goodspeed musicals


goodspeed musicals
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Chasing Rainbows | 17
Cast of Characters | 18
Synopsis of Scenes &
Musical Numbers | 19
Song List | 21
Who’s Who | 22
Program Notes | 30
About Goodspeed Musicals | 32
History of The Goodspeed | 33
The Goodspeed Opera House
Foundation | 34
Corporate Support | 35
Foundation &
Government Support | 35
Looking to the Future | 36
Memorial and Tribute Gifts | 38
Goodspeed Members | 39
Goodspeed Musicals Staff | 47
For Your Information | 57
Audio and video recording and
photography are prohibited in the theatre.
Please turn off your cell phone, beeper,
watch alarm or anything else that might
make a distracting noise during the
performance. Unwrap any candies, cough
drops, or mints before the performance
begins to avoid disturbing your fellow
audience members or the actors on stage.
We appreciate your cooperation.
Lori A. Cartwright
OnStage Publications
937-424-0529 | 866-503-1966
[email protected]
This program is published in association
with OnStage Publications, 1612 Prosser
Avenue, Kettering, OH 45409. This program
may not be reproduced in whole or in
part without written permission from the
publisher. JBI Publishing is a division of
OnStage Publications, Inc. Contents © 2016.
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
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Celebrating 35 years
of making Connecticut a
healthier place to live,
work and play.
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A Non-Profit Arts Organization
Executive Director
Founding Director
Book by
Conceived by
Musical Adaptation by
Scenic Design by
Costume Design by
Lighting Design by
Creative Consultant/Historian
Assistant Music Director
Wig & Hair Design by
Arrangements and
Original Orchestrations
Sound Design by
Orchestrations by
Production Manager
Production Stage Manager
Casting by
Associate Producer
Line Producer
General Manager
Music Direction by
Choreographed by
Directed by
The 2016 Carol L. Sirot Director
First Performance: September 16, 2016 at The Goodspeed
This production made possible by special arrangement with Chasing Rainbows Productions.
Chasing Rainbows was developed in part at the Flat Rock Playhouse.
Sponsored by:
Marquee Producing Partners:
(In order of appearance)
Frances Gumm (Judy Garland) RUBY RAKOS
Baby Frances ELLA BRIGGS
Young Virginia Gumm PIPER BIRNEY
Young Mary Jane Gumm CLAIRE GRIFFIN
Mary Jane Gumm LUCY HORTON
Bill Gilmore JESSE SHARP
Joe Yule (Mickey Rooney MICHAEL WARTELLA
Judy Turner (Lana Turner) BERKLEA GOING
George Jessel GARY MILNER
Kay Koverman KAREN MASON
Edna Mae Durbin (Deanna Durbin) CLAIRE GRIFFIN
Hollywood Harry JESSE SHARP
Frances/Judy CLAIRE GRIFFIN; Baby Frances, Young Virginia LEA MANCARELLA;
Virginia, Deanna LISSA deGUZMAN; Mary Jane JORDANA GROLNICK; Frank, Bill,
Manager, L.B. Mayer JESSE SHARP; Roger, George, Clark, Jim BRYAN THOMAS HUNT;
18 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
1928-1938: Grand Rapids, Minn.; Antelope Valley, Calif.; Chicago, Ill.,
and Hollywood
Scene 1, MGM Soundstage
Scene 2, Movie Theater Stage, Grand Rapids, 1928
Shooting High.....................................................................................................................Gumm Family
Scene 3, On the Road from Minnesota to California
Going Hollywood............................................................................................. Gumm Family & Ensemble
Scene 4, Antelope Valley, Calif.
Scene 5, Frances’ Room
Always/Remember................................................................................................ Frank, Baby & Frances
Scene 6, Antelope Valley, Eight Years Later
Morning Comes...........................................................................................................................Frances
Scene 7, On the Way to Hollywood
Beautiful Girl.......................................................................................................................Gumm Family
Scene 8, A Schoolroom, Hollywood
This is a Happy Little Ditty............................................................................................. Shirley, Students
All Ma's Children.............................................................................. Joe, Frances, Students & Ma Lawlor
Scene 9, Projection Room, Antelope Valley & Stage of a Hollywood Theater
Bill...................................................................................................................................Frances & Ethel
Scene 10, The Schoolroom & The Gumm House in L.A. & the Projection Room
Shooting High (Reprise)......................................................................................................................Joe
You Made Me Love You....................................................................................................... Ethel & Frank
Scene 11, Various Hollywood Studios & Chicago’s World Fair
The Business We Call Show............................................................. Mary Jane, Virginia, Ethel & Frances
Scene 12, Stage of the Oriental Theater, Chicago, Ill.
Judy...................................................................................................................... George Jessel & Judy
Scene 13, Projection Room, Antelope Valley
I'm Always Chasing Rainbows........................................................................................................ Frank
Scene 14, The Gumm House & A Mansion in Hollywood
Hollywood Party........................................................................ Mickey, Judy, Gumm Family & Ensemble
Should I............................................................................................................................................Judy
Scene 15, L.B. Mayer’s Office, MGM Studios
Il Bacio......................................................................................................................... Edna Mae Durbin
Zing! Went The Strings Of My Heart..................................................................................................Judy
Beautiful Girls (Reprise)......................................................................................L.B. Mayer, Roger & Kay
Scene 16, The Gumm House
Everybody Sing...................................................................................... Judy, Gumm Family & Ensemble
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Scene 1, MGM Studios
Optimistic Voices.......................................................................................................... Judy & Ensemble
Meet The Beat of My Heart................................................................................ Judy, Roger & Ensemble
Scene 2, A Rehearsal Room, MGM Studios
Scene 3, Wardrobe Department, MGM Studios
Scene 4, Judy’s Room
I Can't Give You Anything But Love.......................................................................................Frank & Judy
Scene 5, A Radio Studio, Hollywood & The Gumm House
Zing! Went The Strings Of My Heart (Reprise)...................................................................................Judy
Always/Remember (Reprise)................................................................. Judy, Ethel, Mary Jane & Virginia
Scene 6, The Gumm House
Scene 7, L.B. Mayer’s Office, MGM Studios
Scene 8, A Rehearsal Room, MGM Studios
Swing, Mister Mendelssohn............................................................................. Judy, Mickey & Edna Mae
Scene 9, MGM Studio Lot
Scene 10, MGM Soundstage
Hollywood Party (Reprise)......................................................................................................... Ensemble
Dear Mister Gable/You Made Me Love You.................................... Judy, L.B. Mayer, Kay, Roger & Mickey
Scene 11, Andy Hardy Set, MGM Studio Lot
In Between......................................................................................................................... Judy & Roger
Scene 12, L.B. Mayer’s Office
If/Only................................................................................................................................................ Kay
Scene 13, Hollywood Movie Premiere
I Don't Care............................................................................................................................Judy & Kay
Scene 14, MGM Studio Lot & Commissary
Got A Pair Of New Shoes................................................................ Judy, Roger, Kay, Mickey & Ensemble
Scene 15, MGM Studio & Wardrobe Department
Oz Montage........................................................................................................................The Company
Scene 16, The Wizard of Oz Soundstage
Over the Rainbow.............................................................................................................................Judy
Program subject to change.
There will be a 15-minute intermission between acts.
Please turn off your cell phone, beeper, watch alarm or anything else that might make a distracting noise during the performance.
Unwrap any candies, cough drops, or mints before the performance begins to avoid disturbing your fellow audience members or the
actors on stage.
Out of respect for our actors and your fellow theatergoers, we ask that you remain seated until the curtain calls are over and the
house lights have come up.
We appreciate your cooperation.
Audio and video recording and photography are prohibited in the theatre.
20 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
All God’s Chillun Got Rhythm Written by Bronislaw
Kaper, Walter Jurmann, and Gus Kahn. Used by
permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
I’m Always Chasing Rainbows Music and Lyrics by
Joseph McCarthy and Harry Carroll. Used by permission
of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Always And Always Music and Lyrics by Chet Forrest,
Bob Wright and Edward Ward. Used by permission of
Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
In Between Music and Lyrics by Roger Edens. Used by
permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Beautiful Girl Music and Lyrics by Arthur Freed and
Nacio Herb Brown. Used by permission of Sony/ATV
Music Publishing LLC.
Bill Music by Jerome Kern and Lyrics by Oscar II
Hammerstein and P.G. Wodehouse. Used by permission
of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP on behalf of the Estate
of Berry Kern Miller, the P.G. Wodehouse Trust, and
Hammerstein Properties LLC.
Broadway Rhythm (Theme) Music and Lyrics by Arthur
Freed and Nacio Herb Brown. Used by permission of
Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Dear Mister Gable Music and Lyrics by Roger Edens.
Used by permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Did I Remember (To Tell You That I Adore You) Music and
Lyrics by Walter Donaldson and Harold Adamson. Used
by permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Everybody Sing Music and Lyrics by Nacio Herb Brown
and Arthur Freed. Used by permission of Sony/ATV
Music Publishing LLC.
Bridge/Specialty material for Everybody Sing Music and
Lyrics by David Libby and Tina Marie Casamento Libby.
Going Hollywood Music and Lyrics by Nacio Herb Brown
and Arthur Freed. Used by permission of Sony/ATV
Music Publishing LLC.
Got A Pair Of New Shoes Music and Lyrics by Arthur
Freed and Nacio Herb Brown. Used by permission of
Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Hollywood Party Music and Lyrics by Lorenz Hart and
Richard Rodgers. Used by permission of Sony/ATV
Music Publishing LLC.
I Can’t Give You Anything But Love Music and Lyrics by
Dorothy Fields and Jimmy Mc Hugh. Used by permission
of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC and Shapiro,
Bernstein & Co., on behalf of Aldi Music Company.
I Don’t Care Music and Lyrics by Harry O’Sutton and
Jean Lennox. Public Domain.
I’m Shooting High Music and Lyrics by Jimmy McHugh
and Ted Koehler. Used by permission of Sony/ATV
Music Publishing LLC.
If I Only Had a Brain Music and Lyrics by E.Y. “Yip”
Harburg and Harold Arlen. Used by permission of
Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Il Bacio Composed by Luigi Arditi. Public Domain.
The Jitterbug Music and Lyrics by E.Y. “Yip” Harburg
and Harold Arlen. Used by permission of Sony/ATV
Music Publishing LLC.
Judy Written by Hoagy Carmichael and Sammy Lerner.
Used by permission of Songs of Peer, Ltd. and Samuel
M. Lerner Publications.
Meet The Beat Of My Heart Music and Lyrics by Mack
Gordon and Harry Revel. Used by permission of Sony/
ATV Music Publishing LLC.
