Warren News February 2015 Teen Center member Jose Ramirez shows off the fish he caught on a Teen Center field trip last summer. Sign up today for Park City or Gurnee Teen Center spring break and summer drop-in programs. See page 4 for more information. Warren Township Center 17801 West Washington Street, Gurnee From preschool to old school, Warren Township has you covered! SENIORS ON THE MOVE F rom gliding across the dance floor at monthly dances to savoring meals at local restaurants, from practicing Tai Chi or yoga to cruising on Lake Michigan or knocking down the pins at bowling, Warren seniors are on the move. And, this year, they are taking their “moves” to a whole new level. This June, 47 Warren seniors will depart for a one-week Alaska cruise on the Ruby Princess with stops at Seattle, Joseph and Theresa Schaeffer celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary on a Senior Center Lake Michigan cruise. Ketchikan, Tracy Arm Fjord, Juneau, Skagway and Victoria. If you missed the sign-up for this fantastic excursion, no worries. Senior Services has planned another fabulous getaway for the fall to the Finger Lakes in New York. See the details on page 3 and get ready to head east. M o n t h ly D a n c e s Ann Morgan and Sheldon Falk step out at the Senior Center’s first monthly dance in January. 2 The waltz, jitterbug, salsa, another dance? Whatever strikes your fancy, the Senior Center’s new monthly dances at the Town Hall are your ticket to fun. Join your friends — even those you haven’t met — and bring along your suggestions for our play-list. See you on the dance floor! F rid a y s F e b ru a ry 1 3 a n d M a r c h 2 0 1 – 4 p . m . S e n i o r S e r v i c e s : 8 4 7 - 2 4 4 - 11 0 1 , e x t e n s io n *5 0 1 Autumn in the Finger Lakes TOUR BEAUTIFUL FINGER LAKES, NEW YORK OCTOBER 4 – 8 Tou r h i g h l i g h ts : • home pickup and return • 8 meals: 3 deluxe cont. breakfasts, 1 breakfast, 4 dinners • Lucy Desi Center for Comedy • Corning Museum of Glass • Chemung Valley History Museum • guided tour of “Mark Twain country” • Captain Bill’s Seneca Lake Cruise • Glenora Wine Cellar Tour & Tasting • Belhurst Castle Dinner • Niagara Adventure Theater • Maid of the Mist Boat Cruise at Niagara Falls • no passport needed! • $25 Fancy-Free Holidays Travel Rewards Brochures are available at the Senior Center. Contact Jean Smuda for more information at 847-244-1101, extension *502. 3 Teen Centers open for spring break! Call or stop by for details. Gurnee Teen Center Spring Break Lock-in G U R N E E T E E N C E N T E R : 8 4 7 - 2 4 4 - 11 0 1 , e x t . * 4 5 9 PA R K C I T Y T E E N C E N T E R : 8 4 7 - 2 4 4 - 11 0 1 , e x t . * 8 0 1 Thursday – Friday, March 26 – 27 5 p.m. – 10 a.m. Lock-in includes: • pizza, popcorn, soda • movies, board games, PS4 and Xbox tournaments • hair, nails and makeovers • breakfast in the morning Gurnee Teen Center Park City Teen Center 17801 W. Washington St. 333 Teske Blvd. School Year Hours: School Year Hours: Monday – Thursday, 2 –7 p.m. Friday, 2 –5 p.m. Monday – Thursday, 2 –7 p.m. Friday, 2 –6 p.m. Summer Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Summer Hours: Monday – Friday, 1 – 6 p.m. Teens go here there and everywhere Teen Centers Summer Programs June 15– August 14 Summer programs offer members the opportunity to take fun field trips such as fishing, a water park, Action Territory, Lake County Fair and a dodge ball tournament. Additional fees may apply. Trip details and registration forms will be available at the Teen Centers and online 4 at beginning Wednesday, April 1. A MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERVISOR Sexting can cost you big! E mployers often utilize social media to evaluate their applicants, along with an interview, résumé, and application. Are you one of the many people that documents your life on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, or other social media? Did you post that picture on Facebook of you drunk, half-naked, and vomiting from the weekend party you attended? Did your friends think it was hilarious? Guess what? Once posted, it is out there somewhere, forever, out of your control. Did you really want your potential boss to see it? Too late. The administrators of Warren Township High School had to deal with a small group of students that passed around a picture of a naked student. I am sure the girl that sent the picture never intended for it to be shared, and the boy that received it didn’t know that the picture qualified as child pornography when he forwarded it to others. Now, all the teens involved get to deal with the criminal justice