The Village News
The Village News
The Village News Published by Aberdour Community Council Published by Aberdour Community Council Issue 57 September 2010 Festival 2010 Aberdour’s Royals. The Equinox brings light and dark in equal measures and the nights then start to pull in, so time to start planning for the winter. We should never stop learning and winter is a good time to study more on a subject of interest so, join an evening class or get books on the subject of your choice, whether cooking, car maintenance or calligraphy and make the most of the dark nights ahead Bright blessings from Chris (alias the Green Witch). Mystique Moments, 59-61 High Street, Aberdour, Fife, Scotland KY3 0SJ. Tel: 01383 860106 Website: From the Editor. Fife Councillors W elcome to the September issue of the Village News. It’s good to see so many articles from the village in this issue. Alice McGarry Tel: 01383 414982 SNP. E-mail: [email protected] They are only doing what we continually ask of you - Dave Dempsey Con. Tel: 01383 415022 E-mail: [email protected] We’re trying our best to keep the Village News alive as part of village life, but we need your contributions for that to happen. We’re told that Aberdour has over 50 organisations, yet we only receive regular input from a tiny few of them. Judging by the brouhaha which was stirred up over the recent Ch4/Studio Lambert affair, we know that Aberdour is not shy in making its voice heard, so let’s hear from you. Dave Herbert Lib.Dem. Tel: 01383 823675 E-mail: [email protected] Bob Eadie Lab. Tel: 01383 412856 E-mail: [email protected] John. The Community Council is elected every four years to ascertain, co-ordinate and express to local and public authorities the views of the community which it represents and to carry out other functions in the interests of the community. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Chair Treasurer Secretary Minutes Secretary Members Contributing! Community Council A Close Run Thing Community Council Report 3 4 Rotary Club of Inverkeithing. 5 Aberdour at Play. Sensory Garden. Buster and Caesar Aberdour Cultural Association. 8 9 9 10 10 11 Shinty Club. St.Columba’s Church Aberdour & Dalgety Bay W.R.I. 12 14 14 Aberdour Friendship Club. Historical Walk. Open Door. 16 16 16 Childrens’ Panel. 18 Cedar Inn Social Club. 18 Jane Halleran Janice McMillan Pauleen Norman Terry Short Dates for remaining 2010 meetings : Wednesday 15th September Monday 22nd November Tuesday 19th October Thursday 23rd December 6/7 Spotlight on Volunteers. Tortured English. Doorstep Sellers. Willie Dryburgh Arthur Lloyd John Burrell Bill Stackhouse Kay Baird John Bridges Carol Devon Joan Dryburgh Jon Stevenson The Village News is published by Aberdour Community Council, but has editorial freedom to express views that are not necessarily those of the Community Council. The Village News can be found on-line at Search for Aberdour Community Council, then Publications then Village News. ———————— Editorial Committee Editor & Advertising Accounts & Distribution Proof readers John Bridges Willie Dryburgh Arthur Lloyd John Burrell Your comments, letters, articles and photographs are welcome. These can be submitted typed, handwritten, or by e-mail to: [email protected] or to: John Bridges, 6/2 Manse Place, High Street, Aberdour KY3 0SP. (Tel. 01383 860610). Items for the December issue by 19th November at the latest please. Advertising enquiries should be addressed to the Editor. For Community Council matters, please contact : John Burrell, Secretary (Tel. 01383 861032). 2 Aberdour—The Jewel of Fife. Do you play Bridge? A Close Run Thing. Aberdour Bridge Club needs more members! W e are quite often approached in the village by readers who tell us how much they enjoy reading the Village News. It’s nice to know our efforts are appreciated, not only in the village but also overseas. Please come and join us. We meet on Thursdays 7 –10pm (ish). Our venue is Aberdour Golf Clubhouse.. The Village News was first published in the spring of 1996 and has appeared without fail every quarter ever since. But its continued existence is under threat, and the Community Council is extremely concerned that the newsletter could be lost to the village. It was a close run thing that the last two issues appeared successfully. We start back on 21st October. Call Nan McKay on 860678 or Sheila Robb on 860071. The production costs of the newsletter are met solely from the revenue gained from the adverts contained in its pages -no other source of finance is available to us. Editorial time, materials and travel costs are provided free of charge. However, the loss of some advertisers has resulted in a situation where advertising revenue is not covering production costs, and therefore we cannot be sure that sufficient funds will always be available to allow future issues to go ahead. On occasion, a shortfall has even been met by a Community Councillor providing funds from his personal bank account. STOP PRESS! The Community Council wish to thank the Cedar Inn Social Club for their generous donation of £250 towards assuring the future of. The Village News. The reason for this situation is quite simple. The national economic situation has badly affected many of our advertisers, who in the main are small local companies struggling to make ends meet, and they, naturally, are cutting expenses where they can. One of the first things to be cut is advertising. Lynn’s Fruit & Veg, It is the opinion of the Community Council –that whilst we will continue to control costs and double our efforts to find new advertisers –the Village News is too valuable a part of life in Aberdour for it to be lost without a fight. They have therefore decided to come to village residents with the aim of seeking sponsorship or donations in order that continuation of the newsletter can be assured. 