Serialized Inventory


Serialized Inventory
Serialized Inventory
Reference Manual
November 2005
Level 2.13
Copyright ©2005 Tech Systems, Inc., Bettendorf, IA 52722
Printed in U.S.A.
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Main Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Appendix A: Month End Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Serialized Inventory
Serialized Inventory Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Serialized Inventory Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Serialized Inventory Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Serialized Inventory Overview
The Serialized Inventory module helps track the movements and costs of serialized inventory items.
Module Interfaces
This module must be used with the Inventory Control module where stock items are identified as serialized
products. Serialized Inventory also interfaces with the Order Entry and Purchase Orders modules.
Typically serial numbers are entered into the system for each stock item during Purchase Orders/Posting/
Receiving. During Order Entry/Posting those serial numbers being sold are identified.
Posting is not available in Serialized Inventory. All history transactions result from the update functions in
other modules.
Serialized Inventory Files
The following files are available for use in the Serialized Inventory module.
Serial History Master file. Every serial number for the serialized items exists in the
SNMAST file. The serial numbers in SNMAST are either added through the
Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers function or through Posting in an
interfacing module. Each serial number record remains in SNMAST until it is deleted
through Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers.
All of the static information (model, style, vendor, etc.) for each serial number is
stored in SNMAST. The various dates which identify the status and activity relative
to each serial number are stored in this file as well as cost and sale information.
Special flags which identify serialized items as Floor Plan items or as Trade In items
are also stored in SNMAST.
Serial Number History File. Each transaction which is created in Inventory Control,
Order Entry, or Purchase Orders for a serialized item is stored in the SNHIST file.
The transaction type, date, cost, warehouse, and other information is stored with each
history transaction.
The contents of the SNHIST file can be printed using the Reports/All Activity
function and are listed on the Inquiry functions.
Rental master record for each stock number / serial number combination.
Rental transaction history for each stock number / serial number combination.
Future Value Table used to calculate the current selling price of rental items.
Serialized Inventory Menu
The Serialized Inventory Menu screen displays when you use one of the following methods:
ˆ Select F8 (Distribution) from the IntegraSoft Main Menu screen and 4 (Serialized Inventory) from the
Distribution Menu screen.
ˆ Enter SN in the Smart Box which displays at the bottom of the Main Menu screen to “jump” directly to
Serialized Inventory.
You can select all Serialized Inventory functions from this screen.
Warning: The company name displays at the bottom of this screen. Make sure it is the name of the
company currently being processed.
Screen Options
1 Helps you set up data files with static information and maintain and delete
information as it changes.
2 Provides information in the format and level of detail you designate without updating
files. You can print reports as frequently as you need them.
3 Helps you inquire about static information and transaction history.
4 Allows you to track payments and maintenance costs on rental stock items and
calculate monthly depreciation.
Serialized Inventory
Setup Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Setup Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Primary Setups
Serial Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Inventory Control Transaction Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Order Entry Transaction Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Serial Number Transaction Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Table Setups
Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Special Functions
Print Setup Lists Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Serial Numbers Setup List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Locations Setup List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Change Serial Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Setup Overview
Serial Number Setup
Initial setup of serial numbers may be accomplished in the following modules:
ˆ Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers
ˆ Purchase Orders/Posting/Receiving
ˆ Inventory Control/Posting
First time users who wish to set up serial number records for products already in stock will want to add all
serial numbered items through Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers. The Cost associated with each
item must be entered, and the For Sale flag must be set to Y. Once an item is set up in Serialized
Inventory, it can no longer be received in Purchase Orders or Inventory Control.
After all existing products in inventory have been set up with their own serial number records through
Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers, all subsequent serial numbers may be entered during
Purchase Orders/Posting/Receiving or Inventory Control/Posting. This allows the user to track serial
numbers associated with line items and orders. There are various inquiries and reports which the user may
generate to track serial numbers which have been received and subsequently sold.
Serial Numbers and Purchase Orders
Serial Numbers may be added during Purchase Orders/Posting/Receiving as long as the product on the
line item has been set up as a Serialized Product in Inventory Control/Setup/Products and does not
already exist in SNMAST. If the Product entered on the line is a serialized item, entry into the Serial
Number field will be allowed.
After each serial number is entered, the message Serial Number Successfully Added will display. When
the number of serial numbers added is equal to the quantity received, the message All Serial# Have Been
Entered will display. If a serial number is entered during Receiving which already exists in SNMAST, the
error message Serial Number Already Exists will display.
It is not necessary to add all serial numbers during Receiving. A warning message will display on the
Receiving screen and print on the journal notifying the user that not all serial numbers have been entered.
Care must be taken to review each journal and add all serial numbers before Purchase Orders/Posting/
Costing is performed.
When you receive the serialized item through Purchase Orders/Posting/Receiving, the Warehouse,
Vendor#, and Product Category associated with the item default in the appropriate fields on the Serialized
Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers screen. The For Sale flag is set at Y.
When you cost the serialized item through Purchase Orders/Posting/Costing, the cost defaults in the Cost
field on the Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers screen.
For more information on serial numbers in Purchase Orders, please refer to the Purchase Orders
Reference Manual.
Serial Numbers And Order Entry
Serial Numbers may be entered during Order Entry /Posting as long as the product being sold is flagged
as a serialized item in Inventory Control/Setup/Products and the product exists in SNMAST. If a serial
number has not been set up in SNMAST, the warning Serial # Not Found In SNMAST will display.
It is not necessary to enter all serial numbers during Order Entry/Posting, but Order Entry/Invoice
Processing will complete successfully only if all serial numbers for the line item have been entered.
During Order Entry/Posting, entered serial numbers are not checked for duplication. Therefore, it is
possible to enter the same serial number twice. However, Invoice Processing will not successfully
complete if a serial number has been entered twice.
When a serialized product is entered through Order Entry/Posting, the cost defaults from ICWHSE. After
all serial numbers have been entered and GO pressed, this cost will be replaced by the average of all the
costs of the serial numbers entered. However, the cost for each individual serial number in SNMAST
remains the same and is not recalculated.
For more information on serial numbers in Order Entry, refer to the Order Entry Reference Manual.
Serial Numbers And Inventory Control
Serial numbers may be added during the receiving functions (transaction types 2, 3 and 10) in Inventory
Control/Posting as long as the product associated with the transaction is set up as a Serialized Product in
Inventory Control/Setup/Products. Serial numbers must be added at the time of posting or the error
message Serial Number Required will display, and the lightbar will display in the Serial Number field.
After each serial number is entered, a message will display prompting you to add another serial number
until the amount of serial numbers added equals the quantity being received. Duplicate serial numbers
may not be entered during one posting run. The cost from ICWHSE will be used to update the SNMAST
record. All other fields in SNMAST will be updated using the information entered during posting or
associated with the product.
Serial numbers may be entered when issuing products (transaction types 0 and 1) in Inventory Control/
Posting as long as the product associated with the transaction is set up as a Serialized Product in
Inventory Control/Setup/Products and exists in SNMAST. A serial number must be entered during posting
or the error message Serial Number Required will display. If an invalid serial number is entered, the error
message Serial Number Not Found will display.
After each serial number is entered, a message will display prompting you to add another serial number
until the number added equals the quantity issued. You must enter all serial numbers for the transaction
before you are allowed to enter another transaction or exit posting.
When the product is entered initially, the cost from ICWHSE will display. After all serial numbers have
been entered and GO is pressed, the cost will be recalculated based on the average of all the costs of the
serial numbers entered for that transaction.
Setup: OVERVIEW 10
Serial numbers may be used for other transaction types in Inventory Control, such as transfers and stock
adjustments. Also, there are numerous Serial Number transactions which can be used to update SNMAST
but do not affect quantities or costs in Inventory Control. Refer to the Transaction Types section at the end
of the Setup/Serial Numbers section in this document for further information.
Setup: OVERVIEW 11
Setup Menu
The Setup Menu screen displays after you select Option 1 from the Serialized Inventory Menu screen.
The Setup functions are used to set up the data files with static information and to maintain or delete that
information. Data in the files as a result of posting in other modules (e.g., quantities, totals, etc.) can also
be changed through Setup. Reports listing the data in the files are printed through the Print Setup Lists
Enter one of the numbers 1–20 in the Enter Selection Number field.
Setup: MENU 12
Serial Numbers
The Serial Numbers screen displays after you select Option 1 from the Setup Menu screen.
You can use this screen to add new serial numbers, maintain existing serial numbers, or delete serial
numbers no longer needed.
The information entered on this screen is stored in SNMAST.
Note: Explanations for all transaction types referred to in the various field descriptions are available in the
Transaction Types section at the end of the Setup/Serial Number section.
Stock Number
(18 characters) [L]—Enter a valid stock number in ICMAST or a valid Alias in
ICXREF. The message Not A Serial Numbered Product will display if a Y does not
exist in the Serialized Product field in Inventory Control/Setup/Products for the
product entered.
When you perform the [L] Lookup function from this field, only those items which
have been set up in Inventory Control as serialized items will display.
If you know only the serial number, and not the stock number, leave the Stock
Number field blank and press RETURN. Then enter the serial number in the Serial
Number field and press RETURN. The system will default the stock number
associated with that serial number in the Stock Number field.
Serial Number
(20 characters) [L] [N]—This field contains the serial number for this record. There
may be duplicate serial numbers in the file for different products, but all serial
numbers for an individual product must be unique.
When you perform the [L] Lookup function from this field, only those serial numbers
associated with the stock number entered in the previous field will display. For each
serial number, the Warehouse Location, For Sale flag, Status, and Cost also display.
(12 characters) (Optional)—This is a user-defined field which provides an additional
description for this item.
Model Number
(12 characters)—This field identifies the model number for this item. The stock
number entered above will default in this field, but it can be overridden.
(10 characters) (Optional)—This field designates the style for this item.