system, stains on their records and never knowing if the picture was removed from the internet. Please pay attention to the use and abuse of social media in your household. Forwarding pictures of a sexual nature without the person’s permission is a felony, punishable up to three years in jail and a $25,000 fine. The attorney’s Twice as Nice Mother & Child, a non-profit organization, strives to fees begin at a $10,000 retainer to defend someone against these charges, ensure that mothers and children have their most basic needs met. It collects children included. and donates gently used items (infant care essentials, children’s clothing, When you hit the “send” button, those pictures are out of your control. You maternity clothing, shoes) and provides them to families free of charge. It could lose a future job over something stupid you posted today. Worse, you could lose your freedom. also provides supplies such as diapers, wipes and infant formula. Twice as Nice assists the Township in helping our residents in need. Please help us help them by donating items to Twice as Nice. For more information, call the Warren Township Supervisor Suzanne Simpson Supervisor’s Office at 847-244-1101, ext. *101 or visit 5 Yo uth and F a m i l y S e r v i c e s 100 South Greenleaf St., Gurnee 847-244-1101, extension *401 Youth and Family Services offers short-term counseling to families with children in grades ADULT AND FAMILY WORKSHOPS I don’t want you, but I need you The challenge of successfully launching your teenager/young adult K –12. Young adults ages 18 –21 may be Open to all parents and teens 16 and older, this workshop addresses the challenges that face young eligible. Counseling services are family-focused people dealing with the transition from high school to early adulthood. The workshop focuses on and, when appropriate, parents and other depression and anxiety, transitioning to independence, feeling overwhelmed by major life decisions, family members are directly involved in therapy risk of suicide and the importance of family support and communication. Participants will learn to sessions. The first session is free. Additional increase connections, reduce conflict and improve communication. sessions are $10 with a sliding scale available. Tuesday, February 17 7 – 8:30 p.m. No fee 100 South Greenleaf Street, Gurnee Understanding Dyslexia A panel discussion presented by Everyone Reading Illinois Everyone Reading Illinois presents a free panel discussion featuring a parent, an educational psychologist, a reading specialist and an adult dyslexic discussing dyslexia from different perspectives. Presenters will discuss what dyslexia is and how it affects the individual, the family, education and support networks. Parents and older children are welcome to attend. A question and answer time will follow the discussion. Thursday, March 5 7 – 8:30 p.m. No fee Warren-Newport Public Library, 224 N. O’Plaine Rd., Gurnee Sponsored by Warren-Newport Public Library and Warren Township Youth Services Lunch with a lawyer Call for legal consultation at no cost. Open only to Warren Township residents. Wednesdays, March 18 and May 6 6 20 minute sessions Schedule at 847-244-1101 extention *401 YOUTH GROUP Coping Skills Group Learning to manage anxiety This research-supported group helps children learn effective ways to deal with anxiety and stress. Education, skills training and practice exercises teach children to: Recognize emotional/physical responses to anxiety. Develop plans for coping. Practice and evaluate coping skills. (A pre-interview is required; a therapist will contact the family.) Grades: 3 – 5 and 6 – 8 Thursdays, Feburary 26 – April 9 (six weeks) 6 – 7 and 7 – 8 p.m. Fee: $15 PA R E N T I N G A N D A D U LT P R O G R A M S Mind–Body Skills Group Practical skills to deal with life’s stressors This experiential group gives participants tools for self-care. It deals with such issues as stress, anxiety, depression, grief or pain management. Participants learn and practice such skills as mindfulness, meditation and understanding emotions. The group is intended to be supportive, but it is not a replacement for therapy. It will be facilitated by Heidi Droessler, LCSW. Thursday, March 12 – April 23 (six weeks) 7 – 8 p.m. Registration required Fee $15 Mind–Body Group for Teens 6 – 7 p .m. Positive Discipline A practical approach to parenting children 3-13 Positive Discipline is a program designed to teach children to become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of the family. This parenting approach is based on the understanding that the best discipline teaches and the