Electronic Signature Authentication
Electronic Signature Authentication
Electronic Signature Authentication (ESA) Resident/Fellow User Documentation For ESA Assistance, please contact Darlene Warwick at 40202 or Nancy Collier at 724-2365 or pager 762-0607 or Paula Dixon at 724-3798 or pager 633-2146 1 Dictation Requirements • Identify yourself with your first and last name • Dictate the full patient name and MRN • Dictate the Date of Service • Always speak slowly and clearly • Operative Notes and H&Ps must be dictated within 24 hours 2 Dictation Requirements • If dictation is to be sent to another physician – always dictate first and last names of the other physician Do not send a copy to the attending provider • Identify the attending provider - first and last name – If the attending provider is not dictated, transcription will flag the document as incomplete – You will be required to respond back to transcription with the correct attending provider name. – DO NOT TYPE THE ATTENDING’S NAME IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT 3 Accessing ESA through Citrix from the S&W Network ESA is accessible from any PC with Internet access that has Internet Explorer V5.5 or higher. The PC must have Windows 2000 or the Windows XP operating system. From any S&W networked PC: 1. Display Internet Explorer 2. Type mirage on the browser address line. Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk 3. Use your Network User ID and network password to log into Citrix (Mirage) 4 Accessing ESA through Citrix from Outside the S&W Network • ESA is accessible from any PC with Internet access that has Internet Explorer V5.5 or higher. The PC must have a Citrix workstation file and Windows 2000 or the Windows XP operating system. • Connect to your Internet Service Provider • Type mirage.sw.org on the URL address line • Press ENTER and the Citrix login window will display. – You may be asked to download a Citrix workstation file to the PC. – Please do this and take all the defaults recommended by the Citrix install program. 5 Citrix Log on Problems If you do not know your Novell user ID or password OR If you get the “invalid credentials” error message when logging in, please contact the IS help desk at 254-724-2501 for assistance. IS help desk is available 24/7. 6 Accessing ESA from the Citrix Desktop window Once you have logged into Citrix, the Citrix “desktop” will display. Click once on the SoftMed ESA ICON. The SoftMed logon window will display. Use your ESA user ID which is your NOVELL user ID. The first time ESA password login is ESA. This step will prompt you to create a ESA personal password. DO NOT click Create Login. 7 “ICA file not found” message If you get the “ICA file not found” message, call the help desk 724-2501 8 The ESA Search Criteria Screen After you have successfully logged into ESA, the ESA Search Criteria screen will display. The default Search criteria screen will always be dictating and not signed. Click OK to display the ESA dictating document list. 9 Deficiency Details Button • You can click the deficiency details button to see any deficiencies associated with your provider ID number • SoftMed deficiencies are currently tracked on inpatient document types: 1. Admission H & P 2. Operative notes 3. Discharge summaries 4. Initial inpatient consultations 10 Viewing Deficiency Details •When you click the deficiency details button, you can view any medical record chart deficiencies that are allocated to your provider ID #. •You can not update or change chart deficiency allocations from ESA. •Report all deficiency related problems via GroupWise to the Record Completion email account. Record Completion will respond within 24 hours. •Please do not open IS help desk tickets on chart deficiency problems. 11 Initial ESA document display screen The ESA display column headers “sort” similarly to an Excel spreadsheet. Your reports will be sorted by Service Date to display the oldest reports first. Please note - when you sort by service date, the discharge summaries and admit H&Ps service date will be blank. To sort by patient or MRNclick the grey “column header” description. •Please sign the oldest reports first. •400 is the maximum number of ESA displayed reports. •It is very important to sign your reports within 30 days. •Dictation will not be sent to another physician until it has been E-signed. 12 Document Status Icons 13 Document Status ICON descriptions Document with a ? = The dictating resident has an Incomplete Transcription. Document with a Paper clip = message “TO” transcription from the dictating resident or from a Senior Staff to the dictating resident A document with a ? or paperclip cannot be E-signed 14 The Document Viewer Window •All document header and signature block information will be in Red text. •If a change to the header information or attending provider, needs to be made, the resident cannot make the changes. •Send a message with the changes to transcription. After you have sent a message with the correct information to Transcription, click OK and select the Next Document button to display the next report in the list. 15 ESA Messages (1) If there is a problem with your transcription, a yellow ESA Message window will display automatically when you open the document in the ESA viewer. Read the message 1. Respond in the message box. 2. Click the OK button to close the message window. 3.Click the Next Document button to move to the next report. 16 ESA Messages (2) If there is a problem with your transcription, a yellow ESA Message window will display automatically when you open the document in the ESA viewer. • Read the message • If you have an incomplete document, Click the eraser button to delete the text in the message. • Click the OK button to close the message window. • Select edit to edit the document. • Save the Document 17 Saving an Edited Document When you have finished editing your report click the ESA edit toolbar Save button ICON to save your changes. 18 ESA Signature Box DO NOT delete or type inside the signature box DO NOT delete the extra lines above or below the signature box. 19 Editing Transcription •When editing transcription “blanks”( <_________>), be sure to delete the “blank” markers from the report text. •After the document is E-signed, the medical content cannot be changed. •If a change is required after E-signature, an addendum will need to be dictated. 20 The Document Viewer print button You may print a document from within ESA to use as a personal portfolio. This copy will state – “not an authenticated copy”. 21 The Preliminary E-Sign Step After you have reviewed the report for medical content accuracy and saved any edits, you must “preliminarily” E-sign the report. Click the Review or Sign button. The next document in your ESA list will automatically display. If you can not complete esigning all your dictations, use the close button at the bottom right-hand corner. This will take you back to the document display screen where you will ‘finalize’ the documents you have preliminarily e-signed. 22 The Undo Button If you accidentally “E-sign" a document and want to “undo” the preliminary signature action, use the UNDO button on the document list window. Highlight the document you wish to “undo”. Click the UNDO button. Click the YES button to confirm the undo action. This will allow you make further “edits” to the document. 23 The ESA Finalize Step All documents that have been “Preliminarily Esigned" will have RED check marks next to the status ICON. These documents will not be "Authenticated" until you have completed the Finalize step. Click the Finalize button Enter your ESA personal password to finalize the documents. 24 The ESA Time Out Functionality ESA is setup with the same time out as the S&W EMR system – 30 minutes of inactivity and the system will automatically log you out of ESA. If you do not perform the finalize step and the ESA time out occurs, all ESA “preliminary signatures” will be lost. The preliminary signature step will have to be repeated . 25 The End You have completed the orientation module for how to use ESA. Please sign and return to your Program Administrator to show you have completed this module. Signature: _________________________ 26