(10 digits)—This field identifies the vendor used to purchase this item. The Vendor#
stored in Inventory Control/Setup/Products for the stock number entered above will
default in this field. The default can be overridden, but the entry must be a valid
Vendor# which exists in Accounts Payable.
Vendor Name
(15 characters)—The Vendor Lookup Name set up in Accounts Payable for the
vendor number entered above will default in this field.
(6 digits)—This field identifies the product category for this item. The PCAT stored
in Inventory Control/Setup/Products for the stock number entered above will default.
(6 digits)—This field designates the warehouse which contains this item.
Purchased Cost
(9 digits, 2 decimals)—This field contains the cost for this item. If you are entering
the serial number directly through Setup/Serial Numbers, the cost must be entered on
this screen. If the serial numbers will be added through the Purchase Orders/Posting/
Receiving and Costing or Inventory Control/Posting, costs will automatically be
updated when the serial number record is created.
The following transaction types will update the cost from Inventory Control/Posting:
ˆ 2–Receipt Not Ordered
ˆ 3–Receipt Ordered
ˆ 12–Receipt Of Cost
ˆ TI–Trade In
ˆ EX–Exchange
Purchase Orders/Posting/Costing updates this field with the amount entered during
Note: When a serialized item is sold, the cost of the item is taken from the Inventory
Control/Setup/Warehouse record, not the cost recorded in this field.
Trade In
(Y/N)—Indicate if this item was received as a Trade In for another item. Y is entered
here when an item is entered in Inventory Control/Posting using a Trade In
transaction type.
Trade In Amount
(9 digits, 2 decimals)—Enter the dollar amount allowed as the trade in value on this
item. This amount is updated when an item is entered in Inventory Control/Posting
using a Trade In transaction type.
Floor Planned
(Y/N)—Enter Y if this item is a floor planned item. If N is entered, the cursor will
skip the next two fields. There are no Transaction Types which update this field; you
must enter the flag manually.
Floor Plan#
(3 digits)—Enter the floor plan number if this is a floor plan item. The floor plan is a
user-defined method of tracking products in a specific environment (e.g. include a
warehouse or showroom floor). The Floor Plan Report will print the products and
serial numbers according to their specific floor plan number.
Sell By Floor
Plan Date
(6 digits) (MMDDYY)—This field designates the deadline date for selling a floor
planned item (useful if specific products must be turned over in a certain amount of
time). The Floor Plan Report can be run in Expiration Date order to determine which
products need to be sold in the near future.
Receipt Date
(6 digits) (MMDDYY)—The Receipt Date field contains the date this item was
received. This field is updated through Inventory Control/Posting by the following
transaction types:
ˆ 2–Receipt Not Ordered
ˆ 3–Receipt Ordered
ˆ 10–Receipt No Cost Ordered
ˆ 11–Receipt No Cost Not Ordered
ˆ TI–Trade In
This field is also updated by Purchase Orders/Posting/Receiving.
Invoice Receipt
(6 digits) (MMDDYY)—This field contains the date on which the invoice is received
from the vendor for this serial number. This date is also referred to as the Vendor
Invoice Date or the Invoice Date. This field is updated through Inventory Control/
Posting by the following transaction types:
ˆ 2–Receipt Not Ordered
ˆ 3–Receipt Ordered
ˆ 10–Receipt No Cost Ordered
ˆ 11–Receipt No Cost Not Ordered
ˆ TI–Trade In
This field is also updated by Purchase Orders/Posting/Costing.
Ordered By
Customer Date
(6 digits) (MMDDYY)—This field contains the date this item was ordered by the
customer. This field is updated through Inventory Control/Posting by the following
transaction type:
ˆ 9–Reservation
This field is updated through Order Entry/Posting by the following order types:
ˆ Stock Order
ˆ Future Order
ˆ Backorder
ˆ COD Order
Shipped To
Customer Date
(6 digits) (MMDDYY)—This field contains the date the item is shipped to the
customer. This field is updated through Inventory Control/Posting by the following
transaction type:
ˆ SH–Shipment
Invoice Date
(6 digits) (MMDDYY)—This field contains the date on which this item was issued to
the customer. This field is updated through Inventory Control/Posting by the
following transaction types:
ˆ 0–Issue Not Reserved
ˆ 1–Issue Reserved
This field is updated by Order Entry/Posting by the following order types:
ˆ Stock Order
ˆ Backorder
ˆ Future Order
ˆ COD Order
ˆ Invoice
ˆ Cash Sale
Last Activity
(6 digits) (MMDDYY)—This field contains the date this item was last active. This
field is updated through all Inventory Control transaction types.
This field is updated by the following Order Entry/ Posting order types:
ˆ Stock Order
ˆ Backorder
ˆ Future Order
ˆ COD Order
ˆ Invoice
ˆ Credit Memo
ˆ Cash Sale
This field is updated through Purchase Orders/Posting/Receiving and Purchase
Orders/Posting/Costing by the following transaction types:
ˆ Purchase Order
ˆ Credit Memo
(2 characters)—This field contains the status of this item. Each transaction or order
type updates this field with a different status code. The code corresponds to the twodigit (i.e., 01 for Issue Reserved) or two-character (i.e., SH for Shipment)
abbreviation associated with the transaction type. Refer to the Transaction Types
section at the end of Setup/Serial Numbers for the status code assigned by each
transaction or order type.
The status is updated by all posting transaction types in Inventory Control/Posting.
This field is updated by the following Order Entry/Posting order types:
ˆ Stock Order
ˆ Backorder
ˆ Future Order
ˆ COD Order
ˆ Invoice
ˆ Credit Memo
ˆ Cash Sale
This field is updated through Purchase Orders/Posting/Receiving and Purchase
Orders/Posting/Costing by the following transaction types:
ˆ Purchase Order
ˆ Credit Memo
For Sale
(Y/N)—This field indicates whether this item is available for sale. When setting up
products initially, enter Y if this product is available. Enter N if the product is not
available for sale.
When you receive new serialized product through Inventory Control/Posting or
Purchase Orders/Posting/Receiving, the For Sale flag is set at Y. When you sell the
product through Inventory Control/Posting or Order Entry/Posting, the For Sale flag
is set at N.
When this flag is set at N, the product cannot be sold through Order Entry/Posting or
Inventory Control/Posting; the error message Serial# Not For Sale will display.
Refer to the Transaction Types section at the end of Setup/Serial Numbers for the For
Sale flag assigned by each transaction or order type.
Location Number
(4 digits)—The serial item location (or bin location) is used to identify an item’s
location in a warehouse. Location numbers must be set up through the Setup/
Locations function before they can be entered in this field.
This field is updated through Inventory Control/Posting by the following transaction
ˆ 7–Transfer
ˆ DM–Demo
ˆ IT–Internal
ˆ MV–Move Location
ˆ RS–Return To Stock
ˆ RP–Repair
ˆ TI–Trade In
ˆ EX–Exchange
User 1
(5 characters) (Optional)—This is a user-defined reference field.
User 2
(5 characters) (Optional)—This is a user-defined reference field.
Sale Price
(9 digits, 2 decimals)—This field contains the sale price for this item. The price is
updated by the following transaction types in Inventory Control/Posting.
ˆ 0–Issue Not Reserved
ˆ 1–Issue Reserved
The price is updated by the following order types in Order Entry/Posting:
ˆ Stock Order
ˆ Backorder
ˆ Invoice
ˆ Cash Sale
ˆ Future Order
ˆ COD Order
Sold By
(6 digits)—This field identifies the sales representative who sold this item. This field
is updated by the following transaction types in Inventory Control/Posting:
ˆ 0–Issue Not Reserved
ˆ 1–Issue Reserved
ˆ LO–Loaner
This field is updated by the following order types in Order Entry/Posting:
ˆ Stock Order
ˆ Backorder
ˆ Cash Sale
ˆ Future Order
ˆ Invoice
ˆ COD Order
Customer Sold
(10 digits)—This field identifies the customer to whom this item was sold. This field
is updated by the following transaction types in Inventory Control/Posting:
ˆ 0–Issue Not Reserved
ˆ 1–Issue Reserved
ˆ 9–Reservation
ˆ LO–Loaner
ˆ EX–Exchange
This field is updated by the following order types in Order Entry/Posting:
ˆ Stock Order
ˆ Backorder
ˆ Future Order
ˆ Invoice
ˆ Cash Sale
ˆ COD Order
(36 characters)—The customer name set up in Accounts Receivable for the customer
number will default in this field.
Maintain An Item
You can change all fields in Setup/Serial Numbers except the Serial Number and Stock Number fields.
When serialized items are maintained, SNMAST will be updated, and a maintenance transaction will be
written to SNHIST. In a Multiple Warehouse System, maintenance transactions can not be printed on the
All Activity Report.
Delete A Product
When you delete a serialized item from SNMAST, the history transactions for that item are automatically
deleted from SNHIST.
Inventory Control Transaction Types
The transaction types used in Inventory Control/Posting determine which fields in Setup/Serial Numbers
will be updated. The transaction type is stored with each transaction in SNHIST.
The Inventory Control transaction type codes are all numeric.
