Showjumping Owners Partnerships


Showjumping Owners Partnerships
Showjumping Owners
with Amy Graham and Haras du Ry GFA
Be involved as an owner for as little as Euro 11,100
What is a show jumping owners partnership?
Partnerships and syndicates have long been a part of the
racing world. Today, with the costs involved in purchasing top
level competition horses, various forms of joint ownership are
becoming more popular in all equine disciplines, and particularly
in show jumping.
A show jumping partnership enables investors to own a part of a show
jumping horse at a fraction of the cost. The “Show Jumping Owners
Partnership” (herein after known as the “Partnership” has a purchase cost
based on 1 or more 2% ownership shares, with monthly maintenance and
care costs also calculated on the same basis of 1 or more 2% shares of
the total monthly costs .
The “Partnership” will be fully subscribed with 50 shares of 2% value for
each share with the “Partnership” owning 2 horses. This makes sport horse
ownership and involvement attractive, exciting and affordable for a wide
range of people. The recent world championships saw the show jumping
individual gold medal won by Jeroen Dubbledam from the Netherlands. He
was supported at the championships by 25 of his 88 owners!
Our Approach: “Highly professional, fully informed, competently managed”
The “Partnership” is very focussed on efficient management
and administration with excellent communication. Your key
contacts will be:
Amy Graham: responsible for competitions, daily care, training and
management of your “Partnership” horses. Amy is an international
show jumping rider with Olympic,World Championship and Nations
Cup experience.
Caroline and Mark Graham: responsible for financial management,
communication and administration. Caroline and Mark are efficient
business managers with 35 years management experience in farming,
education and horse industries.
Mirela Singer: responsible for facility management and owner visits.
Mirela is an experienced management and human resources consultant,
fluent in French, Romanian and English languages
Maximising Enjoyment, regular communication.
• Haras du Ry will maintain a closed private Facebook page which will be regularly updated with videos and photos of your “Partnership”
horses as well as training information and competition results. You can comment and receive answers on this page at any time as well as
develop a close involvement with co-owners.
• You will also be able to privately email the management team with queries.
• You are invited to visit the facility at any time with the enjoyment of seeing daily training
• You are invited to attend any competitions in which your “Partnership” horses are involved. Please contact us to help arrange entry passes.
• You will be eligible to purchase team jackets and caps to identify your “Partnership” involvement at any competition. Our jackets are ordered
from the quality clothing supplier “Equiline” and are embroidered Haras du Ry –Partnership Owner
Minimising the costs, excellent financial management plus regular reports to owners.
• Amy Graham makes all purchase decisions related to your “Partnership” horses and will purchase the
horses with the costs of travel to try horses included in the purchase price
• You have the right to sell your share to any other investor subject to advising us that this will be occurring prior to
finalization of the sale and the intending purchaser giving agreement to ongoing payment of monthly costs
• Amy Graham makes all decisions related to your “Partnership” horses competitions, agistment, care,
stabling or any other factor related to these horses
• You will receive a monthly report related to training, progress, competitions and results for your
“Partnership” horses.
• You will receive a fixed monthly account of E156 plus TVA for each 2% share for management and care of your
“Partnership” horses, payable within 7 days. There are no other costs unless there has been a requirement for
an “extra ordinary veterinary expense” You will be notified of any such costs before they are incurred.
• Haras du Ry GFA & Amy Graham agree to manage each horse competently and correctly to build value for sale. The
“Partnership” will be advised when a horse is considered to be ready for sale to achieve a return on investment.
• We have the right to sell your share after 3 months of non payment of your monthly management account.
You will receive 30 days notice of the sale of your share.
• It is important to note that some horses may not continue to show progress. If a “Partnership” horse is in this
category you will be contacted to advise appropriate actions. Remembering that it doesn’t cost any more to train,
agist and compete a good horse or an average horse it is likely “Partnership” investors will be advised to sell the
horse. If this is the case sale funds will be used to purchase a replacement horse for “Partnership”
About Haras du Ry
We are proud to introduce our beautiful property where the “Partnership”
horses will be stabled and trained. Please visit and
view the video on the front page and the facilities section. Haras du Ry is a
commercial property with professionally managed facilities including:
• fully irrigated Toubin Clement 80 mtrs x 100 mtrs outdoor
sand/grass arena
• fully irrigated Toubin Clement indoor arena 50 x 25 mtrs
• undercover horse exercise walker
• safe, large, well-ventilated stables
• safe wooden fenced sport horse fields with high quality pasture
managed by our consultant agronomist
• agistment for up to 90 horses
• the Centre d’Imagerie et de Recherche sur les Affections
Locomotrices Equines (CIRALE) is within 30 minutes of HDR and
provides specialist diagnostics and treatment for sport horses.
