Nondiffracting X Waves-Exact Solutions to Free-Space Scalar
Nondiffracting X Waves-Exact Solutions to Free-Space Scalar
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS. FERROELECTRICS, AND FREQUENCY CONTROL, VOL. 39, NO. I , JANUARY 1YY2 Nondiffracting X Waves-Exact Solutions to Free-Space Scalar Wave Equation and Their Finite Aperture Realizations Jian-yu Lu, Member, IEEE, and James F. Greenleaf, Fellow, IEEE Abstract- Novel families of generalized nondiffracting waves have been discovered. They are exact nondiffracting solutions of the isotropic/homogenous scalar wave equation and are a generalization of some of the previously known nondiffracting waves such as the plane wave, Durnin’s beams, and the nondiffracting portion of the Axicon beam equation in addition to an infinity of new beams. One subset of the new nondiffracting waves have X-like shapes that are termed “X waves.” These nondiffracting Xwaves can be almost exactlyrealized over a finite depth of field with finite apertures and by either broadband or bandlimited radiators. Witha 25 mm diameter planarradiator, a zeroth-order broadband X wave will have about 2.5 mm lateral beam widths witha-6-dB depth and 0.17 mmaxial-6-dB of field of about 171 mm. The phase of the X waves changes smoothly with time across the apertureof the radiator, therefore, X waves can be realizedwithphysicaldevices.A zeroth-order band-limited Xwavewas produced and measured in water by our 10 element, 50 mm diameter, 2.5 MHz PZT ceramic/polymer composite Jo Bessel nondiffracting annulararraytransducer with -6-dB lateral and axial beam widths of about 4.7 mm and 0.65 mm, respectively, over a -6-dB depth of field of about 358 mm.Possible applications of X wavesin acoustic imaging and electromagnetic energy transmission are discussed. I. INTRODUCTION I N 1983, J. N.Brittingham [ l ] discovered the first localized wave solution of the free-spacescalar wave equation and called it a self focus wave mode. In 1985, anotherlocalized wave solution was discovered by R. W. Ziolkowski [2] who developed a procedure to construct new solutions 131 through the Laplace transform. These localized solutions were further studied by severalinvestigators[4]-[9]. An acousticdevice was constructed to realize Ziolkowski’s Modified Power Spectrum pulse that is one of the solutions of the wave equation through the Laplacetransform [lo]. In 1987 J. Durnindiscoveredindependently a new exact nondiffracting solution of the free-space scalar wave equation [ l l]. This solution was expressed in continuous wave form and was realized by optical experiments [12]. Durnin’s beamswere further studied in optics in a number of papers [13]-[19]. Hsu et al. [20] realized a J O Bessel beam with a narrow band PZT ceramic ultrasonic transducer of nonuniform poling. We made Manuscript received April 10, 1991; revisedandacceptedJune 17. 1991. Thisworkwassupported in part bygrant CA 43920 from the National Institutes of Health. of Theauthorsarewith the BiodynamicsResearchUnit,Department Physiology and Biophysics,MayoClinicandFoundation,Rochester, MN 55905 IEEE Log Kumber 9103583. the first .IO Bessel nondiffracting annular array transducer 1211 with PZT ceramiclpolymercomposite and applied it to medical acoustic imaging and tissue characterization [22]-1251. Campbell et al. had a similar idea to use an annular array to realize a .Io Bessel nondiffracting beam and compared the .Io Bessel beam to the Axicon [26]. In this paper, we report families of generalized nondiffracting solutions of the free-spacescalar wave equation, and specifically. a subset of these nondiffracting solutions, which we term X waves (so-called X waves because of the appearance of the field distribution in a planethrough the axis of the beam).The X waves are a frequencyweightedLaplace transform of the nondiffracting portion of the Axicon beam equations [27]-1331 (in addition to the nondiffracting portion, the Axicon beam equation contains a factor that is proportional to fi that will go to infinity as 2 + x [31]) and travel in free-space (or isotropiclhomogeneousmedia) to infinite distancewithout spreading provided that they areproduced by an infinite aperture. Even with finite apertures, X waves have a large depth of field. (For example, with 25mm diameter radiator, a zerothorder broadband X wave will keep 2.5 mm and 0.17 mm -6-dB lateral and axial beam widths. respectively. and