172 High Street, Burntisland, KY3 9AE Tel : 01592 873524 Email: [email protected] Why not get your fruit & veg delivered to your door, we are now delivering twice weekly to Aberdour. We stock an excellent range of fruit and veg which is local when available. There is also a large range of dried foods, beans, pulses, nuts, fruits, oils , vinegars, fresh and dried herbs, free range eggs and preserved foods. Should you feel that you would like to sponsor the Village News or make a donation towards costs, please contact the Treasurer: Arthur Lloyd on 860044 or by email at: [email protected] Fruit & Veg boxes are also available, please ring for details. OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 9 -5 Donations can also be made directly to the: (Open Sunday through the summer) Free delivery within Burntisland Aberdour Village News account A small delivery charge for Aberdour and Kinghorn Royal Bank of Scotland –High Street Aberdour Account No. 00127053 Thank you, John Bridges –Editor. 3 Aberdour Community Council Report By the time the next VN is published you will have a new Community Council! Judges were very impressed with all the community effort ... … but have we done enough? And what about the Sensory Garden! Work has started in earnest over the last month and it is already taking shape. Well done, Jane Halleran and the team. The most important information to pass on to you in this issue are two dates - Thursday 16th September and Thursday 14th October 2010. The latter is the date of the next Community Council elections at which you will be able to vote for your Community Council for the next 4 years and the former is the deadline for receipt of nominations if you wish to stand for Community Council. This is your opportunity! There will be 13 vacancies as all existing members have to stand for election again if they want to continue in office; there is no automatic re-election. Am I dreaming or is work about to start on the Silver Sands café this month? Can it be true? Other works pending are the green walkway in front of the Clock and the marking of the "disabled" spaces in the Station and Livingston Lane car parks. If you have not already had a look at the current draft of the Local Plan then I suggest you do so. Go to . Click on Structure Plan and Local Plans under Environment & Planning. Click on Dunfermline and West Fife Local Plan (on right hand side). Click on HERE in the 7th paragraph then Draft Dunfermline & West Fife Local Plan (2nd item). Click on All Comments. Search on keyword Aberdour. (If you think that's complicated, you are right; it's the Fife Council web site!) Any attachments are at the end of each comment and need to be read as well. ACC have commented as appropriate at each stage of the process over the last year. Despite some of the comments published in the aftermath of the Channel 4/Studio Lambert affair, your Community Council is a democratic body elected by you, the residents of the best village in Scotland. Being a Community Councillor is a wonderful opportunity to give something back to the community that gives us so much. Stand for election if you want to serve your community but, whatever else, remember to vote on 14th October. (Note that if less than 14 residents stand for election then they are automatically elected without an election being necessary.) If you wish to stand for election, nomination forms can be obtained from: As this may be my last contribution to VN as Secretary of ACC then I would like to say what an honour it has been to give something back to the village that brought me up and has now allowed me to return in a more relaxed style! The current team have been terrific and our four Local Councillors have been great to work with, so I wish your next Community Council a fair wind and calm seas. Returning Officer Fife Council Election Services Unit Fife House, North Street Glenrothes KY7 5LT 08451 555555 ext442175 or 442176 John Burrell Since the last issue the street lights in the High Street have been painted black. Don't they look smart! What a pity we cannot have them throughout the village. BT have painted the kiosk at the Clock so it has returned to its former glory and now boasts gold crowns too. They also replaced the missing pane of glass in the Main Street kiosk (but disappointingly didn't paint it). The Festival has been and gone and once again was a tremendous success. Well done, Roy Devon and his team of tireless workers. Without them there would be no Festival. Thank you to everyone who bought a picture quiz which, this year, raised £135 for Festival funds. Five entries tied for first place and first out of the hat was Arran McKinlay. Thank you again to the Aberdour Hotel for donating the prize and ForthRoad