Inventory Control Type Codes
0 - Issue Not Reserved
1 - Issue Reserved
2 - Receipt Not Ordered
3 - Receipt Ordered
4 - Return Inward
5 - Return Outward
6 - Stock Adjustment
7 - Warehouse Transfer
8 - Order
9 - Reservation
10 - Receipt/No Cost/Ordered
11 - Receipt/No Cost/Not Ordered
12 - Receipt of Cost
16 - Receipt of Additional Cost
0 - Issue Not Reserved
This transaction type can result from:
Order Entry invoices
Production Management posting
Job Cost Material posting
Serial Number File Updates:
Updates Customer Invoice Date and Last Activity Date with posting date
Changes For Sale to N
Changes Status to 00
Updates Sale Price
Updates Sold By Salesman#, Customer Sold To and Name
1 - Issue Reserved
This transaction type can result from:
Order Entry invoicing
Production Management Built from Order
Serial Number File Updates:
Updates Customer Invoice Date and Last Activity Date with posting date
Changes For Sale to N
Changes Status to 01
Updates Sale Price
Updates Sold By Salesman#, Customer Sold To and Name
2 - Receipt Not Ordered
This transaction type can be a result of:
Receiving function in Purchase Orders
Posting in Production Management
Serial Number File Updates:
Creates a Serial Number record for this item
Updates Receipt Date, Invoice Receipt Date and Last Activity Date with the posting date
Updates Cost
Updates Vendor Number and Vendor Name
Changes For Sale to Y
Changes Status to 02
3 - Receipt Ordered
This transaction type can result from:
Receiving function in Purchase Orders
Posting in Production Management
Serial Number File Updates:
Creates a Serial Number record for this item
Updates Receipt Date, Invoice Receipt Date and Last Activity Date with the posting date
Updates Cost
Updates Vendor Number and Vendor Name
Changes For Sale to Y
Changes Status to 03
4 - Return Inward
This transaction type can result from:
Processing credit memos in Order Entry
Serial Number File Updates:
Updates Last Activity Date with posting date
Changes For Sale to Y
Changes Status to 04
5 - Return Outward
Serial Number File Updates:
Updates Last Activity Date with posting date
Changes For Sale to N
Changes Status to 05
6 - Stock Adjustment
This transaction type may result from:
Physical Adjustment function in Inventory Management
Serial Number File Updates:
Updates Last Activity Date with posting date
Changes For Sale to N
Changes Status to 06
If serialized products are posted using this transaction type, you must enter a negative quantity. This
transaction type should not be used to add serial numbered items to the Inventory Control files.
7 - Transfer
Serial Number File Updates:
Updates Warehouse Number
Updates Last Activity Date with posting date
Updates Location
Changes Status to 07
8 - Order
This transaction type does not affect Serialized Inventory.
9 - Reservation
This transaction type can result from:
Posting in Order Entry
Posting in Production Management
Serial Number File Updates:
Updates Ordered By Customer Date and Last Activity Date
Updates Customer Sold To and Customer Name
Changes For Sale to N
Changes Status to 09
10 - Receipt No Cost
This transaction type can result from:
Receiving function in Purchase Orders
Serial Number File Updates:
Creates a Serial Number record for this item
Updates Receipt Date, Invoice Receipt Date and Last Activity Date with the posting date
Updates Vendor # and Vendor Name
Changes Status to 10
Changes For Sale to Y
11 - Receipt No Cost Not Ordered
This transaction type can result from:
Receiving function in Purchase Orders
Serial Number File Updates:
Creates a Serial Number record for this item
Updates Receipt Date, Invoice Receipt Date and Last Activity Date with the posting date
Updates Vendor# and Vendor Name
Changes For Sale to Y
Changes Status to 11
12 - Receipt Of Cost
This transaction type can result from:
Receiving function in Purchase Orders
Serial Number File Updates:
Updates Cost
Updates Last Activity Date with the posting date
Changes Status to 12
16 - Receipt Of Additional Cost
This transaction type does not affect Serialized Inventory.
Order Entry Transaction Types
The transaction types used in Order Entry/Posting determine which fields in Setup/Serial Numbers will be
updated. The transaction type is stored with each transaction in SNHIST.
The Order Entry transaction type codes are all numeric.
Order Entry Order Types
Selective Order Entry order types correspond to the Inventory Control transaction types. The Order Types
for Order Entry transactions are as follows:
0 - Issue Not Reserved
Cash Sale
1 - Issue Reserved
Stock Order
Future Order
COD Order
4 - Return Inward
Credit Memo
9 - Reservation
Stock Order
Future Order
COD Order
Stock Order (SO)
Stock Order is the standard, most commonly-used order type.
Inventory Control / Serial Number File Updates:
Posting creates a Reservation transaction
Invoice Processing creates an Issue Reserved transaction
Backorder (BO)
A Backorder can be created automatically by decreasing the Qty Shipped on an order during Maintain
order. A Backorder can also be entered directly through Posting.
Inventory Control / Serial Number File Updates:
Posting creates a Reservation transaction
Invoice Processing creates an Issue Reserved transaction
Future Order (FO)
Future Orders are orders to be shipped at a later date.
Inventory Control / Serial Number File Updates:
Posting creates a Reservation transaction
Invoice Processing creates an Issue Reserved transaction
COD Order (CO)
This order type is used to enter COD orders.
Inventory Control / Serial Number File Updates:
Posting creates a Reservation transaction
Invoice Processing creates an Issue Reserved transaction
Invoice (IN)
An Invoice is used for entering orders which will require no adjustments or changes. All files are updated
immediately when invoices are entered.
Inventory Control / Serial Number File Updates:
Posting creates an Issue Not Reserved transaction
Credit Memo (CM)
Credit Memos are used for entering returned products. All files are updated immediately, or nonimmediately, when credit memos are entered in Posting.
Inventory Control / Serial Number File Updates:
Posting creates a Return Inward transaction
Cash Sale (CS)
A Cash Sale order type is used for entering sales paid by cash. All files are updated immediately when
cash sales are entered in Posting.
Inventory Control / Serial Number File Updates;
Posting creates an Issue Not Reserved transaction
Serial Number Transaction Types
The serial number transaction types are used to track the movements, status and location of serialized
items. Only Lost and Scrap transaction types update any costs or quantities in the Inventory Control files.
Lost and Scrap transaction types will not update the Serialized Inventory files; changes should be made
manually to the SNMAST file.
Serial Number Type Codes
The Type Codes for Serial Number transactions are listed below:
SH - Shipment
DM - Demo
LO - Loaner
IT - Internal
MV - Move Locations
RS - Return to Stock
RP - Repair
LS - Lost
SC - Scrap
TI - Trade In
EX - Exchange
Shipment - SH
This transaction is used when a product is shipped but not invoiced.
Changes Status to SH
Updates Shipped To Customer Date and Last Activity Date with the posting date
Changes For Sale to N
Demo - DM
This transaction is used to identify products used for demonstration.
Changes Status to DM
Updates Last Activity Date with the posting date
Changes For Sale to N
Updates Location
Loaner - LO
This transaction is used to identify products loaned out.
Changes Status to LO
Updates Last Activity Date with the posting date
Changes For Sale to N
Updates Customer Sold To, Customer Name and Salesman
Internal - IT
This transaction is used to identify items used internally.
Changes Status to IT
Updates Last Activity Date with the posting date
Updates Location
Changes For Sale to N
Move Location - MV
This transaction is used when an item is moved to a different location.
Changes Status to MV
Updates Last Activity Date with the posting date
Updates Location
Return To Stock - RS
This transaction indicates that an item previously removed from stock is being returned.
Changes Status to RS
Updates Last Activity Date with the posting date
Updates Location
Changes For Sale to Y
Repair - RP
This transaction is used to identify items to be repaired.
Changes Status to RP
Updates Last Activity Date with the posting date
Changes For Sale to N
Updates Location
Lost - LS
This transaction is used to indicate lost items. When this transaction is posted, the Type is stored in
ICHIST as 06-Adjustment.
Changes Status to LS
Updates Last Activity Date with the posting date
Changes For Sale to N
Decreases Qty On Hand in ICMAST and ICWHSE
Recalculates Average Cost
Scrap - SP
This transaction indicates when items have been scrapped and are being removed from active inventory.
When this transaction is posted, the Type is stored in ICHIST as 06-Adjustment.
Changes Status to SP
Updates Last Activity Date with the posting date
Changes For Sale to N
Trade In - TI
This transaction is used to indicate when an item is accepted as a trade in for another item. The serial
number cannot exist in SNMAST.
Creates a Serial Number record for this item
Updates Receipt Date, Invoice Receipt Date and Last Activity Date with the posting date
Updates Vendor # and Vendor Name with the Account Number
Updates Cost with cost from ICWHSE. Trade-In amount does not update costs.
Changes Trade In to Y
Updates Trade In Amount
Changes Status to 02
Changes Location
Changes For Sale to Y
Increases Qty On Hand in ICWHSE and ICMAST
Recalculates Average Cost
Exchange - EX
This transaction is used to exchange one serialized item for another.
The information in the following fields is exchanged between the two serial number records entered.
Customer Information
For Sale
Sale Date
The Last Activity Date is updated with the posting date.
The Locations screen displays after you select Option 10 from the Setup Menu screen.
This screen is used to add, maintain, or delete location descriptions for serial numbers. The Location
Description is stored in DFMAST.
Warning: At least one Location must be set up before any serialized items can be added. The Location
field is a mandatory field of entry when adding products numbered serially to the Serial Number Master
file (SNMAST). When posting serialized items in Inventory Control, a valid location must be entered.
Location Number
(4 digits)—Assign a number to the location being added.
(15 characters)—Enter the description used for this location.
Print Setup Lists Menu
The Print Setup Lists Menu screen displays after you select Option 20 from the Setup Menu screen.
Enter one of the numbers 1–20 in the Enter Selection Number field.
Serial Numbers Setup List
The Serial Numbers Setup List displays after you select Option 1 from the Print Setup Lists Menu
This screen is used to list all information contained in SNMAST for the selected serial numbers.
All Serial
(Y/N) (20 characters)—Indicate if a range of serial numbers is desired.
Printer Device
(7 characters)—Enter the desired printer device name.
Locations Setup List
The Locations Setup List screen displays after you select Option 10 from the Print Setup Lists Menu
This screen is used to list all information contained in SNMAST for the selected locations.
All Locations
(Y/N) (4 digits)—Indicate if a range of locations is desired.
Printer Device
(7 characters)—Enter the desired printer device name.
Change Serial Number
The Change Serial Number Warning screen displays after you select Option 21 from the Setup Menu
The Change Serial Number Warning screen indicates that everyone must be out of all IntegraSoft
modules which access any of the files updated by this function. If SNMAST or SNHIST are in use, the
serial number will not be changed in that file. The serial number will be inconsistent with the serial
number in all other files which were successfully changed.