have a 171 mm depth of field that is about h8 times the -6-dB lateral beamwidthand7 times the radiatingdiameter.) We have experimentally produced a zeroth-order band-limited X wave [34]. We used our 10 element, 50 mm diameter, 2.5 MHz PZT ceramic/polymer composite .J, Besselnondiffractingannular array transducer [21], [22]. The X wave had -&dB lateral and axial beam widths of about 4.7 mm and 0.65 mm, respectively, over a -6-dB depth of field of about 358 mm. In comparison with Ziolkowski’s localized wave mode 121. [3], the peakpulseamplitude of the X wave is constantas it propagates to infinity because of its nondiffracting nature. Durnin’s beamsarenondiffracting at a single frequency but will diffract (or spread) in the temporal direction for multiple frequencies [22]. X waves are multiple frequency waves hut theyarenondiffracting in both transverseandaxialdirrctions. Like the .l, Bessel nondiffracting beam 1211-1251, X waves could be applied to acoustic imaging and tissue characterization. In addition, the space and time localization properties of X waves will allow particle-like energy transmission through large distances, as is the case with Ziolkowski’s localized wave mode[7]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS 20 ON ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, AND FREQUENCY CONTROL, VOL. 39, NO. 1, JANUARY 1992 The exact solution of the free space scalar wave equation,@L, representsa familyof nondiffractingwavesbecause if one travels with the wave at the speed, c, i.e., z - ct =constant, both the lateral and axial complex field patterns, al(r,4)and @2(z - ct), will be the same for all time, t , and distance, z . If c l ( k )C) in (6) is real, ''k" in (5) will represent backward and forward propagating waves,respectively. (In the following 11. THEORYOF WAVES AND TWO EXAMPLES analysis, weconsider only the forwardpropagatingwaves. All results will be the same for the backward propagating waves.) We will show belowthree families of generalized nonFurthermore, Q, S and @ ~ ( . s will ) also represent families ) diffracting solutions of the free space(or isotropic/homogeneous) of nondiffracting waves if cl(k,C) is independent of IC and C, scalar wave equation. respectively. These waves will travel to infinity at the speed of The free 'space scalar wave equation in cylindrical coordic1 without diffracting or spreading in either the lateral or axial nates is given by directions. This is different from Brittingham'sfocuswave mode [l],and Ziolkowski's localized wave [2] and modified power spectrum pulse [3] that contain both z - ct and z - dt, or both t - ct and z ct terms in their variables, where c and where r = represents radial coordinate, 4 is c' are different constants. azimuthal angle, z is axial axis, which is perpendicular to the We find S is the most interesting solution. In the plane defined by T and t is time and @ represents acoustic following, we will1 discuss @ (S) only. @<(S)is a generalized pressure or Hertz potential that is a function of T , 4. z , and t. function that contains some of the nondiffracting solutions of The three functions below are families of exact solutions of the free space scalar wave equation known previously, such (1) (see the Appendix): as, the plane wave,Durnin's nondiffracting beams, and the nondiffractingportion of theAxiconbeam in addition to an infinity of newbeams. If T ( k ) = S( k - k ' ) , where S(k - k ' ) is the Dirac-Delta 0 -71 functionand I;' =w/c > 0 is aconstant, f ( s ) = e", ao(k,<) = - i a . b ( k . < ) = i a = i w / c l , from (2) and (5), one obtains Durnin's nondiffracting beam [ 1l ] In Section 11, we first introduce the families of generalized nondiffracting waves and the nondiffracting X waves. Then, weprovidetwo specific X wave examples. The production of X waves with realizable finite aperture radiators and finite bandwidths are reported in Section 111. Finally, in Sections IV and V, we discuss further implications of these novel beams. x d + m c( a, r c r l where where (9) /j = where andwhere iRe'"H Q is a constant and W is angular frequency. If A(8) = , we obtain the nth-order nondiffracting Bessel beams: QJ,<(S) = J,(nr)ei(~~L-"'+"O) . ( n = 0. 