for printing the quizzes. Note Your Community Council meets approximately every 5 weeks in the Institute and all are welcome to attend to raise issues or just to hear what is going on. The draft Minutes of the last meeting held are posted in the glass cabinet outside the Institute as soon as they are available and copies of all final Minutes are held in a file in the Library; just ask Heather if you want to see them. The dates of future meetings are listed at the end of each set of Minutes. Village in Bloom have been on their toes twice recently with the judging for the Fife and Beautiful Scotland competitions. The village looked wonderful, the sun shone and again a huge pat on the back for all those who give so much of their free time to make the village look so good What a huge benefit the polytunnel has been in its first season. The 4 Aberdour—The Jewel of Fife. have taken part in the walk as a fundraising exercise. Rotary Club of Inverkeithing and Dalgety Bay Individuals or organisations in Aberdour are invited to participate in this year’s walk and those interested should get in touch now with John Liston on 01383 822 543 or the Rotary club secretary, Ian Wilkinson, on 01383 727803. In its financial year just ended the Rotary club raised over £20,000 for charity and most of this sum has now been distributed to deserving causes internationally, nationally and in the local community. Fundraising events included the club’s annual sponsored walk from Inverkeithing to Aberdour, its charity golf day at Aberdour golf club and the music concert held jointly with Inverkeithing High School. The income from the High School concert, together with collections at Tesco in the Bay and in Aberdour, went to Rotary’s End Polio Now campaign which aims to eliminate polio from the four countries (Nigeria, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan) where it remains endemic. The club also contributed a number of Shelter Boxes, which provide essential immediate support in areas affected by natural disasters, to the Haiti earthquake relief effort. Donations were also made to Maggies Centre in Kirkcaldy, to the Childrens Hospice Association of Scotland and to Sarah Brown’s PiggyBankKids charity. The club sponsored two students from Inverkeithing High School on Rotary’s Youth Leadership course at the Nethybridge Outdoor Centre last July, organised a primary school quiz for local schools and supported High School students who participated in Rotary’s Young Chef competition in which local students had considerable success. The club has also provided financial support to the Aberdour Village in Bloom committee, to the Sensory Garden and to the station garden, to help with additional plant purchases. Other local organisations to benefit from Rotary’s support included Aberdour’s Care Centre, Aberdour primary school and the golf club’s youth development programme. This month the club has sent a number of water survival boxes to the area of Pakistan affected by the recent devastating floods. John Taddei, a long serving member of the Rotary Club of Inverkeithing and Dalgety Bay, has been given a Paul Harris Fellowship award. John is a past president of the club, has served as convener of a number of its committees and is currently chairman of its important fundraising committee. John has given exceptional service to the club and to the local community over very many years and his award reflects his special contribution to the club. Bill Rennie The Rotary club will hold its annual sponsored charity walk from Inverkeithing to the Silver Sands in Aberdour on Sunday 12 September. The Rotary walk is now well established as a major fundraising event in West Fife. Participants enjoy a pleasant day out on the attractive six mile stretch of the Fife coastal path and a barbeque is provided for all at the finish on the Silver Sands. Walkers also receive a certificate that confirms their participation. Since the Club’s first charity walk in 2003 the Rotary club has raised more than £25,000 for local charities, with the largest share going to the Children’s Hospice Association of Scotland. More than 100 walkers take part each year. GARDENER’S QUESTION TIME Friday 1st October CHURCH HALL ABERDOUR 7pm for 7.30 Panel to include: Ross Hepburn of Lady Helen Nursery. Trevor Francis- Aberdour Station Sarah Franklin –Landscape Architect. Caroline Cameron – Aberdour’s gardening expert A well established practice is for local organisations and clubs to join the walk as a group and raise sponsorship that is divided between the Rotary club’s chosen charity and participating clubs’ own funds This has proved to be a very effective way for local clubs and organisations to both raise funds for themselves and contribute to other deserving causes. It means, too, that all of the organising is done by the Rotary club and participants don’t need to consider health and safety issues, stewarding or publicity. The walk usually gets good coverage in the local press. In recent years local scouts, the Boys Brigade, sports clubs and church groups Please bring only one plant for review or just reserve a question for our experts. Find out how we fared in the Beautiful Scotland Coastal entry and Fife wide judging of Aberdour. Tickets £5.00 (inc. glass of wine) available from Moffat’s and Out of This World. All proceeds to Village in Bloom funds. 