

Information Display Systems for Russian Spacecraft: An Overview
compiled from
Information Display Systems for Piloted Spacecraft by Yurii Tiapchenko;
Specialized Experimental Design Bureau of Spacecraft Technology of the Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Equipment (SOKB KT
NIIAO) and Its Role in Russian Cosmonautics by S.A. Borodin, A.F. Yeremin, S.T. Marchenko, and Yu.A. Tiapchenko
The Specialized Experimental Design Bureau of Spacecraft Technology (SOKB KT) is the leading organization in the field of design,
implementation, and support of the following crucial components of spacecraft technology:
systems and devices for information display and manual control of spacecraft ("cosmonauts' control panels"); and
simulators and training stands for crew training and preparation for space flights.
The history of SOKB KT NIIAO begins in 1957, when Laboratory 47 with the staff of 30 was formed within a branch of the Flight Research
Institute (LII) of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry. This laboratory was headed by Sergei Grigor'evich Darevskii, Ph.D. in engineering, an
energetic and competent specialist. In this branch of industry, this laboratory was one of the leading organizations in the field of aviation
ergonomics. This laboratory designed instrument boards for various types of aircraft, put forward proposals for representing flight
parameters on multi-function CRT indicators, and developed the concept of a unified instrument panel for an interceptor.
Engineers of Laboratory 47 were particularly interested in the design of the piloted spacecraft Vostok developed under the guidance of Sergei
Pavlovich Korolev. One of the most complex problems facing the designers of the spacecraft was the creation of a control system. Among the
most important components of this system was a complex of devices for manual control and means of displaying information about the
condition of all onboard systems that was necessary for making control decisions.
In early 1960 Korolev asked Darevskii's laboratory to design this complex, since they had already had some experience with this type of
systems. Less than a year remained before the first manned flight. Despite facing this tight deadline, laboratory specialists took on this
project with great enthusiasm. The young engineers E.N. Nosov, S.T. Marchenko, G.S. Makarov, and D.N. Lavrov played a leading role in this
A decision was made to design a unified indicator complex that
would include a set of multi-arrow indicators, a re-entry regime
control device (combined with a clock), an indicator of the current
location and the projected landing location (the Globe), and so
The instrument board consisted of a single unit connected to the
control system and to the telemetry system. The control panel
was designed in a similar way. The control panel and the board
with temperature and pressure indicators were connected to
each other and comprised a system called "the Cosmonaut's
panel," or SIS-1-3KA.
Control panel and instrument board on the Vostok spacecraft
The construction of a unified instrument board and control panel complex facilitated a rational layout of various onboard systems. This
approach was upheld in subsequent designs and is still used today. The SIS-1-3KA passed all tests and operated flawlessly during Yurii
Gagarin's flight.
The group that worked on the design of the cosmonaut's panel included V.N. Maksimova, V.N. El'ksnin, G.N. Otreshko, Yu.T. Dragun, A.A.
Kirillov, E.A. Vaskevich (the customer's representative), the designers V.I. Averin, E.S. Salfetkin, L.P. Simonenkova, and E.E. Tsypin, the
manufacturing specialists N.Ya. Tsivlin, A.A. Kokorev, V.F. Isaev, V.A. Meleshkin, V.A. Filippov, N.I. Lizakov, N.V. Kruglikov, V.A. Mosiagin, I.A.
Kisliakov, and others. Space design projects had significant support of the leadership of the the Flight Research Institute - its director N.S.
Stroev, the chief engineer S.I. Znamenskii, the LII branch chief engineer V.N. Suchkov. This project became the foundation of SOKB KT and
opened prospects for expansion of its activity and personnel growth.
On August 21, 1967, the Specialized Experimental Design Bureau of
Spacecraft Technology was formed within the Flight Research
Institute by a joint decree of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party and the USSR Council of Ministers. The Bureau
was assigned the role of the lead organization for the design of
information display systems for piloted spacecraft.
In 1971 the Bureau split off from the Institute and became an
separate organization. At that time the Bureau was also assigned
the role of the lead organization for the design of complex
simulators for cosmonaut training. The Bureau was located in the
town of Zhukovskii near Moscow on a territory adjacent to the
Institute. In that period major Bureau facilities were constructed,
such as engineering and production buildings, a vibration testing
pavilion, a microelectronics equipment production facility, and an
entrance checkpoint.