1, 2, where T ( k ) is any complex function (well behaved) of k and couldinclude the temporalfrequencytransferfunction of a radiator system, A ( H ) is any complex function (well behaved) of H and represents a weighting function of the integration with respect to 8, f ( s ) is any complex function (well behaved) of S, D(<) is any complex function(wellbehaved) of C and representsa weighting function of the integration with respect to which could be the Axicon angle ((ll)),ao(k,C) is any complex function of k and b(k,<) is any complex function of IC and The term c is constant in (l), k and arevariables that areindependent of thespatialposition, ,F' = (rcos&,r s i n 4 , z ) , and time, t, and @ '(t - c t ) is any complex function of t - ct. @ l ( r .4) is any solution of the following transverse Laplace equation (an example of @ 1 ( r Q) , is given in the Appendix): c, c c. c, ' ' .). (10) If n = 0, one obtains theBesselnondiffracting beam. From (S), it is seen that cl(X.'. C) of the Durnin beams is equal to U J / / ~and is dependent upon k'. Therefore, if T ( k ) in (2) is a complex function containing multiple frequencies, @ < ( S ) will represent a dispersive wave and will diffract in the axial direction, z . If both 71 and a arezero, (10) representsthe planewave [ll]. If in (z), we let T ( k ) = d(k - V).f ( s ) = e', 4 8 ) = aO(k,c)=-iksin(, b(k,<)= ikcosC, where k' =w/c > 0 is a free parameter, and { represents the Axicon angle (we confine 0 < < 7r/2), we obtain the nth-order nondiffracting portion of theAxicon beam [31]: c @A,(.$) = .lTJ,,(/c'rsin<)e l (k ' Z c o s < - d t + n q 5 ) , ( n = 0: 1. 2, ...). (111 From (1 l), it is seen that (:I(k',<) = c/cos( is independent of k', which means that the waves constructed from @*"(S) by (2) 21 LU AND GREENLEAF:NONDIFFRACTING X WAVES will have a constant speedc1 for all frequency componentsand will be nondispersive. The X waves derived in the following are such waves that are nondiffracting or nonspreading in both lateralandaxialdirections. We obtain the new X wave if in (2), we let T ( k ) = B ( k ) e P a o k ,A(B) = Pein@,ao(IE,<)= -&sin<, b ( k , C ) = ikcos<, f ( s ) = e', obtaining @dy,a = ein4 i B ( ~ ) J , ( ~ Tsin < ) e - k [ a o - z ( z cosc-c*)ldk, 0 ( n = 0, 1, 2, ...). zeroth-order nondiffracting X wave: The behavior of the analytic envelope of the real part of (17), R ~ [ @ ~ Bis B shown ~ ] intheupperleft panel of Fig. 1 or Fig. 2. The modulus of @ ' S B B ~in (17) can be obtained as shown in (18) (see bottom of page). Now we discuss the lateral, axial, and X branch behaviors of this X wave. It is seen from (18) that for fixed and ao, at the plane z = ct/cos<, we have < (12) This is an integration of the nth-order nondiffracting portion ((11))of the Axicon beam equation multiplied by B ( k ) e - a o R , where B ( k ) is any complex function(wellbehaved) of k andrepresentsatransferfunction of apracticalradiator system, k =w/c, a0 > 0 is aconstant,and C is the Axiconangle [31]. From the previous discussion, it is seen that is an exact nondiffracting solution of the freespacescalar-waveequation (1). Equation (12) shows that @,yn is represented by a Laplace transform of thefunction, B(k)J,(krsin<), and an azimuthal phase term, einm. Because the waves represented by @*yn have an X-like shape in a plane through the axial axis of the waves, we call them nth-order X waves. We finish this sectionwith two newnondiffractingX wave examples. The first represents an X wave withbroad bandwidth, while the second is a band-limited X wave. Example 1: First, we describe an expression for an X wave produced by infinite aperture and broad bandwidth. If, in (12), B ( k ) = ao, we obtain from the Laplace transform tables [35] which representsthelateralpressuredistribution of the X wave through the pulse center and has an asymptotic behavior proportional to 1/r when r is very large. On the line T = 0, from (18), we obtain which is the pressuredistribution of the X wavealong the axial axis, z , and has an asymptotic behavior proportional to l/ I z - s t I when j z - +t I is very large. The pressuredistribution of the X wave along itstwo branches (see Figs. 1 and 2 ) can be obtained when sin J'J,(cuk)e-"' 0 UOCP dk = @ T 7 ( s +d m ) " (13) cos C cos < where cos C -Iz--tI>l cos a0 33 a0 < andfrom (18) we obtain giving an nth-order broadband X wave solution (exact solution of (l), see the Appendix): QXBB,, = ao(r sin <)"ein+ r n ( T + m)" , ( n = 0, 1, 2, ...) (14) whichhas where the subscript\BB mean's "broadband," and hl= ( r sin C)' + T 2 (15) and where For simplicity, we let n = 