Info list Odzaci - Netherlands Embassy in Belgrade, Serbia
Info list Odzaci - Netherlands Embassy in Belgrade, Serbia
BUSINESS FRIENDLY MUNICIPALITY E 70 Odžaci E 75 45o30’N, 19o15’E Location Population Territory Budget M Contact AP Vojvodina 30,196 411 km²; 85.56% arable land, 4.94% forests, 9.5% roads and other RSD 924 million; 14.5% capital investments 24 Knez Mihajlova street, 25250 Odžaci, +381 25 5 743 211, [email protected] Municipality of Odžaci is located in the north-west part of Serbia, in proximity of the border crossing with Croatia and 65 km from the border with Hungary, which makes it a strategic logistic location for the European Union market. The municipality is 35 km away from Pan-European Corridor X, while the international port Bogojevo on the Danube river is located in the municipality. With more than 100 years of tradition in industrial and agriculture production, the municipality offers educated work force in the field of textile, chemical and machine industry, as well as agriculture. Odžaci hosts successful investors – Canadian company Magna Seating, leader in production of car upholstery and Austrian Greiner Packaging, producer of glasses for food industry. The largest domestic companies are HI Hipol, the first and only domestic producer of polypropylene, and Standard Gas which is the largest private producer of energy in Serbian market with its facilities in Odžaci. Municipality’s most significant natural resource is arable agriculture land, covering the area of 350 km2. Potential investors have at disposal completely equipped working zone Block 46, as well as available locations suitable for both greenfield and brownfield investments. 2013 © National Alliance for Local Economic Development BUDAPEST (296 km) VIENNA (533 km) ODŽACI PROXIMITY TO NEAREST BORDER CROSSINGS Croatia 3 km Hungary 60 km BELGRADE (139 km) SOFIA (527 km) THESSALONIKI (765 km) ISTANBUL (1,126 km) invest in ODŽACI HUMAN RESOURCES Work force: 20,858 Education structure: 9% college and university degrees, 62% high school, 29% elementary and lower Education profiles / schools and faculties: Education profiles in the fields of economy, machine industry, textile industry, chemistry, trade Number of unemployed: 4,671, unemployment rate 30% Average gross salary: € 420 per month LOCAL ECONOMY Number of enterprises: 254 companies and 755 entrepreneurs Size: 97.8% small, 1.8% middle-sized and 0.4% large Dominant industries: Agriculture, chemical industry, automotive industry, textile industry, packaging industry, food industry The largest domestic companies: HI Hipol (chemical industry), Standard gas (alternative energy) The most significant foreign investors: Magna Seating (automotive industry, Canada), Greiner Packaging (packaging industry, Austria) TRAFFIC CONNECTIONS Highway (Corridor X): Access to E-75 via main road M-3 – 35 km away Main roads: M-3 (connection with Croatia), M-18 (connection with Hungary) Railroad lines (Corridor X): Railroad lines Odžaci-Novi