2016 MA TDC Mailer.pub - Massachusetts Motor Transportation


2016 MA TDC Mailer.pub - Massachusetts Motor Transportation
Classes ........................................ 2
Benefits to Companies ................ 2
Benefits to Drivers ...................... 2
Makeup of a Compe
on ........... 3
2015 List of Winners………………….4
Frequently asked Ques ons……...5
How to get involved .................... 5
Commi)ee Members .................. 6
on Facts
2016 NTDC - 79th year
3000 drivers compete na onwide
450 drivers a)end the Na onals
700 million accident free miles
8 Na onal Champions (trucks)
1 Na onal Champion (step van)
1 Grand Champion
To qualify, a driver competes in Straight Truck
one of eight equipment cateThree-Axle Tractor-Semitrailer (Van)
gories in the truck classes in
Four-Axle Tractor-Semitrailer (Van)
addi on to the Step Van Class,
in the state his or her CDL was
Five-Axle Tractor-Semitrailer (Van)
issued or in the state which his
Five-Axle Tractor-Semitrailer (Tank)
or her company has corporate
domicile. No CDL needed for
Five-Axle Tractor-Semitrailer (Flatbed)
the step van class. Driver must
have endorsement for the class Five-Axle Tractor (Sleeper) -Semitrailer
The vehicle categories are:
Twin Trailers
Step Van
Massachuse s State Compe on Sunday June 5, 2016 NETTTS North Andover
Na onal Truck Driving Championships August 10—13, 2016
Indiana Conven on Center—Indianapolis, IN
The rules for the championships
have evolved since the incep on of
the program in 1937. Published
yearly, the rulebook reflects any
changes agreed upon throughout
the year by the 20-member Championships Commi)ee. The commi)ee, which dictates almost
As a Transporta on Associa on, everything we do is about safety and the percep on
of the trucking industry to the general public. Your support in the Championships by
sending your drivers to compete, the use of your equipment for the event, sponsorship of one of the classes of trophies or a dona on, keeps this event alive and well.
The Championships are open to the general public. The Truck Driving Championships
are an excellent way to encourage safe driving habits, ins ll professional pride, and
increase commitment and reten on.
every aspect of the event, is comprised of high level safety professionals.
Each state associa on is responsible for conduc ng a compe
Contribu ng companies are recognized in the event Program Book and on the TDC
(Truck Driving Championships) tab on the MMTA web site.
using the rules set forth by the
Na onal Championships Commi)ee. These rules cover the
wri)en test, the procedure for the
defects planted in the pre-trip
inspec on and the rules for the set
The Championships give the driver the chance to show their skills in maneuvering a
large truck through the confines of the course with six everyday problems. Most drivers will have no problem driving through the course. The skill of stopping or placing
the vehicle in the 18 inch score zone is the challenge. Looking for defects on your
truck in a prescribed me limit is not easy but honing your pretrip inspec on skills is a
plus for everyone. Studying for the wri)en test give you a be)er understanding of the
rules and regula on and a good grasp of the trucking industry.
up and scoring of the six problems
on the field course.
Most drivers that compete are hooked! There will be many drivers that will be here
for the first me and drivers that have par cipated their whole career. The friendships
made will last a life me. The best part is that you can highlight the skills that have
made you a top professional driver and rub shoulders with some of the best in the
trucking industry. A win-win for everyone.
The Na onal Truck driving Championships started in 1937, but Massachuse)s
did not have a Na onal Champion un l
1967 Malcolm Thompson
Four Axle Van Class
St. Johnsbury Trucking
1983 Lowell Crouse
Five Axle Tank Class
Bulk Transport
1987 Reggie Hamm
Five Axle Tank Class
Petroleum Carriers
Pre-trip Inspec on Area
1994 Fred Schenk
Five Axle Van Class
Market Basket
The Truck Driving Championships consists of three parts:
1998 Jason Frey
WRITTEN TEST: 40 ques on mul ple choice test. Four parts—10 ques ons each.
