PAMREX Manhole Covers - Pacific Pipeline Supply
PAMREX Manhole Covers - Pacific Pipeline Supply
LOAD BEARING 120,000 LBS ONE-MAN OPERABLE REDUCED INFILTRATION AUTOMATIC SURGE RELEASE ODOR CONTROL Access Covers and Gratings PAMREX Manhole Covers Safety Protecting field personnel from the risk of injury and t4FMGDFOUFSJOHEFTJHOPGUIFHBTLFUFMJNJOBUFTUIFOFFE the below-ground networks from catastrophic failure to guide the cover into position when closing. are two of the primary concerns facing engineers and t%FTJHOPGBQFSUVSFTFOTVSFTFBTZJOTFSUJPOBOESFNPWBM municipal administrators. of tools. Research into compressive forces on intervertebral disks has allowed scientific assessment of the physiological restraints linked to handling loads. This research indicates that duration of lift, spinal rotation during lift, and proximity of load to the body during the lift t -JGUJOH MPPQT JO UIF GSBNF BCPWF GBDJMJUBUF TBGF offloading and installation with appropriate equipment. t 5IF DPWFS JT EFTJHOFE UP PQFO BOE SFMFBTF QSFTTVSF if the sewer becomes surcharged (provided that no additional Penta or SCS lock has been fitted and that the frame has been securely anchored to the top of the are key risk factors for utility employees who regularly chimney). handle manhole covers. t5IFDPWFSDBOCFSFNPWFEJGSFRVJSFE Ductile Iron Ductile iron provides a superior strength-to- weight Strength ratio, which allows up to a 50% weight savings t 1".3&9 JT DBQBCMF PG XJUITUBOEJOH BO BWFSBHF compared to cast-iron designs. load of 120,000 lbs. This is much greater than the AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Design of PAMREX Transportation Officials) H20 heavy duty loading. t 1".3&9 IBT CFFO JOEFQFOEFOUMZ UFTUFE CZ B 64 t*NQSPWFEFSHPOPNJDT facility. – Hinges reduce the physical effort by 50%. – Hinges allow the operator to move in a straight line, thereby avoiding damaging spinal rotation. – Hinges minimize the duration of the lift; the hinge also Stability and Durability retains the cover in a safe and controlled way during and t(BTLFUSJOHTBCTPSCEBNBHJOHUSBGmDTIPDLBOEIFMQ after the lift. to prevent the breakdown of frame bedding materials. – Lifting points in the cover are designed for use with Therefore, structural failure that can lead to more serious standard tools (pickaxe/hook/bar). problems like frame instability is significantly reduced. Scientific analysis has clearly shown that new gaskets absorb 64% of the shock, and even after many years of service continue to absorb over 50% of the shock. */41&$5*0/ t(BTLFUSJOHTFOTVSFDPWFSTUBCJMJUZSFHBSEMFTTPGUSBGmD *OTFSUUIFCBS Raise the cover to make a visual inspection 01&/*/( conditions. 100 Shock Absorption assessment 80 64% 60 Natural continuation of opening movement Bar is easy to remove once the cover is open 20 0 t)JOHFJODPSQPSBUFTB¡CMPDLJOHGFBUVSFUPQSFWFOU BDDJEFOUBMDMPTVSF&NQMPZFFTNVTUFOTVSFUIBUUIF IJOHFIPVTJOHJTLFQUGSFFPGEFCSJTBOEUIBUUIF ¡CMPDLJOHIBTQSPQFSMZBDUJWBUFECFGPSFFOUFSJOH JOUPUIFDIBNCFS 54% 40 0 Cast-iron cover Ductile iron with elastomer gasket New Gasket After 7 years PAMREX Anti-Theft Cover Locks The following locking devices were designed to increase SFTJTUBODF UP OPOBVUIPSJ[FE BDDFTT *U NVTU CF OPUFE that neither of these devices will prevent the determined criminal or vandal from gaining access. SCS