On the Bumpy Road to Love Music and Lyrics by Al
Hoffman, Al Lewis and Ted Murray. Used by permission
Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, The Music Sales
Corporation, Sovereign Music Company on behalf of
Mary Ann Siushansian.
Optimistic Voices Music and Lyrics by E.Y. “Yip” Harburg
and Harold Arlen. Used by permission of Sony/ATV
Music Publishing LLC.
Over The Rainbow Music and Lyrics by E.Y. “Yip”
Harburg and Harold Arlen. Used by permission of Sony/
ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Should I Music and Lyrics by Nacio Herb Brown and Arthur
Freed. Used by permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Swing Mister Mendelssohn Music and Lyrics by Walter
Jurmann, Bronislaw Kaper and Gus Kahn. Used by
permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Teenage Patter Music and Lyrics by David Libby and
Tina Marie Casamento Libby.
This Is A Happy Little Ditty Music and Lyrics by Harold
Spina and Walter Bullock. Used by permission of Sony/
ATV Music Publishing LLC.
We’re Off to See The Wizard Music and Lyrics by E.Y.
“Yip” Harburg and Harold Arlen. Used by permission
of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC.
You Made Me Love You Music and Lyrics by James V.
Monaco and Joe McCarthy. Used by permission of Sony/
ATV Music Publishing LLC.
Zing! Went The Strings Of My Heart Music and Lyrics by
James F. Hanley. © 1935 (Renewed) WB Music Corp. All
Rights Reserved.
Additional original specialty and score material
composed by David Libby.
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PIPER BIRNEY (Young Virginia Gumm)
is beyond excited to have the opportunity
to be part of this amazing show, right
here at home, in Connecticut. This is
Piper’s Goodspeed debut. National Tour:
How the Grinch Stole Christmas 2013
(Cindy Lou Who). Regional: North Shore
Music Theatre’s Annie (Kate) and Billy Elliot (Alison
Summers). Television: The Leftovers. Many thanks to Cathryn
Kenzel, Cheryl Myers and Academy of Dance and Music,
Joe Tinari, and Nancy Carson. Sending love and thanks
to family, friends, and teachers for all of their support.
ELLA BRIGGS (Baby Frances) is
delighted to be returning to the beautiful
Goodspeed Opera House after playing
Zuzu in last season’s A Wonderful
Life. Other favorite roles include The
Wizard of Oz (Mayor of Munchkin City),
Oliver! (Orphan), The Addams Family
(Ancestor), and Beauty and the Beast (Chip). Deepest
gratitude to Kate Cavenagh D’Onofrio, Anthony Pandolfe,
Ya Ya, Bi Bi, YPCCA, and big sister Riley (her partner in
creative adventures). Thank you to the cast, the creative team,
and the entire Goodspeed staff for this amazing opportunity.
KEVIN EARLEY* (Frank Gumm) is thrilled
to be back at Goodspeed (Annie Get
Your Gun) after finishing Josephine,
A New Musical at ASOLO Rep. Before
that, Kevin was at La Mirada Theater
in EMPIRE, The Musical, another new
piece. Broadway/National Tours: Les
Misérables, Thoroughly Modern Millie, and A Tale of Two
Cities. Awards: NY Drama Desk Nomination for the title
role in Death Takes a Holiday, L.A. Drama Critic’s Circle
Award for 1776, Joseph Jefferson Award for Assassins,
and four Ovation Nominations for leading roles in CanCan, Sleeping Beauty Wakes, It Came From Beyond, and
Side Show. More at
LEA MANCARELLA (Shirley Temple), 11
years old, is from Pittsford, NY. 2014
National Tour: A Christmas Story (Mary
Beth). Regional: A Christmas Carol (Geva
Theatre, Rochester, NY), A Midsummer
Night’s Dream (Geva Theatre). Feature
films: The Shells, Second Story Man.
Voice Over: Sesame Street. Numerous TV commercials
and community theatre productions. Very grateful to
Goodspeed Musicals for this wonderful opportunity.
And “oh my goodness” thankful to family, teachers, and
friends for the love, the support, and the arts education!
KAREN MASON* (Ma Lawlor, Kay
Koverman) Broadway: Wonderland,
Hairspray, Mamma Mia! (Drama Desk
nomination), Sunset Boulevard (NY,
LA), Jerome Robbins’ Broadway, Torch
Song Trilogy, Play Me A Country Song.
Off-Broadway: Unfinished Business
(written by Karen Mason & Barry Kleinbort); Kander and
Ebb’s And the World Goes ’Round; Carnival (Drama Desk
nomination); Karen Mason Sings Broadway, Beatles
and Brian. Regional: Wonderland (Straz PAC,The AlleyHouston), White Christmas (St. Louis Muni Opera, World
Premiere), Side by Side… (Coconut Grove Playhouse),
Gypsy (Sundance Theatre). CDs: Right Here, Right Now
(MAC 2009 CD of the Year); Sweetest of Nights; When
The Sun Comes Out; Better Days (1998 Emmy Award);
Not So Simply Broadway; Christmas! Christmas!
Christmas!. Cabaret Awards: 12 MACs, 3 Bistros, 1
Nightlife Award.TV: Law & Order, Law & Order SVU.
Goodspeed: On The Twentieth Century,
The Gig. Broadway: Chaplin, Elf, Curtains,
How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Gypsy
(Sam Mendes, director), 1776 (John
Adams), Marie Christine, Kiss of the
Spider Woman, La Bête, Oliver!. OffBroadway: Himself and Nora, Fly by Night, Tin Pan
Alley Rag, A Man of No Importance, among others.
National Tours: La Cage aux Folles, The Producers, Les
Misérables. He can be heard on 18 Broadway and OffBroadway original cast recordings. TV: Braindead, The
Good Wife, Gotham, House of Cards, Orange is the
New Black, Elementary, all three Law & Order series.
He lives in Connecticut with wife Alison and son Dylan.
GARY MILNER* (George Jessel, Roger
Edens) Mary Poppins (Mr. Banks), North
Carolina Theatre; Breaking 100 (Bobby),
Gene Frankel Theatre; Dr. Zhivago
(Kornakov), Broadway Theatre. West
End: Mamma Mia (Sam), Pericles, Love
Story, Bells Are Ringing (Jeff Moss),
The Crucible, A Streetcar Named Desire, Imagine This
(Rufus), Parade (Slaton/Britt Craig), Evita (Magaldi),
Chicago (Fred Casely). TV: Elementary, Deadbeat, Peter
Pan Live, Law & Order SVU, Eastenders, Dr. Who, The
Bill, MI5, Murphy’s Law. Film: Time to Pay Off Debts,
The Preppie Connection, Outliving Emily, Dead Europe,
John Carter of Mars.
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.
22 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
RUBY RAKOS* (Frances Gumm/Judy
Garland) is thrilled to be making her
Goodspeed debut with Chasing
Rainbows! Broadway: Billy Elliot
(Tracey Atkinson). NYC: Chasing
Rainbows (New World Stages).
Regional: Chasing Rainbows (Flat
Rock Playhouse). Graduated from the Professional
Performing Arts School in Manhattan. Huge thanks
to Tina Marie and the creative team, NSM, Michelle,
Celeste, BAA of NYC, her family, and Scout!
Rooney) Broadway: Tuck Everlasting
(original cast), Wicked (10 Year
Anniversary cast). Off-Broadway: Rent
(New World Stages), The Kid (The New
Group), Seussical (Theaterworks/USA),
Oliver Twist (co-production with TFANA,
A.R.T, and Berkeley Rep). Regional: Chasing Rainbows
(Flat Rock Playhouse), Tuck Everlasting (Alliance Theatre),
A Midsummer Night’s Dream and A Prayer for Owen
Meany (Denver Center Theatre Company). Film: Mysteries
of Laura, Blood Night, Loving Leah. So much love to my
amazing family!!!
Goodspeed: LMNOP; Caraboo, Princess
of Javasu. Broadway: Assassins, The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, King David.
National Tour: The 25th Annual Putnam
County Spelling Bee. Off-Broadway:
See Rock City, Make Me A Song, The
Mistress Cycle, The Prince & The Pauper. Regional:
Cincinnati Playhouse, Barrington Stage, Maltz Jupiter,
Pittsburgh CLO, La Jolla Playhouse, Baltimore Center
Stage, and FLMTF, in Damn Yankees (Meg); Kiss Me, Kate
(Lilli/Kate); The Light in the Piazza (Margaret); Footloose
(Ethel); Les Misérables (Madame Thénardier); Amadeus
(Constanze); Little Miss Sunshine (World Premiere);
to name a few. Recordings: See Rock City, Sweet Little
Devil, NYC Christmas, Make Me A Song, Assassins, King
David, The Prince & the Pauper.
Twitter/Instagram @salgalwilfert
LISSA deGUZMAN (Ensemble) is
thrilled to be making her Goodspeed
debut in Chasing Rainbows. Previous
credits include Fiddler on the Roof
(The Muny), Maria in West Side Story,
Ensemble in Wizard of Oz, Hodel in
Fiddler on the Roof (Studio Tenn).
Lissa, originally from Wisconsin, loves cookies,
fireworks, and socks. She would like to thank her
wonderful family and friends for their endless
COLBY DEZELICK* (Ensemble) is so
excited to be making his debut at The
Goodspeed! Previous credits: Fiddler
on the Roof, The Music Man, The
Wizard of Oz, Oklahoma!, My Fair
Lady, Grease, Tarzan, West Side Story,
and Spamalot (The Muny, Missouri).
Colby would like to thank his friends and family and the
entire faculty at Rider University for all their love and
support! Enjoy the show!
JENNIFER EVANS* (Laura Gilmore,
Ensemble) Goodspeed: Carousel, Where’s
Charley, and Very Good Eddie. Broadway:
Ragtime, A Tale of Two Cities. National
Tours: Cinderella (Madame), Billy Elliot,
Jersey Boys, Annie, My Fair Lady,
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
starring Ann-Margret, Show Boat (Magnolia). Regional:
Music Man (Marion), Oklahoma! (Laurey), Mary Poppins
(Winifred Banks), Thoroughly Modern Millie (Miss
Dorothy), Romance/Romance (Josefine/Monica), and The
Secret Garden (Lily). A BFA from NYU and proud Equity
member, Jennifer thanks her mother and Mark.
BERKLEA GOING* (Lana Turner, Ensemble)
is thrilled to be making her Goodspeed
debut! National Tour: White Christmas
(Susan Waverly). Regional: Hello, Dolly!
(Ermengarde); 42 nd Street; Hairspray;
Beauty and the Beast ; and seven
other roles, The MUNY; Fiddler on
the Roof, Starlight Theatre; Sleeping Beauty (Aurora),
Stages St. Louis. BFA musical theatre student at
Indiana University. Much thanks to Chris Bailey for this
opportunity and to her family.