In 1983 the Bureau merged with the Scientific Research Institute of
Aviation Equipment (NIIAO). In 1997 the Bureau was reestablished
Information display system for the Soyuz-7K and the
again as a division within NIIAO. The new Specialized Experimental
Soyuz-A8 (the Soyuz-Apollo program)
Design Bureau of Spacecraft Technology was formed on the basis
of the Institute's Departments 1, 2, and 11, and groups from the experimental production facility and from the department of Chief Technician of
the Aerospace Division.
The high quality of design and manufacturing, the timely completion of projects, and the good technical support of its products (including
service on the Baikonur cosmodrome) ensured the leading role of SOKB KT in the construction of onboard control panels for all Russian piloted
spacecraft. From 1960 to 1999, SOKB KT has developed five generations of information display systems (IDS) and manual control systems - over
50 types and modifications of panels in total:
Information Display Systems for Russian Spacecraft: Generations I and II
40 Years of Manned Space Flights: The Stages of Development and Characteristics of Information Display Systems for Russian Spacecraft
by Yurii Tiapchenko (published as "40 let pilotiruemoi kosmonavtiki. Etapy razvitiia i osobennosti sistem otobrazheniia informatsii (SOI)
otechestvennykh PKA," Problemy psikhologii i ergonomiki, no. 3 [2001]: 45-51)
Chronometer on Vostok
Control panel on Vostok
Instrument board on Vostok
Hand controller on Vostok
The first generation of IDS included systems installed on the Vostok and Voskhod spacecraft, and also individual control panels and
instrument boards installed on other space ships and stations. The first generation of IDS used a number of methods and techniques of
information display borrowed from aviation. At the same time, completely new designs were also developed: a compact handle for
spacecraft guidance, a combined display of the current location and the landing location; a combined display of temporal parameters. In the
latter, a new program-temporal method was implemented for controlling signal parameters and for issuing control instructions. The design
principles of the first generation of IDS were later used in the design of EVA control panels, lock-chamber control panels, and panels for other
The Second Generation
Crew compartment control panel on Soyuz-7K
The second generation of IDS implemented compression of the "command-information field"
with the matrix method of control object selection and the multi-channel method of
displaying information about the parameters of controlled devices. Russian piloted spacecraft
are distinguished by the high degree of automation of control. Such systems typically operate
with binary signal information and discrete control of onboard systems and flight regimes. For
this reason, the development of IDS for Russian spacecraft has been closely connected with a
search for methods and means for displaying large amounts of information and issuing a large
number of commands. As a result, there appeared manual control devices with the matrix
method of control object selection and with signal information representation in both the
compressed and the decompressed forms.
For example, the control panel of the 3KV no. 5 spacecraft implemented an original design for
a double channel of manual control. Push-button controls are located around the perimeter of
the command-signal field. Either one of the cosmonauts (sitting on the right or on the left) or
both can work with this panel. This design uses minimal hardware redundancy, while
substantially increasing the reliability of the manual control loop.
The matrix method of control object selection is used in the onboard control complexes of
such spacecraft as Zond (IDS Saturn), N1-L3 (IDS Uran, Orion, and Luch), Soyuz-T and SoyuzTM (IDS Neptun), and the space stations Salyut, Almaz, and Mir. The matrix method is a
particular example of a more general hierarchical method of control object selection.
One significant achievement at this stage was the spatial separation of the command field and
the information field. This principle was implemented in IDS Mirzam-17K of the station Salyut,
and in IDS Mirzam-1A, Pluton, and Merkurii of the station Mir.
