Plan. Review date. This Committee’s meeting arrangements and terms of reference will be reviewed annually by the Trust Board. Last edited – 17th December 2015 8 The Resources Committee Chair - Family Trustee Taher Mulla Vice Chair - Co-opted Trustee - Jithesh Nair Ex-Officio Trustee - Sir Mark Grundy - Executive Principal Community Governor Alan Price Academy Trustee - Ashley Savell-Boss Also in attendance: Finance Director – Jane Kellas HR Director – Melanie Adams Company Secretary – Ian Foyle Senior Vice Principal – David Irish Family Trustee - Michael Conway Jones C-opted Trustee - Kiran Egan Community Trustee Jeyaraj Anandou Last edited – 17th December 2015 9 The Audit Committee Purpose The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing and addressing the risks to internal control, informing the statement of internal control of the Collegiate Academy Trust, and agreeing a programme of internal audit work, to provide assurance to the external audit process. The Committee has delegated responsibility from the Board of Trustees for ensuring that there is a framework for accountability; for examining and reviewing all systems and methods of control both financial and otherwise including risk analysis and risk management; and for ensuring the charitable Trust is complying with all aspects of the law, relevant regulations and good practice. Membership The membership of the Committee will be agreed by the Board on an annual basis. The Committee will comprise of at least three members. Committee members will be appointed by the Board. The Committee will comprise all independent non-executive members of the Board. Ideally at least one should have some recent and relevant financial experience. No employee of the Collegiate Academy Trust may be a member of the Committee. The Chairman of the Board and the Executive Principal may not be members of the Audit Committee. Quorum The quorum is three members of the Committee. Frequency of meetings The Committee will meet as often as is necessary to fulfill its responsibilities and at least twice per year. Once, at the beginning to agree the programme of work and once at the end to review. The External Auditors and/ or Responsible Officer may request a meeting of the Committee, at any time. Review date This Committee’s meeting arrangements and terms of reference will be reviewed annually by the Trust Board. Last edited – 17th December 2015 10 The Audit Committee Chair - Family Trustee Michael Conway Jones Community Trustee Nusrat Hussain Co-opted Trustee Jithesh Nair Family Trustee - Taher Mulla Also in attendance: Sir Mark Grundy – Executive Principal Ashley Savell-Boss – Director and Board Chair Finance Director – Jane Kellas HR Director – Melanie Adams Company Secretary – Ian Foyle Senior Vice Principal – David Irish Vice Principal George Faux Co-opted Trustee Zahur Akhtar Co-opted Trustee Kiran Egan Community Trustee Jeyaraj Anandou Last edited – 17th December 2015 11 The Family and Community Forum The Family and Community Forum targets both students and the families of students along with members of the local community. The purpose of this forum is to allow families and the local community to express their views and develop ideas. This in turn creates partnerships of which add value to the Academy, students and the local community. Discussions in these meetings are very much determined by the participants and this meeting relies heavily on their input as the intention is to take the views and ideas of these stakeholders to include these when operational decisions are being made. The Family and Parent Forum Chair - Extended Services Coordinator - Daniel Donaldson Family Support Worker Patsy Mesquitta Parent - Alison IboroOffong Parent - Nailah Ahmed Also in attendance: Senior Administrator – Claire Humpage Parent - Nicky Hincliff Community Governor Alan Price Community Governor Sita Malhi Last edited – 17th December 2015 12 The