Journal Number
(8 characters)—Number printed at the top of the journal generated by the Change
Serial Number function. NEXT defaults. After you press GO, the next journal number
from System Administrator defaults.
Printer Device
(7 characters)—Enter the printer device name to which the journal should print.
Change Serial Number Input
The Change Serial Number Input screen displays after you press GO from the Change Serial Number
Warning screen.
You can use this screen to change the number of an existing serial number.
Stock Number
(18 characters) [L]—Enter the stock number with which the serial number to be
changed is associated. The message Not A Serial Numbered Product will display if a
Y does not exist in the Serialized Product field in Inventory Control/Setup/Products
for the product entered.
When you perform the [L] Lookup function from this field, only those items which
have been set up in Inventory Control as serialized items will display.
Old Serial
(20 characters) [L]—Enter the serial number to be changed.
The old serial number must be an existing serial number whose For Sale flag is set at
Y in Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers. The message Item Not For Sale
displays if the For Sale flag is set at N.
When you perform the [L] Lookup function from this field, the serial numbers
associated with the entered stock number display.
New Serial
(20 characters) [L]—Enter the serial number to which the old serial number should
be changed.
The new serial number must be a serial number that does not already exist for the
stock number entered above. The message Serial Number Exists displays if you enter
an existing serial number.
When you perform the [L] Lookup function from this field, the serial numbers
associated with the entered stock number display.
Serialized Inventory
Reports Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Balancing Tools
Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
All Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Management Tools
Date Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Floor Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Available For Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Reports Menu
The Reports Menu screen displays after you select Option 2 from the Serialized Inventory Menu screen.
All Serialized Inventory reports are initially selected from this screen. Enter one of the numbers 1–13 in
the Enter Selection Number field.
Screen Options
1 Compares the number of serial numbers in SNMAST to the On Hand Quantities in
All Activity
2 Lists the transactions in SNHIST.
Date Analysis
10 Provides an analysis of serialized items according to the dates stored.
11 Lists the locations for selected serial numbers.
Floor Plan
12 Lists serialized items flagged as Floor Planned.
Available For
13 Lists serial numbers flagged as For Sale.
Reports: MENU 39
The Comparison screen displays when you select Option 1 from the Reports Menu screen.
You can use this report to compare the number of serial numbers in SNMAST to the On Hand Quantities
in ICMAST; On Reserve Quantities can also be included.
The Inventory Control files can be updated through this function with the information from SNMAST if a
variance exists.
Warning: If Y is entered to Adjust Inventory On Hand Quantities, files will be updated with revised
information when this report is printed. Care should be taken to insure that files are not mistakenly
This report should be printed and reviewed before updating files.
Range Selection
For the following options, indicate if a range of records is desired:
(20 characters)
(18 characters) [L]
(6 digits) [L]
(12 characters)
(12 characters)
(10 characters)
(6 digits) [L]
Reports: COMPARISON 40
Print Totals Only
(Y/N)—This field indicates whether to print detailed information or totals only. If
detailed information is printed, each product will print with serial number
information. If totals only are printed, only the totals for each product will print.
Quantities in
(Y/N)—Enter Y to print Inventory Control On Reserve Quantities for each product.
Reserved items are flagged as not For Sale.
Adjust Inventory
On Hand
(Y/N)—Enter Y to update the Inventory Control files with the information in
This option will print only items with an 09 transaction type. This will allow
reservations to print even though the option to Print Serial Items Not-For-Sale is N.
If Inventory Control is updated, a Stock Adjustment transaction is written to ICHIST
indicating the On Hand Quantity for the product has been updated with the
information from Serialized Inventory.
Recommendation: Print the report first with an N in this field. Review the
adjustments that will be made. Print the report a second time and enter a Y in this
Print Serial Items
(Y/N)—Enter Y to print all serialized items not For Sale.
To print items not For Sale, the option Include Reserved Quantities In Comparison and
Print Serial Items Not-For-Sale must be Y since the first question takes precedence over
the second.
Enter N to prevent printing all items not For Sale. This will eliminate printing SP,
DM, LO, etc., type items.
Printer Device
(7 characters)—Printer device name.
Comparison Report
Files accessed for this report: SNMAST, ICMAST
Line 1
Stock Number
For Sale
Stock Number
Description 1 and 2
Product Category
Status Code
For Sale Flag
Line 2
Serial Number
Serial Number
Warehouse Number
Model Number
Reports: COMPARISON 41
On Hand
Quantity on Reserve
Quantity on Hand
Quantity Received
If this report is printed without serial number detail, the information on the first line printed for each stock
number is from ICMAST. The quantities from each warehouse are listed under the first line. A total line
for the stock number is printed following the warehouse information.
If serial number detail is printed, a total line will print for each warehouse with the Reserved, On Hand,
Received and Cost quantities.
Costs will not print on the report if an N has been entered for the user in the Cost/Comm field in the Order
Entry column of System Administrator/Global Security/Maintain User Setup.
ˆ Total Inventory Cost prints at the bottom of the report. This is the Grand Total Cost for the products
listed on the report.
ˆ Total Serial Number Cost prints at the bottom of the report. This is the Grand Total Cost for the serial
numbers listed on the report.
ˆ If the Receipt Date = zero, the product will not print.
ˆ If the Order Date = zero, the product will print in the Reserved column.
ˆ If the Receipt Date is zero and the Invoice Date is not equal to zero, the product will print in the OnHand column.
ˆ If the Receipt Date is not equal to zero and the Invoice Date is equal to zero, the product will print in
the Received column.
ˆ Warehouse Out Of Balance will print if the quantities in ICWHSE are not equal to the quantities in
ˆ Stock Out Of Balance will print if the quantities in ICMAST are not equal to the quantities in
Reports: COMPARISON 42
All Activity
The All Activity screen displays when you select Option 2 from the Reports Menu screen.
You can use this report to list the transactions in SNHIST.
What Order
(1 character)—Indicate the order the information should print. Enter one of the
following codes:
P - Product
S - Serial Number
C - Product Category
Status Types To
(Y/N)—Enter Y beside the status types to print on the report.
Maintenance status types can be printed on this report by entering Y next to the MN
option. Maintenance transactions are created when SNMAST is maintained through
Setup/Serial Numbers.
Reports: ALL ACTIVITY 43
For the following options, indicate if a range of records is desired.
Trans Date
Printer Device
(20 characters)
(18 characters) [L]
(6 digits) [L]
(12 characters)
(12 characters)
(6 digits) [L]
(10 digits) [L]
(6 digits)
(6 digits)
(7 characters)—Enter the desired printer device name.
All Activity Report
Files accessed by for this report: SNMAST, SNHIST
Section One - Stock Number And Serial Number Detail
Stock Number
Serial Number
Last Dt
Rcpt Dt
Stock Number
Serial Number
Model Number
Warehouse Number
Product Category
Transaction/Status Type
Last Activity Date
Location Number
Receipt Date, the date this item was received from the Vendor
Sale Price, the price updated by posting
through Inventory Control and Order Entry
Transaction Date
Transaction Date, the date the transaction was written to SNHIST
Customer Number/Vendor Number. The customer number or vendor
number will be written to SNHIST depending on the transaction/status
Salesrep Number
Operator that executed this transaction
Journal Number. This may reflect Inventory Control and Order Entry
posting journal numbers.
Memo/comment for this transaction. This field will reflect O/E POSTING
from Order Entry or the contents of the Memo field from Inventory
Reports: ALL ACTIVITY 44
Section Two - Transaction Type Totals
The total Cost amount and the total Sale amount for each transaction type are listed in this section.
Costs will not print on the report if an N has been entered for the user in the Cost/Comm field in the Order
Entry column of System Administrator/Global Security/Maintain User Setup.
Reports: ALL ACTIVITY 45
Date Analysis
The Date Analysis screen displays when you select Option 10 from the Reports Menu screen.
You can use this report to analyze serialized items according to the dates stored. This report contains Sale
Date, Order Date, Ship Date, Invoice Date, and Last Activity Date for the requested serialized items.
What Order
(1 character)—Indicate the order the information should print. Enter one of the
following codes:
P - Product
D - Product by Receipt Date
S - Serial Number
C - Category
Which Serial
(1 digit)—Indicate which serialized item types are desired. Enter one of the following
1 - In Stock, No Receipt of Cost
2 - In Stock, Not Reserved By Customer
3 - In Stock, Reserved By Customer
4 - Sold To Customer
5 - All Items
For the following options, indicate if a range of records is desired.
Last Active Date
Receipt Date
(20 characters)
(18 characters) [L]
(6 digits) [L]
(12 characters)
(12 characters)
(6 digits) [L]
(6 digits)
(6 digits)
The Receipt Date range displays only if you choose option D in the What Order field.
Printer Device
(7 characters)—Enter the desired printer device name.
Date Analysis Report
Files accessed for this report: SNMAST
Stock Number
Serial Number
St Cd
For Sale
Receipt Date
Customer Ord Date
Customer Inv Date
Stock Number
Warehouse Number
Serial Number
Model Number
Product Category
Status Code
For Sale Flag
Receipt Date, the date this item was received from the Vendor
Ordered by Customer Date, the date this item was ordered by the customer
Customer Invoice Date, the date this item was issued to the customer
Last Activity or Return Outward Date
Grand Total prints at the bottom of the report. This is the Grand Total Cost for the products/serial numbers
listed on the report.
Costs will not print on the report if an N has been entered for the user in the Cost/Comm field in the Order
Entry column of System Administrator/Global Security/Maintain User Setup.
The Location screen displays if you select Option 11 from the Reports Menu screen.
You can use this report to list the locations for selected serial numbers.
What Order
(1 character)—Indicate the order the information should print. Enter one of the
following codes:
S—Serial Number
C—Product Category
Print Items For
(Y/N) —This option determines if serialized items flagged as For Sale are to print on
the report. Enter Y to print For Sale items on the report.