5 Aberdour at Play. Some scenes from this years Festival. 6 Aberdour—The Jewel of Fife. 7 picnic area, which has given the start to the growing garden. Sensory Garden Sarah Franklin, Landscape Architect, our project manager returned from holiday and will be seen around more often now. Sarah has kindly agreed to be on the panel for “Gardeners Question Time” fund raiser on the 1st October in the Church Hall. What a wonderfully supportive village community is Aberdour” Thank you to all of you who have given so much support in encouraging the garden development. The other two people you will see in the garden are Caroline Beveridge and me, Jane Halleran. As part of the Village in Bloom team, we have been responsible for fund raising and making the project happen. We would like you to stop us and ask questions about the Sensory Garden and to continue to support us with your encouragement in all its forms .(Thank you Mrs Lonnie for the coffees) We would like to hear from you to receive any offers of help or financial support. Could your family become involved? Can you make animal boxes? What about the Scouts and Guides? Are there any teenagers who can come up with ideas for involvement? Can you make mobiles ? Art work anyone? (Lewis or Alan anything you'd like to contribute?) Thank you to those of you who have helped financially to make it happen by “buying a brick” or purchasing a tree, or grasses and plants for the garden. and to those of you who entered the quiz or bought coasters Thank you to Inverkeithing & Dalgety Bay Rotary and Cedar Inn Social club for each donating £250. You have all been incredibly generous In the Garden, you will have seen Craig Mitchell and his men dig out the paths and laying the aggregate. You will have seen Stuart Johnson and his men from P.S.I. install the water. Please speak to us or ring Brian Kelly made the tank for the water feature and installed the solar panel and pump system. He is building the bridge walkway as I write, and assisting the council lads with their projects. By the time you read this newsletter, I hope the bridge walkway will be finished, the raised garden in place, the entrance columns and setts completed, the water feature working, the seating in place, the pergolas built and the pebble garden planted with grasses. Cammy (Alex Cameron) is building the columns for the entrance to the garden 860338. The sculptures of seals designed by Torri Jennings are being constructed by Sandy Woods assisted by Claire Halleran. These are being made of reclaimed material and the skills and time given free. Well done you three. The seals will be placed upon the three beautiful boulders from Harris lying at the top end of the garden. Scotland Gas Network volunteers have repaired the very damaged wall in the north west corner. Network Rail have repaired the north wall where a tree had demolished a large part of it. The water feature boulder is from Inverness, the harlequin (grey & pink) boulders from Aberdeen and the pebbles are from Lossiemouth. Young people gaining work experience through West Fife Enterprise have been digging and preparing the ground ready for planting, which we hope to begin early in September. The garden planting will be substantial and all offers of help will be gratefully received. The most amazing thing is that all of the people above have contributed all this work, time and effort free of charge. I'm sure you will agree that they deserve a tremendous I am looking forward to the day when I enter the garden through the majestic columns smelling the lavender on the way, walk under the living willow archway, admire the mosaic before enjoying the woodland garden, and sitting at the raised bed tasting the herbs. Having admired the rose bed and smelled the wonderful perfumes ,I will marvel at the seals and walk on to the quiet corner where I'll listen to the water as it trickles over the beautiful granite rock. I'll take a wander over the Bridge feeling the soft grasses as I go, before going under the circular pergola then entering the picnic area surrounded by cherry trees , white lavender and roses. What a treat for all my senses ! BIG THANK YOU from the community Gordon McRae and Richard Pert (RGP) assisted by Ryan, as the employed Contractors, have made the hard landscaping that you have seen , bringing the design to life. They have done a superb job and I'm sure will continue to do so until the last grain of Cedec is in place. Hope to see you there soon The Fife Council Lads have joined us again, building the circular walkway and raised garden while preparing the picnic tables and obelisks. They have laid the lawn for the Jane Halleran—Aberdour Community Council. 