Collegiate Academy Trustee Appointment All those in office from September 2014 until the present date, at any one time there should be a total of 9 Trustees, as below: Name Position Appointment Date Resignation Date Sir Mark Grundy Ex-Officio Trustee 7th August 2007 - Ashley Savell Boss Academy Trustee 21st October 2015* - Michael Conway Jones Family Trustee 10th July 2012 - Nusrat Hussain Community Trustee 21st October 2015* - Jithesh Nair Co-opted Trustee 15th July 2014 - Taher Mulla Family Trustee 20th March 2013 - Zahur Akhtar Co-opted Trustee 20th March 2013 - Kiran Egan Co-opted Trustee 18th March 2015 - Jeyaraj Anandou Community Trustee 21st October 2015 - Sita Malhi Community Trustee 5th October 2011 1st May 2015 * This refers to the re-appointment date of a Trustee who has previously served one or more consecutive periods of office The Local Governing Body Appointment All those on the Local Governing Body from September 2014 until the present date, at any one time there should be a total of 14 members, this consisting of the 9 Trustees as above in addition to the 5 Governors below: Name Position Appointment Date Resignation Date Sita Malhi Community Governor 1st May 2015 - Alan Price Community Governor October 2011 (reappointment scheduled for March 2016) - Iffat Hussain Parent Governor 7th March 2012 - Lesley Finnegan Staff Governor November 2013 - Laura Howells Staff Governor 4th March 2015 31st August 2015 Sally Philpotts Staff Governor 11th November 2015 - Last edited – 17th December 2015 13 2014-2015 Last edited – 17th December 2015 14 Declarations of Pecuniary Interests 2014/2015 Form Completed 2014-2015 Direct Interest? Indirect Interest? Mr Ashley Savell-Boss 21/10/2014 None None Sir Mark Grundy 12/11/2014 None None Mr Michael Conway-Jones 12/11/2014 None None None Mrs Nusrat Hussain 12/11/2014 None None None Mr Sita Malhi 21/10/2014 None None None Mr Taher Mulla 21/10/2014 None None None Mr Zahur Akhtar 12/11/2014 None None None Mr Jithesh Nair 21/10/2014 None None None Mrs Kiran Egan 30/03/2015 None None None Mrs Iffat Hussain 12/11/2014 None None None None Spouse is a governor at Golden Hillock School since Oct 2014 None Mrs Lesley Finnegan 12/11/2014 None None Married to SCA employee - Martin Finnegan None Mr Ian Foyle 30/11/2014 None None None None George Faux 21/10/2014 None None None None Mr David Irish 21/10/2014 None None None Mrs Jane Kellas 21/10/2014 None None None Mrs Melanie Adams 21/10/2014 None None None None Governor at a primary school from September 2011 None Miss Laura Howells 17/03/2015 None None None None Mr Alan Price Last edited – 17th December 2015 Educational/ Charitable Interest Material Interest Ella Savell Boss, Sister, Employee of CAT Jordan Savell Boss, Daughter, Employee of CAT Kirsty Tonks, Partner, Employee of CAT Tom Bruce, Son, Employee of CAT ABSENT DUE TO ILLNESS Governor at Cape Primary School Since Sep-2012 Education Advisor for the DfE since Sep-2014 Fircroft College - Employee since 2002 BEST Director but resigned Oct-2014 Volunteer at Crocketts Community Primary School None Partner at Pass with flying colours , Tution centre since 28/09/14 None 15 Understanding how funding is allocated MAT Sponsor/Free School Briefing Self-Evaluation of the Governing Board 16/12/14 04/03/15 18/03/15 24/06/15 30/06/15 08/07/15 14/07/15 Mr Ashley Savell-Boss Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sir Mark Grundy Yes Yes Yes Yes - N/A Yes - N/A Yes N/A - Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Mr Alan Price Yes Yes Exclusion and SEN Training 02/12/14 Data Understanding Funding and changes for 2014-15 and 2015-16 Strategic 12/11/14 Link Governor Role Guidance and the use of Public Funds 14/10/14 All Name planning and the role of the board Training Attendance 2014/2015 ABSENT DUE TO ILLNESS Mr Michael Conway-Jones Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mrs Nusrat Hussain Yes Yes N/A - Yes Yes Mr Sita