Control panel on the spacecraft 3KV
no. 5 with artificial gravity
Information fields in IDS Mirzam are represented as mnemonic schemes. A mnemonic scheme
illustrates the structure of the fueling system of the unified propulsion system. Commands are
entered via a keyboard according to the matrix selection scheme. The mnemonic scheme
shows the locations of pressure gauges in fuel lines and fuel tanks of the unified propulsion
system. Information fields in IDS Pluton and Merkurii are represented as a set of 3X3 signal
Fueling control panel on space station Mir
The structure of IDS Pluton on space station Mir
Control panel on the transport ship of the Almaz complex
Control panel on the central station
of the Almaz complex
Information Display Systems for Russian Spacecraft: Generations III, IV and V
40 Years of Manned Space Flights: The Stages of Development and Characteristics of Information Display Systems for Russian Spacecraft by
Yurii Tiapchenko (published as "40 let pilotiruemoi kosmonavtiki. Etapy razvitiia i osobennosti sistem otobrazheniia informatsii (SOI)
otechestvennykh PKA," Problemy psikhologii i ergonomiki, no. 3 [2001]: 45-51)
Structure of command-signal field
Structure of command-signal
Program control indicator
panel in the test mode
Program control indicator
panel in the reentry mode
The third generation of information display systems (IDS) includes command-signal devices
that use command-information compression of the second type. Figures above depict the
structure of command-signal field and the structure of command-signal device. Such
systems implement a compression of the information field of analog parameters; these
systems include devices for information exchange with onboard computer systems and
CRT television-type devices for video monitoring, which combines TV and measurement
analog information. The main tools are multifunctional indicators based on vacuum tubes,
and electroluminescent and plasma displays. An example of the third generation is Sirius
information display systems for the Soyuz-7K, Soyuz M, and Soyuz A8 spacecraft and for
the long-term orbital station Salyut. A typical Sirius IDS includes two command-signal
devices, an instrument board, and two (left and right) finger controllers.
These systems implement the principle of programmed temporal
monitoring and control. On the program control indicator panel (above),
a pointer moves along the time line. When the pointer reaches the mark
of a particular command or a signal, an indicator on the right would light
up when this command is executed. If the indicator does not light up, the
operator enters this command via the command-signal device and
monitors its execution by observing the corresponding indicator on the
program control indicator panel.
The Fourth Generation
In the fourth generation of IDS, the most important role in presenting
information to cosmonauts belongs to onboard computers and computer
display systems. Examples of fourth-generation systems include IDS
Neptun with display processor Simvol for the Soyuz T and the Soyuz TM
spacecraft, control panel for the onboard computer complex DISK-1B of
the Almaz complex, display systems of the STEK complex on the longterm orbital station MIR, and IDS Vega of the reusable spacecraft Buran.
Control panel for approach of the
IDS Vega on the Buran space shuttle
The Fifth Generation
The fifth generation of IDS is distinguished by the high degree of integration of
means and methods of information display. Unlike the previous generation, fifthgeneration IDS incorporate their own computer systems, video-processors, and
graphics adapters. These systems begin to implement dialogue principles with the
use of graphics, text, sound, and speech. Examples of fifth-generation IDS are
information display systems for the utility module of the International Space Station
Alpha, including an integrated control panel, and IDS Neptun-ME of the modernized
spacecraft Soyuz TM.
In IDS of the fifth generation, devices with selective command entry systems
(command-signal devices and fields), autonomous devices for information exchange
with an onboard computer, measurement systems and digital display processors are
all integrated into a unified electronic dialogue system. The human-machine
interface is implemented as a human-computer graphic interface. At this stage, a
transition is made from displays based on CRTs to flat-panel indicators based on
plasma panels and electroluminescent displays.
Main cosmonaut
console on
Integrated control
on the FGB
module of the
International Space Station
Our analysis of the technical means and methods of information display in IDS for Russian spacecraft suggests that Russian engineers have
pioneered the design and testing of the following innovative solutions:
- introduction of push-button controls and lateral hand controllers for spacecraft in a wide assortment of types;
-elaboration of design principles and the actual construction of various types of command-signal control panels of the selective type with or
without signaling about changes in the condition of the system;
-elaboration of the principles of construction of combined systems for control and observation and the actual construction of multi-function
indicators based on CRTs, electroluminescent, cathode-luminiscent, and plasma displays;
- elaboration of design principles and the actual construction of means of programmed temporal control and monitoring;
- construction of multi-scale and two-axis indicators with light readings, multi-scale plasma indicators of parameters, etc.
One of the most important achievements is the transition to the computer and information technologies recently termed COTS-technologies.
A major component of such systems if a human-computer interface. IDS based on COTS-technologies are installed on the utility module of the
International Space Station and on the modernized space ship Soyuz-TMA. These systems open a new page in the development of ergatic
control systems.
