February 2013 - Craigie Symington Parish Church


February 2013 - Craigie Symington Parish Church
Church Website: www.symingtonparishchurch.com
Minister: Rev. Glenda Keang 830205
Symington Church Contacts
E-mail: [email protected]
Session Clerk
Miss M Withycombe 01292 319 683
Roll Keeper
Mr W Kilpatrick
830 393
Mrs M Marrio0
Con/Board Clerk
Mrs M Kilpatrick
830 393
FWO/Gi4 Aid Convenor
Mr M Tulloch
860 389
Bonds Promoter
Mr B Cuthbert
01292 312 061
Hall Lets
Mrs M Davidson
830 032
Mr J Hannah
830 507
Church Officer
Mr J Fowler
830 067
Church Flowers
Mrs M Steel
830 359
The Guild
Mrs E Gault
830 401
Craigie Church Contacts
Session Clerk
Mr J Miller Hardie
884 269
Treasurer / FWO Convenor
Mrs Isobel A Hardie
884 269
Sunday School
Mrs J Morton
860 236
Craigie Hall
Gavin Morton
860 236
Link Contacts
Mrs M Davidson
830 032
Mrs Fiona Khaliq
860 206
Mrs Vivian Harrison
830 094
Rob Keang
830 205
Charity number : SCO02144 : Edion 219 February 2013
Letter from your Minister: Rev Glenda Keating
Church Register
It is Spring! A me of snowdrops and daffodils and birds nest-building. It is a
wonderful me of year. It is also nearly Easter, that like Spring comes around
every year. A4er that brutal crucifixion Friday, and that long quiet Saturday,
the stone was rolled away! Jesus is risen! And that one intake of breath in
the tomb changes everything. It changes the very reason I drew breath today
Jesus said,
“I am the resurrection and the life
Norman James Martin: Dankeith Drive, Symington
and the way I move about in this world because I believe he's coming back
William Nicholson: Townend, Symington
again. The world has gone on for more than two millennia since Jesus' feet
Thomas Thomson: Hansel Village
trod the earth he made. What would they have said back then if someone
had told them that some two thousand years later we'd sll be waing? They
Joe Goldie: Obree Avenue, Prestwick
would've thought back to that long Saturday and said, 'Two thousand years
will seem like a breath to you when you finally lay your crown at his feet.
That Saturday is a blur of grief in my memory, but let me tell you about Sun-
“They brought young people to Jesus”
day morning. Now that really was something!' These many years of waing
will only be a sentence in the story. This long day will come to an end, and I
believe it will end in glory, when we will shine like Spring sunshine and stride
the green hills with those we love and the One who loves us. We will look
“Those whom God has joined together”
with our new eyes and speak with our new tongues and turn to each other
and say, 'Do you remember the waing? The long years, the bi0er pain, the
gnawing doubt, the relentless ache?' And like Mary at the tomb, we will say,
'I remember only the light, and the voice calling my name, and the overwhelming joy that the waing was finally over.' Have a blessed and happy
Easter, enjoy the chocolate eggs and bunnies and chicks and hopefully the
sunshine! But remember just what God did that first Easter morning for each
and every one of us!
Church service times:
Sunday 10.30 am.
st rd
Craigie: 1 3 Sunday 12 noon.
Symington WRI
Wednesday 13th February 2013
Mrs Harrison, President, welcomed members and thanked
them for coming out on such a dreadful night.
She then introduced the speaker for the evening,
photographer, John Connor, from Kilmarnock. He showed us
some of his excellent slides, and had the members laughing
and enjoying his commentary, he also showed wedding and
baby photographs and gave the members helpful hints,
when taking scenic, or any photos. He finished his show by
showing his beauful Golden Retrievers and ne puppy Jazz.
Mrs Harrison gave the Vote of Thanks.