8 Aberdour—The Jewel of Fife. The Editor has received the following note from Mary Hayward. Everyone will wish Trevor well with his new companion and hope Caesar will have as long and happy life as Buster. Thank you, Mary. Buster and Caesar. .Some months ago now, Trevor (the Station)’s dog Buster died. He has put up in the station waiting room a little photo and poem in the dog's memory. When I noticed it, I did telephone you and was told that you were is hospital recovering from an operation, from which I hope you are now feeling much better. Just contacted John Burrell to see if anything would be put in the latest VN and he has passed me back to you.. I had thought that the delay could be covered by announcing the arrival of a new station dog - Caesar. So I am sending this note to you in case you feel the subject is a suitable one for the next issue of VN. As a dog owner I have spoken to Trevor and I know how deeply sad he was when Buster had to go, so I felt it would be a nice gesture to recognise this. Aberdour Cultural Association This new group was set up at an inaugural meeting at the end of June and its aim is to initiate and promote artistic, cultural and associated activities within Aberdour. Our first project will be to create a poetry trail based on ten haiku poems written during the Aberdour Festival in 2007. The poems are about places around the village that mean something to the writers and we hope to be able to display them in the places they are about and to produce a "poetry trail" leaflet and postcards to guide people around the trail. My own meeting with Buster was alarming at first. I was visiting Aberdour years ago, over a decade I think, and as I approached the station this rather fierce looking dog stood in front of me and barked. I wondered what to do but obviously Buster realised his oversight and quickly let me go on to the platform. It was only when I came to live here that I realised that Buster was The Station Dog!! Now that we are formally set up, we will be able to apply for funding for the poetry trail and for future projects. Our aim is for anyone with an idea that fits within the broad description of 'cultural' to be able to present it to our committee and then to go ahead with their project, running it themselves but applying for any necessary funding under the "umbrella" of the Cultural Association. Just another little window on the special experiences we have of living in Aberdour. Regards Mary Hayward Our Chair is Ian McCrorie, Treasurer is Andy Oldfield, and Secretary is Alison Chapman. We already have a number of members and hope that others will join us. If you're interested, then do contact Alison on 01383 861267 or [email protected] and look out for meeting notices around the village. Please don't let the title put you off! We were looking for something that would cover lots of different areas and think that 'cultural' can cover a whole host of artistic or social pursuits - so, if you have an idea, let us know!" Regards, Ian McCrorie 9 Spotlight on Volunteers in Aberdour. As I was idly reading a report in the newspaper of the Prime Minister’s ideas for his “Big Society” I was struck by a sense of déjà vu. It seemed so familiar and then I realised that Aberdour is already running at the very least a “small society” of its own where volunteers play an enormous role. I am reliably informed that there are nearly 50 organisations in Aberdour run by volunteers and that is not counting all the help given by neighbours to each other. So could it be that Mr. Cameron had in mind Aberdour when he drafted his proposals? It occurred to me that turning the spotlight on the volunteers of Aberdour could be an excellent theme for The Aberdour News. Anyone who has particularly noticed the work done by volunteers might like to train the spotlight on them and submit their own article to a future edition of the Village News. Village in Bloom. Walking round Aberdour it is difficult not to be aware of the work done by volunteers. There are flowers everywhere enhancing the beauty of Aberdour and these have to be planned, planted, weeded and watered regularly whatever the weather. Thought is clearly given to the future too and we are all watching with growing interest the development of the sensory garden where the old primary school used to be. Community links are not forgotten either with the work done with Hillside school which have resulted in the wooden planters, made by the boys, which can be seen outside Dovecot Park gates. Work has also been undertaken at Hillside school’s walled garden where a polytunnel has been erected and many of the flowers used around the village were grown .The walled garden was ploughed by a local farmer and the boys can now grow their own plants. So well done Village in Bloom! Enjoy the spotlight. You have certainly earned it. Tortured English -- Those who jump off a bridge in Paris are in Seine. -- A backward poet writes inverse. -- A man's home is his castle, in a manor of speaking. -- Dijon vu - the same mustard as before. -- Practice safe eating - always use condiments. -- Shotgun wedding: A case of wife or death. -- A man needs a mistress just to break the monogamy. -- A hangover is the wrath of grapes. -- Dancing cheek-to-cheek is really a form of floor play. -- Does the name Pavlov ring a bell? -- Condoms should be used on every conceivable occasion. -- Reading while sunbathing makes you well red. -- When two egotists meet, it's an I for an I. -- A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two tired. -- What's the definition of a will? - It's a dead give away. -- Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. -- In democracy your vote counts. In feudalism your count votes. -- She was engaged to a boyfriend with a wooden leg but broke it off. -- A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. -- If