See also other articles by Yurii Tiapchenko:
Information Display Systems for Russian Spacecraft: An Overview
Information Display Systems for Russian Spacecraft: Generations I and II
Information Display Systems for the MIR Space Station and the Soyuz Transport Ship
Information Display Systems for Soyuz-TMA and the International Space Station
Interview with Yurii Tiapchenko
The Integrated Information Display System for the Soyuz-TMA
and the Integrated Console of Manual Control Loop for the
Russian Segment of the International Space Station
by Yurii Tiapchenko
The paper presents the Neptune-ME information display system (IDS) as a spaceman console (SC) of the descent module of the
Soyuz-TMA piloted transport spaceship, and the integrated console (IC) of manual control loop for module equipment in the Russian
segment of the international space station.
The Neptune-ME is an upgraded version of the Neptune-M console of the Soyuz-TM spaceship. The upgrading has been performed using
the up-to-date computing techniques and methods of man-computer interface (MCI) design. This is the IDS of the fifth generation in piloted
cosmonautics. The instrument interface of the new SC corresponds to the instrument interface of the earlier one. The MCI of the console
under consideration is principally other than the Neptune-M MMI. The IC replaces the "Pluton" and "Merkurii" command consoles which
are widely used in the MIR orbital station. The facilities and methods of console design proposed in the paper can find wide use in different
application systems.
Information Display Systems for Soyuz Spaceships
The control systems of the "Soyuz-7K", "Soyuz-A8" (Soyuz-Apollo program)
and the Salyut station designed by the Energiia Russian Space Corporation
used the Sirius IDS. Fig. 1 shows the general view of the main instrument
panel spaceship consoles. This was the third generation system based on the
concepts of command information compression and the techniques of
programmed temporal information presentation. The system had high
technical and economic characteristics. For the first time in the worldwide
practice multifunctional displays based on CRT and electroluminescent tubes
were used in this system. The main console was a electromechanical display.
For the first time a video monitor displayed television and measurement
information in individual and combined modes. The information displayed on
the CRT was transmitted to the Earth over a television channel.
However, while the problems of information support were solved for the
Sirius IDS, the recommendations of ergonomic research and the features of
the contingent of space system test personnel were not considered to the full.
As a result, the Sirius IDS was replaced by the Neptune IDS during the first
upgrading of the Soyuz spaceship.
The general view of the main console of the Neptune IDS is shown in
Fig. 2. The tasks of the spaceship IDS are provided by the Simvol and KL110 display systems. The "Soyuz-T" spaceship demonstrated the return
to the IDS of the earlier generation in onboard equipment control and
the transition to the fourth generation IDS in the maintenance of
spaceship computing equipment, and to the spaceship movement
The principles implemented in this system were widely used later on in
developing the IDS for all home-produced spacecraft and space stations,
including the Buran space aircraft. Then, the system console was
upgraded again. The analog information conversion and presentation
system was replaced by a monitor. The monitor had no scale means.
Scales were generated electronically. The cosmonaut console in this
design (see Fig. 3) had been in operation on the "Soyuz-TM" to 2002
Purpose of "Soyuz-TM" IDS
The information display system is designed:
· to control spaceship systems;
· to display flight and navigation information;
· to interface to the onboard computer to perform the tasks of
spaceship navigation and movement control during rendezvous,
docking, maneuvers, orientation, descent, and landing;
· to display the main system parameters, propulsive mass margins,
atmosphere parameters in the spaceship modules, etc.;
· to control radios;
· to generate and output key commands;
· to output emergency and warning information using light and audio
· to display television, measurement and indication information on a
television monitor in individual and combined modes.
The spaceship is controlled by two cosmonauts as a minimum.