0, obtaining axially symmetric an asymptotic behavior that is proportional to 1/4when I z - s t I is very large. This is the direction of slowest descent of theX wave amplitude from its center. From (19), (20), and (23), it is seen that the smaller a0 is,thefaster the function I @ a y ~1 ~ diminishes o as T or Iz-s t I increases. If sin is small, the diminution of I @ d y ~I will ~ o be slow with respect to r and fast with respect to I z - s t 1 . This means that if the X waves are applied to < IEEETRANSACTIONSONULTRASONICS.FERROELECTRICS.ANDFREQUENCYCONTROL.VOL. 22 3Y, NO. 1, JANUARY 1992 Fig. 1. Panel (a) represents the exact zeroth-order nondiffracting X wave solution of the free-space scalar wave equation. Panels (h), (c). and (d) are the appropriate zeroth-order nondiffracting X waves calculated from the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction integral at distances : =30 mm, 90 mm, and 150 mm. respectively. The dimension of each panel with a 25-mmdiameterplanarradiator is 12.5 mm x 6.25mm. B ( k ) = r d o , C= 4" and i f , , = 0.05 mm. Fig. 2. Same format as Fig. 1. except that a 50 mmdiameterplanarradiator imaging, smaller no will give better resolutions in both lateral and axial directions, while smaller sir1 will reduce the lateral resolution while increasing the axial resolution. At the center of the zeroth-order X wave ( T = 0. z = c t / COS @ , ~ B B ~ l for all distance, z , andtime, t (see (17)), which is unlike Ziolkowski's localized wave [2] and modified power spectrum pulses [3] that recover their pulse peak values periodically or aperiodically with distance, z . Example 2: Because B ( k ) in (12) is free, it may be chosen to achieverealizablebandwidth asshown in the following < c), = is used. example. If B ( k ) is a Blackman window function [ 3 6 ] : B(k)= 0.42 - 0.5 cos 0. g + 0.08 cos k0 1, 0 5 k 5 2ko otherwise We canapproximate the bandwidth of a real transducer. Although we cannot find an analyticexpression for @Ay,z fromusing (24) in (12) by directlylookingup a Laplace transform table, we will describe in the Section 111the resulting nondiffracting beam calculated for some finite apertures. 23 LU AND GREENLEAF NONDIFFRACTING X WAVES x WAVES WITH FINITE APERTURE RADIATORS 111. REALIZATION OF The extension and therefore the aperture requirement of X waves in space is infinite (see (12)). But we show that nearly exact X waves can be realized with finite apertureradiators over large axial distance. To calculate X waves from the finite apertureradiators, a spectrum of X waves is used.Equation (12) can be rewritten as (25) (see bottom of page), which is an inverse Fourier transform of the function (spectrum of X waves) and F ' represents the inverse Fourier transform. The first and second terms in (30) represent the contribution from high and low frequency components, respectively. Because B(w/c) in (28) is independent of r' and q5', (30) can be rewritten in another form 6R,t(F,k)= D ( k ) G , z ( F . k ) . (71. = 0. 1. 2. ...) (32) where 0 where 0 (7t = 0. 1. 2. ...) (33) and is the Heavisidestepfunction[37]. At the plane z = 0, (26) becomes where * denotes convolution on time, t. and F - ' [ B ( d / r )can ] be taken as an impulse response of the radiator. We now describe an example of an X wave produced by a finite aperture. Let B ( k ) = 0.0, = 4O,(sin4" E 0.0698, c o d " z 0.998), n o = 0.05 mm, 71 = 0, and = 1.5 mm//ss (speed of sound in water). The analytic envelope of the real part of @ R ( , . R P [ @ Rcalculated ~]. from (33) and (34) is given in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, when the diameter of the radiator, D , is The spectrum in (28) is used to calculate X waves from 25 mm and 50 mm, respectively. The X waves are shown at radiators with finite aperture. I f we assume that the radiator is z = 30mm, 90 mm, and 150 mm, respectively. These X wavcs circular and has a diameter of D, the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld compared well to theanalytic envelope of the real part of formulation of diffraction by a plane screen [38]can be written the exact nondiffracting X wave solution, Rc[@-x-BB,,]. where as @ p s ~ ~is "given by (17) (see upper-left panel of Fig. 1 or 2). ?T Di2 Fig. 3 shows beam plots of the X waves in Figs. 1 and 2. Figs. 3(al), 3(a2), and 3(a3) represent the lateral beam plots of the X waves produced at the axialdistances t =30 mm, 90 mm, and 150 mm. respectively, through the center of the pulses. The full, dotted, and dashed lines represent the beam plots of the X waves produced by a 25 mm diameter radiator, 50 mm diameter radiator, and the exact nondiffracting X wave ( n = 0 , 1. 