Gumm, Deanna Durbin, Ensemble) is
delighted to return to Chasing Rainbows
after its Flat Rock Playhouse World
Premiere. Credits: National NATS Second
Place (Musical Theatre), Regional NATS
First Place Female (Classical Voice),
youth productions of Bye Bye Birdie (Rose Alvarez) and
The Wizard of Oz (Glinda). Much gratitude to her voice
teacher and mentor Dr. Kathryn Gresham, Lisa K. Bryant
and Dave Hart of the Flat Rock Playhouse, and the
CR creative and casting teams. Love to her incredibly
supportive family.
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 23
over the moon to be chasing this
rainbow! National Tour: Cinderella.
Regional: Thoroughly Modern Millie,
Joseph...Dreamcoat, and Shrek at The
Muny, and The Hunchback of Notre
Dame at the Ogunquit Playhouse.
BFA, The University of Michigan. Many thanks to Chris,
the Judy Boals ladies, and my ever-supportive family
and family of friends. I love you all.
MICHAEL HARTUNG* (Ensemble) is
psyched to be making his Goodspeed
debut! Originally from Sun Prairie,
Wisconsin, Michael is a New York
City-based actor and writer. Training:
The University of Michigan, The Royal
Academy of Dramatic Art in London.
Favorite credits: NBC’s Peter Pan Live!, The Muny,
Barrington Stage, MTW, Gateway Playhouse, West
Virginia Public Theater, TUTS. Endless thanks and love
to family, friends, CTG, Jason, and this incredible cast
and company.
DAN HIGGINS (Ensemble) World
Premiere: Chasing Rainbows (Ensemble/
Dance Captain) at Flat Rock Playhouse.
National Tours: West Side Story (Diesel,
u/s Riff) and Elf (Ensemble). Regional
Favorites: Mary Poppins (Bert), Singin’
in the Rain (Don Lockwood), and 9 to
5 (Joe). Tokyo Disney Sea: Mystic Rhythms. Dan studied
Musical Theatre at Penn State University. He would
like to thank the creative team for this incredible
opportunity and his family for their love and support.
LUCY HORTON* (Mary Jane Gumm,
Ensemble) is thrilled to be making her
Goodspeed Musicals debut! Tour: The
Bridges of Madison County (Dance
Captain, u/s Francesca), Cats (Jellylorum,
u/s Grizabella). Regional: Mrs. Banks
in Mary Poppins (Finger Lakes MTF),
Jellylorum in Cats (Theatre-By-The-Sea, Gateway Playhouse);
My Fair Lady (Ogunquit Playhouse); Grace in Annie
(Wagon Wheel Theatre). Thanks Judy Boals, Inc! Love
and thanks to Mum, Dad, and Jo.
Ruti loves Teb!
Ensemble) Since performing at Goodspeed
2 years ago in Holiday Inn, Bryan
has seen Hamilton (twice); traveled
to Iceland, where he got a speeding
ticket, tasted shark, puffin, and whale;
celebrated 4 years with his beautiful
girlfriend Kelly (who was in Goodspeed’s Anything Goes);
and if you’ve read this far…feel free to come say hi at the
stage door! Thanks to this creative team and EVERYONE
at Goodspeed for this opportunity. Love ya, Team Hunt.
Let’s chase some rainbows!
ANDREA LAXTON* (Virginia Gumm,
Ensemble) is excited to make her
Goodspeed debut and return to
Chasing Rainbows! A proud graduate
of Belmont University, Andrea recently
opened Frozen: Live (Elsa). Favorite
credits: Chasing Rainbows World
Premiere (Virginia). Tours: Ghost International & US
(Molly u/s), Beauty and the Beast (Belle u/s). “Over the
Rainbow” for Dad. Love and thanks to ATB, family, friends,
Mrs. Halbert, Tina Marie, and David always and always,
and husband, Ben, my world.
DANNY LINDGREN* (Clark Gable, Jim,
Ensemble) is happy to be returning to
Goodspeed! Favorite regional credits:
Will Parker in Oklahoma! (Merry-GoRound Playhouse), Smokey in Damn
Yankees and Jake in The Most Happy
Fella (Goodspeed), Nephew Fred in A
Christmas Carol (McCarter Theatre), Clown 2 in The 39
Steps (Cider Mill), Corny Collins in Hairspray (HSRT). BFA
Ithaca College. Huge thanks to Tyne, Chris, Tina, Marc, MOF,
Michael, Bob, Donna Lynn, Paul, TKO, his family, and his
beautiful wife Andrea.
JESSE SHARP* (Bill Gilmore, Ensemble)
Goodspeed Debut! National and
International Tours: The Addams Family
(Gomez), Elf (Walter Hobbs), Grease (Vince
Fontaine). Regional: Great Expectations–
the Musical, Macbeth, Merchant of
Venice at Utah Shakespeare Festival;
Chicago (Billy Flynn), All Shook Up (Jim Haller), Driving
Miss Daisy (Boolie) at Little Theatre on the Square; Lend
Me a Tenor (Tito Merelli), Mame (Beau) at SRT; The Hamlet
Project (Hamlet/Co-Creator) at Loose Canon Collective.
MFA from UC Irvine. Love to my Lexie.
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.
24 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
Hartford native, Joseph is overjoyed
to be making his Goodspeed debut!
National/International tours: Disney’s
Beauty and the Beast and Elf the Musical.
Regional: Pennsylvania Shakespeare
Festival, Fulton Theatre, Ogunquit
Playhouse, MSMT, TBTS, Syracuse Stage, and Playhouse
on Park. BFA in Musical Theatre from Syracuse University.
Many thanks to the creative team, the folks at the Goodspeed,
my friends, teachers, and, most of all, my family.
ELISE MESTICHELLI (Swing) is thrilled
to be making her Goodspeed debut!
She is from Mantua, New Jersey
and graduated from Oklahoma City
University with a Bachelor of Performing
Arts in Dance Performance. Some
of Elise’s credits include Oklahoma!
(Dream Laurey), 42nd Street, Mary Poppins, and West
Side Story (Consuelo). She would like to thank
Goodspeed for this amazing opportunity and her family,
friends, and teachers for their constant support and
reminding her to never settle.
MARC ACITO (Book) authored the Broadway musical
Allegiance, which NY Newsday recognized for its “wellstructured book” and “fully-developed characters.”Acito’s
comedy Birds of a Feather won the Helen Hayes Award
for Best New Play. He won the Ken Kesey Award for
his novel How I Paid for College, then adapted it as a
one-man musical. Coming up: a musical in Mandarin
for Broadway Asia in Beijing; and The Secrets of the
Universe (and Other Songs) about the relationship
between Albert Einstein and Marian Anderson, part of
a trilogy about science and ethics. Proud member of
the Dramatists Guild, MENSA and Weight Watchers.
wrote the treatment for Chasing Rainbows, leading to
a development deal with Sony/ATV Music Publishing.
She attended Carnegie Mellon in acting and University
of Maryland, College Park as a Creative and Performing
Arts scholar. A director, teacher, and actress, she has
performed in National Tours and at leading regional
theatres. Favorites: Kiss Me, Kate and Victor/Victoria
(First National Tours); The Baker’s Wife in Into The Woods;
The Witch in Into the Woods; and Trina in Falsettos
(Regional). She spent four years as a National Panelist
and Chair in Theatre/Musical Theatre for YoungArts.
She is a recipient of the U.S. Presidential Scholars
Program’s Teacher Recognition Award.
DAVID LIBBY (Musical Adaptations, Arrangements &
Original Orchestrations) was Music Director and played
the role of Smokey in the Off-Broadway production
of Play it Cool, which was nominated by the Outer
Critics Circle for Outstanding New Musical. He
played keyboards on the National Tours of the 2001
Kiss Me, Kate revival and Beauty and the Beast. He
has composed music for numerous films, including
Mister Green (Best Short Film, London Sci-Fi Festival)
and Super Power Blues (commissioned by PBS
affiliate WNET in New York), as well as online episodes
of Marvel Entertainment’s The Incredible Hulk and
Spiderman. BA, Bowdoin College. MM Jazz Studies,
Rutgers University.
TYNE RAFAELI (Director) Born in London; trained at
Guildhall School of Music & Drama and Columbia
University. She has directed in London and the US,
including Classic Stage Company, New York Stage &
Film, Atlantic Theatre, Julliard, Williamstown Theatre
Festival, Playwrights Realm, Great Lakes Theatre,
American Players Theatre, Idaho Shakespeare Festival,
and PlayPenn. Associate Director on The King and I
(Lincoln Center Theatre); Fiddler on the Roof, The Bridges
of Madison County, Golden Boy (Broadway); and Women
on the Verge (London’s West End). Tyne was awarded the
2013/14 SDCF Sir John Gielgud Fellowship for Classical
Direction. Upcoming projects: The Burdens (O’Neill
Playwright’s Conference), The Lion in Winter (Two River
Theatre), My Fair Lady (Playmakers Rep).
CHRIS BAILEY (Choreographer) Choreographer: The
Entertainer with Kenneth Branagh (West End, upcoming),
Cyrano de Bergerac (Roundabout), Assassins (Menier
Chocolate Factory), the Kennedy Center Honors, and
the 2013 Tony Awards. Regional credits include Into
the Woods, My Fair Lady, Tarzan, West Side Story, and
Thoroughly Modern Millie (all MUNY); and Dancing
Shadows (Seoul Arts Center). Film: Ted 2, Kenneth
Branagh’s Cinderella, and A Million Ways to Die in the
West. As associate choreographer: Promises, Promises;
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying;
Evita; and Cry Baby (all Broadway); and Guys and Dolls,
Evita, and Once in a Lifetime (all West End).
MICHAEL O’FLAHERTY (Music Director) is in his 25th
season as Goodspeed’s Resident Music Director.
Broadway: By Jeeves, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, A
Streetcar Named Desire. Also: Paper Mill Playhouse,
North Shore Music Theatre, Playwrights Horizons, Ford’s
Theatre, The Brooklyn Academy of Music, The Kennedy
Center, Pittsburgh Public Theatre, and the Smithsonian
Institution. Musical Supervisor and Cabaret Director
of the Williamstown Theatre Festival for 11 years. His
original musical, Genesius, for which he wrote music
and lyrics, was recently showcased in NYC.
