Eco-Exmoor Devon Ltd Case Study:


Eco-Exmoor Devon Ltd Case Study:
Eco-Exmoor Devon Ltd Case Study:
Torridge District: 3.76kW console mounted PV system.
The client lives in a remote, rural location.
She was interested in installing a PV array.
The house is a 16th century listed building
and it was not possible to install an array fixed
to the building.
The Requirement
The client wanted us to provide her with a Photovoltaic system that would
supply electricity to the whole house.
Her reasons for considering a PV system were
 To reduce their carbon footprint
The client selected to install 16 x 235Wp Kioto Black / Black PV panels.
This gave a 3.76kW system, fed through a Power One 3.6kW inverter. This
meets Western Power Distribution’s directive that systems less than
3.68kW may be installed without a distribution system upgrade.
Renusol ConSole mounting consoles were selected. Originally designed
for flat roofs, they are also ideal for flat open ground, where the customer
does want a fixed ground mounting system installed.
How the System works:
 To save money on their electricity bills,
 Reduce the running costs of their home
 Earn money from the Feed-in and Export tariffs
The Style of the Project
Eco-Exmoor operatives performed site surveys to assess the requirements.
Initially, the client was interested in a two tracker system, but this would
have involved a supply upgrade by Western Power Distribution and was
not considered financially viable.
A single tracker system was then considered, but as finally rejected because it was considered that the visual impact would be too high.
A console ground mounted system, located on the boundary of a piece of
open ground was chosen.
DC Power
AC Power
230 single phase
Fiscal (Utility)
National Grid
System exports to grid
where generation exceeds
Eco-Exmoor Devon Ltd Case Study:
Torridge District: 3.76kW console mounted PV
Inverter, DC and AC isolators. These are all rated for external installation.
3.76kW 16 Module REC235 PE Black ground mounted Photovoltaic System