A Scenic Photograph
on Results
A Mini-Pavlova
1st: Sandra McArthur
1st: Joan Smith
2nd: Sheena Reid
2nd: Vivien Harrison
3rd: Liz Thomson
Next Month’s Speaker: Will be from the RNLI Troon.
Compeons will be a small edible filled boat & a shell.
Soup Lunch for Project India Charitable trust
The Minister and Elders of Symington Parish Church
again came up trumps when they organised a Soup
Lunch in the village hall, following worship on Sunday,
27th January. In spite of Andy Murray playing in the
Australian Open Tennis Final at the same me, a large
number turned out to enjoy a variety of soups, coffee/
tea and biscuits and over £150 was raised for the Ann &
Jen Nursery & Primary School in Chetpet, South India.
In thanking all involved the Rev. John Webster, one of
the trustees, acknowledged the importance of “crossing
the other side of the road” to help those in need.
Ann Ormerod, Chair and Secretary
Projects India Charitable Trust
Symington Primary School
The latest edion of the school News Le0er is available on line on
the church website www.symingtonparishchurch.com
The School has designed and developed it’s own Website.
If you wish to view everything that is going on at
Symington Primary School log on to :
Symington Drama c Club
Three One-Act Plays
“The Audition”, “ Doggies”,
“ Gibbie Proposes”
Symington Community Hall
21st & 22nd March 2013
Adults £5.00 Children £3.00*
* not £3.50 as previously adver sed*
Door: 7pm for &.7.30pm
Please come and see us
Margaret (830032) or
Anne (830368)
RAFFLE PRIZES— gratefully received !!
Ac vi es in the Community Hall
Ac vity
Wed. 7-8pm
K Finlayson: 850668
Wed. 9.30-10.30am
D Higgins:
01292 474100
Age Concern
Tues. 2-4pm/7-9pm on the
First Tues. of the Month
Belle Nimmo: 830597
Tues. 2-4pm/7.30-9.30pm on
the last Tues. of the Month
E Gault: 830401
Wed. 7.30-9.30pm 2nd Wed.
of the Month
V Harrison: 830094
Drama Club
Thurs. 7.30-9.30pm
M Davidson :830032
Sunday Club
Sun. 10.15-11.30am
D Brown: 830919
Mothers & Toddlers
Tues. 9.15-11.15am
J Henderson :831110
A4er School Club
Mon.-Fri. 2.15.- 6pm
I Porte: 01292612029
Indoor Bowling
(all ages)
Mon. 7.15—9pm
M Davidson: 830032
Community Council
Tues. 7-9pm 3rd Tues. Month
J Mulholland :830082
If you are interested in starng an acvity group in the Community Hall, and would
like further informaon on availability, mes, and costs, please contact Margaret
Davidson Hall Lets manager: e-mail [email protected] or telephone
01563 830032. The Hall is a great venue for pares and family gatherings. So why
not come along and have a look at our facilies.
Symington Community Projects Limited (Hall for All)
2013 Symington Gala
It is hoped, that funds permiVng we will be able to place a
Christmas Tree in the Hall grounds next Christmas. It has been many
years since the village had a Christmas Tree. We shall try to address
this in me for Christmas 2013. I had a meeng with the Community
Council asking for assistance in this venture and I am delighted to
say that they will supply the Tree. We would be delighted to receive
donaons of outdoor lights, if possible. We will provide the mains
power, and the labour.
Saturday 8th June in Shaw Park
Gala Party:
Rob Keang (Chairman)
Craigie Community Council
A comprehensive paper giving the current posion of the
Community Energy Feasibility Study was presented to the
Council by John Maxwell. A further assessment of the
noise impact of the project has been requested by South
Ayrshire Council. This is now under-way and the results
will be available shortly.
A suggeson was put forward for a combined community
purchasing syndicate for ulies. However a4er considerable discussion it was decided that to administer such a
project would be too complicated.
The next meeng of the Council will be held on
Wednesday 13th March at 7.30pm.