• high quality haylage and hay produced on the property
• professionally trained grooms providing excellent care for the
horses at all times
• a partnership with quality feed manufacturers who regularly test our
horses to ensure that their nutrition is optimal at all times
• a “live in” intern program to train young riders for a career in
international show jumping
• excellent vet and sport horse farrier available at all times
• located in a favourable position in Europe enabling easy half to 1
day travel to approximately 150 international competitions per year
About Amy Graham
Amy Graham is an internationally competitive rider who has trained and produced her current grand prix horse Bella Baloubet from 6 years of
age to World Championship and Olympic level. She has purchased several young horses which she is competing currently at 1.45m level.
Amy has produced these horses through their levels and they are showing definite potential to compete at grand prix level in the next 1-2
years, however the business requires these horses to be sold to continue capital development of the property Haras du Ry
see -
International results on Bella Baloubet are able to be viewed on the FEI Longines World Rankings at
For video links of competitions go to The video is typical of competitions that “Partnership” horses would attend as they
reach grand prix level and include Monaco Global Champions Tour 5*, St Tropez 5*, Mechelen World Cup 5*, World Equestrian Games speed
class, Furyasia Nations Cup final in Barcelona
Why do we offer the showjumping owners “Partnership ” with Amy Graham and Haras du Ry GFA
Amy Graham has been competing in Europe on the international show
jumping circuit for 6 years. In this time Amy has proven her ability to train
and compete at the highest level. Representing Australia with her Grand
Prix horse Bella Baloubet she was reserve at the 2012 London Olympics
and competed in the Australian Team at the World Equestrian Games in
2014, finishing in the Top 100 riders. Most recently she and Bella Baloubet
were the best performed team members in the Furaysia Challenge Cup at
the 2014 Nations Cup Final in Barcelona, Spain where Australia finished
second to USA. Amy and Bella produced 2 faultless rounds.
However, the most significant limitation to her career goal of gaining a top
30 world ranking, despite having a world class grand prix horse, is being
able to secure a team of Grand Prix horses which will allow her to compete
more regularly and steadily improve her FEI ranking. This is impossible to
do with only one horse at Grand Prix level, competing against riders gaining
ranking points from competing 3 or more GP horses.
The owners of Bella Baloubet have taken the business decision to invest
all funds earned in Europe into the capital property investment Haras du
Ry, rather than further horses. As such it is planned that“Partnership”
will enable the purchase of future horses to support Amys “Top
30” career goal, provide an outstanding showcase for the world
class facilities of Haras du Ry, provide thrills and enjoyment for the
“Partnership” owners as well as the potential for a return on investment.
Showjumping Owners “Partnership”: How do we progress?
We can promise that your showjumping owners “Partnership” will be an exciting experience!
• We will be marketing the “Partnership” throughout the world but are targeting a full “book” within
4 months. We will keep investors advised as the “Partnership” investments are secured.
• Horse purchase funds will be placed in a “Partnership” Trust account. No horse will be purchased
until the “Partnership” is fully subscribed. Your funds will be reimbursed or the “mix” of horses/
number of shares will be renegotiated if the “Partnership” does not appear likely to be fully
subscribed. It is your choice as to what you choose to do if this situation occurs.
• Once the “Partnership” is fully subscribed Haras du Ry will source and purchase the horses after an
exhaustive vet check. The initial thrill of the “hunt” to find your 2 “Partnership” horses is an exciting
process in itself. We will keep you updated with reports and videos of horses as they are tried. You will
receive full details of each horse selected for purchase.
• Haras du Ry has given indicative purchase prices for each type of horse. We reserve the right to
purchase a horse for more or less than the estimate given, subject to ensuring the total package of
2 horses in the “Partnership” is Euro 555,000 plus TVA (if applicable)
• The “Partnership” horses will be located at Haras du Ry and you will receive regular updates on
training and progress via your private closed Face Book page
• As an owner you will be named on the formal registration and passport documents for each horse.
You will have the opportunity to watch your horses compete at summer and winter shows each
year on the European show jumping circuit allowing you to fully participate in the atmosphere and
excitement of the show as well as visiting the trade stands and the practice arena.