Design and Structure of the Soyuz-TM Console
The console is designed as a riveted framework. Displays and controls are located on the front panel. Electronics units are installed inside the
framework. The "Simvol" and KL-110 display systems which are not incorporated into the console, are found in the domestic module, and
accordingly, in the DM. Electroluminescent signal and character-synthesizing displays and CRT monitors are the basic display means of the
The input signals include:
- parallel two-position signals on the condition and the modes of operation of units and systems to be displayed in the console signal fields;
- parallel two-position emergency and warning signals;
- television signals from the television cameras and the Simvol and KL-110 display systems. During docking the signals of the television
cameras and the "Simvol" display come in a combined form. The signal timing and mixing is provided by a television system.;
- parallel signals from system analog sensors to process and display measured parameters on the CRT screen of the console monitor (Strelka
console subsystem);
- a sequence of pulses to monitor fuel consumption on a electromechanical counter. The counter provides for the manual setting of fuel load
- seconds marks on the onboard clock and control command for a seconds counter;
- seconds marks to provide the operation of a combined navigation display;
- analog voltage and current signals to display the main parameters of the electrical power system on a stand-alone display;
- a parallel BCD code to be displayed on a stand-alone manual information input (MIID) display in the onboard central computer system.
The output signals include:
- signals like dry contact closing which enter the command matrices of the onboard computer control system;
- signals from the buttons of key commands;
- signals from the decimal keyboard of set point input to the onboard computer;
- a television signal from the analog parameter converters to display information on the monitor.
All the signals, except a TV-signal, are transmitted over three-wire communication lines.
Thus, the communication between the console and the onboard systems is a parallel, parallel-serial (BCD) and serial count and TV interface.
The implementation of such an interface requires a large number of wiring and connectors. 47 connectors with 1809 contacts are used to
provide the communication to the onboard complex.
Tasks of "Soyuz-TM" Console Upgrading
The main tasks of the console upgrading are as follows:
· Reduction of the console depth and height to provide the flights for cosmonauts of a larger size than that accepted for the "Soyuz-TM"
· Replacement of instruments that are no longer produced.
· Spaceship control from one workstation, namely the commander workstation.
Features of Neptune-ME IDS for "Soyuz-TMA"
According to the "Soyuz-TM" upgrading program for the
ISS tasks, the "Soyuz-TMA" information display system
should provide control and monitoring to the same
extent as the earlier system with the same hardware
interface to the onboard systems. The analysis of
upgrading problems show that they can be solved only
by utilizing flat displays and up-to-date computers. Twoscreen IDS based on CRT video monitors have been
developed within the Almaz and Energiia-Buran Space
However, the change to an electronic IDS integrated on
the basis of two screens reduces the IDS survivability for
the "Soyuz-TMA" spaceship. It is possible to improve the
survivability by providing the redundancy of the screens
and accordingly all computing units and input-output
units. The problem is not solved in this way for given
dimensions and weight.
For the first time in the practice the project proposes and implements the concept of a one-screen IDS. The feasibility of such a system is
founded on a basically new approach to the design of a man-computer interface (MCI). The proposed approach to the MCI design is based on:
- the concept of possible hierarchical presentation of object systems;
- the concept of possible hierarchical presentation of goals and tasks of the complex system activity;
- the concept of possible programmed presentation of goals and tasks of the complex system activity and of a finite number of such programs;
- the principle of necessity and adequacy of information displayed in a one-screen format to solve an individual task;
- the activity management by using the principles implemented in interactive computer systems such as the Windows environment.
Fig. 10 presents the general view of the new console in the reusable vehicle. The "Simvol" and "KL110" display systems and, as mentioned above, all the links to the onboard control complex are
retained and used at the first stage of upgrading the IDS and the onboard complex control system
(OCCS). A new MIL-STD-1553B link is included to the new computer system.
The console includes /6/:
-two ICCs one of which contains VGA video monitors: a color monitor (8 colors with no gradation)
and a monochrome monitor (16 grey levels);
-two marker (remote) control units (MCU) (See Fig. 11)
- three computer modules (CM) which are software and hardware compatible with an IBM PC. The
two CMs together with the video monitors and the marker control unit form two ICCs, i.e. two
onboard personal computers. The third CM is designed to receive, process and transmit analog
information to the ICC CM;
- information input-output units of the onboard computer system via the interface similar to that of
the "Soyuz-TM" Neptune IDS;
- communication interface module using a MIL-STD-1553B bus to a KSO20 computer which is
incorporated into the "Soyuz-TMA" DM onboard equipment;
- video processors to input television information to the ICC and to transmit information from the
ICC to a TV system for further transmission to the Mission Control Center;
- ICC communications with telemetry;
- signal input from the console controls and the emergency warning system;
- a light/audio emergency warning system;
- command output with mechanical protection from occasional switch-on;
- spaceship power protection from short-circuits in the console and some other components.
