Truck Driver Appreciation - Connect Blog by TMC, a division of CH
Truck Driver Appreciation - Connect Blog by TMC, a division of CH
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE: TRUCK DRIVING TRIVIA ? How many of the below stats, facts, and figures about truck driving do you know 9.2 Fun Facts: People Who Move the World BILLION There are over 3.5 million truck drivers in the United States.1 tons of freight are moved annually by truck drivers.3 Nearly 70% = of all freight tonnage moved in the U.S. goes on trucks.4 200,000 truck drivers in the United States are This is roughly equal to the number of teachers in the United States.2 women (5.7%). There has been a 50% increase in women drivers in the past 10 years.5 There are almost 3.6 truck drivers for each doctor in the United States.6 Firsts, Feats, and Fun Figures YEAR The first licensed woman driver, Luella Bates, received her license in 1918.7 1918 Longest confirmed ramp jump in a semi was 50 ft. 6 in. by Gregg Godfrey on November 17, 2008.8 It is still being confirmed if he broke his record with a 160 ft. jump on July 24, 2015.9 50’ 6” 160’ The world’s largest semi-truck: the Tractomas TR 10 x 10 D100 by the Nicolas Industrie SAS10 vs. A standard U.S. semi-truck11 11’ 5” wide 14’ 10” 8’ 6” 13’ 6” max width 41’ 5” 19’ - 22” total length wheelbase YEAR IOWA 1939 Iowa 80 at Exit 284 on Interstate 80, advertises itself as the largest truck stop in the world and has had 28 expansions and remodels since 1984.13 The first ever truck driving song, Truck Driver’s Blues, was recorded in 1939 by Cliff Bruner and His Boys.12 Truck Driving Meets Hollywood Transformed Optimus Prime has taken several truck forms, including a 1970s red Freightliner FL86 cab-over-engine triple axle semi-truck trailer and more recently a Peterbilt 379.14 Surprise Appearance Shultzy, the truck driver who picks up Jan Brady in The Brady Bunch Movie is actually Ann B. Davis, the actress who played Alice in the original Brady Bunch TV series.15 Sean Connery Elvis Presley Charles Bronson Viggo Mortensen Liam Neeson James Cameron Chevy Chase Rock Hudson Celebrities who were truck drivers before they were famous16 From up front to obscure, hopefully these fun truck driver details put your knowledge to the test. 2 3 R TR 1 K DRIVE UC 4 #drivingproud WEEK 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Shane Hamilton (2009-05-01). "America through a political, social, and cultural history of trucking" ©2015 C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. All Rights Reserved.