Locking Kits tUVSOMPDLJTBDUJWBUFECZBCPMUXIJDIIBTBVOJRVF notched cylindrical head design; this feature improves security by ensuring that the SCS locking key can only be removed once the manhole cover has been returned to Penta Locking Kits the locked position. High security SCS key t 5IF 4$4 LFZ IBT BO JOUFSOBM USJHHFS Handling key Brass bolt O-Ring washer operated lug that releases the key from the head of the bolt. – The key can only be released once the manhole cover is locked, thus making it Galvanized steel locking bar Anti-vibration nut impossible to forget to lock the cover. t0OTJUFJOTUBMMBUJPOUBLFTmWFNJOVUFT tUVSOMPDLBDUJWBUFECZBOBTZNNFUSJDBMmWFTJEFE bolt head. – Punch out the center of the locking bolt area. t0OTJUFJOTUBMMBUJPOUBLFTmWFNJOVUFT o *OTUBMM UIF LJU JO DPNQMJBODF XJUI UIF – Punch out the center of the locking bolt position. instructions supplied. o *OTUBMM UIF LJU JO DPNQMJBODF XJUI UIF JOTUSVDUJPOT t3FRVJSFTVTFPGUIF4$4LFZJODMVEFEJOUIFDPNQMFUFLJU supplied. t-PDLNVTUCFPQFSBUFEXJUIUIFIBOEMJOHLFZTVQQMJFE with the kit or separately. – The SCS key should not be used to open the covers. Covers should only be opened using standard tools and the lifting points provided. t 5IF JOTUBMMBUJPO PG B 1FOUB MPDL XJMM OPU BMMPX UIF cover to open under pressure when the sewer becomes surcharged. t 5IF JOTUBMMBUJPO PG BO 4$4 MPDL XJMM OPU BMMPX UIF cover to open under pressure when the sewer becomes surcharged. 1FOUB,JUTGPS1".3&9wBOE 1".3&9w 4$4,JUTGPS1".3&9wBOE 1".3&9w MODEL REFERENCES MODEL REFERENCES ,*58*5))"/%-*/(,&: C5 ,*58*5))"/%-*/(,&: C7 ,*58*5)065)"/%-*/(,&: C6 ,*58*5)065)"/%-*/(,&: $ )"/%-*/(,&: C17 )"/%-*/(,&: $ 1FOUB,JUTGPS1".3&9w 4$4,JUTGPS1".3&9w MODEL REFERENCES MODEL REFERENCES ,*58*5))"/%-*/(,&: $ ,*58*5))"/%-*/(,&: C15 ,*58*5)065)"/%-*/(,&: C14 ,*58*5)065)"/%-*/(,&: C16 )"/%-*/(,&: C17 )"/%-*/(,&: $ Specification t1".3&9PSTJNJMBSBQQSPWFE.BOIPMF$PWFSBOE'SBNF t$PWFSTBOE'SBNFTTIBMMCFNBOVGBDUVSFEGSPN%VDUJMF *SPOJOBDDPSEBODFXJUI*40 t$PWFSTTIBMMCFPOFNBOPQFSBCMFVTJOHTUBOEBSEUPPMT and shall be capable of withstanding an average load of 120,000 lbs. t $PWFST UP CF IJOHFE BOE JODPSQPSBUF B ¡ CMPDLJOH system to prevent accidental closure. t'SBNFTTIBMMCFDJSDVMBSBOETIBMMJODPSQPSBUFBTFBUJOH HBTLFU GSBNF EFQUI TIBMM OPU FYDFFE w w BOE w PSww t 'SBNFT TIBMM CF DPNQMFUF XJUI EVBM XJQFS JOmMUSBUJPO resistant hinge plugs. t5IFnBOHFTIBMMJODPSQPSBUFCFEEJOHTMPUTBOECPMUIPMFT t"MMDPNQPOFOUTTIBMMCFCMBDLDPBUFE t 1SPEVDU TIBMM CF NBOVGBDUVSFE JO *40 DFSUJmFE manufacturing plants. The PAMREX Range PAMREX 24” *TEFTJHOFEUPDPQFXJUIBOZLJOEPGUSBGmDCVUSFNBJOTRVJFUUIBOLTUPJUTelastomer gasket. 1".3&9JTBSFMJBCMFNBOIPMFDPWFSUIBUIBTXJUITUPPEUIFUFTUPGUJNF t0QFOTUP¡CMPDLTBU¡XIFODMPTJOHt&MBTUPNFSHBTLFUt)MPBESBUFEt*OmMUSBUJPOQMVH t4JOHMFIJOHFt-JGUJOHMPPQTJOUFHSBMUPGSBNFt-PDLJOHEFWJDFTBWBJMBCMF BADGINGS MASS (LBS.) REFERENCES $07&3 TOTAL DIMENSIONS (IN.) A O H 45"/%"3%/0/& $%1"&) 122 24 4 4&8&3 $%1"&)4&8 122 24 4 4"/*5"3:4&8&3 $%1"&)44& 122 24 4 %3"*/ $%1"&)%3" 122 24 4 PAMREX 28” )BTUIFTBNFGVODUJPOBMGFBUVSFTBT1".3&9w"DDFTTJTNBEFUISPVHIa wide wopening specially designed for systems requiring special safety conditions for operators. t0QFOTUP¡CMPDLTBU¡XIFODMPTJOHt&MBTUPNFSHBTLFUt)MPBESBUFEt*OmMUSBUJPOQMVH t4JOHMFIJOHFt-JGUJOHMPPQTJOUFHSBMUPGSBNFt-PDLJOHEFWJDFTBWBJMBCMF