Print Items Not
For Sale
(Y/N) —This option determines if serialized items flagged as not For Sale are to print
on the report. Enter Y to print not For Sale items on the report.
If Y is entered for both of the previous fields, all items in stock in the ranges selected
in the following fields will print.
Reports: LOCATION 48
Print Sold Items
(Y/N)—This option determines if Sold serialized items are to print on the report.
When an order has been invoiced through Order Entry for this serial number, the
order date is moved into the Customer Invoice Date. At that time, the item is
considered Sold.
Enter Y to include items flagged as Sold on the report.
Print Unsold
(Y/N)—This option determines if Unsold serialized items are to print on the report. If
the Customer Invoice Date is clear, the item is considered Unsold.
Enter Y to include items flagged as Unsold on the report.
If Y is entered for both of the previous fields, all items in stock in the ranges selected
in the following fields will print.
For the following options, indicate if a range of records is desired.
Sale Date
Printer Device
(20 characters)
(18 characters) [L]
(6 digits) [L]
(12 characters)
(12 characters)
(10 characters)
(6 digits) [L]
(4 digits)
(10 digits) [L]
(6 digits)
(7 characters)—Enter the desired printer device name.
Location Report
File access for this report: SNMAST
Line 1
Stock Number
Serial Number
St Cd
For Sale
Order Date
Receipt Date
Customer Number
Sale Date
Stock Number
Serial Number
Model Number
Warehouse Number
Product Category
Transaction/Status Code
For Sale Flag
Ordered by Customer Date, the date the item is ordered by
the customer
Receipt Date, the date the item is received from the Vendor
Customer Number
Customer Invoice Date, is the date the item is issued to the
Reports: LOCATION 49
Line 2
Vendor Name
Stock# #####—TOTAL prints at the end of each product. This is the Grand Total Cost for the serial
numbers corresponding to that product.
Grand Total prints at the bottom of the report. This is the Grand Total Cost for the products/serial numbers
listed on the report.
Costs will not print on the report if an N has been entered for the user in the Cost/Comm field in the Order
Entry column of System Administrator/Global Security/Maintain User Setup.
Reports: LOCATION 50
Floor Plan
The Floor Plan screen displays when you select Option 12 from the Reports Menu screen.
You can use this report to list serialized items flagged as Floor Planned in the Setup/Serial Numbers function.
What Order
(1 character)—Indicate the order the information should print. Enter one of the
following codes:
F—Floor Plan
D—Expiration Date
Printing in Floor Plan order will group all product/serial numbers in the specified
floor plan numbers.
Printing in Expiration Date order will list the product/serial numbers in ascending
date order (oldest date first). This is useful in determining which products need to be
sold in the near future for the greatest carrying cost efficiency or due to a spoilage
Reports: FLOOR PLAN 51
For the following options, indicate if a range of records is desired.
Expire Date
Floor Plan#
Printer Device
(20 characters)
(18 characters) [L]
(6 digits) [L]
(12 characters)
(10 characters)
(6 digits) [L]
(6 digits)
(3 digits)
(7 characters)—Enter the desired printer device name.
Floor Plan Report
Files accessed for this report: SNMAST
Stock Number
Serial Number
Receipt Date
Floor Plan#
Floor Plan Exp Date
Stock Number
Serial Number
Model Number
Warehouse Number
Product Category
Location Number
Transaction/Status Type
Receipt Date, the date the item is received from the Vendor
Floor Plan Number
Floor Plan Expiration Date, the deadline date for selling this floor
planned item
Floor Plan Number# #####—Total print at the end of each floor plan. This is the Grand Total Cost for the
products/serial numbers corresponding to that floor plan number.
Costs will not print on the report if an N has been entered for the user in the Cost/Comm field in the Order
Entry column of System Administrator/Global Security/Maintain User Setup.
Reports: FLOOR PLAN 52
Available For Sale
The Available For Sale screen displays when you select Option 13 from the Reports Menu screen.
You can use this report to list the individual serial numbers associated with each product. You can list all
serial numbers associated with each product or only those which are actually available for sale (For Sale
field in Setup/Serial Numbers is set at Y.)
The Net Available, On Hand, Reserved, On Order, and Received quantities also print for each product.
Print All Details
(Y/N)—Enter Y to print the actual serial numbers associated with each product in
addition to the Net Available, On Hand, Reserved, On Order, and Received
Enter N to print only the Net Available, On Hand, Reserved, On Order, and Received
quantities for each product.
All Vendors
(Y/N) (10 digits) [L]—Enter Y to print the products for all vendors on the report.
Enter N and a beginning and ending vendor number to print a range of vendors.
All Categories
(Y/N) (6 digits) [L]—Enter Y to print the products in all product categories on the
report. Enter N and a beginning and ending category to print a range of categories.
All Stock
(Y/N) (18 characters) [L]—Enter Y to print all stock numbers on the report. Enter N
and the beginning and ending stock number to print a range of stock numbers.
Available For
Sale Only
(Y/N)—Enter Y to print only those serial numbers with a Y in the For Sale field in
the Setup/Serial Numbers function AND a net available greater than zero.
Enter N to print all serial numbers associated with a product , both available for sale
(For Sale is Y) and not available for sale (For Sale is N).
Note: To print the actual serial numbers on the report, verify that you entered a Y in
the Print All Details field above.
(Y/N)—Enter Y to print items on the report even if they have been discontinued. The
message Discontinued prints next to discontinued items to alert the user.
Note: Stock items are discontinued by entering a date in the Discontinued Date field
on the Inventory Control/Setup/Products screen.
Enter N if discontinued items should not print on the report.
Printer Device
(7 characters)—Enter the desired printer device name.
Available For Sale Report
Files accessed for this report: SNMAST, ICMAST, ICWHSE
Vendor #
Stock Number
Net Avail
On Hand
On Order
Serial Numbers
Vendor Number
Stock Number
Description 1
Product Category
Net Available
On Hand
On Hand
Serial Numbers
Serialized Inventory
Inquiry Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Master Files
Serial Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Name/Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Inquiry Menu
The Inquiry Menu screen displays after you select Option 3 from the Serialized Inventory Menu screen.
All Inquires are initially selected from this screen.
Screen Options
Serial Numbers
1 Used to access information from SNMAST and SNHIST. The Name/Model Inquiry
screen can also be accessed from the Serial Number Inquiry.
2 Used to access the Inventory Control Products Inquiry.
Inquiry: MENU 56
Serial Numbers
The Serial Numbers screen displays after you select Option 1 from the Inquiry Menu screen.
You can use this screen to display information from the SNMAST and SNHIST files. You can also access
the Name/Model Inquiry screen from this screen.
ˆ Use the top section of this screen to view static account information from SNMAST. The fields are
display only. Refer to the Setup/Serial Numbers section of this documentation for an explanation of the
fields in the top section of the screen.
Values will display in the Cost field only if the Order Entry Cost/Comm option in System
Administrator/Global Security/Maintain User Setup is set at Y.
ˆ Use the middle section of this screen to view abbreviated transaction history information from
SNHIST. The fields are display only.
ˆ Use the fields at the bottom of the screen to enter the parameters to define the information to display in
the top and middle sections of the screen.
(18 characters) [L]—Enter a valid stock number in ICMAST or a valid Alias in
ICXREF. The message Not A Serial Numbered Product will display if a Y does not
exist in the Serialized Product field in Inventory Control/Setup/Products for the
product entered.
When you perform the [L] Lookup function from this field, only those items which
have been set up in Inventory Control as serialized items will display.
If you know only the serial number, and not the stock number, leave the Stock# field
blank and press RETURN. Then enter the serial number in the Serial# field and
press RETURN. The system will default the stock number associated with that serial
number in the Stock# field.
(20 characters) [L] [N]—Enter the serial number for this inquiry. There may be
duplicate serial numbers in the file for different products, but all serial numbers for an
individual product must be unique.
When you perform the [L] Lookup function from this field, only those serial numbers
associated with the stock number entered in the previous field will display. For each
serial number the Warehouse Location, For Sale flag, Status, and Cost also display.
(6 digits)—This field indicates the starting date to be used for listing the transactions
from SNHIST. All transactions for this serial number which occurred on or after this
date are displayed. If no date is entered, all history transactions are displayed.
(2 characters)—Enter the desired two–character status code. Only serial numbers
with this status are displayed. The status code is the same as the two–character
transaction type codes used for entering serial number transactions in Inventory
Control Posting.
The Type Codes are as follows:
0 - Issue Not Reserved
1 - Issue Reserved
2 - Receipt Not Ordered
3 - Receipt Ordered
4 - Return Inward
5 - Return Outward
6 - Stock Adjustment
7 - Warehouse Transfer
8 - Order
9 - Reservation
10 - Receipt/No Cost/Ordered
11 - Receipt/No Cost/Not Ordered
12 - Receipt of Cost
(Y/N)—Enter Y to print a hard copy of this serial number inquiry.
(7 characters)—Enter the desired printer device name.
Program Execution
Press GO to display the information from SNMAST and SNHIST for the stock and serial number entered.
(18 characters)—This field is used to access the Name/Model Inquiry screen. Enter
the desired stock number. The Name/Model Inquiry screen displays a list of serial
numbers for that stock number.
The Name/Model Inquiry screen always displays if there is an entry in this field;
entries in other fields are ignored.
Press UP ARROW once from the Stock# field on the left side of the screen to
quickly access the Stock# field on the right side of the screen.
The Name/Model screen displays when you enter a product in the Stock# field on the right side of the
Serial Number Inquiry screen and press GO.
You can use this inquiry to locate specific serial numbers for a given stock number. All serial numbers in
SNMAST for that product display.
(18 characters)—The stock number entered on the right side of the Serial Number
Inquiry screen defaults in this field. This entry can be overridden if desired. If a new
stock number is entered, the list of serial numbers will be redisplayed for the new
stock number.