2 . ...) (30) solution of the free-space scalar wave equation(real part of (17)), respectively.Fig. 3(a4) represents the peak of the X and waves along the axial distance, z , from 6 mm to 400 mm. The -6-dB depths of field of the X waves are about 171 mm and @ ~ , , ( ? .=F-'[m,,< t) . ( T I , = 0. 1. 2. ...) (31) <, 348 mm when the radiatorhasdiameters of 25 mm and 50 where X is wavelength,rol is the distancebetween the mm, respectively. The -6-dB lateral beam widththroughout observation point, F, and a point on the source plane ( r ' . 4'). the depth of field is about 2.5 mm. where < ( f (?:)l I -...., 0' l 8'0 01 8'0 P'O 9'0 epnw6ew 1'0 0'0 2'0 00 ~~ZI~UJJON \ 90 P'O epnl!u6ew PeZ!plWON I 0' l 8'0 90 P'O epnl!u6eyy peZ!pUJJON Z'O 0'0 L I I 1 25 LU AND GREENLEAF: NONDIFFRACTING X WAVES Fig. 4. RayleighSommerfeld calculation of the zeroth-order nondiffracting X waves produced by a 25 mm diameter, band-limited planar radiator at distances z =30 mm, 90 mm, and 150 mm. The radiator transfer function D ( k ) is a Blackman window function 2.88 MHz.Thedimension of eachpanel is 12.5 mm x 6.25 mm. C = 4' peakedat 3.5 MHz witha-6-dBbandwidthabout and uo =0.05 mm. Figs. 3(b1) to 3(b3)areaxial beam plots of the X waves with respect to c l t - z and correspond to Figs. 3(al) to 3(a3), respectively. (c1 = c/cos<. For C = 4*, c1 z 1 . 0 0 2 ~The ) edge waves produced by the sharp truncation of the pressure at the edge of the radiator are clearly seen. These edge waves can be overcome by using proper aperture apodization techniques [39] andwillbediscussed in the next section.The-6-dB axial beam width obtained from Fig. 3(b) is about 0.17 mm. The depth of field and the lateral and axial beam widths of the zeroth-order broadband X wave produced by a radiator of diameter D canbedeterminedanalytically in the following.For any givenangular frequency, W O , (30) representsa continuous field of an aperture shaded by a Jo Bessel function S(~O)JO(~O~) (35) where and and D = which is independent of frequency W ( , ! If <= io 25mm, we obtain, from (39), ,z,,,=178.8 mm, which is very close to what we obtained from Fig. 3(a)(4) (171 mm). The-6-dB lateralbeamwidth of the X waves can be calculatedfrom (19), which is and the -6-dB axial beam width is obtained from (20) r cos { 21z--tI=- 2f l a o cos < When uo = 0.05 mm and = 4", the calculated -6-dB lateral and axial beam widths are about 2.5 mm and 0.17 mm, respectively, which are the same as we measured from Fig. 3. Figs. 4 and 5 are the analytic envelope of azeroth-order band-limitednondiffracting X wave produced by aradiator of diameter of 25 mm and 50 mm, respectively, when D ( k ) is chosen as a Blackman window function(see (24)).The parameter h.0 in (24) for these figures is given by (37) The depth of field of this Jo Besselbeam is determined by P11 z,,, = ;/p) 2 - 1. Substituting (37) into (38), we obtain z,,, D = -cot 2 (39) where c =1.5 mmIps, f o =3.5 MHz, andthe -6-dB bandwidth of the Blackman window function is about 2.88 MHz. The X waves in Figs. 4 and 5 are a band-limitedversion of those in Figs. 1 and 2. They are the finite aperture realization of the convolution of function .F1[B(w/c)]ino with (14) when n = 0, that is (43) IEEE TRAPiSACTlONS ON ULTRASONICS,FERROELECTRICS.ANDFREQUENCYCONTROL, Fig. 5. Sameformat as Fig. 4. except that a 50 mm diameter planar radiator with I I = 0: where B ( u / c ) (UJ 2 0 ) can be any complex function that makes the integral in (25) converge, “*” denotes the convolution with respect to time, f , and the subscript BL represents“band-limited.” The threepanels in Figs. 4 and 5 representband-limited X waves at distance .z =30 mm, 90 mm, and 1.50 mm, respectively. The parameters C and (L(, are the same as those in Figs. 1 and 2, which are 4” and 0.05 mm, respectively. From Figs. 4 and S , i t is seen that the band-limited X waves have lower field amplitude in the X branches than the wideband X waves in Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 6 is the same asFig. 