Building a Robust OS Image
Building a Robust OS Image
ACTINEON, INC. Building a Robust OS Image 1.00 Davidson Hom 3/28/2013 This document contains recommendations to create a robust system for the Windows environment. Date 03/28/13 Revision 1.00 Author DH Change Initial creation Contents 1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 Identify Abnormal Termination Sources ................................................................................... 1 2.1.1 BSOD Stop Code ............................................................................................................... 1 2.1.2 Event log .......................................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Memory dump ......................................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Implement EWF/FBWF/UWF .................................................................................................... 3 2.4 Harden Application code .......................................................................................................... 3 2.5 Disable Disk caching ................................................................................................................. 3 2.5.1 Superfetch/Prefetch ......................................................................................................... 3 2.5.2 Write caching ................................................................................................................... 6 [i] 1 Overview Windows is susceptible to corruption from many sources, but there are many practices available to enhance the system robustness from crashes and abnormal termination. We have found the recommendations below to significantly harden the system from corruption. 2 Recommendations 2.1 Identify Abnormal Termination Sources Preventing the cause of abnormal termination is vital to a robust system. Whether it is a user unplugging the system causing sudden power loss or a faulty application raising a BSOD, it is critical to identify and remove the source of abnormal termination. 2.1.1 BSOD Stop Code When Windows crashes, the notorious Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) displays a Stop Code in the form of an eight digit hexadecimal number. Looking up the number will provide valuable information on why Windows crashed. 2.1.2 Event log The Windows System Event Log can provide additional details to any previous system faults that occurred. [1] 2.2 Memory dump Enable debugging information for Windows crashes to aid in root cause efforts. It is critical in identifying faulty hardware/software in the system. Go to Control Panel->System and Security->System>Advanced system settings->Startup and Recovery settings. Under Write debugging information, select either small memory dump (256KB) or Kernel memory dump. [2] 2.3 Implement EWF/FBWF/UWF Enhanced Write Filter, File Based Write Filter and Unified Write Filter (Windows 8) are Windows technologies designed to prevent system and file corruption by creating a write overlay that redirects disk writes to RAM. Nothing is ever physically written to the disk while the Write Filters are enabled. Exceptions can be set up, or writes can be committed to disk if permanent changes are required. 2.4 Harden Application code Hardening user application code by closing file handles and after registry accesses immediately will reduce the chance of data loss and corruption. 2.5 Disable Disk caching Disabling the disk write caching and Superfetch/Prefetch will greatly enhance the system’s resistance to corruption due to abnormal termination. Disabling disk write caching will require verifying acceptable application performance because of the reduced disk performance. 2.5.1 Superfetch/Prefetch Run regedt32.exe and browse to: [3] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters Make the following registry value changes: Set EnablePrefetcher to 0. Set EnableSuperfetch to 0. To disable Superfetch/Prefetch run services.msc and right-click properties of the Superfetch service. Change the startup type to “Disabled”. [4] [5] 2.5.2 Write caching To disable write caching, go to Control Panel->Hardware and Sound and click on Device Manager under Devices and Printers. Expand the Disk drives tab in Device Manager and right-click Properties of the selected disk. Under the Policies tab uncheck “Enabled write caching on the device” and press the “OK” button to save the changes. [6]