(10 digits) [L]—Enter the desired Customer Sold To number assigned to the product
and serial number in Setup/Serial Numbers. All of the serial numbers sold to that
customer for the above stock number display.
(4 digits)—Enter the desired Location Number assigned to the product and serial
number in Setup/Serial Numbers. All of the serial numbers in that location for the
designated stock number display.
(6 digits) [L]—Enter the desired Warehouse number assigned to the product and
serial number in Setup/Serial Numbers. All of the serial numbers in that warehouse
for the designated stock number display.
Inquiry: NAME/MODEL 60
For Sale Only
(1 character)—Enter Y to display only items that are For Sale (the For Sale flag in
Setup/Serial Numbers is Y).
Program Execution
Press GO to display the desired serial number. The Serial Number Inquiry for that item can be accessed
through either one of the following.
ˆ The cursor displays on the first line of the View column. Using the RETURN key, move the cursor to
the same line as the desired serial number. Enter any valid character to display the Serial Number
ˆ Press UP ARROW from the first line of the View column. The cursor displays in the Stock# field on
the right side of the screen. Enter the Stock# and Serial# for the item you wish to view on the Serial
Number Inquiry screen.
Inquiry: NAME/MODEL 61
The Inventory Control Products Inquiry screen displays after you select Option 2 from the Inquiry Menu
Use this function to display the following information:
ˆ Quantities and values for a product—totals by warehouse
ˆ Transactions affecting a product in a particular warehouse
ˆ All information in the product record set up through the Setup/Products function.
For further details about these screens, see the Inventory Control Reference Manual.
Inquiry: PRODUCTS 62
Serialized Inventory
Rental Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Rental Setup
Setup Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Rental Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Load Rental Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Create Future Value Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Rental Posting
Posting Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Posting Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Rental Reports
Reports Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
All Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Journal Reprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Rental Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Rental Inquiry
Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Rental Monthly Depreciation
Monthly Depreciation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Rental Menu
The Rental Menu screen displays after you select Option 4 from the Serialized Inventory Menu screen.
You can use the Rental functions to track payments and maintenance costs on rental stock items and
calculate monthly depreciation. You can also calculate a selling price when you decide to sell the rental
Rental: MENU 64
Setup Menu
The Setup Menu screen displays after you select Option 1 from the Rental Menu screen.
You can use this screen to choose one of three options for Setup.
Screen Options
Add, Maintain, or Delete rental master records (SNRENT). A record must be set up
for each stock number/serial number combination.
Load Rental
Update the rental master record. Perform this function before performing monthly
Create Future
Value Table
Create a table for 60 months of future values, based on a percentage. This table is
used to calculate the selling price for any rental stock item.
Rental: SETUP MENU 65
Rental Master
The Rental Master screen displays after you select Option 1 from the Rental Setup Menu screen.
You can use this screen to add, maintain, or delete Rental Master records for each stock number/serial
number combination.
Note: The stock number/serial number combination must already exist in Serialized Inventory/Setup/
Serial Numbers (SNMAST).
Stock Number
(18 characters) [L]—Enter the stock number for the stock number/serial number
combination. When you press RETURN—
ˆ The cursor displays in the Serial Number field if this stock item has been set up as
a serialized item (the Serialized Product field on the Inventory Control/Setup/
Products screen is Y).
ˆ The message Not A Serial Numbered Product displays if this stock item has not
been set up as a serialized item.
When you perform the [L] Lookup function from this field, only those items which
have been set up in Inventory Control as serialized items will display.
Serial Number
(20 characters) [L]—Enter one of the serial numbers set up in Serialized Inventory/
Setup/Serial Numbers or entered through Purchase Orders/Posting/Receiving or
Inventory Control/Posting for the stock number you entered in the previous field.
When you perform the [L] Lookup function from this field, only those serial numbers
associated with the stock number entered in the previous field will display. For each
serial number the Warehouse Location, For Sale flag, Status, and Cost also display.
Rental Number
(20 characters)—User-defined rental number for an item. You can access the rental
item in both Posting and Inquiry by entering the Rental Number.
Original Cost
(5 digits, 2 decimals) (Display Only)—Default value from the Cost field on the
Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers screen. (The Cost field on the Serial
Numbers screen defaulted from the Cost field on the Purchase Orders/Posting/
Receiving screen if you originally entered the serialized item through the Purchase
Orders module.)
You can maintain the Cost only on the Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers
screen. The maintained Cost will update the Original Cost on this screen when you
perform Serialized Inventory/Rental/Setup/Load Rental Values.
Freight Cost
(5 digits, 2 decimals)—User-defined value for the freight cost of the item. Enter a
value in this field if freight was part of the cost of purchasing the item.
Additional Cost
(5 digits, 2 decimals)—User-defined value for any additional costs associated with
purchasing the item.
New Cost
(5 digits, 2 decimals)—Sum of the values entered in the previous three fields.
New Cost = Original Cost + Freight + Additional Cost
This value recalculates whenever you press GO from this screen or you perform
Serialized Inventory/Rental/Setup/Load Rental Values.
The amount of the Net Value displays to the right of the New Cost field. The Net
Value is recalculated every time you enter the Rental/Setup/Rental Master screen.
Net Value = New Cost – LTD Depreciation
Depr Rate
(5 digits, 2 decimals)—Dollar amount at which the item should depreciate each
Use the next three Rent Rate fields to set up the monthly, weekly, and daily rent rates which will display
during Order Entry/Posting for rental items.
Verify that a billing description record has been set up for rentals in Order Entry/Setup/Billing
Descriptions. Make sure you enter a Y in the Rental field on the Billing Descriptions screen. Because you
have entered the Rent Rates in the next three fields, you do not need to enter a Billing Rate on the Billing
Descriptions screen.
During Order Entry/Posting a Rental Rate screen will display after you enter the rental Billing
Description number in the Bill Code field (accessed by pressing RETURN from a blank Stock# field).
The Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Rent Rates you enter in the next three fields will display on that Rental
Rate screen. Refer to the Order Entry Reference Manual for detailed instructions on accessing the Rental
Rate screen and choosing the appropriate rate.
Rent Rate
(5 digits, 2 decimals)—Dollar amount which you will charge as rental on the item
each month.
Weekly Rent
(5 digits, 2 decimals)—Dollar amount which you will charge as rental on the item
each week.
Daily Rent Rate
(5 digits, 2 decimals)—Dollar amount which you will charge as rental on the item
each day.
Service Date
(MMDDYY)—Last time a maintenance record was posted for the item. This field is
updated from the Date field on the Rental/Posting (Type M) screen.
Purchase Date
(MMDDYY)—Date the item was purchased. The value in this field defaults from the
Receipt Date field on the Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers screen. (The
Receipt Date field on the Serial Numbers screen defaulted from the Date field on the
Purchase Orders/Posting/Receiving screen if you originally entered the serialized
item through the Purchase Orders module.)
Purchase Order#
(7 digits)—Number of the purchase order. This field is for informational purposes
only. You must manually enter the number.
(N/U) (1 character)—Accept the N default if the rental item is new. Enter U if the
rental item is used.
#Months in use
(3 digits)—Number of months the rental item has been in use. The initial default
value is 0. This number increments each time you perform Rental/Monthly
Depreciation with the Roll Month Counter set at Y.
(6 digits) (Display only)—Warehouse number default from Serialized Inventory/
Setup/Serial Numbers. Rental/Setup/Load Rental Values updates this field with
changes made to the Warehouse in Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers.
(6 digits) (Display only)—Product category number default from Serialized
Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers. Rental/Setup/Load Rental Values updates this field
with changes made to the Category in Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers.
(4 digits) (Display only)—Location number default from Serialized Inventory/Setup/
Serial Numbers. Rental/Setup/Load Rental Values updates this field with changes
made to the Location Number in Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial Numbers.
LTD Rentals
(6 digits, 2 decimals)—Total rental amount actually posted to this rental item. This
amount accumulates each time rent is posted through Rental/Posting (Type R).
LTD Potential
(6 digits, 2 decimals)—Potential rental amount if the rental item had been rented
100% of the available time. This amount is calculated during Rental/Monthly
Depreciation as follows:
Monthly Rent Rate x #Months In Use
(3 digits, 2 decimals)—Percentage of time the rental item was actually in use. This
amount is calculated during Rental/Monthly Depreciation as follows:
LTD Rentals ÷ LTD Potential Rental $
LTD Maint.
(6 digits, 2 decimals)—Total maintenance (service, repairs, etc.) amount actually
posted to this rental item. This amount accumulates each time maintenance costs are
posted through Rental/Posting (Type M).
LTD Depreciation
(6 digits, 2 decimals)—Total amount of depreciation accumulated on the rental item.
The value in this field increases by the Monthly Depr Rate each time you perform
Rental/Monthly Depreciation with the Roll Month Counter option set to Y.
Avg Rental ROI
(3 digits, 2 decimals)—Average return on investment for the rental item. This amount
is calculated during Rental/Monthly Depreciation as follows:
(LTD Rental ÷ Months In Use) ÷ Original Cost x 12
Avg Net
Rental ROI
(3 digits, 2 decimals)—Average net return on investment for the rental item. This
value reflects any maintenance costs associated with the rental item and is calculated
during Rental/Monthly Depreciation as follows:
[(LTD Rental - LTD Maint Cost) ÷ Months In Use] ÷ Original Cost x 12
Avg Maint
% of Rent
(3 digits, 2 decimals)—Percentage of rent used for maintenance. This amount is
calculated during Rental/Monthly Depreciation as follows:
LTD Maint Cost ÷ LTD Rentals
Rent Rate
% of Cost
(3 digits, 2 decimals)—Percentage of cost (Original Cost + Freight Cost + Additional
Cost) included in the monthly rental rate. This amount is calculated during Rental/
Monthly Depreciation as follows:
Monthly Rent Rate ÷ Depr Value
Sale Price
(6 digits, 2 decimals)—Price at which you could sell a rental item while covering all
of your costs. This amount is calculated during Rental/Monthly Depreciation as
(Depr Value x Net Future Table Value x 1.667) - LTD Rentals + LTD Maint Cost
The value from the Future Value Table covers the carrying cost of the rental item; i.e.,
the cost of the money invested in the item. The program uses the table value
associated with the number of months the rental item has been in service. For
example, if you have been renting the item for 8 months, the program uses the value
from the 8th step on the table.You can set up this table through Rental/Setup/Create
Future Value Table.