Malhi Yes - N/A Yes Yes N/A Mr Taher Mulla Yes - - Yes - Yes Mr Zahur Akhtar Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Mr Jithesh Nair Yes N/A N/A - N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mrs Jane Kellas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mrs Melanie Adams Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Mrs Kiran Egan N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes - Yes N/A N/A - Miss Laura Howells N/A N/A N/A N/A Mrs Lesley Finnegan Yes Yes N/A Mr Ian Foyle N/A Yes George Faux Yes Mr David Irish Mrs Iffat Hussain Last edited – 17th December 2015 16 Yes Name CAT Board and Audit Committee Resources Committee and SLL Board Local Governing Body Resources Committee and SLL Board CAT Board and Audit Committee Local Governing Body Resources Committee and SLL Board CAT Board and Audit Committee Resources Committee and SLL Board CAT Board, Audit Committee and Remuneration and Performance Local Governing Management Body Committee Meeting Attendance 2014/2015 21/10/14 12/11/14 02/12/14 16/12/14 20/01/14 04/03/15 18/03/15 28/04/15 17/06/15 30/06/15 14/07/15 Mr Ashley Savell-Boss Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sir Mark Grundy Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mr Alan Price N/A ILL ILL N/A N/A ILL N/A N/A ILL ILL N/A Mr Michael Conway-Jones Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Mrs Nusrat Hussain Yes Yes N/A - N/A Yes Yes N/A - N/A - Mr Sita Malhi Yes - N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Mr Taher Mulla Yes - - Yes N/A - Yes - - - - Mr Zahur Akhtar Yes Yes - Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A Yes N/A Yes Mr Jithesh Nair Yes N/A N/A - N/A N/A Yes - N/A Yes Yes Mrs Kiran Egan N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes - N/A - Yes Mrs Iffat Hussain N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Miss Laura Howells N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Mrs Lesley Finnegan N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Mr Ian Foyle Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes George Faux Yes Yes - Yes N/A Yes Yes - Yes - Yes Mr David Irish Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Mrs Jane Kellas Yes Yes Mrs Melanie Adams Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Miss Claire Humpage N/A Trudi Cartwright N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Last edited – 17th December 2015 17 Yes Family and Parent Forum 2014/2015 Attendees Position Autumn Nov 2014 Spring Feb 15 Summer Jun 15 Sir Mark Grundy Executive Principal Daniel Donaldson is the Executive Principal’s representative Mr Dan Donaldson Extended Services Coordinator Yes Yes Yes Ms Patsy Mesquitta Family Support Worker Yes Yes Yes Miss Claire Humpage Senior Administrator Yes Yes Yes Mr Alan Price Community Governor Mr Sita Malhi Community Governor Mrs Alison Iboro-Offong ABSENT DUE TO ILLNESS Not Applicable Not Applicable Yes Parent Yes No Yes Ms Cheryl Jones Parent Yes Yes Yes Mrs Nahila Ahmed Parent No Yes Yes Last edited – 17th December 2015 18 Academy Links 2014/2015 Subject Link Link Teacher Link Trustee/Governor 2014/2015 Report received? Maths Dave Green Zahur Akhtar Yes English Harj Parwana Iffat Hussain Yes Science Rachael Stone Taher Mulla Yes SEN Gill Situnayake Taher Mulla Yes Humanities Bim Kang Nusrat Hussain Yes Post 16 Alan Crawford Michael Conway-Jones Yes Safeguarding Ella Savell-Boss Ashley Savell-Boss Yes Computer Science Yvonne Smith Jithesh Nair Yes Business Studies Tony Reade Jithesh Nair Yes Pupil Premium George Faux Kiran Egan Yes Data George Faux Kiran Egan Yes Last edited – 17th December 2015 19 Gift and Hospitality Declarations 2014/2015 Name Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Mr Ashley Savell-Boss Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Sir Mark Grundy Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mr Alan Price ABSENT DUE TO ILLNESS Mr Michael