Practical issues in ScvO2 monitoring
Practical issues in ScvO2 monitoring
Practical issues in ScvO2 monitoring Prof. Jan Bakker MD PhD Chair dept of Intensive Care [email protected] 1 Supply-Demand 2 TO2 = Hb x SaO2 x CO x ζ OXYGEN DEMAND OXYGEN SUPPLY 3 Oxygen Extraction Ratio 100 ml O2 consumption is 25 ml O2 50 ml O2 consumption is 25 ml O2 75 ml O2 O2ER = 25% 25 ml O2 O2ER = 50% 4 Oxygen extraction O2ER % Decreased DO2 5 ScvO2 - SvO2 monitoring 6 Extraction and Mixed venous oxygenation O2ER = CaO2 - CvO2 CaO2 O2ER = [SaO2 x Hb + (0.0036xPaO2)] - [SvO2 x Hb + (0.0036 x PvO2)] SaO2 x Hb + (0.0036xPaO2) O2ER ≈ 1 - SvO2 7 Oxygen extraction Decreased DO2 Therapy Withdrawn in Brain Death Patient Lactate (mmol/L) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 SvO2 (%) 50 60 70 80 8 Venous oximetry ‣ Understand basic physiology of oxygen demand and supply ‣ Understand compensatory mechanisms when either changes ‣ What is the incidence of abnormal values ‣ What is the clinical impact of abnormal values ‣ When are abnormal values acceptable and unacceptable ‣ Can you treat abnormal values, by what measures and for how long to benefit the patient 9 Bracht et al. Crit Care 2007;11:R2 10 Venous oximetry ‣ Understand basic physiology of oxygen demand and supply ‣ Understand compensatory mechanisms when either changes ‣ What is the incidence of abnormal values ‣ What is the clinical impact of abnormal values ‣ When are abnormal values acceptable and unacceptable ‣ Can you treat abnormal values, by what measures and for how long to benefit the patient 11 Clinical relevance 60 patients abdominal surgery Crit Care 2006;10:R158 48 elective surgery, 12 emergency surgery 12 Adequacy of CO Resuscitation using restoration to normal of traditional hemodynamics does not restore parameters associated with adequate global blood flow and tissue oxygenation Normal SO2 in the right atrium as a target of therapy improves outcome Am J Emerg Med 1996;14(2):218-225 § N Engl J Med 2001;345(19):1368-1377 13 Venous oximetry ‣ Understand basic physiology of oxygen demand and supply ‣ Understand compensatory mechanisms when either changes ‣ What is the incidence of abnormal values ‣ What is the clinical impact of abnormal values ‣ When are abnormal values acceptable and unacceptable ‣ Can you treat abnormal values, by what measures and for how long to benefit the patient 14 The New En g land Jo ur nal o f Medicine EARLY GOAL-DIRECTED THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF SEVERE SEPSIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK EMANUEL RIVERS, M.D., M.P.H., BRYANT NGUYEN, M.D., SUZANNE HAVSTAD, M.A., JULIE RESSLER, B.S., ALEXANDRIA MUZZIN, B.S., BERNHARD KNOBLICH, M.D., EDWARD PETERSON, PH.D., AND MICHAEL TOMLANOVICH, M.D., FOR THE EARLY GOAL-DIRECTED THERAPY COLLABORATIVE GROUP* ABSTRACT Background Goal-directed therapy has been used for severe sepsis and septic shock in the intensive care unit. This approach involves adjustments of cardiac preload, afterload, and contractility to balance oxygen T HE systemic inflammatory response syndrome can be self-limited or can progress to severe sepsis and septic shock.1 Along this continuum, circulatory abnormalities (intravascular volume depletion, peripheral vasodilatation, 15 Venous oximetry ‣ Understand basic physiology of oxygen demand and supply ‣ Understand compensatory mechanisms when either changes ‣ What is the incidence of abnormal values ‣ What is the clinical impact of abnormal values ‣ When are abnormal values acceptable and unacceptable ‣ Can you treat abnormal values, by what measures and for how long to benefit the patient 16 17 18 Treatment of low ScvO2 ‣ Goal to treat abnormal ScvO2 is to restore the balance between oxygen demand and oxygen delivery ‣ Decrease oxygen demand ‣ Mechanical ventilation, analgesia, sedation, antipyretics ‣ Increase oxygen delivery ‣ Increase arterial oxygen content (hemoglobin and oxygen saturation) ‣ Increase cardiac output (fluids, inotropes, mechanical support) 19 For how long should we target Scv(v)O2 ‣ Short duration following admission (4-8 hours) ‣ N Engl J Med 2001;345:1368 ‣ BMJ 2004;329:258 ‣ Crit Care 2005;9:R678 ‣ Longer duration following admission (24 hours) ‣ JAMA 1993;270:2699 ‣ Anesth Analg 2000;90:1052 20 Low ScvO2 Increase in MAP DO2 (ml/min.M2)** VO2 (ml/min.M2) SvO2 (%) Lactate (mmol/l) Urinary output (ml) Cap.flow (ml/min.100g) RBCvelocity (au) Pa-rCO2 (mmHg) MAP 65 620±59 119±12 76±3 3.1±0.9 49±18 6.0±1.6 0.42±0.06 13±3 MAP 75 670±59 138±20 76±2 2.9±0.8 56±21 5.8±1.2 0.44±0.06 17±3 MAP 85 703±74 153±20 70±2 3.0±0.9 43±13 5.3±0.9 0.42±0.06 16±3 LeDoux et al. Crit Care Med 2000;28:2729 21 SvO2 Do Nothing ≥ 70% < 70% SaO2 < 95% FiO2 PEEP 95-100 % Hb < 4.3 mmol/l Transfusion >4.3 mmol/l Fluid respnsiveneess VO2 comfort yes no Pain - Agitation Analgesia Sedation Fluids Inotropes Tim Jansen: Adapted from: Pinsky - Vincent Crit Care Med 2005;33:1119-1122 22 Low ScvO2 Increase in CO Effect of low dose dobutamine on ScvO2 23 Hour following admission 0 2 4 6 8 BP 100/50 109/58 105/44 95/43 100/39 HR 148 148 133 132 143 CVD 11 21 16 17 12 Lactate 4.2 4.5 4.8 3.7 2.2 ScvO2 67% 52% 78% 71% 69% Fluids (ml) x 1670 2000 575 725 Dobu x 3.2 6.3 11.0 11.0 Norepi x 0.56 0.78 0.69 0.69 NTG x - 1 mg/h 2 mg/h 2 mg/h 24 Conclusions ‣ ScvO2 reflects the balance between oxygen demand and oxygen supply to the tissues ‣ Restoring the balance between demand and supply is the goal of treatment in clinically relevant abnormal ScvO2 ‣ Abnormal ScvO2 is frequently present on admission and following initial resuscitation and cannot be predicted from global hemodynamics ‣ Low ScvO2 is associated with increased morbidity and mortality ‣ Targeting normal ScvO2 is possible and benefits patients ‣ Monitoring ScvO2 should be standard practice in high risk patients 25