The 1.667 value allows you to gross 40% on the cost of the rental item.
Status (A/I)
(I/A)—Status of item. Accept the A default for active items or enter I for inactive
items. If an item is inactive, no calculation takes place for the item when you perform
the Rental/Monthly Depreciation function.
You can print Rental/Reports/All Activity and Rental/Reports/Rental Valuation by
active, inactive or both status. The status of the rental item also displays on the
Rental/Inquiry screen.
Load Rental Values
The Load Rental Values screen displays after you select Option 10 from the Rental Setup Menu screen.
You can use this screen to update SNRENT (Rental/Setup/Rental Master) with the current values in the
Warehouse, Category, Location, or Cost fields from SNMAST (Serialized Inventory/Setup/Serial
Numbers). This function also recalculates the New Cost field in SNRENT.
Perform this function before you perform the Rental/Monthly Depreciation function to ensure that proper
values are in the rental master record.
Files Opened: SNMAST, SNRENT
All Stock
(18 characters) [L]—Option to load rental values for a range of stock numbers.
Accept the Y default to load values for all stock numbers, or enter N and a range of
stock numbers.
All Serial#s
(20 characters)—Option to load rental values for a range of serial numbers. Accept
the Y default to load values for all serial numbers, or enter N and a range of serial
All Warehouses
(6 digits) [L]—Option to load rental values for a range of warehouses. Accept the Y
default to load values for all warehouses, or enter N and a range of warehouses.
All Categories
(6 digits) [L]—Option to load rental values for a range of product categories. Accept
the Y default to load values for all categories, or enter N and a range of categories.
Create Future Value Table
The Create Future Value Table screen displays after you select Option 11 from the Rental Setup Menu
You can use this screen to create a table of future values for a period of 60 months. This table is based on
a percentage and helps calculate the Current Sale Price for each stock number/serial number combination.
The percentage you enter on this screen should reflect the carrying cost of the rental item; i.e. the cost of
the money invested in the item. For example, entering 12% would create the following table.
Using the above table, one dollar invested for one month at 12% has a future value of $1.01.
The Current Sale Price for each rental item is calculated when you perform Rental/Monthly Depreciation.
The table value used depends on the number of months the rental item has been in service. For example, if
a rental item has been in service for 8 months, step 8 of the table is used.
In addition to the value from the Future Value Table, the program also uses the depreciation value of the
item, the total amount paid in rental income on the item, the total maintenance costs associated with the
item, and a gross margin profit percent when calculating the Current Sale Price. You can view the
Current Sale Price value on the Rental/Setup/Rental Master screen.
Files Opened: SNRFVT
Enter Investment
(0.00%)—Enter a percentage which reflects the cost of the money invested in the
rental item.
Posting Parameters
The Posting Parameters screen displays after you select Option 2 from the Rental Menu screen.
You can use this screen to enter rental income or maintenance cost transactions. General Ledger is not
updated from this program. A journal with details and comparison totals will print.
Journal Number
(8 characters)—Number used to keep all journals in sequence. NEXT defaults which
indicates that the next number from System Administrator will be used for this
You can override NEXT, but the journal number in System Administrator does not
increase when you press GO to proceed to the Posting screen.
The journal number is made up of the SN prefix plus a number.
Rental Total
(6 digits, 2 decimals)—Dollar amount of rental income which will be posted in this
session. This amount prints on the journal for comparison with the actual amount
Maint. Total
(6 digits, 2 decimals)—Dollar amount of maintenance costs which will be posted in
this session. This amount prints on the journal for comparison with the actual amount
Printer Device
(7 characters)—Name of the printer device. If you leave this field blank, you will
lose the journal.
Rental: POSTING 74
Posting Screen
The Posting screen displays after you press GO from the Posting Parameters screen.
You can use this screen to post two types of records— Rental income and Maintenance costs.
The posting screen is divided into two sections. You can enter the rental and maintenance transactions in
the first section. The second section displays the last five transactions posted.
You cannot post to items whose Status in Rental/Setup/Rental Master is (I)nactive. You will receive the
message Cannot Post Inactive Item if you attempt to post an inactive item.
Posting Type:
(1 character)—Type of record which will be posted in this session—Rental or
Maintenance. To access the Posting Type field, press UP ARROW from the Stock
Number field. Enter R for Rental or M for Maintenance.
Rental: POSTING 75
Stock Number
(18 characters) [L] —Enter the stock number for the stock number/serial number
combination. When you press RETURN—
ˆ the stock number Description defaults.
ˆ the cursor displays in the Serial Number field if this stock item has been set up as
a serialized item.
ˆ the message Not A Serialized Item displays if this stock item has not been set up as
a serialized item in Inventory Control/Setup/Products.
Press RETURN from a blank Stock Number field to access the rental item by the
Rental Number.
Rental Number
(20 characters) [L]—If you pressed RETURN from a blank Stock Number field,
enter the user-defined Rental Number for the rental item. After you press RETURN,
the Stock Number and Serial Number display.
If you entered a value in the Stock Number field, this field is display only.
Serial Number
(20 characters) [L]—Enter a serial number set up for the stock number entered
above. When you press RETURN—
ˆ the cursor displays in the Customer/Reference field if a record for the stock
number/serial number combination is present in Serialized Inventory/Rental/
Setup/Rental Master.
ˆ the message Rental Record Not Found displays if no record can be found in
Serialized Inventory/Rental/Setup/Rental Master. The cursor returns to the Stock
Number field for you to enter a correct stock number/serial number combination.
(24 characters)—User-defined memo field for customer name or maintenance
reference. The entry you make in this field prints on the All Activity Report and
displays on the Inquiry screen.
(5 digits, 2 decimals)—Amount of the rent payment or maintenance cost.
ˆ Rental income (Type R) accumulates in the LTD Rental field on the Rental/Setup/
Rental Master screen.
ˆ Maintenance costs (Type M) accumulate in the LTD Maint Cost field on the
Rental/Setup/Rental Master screen.
Whse No
(6 characters) [L] —Warehouse for the item. The correct warehouse defaults after
you enter the Stock Number and Serial Number.
Del Slip Number
(7 digits)—User-defined delivery slip number.
Invoice Number
(7 digits)—User-defined invoice number.
(MMDDYY)—Current date default. If you enter a Maintenance (Type M) transaction,
the date in this field will be written to the Last Service Date field on the Rental/Setup/
Rental Master screen.
(MMDD)—Beginning date (month and day) for which the rental income is valid. Use
this field with Type R transactions. This date prints on the All Activity Report.
Rental: POSTING 76
(MMDD)—Ending date (month and day) for which the rental income is valid. Use
this field with Rental (Type R) transactions. This date prints on the All Activity
Program Execution
Press GO to update the files and display the transaction information in the Display section of the screen.
The cursor returns to the Stock Number field and allows you to post to a new Stock Number/Serial
Number combination.
Rental: POSTING 77
Reports Menu
The Reports Menu screen displays after you select Option 3 from the Rental Menu screen.
Screen Options
All Activity
1 Reports all of the rental income, maintenance cost, and depreciation activity for a
rental item.
Journal Reprint
2 Prints journals created through the Serialized Inventory/Rental/Posting and Serialized
Inventory/Monthly Depreciation functions.
Rental Valuation 10 Reports the current value of each rental item and a grand total value of your rental
All Activity
The All Activity screen displays after you select Option 1 from the Rental Reports Menu screen.
You can use this report to show all of the rental income (Type R), maintenance cost (Type M), and
depreciation (Type D) activity for each rental item. The report can be printed in Product Category order
and/or ascending or descending date order. Specific transaction types can be selected.
All Stock
(Y/N) (18 characters) [L]—Option to print an activity record for a range of stock
numbers. Accept the Y default to include all stock numbers, or enter N and a range of
All Serial#s
(Y/N) (20 digits)—Option to create an activity record for a range of serial numbers.
Accept the Y default to include all serial numbers, or enter N and a range of values.
All Warehouses
(Y/N) (6 digits) [L]—Option to create an activity record for a range of warehouses.
Accept the Y default to include all warehouses, or enter N and a range of values.
All Dates
(Y/N) (MMDDYY)—Option to create an activity record for a range of dates. Accept
the Y default to include all dates, or enter N and a range of values.
All Categories
(Y/N) (6 digits) [L]—Option to create an activity record for a range of categories.
Accept the Y default to include all product categories, or enter N and a range of
Print Banner
(Y/N)—Option to print the parameters chosen on this screen on the report. Accept the
Y default to include the parameters.
Ascending or
(A/D)—Option to print history in ascending (A) or descending (D) date order. This
value defaults from the entry you made in the Report in Ascending or Descending
Order field in System Administrator/Application Options/Serialized Inventory.
The program keys on the date entered on the Rental/Posting screen for Type R (rental
income) and Type M (maintenance cost) transactions. The program uses the date
entered in the Rental/Monthly Depreciation function for Type D (depreciation)
Print in Category
(Y/N)—Enter Y to print the report in product category order. Enter N to print the
report in stock number order.
Print Rental
(Y/N)—Option to print Type R (rental income) transactions.
Print Maint
(Y/N)—Option to print Type M (maintenance cost) transactions.
Print Depr
(Y/N)—Option to print Type D (depreciation) transactions.
Print Active,
Inactive, Both
(A/I/B)—Option to print activity for the stock number/serial number combination
based on the entry in the Status field on the Rental/Setup/Rental Master screen. Enter
A to print active rental items, I to print inactive items, or B to print both active and
inactive items.