3, except that it represents the lateral and axial beamplots of the band-limited X waves in Figs. 4 and 5. The--6-dB lateral and axial beam widths of the band-limited X waves obtained from Fig. 6 are about 3.2 mm and 0.5 mm, respectively, atall three distances ( z =30 mm, 90 mm, and 150 mm).Therefore,theseband-limited X waves are also nondiffracting waves. Their -6-dB maximum nondiffracting distances derived from Fig. 6 are 173 mm and 351 mm, when the diameters of the radiators are 25 mm and 50 mm, respectively. The depths of field of the band-limited X waves arealmost the same asthose of thebroad band nondiffracting X waves obtainedfromFig. 3 and are very close to thosecalculatedfrom (39). VOL 39, NO. 1, JANUARY 1Y92 is used. Rayleigh-Sommerfeld formulation of diffraction [38] can be used to simulate the resulting beams. Besides the X waves,thereare many otherfamilies of nondiffracting waves that are also exact solutions of the freespace scalar wave equation (see (3) and (4) and the Appendix). B. Resolution, Depth of Field, and Sidelohes of X Waves From (18), it is seen that as (I, decreases, the X waves diminish faster with both and 1 2 - (c/ cosCt) 1. and hence they havehigher lateral and axial resolution. This requires that the radiator system has a broader bandwidth because the term exp{ -nou/c} in (26) will diminishslower for smaller U ( ] . For larger values of sill C. the lateralresolution will be increased while the axial resolution is decreased. The -6-dB lateral and axial beam widths of the zeroth-orderbroadband nondiffracting X waves (( 17)) are determined by (40) and (41), respectively. For finite aperture, the X waves arenondiffracting only within the depth of field. The depth of field of finite aperture nondiffracting X waves is relatedonly to the size of the radiator and the Axicon angle C ((39)).Bigger values of sill will increase the lateral resolution ((40)) but reduce the depth of field. This trade-off is similar to that of conventional focused beams. For band-limited nondiffracting X waves, the lateral and axial beam widths are increased from those of the broadband X waves, but the depth of field is about the same. IV. DISCUSSION The X waves have no or lower sidelobes in the ( 2 - q t ) plane than the Jo Bessel nondiffractingbeam [21], see Figs. A. Other Nondiffructing Solutions 3 and 6. They do have energy along the branches of the X From (43), it is seen that an infinity of nondiffracting X that becomes smaller as theradius r increases(seeFigs. 1, wave solutions with lower field amplitude in their X branches 2, 4, and 5). It is fortuitous that the realizable band-limited X can be obtained by choosing different complex functions B ( k ) . waves present lower field amplitude in their X branches than In practice, D ( k ) can be a transferfunction of physical de- the broadband X waves (Figs. 4 and 5). In acoustical imaging, vices, such as acoustical transducers, electromagnetic antennas the effect of energy in the X branchescouldbesuppressed or other wave sources and theirassociatedelectronics. The dramatically by combining X wave transmitwith dynamic I’ < LU ANDGREENLEAF:UONIXFFRACTING E E E E X W,4VES E 0' l 8'0 90 P'O 2'0 0'0 l ._.. .... I L 0' l 8'0 90 P.0 epn~~ufien pezlleuot, 1'0 1 0'0 -====7 0' l 80 9'0 P'O epnlIubyy paz!puoN . 1 ' 2.0 0'0 '1 1 0' l 80 90 V0 apn~!ufieyrlpaz!leuoN 2'0 0'0 .= I =.S IEEE TRANSACTIONS ULTRASONICS. ON FERROELECTRICS. AND FREQUENCYCOKTROL. 28 spherical focused receiving as was proposed for the .l" Bessel nondiffractingbeam [25]. C . Edge Wuves and Propugation Speed of the X Wu1,e.s It is seen from Figs. 3(b) and 6(b) that there is some energy in the waves produced by the edge of the aperture because of sharp truncation of the pressure at the edge of the radiators. These edge waves can be reduced by apodization techniques [39] that use windowfunctions to apodize the edge of the aperture. (The results in Figs. 1 to 6 are obtainedwith a rectangular window aperture weighting.) Fig. 7 shows reduction of the edge waves with aperture apodization.Figs. 7(a) (except panel (4)) and 7(b) show the lateral and axial beam plots.respectively, of band-limited X waves produced by a 25-mm-diameter radiator. The full and dotted lines representthe beam plotsbefore and after the apertureapodization,respectively.Theapodizationfunction is given by (44) (see bottom of page), where 7 ' 1 = 3 0 / 8 , D is the diameter of the radiator, and 7' is the lateral distance from the center of the radiator. Panels (I), ( 2 ) , and (3) in both Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) represent the beam plots at distance z =30 mm, 90 mm, and 150 mm, respectively. Fig. 7(a4) plots the peak value of the X wave along the axial axisfrom 2 =6 mm to 400 mm. The edge waves are reducedaround 10 dB within the depth of field by the apertureapodization. The depth of field of the X wave is reduced from 173 mm to about 147 mm after the aperture apodization because of the reduced effective size of theaperture. From (17). it is seen that the X waves travel with a speed faster than sound or light speed, C (superluminal). For example. if C = il", the X waves will travel about 0.2% faster than r . This is also the case of Durnin's .To Bessel beam. From (IO), for 71 = we obtain O 1 @J(,(?..Z where c1 - = u,(\jand /j = q t )=, d (45) ~ , ~ ( f ~ 7 . ~ ~ : / ~ ~ ~ - ~ m < k . Therefore. t' = ~ ? : i k ('1. This is explained in the following: For large radius, r, on the surface of a radiator, the wavefront of the X wave is advanced. It is thesewavefronts that construct the X wave at large distances as the influence of the wave fronts from the center of the radiator dies out. The wave energy radiated from each side of the radiator travels at the speed of sound, c, but the intersection, or peak, of these waves travels greater than thespeed of sound. D.Total Energy, Energy Density and Causulit): Like the plane wave and Durnin's beam. the totalenergy of an X wave is infinite. But, the energy density of all these waves is finite. Approximate X waves are realizable with finite apertures and with finite energy over a deep depth of field. VOL. 39. NO. 1, JANUARY 1992 From (17), it is seen that at a given distance 2 , the X waves extend from t> - x to f < x.Therefore, they are not causal, but the X waves produced by fininte aperturediminish very fast as 1 t j +x.If we ignore the X waves for ' f 1 > to, where I @-x-, (I:: t o ) I<< 1. these modified X waves can be treated as causal waves. Similarly: Ziolkowski's localized wave [2], and modified power spectrumwave (31 suffer from the problem of causality, but they are closelyapproximatedwithfinite aperture by using this same causal approximation [lo]. We do not worryabout the superluminal solutions,noncausal solutions, infinite total energy or infinite apertures as longas the pressuredistributionsover an apertureare sufficiently well behaved that they can be physically realized and truncated in time and space and still produce a wave of practicalusefulness.Theoretical X waves are superluminal, noncausal, and have infinite total energyand apertures, but they can be truncated to produce practical waves. One example was given in reference [34], where a zcroth-order X wave was physically realized over a deep depth of field in an experiment using an acoustic annular array transducer 1211, [22]. E. Application of X LVuves to Acoustic Imaging and Electromagnetic Energy Transmission The real part of (17), R r [ @ . ~ ~ ~has , , ] a, smooth phase change over time, t , across the transversedirection, 1 ' . This makes it possible to realize X waves with physicaldevices. Therefore, a broadbandacoustictransducercould be used to produce X waves in Figs. 1 to 3, while a band-limited transducer could generate those in Figs. 4 to 6. The electrodes of an acousticbroadbandPZT ceramic/polymer composite transducer can be cut into annular elements 1211 and each elementdrivenwith a properwaveform depending upon its radial position. Annular array transducers can be used for both .X] wave ~ ~ .transmitting and conventional dynamically spherical focusedreceiving [34]. The low sidelobes of a Gaussian shaded receiving would suppress the off-center X wave energy and produce high resolution, high frame rate, and large depth of field acoustic images. The X wave solution to the free-space scalar wave equation can also be applied to electromagnetic energy transmission for privatecommunication and militaryapplications [7]. (Nondiffracting electromagnetic X waves are discussed in detail in [ W ) V. CONCLUSION We have developed a new family of nondiffracting waves that provides a novel way to produce focused beams without lenses.Theyarerealizablewith finite apertures and with broadband and band-limited planar radiators with deep depth of field. The energy on the X branches of the X waves could be suppresseddramatically in imaging by combining the X LU 4 N D GREENLEAF:NONDIFFRACTING X W.4VES l 29 i 1'1 WO 9'0 P'O epn~!uhyypez!pwdoN 0'1 2'0 0.0 1 1 0' l 8'0 90 P'O apn11u6eyypazllewloN ZO 0'0 0 m -€ E ..