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 25
KRISTEN ROBINSON (Scenic Design) is a NYC-based
set designer. Her work ranges from site-specific
installations to outdoor Shakespeare. Her design for
Westport Country Playhouse’s Nora has been featured
in Chance magazine, and her design for Rapture Blister
Burn won the 2015 Barrymore Award for Best Set
Design. A Princess Grace Fellow, she holds her MFA
from Yale. Recent credits include: Ethel, Alliance Theater;
Love’s Labour’s Lost, Idaho Shakespeare Festival and
Great Lakes Theatre; Heart of Darkness, Baryshnikov
Arts Center; Minor Character, The Invisible Dog. This is
her first show at Goodspeed. You can see her work at
ELIZABETH CAITLIN WARD (Costume Design) Aerial
ballet/animation design for spectacle director Danieli
Zambelli, Milan-based animation studio Bonsai Ninja,
BattleROYAL, Berlin; Ferrari Museum, UAE; Duo W
production design concert, animation, and music
video; English National Opera; Ambassador Theater
Group, London West End; European Capital of Culture
Initiative; Duo W, Berlin/Shanghai; Filmmaster, Abu
Dhabi; Suzhou Opera, China; International Olympic
Committee Eiko Ishioka's International Design Team,
Zhang Yimou Opening Ceremonies Beijing Olympic
Games; Lincoln Center Festival; Carnegie Hall; BAM;
NYC Opera; American Players; Pioneer; Signature;
TFANA; Spoleto Festival; Seattle Opera; Intiman. TV/
Film: music video Ghosts & Flowers; PBS Great
Performances Bill Irwin: Clown Prince; NBC Opening
Ceremonies Beijing Olympic Games; Dark Matter.
KEN BILLINGTON (Lighting Design) has almost 100
Broadway shows to his credit, including such theatre
milestones as Sweeney Todd and the longest-running
American musical in history, Chicago. Other Broadway
productions include Amazing Grace, Sondheim on
Sondheim, The Drowsy Chaperone, and Footloose, to
name a few. Many touring productions have included
Chicago (world-wide), Riverdance (Lighting Supervisor),
White Christmas, and Annie. Other projects: Hugh Jackman
in Concert, the Radio City Christmas Spectacular (1979
to 2006), Fantasmic! at Disneyland, and New York’s
Tavern on the Green. Ken’s many awards include the
Tony and the Lumen for his architectural work. In
2015, Ken was inducted into The Theatre Hall of Fame.
JAY HILTON (Sound Design) is pleased to continue his
long association with Goodspeed Musicals. Jay has
designed countless productions at both The Goodspeed
and The Terris Theatre in Chester. His work has also
been heard on Broadway, National Tours, and at Regional
Theatres from coast to coast. In addition to being
Goodspeed’s Resident Sound Designer, Jay also serves
as their Audio Supervisor. He and his wife, Goodspeed
Line Producer Donna Lynn Hilton, make their home
(and garden) in Hadlyme, Connecticut.
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MARK ADAM RAMPMEYER (Hair & Wig Design) is very
happy to return to Goodspeed for this production. His
work has been seen here in Anything Goes, Bye Bye
Birdie, and Irving Berlin’s Holiday Inn, to name a few.
Broadway: West Side Story, Lysistrata Jones, The
Farnsworth Invention. Off-Broadway: The Toxic Avenger,
Horton Foote’s Orphans’ Home Cycle, The Milk Train
Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore with Olympia Dukakis, and,
most recently, Talley’s Folly at Roundabout Theatre
Company. Regional: Christmas on the Rocks ’14 and
‘15 for TheatreWorks and Romeo and Juliet at Hartford
Stage Company. He is the recipient of a 2010 Drama
Desk Award for his contributions to the creative team
for Horton Foote’s Orphans’ Home Cycle at Signature
Theatre Company. Mark is the Costume Rental Manager
for Goodspeed Musicals and makes his home here in
East Haddam. Thanks to all for their continued support
on this journey. *peep*
JOHN FRICKE (Creative Consultant/Historian) has
written multiple books about Judy Garland and The
Wizard of Oz. He’s the recipient of Emmy Awards as
co-producer of the PBS American Masters and A&E
Biography Garland documentaries, and is a Grammynominee for the Capitol CD booklet, Judy: 25th
Anniversary Retrospective. John has appeared as a
TCM cohost and in their interstitials; on The Today
Show, CNN, Entertainment Tonight, and NPR; at
MOMA in NYC, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts &
Sciences in Los Angeles, and the Deauville Film Festival
in France. He delivers DVD commentary tracks on
seven Garland films, including Oz.
DAN DeLANGE (Orchestrator) has orchestrated for
The Jim Henson Company, Julie Andrews, Rosie
O’Donnell, Live Theatricals at Universal Studios, and
composers Paul Williams, Jerry Herman, Harvey Schmitt,
Charles Strouse, Peter Link, and Mark Hollman. His
scores have been heard on Broadway, National and
European tours, film, television, and at regional theaters
around the world, including over 40 productions at
Goodspeed Musicals. His orchestrations can also be
heard in the current West End production of Show Boat
at the New London Theatre. He’s a graduate of
Interlochen Arts Academy and Oberlin Conservatory of
WILLIAM J. THOMAS (Assistant Music Director)
has served as principal conductor for six mainstage
productions (including Anything Goes and 42 nd Street)
and as associate conductor for 25 other productions
(including Mame, Annie Get Your Gun, and 1776). Bill,
who also serves as Director of Music Ministries at Christ
the King Church in Old Lyme, is grateful to be celebrating
his 23rd year of being part of the Goodspeed family—
many thanks to MOF! Love to GDS, LRT, and CMT.
R. GLEN GRUSMARK (Production Manager) is a graduate
of the University of North Carolina School of the Arts
and is in his 24th season at the Goodspeed. In addition
to Goodspeed’s two stages, Glen has overseen
technical management of two Goodspeed National
Tours and Goodspeed’s By Jeeves! on Broadway, as
well as transfers, construction, and installation work
on Goodspeed’s behalf, including Brooklyn Academy
of Music, Variety Arts Theatre (NYC), New World Stages
(NYC) and The Ford’s Theatre (DC).
BRADLEY G. SPACHMAN* (Production Stage Manager)
is celebrating his 10th year as the Production Stage
Manager for Goodspeed Musicals! Originally from
Chicago, he has worked at the Goodman and
Lookingglass Theatres. He brought Goodspeed’s
productions of Pippin and The Boy Friend to audiences
across North America. At The Terris Theatre, he last
stage managed The Great American Mousical for
Julie Andrews and Christopher Gattelli. Some favorite
Goodspeed productions include City of Angels, The
Baker’s Wife, and George M. For Kim.
NAOMI ANHORN* (Assistant Stage Manager)
Goodspeed: Guys & Dolls, La Cage aux Folles and A
Wonderful Life. NYC: VocaPeople (Off-Broadway); The
Gig, Crossing Swords, Swing State, Septimus & Clarissa
(Ripe Time); The Diary of a Teenage Girl (The Essentials);
Sunfish (ASCAP); Snapshots (Prospect Theater); Reborning
(The Public); Zombie (Fringe & Off-Broadway). Regional:
A Christmas Story, Evita, Music Man (John W. Engeman
Theater); Ella (Long Wharf/National Tour). Naomi also
has spent five seasons with the National Alliance for
Musical Theatre’s Festival of New Works presented
each fall in NYC. Proud member of Actors Equity
Association. For Mom, C, C, L, & S.
STUART HOWARD & PAUL HARDT (Casting) continue​
their “lucky thirteenth” year casting for Goodspeed
Musicals. Stuart and Paul also cast for Broadway, OffBroadway, National and International Tours, and several​
other major regional theatres, such as Asolo Repertory
Theatre in Sarasota, Studio Theatre in Washington, DC,
Philadelphia Theatre Company, and Delaware Theatre
Company in Wilmington.
as a collaboration with EMI Music Publishing, now
Sony/ATV. Casamento, Acito, and Libby spent a week
at The Johnny Mercer Writers Colony at Goodspeed
Musicals, followed by a NYC table read. Nancy Allen
and David Shamburger at Belmont University mounted
a student workshop and presentation. A staged reading
for producers and backers was presented at New
World Stages in 2014. The World Premiere production
in 2015 occurred at Flat Rock Playhouse under the
artistic direction of Lisa Bryant.
BOB ALWINE (Associate Producer) joined the
Goodspeed producing team in 2002. He established
the Goodspeed National Touring initiative featuring
productions of Pippin and The Boy Friend directed by
Julie Andrews. Previously, he worked as the Associate
Managing Director of The Old Globe in San Diego, CA,
and the Director of Programming for The Ordway
Center in St. Paul, MN. Bob holds an MFA in Theater
Management and Producing from Columbia University
and was a recipient of an NEA Award in musical theater
producing. He is a theater panelist for the Princess
Grace Awards in theater, a former board member of
the National Alliance for Musical Theatre, and currently
serves on their festival selection committee.
DONNA LYNN COOPER HILTON (Line Producer) in her 29th
season with Goodspeed, serves as line producer for all
projects at The Goodspeed and The Terris and has led
Goodspeed’s development efforts on many new musicals—
among them Holiday Inn, Amazing Grace, and this season’s
A Sign of the Times and Chasing Rainbows. She led the
creation of the Johnny Mercer Writers Colony, and is
past president and serves on the board of the National
Alliance for Musical Theatre. Donna Lynn and her
husband Jay make their home in Hadlyme with Cookie.
RACHEL J. TISCHLER (General Manager) returns to
theater management at Goodspeed after practicing law
in Manhattan, where she was a litigator and employment
attorney. Prior to her law career, she served as General
Manager at Trinity Repertory Company in Providence, RI.
Her time at Trinity began as a lowly intern, and she worked
her way up from the mailroom to General Manager in 2008.
Rachel is also a performance artist and has participated in
or authored numerous happenings and projects over the
last 15 years. Rachel studied Theater and Dance at Amherst
College and graduated with an interdisciplinary major in
performance studies. She received her JD from Brooklyn
Law School. Rachel’s husband, Owen, is a financial
consultant and investment advisor from Western Mass.
MICHAEL P. PRICE (Founding Director) Under the
direction of Michael Price for 47 years commencing
in 1968, Goodspeed Musicals became internationally
recognized for its dedication to the advancement and
preservation of the American Musical. For Goodspeed, Mr.
Price produced over 250 classic and forgotten musicals,
100 new musicals, and transferred 19 shows to Broadway,
earning 13 Tony Awards. Goodspeed itself was honored
with two special Tony Awards. Mr. Price is the founder of
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 27
the League of Historic American Theatres and a founding
member of the National Alliance for Musical Theatre. He
serves as Treasurer of the American Theatre Wing and
as a member the Tony Management Committee. His
board memberships include the American Academy of
Dramatic Arts and the Johnny Mercer Foundation. He
received his BA from Michigan State University, MA from
Minnesota, MFA from Yale, and holds honorary doctorates
from Wesleyan University, Connecticut College, and The
University of Hartford. He is married to Jo-Ann Nevas
Price; they are the proud grandparents of Ezra.