Conway-Jones Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mrs Nusrat Hussain Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mr Sita Malhi Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mr Taher Mulla Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mr Zahur Akhtar Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mr Jithesh Nair Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mr Kiran Egan Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mrs Iffat Hussain Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mrs Lesley Finnegan Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mrs Jane Kellas Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mrs Melanie Adams Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mr David Irish Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mr George Faux Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Mr Ian Foyle Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Complete - None Received Last edited – 17th December 2015 20 2015-2016 Last edited – 17th December 2015 21 Declarations of Pecuniary Interests 2015/2016 Name Direct Interest? Indirect Interest? Educational/ Charitable Interest Material Interest Mr Ashley Savell-Boss Form Completed 2015-2016 Yes None None None Sir Mark Grundy Yes None None Mr Alan Price Yes None None Advisor for the Core Trust (School Advisor) since June 2015 Education Advisor for the DfE since Sep-2014 None Ella Savell Boss, Sister, Employee of CAT Jordan Savell Boss, Daughter, Employee of CAT Kirsty Tonks, Partner, Employee of CAT Tom Bruce, Son, Employee of CAT Mr Michael Conway-Jones Yes None None Mrs Nusrat Hussain Yes None Mr Sita Malhi Yes Mr Taher Mulla None None None Fircroft College, employed as a member of the Senior Management Team None None None None None Yes None None None Mr Zahur Akhtar Yes None None Director at the tutoring service, Pass with Flying Colours None Mr Jithesh Nair Yes None None None None Mrs Kiran Egan Yes None None None Mr Jeyaraj Anandou Yes None None Spouse has been a governor at Golden Hillock School since October 2014 None Mrs Iffat Hussain Yes None None None None Mrs Lesley Finnegan Yes None None None Married to SCA employee - Martin Finnegan Mrs Sally Philpotts Yes None None None None Mr Ian Foyle Yes None None None None Mrs Jane Kellas Yes None None Governor at New Oscott Primary School None Mrs Melanie Adams Yes None None None None Mr David Irish Yes None None None None Mr George Faux Yes None None None None Last edited – 17th December 2015 None None None 22 POSTPONED 15/12/15 10/02/16 01/03/16 22/03/16 15/06/16 28/06/16 Free School Application Freedom of Information SEN Exclusions and the Management of Behaviour Appraisal Process School Improvement Partner Progress 8 Pupil Premium Safeguarding Prevent Agenda and British Values Training Training Attendance 2015/2016 21/10/15 11/11/15 Mr Ashley Savell-Boss Yes Yes Yes Sir Mark Grundy Yes Yes Yes Mr Alan Price N/A Yes N/A Mr Michael Conway-Jones Yes Yes Yes Mrs Nusrat Hussain Yes Yes N/A Yes N/A Mr Sita Malhi N/A - N/A N/A N/A Mr Taher Mulla - - Mr Zahur Akhtar - Yes Mr Jithesh Nair - N/A Mrs Kiran Egan Yes N/A Mr Jay Anandou Yes N/A Mrs Iffat Hussain N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sally Philpotts N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mrs Lesley Finnegan N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mr Ian Foyle Yes N/A George Faux Yes N/A Mr David Irish Yes N/A - Mrs Jane Kellas Yes N/A Yes Mrs Melanie Adams Yes N/A Yes N/A 12/07/16 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - MATERNITY Yes Yes N/A Last edited – 17th December 2015 Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 23 Trustee Meeting CAT Board Remuneration Local Governing Body Resources Committee and SLL Board CAT Board and Audit Committee Local Governing Body Resources Committee and SLL Board CAT Board and Audit Committee Local Governing Body Resources Committee and SLL Board