parents are the teachers. Parents will review such challenges as how to defuse power struggles, build on strengths, bridge communication and much more. This program will be taught by a certified instructor and family therapist, Allena Barbato JD, AMFT. Wednesdays , February 25 – March 18 (four weeks) 7 – 8:30 p.m. Childcare: 2 – 12 Fee: $15 7 YOUTH SPORTS REGISTRATION Contact: Rick Dreyer 847-244-1101, extension *810 Email: [email protected] Warren Youth Baseball Warren Youth Baseball is accepting registrations for the 2015 Spring Season. Registration is open to all players ages 5 – 14 as of April 30. Players are divided into five age groups. T-ball: ages 5 and 6 Mustang League: ages 9 and 10 Pony League: Rookie League: ages 7 and 8 (coach pitch) Bronco League: ages 11 and 12 Warren Flag Football is accepting registrations for the 2015 Fall Season for players entering grades 1 – 8 for the 2015 – 16 school year. Warren Flag Football is a coed program and registrations are accepted on a firstcome first-served basis. ages 13 and 14 Mustangs, Broncos and Pony leagues practice season begins approximately April 1. Games start approximately May 1 and the season concludes about June 30. T-Ball and Rookie players begin practicing approximately May 1, with games beginning 8 Flag Football League Practices and games are scheduled at Warren Township Park. Traditionally, practices are held Monday through Thursday evenings. Games are on Saturday mornings and early afternoons. about May 20. The season ends approximately Players are divided into three age groups; grades 1 June 30. Registrations are accepted on a first- and 2, grades 3 – 5 and grades 6 – 8. A minimum of 40 come first-served basis. Volunteer coaches are players is needed for each age group; a maximum of welcomed. 60 players per age group will be accepted. For more information or to register, please For additional information and registration please visit visit You may our website; You may also also contact Youth Sports Director Rick Dreyer contact Youth Sports Director Rick Dreyer at rickd@ at [email protected] or call h i m or call him Monday – Friday from Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. a t 847-244-1101, extension *810. a t 847-244-1101, extension *810. Warren Cheer and Pom Warren Township Cheer & Pom, NFP (WTCP) is a competitive, recreational cheer and pom program. We teach the fundamentals of cheerleading and dance and offer a season full of fun and friendship. WTCP is a proud member of the IRCA (Illinois Recreational Cheer Association). WTCP sent 11 of our 12 squads to the IRCA State Championship last fall, more than any surrounding cheer and dance program. The State Championship is a very exciting event that showcases teams from across the state. It is a true celebration of all our hard work throughout the season. Grades K – 8 No cheer or dance experience required Registration: Current members may register now. New member lottery will be March 14. More information: or Email: [email protected] Warren Township Traveling Tackle Football Program Warren’s tackle, youth football program is leading the charge for a safer game. Each coach is certified by USA Football and the “Heads Up Football” program. All helmets have a five-star rating, the highest in the industry. Also, specially trained athletic trainers make every medical decision during game time, further protecting our kids. When it comes to football safety, we strive to set the standard. Training camp and practices begin in late July and are designed to identify each athlete’s skill level and prepare for the season. The season runs from approximately Labor Day to late October, followed by up to three weeks of playoffs. The tackle football program is available for all athletes in grades 1 – 8. Athletes compete in weight, age and talent divisions designed to allow for a safe and fair environment of play. Registration: Open nowInformation: 9 S UMMER FU N I N TH E SU N WSRA: i n s p i r i n g p e o p l e w i t h d i sa b i l i t i e s t h r o u g h m e a n i n g f u l r e c r e at i o n . S u m m e r D ay C a m p Interested in Summer Day Camp? Check out WSRA’s Spring Brochure for important camp registration information. The deadline to sign up for camp is Monday, May 11. The brochure can be found at or you may call us to be added to our mailing list. Now Hiring Part-time jobs are available seasonally for recreation leaders and program assistants to work in programs and special events. Having the desire to work with people with disabilities and work in a team environment is necessary. If you are interested in working with people who have