you don't pay your exorcist, you get repossessed. -- With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress. -- When a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds. -- You feel stuck with your debt if you can't budge it. -- Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under. -- He often broke into song because he couldn't find the key. -- Every calendar's days are numbered. -- A lot of money is tainted - It taint yours and it taint mine. -- A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat. -- He had a photographic memory that was never developed. -- A plateau is a high form of flattery. -- A midget fortune-teller who escapes from prison is a small medium at large. -- Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end. -- Once you've seen one shopping centre, you've seen a mall. -- Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis. -- Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses. -- Acupuncture is a jab well done. Elizabeth Lloyd. Where will the spotlight fall next? If you can keep your head, when others around you are losing theirs... THEN YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION YOU'RE IN! 10 Aberdour—The Jewel of Fife. Door Step Sellers If someone comes to your door you do not have to buy anything. Ask yourself some questions before you give anyone any money. Do I want it? Can I afford it? Will I ever use it? Do I know and trust the seller? Do not feel you have to buy something when someone is at your door. Do no sign anything until you have had a chance to read everything and understand what you are buying * If you don’t want anything—say “no thank you” and close the door. If a salesman is in your house and you want them to go—just as them to leave. If the salesman won’t leave –phone 999 and ask for the police. If you buy something always get a receipt. If you have signed something and don’t know what you have signed for or don’t want the service anymore, contact Trading Standards. Further help and Advice Fife Council Trading Standards Advice 08454 04 05 06 11 Shinty Club events Shinty Olympics & BBQ, Friday 25 June M any thanks to everyone involved and to Celebrating Fife 2010 for its support. A quick count up on the night revealed that over 80 people joined us for a great evening! It was lovely to see people from all generations together, from babies to senior citizens, all enjoying great food, good company and a bit of exercise, too. The adults vs children shinty game went down particularly well – amazing how competitive the dads were! – and one mum commented that the only thing her son didn’t like was having to go home! In fact, the evening went down so well that we hope to make it a regular event. An Evening with Andy Chung, Saturday 11 September, Woodside Hotel This is our next big event – open to all! For those of you who don’t know Andy, there's a bit of information about him below. He doesn't just do folk music! He is a great entertainer and it promises to be a very good evening, so do buy a ticket sooner rather than later: they are £8 each and are available from Marianne on 01383 417821 or 07757100954. Andy Chung has performed live throughout Scotland and the north of England. Over the past few years he has become a well loved character on the Scottish folk/world music scene, a finalist in the 1998 Danny Kyle awards at Celtic Connections in Glasgow and a regular performer at the Edinburgh Folk Club. Kirkcaldy-born Andy drifted into a career in music after leaving Glasgow School of Art in 1988, playing in a succession of rock bands and rhythm and blues outfits. Though the musical seeds were sown at a very early age through the Chinese folk music much beloved of his parents, his influences are also drawn from Scottish and Irish song writing and a love for country blues styles. Village Christmas Trees Alex Waugh, Stevie Boxall and I are standing down as organisers of the Christmas Trees this year and are glad to welcome Simon Baxter as the new ‘Chief Forester’. He will need help, especially on December 4th, when the trees will go up. If you are under 60 (unlike us!), your assistance to collect, erect and light the trees will be very welcome indeed; these trees are so much appreciated by all Aberdour residents, young and old. Simon has full instructions about how to proceed, but please, please give him the assistance he needs – all you need do is give up 3 - 4 hours on the morning of 4th Dec, and an hour or two on 12th Night. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Simon on 860636 or by email to [email protected]. Richard Lloyd 12 Aberdour—The Jewel of Fife. REMEMBER WE NEED YOUR NEWS NEXT ISSUE DECEMBER Closing date 19th November. CONTACT JOHN on 01383 860610 13 Aberdour and Dalgety Bay W.R.I. St Columba’s Episcopal Church –Aberdour. We had a very successful outing in June, when we visited St. Andrews Cheese Factory and Ceres. Bishop David Chillingworth –Primus Rector –Rev.Val Nellis 28 Glamis Gardens Dalgety Bay. Tel: 01383 824066 At the West Fife Group annual show we gained first place in the Community work "Afternoon Tea at the Sewing B". Various members won individual trophies for their work in Handcraft and Floral Art. n Sunday 26th September we will celebrate our Harvest Thanksgiving Service. All over the world people celebrate their harvest in one way or another. Do come and join us. There will be a Bring and Share Lunch after the service and if you would like to come and experience a occasion where you really do get something for nothing, then you will be made very welcome. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 8 September 2010 at 7.17 pm in the Community Centre, Shore Road, Aberdour when a representative from the Royal Blind School in Edinburgh will talk about the wonderful work done at the school. Competitions Handcraft A Lavender Sachet Floral Art A Seasonal Arrangement On Sunday 8th August we had two important events in the church. The morning service was taken for the very first time, by Maureen Stirzaker who we are looking forward to welcoming to St Columba’s on a more frequent basis. It was a spirit filled occasion and we offer to Maureen the warmest of welcomes. On the 13th October the speaker will be the well known local photographer David Wardle speaking about his work with the International Fire and Rescue Service. Competitions Housewife A Flask of Soup Floral Art Halloween Exhibit O Visitors and new members are always welcome. The evening service took the shape of our traditional Songs of Praise. The church was full to overflowing- always a good sign in these times, the flowers which are our contribution to the Flower Festival looked wonderful and the good folk of Aberdour and our combined choir of 20 sang the rafters off the church. Thanks to everyone who came, who decorated the church, who sang in the choir and not the least to George Heatherington , the brother of Anne Chadwick, our esteemed Director of Music who again wrote an anthem especially for this annual service. Audrey Taylor 823251 “Just a great wee village pub” There will be an evening course based on Mark’s gospel, at 7.30pm on 6th October for 12 weeks in The Dalgety Bay Day Care Centre. It promises to be both meaningful and worthwhile. If you are interested, please contact Jean and Andrew Cook by telephone on 825 222 Lunches served Wed –Mon 12pm –2.30pm. We have a new lunch menu with lots of exciting options. But still including our popular soup and sandwich deal Senior Citizens Lunch Deal Come in and enjoy our special 3 course lunch for just £6.95! Homemade Soup of the Day, Main Course and Dessert –fantastic value! .We were delighted to have had a stall at the Community Market during the Aberdour Festival. To all those people who came to see us, we look forward to seeing you at some time in the future. 11.00 am on a Sunday morning would be remarkably convenient and you will find most of us in. Visit our La Luna Restaurant Open Wed –Sun from 6 –9pm We have added exciting new Tapas, Antipasto and Main Courses to our La Luna evening menu along with a Mediterranean wine list for your enjoyment. Lastly, my final wee reminder that there will be a coffee morning in St Fillan’s Hall on Saturday 9th October. To those good people who have already made contact with me, my heartfelt thanks. If you have bric-a-brac that you would like to offer us, an old gold Rolex watch or perhaps an unwanted Bugatti Veyron in your garage, please contact the writer of this piece. Otherwise, just come and offer your support as you always do so generously. Early Evening Menu Choose two courses from our special early menu for £8.95. Available every evening 6-7pm. Remember to visit our website or Facebook page for upcoming live music events at the Cedar Inn & our current offers Thinking about your Christmas party? Contact us to discuss your requirements. Large table bookings are always welcome. Cedar Inn & La Luna Restaurant Jeremy Hawkings, Tel 0138 825 800. 20 Shore Road, Aberdour KY3 0TR Telephone: 01383 860310 14 Aberdour—The Jewel of Fife. Full bar menu 12 noon –2.30pm daily, Mon –Fri Open all day Sat –Sun Light Lunch Full bar menu 12 noon –2.30pm daily, Mon –Fri Open all day Sat –Sun Light Lunch 2 Courses for £8.25 3 Courses for £10.00 All Week 12 –2.30pm New Menus Early Bird 5 –6.30pm Mon –Fri Main Course for £6.95 (excluding steaks on evening menu) Open 5pm –9pm High Street, Aberdour KY3 0SW. Tel: 01383 860328 Fax: 01383 860920 E-mail: [email protected] 15 ABERDOUR FRIENDSHIP CLUB. OPEN DOOR n 13th February 1986 a steering committee held a meeting in the Community Centre to discuss leisure activities for all categories of retired persons. O This is an article for those who don’t know about Open Door! A well-known man of the village, Mr Ian Foster was chairman with Mrs. R.Thomson, Mrs. R. Payne and Mrs. Garscadden forming a committee. Open Door is a monthly get-together at the church hall held during the autumn and winter months for friendship and fellowship and EVERYONE is welcome. It is a Church outreach to the whole community and to any visitors or passers-by. We have a team of people (see below) who serve on the planning group and we currently have a vacancy for a secretary if anyone is interested? May I say a big thank you, here, to Alex Harper, who has been a committed and resourceful member of our group and is standing down this year. It was agreed that the syllabus should include Speakers, Entertainment, Card Games, Bingo, Spring and Autumn Outings and Christmas Lunch. This is still the programme. The club is fortunate in having some Founder members