Trucking Industry, Rules and Regula ons, First Aid & Fire Figh ng. All ques ons are
taken from the handbook “Facts for Drivers” that is supplied to each compe tor.
PRE-TRIP INSPECTION: Drivers have a me limit, usually 8 minutes, to find a list of
defects planted in the vehicle. Points are awarded for defect found and procedure.
Five Axle Van Class
Overnight Freight
1998 Fred Schenk
Five Axle Tank Class
Market Basket
2013 Roland Bolduc
FIELD COURSE: Six problems each worth between zero and 50 points. Problems
simulate what the driver may encounter on a normal trip. Problems change with
each event but usually include a Front Stop, Rear Stop, Alley Dock, Right and LeL
Turns, Parallel Park, Side Stop, Diminishing Clearance, Railroad Crossing, etc. The biggest difference is the space or lack of space between each problem. The Course Chairman will design a challenging course each year. TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS—300.
Drivers will be assigned the vehicle for each class. Drivers do not bring equipment to
compete. A driver may be bringing a piece of equipment if your company agreed to
supply trucks for the event. Drivers will not have their own truck to drive. At the state,
drivers will have me to check out equipment and walk the “field course”
Three Axle Van Class
FedEx Express
2014 Roland Bolduc
Three Axle Van Class
FedEx Express
Brian Singelais
Five Axle Tank
No ma)er how many total drivers compete each year, only the nine first place finishers will advance to the Na onal Compe on in August. If for any reason the first place
driver can not a)end, the second place driver will be invited to take his or her place.
The Na onal Compe on starts on Wednesday night with the Wri)en Test , check of
Equipment and the course walk through. The field course is held on Thursday and
Friday. The top five drivers in each class will compete on Saturday for the 1st, 2nd &
3rd place trophies. The Award Ceremony takes place aLer dinner on Saturday night.
A Duie Pyle
Massachuse s State Compe on Sunday June 5, 2016 NETTTS North Andover
Many thanks to New England Tractor Trailer Training School for the use of the
site for the 2016 Championships. Event is open to the public. Stop by and check it
out. Burgers, hotdogs and refreshments available during the day.
Congratula7ons to
the 2015 winners!
Grand Champion
Rich Sweeney
Con-way Freight
Straight Truck
Bill Colantoune-FedEx Express
3 Axle Van
Rich Sweeney-Conway Freight
4 Axle Van
John Forgione-A Duie Pyle
5 Axle Van
Mark Paque)e-Garelick Farms
5 Axle Sleeper
Harold Carter-Regency Trans.
5 Axle Tank
Brian Singelais-A Duie Pyle
5 Axle Flatbed
Roland Bolduc-FedEx Express
Twin Trailer
William Oakes-FedEx Freight
Step Van
Robert Ledoux-FedEx Express
Top Wri4en Test (7e)
Roland Bolduc-FedEx Express
Gene Simonton-Conway Freight
Bob Ledoux-FedEx Freight (step Van)
Rookie-of-the– Year
Arthur Clark-FedEx Ground
Top Pre-trip Inspec7on
Tom Foley-FedEx Freight
Team Trophy
Con-way Freight
To send drivers to the State Compe
Simply download the Applica on and the ATA Entry &
Eligibility Form from the MMTA web page:
WWW.MASS-TRUCKING.ORG (TDC tab) and sign up the
eligible drivers. Driver entry fee: $105.00 for MMTA
member companies; $185.00—non members.
To make a monetary or equipment contribu on to the
I want to enter drivers in the event. What is the cost?
$105 for MMTA members & $185 for non—members
What drivers are qualified? Are Owner Operators included?
Company drivers and Owner Operators must be accident free regardless of
fault for the year preceding the event and must have worked for or leased
to the company for one year. Companies cer fy each driver on the form.
Do drivers have to supply equipment to compete?
No. The equipment is donated by various companies. Drivers do not drive
their own trucks.
How does a driver prepare to compete in the States?