MICHAEL GENNARO (Executive Director) comes to
Goodspeed from Providence, RI, where he served as
Executive Director at Trinity Repertory Company for
seven years. Prior to Trinity, he served as Managing
Director at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, DC; Executive
Director at Pennsylvania Ballet in Philadelphia; Producing
Director at Paper Mill Playhouse in NJ; and for eight
years as Executive Director at the prestigious Steppenwolf
Theatre in Chicago. During his tenure at Trinity, Michael
was instrumental in leading a coalition of nine Rhode
Island performing arts organizations to secure a $35
million bond referendum providing state funding to
private organizations, the first of its kind in the State.
While at Steppenwolf, the theatre received the National
28 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
Medal of Arts from President Clinton and transferred
numerous productions to London’s Barbican Centre, the
Dublin and Galway Arts Festivals, and Broadway, where
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest won the Tony Award
for Best Play Revival. Michael has served on grant
panels for the National Endowment for the Arts, Theatre
Communications Group, the Doris Duke Charitable
Foundation, and the Rhode Island Foundation. He received
a Fellowship from the RI Foundation in 2012 and received
the 2015 Pell Award for Outstanding Leadership in the
Arts. Michael is a licensed attorney in New York, where
he practiced for several years as a litigator and
entertainment attorney, and has appeared as an actor
at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Off-Broadway, and
in the Broadway production of Godspell. He is a graduate
of the University of Notre Dame and received a JD from
Fordham University. Michael’s wife, Donna Lee, is a special
events coordinator and his son, Brendan, lives in Chicago.
represents more than 49,000 actors and stage managers
in the US. Equity negotiates wages and working
conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including
health and pension plans. Equity seeks to foster the art of
live theater as an essential component of our society.
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 29
Casamento Libby, the show imaginatively
recreates Judy’s world from 1927 to 1938,
following her from age five to sixteen. It was the
era in which she traversed a show business path
that led from her beginnings as an unknown to
her status as a theatrical wunderkind, to her
passage through the gates of Metro-GoldwynMayer, and to that iconic role as “Dorothy Gale…
from Kansas” in the classic 1939 film version
of The Wizard of Oz.
The Garland Sisters at the Los Angeles Paramount
Theatre in 1935 (Photo courtesy of The John
Fricke Collection).
by John Fricke
Before Meet Me in St. Louis, Easter Parade, A
Star is Born, and Judgment at Nuremberg.
Before Judy at Carnegie Hall, at The Palace, at
The Palladium. Before the top-rated TV specials
and the acclaimed television series. Before the
charting singles and record albums and the
hundreds of national radio appearances. Before
the Tony, Grammy, and special “Oscar” awards,
the Golden Globes, the Emmy and Academy
Award nominations. Before she was billed–and
unequivocally endorsed–as “Miss Show Business”
and the “World’s Greatest Entertainer”….
Because she was Judy Garland, that pre-Oz
period was as fraught with excitement, laughter,
drama, and song as all that followed. She
debuted on stage at thirty months: Baby Frances
Ethel Gumm of Grand Rapids, Minnesota,
performing solo and with her two older sisters—
and all of them trained by an ambitious mother
and doting father. Soon thereafter, the Gumm
Family forsook the Midwest for Southern
California, and “Baby Gumm’s” increasing series
of theater performances with her sisters on the
West Coast were augmented by appearances on
local radio and in short movie musicals.
From the onset, Baby was the trio’s stand-out.
Even then, critics responded to her God-given,
prodigious talent, charisma, communicative
power, and overwhelming desire to please. The
reviews between the late-1920s and the mid1930s cite her “remarkable work” and her “pip
of a low-down voice”—“with twice the charm
and genuine ability of all the [movie child stars]
put together.” The universal summation was
always the same: “Her singing and dancing
literally stopped the show.”
Before all of that, she was simply (if magically)
“the little girl with the great big voice.”
Initial Hollywood interest in The Gumm Sisters
seldom went beyond the talking stage, but
everything changed when the oldest sibling got
married and broke up the act. In short order,
then-thirteen-year-old Baby was touted on her
own. As a result, the intense determination of
her mother finally paid off, and MGM signed
the recently-renamed Judy Garland to a longterm pact.
She was Judy Garland, and Chasing Rainbows
is Goodspeed’s unique new musical that tells
her life story across those early vaudevilleto-Hollywood years. Conceived by Tina Maria
All of this is related in Chasing Rainbows,
incorporating the cast of real-life characters
with whom she interacted: Mickey Rooney,
Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Lana Turner, Deanna
30 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
Durbin, George Jessel, and Louis B. Mayer among
them. Most importantly, the emotionally true
script by Marc Acito embraces the behind-thescenes events that formed and focused Judy
Garland: the approbation from her peers and
audiences, the initial rejections by corporate
Hollywood, the executives who derided her as
“not pretty enough” for the movies, the
dream-come-true of an MGM contract, and–
predominantly—her parents’ troubled marriage
and her own desire to succeed…simply in the
hope that her achievement and income would
stabilize her family.
Best of all, the narrative of Chasing Rainbows
is happily, frequently interspersed with the
classic American popular songs so intrinsic to
that time and to the very foundation of Judy
Garland’s saga: “Over the Rainbow,” “Dear Mr.
Gable: You Made Me Love You,” “Zing! Went
the Strings of My Heart,” “Broadway Rhythm,”
“I’m Always Chasing Rainbows,” “I Can’t Give
You Anything But Love,” and a dozen more. The
musical numbers have been evocatively arranged
by David Libby.
It’s now safe to say that Judy Garland’s
accomplishments and her hold on the
imaginations, emotions, and hearts of crossgenerational audiences remain unsurpassed—
and seldom, if ever, equaled. In song and story,
Chasing Rainbows recounts her adventures on
the road to Oz, and how she became and
remains a timeless, cherished, and undeniable
entertainment legend.
Special Thanks for supporting Chasing Rainbows
Jo Ann Bono, Carolyn Violi, Tracy Thrasher, Judy Hoyer,
Linda and Rob Doherty, Chase Acito, Richard Winkler
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 31
Where We’ve Been
Goodspeed’s beginnings date back to 1963 when we opened our doors as a professional musical
theatre in an historic building on the banks of the Connecticut River in East Haddam. Under the direction
of Michael Price from 1968 to 2014, Goodspeed transformed from a struggling entity into a non-profit
arts organization with a mission. At first, Goodspeed’s commitment was to discover rarely produced
musicals from the repertoire, reworking them and bringing them to life. We were also intent on adding
to the repertoire by discovering and nurturing promising new musicals presented at both The
Goodspeed and The Terris Theatre in neighboring Chester.
In our history, we have produced over 250 musicals, including over 70 world premieres, and exported
20 productions to Broadway. Goodspeed stands as the first regional theatre in America to earn two
special Tony Awards, one in 1980 for outstanding contributions to the American musical and a second
in 1995 for distinguished achievement for a regional theatre.
Who We Are Today
Goodspeed Musicals mounts both new and newly revived musicals each year on our main stage at
The Goodspeed in East Haddam and on our second stage, The Terris Theatre, in Chester–a total of
more than 400 performances during the April to December season, attracting 130,000 patrons to the
Connecticut River Valley. We stand at the forefront of producing and preserving the American musical,
simultaneously reinventing the classics and inventing new ones. We attract well-known icons of
the theatre world and foster emerging talent among composers, lyricists, and librettists. Each year,
thousands of actors, directors, choreographers, and technicians aspire to come to Goodspeed to
practice their craft. Among millions who know and love this art form–and those who appreciate its
history and enduring appeal–Goodspeed is widely recognized as “The Home of the American Musical.”
Throughout the year, and intensively during the winter months, Goodspeed addresses issues unique
to the field by offering innovative and highly-sought after programs through our Max Showalter Center
for Education in Musical Theatre, including the celebrated Musical Theatre Institute providing programs
for aspiring musical theatre professionals. The Arts Education Collaboration provides art-education
programs for underserved Connecticut youth. The Festival of New Musicals features students from The
Hartt School and the Boston Conservatory performing staged readings of three brand-new musicals,
industry-related seminars, a symposium, and cabaret performances. Each winter, Goodspeed also
hosts the Johnny Mercer Foundation Writers Colony that invites musical theatre writing teams to retreat
from daily life for a four-week residency and concentrate solely on writing new musicals. In addition,
Goodspeed serves as a resource for the preservation of the art form through our Scherer Library of
Musical Theatre, the second most extensive musical theatre research library in the United States.
The Future We Envision
The Goodspeed campus will continue to serve as a thriving artist colony where the creative process
informs the work on our stages and expanding educational programs. We aspire to serve as a safe
haven where a singular commitment to discovery and innovation will enrich the field with the next
generation of musical theatre artists.
A complete listing of past Goodspeed Musical productions can be found at
32 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
The Goodspeed has endured as a majestic presence on
the Connecticut River since it was built in 1876 by William
H. Goodspeed, a shipping and banking magnate and avid
theatre lover. Since that time, The Goodspeed has lived two
lives: the first as a bustling center of commerce, housing a
theatre, professional offices, steamboat passenger terminal,
and a general store; and the second, after a period of neglect
and deterioration, as a magnificent professional musical
theatre fully restored in 1963 to its original splendor.
Goodspeed’s history goes back to its opening night on
October 24, 1877, when a repertory group presented the
comedy Charles II and the farces Box and Cox and Turn
Him Out. Featured performers of the day were brought to
East Haddam by steamboat, many directly from theatres
in New York.
The Goodspeed in 1918
After William Goodspeed’s death, the theatre was eventually
sold and used as a storage depot for the State Highway Department. The building was marked for
demolition in 1958, but local preservationists became interested, and in 1959 The Goodspeed Opera
House Foundation was organized to restore and reactivate the theatre. With the cooperation of the State
of Connecticut and the support of donor-members, The Goodspeed was restored and rededicated on
June 18, 1963 with the opening of the musical Oh Lady! Lady!!
The mission of Goodspeed Musicals is to be the leader in preserving and producing musical theatre of
the highest quality by:
Rethinking, restoring, and producing works that are valued and significant in the
history of musical theatre;
Developing new musical theatre works;
Nurturing the talents of new composers, lyricists, and librettists;
Encouraging and developing the talents of artists, technicians, and administrators;
Inspiring future audiences through education programs and outreach efforts;
Preserving and expanding the archival collections of its Scherer Library of Musical Theatre
and making them available for professional use;
Maintaining the Goodspeed Opera House, a national historic landmark.