Sad and Odžaci-Sombor The Danube (Corridor VII): Port Bogojevo, canal Danube-Tisa-Danube Airport: Airport Nikola Tesla, Belgrade – 139 km away, Airport Osijek – 55 km away Land area and purpose Ownership structure Infrastructure Location Price and type of acquisition Land development fee Local incentives INDUSTRIAL ZONE 205,191 m², production and processing 100% municipal ownership Access road, possibility of connection to all the necessary infrastructure 1 km from city center, next to M-3 and train station, 35 km from E-75 € 5.3 / m² starting price for lease (auction) and purchase € 4.5 / m² Reduction of land development fee NALED, Makedonska 30/VII, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 33 73 063, [email protected] INVEST IN Odžaci VAST NATURAL RESOURCES, LONG TRADITION AND FACTS t The agricultural area in Odzaci covers 35,000 ha and the entire area is arable t5IF BWBJMBCMF BSBCMF MBOE JO UIF NVOJDJQBMJUZ PG 0E[BDJ JT IB QFS DJUJ[FO XIJDIJTNPSFUIBOUIF&VSPQFBOBWFSBHFBOENPSFUIBOUIFSFTUPG4FSCJB t5IFMBOEJTTUBOEJOHPOMPFTTBOEMPFTTUFSSBDFTXJUIIJHIQSPEVDUJPORVBMJUZ NFBEPXCMBDLTPJMBOEDBMDBSFPVTDIFSOP[FNXJUIBTJHOJmDBOUMBZFSPGIVNVT tPGBSBCMFMBOEJTQMBOUFEXJUIHSBJODSPQTXIFBUDPSOBOETPZUIFSFXBT BUPUBMPGUPOTPGHSBJOQSPEVDFEJO0E[BDJJO tPGBSBCMFMBOEJTQMBOUFEXJUIJOEVTUSJBMQMBOUTNPTUMZTVHBSCFFUXJUI WFHFUBCMFTNPTUMZQPUBUPFTBOENFMPOBOEXJUIGPSBHFDSPQT t5IFDMJNBUFDPOEJUJPOTBSFIJHIMZGBWPSBCMFGPSUIFEFWFMPQNFOUPGBHSJDVMUVSF t5IFNVOJDJQBMJUZJTSJDIJOXBUFSSFTPVSDFTo%BOVCFSJWFSXJUILNMPOHTIPSF BOEUIFDBOBM%BOVCF5JTB%BOVCFMPOHLNBSFnPXJOHUISPVHIUIFNV OJDJQBMJUZ t5IFNVOJDJQBMBSFBJTUIVTJOUFSTFDUFEXJUITUSFBNTXJUIPSDIFTUSBUFEnPXSF HJNFFYDFQUGPS%BOVCF BMMPXJOHESBJOBHFPGFYDFTTJWFXBUFSGSPNUIJTBSFB BOECSJOHJOHUIFOFDFTTBSZBNPVOUPGXBUFSGPSJSSJHBUJPOBOEPUIFSQVSQPTFT t5IFSBUJPPGBSBCMFMBOEBOEBHSJDVMUVSFXPSLFSTJTBMTPGBWPSBCMFoIBQFS FNQMPZFF t0VUPGUIFUPUBMOVNCFSPGTNBMMBOENFEJVNFOUFSQSJTFTXPSLJOBHSJDVMUVSF t-BSHFCJPNBTTQPUFOUJBMGSPNBHSJDVMUVSBMSFTJEVFTUIFXIFBUTUSBXQPUFOUJBMJT DBUPOT t*OUFSOBUJPOBMBHSJDVMUVSFGBJSJO/PWJ4BELNBXBZGSPN0E[BDJJTUIFMBSHFTU FWFOUPGJUTLJOEJO4FSCJBBOEPOFPGUIFMBSHFTUJO4PVUI&BTU&VSPQF t5IFmSTU$PNNPEJUZ&YDIBOHFXBTGPVOEFECBDLJOBOETJODFUIFGPVO EBUJPOPG$PNNPEJUZ&YDIBOHF/PWJ4BEJOUPUIJTEBZUIFSFXBTBUVSO PWFSPGNPSFUIBONJMMJPOUPOTPGHPPET t"HSJDVMUVSBMQSPEVDUJPOBDDPVOUTGPSPGUPUBMJOEVTUSJBMQSPEVDUJPOJO7PKWP dina, the region Odzaci are situated in E 70 E 75 invest in ODŽACI HUMAN RESOURCES: t5IFNBKPSJUZPGXPSLJOHBHFQPQVMBUJPOJTFOHBHFEJOQSJNBSZBHSJDVMUVSBMQSPEVDUJPO t)JHIRVBMJUZ FEVDBUJPOBM JOTUJUVUJPOT TVDI BT UIF 'BDVMUZ PG "HSJDVMUVSF *OTUJUVUF GPS 'JFMEBOE7FHFUBCMF$SPQTBOE7FUFSJOBSZ*OTUJUVUFBOE*OTUJUVUFGPS'PPE5FDIOPMPHJFT HJWJOHUIFCFTUQSPGFTTJPOBMTJOUIFmFMEPGBHSJDVMUVSFBSFMPDBUFEJODMPTFQSPYJNJUZPG UIFNVOJDJQBMJUZPG0E[BDJ SPECIFIC ADVANTAGES OF ODZACI FOR INVESTING IN PROCESSING CAPACITIES AND AGRICULTURE ARE THE FOLLOWING: t5PQRVBMJUZMBOEJO7PKWPEJOBXJUIUIFQPTTJCJMJUZPGJSSJHBUJPO"EFWFMPQFEDBOBMOFU XPSLGPSJSSJHBUJPOBOEESBJOBHFXJUIIJHIMFWFMPGJOWFTUNFOUTJOUPUIFOFUXPSLPWFSUIF