A very warm welcome to Wayside Dental Practice Let`s get social


A very warm welcome to Wayside Dental Practice Let`s get social
Join us for our OPEN DAY Saturday 18th June | 11am to 4pm
Spring / Summer 2016
A very warm welcome to
Wayside Dental Practice
In this issue we are highlighting the ways
in which we are using social media to
keep in touch with patients and engage
with our local community. There are lots
of ways you can get involved and use it
as a resource for oral health advice and
treatment information, as well as being
kept up-to-date with our latest special
offers and promotions.
Let’s get social!
We are finding that social media is one
of the best ways to keep in touch with
our patients and let you know – in real
time – what’s going on in the practice.
We are now trying to become really
active on social media and are
positively growing our Likes on
Facebook and Followers on Twitter.
Our social media feeds are now a
useful way for us to communicate
important oral health messages to
our patients as well as to the
general community.
You will also find out more about the
benefits of regular hygiene
appointments, as well as Saturday
appointments which are now available,
and be introduced to our new hygienist
Rebecca Katesmark. Take a look at how
Robin, Christina and Louise got on at the
Academy of Laser Dentistry Conference
that they attended in April in Orlando.
It’s also a useful channel for us to
highlight many of the life-changing
restorative treatments we offer. And as
we build our community, we hope our
social media will be a place where you
can exchange information and access
local and dental information.
Read on to find out how you can get the most out of being a
patient at Wayside Dental Practice.
Introducing our
NEW CBCT scanner
Wayside Dental Practice Harpenden
CBCT stands for Cone Beam
Computed Tomography and involves
the use of rotating x-rays, combined
with a digital computer to obtain
images of the teeth, jaws and the
skeletal framework of the whole skull.
Using CBCT imaging we can obtain very
clear cross sectional images of hard and
soft tissues, which enable us to diagnose
more accurately and plan treatments
more effectively.
CBCT scanning is faster and safer than
traditional scanning as the size of
scan, the radiation dose and the time
needed for scanning are all dramatically
reduced. Typically we can complete a
scan in our practice in under a minute,
using a radiation dose which is up to a
hundred times less than that of a
regular scan.
We’d love you to join us on
Twitter and Facebook and by way
of a thank you we are offering all
patients who Follow or Like us
during June and July a 10%
discount off home
whitening treatments.
Wayside Dental Practice Harpenden
Join us today to
claim your free
10% off
home whitening !
Visit www.waysidedental.co.uk or
call 01582 712 470 for more details.
w. www.waysidedental.co.uk
t. 01582 712 470
e. [email protected]
a. 2 Douglas Road | Harpenden | AL5 2EW
Dentist Robin speaks at international dental conference
We are very proud that in April, our
Practice Principal Robin spoke at the
Academy of Laser Dentistry Conference
in Orlando. This annual event is attended
by dental professionals from all over the
world and being asked to speak is a
great honour.
Robin was joined on the trip by
Practice Manager Christina and Head
Nurse Louise who learned about the
increasing body of research that is being
completed worldwide on the benefits of
using lasers in dental treatments.
They also attended an exhibition where
all of the latest laser innovations were
showcased – and were delighted to see
the exciting new lasers and equipment
that we hope will be making their way to
Europe very soon.
Much more research has now been
conducted on the use of low level light
lasers and the contribution this
technology makes to healing and tissue
regeneration, in a process called
photobiomodulation. Low level light
therapy can stimulate cell and tissue
responses to promote healing, reduce
inflammation and induce analgesia.
Robin routinely uses this type of laser in
all dental treatments that involve
surgery. These lasers have also been
shown to help patients undergoing
cancer treatment when their
chemotherapy causes damage to tissues
in their mouth. A few minutes of laser
therapy each week can significantly
ease symptoms and assist patients
in completing their course of
cancer treatment.
For more information on laser
dentistry, see the information we
have on our website or pick up one
of our information
leaflets when you are next in
the practice.
Rebecca Katesmark
GDC no. 153496
Rebecca qualified as a
Dental Nurse in 2004 and
went on to further her studies at
St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London,
completing her Diploma in Dental
Hygiene and Dental Therapy in 2011.
She won the prize for “Most outstanding
work of a dental therapist (2009-2011)”.
We are very much looking forward to her
being part of the team.
You can now book an appointment
directly with the hygienist without
being referred by your dentist. This
means you do not have to be
registered with a dentist at our
practice to see the hygienist.
Saturday hygiene appointments now
available and hygienist Rebecca
joins Wayside
We are delighted to welcome a new
addition to our team here at Wayside.
Hygienist Rebecca Katesmark is joining
us in June and is looking forward to
meeting all our patients over the next
few months.
Hygiene is one of our key priorities
and we want to make sure that all our
patients have access to good oral care
to keep your teeth and gums in tip-top
condition. And here at Wayside we are
delighted that we can now offer hygiene
appointments on Saturdays, these 30
minute appointments will cost £71.25
(£57 for members of our Oral Care Plan).
Visit www.waysidedental.co.uk or call 01582 712 470 for more details.
w. www.waysidedental.co.uk
t. 01582 712 470
e. [email protected]
A visit to the hygienist will clean your
teeth thoroughly, removing plaque and
tartar that builds up despite regular
brushing, and finish with a polish to
make your teeth look and feel great.
Expert advice on how best to maintain
a good oral hygiene routine and how to
avoid common problems such as bad
breath is all part of our hygiene service.
As an additional service, our hygienists
can also treat your teeth to Airflow
Polishing. This is a hygiene cleaning
treatment that takes around 30 minutes
and delivers a high pressure mix of air,
water and sodium bicarbonate, removing
stains caused by coffee, tea and red wine
etc. leaving your whole mouth feeling
fantastically clean and fresh!
a. 2 Douglas Road | Harpenden | AL5 2EW