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 33
Francis G. Adams, Jr.
Alvin Deutsch
General Counsel
Michael Gennaro
Executive Director
Jeffrey S. Hoffman
Robert A. Landino
First Vice-President
Dannel P. Malloy
Ex Officio Honorary
Mark Masselli
Eric D. Ort
John F. Wolter
Timothy Arborio
Jay Benet
Myron R. Bernstein*
Jennifer Brown
J. Robert Buchanan*
Anthony Cacace
Theodore S. Chapin
Kay Knight Clarke
Christopher Dodd
Muriel Fleischmann
John H. Hamby
Chandler Howard
Marcia Kalayjian
Lynde Selden Karin
Mary Ellen Klinck
Julie Godbout LeBlanc
Susan Link
Lawrence McHugh
Carol Adams
Sandra Anagnostakis
Richard T. Cersosimo and
Valerie J. Koif
Catherine Ladnier and
J.M. Robinson
Mrs. Charles R. Lindberg
Andrew and Bonnie Lee McKirdy
Anthony and Chelsea Michaud
Chuck and Dianne Ramsey
Saul Rosen
Robert Roy Metz*
Linda Morasutti
Robert F. Neal*
Michael P. Price*
Jeffrey Richards
Jefferson B. Riley
Kristen Roberts
Hila Rosen
Susan Scherer
H. William Shure*
Joseph Smith
Milton Stretton
Peter E. Strniste, Jr.
Leonardo H. Suzio
DeRoy C. Thomas*
Stephanie Stiefel Williams
Dona D. Young*
*Emeritus Trustee
Dr. Anne L. Rothstein and
Ms. Jane Hellman
Edgar E. Shirley
Carl and Jessica Thompson
Meghan Young
Ken Bloom
Theodore S. Chapin
Alvin Deutsch
Christine Donohue
Brian Drutman
Michael A. Kerker
Robert Kimball
Bruce Pomahac
Bill Rosenfield
Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Steven Suskin
Gordon Greenberg
Robert R. Metz
Jane Percy
Peter Walker
Nancy Wolf
Amy Campbell
Diane Rottmann
Vice President
34 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
Dale Ferris Recording
Joe Breindel
Corresponding Secretary
C. William Stamm
Amica Insurance
Arborio Corporation
Ashlawn Farm Coffee
Bob’s Discount Furniture
Centerplan Companies
Chester Village West
Creative Transportation & Tours
Essex Savings Bank
Eversource Energy
Fried & Kowgios Partners, CPAs, LLP
Hartford Business Journal
Hoffman Audi
Jensen's Inc.
Liberty Bank
MG Electric & Construction, Inc.
Penco Corporation
R.A. Parady & Sons, Inc.
RisCassi & Davis, P.C.
The Riverhouse at Goodspeed Station
Robinson + Cole LLP
Sennheiser Electronic Corporation
The Shops at Mohegan Sun
Starkweather & Shepley Charitable Fund
at the Rhode Island Foundation
The Suzio York Hill Companies
Tower Laboratories, Ltd.
United Airlines
United Mechanical Resources, Inc.
Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C.
Webster Bank
Webster Private Bank
Wells Fargo Bank
WSHU Public Radio Group
Young's Printing
Acorn Alcinda Foundation
Actors' Equity Foundation
The Aeroflex Foundation
Anonymous Foundation
The ASCAP Foundation Irving
Caesar Fund
Case Graber Foundation
Community Foundation of
Middlesex County/York
Butler Fund and Live Local
Give Local Fund
The Frederic R. Coudert Foundation
The Aldo DeDominicis Foundation
Max & Victoria Dreyfus Foundation
EIS Foundation
Burry Fredrik Foundation
Howard Gilman Foundation
Maximilian E. & Marion O.
Hoffman Foundation
Kitchings Family Fund at the
Community Foundation of
Middlesex County
Harriett D. Kittner Foundation
The George A. & Grace L. Long
Lucille Lortel Foundation
The Johnny Mercer Foundation
The William & Alice Mortensen
The Christine E. Moser Foundation
Newman's Own Foundation
Public Welfare Foundation
Rodgers & Hammerstein
SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher
Foundation, Inc.
The Max Showalter Foundation, Inc.
The Shubert Foundation
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 35
Since its inception, Goodspeed Musicals has particularly benefited from the unique advantages of planned
gifts and bequests. Because such gifts provide financial support over time, they have been essential
to Goodspeed Musicals’ ability to consistently move from strength to strength, plan for the future with
confidence, and ensure millions more will enjoy award-winning productions for generations to come.
Goodspeed Musicals thanks the members of the William H. Goodspeed Society who have included a
future bequest to Goodspeed Musicals in their wills or estate plans.
B. A. Pomarico
David F. Frankel
Anonymous (8)
Michael & Jo-Ann Price
Richard Goodman
Dolores L. Andrew
Mary Jane Richilson
Mrs. Harry J. Gray
Frank & Amy Campbell
Dr. Anne L. Rothstein &
Lynde Selden Karin
Edward Cape
Ms. Jane Hellman
Ruth Katz
Michael Chaiklin
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Sandler
Mrs. Charles Lindberg
Jack and Bertie Chuong
Mary Schneller
Mrs. Carmela Marzano
Donald Yale Church &
Dr. Benjamin Sevitch
Andrew C. McKirdy
Anthony O’Grady Schillaci
Carol L. Sirot
Peter J. Musto
Amy Lee Crockett, DVM
Dr. & Mrs. David Snyderman
Leslie & Lynne Nathan
Stephen B. Crowley, III
Sheila L. Tomlinson
Jane E. Ondovcsik
John M. Darcey
Mark & Roberta Velez
Janet Otto
Charles M. Ericson
Jerry & Linda Wanosky
Barbara A. Petersen
Muriel Fleischmann
Goodspeed Musicals fondly remembers those who left a bequest or in whose honor a memorial fund
was established. Their love of musical theatre and our institution is an example to us all.
Muriel Selden Paris
Judith Halevi
The Milon Barnes Memorial Fund
Rochelle Richilson
The Edith O. Haynes Trust
Cynthia Kellogg Barrington
Barbara V. Ross
Martha C. Hinkel
David A. Belden
Bertha L. Rottmann
Thomas W. Holton Memorial Fund
Leonard N. Blake
Edward Rousseau
Marjorie W. Jolidon
Ralph Davidson
Marco S. Savona
The Adrienne I. Koch
Fellner Family Foundation
Richard Schneller
Revocable Trust
Albert D. Firestone
Lucille Lortel Schweitzer
William J. Kotchen Memorial Fund
Burry Fredrik
Martha Shattuck
Dorothy Liepertz
Norwick and Elizabeth
John F. Single, III
Evan S. McCord
Mary Sargent Swift
Alice Hammerstein Mathias
Henry Sage Goodwin
Mark A. Wainger
Edith L. Nyman
Memorial Fund
Won’t you support the future of the finest musical theatre by
making a planned gift to Goodspeed Musicals today?
For more information, please contact: Gloria Gorton, Director of Major Gifts, at 860.873.8664 x366 or [email protected]
36 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
These funds and endowments listed below were established during lifetime, by bequest, or in
memoriam with an outright gift to Goodspeed Musicals.*
The Dr. & Mrs. Harold D. Bornstein, Jr.
Charitable Gift Annuity*
The Frederick A. & Justine Millspaugh Catlin
Family Fund
The Arthur & Elizabeth Godbout
Fund for the Support of the Music Department
The George S. & Charmian A. Goodspeed
Memorial Fund
The A. Nicholas Groth, Ph.D.
Charitable Gift Annuity*
The Charles R. Lindberg Family Fund
The Lucille Lortel Fund
The Maryann & Jane E. Ondovcsik
Fund for the Preservation of the
Victorian Goodspeed Opera House
The Salvatore Marzano, Jr.
Memorial Student Scholarship Fund
The Elaine McKirdy Intern/Apprentice Endowment
The Michael P. Price
Endowment Fund at Goodspeed Musicals
The Charlotte & Gerald Sandler
Educational Endowment
The Scherer Library of Musical Theatre Fund
The Max Showalter Center for
Education in Musical Theatre
The Ashton M. Tenney, Jr. Memorial Annuity Fund*
The Zachs Family Endowment
*The donors receive a tax advantaged income stream during their lives and a named fund or endowment will be created when the
annuity reverts to Goodspeed Musicals.
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 37
Goodspeed Musicals gratefully acknowledges the following gifts made to honor a special occasion or in memory
of a loved one.
In Memory of Seymour Rothberg: Michael Chaiklin
In Memory of Donald Evans: Michael Chaiklin
In Memory of Marie Feeney: Michael Chaiklin
In Honor of Denise Lute: Nancy & Lee Corbin
In Memory of David A. Belden: Paul C. Carlson
In Memory of David A. Belden: Patricia B. Carlson
In Memory of Alice Dadourian: Dr. & Mrs. Robert Tigelaar
In Memory of Ruth Rees: James N. Rees
In Memory of Leon Jacy: Michael Chaiklin
In Memory of Robert Kursman: Michael Chaiklin
*for period October 1, 2015 to August 30, 2016
Goodspeed Musicals is grateful to those who have made a special gift during the 2016 season. They include:
Julie Andrews
Denise Bernardo and
Edwin Muentes
Frank and Amy Campbell
Michael Chaiklin
Theodore S. Chapin
Shera Cohen
Don and Terri Coustan
Maureen E. Dalton
Beverly and Jerry Dickinson
Stephen Eccles
Annette and Seymour Gavens
Susan F. Gonsalves
Janice Grower
John and Joanna Hamby
Jay Harkins
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Herrick
Stu and Ellen Kazin
Robert A. Landino
Mike and Joan Litwinski
Benjamin B. Liveten Charitable
Grand Nephew Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Koen Loeven
Jon Lukomnik and Lynn Davidson
Carmela Marzano
Michael J. Moore
Kenneth and Paula Munson
Joan Perera
Mark Planner
Nancy J. Ramseyer
Will Rhys and Nancy Kluck
Cathleen D. Riley
Jeff Riley and Mary Wilson
Hila and Saul Rosen
Dr. Anne Rothstein and
Ms. Jane Hellman
Patricia Sagal
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Sandler
Steve Sauer
Don Seifel
Jana and Tom Shea
Dan Silver and Polly Moon
Carol L. Sirot
Donna and Bill Stamm
Megan and H. William Stine
Jessica and Carl Thompson
Richard and Mary Ann Valinski
Cathy Velenchik and Chris Joy
George Vinick and Margaret Saxe
Dominic Viscuso
Tracy and Christopher Weed
Luke and Stephanie Williams
E. Marie Wilson and Colette Trohan
Jef and Kate Wolter
Zachs Family Foundation, Inc.