attending the Wednesday afternoon meetings –Mrs. Ena Drummond, Mrs. Gwen Liston, Mrs. Margaret Gilmour to name a few, plus several new members. The meetings start on the second Thursday in October and finish on the second Thursday in March, from 10:30 until 12 noon, during which time we have a speaker, followed by questions, refreshments and a time to talk to each other. Wednesday meetings in the small hall at the Community Centre resume on 8th September, 2010 at 2.00pm. It is quite a varied programme, and if anyone has any suggestions or preferences for a talk, we will try and incorporate it in the programme for 2011/2012. In February, 2011 the club will celebrate the 25th anniversary. This season’s programme is as follows: 14 Oct – John Taylor “Old Aberdour part 3” 11 Nov – The Abbot House Heritage Trust 9 Dec - ‘Flying for Life’ (Mission Aviation Fellowship) 13 Jan – John Burrell "Vienna - a tour of Austria's capital" 10 Feb – Adam Payne “Protecting the Marine environment” 10 March - Rev A Roy “The story of the Leprosy Mission” New members are always welcome. Margaret Dickinson –Chairperson. 01383 860449. Hope to see you there! Sue Lloyd (Team members: Lynn Bastow, Helen Jamieson, Jean Historical Walk (Dr) Simon Taylor, a resident of the village and author of the series “The Place Names of Fife” will guide a walk through the parish of Aberdour looking at its language and landscape history over the last thousand or more years through its place-names and oother early historical records on Saturday 11th September. Full details can be found at fuseaction=event.display&objectid=3EB4BC6E-B1C834D2-4059E028D4B7EAE9 Please bring stout footwear, warm clothing and a snack. Meet at the station car park at 9.45am. There is no charge but booking is advisable at [email protected] or on 860220 16 Aberdour—The Jewel of Fife. 17 Ex-Children Wanted for the Childrens’ Panel! £16,000 given away in the last 4 1/2 years! F W ife Childrens’ Panel is looking for volunteers to go through the selection process in October/November this year, with a view to becoming full Panel Members in May 2011. Applicants for panel membership don't need any specific qualifications or experience, only a genuine interest and understanding of the issues affecting children's welfare and a willingness to commit time to ongoing training to maintain and develop their skills. hich organisation is this? It’s the Cedar Inn Social Club, which raises funds via a weekly Meat Raffle, a Christmas Draw and occasional other draws. The Meat Raffle happens every Saturday at 5.30pm and is very well supported by regulars in the Cedar and by visitors too. We source our superb meat from Cameron’s of Burntisland, with whom we spend some £4,000 per year. The profit goes into the Club funds and is used to support local good causes. Some examples are: The Aberdour Day Care Centre Fife Childrens’ Panel is part of Scotland’s unique system of justice for children aged between 0 and 16. The guiding principle of this system is that ‘the welfare of the child is paramount’. Whereas some years ago, the system dealt predominantly with offending children, today the great majority of children’s hearings are concerned with those who are at risk, from neglect, being out of control, or being in physical or moral danger. Aberdour Primary School The annual Senior Citizens Christmas lunch I want to take this opportunity to thank Willie MacKay, who has been Treasurer since we started and has done a fantastic job. Willie has stood down and the job of Treasurer has been taken on by Liz Thomson, whom we thank and wish well. We can always do with a couple more volunteers to assist with meat raffle and other activities, so if you feel you can help, please contact the chair, Alex Waugh. The Panel in Fife has some 150 members, drawn from all sections of Society, and from all ages and geographical locations. A Panel consists of 3 members, and the Panel sits in Dunfermline and Glenrothes. A typical Panel Member might expect to attend 2 sessions of 3 hearings (each of around 1 hour) per month. All Panel Members are volunteers and undergo a period of training (and ongoing training) to equip them for the task. The training is, quite simply, superb. Richard Lloyd Serving as a panel member is very worthwhile and people often find that they get much more out of it than they put in. It really can be a life-changing experience, both for the children and the panel members. The process of selection involves an application form, a short interview if the candidate meets the initial criteria, and if selected, a final half day of team discussions. Those who are then successful are submitted to Scottish Ministers for final approval, and begin their training in January 2011. NEW HEARTY AUTUMN MENU starts mid-September ______________ Take-away Chip Shop available 5.00 pm – 9.00 pm Monday to Friday All Day – Saturday & Sunday If you’re interested, please ask for an application form by contacting Sandra Hunter Committee Administrator, CPAC, Fife Council, Fife House, North St, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT, or by email to [email protected] or by telephone on 08451 555555 Ext 442303 Make a note to come along in mid-November to see our newly refurbished bar!! Richard Lloyd 18 Aberdour—The Jewel of Fife. 19 20