BADGINGS MASS (LBS.) REFERENCES $07&3 TOTAL DIMENSIONS (IN.) A O H 45"/%"3%/0/& $%1"&) 240 27-1/2 4 4&8&3 $%1"&)4&8 240 27-1/2 4 4"/*5"3:4&8&3 $%1"&)44& 240 27-1/2 4 %3"*/ $%1"&)%3" 240 27-1/2 4 PAMREX 32” Provides easy opening, while continuing to offer the high performance levels of the successful 1".3&9 w BOE w DMFBS PQFOJOH EFTJHOT 5IF w DMFBS PQFOJOH FOBCMFT NBJOUFOBODF personnel to enter the manhole with their safety equipment, or to lower bulky equipment into the below-ground network. Gas-arm for assisted opening and closing can be installed in plant only. Please consult your sales representative. t0QFOTUP¡CMPDLTBU¡XIFODMPTJOHt&MBTUPNFSHBTLFUt)MPBESBUFEt*OmMUSBUJPOQMVH tDouble hinge t-JGUJOHMPPQTJOUFHSBMUPGSBNFt-PDLJOHEFWJDFT BADGINGS MASS (LBS.) REFERENCES $07&3 TOTAL DIMENSIONS (IN.) A O H 45"/%"3%/0/& $%1"&) 162 5 4&8&3 $%1"&)4&8 162 5 4"/*5"3:4&8&3 $%1"&)44& 162 5 %3"*/ $%1"&)%3" 162 5 PAMREX 36” Designed to enable easy access to large manhole openings, the new unit features a unique EVBMIJOHFEFTJHOBOEBHBTBSNTUSVU.BOVGBDUVSFEGSPNIJHITUSFOHUIMJHIUXFJHIUEVDUJMF iron, the unit maintains all of the performance levels you’ve come to expect from the original 1".3&9SBOHF5IFESBNBUJDSFEVDUJPOJOXFJHIUBTDPNQBSFEUPUSBEJUJPOBMDBTUJSPOBOE the easy handling provided by this design, finally solves the access problem faced by utility operators and maintenance personnel, who would ordinarily require specialty equipment to PQFOBOEFOUFSMBSHFNBOIPMFT&BTZBDDFTT8JEFPQFOJOHwDMFBS FOBCMFTFBTZBDDFTT t)JHITUSFOHUIt&SHPOPNJDBEWBOUBHFt4BGFt*OmMUSBUJPOSFTJTUBOUt4JMFOUt4UBCMF t4FDVSJUZt3FUSPmUCBEHF MASS (LBS.) DIMENSIONS (IN.) $07&3 TOTAL 205 A O w H w PAMREX Manhole Covers Designed to handle the rigors of modern traffic DPOEJUJPOT 1".3&9 XJUI BO BWFSBHF MPBECFBSJOH strength of 120,000 lbs, is capable of withstanding loads much greater than the AASHTO H20 requirement. 'VSUIFSNPSF UIJT TVQFSJPS QFSGPSNBODF JT BDIJFWFE JO TJMFODF UIBOLT UP 1".3&9T VOJRVF FMBTUPNFS HBTLFU .PSFSFDFOUFOIBODFNFOUTJODMVEFJNQSPWFEFSHPOPNJD and security features. 5IFSFBSFPWFSNJMMJPO1".VOJUTJOUIFHSPVOEBSPVOE Highlights the world utilizing technically advanced materials and t%VDUJMFJSPO engineering. Our focus on the needs of the end-user t"WBJMBCMFJOwwBOEwPQFOJOH — rather than developing products merely to meet a t)JOHFEDPWFS minimum performance standard — led us to ductile t0QUJPOBMMPDLJOHGFBUVSFT iron, a superior alternative to cast iron in terms of weight, t*OEFQFOEFOUMZUFTUFEBOEDFSUJmFE strength and designability. Lifting eyes Frame slots For an improved embedment Closed key holes For use with standard tools (bars, pickaxe and hook) Infiltration plug Hinge Product information and traceability: - H20 loading - EN 124 - Date of manufacture Infiltration To dramatically reduce the amount of surface water t&BDI1".3&9DPWFSmUUFEXJUIBQMVHJTJEFOUJmFECZ FOUFSJOHUIFTFXFSTZTUFN1".3&9DPWFSTGFBUVSFBO means of a sticker (below right). innovative plug for the hinge housing. 5IFiEVBMXJQFSwQMVHSFEVDFTUIFBNPVOUPGXBUFS entering the network while at the same time enabling debris to be easily removed from the hinge housing. t5IFGBDUPSZmUUFEQMVHOFBSSJHIU JTTUBOEBSEPOBMM 1".3&9wwBOEwDPWFST 4"*/5(0#"*/$"/"-*;"±°0-5%" &TDSJUØSJP$FOUSBM Praia de Botafogo, 440, 70 andar 3JPEF+BOFJSPt3+ Brasil 5FM 'BY [email protected]