CAT Board and Audit Committee Meeting Attendance 2015/2016 05/10/15 21/10/15 21/10/15 11/11/15 01/12/15 10/02/16 01/03/16 22/03/16 15/06/16 28/06/16 12/07/16 Mr Ashley Savell-Boss Yes Yes Yes Yes - 15/12/15 Yes Sir Mark Grundy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mr Alan Price N/A N/A N/A Yes - Mr Michael Conway-Jones Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Mrs Nusrat Hussain Yes Yes N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A Mr Sita Malhi N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A N/A Mr Taher Mulla Yes No N/A - Yes - Mr Zahur Akhtar Yes Yes N/A Yes N/A - Mr Jithesh Nair Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes - N/A N/A Mrs Kiran Egan Apologises Yes Yes N/A MATERNITY N/A N/A Mr Jay Anandou N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Mrs Iffat Hussain N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sally Philpotts N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mrs Lesley Finnegan N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mr Ian Foyle N/A Yes Yes N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes - Mrs Jane Kellas Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Mrs Melanie Adams Yes N/A - Yes Yes Date George Faux Mr David Irish Yes Last edited – 17th December 2015 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 Family and Parent Forum 2015/2016 Attendees Position Autumn 17/11/15 Sir Mark Grundy Executive Principal Mr Dan Donaldson Extended Services Coordinator Yes Ms Patsy Mesquitta Family Support Worker Yes Miss Claire Humpage Senior Administrator Yes Mr Alan Price Community Governor Yes Mr Sita Malhi Community Governor Yes Mrs Alison Iboro-Offong Parent Yes Ms Cheryl Jones Parent No Mrs Nahila Ahmed Parent Yes Ms Nicky Hincliff Parent No Last edited – 17th December 2015 Spring Mar 16 Summer Mar 16 Daniel Donaldson is the Executive Principal’s representative 25 Academy Link Visits 2015/2016 Subject Link Link Teacher Link Trustee Autumn Term Visit Date Mathematics Dave Green Zahur Akhtar Jan 2016 English, Media and Languages Harj Parwana Jay Anandou 26/11/2015 Science Rachael Stone Taher Mulla 26/11/2015 Data/Pupil Premium George Faux Kiran Egan 09/11/2015 ICT and Business Studies Tony Reade Jithesh Nair 02/12/2015 SEN Gill Situnayake Taher Mulla 26/11/2015 Post 16 Alan Crawford Michael ConwayJones 06/11/2015 Yes Safeguarding and Prevent Ella Savell Boss Nusrat Hussain 03/12/2015 Yes Pastoral/Behaviour Rai Foulkes Ashley Savell-Boss Subject Link Link Teacher Link Governor Year 7 Kat Bates Iffat Hussain Year 8 Lewis Moore Year 9 Rachel Walters Zahur Akhtar Year 10 Gail Adams Lesley Finnegan Last edited – 17th December 2015 Autumn Term Visit Date Report received? Spring Term Visit Date Report received? Summer Term Visit Date Report received? Yes Report received? Spring Term Visit Date Report received? 26 Summer Term Visit Date Report received? Gift and Hospitality Declarations 2015/2016 Name Autumn Term Mr Ashley Savell-Boss Mr Alan Price Complete - None Received Complete - Received a complimentary ticket for the Whole Education Conference in London on the 12th November 2015 for the estimated value of £95 Complete - None Received Mr Michael Conway-Jones Complete - None Received Mrs Nusrat Hussain Complete - None Received Mr Sita Malhi Complete - None Received Mr Taher Mulla Complete - None Received Mr Zahur Akhtar Complete - None Received Mr Jithesh Nair Complete - None Received Mr Kiran Egan Complete - None Received Mr Jeyaraj Anandou Complete - None Received Mrs Sally Philpotts Complete - None Received Mrs Iffat Hussain Complete - None Received Mrs Lesley Finnegan Complete - None Received Mrs Jane Kellas Complete - None Received Mrs Melanie Adams Complete - None Received Mr David Irish Complete - None Received Mr George Faux Complete - None Received Mr Ian Foyle Complete - None Received Sir Mark Grundy Last edited – 17th December 2015 Spring Term Summer Term 27