Won’t you support the future of the finest musical theatre by
making a planned gift to Goodspeed Musicals today?
For more information, please contact: Gloria Gorton, Goodspeed Musicals,
PO Box A, East Haddam, CT 06423, 860-873-8664 x366, [email protected]
38 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
THANK YOU, Goodspeed Members! Goodspeed is over 7,000 members strong — for a complete listing,
including Supporting ($175+), Family ($100+), and Associate ($65+) members, please visit our website
+ With special thanks to our members who have been with us 40+ years
* Members whose gifts have been matched by their employer.
As of August 2, 2016
Dr. Anne L. Rothstein and Ms. Jane Hellman
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Adams, Jr.
Sandra Anagnostakis
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Benet
Frank and Amy Campbell
Richard T. Cersosimo and Valerie J. Koif*
Day Family Foundation
Thomas M. Fynan, M.D. and William F. Loutrel
Linda D. Morasutti and Robert M. Lee
Hila and Saul Rosen
Mable and Richard Seymour*
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cacace
David and Judy Fleischer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foster
Suzanne and Donald Joffray
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Sandler+
Luke and Stephanie Williams
Maxwell and Sally Belding
Mr. Walter W. Congdon
Ron and Karen Goodspeed
Mr. Mark Greenwald
Mr. Christopher Joy and Ms. Cathy Velenchik
Julie and Peter LeBlanc
Mary M. Wilson and Jeff Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Jaime Santamaria
Jef and Kate Wolter
Mr. Dave Adams and
Ms. Kristen Roberts
Greg and Joyce Barabas*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Beach Barlow
Cynthia Bates and
Jonathan Russell*
Denise Bernardo and
Edwin Muentes*
Kathy and Bruce Briggs
Sally and Ted Carrier
Herb Chambers
Kay Knight Clarke
Mary and Gordon Cobleigh+
Maury and Sonia Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Coviello
Mrs. J. Noyes Crary+
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Davis
Alvin Deutsch+
Senator Chris Dodd and
Jackie Clegg Dodd
Robert and Mary Elva Erf+
Bill and DeniceFeeley
Muriel and Karl Fleischmann
Robert A. and Nancy J. Franco
Betty Gilman
William J. Ginnetti, Sr.
The Harry E. Goldfarb Family
Mrs. Helen Gray
Gordon D. Gross
Nancy and Jeffrey Hoffman
Lynde and Michael Karin
Robbie and Al Kestnbaum
Catherine Ladnier and
J.M. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lazar
Jack Light+
Frank Loesser Enterprises
Arlene Tunney and Ken Maxwell
Larry and Patty McHugh
Service Station Equipment Inc.
Anthony and Chelsea Michaud
Christine E. Moser Foundation
Regina and Robert F. Neal
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 39
INVESTING DIRECTOR ($2,500+) (cont.)
John and Pat Nyikos
Eric Ort and Duff Ashmead
Michael and Jo-Ann Price+
Mrs. Elizabeth Russell
Mrs. Elaine Sayadoff
Susan and Hank Scherer+
James and Penelope Sherrard
Mrs. Marian Silverstein
Mr. Joseph Smith
Donna and Bill Stamm
Milton L. Stretton
Peter E. Strniste, Jr., Robinson
& Cole, LLP
Brenda J. Sullivan, CPA
Mrs. Ashton M. Tenney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. DeRoy C. Thomas
Mrs. Marilyn Alfeld
Dolores L. Andrew
Billie and Peter Anker
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton M. Bauers, Jr.
Louise and John Beard
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Chabot*
Scott and Jo Cleary
Marilyn and Ted Colvin
Terri and Don Coustan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Daren
Frances & Philip Feltman
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Lea and Dick Goodman
Roger C. Goodspeed
David and Patricia Hadlow*
Ron and Nina Harris
Darlene and Robert Hermann
The Hermann Family
Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Arthur Hulse
Mr. and Mrs. Penfield Jarvis
Shea and Scott Jezek
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Kalayjian
Frank and Diane Kelly
Sallie L. Kemp
Ted and Kiki Kennedy
Barbara and Ira A. Levin
Mrs. Charles Lindberg
Jennifer Alexander and
Mark Masselli
Carolyn and Bob Montgomery
Ken and Paula Munson
Peter Johnson Musto
Robert and Carolyn Nelson+
Naomi and Jerry Neuwirth, M.D.
Phyllis R. Pierson
Carl and Jessica Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Thornburg
Donald and Sharyn Timmerman
Thomas F. Tyrseck and
Marie V. Morosky
Lucille and Dave Viola, Sr.
Arthur Zieky and Bill Witkowsky
DIRECTOR ($1,500+)
Chuck and Dianne Ramsey
Lt. Col. Robert A. Ridlehoover
Mitchell and Lorraine Rochefort
John and Fran Sadek
Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Shapiro
Roz and Peter Shoemaker
Sorenson-Pearson Family
Foundation, Inc.
Beatrice Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stolba, II
Judy B. Taylor
Arthur E. Webster, Esq.
Mr. Morton Weinstein and
Dr. Stacy R. Nerenstone
Cheryl and Robert Whipple
RADM. Louise C. Wilmot USN
(Ret.) and James E. Wilmot
The Zachs Family
Eleanor E. Zajac*
Sherri and Scott Baggett
Cynthia Bates and
Jonathan Russell
Priscilla and Donald Batty
Ann and Alan Blanchard
Jeffrey and Brenda Bleustein
Gus and Virginia Bodin+
Kenneth and Judith Boudreau
Dr. Michael W. Bragulla
Stephanie M. Branta
Nadine and Robert Britton, III
Dr. J. R. Buchanan
Mr. Richard Caporaso
Theodore S. Chapin
Jack and Bertie Chuong
Mark and Kathleen Ciliano
40 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. DeGraff, Jr.
Betsy and Richard Didan
William and Christine Donohue
Mrs. Nathan L. Dubin
J. Richard and Rhonda Farley
David and Patricia Fisher
David and Elizabeth Frankel
Michael and Donna Lee Gennaro
Monika and Rick Gibbons
Mario S. Gioco, C.P.A.
Mr. Albert B. Glassenberg+
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Hallisey
John and Joanna Hamby+
Sue Hart+
Myron and Rita Hendel+
Attorney Harvey Hoberman and
Penny Parker
Prudence Hoffman
Betty Ruth and Milton Hollander
Chandler and Miriam Howard
Diana Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Hyatt
John and Emily Johl
John and Monique Kananowicz
Mrs. Simon Konover
The Leiser Family Foundation
James and Linda Lianos
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Link
Peter and Rosemary Lombardo
Mr. Peter Luchini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lyons
ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR ($1,000+) (cont.)
Douglas R. Magee, Jr.
Stephen Selden Mathews
Joseph and Nancy Mazza*
Mrs. Dana McFadden
Joe and Beth Molder
Bob and Ami Montstream
Tom and Karen Murphy
Ms. Sarmite Nielsen
David and Janice Ogden*
Mr. and Mrs. James Olson
and Family
Jane E. Ondovcsik
The Michael Stewart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Payne
Rolf C. Peterson*
Jim Pyne
Nancy J. Ramseyer
Jeffrey Richards
Dean and Pamela Richlin
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rosenberg
Gary R. Rounseville+
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scherer
Dr. and Mrs. John Schowalter+
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seeman
Fred and Barbara Sette
Karen and Allyn Seymour
Sally and Mark Snyder
Inta and Taggart Adams+
Howard J. Aibel
Nancy Altschuler
Robert C. Alwine
Anonymous (4)
Dr. John and Ellen Aversa
Bette and Bruce Avery
Mrs. Jack Axelrod
Susan and Bruce Baiter
Kevin and Terry Baldwin
Dr. and Mrs. John V. Banta
Paul, Cinda, Jay and
Samuel Barbuto
Ray and Lorraine Barker*
Faith Wilcox Barrington
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Barry*
Dee & Ed Baum+
Dr. Susan Baum
Chris and Abby Beale
Alice C. Belden
Caryl and Edward Bengelsdorf
Jan CoxeBerlage
Merle and Ron Bernstein+
Miss Morgan Birdsey*
Alis and Bob Bires*
Carol Blackwood
Jan and Ron Bogdan
Liz and Randy Bongarten
Kathleen Cote Bowling, M.D.
Wallis and Laurie Boyd
Desolie and John Boys
David Bradley and
Kathleen Schiano
Alison and Stephen Brinkmann
Michael and Alice Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Bruni*
Joyce and Harold Buckingham
Peter S. and Sally R. Burgess
Jim and Erin Burris
Helen Babcock and
Tom Buttacavoli
Mr. Steven C. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Canaday, Jr.
Vonice and Russell Carr
Frank and Barbara Ceplenski
Michael Chaiklin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chiaramonte
Susan and Buzz Claflin
Barbara L. Clark
Peter and Marcie Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Clinton
Susan Connors and Anthony Lopez
Kevin and Kate Conway
Karen and Michael Cormier
Linc and Lynette Cornell
Lisa Durland Cowles
Sally and Tom Crawford*
Jim and Michele Cronin
Jim Cronin and Justine Moriarty
Mr. Frank Cummiskey
Dean P. Cyr
Maureen E. Dalton
Mrs. Ruth Ann C. Davis+
Emme and Jonathan Deland
Frank DeMonaco and
Gerard L. DeFina
Brian and Linda Dewhirst
Lyell and Jonathan Dodd
Henry “Skip” Steiner
Marilyn S. Steinmetz+
Suzio/York Hill
Dr. and Mrs. S. Russell
Sylvester, Jr.
