Feb 21, 2016 Upper Room Service at the Sophia Blackmore Hall
Feb 21, 2016 Upper Room Service at the Sophia Blackmore Hall
2 Cor 5:14 Sunday, Feb 21, 2016 Upper Room, 8.30am Reflective Verse …give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. Ephesians 1:17 Reflective Question Do we know God enough to recognize what He expects of you? Prayer Dear Holy Spirit, give me a deeper passion for God and help me understand better His plans for my life. Amen. Order of Worship 2nd SUNDAY IN LENT PREPARATION Please silence your phone and other digital devices Prelude Personal Meditation and Prayer PRAISE Call to Worship from Ephesians 4:1-6 Leader [PLEASE STAND] Mr Tay Kim Hock I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. People We will be completely humble and gentle; patient, bearing with one another in love. Leader Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. People We are one body and there is one Spirit, just as we were called to one hope when we were called; ALL We have one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Amen. Songs of Praise Mr Edward Heng TIME OF SIMULTANEOUS CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER Shout for joy to the LORD…give thanks to Him and praise His name. (Psalm 100:1, 4) Usually the congregation is given a specific time period, with a common theme of petition or supplication. Then all pray aloud at the same time in the power of the Spirit. (United Methodist Book of Worship 1992, pg 446) PRAYER SILENT & INTERCESSORY PRAYER But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him. TIME FOR WATCHING THE LORD I will stand at my watch; I will look to see what he will say to me. (Habakkuk 2:20) (Habakkuk 2:1) What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church. (1 Corinthians 14:26) Pastoral Prayer Mr Alan Tay The Lord’s Prayer 2 PRESENTATION The presentation of our tithes, offerings, and ourselves to the Lord Greetings and Church Concerns The BRMC Story: Part One Offertory Prayer and Offering Doxology [PLEASE STAND] PROCLAMATION Second Offering for Missions (TRAC) Song of Preparation Come Holy Spirit Scripture Reading Sermon Ephesians 1:15-23 Getting to Know Him Better Rev Edmund Koh PROMISE Song of Dedication [PLEASE STAND] Eagle’s Wings Benediction Postlude Prayer Ministry at the Altar If you need someone to pray with you, please come forward after the service. The Pastors, Pastoral Team Staff members, together with the URS Leadership, are available to pray with you. If you need to approach the altar area at this time for any other purpose, please keep silence as others are praying. 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS BAPTISM FOR INFANTS/CHILDREN BY SPRINKLING on Sun 20 Mar in the Sanctuary. Application Forms available at the Info racks. Registration closes Sun 28 Feb. There will be a compulsory briefing for parents on Sat 5 Mar, 3pm4.30pm, L2, C12. GLOWING YEARS MINISTRY (GYM) Bible Study 2nd & 4th Sun, 10.30am, Sun Sch Teachers’ Room, L2C21. GYM ACTIVITY DAY (started since Jan 2014): every Wed, 10am to 5pm. As lunch and a light tea will be provided, those wishing to attend please register your interest with Mrs Susan Tong 9681-6170. ACJC STUDENTS will be selling Fun-O-Rama tickets at the ACS Canteen on 21 Feb & 6 Mar after the 8.30am and 10.30am services. (the event will