disabilities, contact WSRA at 847-244-6619 or download an application at WSRA is currently accepting applications for inclusion aids, after school program assistants, summer day camp counselors and adult day program assistants. Warren Special Recreat io n A sso ciat io n 10 847- 244- 6619 100 South Greenleaf Street, Gurnee What’s your property worth? Quadrennial reassessment will let you know 2 A s s e s s o r ’s Offic e : 84 7 -244- 1101, ext ension *201 015 is the quadrennial reassessment year for Lake County. Illinois statute requires that assessors revalue all properties in their jurisdiction once every four years. Warren Township Assessor’s staff will study the last three years of sales data to ensure that Holly Baruffi and Melody Dunn and two of the field reps conducting the quandrennial reassessment. neighborhoods are valued fairly and equitably. We are in the process of evaluating these sales and doing fieldwork. You may see some of our staff in your neighborhood checking property characteristics and taking pictures. Assessment notices will be mailed out in August. Homestead Exemption Recapture It’s not over yet! Snow removal tips from the Highway Department T he Chief County Assessment Office has the authority to recapture taxable value in instances where property owners have received homestead benefits erroneously. This new law benefits taxpayers because it The Highway Department’s snow and ice removal is drastically hindered by vehicles creates a more fairly distributed property tax burden. parked on Township roads during snow removal. No Parking signs are posted at the Here are two examples on why a property might be entrances of subdivisions and are enforced by the Lake County Sheriff’s Department. receiving an exemption erroneously: Another hindrance occurs when residents blow or shovel snow onto the roads. This 1. Rental Properties: In most cases, rental properties do creates a potentially hazardous condition for you, your neighbors and the entire traveling public. When you are facing the street, please pile snow on the right side of your driveway to help the plow avoid dumping snow back onto your driveway. Also, remember no garbage cans can be placed in the street. Lastly, if possible, delay the time you clear your driveway until the snow removal operation has concluded. For questions or information, call the department at 847-244-1101, ext. *301. not qualify for homestead exemptions. 2. Multi-Property Owners: If you own multiple properties that you live in, you are only entitled to receive homestead exemptions on your primary place of residence. For more information, please call the Assessor’s Office at 847-244-1101, extension *201. 11 presorted std. Warren Township Center US POSTAGE PAID GURNEE, IL permit No. 1538 17801 W. Washington Street Gurnee, Illinois 60031-5311 at and d e at oad c R o s l nd i o r te Alm n Ce of r p hi rne et. s n o e ow st c Str T e n e Th uthw ngto so shi Wa Township Officials Suzanne D. Simpson Supervisor George Iler Clerk Gerald E. Rudd Highway Commissioner Charlie Mullin Assessor Donna L. Radke Trustee Ken Echtenacher, Jr. Trustee ECRWSSEDDM Residential Customer Contact u s at 847- 244- 1101 or f ind us on the web at w w w. warrentow nshi p. net Bill Gill Trustee Mike Semmerling Trustee FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS T Heather Ridge Umbrella Association donated two truckloads of necessities to the Food Pantry during the holiday season. ownship residents gave generously to the food pantry throughout the holidays. We thank you all, including Church of the Annunciation, ETA Hand2mind, Eddie Moses of Koenig & Strey for 20 Thanksgiving dinners, Gurnee Rotary Club, Homeowners of Wildwood, Grandwood Park Park District, Bonnie’s Chic Boutique, Millburn Elementary School, Marianne and Tom Turnbull, Stoddard Silencers for a monetary donation, Rachita Singh, Anne Hemingway, The Fraternal Order of Police for a fresh vegetable donation, Ellyn Edmonds, Warren-Newport Library, Michael Muick, Wayne Gavinski, Sheryll Henderson, Ted Blahunka for Jewel gift cards, Pat and Melanie Anderson, Howard Peterson, the VanErdens, Jubilee Community Church, Pat Leese, Marianne Gartener, Jackie’s Magic for a monetary and food donation, Warren Township High School Federation of Teachers, The American Center for Spine & Neurosurgery, Jon Callaghan Memorial Turkey Trot and the Thelen Family Foundation for a monetary donation. We also thank our dozens of anonymous donors. The Food Pantry accepts donations Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Supervisor’s Office.
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