Study the supplied manual “Facts For Drivers” to prepare for the wri)en
test. Prac ce their “pre-trip inspec on” to find the planted defects in the
trucks. The field course in made up of problems that a driver encounters
everyday on the job. The difference is the 18 inch scoring zone. The more a
driver competes the be)er they get.
What happens if a driver wins his or her class?
The 1st place finisher in each class is invited to compete in the Na onal
Truck Driving Compe on in Indiana in August.
How much will it cost for a driver to a4end the Na7onals?
The entry fee is $250. The approximate cost for plane fare, hotel, meals for
a driver and spouse / significant other is $3000.
How many drivers a4end the Na7onal Truck Driving Championships?
Each state sends nine drivers, so each class has 50 compe tors!
Approximately 450 top professionals drivers will a)end the NTDC/NSVC
As a company, can I par7cipate without sending drivers?
Absolutely! Companies can sponsor classes of trophies, sponsor the other
items listed on the right column, make a general dona on to support this
safety event.
Do you need help on the day of the event?
We would very much appreciate any help judging the problems on Sunday,
helping with pre-trip etc. No experience is necessary.
Who do I call for more informa7on?
Please call Fred or Jillian. Our numbers are listed to the right.
GOLD CONTRIBUTOR $400+ (as of 3/16/2016)
Class Sponsorship: 3 trophies in each of the nine classes:
Straight Truck ………………………….
3 Axle Van ……………………………... Foley Carrier Services
4 Axle Van………………………………..Boyle Transporta on
5 Axle Van……………………………….
Sleeper……………………………………..Regency Transporta on
Flatbed……………………………………..Cumberland Farms
Tanker……………………………………….J&S Transport
Twin Trailers…………………………….
Special Awards………………………...Foley Carrier Services
Step Van…………………………………….FedEx Express
Golf Cart Sponsor……………………….NETTTS
Food & Refreshments Sponsor…..
Insurance Sponsor……………………..
Driver Pins Sponsor…………………...
Driver Jackets Sponsor……………...
Full page in Program Book and lis ng on the TDC page on
the MMTA web page
Use of company equipment and/or dona on of $250.00
One half page in Program Book and lis ng on the TDC page
on the MMTA web page.
one quarter page in Program Book and lis ng on the TDC
page on the MMTA web page.
For more informa on on the Truck Driving Championships,
please contact :
Fred Schenk at 781-469-5988 [email protected]
To check on available class sponsorships or make a
dona on, please contact :
Jillian Zywien at 617-695-3512 [email protected]
Many Thanks
Fred Schenk - Chairman - J&S Transport
Steve Normandin - Brauns Express
The Truck Driving championships would never be possible with out the
dedica on of the commi)ee member, the contribu ng companies and the
army of volunteers.
Don Lane - NETTTS
Jim Roddy—NETTTS
Thank you to our sponsoring companies for their monetary support
Ken Zwicker—Stop & Shop
Dave Steele—FedEx Express
Thank you to all the companies that donated equipment for the event.
John Baer –Transcorr
Thank you to all the volunteers that gave up their weekend to set up the
course, help judge the problems, help on pre-trip inspec on, run scores, set
up the food, and shu)le drivers to the bullpen, score the wri)en tests and are
ready to do anything asked of them.
Dan Lacroix—Regency Transporta on
Bob Corthell—Conway (ret)
Steve Hanley - FMCSA
Larry Aiello—XPO Logis cs
Norman Collama - NATDCP
This event is not possible without your help. On behalf of the Compe
Wayne Thornhill - Cumberland Farms
Jillian Zywien - Lynch Associates
MPTDA Members - field course
Bob Darling - Sunoco
Brian Singelais - Frito Lay
For more informa on on the Truck Driving Championships, please contact
Fred Schenk at 781-469-5988 [email protected]
To check on available class sponsorships or make a dona on, please contact
Jillian Zywien at 617-695-3512 [email protected]
12 Post Office Square, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
Phone: 617-695-3512
E-mail: [email protected]