• Owners in the “Partnership” are welcome to visit horses at our training facility in France at any
time subject to advising us you are coming. If you are travelling from overseas or abroad , we would
encourage you to consider accommodation in our beautiful gites as well as visiting the many incredible
tourism sites in our region such as the Normandy D Day beaches, Mont St Michel, Monet’s garden
and the Bayeaux Tapestries. Please note that your accommodation, flights and car hire or travel costs
whilst in Europe are not included in your “Partnership” although we are happy to help you with the
arrangements. Please look at the link
Purchasing horses
Our relationships with European breeders, riders and agents provides us with a very extensive network
of contacts to select young horses with the potential to develop into top class performers.
• The table below outlines the “Partnership” budget to purchase 2 horses. A 2% share of the
“Partnership” of the 2 horses is Euros 11,100. The monthly management fee for each 2% share is
Euros 156 plus TVA (if applicable)
• There are no limits to the number of 2% shares an individual or business can purchase up to the full
maximum value of the “Partnership”of Euro 555,000 being 50 shares.
Ownership package will include
the following 2 types of horses
1 x 8 year old showing Grand Prix
A very exciting type of horse to purchase as
you will see rapid improvement from 2*-5*
Grand Prix within 1-2 years
1 x 6-7 year old well bred, with scope
and carefulness for Grand Prix.
Total package of 2 horses
*plus TVA as applicable
Once off purchase
price per 2% share*
100% of the monthly
management cost per horse
Monthly management cost per 2% share*. Billed to
you on 1st of each month & payable within 7 days
Euro 400,000
Euro 8,000
Euro 5,100 per horse
Euro 102 per month
The least expensive type of horse to
purchase but will not provide Grand Prix
opportunities for up to 3 seasons
Euro 155,000
Euro 3,100
Euro 2,700 per horse
Euro 54 per month
This ensures there is always interest,
competition and progress to watch
Euro 555,000
Euro 11,100
Euro 156 for 2 horses per month
(€1,872 for 2 horses for 1 year)
The costs below are a breakdown of the monthly management costs per horse for the 2 horses in full work/competition.
These are then billed to “Partnership” owners according to how many 2% shares are owned.*
100% cost/month- 8yo
100% cost/
month (YH)
Full agistment and training
Farrier incl shoes
Basic vet (daily care, flu inject, health certs, supplements). Note that extraordinary vet costs are payable separately based on receipt of accounts
Show entries/travel (competition and travel cost is averaged and amortised throughout the year as entries are not the same for each show) (note that entry fees for
horses 6 years or less are reduced to €1,000/ month)
Administration, management
* Agistment and training costs reviewed annually. Costs are plus TVA. Insurance is NOT included. Each owner may choose to privately insure their share of the “Partnership”
Return on Investment
It is very easy to research the current show jumping market and see that
purchase prices can be very high. It is for this reason that the “Partnership”
intends to purchase 2 “younger and less experienced horses” rather than
only buying one grand prix horse. The “Partnership” then has two horses in
the pipeline and can make decisions as each horse develops whether we
retain them for Grand Prix or sell for return on investment. In addition the
2 horses provides greater flexibility and wider amortisation of injury risk
rather than investing all funds in one horse.
• You have the right to sell your share at any time, however we must be
notified prior to the sale of all details of the new owner.
• The European International showjumping circuit has considerable prize
money in the 2-5star classes. Haras du Ry retains 50% of all prize money
earned with the remaining funds held in a trust fund and distributed
to “Partnership” owners twice per year. It is important to note that
investment return from prize money from a young horse is long term.
• Sale of a horse in the “Partnership” package is the normal
method of achieving a return on investment. As it is the intention
of a partnership to achieve a return on investment, “Partnership”
horses are always for sale. Profit from the sale of a horse is
distributed to “Partnership” owners after payment of
15% commission on sale to Haras du Ry GFA
• Your monthly management costs are decreased with the sale
of a horse. Note that further investment would be to a new
partnership group.
Dispute resolution
The management team of the “Partnership” will make every effort to ensure any concerns are dealt with quickly
and competently. All queries will be responded to in writing via email. Should a dispute occur that cannot be
resolved, the“Partnership” owner with the dispute has the right to sell their share of the “Partnership”.
Contact us
Amy Graham
International Competitor and Sport Horse Trainer
Tel. + 33 (0)6 27 10 69 18
Email. [email protected]