QSFWJPVTZFBSTUISPVHIDMFBOJOHBOESFIBCJMJUBUJPO t'BNJMZDPPQFSBUJWFTUIBUIBWFTJHOJmDBOUMBOEDBQBDJUJFTUIBUDBOCFFBTJMZPSHBOJ[FE GPSQSPEVDUJPO t"MBSHFOVNCFSPGQSPEVDFSTFYQFSJFODFEJOTNBMMBSFBQSPEVDUJPOUIBUDBOCFVTFE GPSPSHBOJ[JOHBOPSHBOJDBHSJDVMUVSFDIBJO t5IFXJEFSBSFBJTUIFDFOUFSPGQSPDFTTJOHJOEVTUSZJO7PKWPEJOBXJUIPJMGBDUPSJFTTVHBS SFmOFSJFTNFBUJOEVTUSJFT t'SFFUSBEFBHSFFNFOUTTVDIBTUIPTFXJUI3VTTJBBOE5VSLFZXIJDIHJWFFYQPSUBD DFTTUPUIFNBSLFUPGUXPIVOESFENJMMJPOQFPQMF t&YDFMMFOUMPHJTUJDBMMPDBUJPOGPSUIF&6NBSLFUQSPYJNJUZUP$SPBUJBBOE)VOHBSZQPSU #PHPKFWPPO%BOVCFTUSBUFHJDBMMZMPDBUFEOFYUUPUIFCPSEFSDSPTTJOHXJUI$SPBUJB XJUIUISFFUSBOTQPSUNPEFMTCFJOHJOUFSTFDUFESPBESBJMSPBEBOESJWFSDMPTFUP%BO VCF#PHPKFWPQPSU tIBPGBWBJMBCMFMBOETVJUBCMFGPSUIFDPOTUSVDUJPOPG*OUFSOBUJPOBMSFHJPOBMMPHJTUJDT center AVAILABLE GREENFIELD AND BROWNFIELD LOCATIONS 5IFNVOJDJQBMJUZPG0E[BDJIBTBCVTJOFTT[POFPGIBXJUIBMMQBSDFMTIBWJOHUIF QPTTJCJMJUZPGDPOOFDUJOHUPUIFUSBGmDFMFDUSJDJUZXBUFSTFXFSBHFUFMFDPNNVOJDBUJPOT BOEHBTOFUXPSL5IFCVTJOFTT[POFJTMPDBUFELNGSPNUIF$SPBUJBOCPSEFSBOE LNGSPN)VOHBSZLNBXBZGSPNUIF&IJHIXBZDPOOFDUJOH8FTUFSO&VSPQF XJUIUIF.JEEMF&BTULNBXBZGSPNUIF%BOVCFQPSU#PHPKFWPBOELNGSPN #FMHSBEFBJSQPSU*OBEEJUJPOUPJOWFTUNFOUPQQPSUVOJUJFTJOUIFCVTJOFTT[POFUIFJO WFTUPSTIBWFBUEJTQPTBMUIFIJHIMZFRVJQQFEQSJWBUFPXOFEDPOTUSVDUFEGBDJMJUJFTXJUI WBDBOUQSPEVDUJPOBOEPGmDFQBDF POTENTIAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ODZACI BROWNFIELD LOCATIONS BIMDI ODZACI The “BIMDI” company is engaged in production and sale of men’s, women’s and children’s clothes. The factory complex is situated on the edge of the industrial area, along the railway and road to Sombor and Novi Sad. It has good transport access, input and factory gate on the street side. Housing complexes are linked into a functional whole. All objects have a warm connection and are connected to the common installations and sources of energy. The factory is built as planned, over a long period of time. Within the fenced factory complex manufacturing plants, warehouses of raw materials and finished products, offices, restrooms, objects of social standards and power plants are located. In the factory there are power stations, boiler rooms and buildings for air conditioning. At the entrance to the factory there is a reception desk, the whole circle is fenced, lighted and paved with concrete paths and roads. The circle is greened with lawns, parterre greenery and ornamental trees. All objects are linked to the installation of utility infrastructure. ode=9B075C25437C4EC06FEA37721CDFCEFA70E28224 Total Land Area : 4129,00 m² Total Buildings Area: 3773,00 m² AGROOPREMA Brownfield site "Agrooprema" is located on the main road. It has a hall which extends to 600m ² and meets the requirements for mechanical and chemical production. In addition to the hall, there is also an office space and warehouse, which cover an area of 200 square meters. "Agrooprema" is 100% privately owned with the availability to lease or sell. Total Land Area:10 200,00 m² Total Buildings