be held on Sat 2 April). Please give them your support. A HONDA CAR KEY was found in the ACS Canteen last Sun 31 Jan. Owner please call Priscilla at 62564298. CONSIDER BEING A FOSTER FAMILY • Able to welcome a child (under 18) into your home as one of your own? Do you have the heart and means to provide food, shelter, clothing and love for a child who has nowhere to turn to? Call 6354 8799 or go to www.msf.gov.sg/fostering to find out more. LIFT UP YOUR VOICE. Explore the breadth of music in worship. Understand how this may broaden the congregation’s music repertoire. Discover how music deepens the spiritual formation of the congregation. Singing Our Faith. Sat 12 Mar, 9am-12noon, Faith Methodist Church. Charis Room, L4. Speakers: Rev Raymond Fong & Rev Joel Yong. Across The Lands. Sat 2 Apr, 9am-12noon, Toa Payoh Methodist Church. Speaker: Dr Michael Hawn. Workshop Fee: $10 for each session or $20 for all 3 sessions. Organised by Methodist School of Music (MSM) in conjunction with TRAC. To register, please call MSM @ 6767-5258. Our Warmest Birthday Greetings to members & friends born from 22 to 28 February Mr Ang Ah Tong Elton MdmLimHon Yi Mrs Wong-Ng Siew Tin Linda Mr Ang Jin Hian Aaron James Mr LimMeng Soon Andrew Prof Wong Tien Yin Mrs Ang Siew Har Jenny MdmLoh Sook Yin Adeline Miss Woo Zhen-Li Jacqueline Mr Ang Tien Sin Jonathan Mr Loh Wei-Liang MdmXu Yan Hui Abby Mr Beng Teck Wen Andrew MdmLok Marianne MdmTan Tjoei Kheng Mr Chang Yan Hui Mr Loke Chee Yong Dennis MdmTan Poh Yin Yinn Mr Chelvan Kalai Josiah MdmMoreno Maria Cecilia E MdmTan Rebecca Lynne Mr Chew Lye Heng Stephen MdmKhoo Su-Ping Carrie Charissa Miss LimShun Hui Annabel MdmWong Liping Florence Mrs Ngo Tong Neo Evelyn MdmTay Hui Boon Xandra Mr Chao Elijah Miss Chia Huei Ern Grace Mr Png Yan Da Mr Cheng Rong En Nathaniel Mr ChiamToon Jiak Miss Quek Hui Yan Sharon Mr Chong Yong Jun Joshua Mrs Chiang-LimMui Chin Audrey MdmKo Lay Lian Stefanie Mr Kwok Ean Jared Dr LimChoo Mr Sng Tek Yean Daryl Mr LimWen Jie Joshua MdmWang Chang Ching MdmTee Evelyn Miss Goh Anyi Madeline Dr Chong Ai Mei Iris Ms Soriano Elenita Mr Goh Jing Hao Timothy Mrs Chong-Tan Mee SimSonja Ms SumFong Yee Mr Gupta Asher Mathew Mr Chua Teck Leong Michael Miss Tan Hwei Wern Alicia Claire Mr Timothy Handayanto Mrs Chui-Yap Lay Hoon Amy MdmTan Meng Yin Eunice Mr Toh Evan 4 Mrs Corbi-Tan Swee Tee Wendy Miss Tan Ai Jin Sophia Mr Tan Rui Ming Mark Dr Er Boon Kwang Gilbert Ms Tan Su-Yin Karen Mr Ng Jian Wei Cory Miss Gee Christina Ms Wong Li En Sarah Ms Ng Helena Sophie Miss Goh Cheng Hui Jane Mr Ng Youyi Charles Miss Padolina Charisse Fundales Miss Goh Wen Li Rebecca Miss Tang Jia Yii Tricia Miss Sayampanathan Jessica Anita Mr Heng Yew Keng Shawn Mr Tang Leong Teik Amrk Mr Sui Kang Le Theophilus MdmHo Ee Hwa Ms Tang Sook Leng Charmaine Miss Tan Sze Ning Phoebe MdmKoh Jaik Kheng Dr Tao Yi-Hou Mildred Miss Tay Kai Xin Faith Mr Hong Zhong Liang Jarrod Mr Khoo Ee Ping Mrs Tay Phua Ming Evon Ms ThamEsme Elisabeth Mrs Koh-LimHui Cheng Ruth Mr Kee Beng Hooi Kenneth Mr Cheah Han Seth Dr Chia Tat Heng Dr Tay Xian Khing Kenny Miss Yeo Ashley Jill MdmChua Sock Eng Grace Dr (Mdm) Wong Jolin Mr Yeo Chek Khai Asher MdmLee Eun Yea Mr Toh Yiu Kwong Mr Yip Man Kay Peter Mr LimMing Zheng Eugene Mr Ho William Miss Beardsall Gabrielle Cassandra Mrs Lee Chun Myong