The hardware is developed and selected to satisfy the requirements for operations under weightlessness and DM depressurization
conditions, i.e. the operations of suited cosmonauts.
The system base contains system computing facilities, screens, information support (IS) and software (SW). The system IS and SW provide
the man-computer interface (MCI) /7/.
At the first stage of the upgrading the actions are taken to retain
the interface of the earlier console to the maximum extent. The
new console implements no programmed temporal control that
significantly reduces the effectiveness of cosmonaut activities. The
IS consists of 58 information display formats. The first format given
in Fig. 12 is basic. A field is assigned for constant displayed
information in the format structure. This is a field where the
information on the spatial attitude relative to the Earth, the time
and the main safety parameters is presented to the cosmonauts.
The format displays the menu of the dialog system. The actions
with the menu are provided by the ICC and MCU keyboards.
Fig.13 shows an example of the control and test format for one of
the onboard systems and Fig.14 an example of the OCCS interface
format for set point input. The information of the "Simvol" display
system is displayed in the window.
1. For the first time in the domestic and worldwide practice a onescreen onboard IDS of a complex object has been developed on
the basis of the ground technologies.
2. A basic design of the integrated console is proposed for the IDS of
the complex object.
3. Software has been developed for the electronic IDS which can be
accommodated and used in designing the IDS of other complex
4. The accepted IDS architecture allows the MCI to be further
improved to provide the tasks of spaceship motion control at all
flight stages and the weight of the IDS hardware to be reduced.
5. The management of the man-computer interface is a difficult
scientific and practical problem which requires the considerable
changes in the design approaches to an automatic control system,
comprehensive ergonomic research, etc.
6. The practice shows that the significant upgrading of the IDS of a
complex object is possible , with its hardware interface retained.
Fig.15 shows a navigation format. The principal functions of the
software are:
-programmed generation of display formats;
- continuous scanning of signals and analog information and control
of display elements on the formats;
- registration of signals longer than 10 ms that is especially
important during ground tests and checks of the object;
- registration and transmission of the information on signal receipt
from the onboard systems and the console controls to the
telemetry system, i.e. the monitoring of both onboard systems
operation and cosmonauts actions with the console. The SW
allows a cosmonaut to look through recorded information;
- management of the interactions between the Argon-16 OCCS and
the KSO20 computer installed in the DM (in-transit operation)
during set points input and check;
- management of the interaction with the KSO20 in the navigational
mode of the IDS;
- input and updating of initial data (time, propulsive mass margin,
alarm-clock, spaceship weight and moments of inertia, etc.).
The onboard SW includes a number of service programs:
- adjustment of the analog information processing system using real
- tolerance generation for analog tolerance check (not used at the
first stage of the upgrading);
- interaction with an external personal computer;
- elements of the automatic display format design within a given
class of symbols, procedures, etc.;
- other programs which facilitate trouble-shooting during the tests
of the console installed on the object.
The SW contains 100 thousand text lines in Pascal and 30 thousand
lines in Assembler.
1. Y.A. Tiapchenko, S.A. Borodin, Design Concepts For Information Display Systems of Manned Spacecraft, Part 1, Problems of Aviation Science and Engineering Collection
Book, NIIAO, Zhukovsky, No.1.
2. Y.A. Tiapchenko, Approaches to the Synthesis of Information Display Systems for Power-Generating Plants/ Applied Ergonomics, Special Issue: Ergonomics in the Power
Industry// Applied Ergonomics Association, Moscow, 1993, Issue 3.
3. Y. Tiapchenko, Generic Information Display System for the Center of the Nuclear Power Station Unit Operator Systems in Nuclear Power Plants, Proceedings of the
Special Meeting held in Moscow, Russian Federation, 17-21 May,1993. IAEA, pp.165-176 IAEA-TECDOC-726; ISSN 1011-4289 IAEA, Vienna, 1994.
4. Y.A. Tiapchenko, V.I. Bezrodnov, PC Onboard a Manned Spacecraft/ Advanced Techniques of Automatic Control// STA, Prosoft, Moscow, 1997, No.1, pp.34-37.