Queen: Suzanne McGowan
King: Ryan Turkington
Maids: Cara McNicol & Amber Buchanan
Coach Boy: Euan Bell
The Gala Commi0ee are looking for help from the
community to help with the various events that
happen during Gala Week. Unfortunately if they
receive a poor response then there will only be a
Gala Day and a Gala Dance. If you can assist in any
way please contact:
Audrey Chrise on 07545221921 or
[email protected]
Thank You
I would like to say a big thank you to all my friends in the village
who sent me cards, flowers and good wishes, when I came home
from hospital. I was overwhelmed by your kindness and support. I
am making slow progress and hope to be back to all my various
acvies in the near future. Thank you all.
Margaret Robertson
Donaons of used stamps: I would like to say many thanks for all
the stamps I have received since Christmas. They go to a very good
cause, and they are all much appreciated.
Margaret Robertson
Symington Guild
Symington Parish Church
“Whose we are and whom we serve”
Inspector Sean Mangan was the speaker at the Guild January Meeng.
Inspector Mangan was a very charming person and he gave us a very
informave insight into how the police in Ayr work in the community
and in the surrounding villages. Crime figures are down, but drugs are
sll a major problem. The police are working alongside St Johns Ambulance to make Ayr a safer place for young people on Friday and Saturday nights. St Johns can deal with minor injuries or just too much alcohol. This saves two police having to take them to hospital.
A very nice le0er was received from Combat Stress thanking us for the
£170.00 raised at the Soup Lunch held to mark the 125th Anniversary.
Four members went to Prestwick South Church where they enjoyed
the OIR Choir.
Eleanor was at the Project Partner meeng where Fiona Punn the
Informaon Officer was the speaker. Fiona spoke about the 125 years
since Dr Archibald Charteris founded the Guild. There have many
changes. For fi4y years Guild ladies were not allowed to chair
meengs or look a4er their own money, it had to be a man. Many men
are now joining the Guild and becoming convenors etc. The Guild has
accomplished a lot in its many and diverse projects. Today it is commi0ed to helping to remove people trafficking and domesc abuse etc.
There have been many changes, but the fellowship and friendship
have been constant as has the commitment of our members to the
work of the Guild “Whose we are and whom we serve”.
Easter Services
Thursday 28th March: Holy Communion, 7pm, Symington
Parish Church.
Good Friday 29th March: Joint service with Dundonald
Parish Church, 7pm, Symington Parish Church followed by
Refreshments in the Hall.
Easter Sunday 31st March
8am at Barnweil followed by the Big Breakfast in Craigie
Village Hall.
Worship at 10.30am in Symington Parish Church.
Worship at 12 Noon in Craigie Parish Church.
Spaces Available
2013 Flower Calendar
Symington Parish Church
If you would like to add your name to the Flower Calendar please
add it to the Calendar in the Church Porch. If you would like more
informaon please contact May Steel 830359
Every Sunday Morning
(During school term)
10-15 am in the Village Hall (2)
Symington Library
Opening mes
Royal Bank of Scotland
Monday & Friday
Mobile Bank
Tuesday 10 – 12noon & 2—5pm
Thursday 2 - 6pm
Come along for coffee and a chat you are most welcome
Ministerial Visits
As ministers lists are no longer available to ministers at
hospitals, could everyone please let the minister, or any
elder of the church, know of anyone who is in hospital.
The minister would rather be told
100 mes than not at all.
The RBS mobile bank will call weekly
Symington Shops every Thursday.
Between 9.45am & 10.15am
Symington Village Diary
Would groups/organisaons within the village, please try to
ensure that you put the date of any event that you are
holding in the village, in the village diary.
(This diary is kept in the Library).
This would help to reduce the clash of any funcon dates
Thank You
Craigie WRI
President Mrs Nancy Brown welcomed members to
I would like to say thank you to everyone who sent cards and best
wishes during my recent illness. Many thanks also for the lovely
flowers and plants received from the church, WRI and Guild.
Francis Clelland
our February meeting.