+ 1 0' l 8'0 9'0 P'O epn11u6e~ paz!letuloN 1'0 0'0 IEEE TRAVSACTIONS ULTRASONICS. ON FERROELECTRICS, 31) waves with a conventionaldynamicallysphericalfocused receiving system to produce high contrast images [22]. Characterization of tissue properties could be simplified because of the absence of diffraction in X waves. In addition, the space and time localization properties of X waves will allow particlelike energy transmission through large distances, as is the case of Ziolkowski's localized wave mode [ 7 ] . APPENDIX 4ND FREQUENCY CONTROL, Now we prove j ( S~) in (4) is also an exact solution of ( 1 ) : Because Q,l(r.cb) is an exact solution of the transverse Laplace equation ((7)),the right-hand side of (54) is zero. This proves that @ L is an exactsolution of the free-space scalar wave equation (1). For example. if we choose @ 2 ( ; ; - c+) as a Gaussian pulse Theorem: Functions @ < ( . S ) , @ K ( s ) and . @I,(.%) are exact solutions of the free-space scalar-wave equation ( 1 ). Proof: The functions @ < ( . S ) and @ ~ ( s are ) linear summations of function f ( s ) overfreeparameters L. and <, respectively, see (2) and (3). Therefore, if we can prove f ( . s ) and isan exactsolution of ( l ) , Q, - ( ) and Q,K( S ) will also be exact solutions. (For example. one can directly prove that (14) is an exact solution of the free-space scalar wave (1). Using (47) d VOL. 39. NO. I . JANUARY 1092 Q( Q,,(/,,cj) - (.t)= (,-(:-Ct:F/fl? (5s) as Poisson's formula (41, p. 3731 and f ( + ) is any function (well-behaved) of {), and (7 and a are constants, the Gaussian pulsc w i t h a transverse field pattern Q ~ ( / , , t b )will travel to infinity at thespeed of sound or light without any change of pulse shape. The transverse field ((56)) has the followingpropcrties: ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors appreciated the secretarial assistance of Elaine (49) C. Quarve and the graphicassistance of Christine A . Welch. REFERENCES (S()) [II J. B. Brittingharn, "Focus wave modes in homogeneous h l a x w c l l ' s equation\: transverse clectric mode." ./. A ~ I J / f/ys., . v01 54. no. 3, pp. 1179-1 189. 1983. 121 R. W. 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Shanghai,China, the M.S. degree in 198.5 from Tongji University,Shanghai,China,and the Ph.D. degree i n 1Y88 from Southeast University, h’anjing. China. He is a n Assistant Professor o f Biophysics, Mayo a ResearchAssociate, at the MedicalSchool.and Biodynamics Research Unit, Dcpartment of Physlologq and Biophysics. Mayo Clinic and Foundation. Rochc.;ter, MN. From I Y X X to lY90, he was a po\tdoctoralResearchFellowthere.Prior t o that, he was afacultymember o f the Department of Biclmedical Engineering,Southeast w i t h Prof. Yu Wei. Hisrcscarchinterest\are in Univenity,andworked acoustical imaging and tissue characterization. medical ultrasonic tranduccrs, and nondiffractingwavetransmission. Dr. Lu is a member of the IEEE UFFC Society. the American Institute o l Ultrasound in Medicine, and Sigma Xi. James F. Greenleaf (21’73-SM’X4-F’88) \\:IS born In SaltLake City, UT, on February IO, 1942. He received the B.S. degree in electricalengineering in 1964 from the University o f Utah. SaltLake in City. the in engineeringscience 1968 from Purdue University. Lafayette, IN, and the Ph.D. degree in engineuing \cience from the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine. Rochester, MN, and PurdueUniversity in 1070. He is aProfessor of Biophysics and Medicine. Mayo Medical School, and Consultant,Biodynamics Research Unit. Department of Physiology, Biophysics, and Cardiovascular DiseaseandMedicine,MayoFoundation. Dr. Greenleaf has served o n the IEEE Technical Committee o f the Ultrasonics Symposium since 1985. He served o n the IEEE-UFFC Suhcommittec for the Ultrawnics in Medicine!IEEE MeasurementGuidc Editors. and on the IEEE Medical Ultrasound Committee. He i i Vice President o f the UFFC is the recipient of the 1986 J. Holmes Society.Heholdsfirepatentsand Pioncerawardform the AmericanInstitute of Ultrasound in Mcdicine. and isaFellow of the IEEEand the AIUM. He is the Di\tinguishedLecturcr for the IEEEUFFCSocietyfor I99(&199l. Hisspecial field of interest is i n ultrasonicbiomedicalimagingscience and has published more than 150 article\and edited four hooks.