5. Svidetel'stvo ob ofitsial'noi registratsii programmy dlia EVM No. 2002610798 "Programma otobrazheniia informatsii integrirovannogo pul'ta upravleniia."
Zaregistrirovano v reestre programm dlia EVM. g. Moskva, 23 maia 2002 g.
6. Patent na promyshlennyi obrazets No. 46998 "Sistema otobrazheniia informatsii i organov upravleniia." Zaregistrirovano v gosudarstvennom reestre promyshlennykh
obraztsov Rossiiskoi Federatsii. g. Moskva, 16 marta 2000 g.
7. Svidetel'stvo ob ofitsial'noi registratsii programmy dlia EVM No. 2002610077 "Programmnyi kompleks dialogovoi sistemy otobrazheniia informatsii transportnogo
kosmicheskogo korablia tipa 'Soiuz-TMA'." Zaregistrirovano v reestre programm dlia EVM. g. Moskva, 23 ianvaria 2002 g. na PO Neptuna.
Figure 1. Main Instrument Panel and Main Control Console of the "Soyuz-7K" and Soyuz-Apollo Spaceships and the Salyut 1,5,6, 7 Space Stations
Figure 2. Main Cosmonaut Console of the Neptune IDS for the "Soyuz-T" Spaceship
Figure 3. Main Cosmonaut Console of the Neptune-M IDS for the "Soyuz-TM"
Figures 4a, 4b, 4c. Main Cosmonaut IDS of the "Mir" Space Station
Figure 5. Control Console of direct system parameters measurement
Figure 6. Merkurii IDS in the Modules of the "Mir" Space Station
Figure 7. General view of the Integrated Control Console of the Manual Control Loop for Onboard Systems of the Modules in the Russian Segment of the International
Space Station
Figure 8. Block Diagram of the Manual Remote Control Loop for the Onboard Systems in the Russian Segment of the International Space Station
Figure 9. First Information Display Format of the Integrated Console in the Service Module of the International Space Station
Figure 10. General view of the Soyuz-TMA Main Cosmonaut Console of the "Soyuz-TMA"
Figure 11. Marker control units (MCU)
Figure 12. First Information Display Format of the "Soyuz-TMA" Cosmonaut Console Screen
Figure 13. Example of the Control and Test Format for One of the "Soyuz-TMA" Systems
Figure 14. Example of the "Soyuz-TMA" Cosmonaut/Onboard Computer System Interface Format for Set Point Input
Figure 15. Cosmonaut Navigation Service Format
Orbital Module
Solar Array
Service Module
Propulsion System
Descent Module
Shock Control Acceleration Landing
Damper-lifter Measurement Engines
Neptune Motion
Rassvet M
Soyuz 7K
Soyuz 19, ASTP
Soyuz T-10A explodes on pad, just prior to escape tower activation by Moscow
ground control,
26 Sep 1983, Soyuz 7K-ST, 20G abort
crew Gennadi Strekalov, Vladimir Titov
Soyuz-TM 1 - 15, 17 - 34 , 7K-STM
docked to SM, ISS
Soyuz T
Docked to Mir
Soyuz-TMA 7, 7K-STMA
Soyuz TM
This picture shows the cockpit of a Soyuz TM.
Mark Shuttleworth was the spacelfight participant
assigned to the crew of the last Soyuz TM in April 2002.
The center seat is for the commander, who directs the
flight and is responsible for manual dockings and
descents if necessary.
The left seat is the first flight engineer, who is
responsible for thrusters and attitude control. The right
seat is for the 'cosmonaut researcher' or second flight
engineer, who controls the communications, navigation
and life support systems. In the next-generation cockpit,
the Soyuz TMA, all of the functions have been shifted to
the left seat, and the craft can be flown by a single
Soyuz TMA
This shot shows the simulator for the Soyuz TMA
which flew for the first time late 2002.
The new cockpit for the Soyuz TMA was changed
to allow for taller cosmonauts at NASA's request,
and also uses a new set of computer displays.
The underlying systems are almost entirely
unchanged, so the craft should performs like a TM.