Sarah MdmWee Boon Hong Katherine Mr Liew Weng Cheung Ivan Mr Lee Meng Chin Mr Tan Glenn Mr Wee Choong Hao Gideon Miss He Qiong Mr Teo Zhi Kai Ethan CONGRATULATIONS to Mr Fong Zhiming & Ms Vanessa Mok Cher Min who were married in Church on 20 Feb. FLOWERS FOR TODAY have been donated • by Mr & Mrs Fong Zhiming in thanksgiving • in thanksgiving to God from Paul Lim CW and family OUR DEEPEST CONDOLENCES TO : • Chai Teck & Laura, Chai Jit, Chai Chung & Ivy and their families on the passing away of their mother/mother-in-law, Mdm Lim Keow Swee, on Thu 4 Feb, Funeral was held on Sun 7 Feb. • Ms Darrell Lee on the passing away of her father, Mr Lee Cheng Ban on Sat 13 Feb, Funeral was held on Wed 17 Feb. P u l p i t SEASON OF LENT – FEB 10 to MAR 27, 2016 Sat, Feb 20 BRMC SATURDAY Holy Communion Service • Fellow Disciplemakers/Multipliers Sun, Feb 21 2nd Sunday in Lent • 10 Commandments (part 3) • Getting To Know Him Better Rev Lawrence Chua c a l e n d a r 5pm in the Sanctuary/HC Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li Rev Edmund Koh 8.30am, 10.30am, 5pm 8.30 (Upper Room)/ 10.30 (Shine Forth) Preacher Low Kee Hong 10.30am (BBPP) • What’s The Sign? [at Bt Batok] Sat, Feb 27 BRMC SATURDAY Holy Communion Service • 10 Commandments (part 2) Contemplating What God Has Done rd Sun, Feb 28 3 Sunday in Lent/ACS Sunday • Getting To Know Him Better • 10 Commandments (part 3) • Access Granted [at Bt Batok] Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li 5pm in the Sanctuary/HC Rev Edmund Koh Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li 8.30am, 10.30am, 5pm 8.30 (Upper Room)/ 10.30 (Shine Forth) 10.30am (BBPP) Dr Tan Gee Paw 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 THE MINISTRY OF WORSHIP Musicians Sat 5pm 8.30am 8.30am Upper Room 10.30am 10.30am Shine Forth 5pm Ushers Sat 5pm 8.30am 8.30am Upper Room 10.30am 10.30am Shine Forth 5pm Greeters 8.30am 8.30 Upper Room 10.30am 5pm Mrs Sally Chua, Ms Corinne Teo and Ms Corinne Doong Dr Evelyn Lim (Organist) and 8.30am Choir Upper Room Worship Team Ms Karen Tan (Organist), Mrs Lim Cheng Koy & 10.30am Choir and 10.30am Band Shine Forth Worship Team 5pm Music Team, Ms Leong Mei Ting and Rev Ho Chee Sin and Rev Samuel Liew Mr Timothy Lie, Ms Kon Oi Lian, Ms Ng Ai Feng, Ms Koh Kwei Fong Dr Sung Siew Khim, Mrs Jeanette Ngiam, Mrs Lai Tuat Yin, Mrs Grace Chiam, Mrs Fang Ai Lian, Mrs Rosalind Hoo, Mrs Goh Weng Yee & Ms Daisy Gan Ms Alice Chang, Ms Rachel Koh, Ms Patrina Teo, Ms Rosalind Ong, Ms Ng Lay Cheng Dr Liu Hao Ming, Mrs Bernice Lim, Mrs Poon Hoh Kam, Mrs Chew Foong Chun, Mrs Maylene Tan, Mrs Jane Ng, Mrs Margaret Loke, Mrs Wee Kwong Ming, Ms Carol Tan Mrs Chin Chay Joo, Ms Zaneta Heng,Mrs Jenny Folk, Mrs Stacey Tan Mrs Chan Puay San, Ms Lee Pey Ren, Mrs Patsy Mah, Mrs Janet Chong, (Offering: Ms Pauline Ng, Ms Diana Ng) Mr Eric Low and Dr Jeanette Hui Mr Tay Kim Hock and Ms Patrina Teo Mrs Adeline Fang and Ms Darrell Lee Mr Low Aik Lim and Mr Chan Kai Yau Communion Stewards Sat 5pm Communion Assistants Sat 5pm Mr Timothy Lie and Ms Koh Kwei Fong Mrs Renata Liew, Ms Corinne Teo, Mr Lionel Ong, Ms Ong Chen An PA Technicians 8.30am, 10am, 5pm; 10am Shine Forth; 8.30am Upper Room Ms Sandra Thng PA Crew Floral Stewards Mdm Tan Seok Lui, Mrs Julie Soh, Mrs Juliet Wee, Mrs Adelin Chin and Mrs Amy See Sat, 5pm 20