Items of Business were discussed before introducing
Church magazine bloopers!
our entertainment for the evening: various invita-
* Don't let worry kill you--let the church help.
tions to other rural, classes to be held at Federation,
* Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our
church and community.
our Theatre outing in March and our trip in May.
Nancy then introduced Bridie and Friends who
certainly gave us an evening of entertainment.
Nancy Guthrie gave a comprehensive Vote of
Thanks and also acted as Hostess for the evening.
The Competition results were as follows:
PLAIN GINGERBREAD: 1st Eleanor Young.
2nd Flora McFadzean. 3rd Anne Speir.
PHOTO TO MAKE YOU SMILE: 1st Marlene Young.
2nd Nettie Sheperd. 3rd Anne Speir.
2nd Flora Mc.Fadzean 3rd Nettie Sheperd.
* For those of you who have children and don't know it,
we have a nursery downstairs.
* Weight Watchers will meet a 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side
* Thursday at 5:00 PM there will be a mee ng of the
LiBle Mother's Club. All ladies wishing to become "LiBle
Mothers" will meet with the Pastor in his study.
* This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to
come forward and lay an egg on the altar.
* The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every
kind. They can be seen in the church basement Saturday.
* Thursday night--Potluck supper. Prayer and medica on
to follow.
Age Concern Contact:
Belle Nimmo 830597
The next meeng of Age Concern in March will be:
More Symington Guild Informa on
Please not the following a4er church events
Age Concern Contact:
Belle Nimmo 830597
February 2013
President Margaret Davidson opened the February
meeng with New Year wishes to all. This was followed by
a talk from Heather Baillie, the Age Scotland Ayrshire representave, who gave an insight into funding and grant
work carried out by them. She was extremely helpful and
answered the many quesons posed by us. A4er tea we
had bingo with Gloria Daniels as the caller. Thanks to all
those who donated prizes for the raffle and also to Marie
Fowler once again for her baking.
Symington Age Concern 200 Club Draw for Jan. & Feb
Tea and Coffee: Sunday 10th march 2013
Ann Lawrie
H Adams
M. Davidson
B Li0lejohn
Kyle Community Policing Team
F McBride
N Young
Our team covers the villages of Loans, Dundonald, Symington,
Craigie and Mossblown
Soup Lunch for Chrisan Aid: Sunday 14th April 2013
Tea and Coffee: Sunday 12th May 2013
Contact Details
Local Police amended contact details
Symington community police officer: Gordon Thomson: 01292
664000 e-mail: [email protected]
D Herron
Mrs Dawes
Mrs Dunlop
A Wylie
R Hase
D McIntyre
Read All About It
News Update
Please remember and send me any items for inclusion in
our next issue of the Link in me. Noon 23rd March
Shelter Boxes
I inmated in last months Link, that the Shelter boxes that
had been purchased on your behalf totalled 3, this was not
correct the number was 4. The numbers I gave were also
incorrect due to an administrave error between Shelter
Box and Ayr Rotary Club. The unique numbers of your
boxes are: 68627, 68628, 68629 and 68630. I am sorry for
this mix up but somemes these things happen. However
let us be grateful that we have managed to get 4 boxes
instead of 3.
If you have any quesons then please contact: Rob Keang
Ayr Rotary Club, Shelter Box Appeal Team, 01563 830205.
Symington Pharmacy :Opening Hours
Monday Tuesday & Thursday 2pm-5.30pm
Link Distribu on Dates:
Stapling & Folding Dates:
Sun. 31st March 2013
Thur. March 28th 2013
Sun. 5th May 2013
Thur. May 2nd 2013
Sun. 30th June 2013
Thur. June 27th 2013
Items for The Link (Important)
Wednesday & Friday 9am-1pm
If you think you have any item suitable for
publicaon in the Link then please forward them
to the editor (Rob Keang)
Saturday 9.30am-12 noon
E-Mail: [email protected]
Pharmacy Phone No: 831300