The new displays allowed them to shorten the
Height of the control panel, hence fitting taller
cosmonauts. Currently, short and tall NASA
astronauts were excluded from Mir and ISS crews
because they would not fit properly into the
Soyuz emergency escape vehicles prior to the
TMA. Several injuries occurred in earlier
Versions of the spacecraft because the
anthropometric criteria were not met.
The TMA allows a wider range of individual sizes..
3. Soyuz TM
1. Soyuz
SOI “Sirius” for the Soyuz 7K and Soyuz A8
Command-alarm devices
Navigation indicator
Console alarm
Cylinder pressure indicator
Digital information input unit
Program controls indicator.
7. Combined electronic indicator
8. Distance and speed indicator
9. Time
10. Cabin parameters indicator
11. Pressure and electric current indicator
4. Soyuz TMA
2. Soyuz T
Descent module console SOI “Neptune” for Soyuz T
Voltage and current indicator
Indicator and manual information I
input unit for the onboard computer
KEI – Integrated Electronic Indicator
Navigation position indicator
Command-alarm panels with matrix
selection of the control objects
The SOI “Neptune” console for the Soyuz TM Descent Module is the same
as for the Soyuz T, but the KEI dial (6) has been replaced by an electronic
display. The clock (10) is digital.
KEI signal parameter unit
Critical command buttons
Alarm panels
Fuel consumption indicator
Descent module PSA console SOI “Neptune” for Soyuz TMA
INPU command unit
Color VGA monitor
Alarm and safety devices
(circuit breakers)
Voltage meter.
Sokol suit fan switches
Status indicators
Monochrome VGA monitor
Critical command buttons.
Apollo-Soyuz (ASTP)
Information Display Systems of the MIR Station and the Service Module of the International Space Station
According to the Russian program of manned cosmonautics development, the
basic module of the International Space Station (ISS) is built using the basic
module of the MIR-2 station. The MIR station employed the IDS which include the
following main components (see Fig. 4a, b, c):
-display systems Simvol, STEK, Svet,
- a multi-channel emergency warning system,
- manual control loop with the hierarchical method of control object selection and
the expanded form of information presentation,
- panels of direct system parameters measurement (see Fig. 5),
- a television system.
The "Merkurii" IDS (see Fig. 6) which was used in the manual system control loops
of the Quantum, Spectrum and etc. modules, was planned to be utilized in the
manual control loop of the MIR-2 basic module. However, the production of the
instruments incorporated in this IDS was ended. The resumption of their
manufacturing is not profitable.
Thus, the objective need in IDS upgrading arose during the development of such
systems for the modules of the Russian segment (RS) of the ISS.
An integrated control console (ICC) which is hardware and software compatible with a IBM
PC, is suggested as a basic console for the manual control loop. The console is shown in
Fig. 7. The console comprises an electroluminescent color panel which is designed
together with the electronics as a stand-alone VGA monitor. The computing section is built
using micro PC modules. The console has embedded interface units to interface to the
onboard systems and the matrix system of control object selection. The number of
commands transmitted through the matrix switchboard of the onboard control complex
(OCC) is 18*9 /4,5/. The number of received two-position signals is 192.
The ICC provides the registration of operator's commands and the transmission of this
information to the telemetry system for further drop to the Earth. The two ICCs are
installed in the service module. Similar consoles are suggested to be used in the other
systems of the ISS RS. The ICCs of all the modules of the ISS RS are integrated in a manual
remote control system (MRC). They are connected to a common multiplexed bus with the
GOST 18977-79 (ARINC429) interface. The loop structure is shown in Fig. 8. Such a
configuration provides the possible MRC extension during the operation of the station on
an orbit.
The man-computer interface (MCI) is based on a hierarchical design using a menu. The first format of the MCI is given in Fig.9. The ICC
implements 14 Russian formats and 14 English formats. Considerable reserves are available to grow the number of display formats. The format
selection and the command selection and transmission is provided by a marker which is controlled from the keyboard similar to that used in
standard personal computers.
The software is built so that after a new module is delivered to the ISS, the ICC formats of this module are loaded in the ICC of the service
module. This provides the opportunity of controlling the onboard systems from both the service module and directly the ICC of the appropriate
station module.
The results obtained in developing the ICC for the ISS RS were used to solve the problems of IDS upgrading for the "Soyuz-TMA" intended for
crew rescue from the ISS.