Area: 3 500,00 m² Cross-border Cooperation for Investment Promotion COMPANY IN BANKRUPCY IMO "POLJOSTROJ" AD ODZACI IN BANKRUPTCY IMO "Poljostroj" ad Odzaci in bankruptcy, is a company for agricultural machines and associated equipment with a long tradition in the municipality of Odžaci. The company IMO "Poljostroj" ad Odžaci 90% of its production markets to the market of the former Soviet Union and its neighbouring countries markets, and only 10% of its production markets to the domestic market and the former Yugoslav republics. "Poljostroj" currently employs about 60 people, which is about 1/3 of the workforce as Poljostroj with existing generation capacity, may employ. When taking into account all the parameters, starting from the workforce, through production machines, tools, dies, suppliers of raw materials, castings and cooperatives Poljostroj could annually produce 300 high-pressure presses PVP-351 which would amount to approximately 1,800,000.00 euros only by high-pressure presses for baling hay and straw. Poljostroj long-term goal is to conquer new markets, to be able to ensure safe future of the company, especially the EU market, for this reason, we work intensively on the introduction of the necessary standards and guidelines necessary to export to the EU. Poor privatization brought the company into a difficult situation and the bankruptcy proceedings of IMO “Poljostroj” were started in September 2011. Receiver after taking over the factory, with the approval of the bankruptcy judge, returned the workers to work and started production. Now production takes place in the company with the help of advance paid by their customers. The company needs long-term financing or a strategic partner who would invest in further production of the company or would buy the company from the state. Total Land Area: 72 .458,00 m² Total Buildings Area: 13.500,00 Assessment of the market value of the property (Evaluation made by "Center for expertise and valuation" d.o.o. from Novi Sad , at 27th April 2012): Value of the property (Production hall, Installation hall, Management building, Storage, Toolroom, Substation ,Warehauses,..) 1.486.687,00 € Value of production equipment: 987.900,00 € 163AFF067B4266622923323E0C05CD592BF2F4 Cross-border Cooperation for Investment Promotion PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP Name of the project: International regional logistic center in Bogojevo-Municipality of Odzaci Description of the project: Municipality of Odzaci has 2 .000.000,00 m² of building land in Municipality ownership. Land is located on the Border-cross with Republic of Croatia on the banks of the Danube River near the Harbor "Danube" in Bogojevo. Location has a connections to the railroad, waterway , and highway corridors and has a potential for construction the Logistic center. Municipality need a private partner for this project. Municipality prepare pre-feasibility study for this project. Cross-border Cooperation for Investment Promotion