Printer Device
(7 characters)—Printer device name.
Journal Reprint
The Journal Reprint screen displays when you enter Option 2 from the Rental Reports Menu screen.
You can use this screen to reprint journals created through the Rental/Posting and Rental/Monthly
Depreciation functions.
Refer to the Getting Started manual for an explanation of how to use the Journal Reprint function.
Rental Valuation
The Rental Valuation screen displays after you select Option 10 from the Rental Reports Menu screen.
You can use this report to determine the current rent value. This value prints only on this report and is not
available through any other rental function. The following formula is used to calculate the Current Value:
New Cost – LTD Depreciation
The report also prints the following values (which are available on the Rental/Setup/Rental Master screen)
for each stock number/serial number combination—Original Cost, New Cost, LTD Rental, LTD
Maintenance, LTD Depreciation, Current Sale Price, and Gross ROI. Grand totals also print for each of
these fields.
Files Opened: SNRENT, ICMAST
All Stock
(Y/N) (18 characters) [L]—Option to print a valuation report for a range of stock
numbers. Accept the Y default to include all stock numbers, or enter N and a range of
All Serial#s
(Y/N) (20 digits)—Option to print a valuation report for a range of serial numbers.
Accept the Y default to include all serial numbers, or enter N and a range of values.
All Warehouses
(Y/N) (6 digits) [L]—Option to print a valuation report for a range of warehouses.
Accept the Y default to include all warehouses, or enter N and a range of values.
All Dates
Not applicable.
All Categories
(Y/N) (6 digits) [L]—Option to print a valuation report for a range of categories.
Accept the Y default to include all product categories, or enter N and a range of
Print Banner
(Y/N)—Option to print the parameters chosen on this screen on the report. Accept the
Y default to include the parameters.
Ascending or
Not applicable.
Print in Category
(Y/N)—Enter Y to print the report in product category order. Enter N to print the
report in stock number order.
Print Rental
Not applicable.
Print Maint
Not applicable.
Print Depr
Not applicable.
Print Active,
Inactive, Both
(A/I/B)—Option to print values for the stock number/serial number combination
based on the entry in the Status field on the Rental/Setup/Rental Master screen. Enter
A to print active rental items, I to print inactive items, or B to print both active and
inactive items.
Printer Device
(7 characters)—Printer device name.
The Inquiry screen displays after you select Option 4 from the Rental Menu screen.
The screen is divided into three sections:
ˆ The first section displays selected rental item information from the rental master record (SNRENT).
Refer to Serialized Inventory/Rental/Setup/Rental Master for an explanation of the fields.
ˆ The second section displays the history transactions from SNRHIST for each rental item. Refer to
Serialized Inventory/Rental/Posting for an explanation of the fields.
ˆ The third section allows you to enter the parameters which determine the display in the first and
second sections of the screen. Specific instructions on how to enter the fields in this section of the
screen are as follows.
Rental: INQUIRY 84
Stock Number
(18 characters) [L]—Enter the stock number for the stock number/serial number
combination for which you want to inquire. When you press RETURN—
ˆ The cursor displays in the Serial Number field if this stock item has been set up as
a serialized item.
ˆ The message Not A Serialized Product displays if this stock items has not been set
up as a serialized item.
Press RETURN from a blank Stock Number field to access the rental item by the
Rental Number.
Rental Number
(20 characters) [L]—If you pressed RETURN from a blank Stock Number field,
enter the user-defined Rental Number for the rental item. After you press RETURN,
the Stock Number and Serial Number display.
If you entered a value in the Stock Number field, this field is display only.
(20 characters) [L]—Enter one of the serial numbers associated with the Stock
Number you entered previously. access the list of serial numbers associated with the
stock number.
(R/M/D/A)—Enter the posting type into which you want to inquire.
ˆ Enter R to view Rental transactions entered through Rental/Posting.
ˆ Enter M to view Maintenance transactions entered through Rental/Posting.
ˆ Enter D to view Depreciation transactions calculated through Rental/Monthly
ˆ Accept the A default to view all posting types.
Beg Date
(MMDDYY)—Enter the starting date used to list the history transactions. The display
shows the current chosen date first and all previous dates in most recent to least
recent order.
(6 digits) [L]—Enter the warehouse number for which the transactions should
display. If you do not specify a warehouse, the transactions for all warehouses will
Program Execution
Press GO to display the information in the first two sections of the screen. Ten lines display per screen.
Press GO to display more data.
The cursor returns to the Serial Number field.
Rental: INQUIRY 85
Monthly Depreciation
The Monthly Depreciation screen displays after you select Option 5 from the Rental Menu screen.
You can use this screen to accumulate the Monthly Depreciation Rate into the LTD Depreciation field on
the Rental/Setup/Rental Master screen for each rental item. This function posts to General Ledger for the
amount of the depreciation.
This report also calculates the following eight evaluation fields—New Cost, LTD Potential Rental, LTD
Utilization%, Average Rental ROI, Net Rental ROI, Average Maintenance % of Rent, Rent Rate % of
Cost, and the Current Sales Price. You can view the results of these calculations on the Rental/Setup/
Rental Master screen.
Monthly Depreciation creates a depreciation history record and its own journal. You can view
depreciation history on the All Activity Report as Type D transactions.
The Monthly Depreciation Report is the workhorse for the rental functions. Perform this function at
month end.
All Stk#s
(Y/N) (18 characters) [L]—Option to create a monthly depreciation record for a
range of stock numbers. Accept the Y default to include all stock numbers, or enter N
and a range of values.
All Serial#s
(Y/N) (20 digits)—Option to create a monthly depreciation record for a range of serial
numbers. Accept the Y default to include all serial numbers, or enter N and a range of
All Warehouses
(Y/N) (6 digits) [L]—Option to create a monthly depreciation record for a range of
warehouses. Accept the Y default to include all warehouses, or enter N and a range of
Roll Month
(Y/N)—Option to perform the monthly depreciation functions in addition to the
evaluation calculations.
Enter Y to—
ˆ Increment the Months in Use by 1.
ˆ Increase the LTD Depreciation by the Monthly Depreciation Rate.
ˆ Post to the General Ledger Rental Depreciation Expense account and the Rental
Inventory Credit account.
ˆ Write a depreciation history record.
ˆ Perform the eight evaluation calculations.
Enter N to—
ˆ Perform the eight evaluation calculations.
Update G/L
(Y/N) (9 digits, 6 decimals)—Option to update General Ledger totals. Three options
are available for the General Ledger interface:
1. No Updates—No General Ledger files are updated. Enter N in the Update
G/L field. Leave the account numbers blank.
2. Print Journal Totals—No General Ledger files are updated. If you do not want
updates but do want distribution totals, enter N in the Update G/L field. Enter
numbers in all of the account number fields. (These numbers do not have to be
valid General Ledger accounts numbers.)
Distribution totals are printed at the end of the posting journal. You can post these
amounts to General Ledger manually.
3. Update General Ledger—General Ledger files are updated. Enter Y in the
Update G/L field. Enter numbers in each of the account number fields. These
account numbers will be verified and therefore must be valid account numbers set
up in the chart of accounts.
Setting Up Your General Ledger Account Numbers
The default General Ledger numbers can be set up through the System Administrator/
Application Options/Serialized Inventory function. Once set up, they will default on
this screen each time it displays.
If you have entered General Ledger numbers on the Inventory Control/Setup/
Categories screen, those account numbers will override the account number defaults
on this screen.
If you are using departmentalized posting, the program will check the value in the
Post Departmental G/L Using (W), (M), or (N) field of System Administration/
Application Options/Serial Numbers and append the appropriate department number
to the account number.
ˆ If the value is W, the department associated with the warehouse number of the
stock number/serial number combination will be appended to the General Ledger
account number.
ˆ If the value is M, a popup screen will display and you will be required to enter a
department number manually.
Journal Number
(8 characters)—Number used to keep all journals in sequence. NEXT defaults which
indicates that the next number from System Administrator will be used for this
You can override NEXT, but the journal number in System Administrator does not
increase when you press GO to proceed to the Posting screen.
The journal number is made up of the SN prefix plus a number.
Posting Date
(MMDDYY) (6 digits)—System date default. This date is assigned to each transaction
and will print on the journal for each posting session. The Posting Date default can
be overridden for individual transactions.
Posting Period
(MMYY) (4 digits)—Accounting period which determines the period in General
Ledger which will be updated. This period defaults as the system date but can be
overridden. The period is stored with each transaction.
The period you enter depends on which of the following you use: a 12-period or 13period fiscal year. You determine this period with the System Administrator/
Application Options/General Ledger option Do You Have A 13 Period Fiscal Year.
ˆ For a 12-period fiscal year, enter the Calendar date of the period being updated. This
period converts internally to the Fiscal period. Valid periods include 01 through 12
followed by the year (e.g., 1202, 0103).
ˆ For a 13-period fiscal year, enter the Period being updated. This period will update the
corresponding period in General Ledger. Valid periods are 01 through 13 followed by the
year (e.g., 1202, 1302, 0103). These periods are user defined. The operator controls the
length of the period.
You can set up an optional range of acceptable posting periods in System
Administrator. If a range is set and a period is entered which falls outside of this
range, the warning Period Out Of Range displays. This range will only be checked if
General Ledger is being updated.
Printer Device
(7 characters)—Name of the printer device. If you leave this field blank, you will
lose the journal.
Serialized Inventory
Appendix A: Month End Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
Appendix A: Month End Procedures
The following are typical steps which should be followed during the month end processing of the
Serialized Inventory module. Complete all daily processing before performing any of the functions below.
1. Serialized Inventory/Rental/Setup/Load Rental Values—Update the Rental Master Record
(SNRENT) with changes made to the Serial Number Master Record (SNMAST).
2. Serialized Inventory/Rental/Monthly Depreciation—Calculate the monthly depreciation amount
and post it to General Ledger.