Russell Tait and Lee Anderson
Sheila L. Tomlinson*
Paul and Emily Varkala
Julia Ann & Bill Walton
Vicki and Alan Wasserman*
Leslie and Richard Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Youmans
Meghan Young
PATRON ($500+)
Marialina Dominguez &
Janice Poloso
Carol and Jack Donaghue
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Donahue
Mrs. Wilma Donaldson
David and Deborah Dressler
Laura and James Duncan
John and Donna Dunn
Mary Jane Dunn*
Lisa Durland Cowles
Mr. Colin Eastland &
Mr. Joe Landry
Carol and John Eddy
Gene and Vera Ehnen
Elizabeth Elia and Norman Elia
Drew and Vicki Engelhardt
Eloise Epstein
Dr. Spencer and Nancy Erman
Sheldon Erwine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fedus
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Feldman
James Ferrara*
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fischman
Gloria L. Fisher
Janet M. Forgey
Dr. and Mrs. David F. Frankel
Dr. James Frost
Dr. John Funkhouser
Barbara A. Gabianelli
Dr. Gregory and Helen Gallivan
Mr. Dom Gatto
Mrs. Nancy N. Gibbs
Wil and Mary Ellen Gladue
Greg and Mary Glod*
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 41
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Gonci*
Susan F. Gonsalves
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Gloria J. Gorton
Mark and Tina Gossner*
Ray and Judy Grasso
Walter and Kathryn Gregory
Janet and Malcolm Gross
Milo Guisti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Haff*
Margaret C. Haggerty
Professor Bill Harrelson
Steve and Ellen Harris
Rebecca and Cyrus Harvey
Thomas and Donna Hayes
Sue Hessel and Karen Dahle
William Hewitson
Claudette, Maeve, Ciara & Ned*
Patricia A. Holmes
Robin and Judi Honiss+
James and Isabel Jackson
Barbara & Ray Jacobsen
Matthew and Angela Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Jainchill
Elizabeth Gianesello Judd
Mr. Edward T. Kask
Douglas and Ann Kehl
Debbie and Steve Kleinman
Ronald Klimas
Mary Ellen Klinck+
Nancy Mattoon Kline
Richard and Hazel Koszyca
Abbey and Stephen Kreinik
Helen K. Fusscas
Paula and Jay Krompinger
Todd and Terri Laggis
Frank and ElisabetLandrey
JJL Electric, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Lavietes+
Roger and Carla Levien
Lorraine Lincoln Lieberman
Bonnie and Brian Liistro
Dr. and Mrs. KoenLoeven
Phyllis and Ray Losnes
Robert and Karen Ludgin
John Markel
McCarty & Sons Inc.
John and Amy McCauley
42 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
Andrew and Bonnie Lee
Kerry and Donna Meehan
Senator and Mrs. Edward Meyer
Mary Miko and Joseph Migliaro
Sandra Milles*
Margie and Lance Minor
Barbara and Tom Mitchell
Thomas and Pamela Moriarty
Jan and Harold Moskowitz
Agnes Murawski+
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy
Kevin Murphy and
Laura Galgowski
Allen J. Novakouski and Daniel
J. Hutton
Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert O’Brien
Omar Coffee Company
Mrs. Ann O’Reilly
Mrs. Elaine V. Otter
Mrs. Janet Otto
Dr. and Mrs. John
Peter and Candace Pappas
Virginia J. Perruccio+
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pilarczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Willard F. Pinney, Jr.
Mary and Lawrence W. Pocknett
Robert and Ann Pratt
Annella Young Preble
Rev. and Mrs. Marston Price
Wallace and Eleanor Pringle
John and Georgette Quilter
Racine Company
C. L. and Rosina Raiteri
Kate and Steven Rakowski, CFA*
David Rau and Daniel Hansen
Alvin B. Reiner
William Riley
Toni Robinson and Michael Plouf
Diane M. Rottmann*+
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ruenzel
Patricia and Andrew Salner
Rita Salzman
Russell and Susan Santora
Mrs. Mary T. Sargent
Linda R. Savitsky and
Alvin G. Wolfgram
Jack and Bonnie Scott
Robert and Linda Lee Scrivener
August and Nancy Serra*
Edward J. Sharr& Sandra Sharr
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P.
Shetensky, Jr.
Mrs. Louis Shoor
Stuart and Arline Small
Stephen and Marion Smrecek
Jon and Cleo Sonneborn
David and Rudy Spannaus
Richard D. Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Chris M. Steele
Tom and Bonnie Stone
Margaret Strange
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M.
Fred & Suzanne Szufnarowski
Melanie and Henry Tenney
Mr. Brian Thibeault*
Mr. William E. Thiele
Lincoln and Elizabeth Thompson
JoAnn and Robert Thulin
Charles and LidaTingley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tracey
John and Judy Turpin
Edwin B. Tuthill, Jr.
Dr. Stephen Uden
Richard and MaryAnn Valinski*
Janis and Jeff Vannais
Mr. George M. Vinick and
Mrs. Margaret Saxe
Mr. and Mrs. James Viola
Russell and Alma Waldo
David E. Ward*
Michael and Ellen Wasyl
Patti and Howard Weiner
Mr. Adam Weinreb
Suzanne Weinstein
Victoria Winterer+
Jean M. Wiseman
CohnReznick LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I.
Ms. Penny A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yudkin*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Zavod+
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zeytoonjian
Rick and Jane Zilinskas
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Zucco
Mrs. Paul D. Abercrombie
Judith W. Adams
Barbara Agar
Dr. and Mrs. Sultan Ahamed
Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Aidala
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Allen
Robert and Kathleen Amrein
Dr. and Mrs. C. Wallace Andrias
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Andrien
Anonymous (14)
Paul and Christine Antaya
Charles J. Anthony and
Naseer I. Kazi
Sara-Ann and Hillel Auerbach
Mary Augustiny*+
Louis and Christine Auletta
John and Ginny Ausanka
John, Nancy and Nikki Baccaro
Dr. Patricia Bailey-Sarnelli and
Mr. Douglas Sarnelli
Fred and Valerie Baker
Mr. Michael Ballard
Michael and Shelley Barker
Jean Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Barwis
Michele R. Baumann
Mary and Jeff Beeman
Mr. and Mrs. John Bekish
Gary and Ruth Benanav
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bennett
Corinne and Larry Berglund
Randee and Martin Berliner
The Berloni Family
Gerard E. and Roberta J. Bessette
Joseph Biega
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Biglow
Joanne M. Blake
George Blasko and Cathy Modena
William Blatchley
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bloom*
G. Howard Blythe
David and Rebecca Bohy
Robert and Ana Boissonneault
John and Helene Bonin
Dr. and Mrs. Harold D.
Bornstein, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W.
Don and Susan Boyle
Attorney and Mrs. Peter F. Brady
Peter and Elaine Brainerd
Liliane T. Braman
Gordon W. Braudaway*
Mary Breglio
Jennifer Brown and Ian Ayres
P. Dale Brown and
Linda Carabis-Brown
William and Eleanore Browne
John and Kathy Bryson
Julie and Kevin Buchanan
Ron and Millie Burkman
Paul H. Burnham and
Karen A. Birck
Ms. Cassandra Burns and
Mr. Marc Newman*
Ned and Christine Burt
Jim Hemphill and Laura Cahill
Burdeen Camp and Karen Camp
Mrs. Barbara Y. Campbell
Campbell Cooling
Edward Cape
Bob and Bitsy Carlson
Melissa and Robert Carlson
Gayle and George Carroll
Patricia and Carl Carta
Carole and Robert Carter
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Carter, Jr.*
Michael and Lori Cartwright
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Case
George and Frances Caspar
Greg and Melinda Castanza
Don and Joan Chamberlin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A.
Chestelm Health and
Rob Choqette
Samuel H. Chorches
Herb and Sherry Clark
Ruth E. Clark
Gary and Cathy Cluen
Barbara Greller Cohen and
Harold Cohen
Myron Cohen and Marla Cohen
Marshall Cohn
Patrick and Janet Colca
Robert and Cynthia Cole
Philip and Clio Coles
Andrew and Elizabeth Comcowich
Jane and Tony Conti
Mr. Bruce Contois
Cornerstone Construction
Services, Inc.
Ms. Donna Corso
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coscina
Martin and Margaret Coughlin
Alfred V. Covello and
Carol L. Santry
Marie A. Crispi
Louise R. Crocker
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Crocker
Dr. Amy L. Crockett
Pam and Tim Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Crossley
William and Jane Curran
Henry F. Curtis
Michael and Peg Curtis
Michael and Gail Cutler
Stan Dalrymple
Gerard G. D’Ambrosio
Eric and Patricia Daniels
Joseph and Maureen D’Ascanio
Rochelle M. Dauenheimer
Doris Moss Davenport
N. H. Davidson*
Mr. Robert N. Davie and
Ms. Anne E. MacLeod
Attorney and Mrs. Water
Mrs. Deborah DellaBernarda
Jerry Demuth and Jerry Masco
Nancy W. Denehy
Dave and Roberta Denya
Anthony and Karen DePaul
Mr. and Mrs. Francis DeRobertis
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dessureau
Sherrie Deveau
Norma Diamond
Arthur Director+
Joseph and Patricia Doiron
Francis and Phyllis Donovan*
Patricia Doolittle
Lois C. Dowd
Barbara Downie
Herbert Drower
Margaret and Tom Dunn
Gerald H. Dziedzic
Peggy Eatherton
Eileen and Helen Ede
Theresa Tuthill and Dave Eder*
Bob and Sharon Efron
Jim and Judi Elder
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elfstrom
Linda and Lionel Eliovson
Mr. John Enderle
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Entwistle
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 43
BENEFACTOR ($250+) (cont.)
Florence R. Ergin
Mr.& Mrs. Andrew M. Erickson
Essex Hardware
David and Donna Fallon
Robert M. Fechtor and
Gilda S. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Fenmore
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feldman
Richard Feldman
Korine and Ronald Ferraro
Dr. Michael Ferry and
Ms. Cynthia Skinner
Ann I. Field
Tim and Teresa Fields
EMCOR Services New England Mechanical
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fischer*
Dr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald
Chad and Brenda Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Foley*
Julia Francis and Victor Vroom
Kenneth and Victoria Freed
Eula and Glenn Fresch
Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Fumiatti
Barbara and Ray Galloway
Dr. and Mrs. PrabhashGanguli
Sal and Jo-Ann Garofalo
Mr. and Mrs. Anthoney
Giordano, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Giusti
Mrs. Toby D. Goldfarb
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Golding+
Linda T. Gorin
Thomas E. Gorman
Malcolm and Florence Graff
Bill Gratz and Jay Bruno
Sharon and Larry Graves
Frank and Mary Grazioso
Mr. William Griswold
Mr. Dave and Mrs. Donna
Peter Grossman and
Lawrence Timmins
Peter and Barbara Guerra
Beverly Guimond
Mark and Julie Haight
The Russell Hall Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Jon L. Hammond
Sheldon and Margery Harnick
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington
44 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
Archie and Norma Harris
Constance Henshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Herrmann
Barbara and Gerald Hess
Barton and Jacqueline Hessler
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hetherington
Mr. and Mrs. William Hewitt+
Mrs. IngeHieret
Michael and Linda Hinchliffe
T. Donald and Helene Hirschfeld
James and Martha Hisey
George and Joan Hogan
Denton and Joan Hopper
Fred and Sally Houck
Alan and Ann Hughes
Donna and Richard Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hunter+
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Hurlbutt
George E. Iadarola, Jr.*
Daryl and David Ifkovic
Lou Blumenfeld and
Jacqueline Isaacson
Mr. Stephen Jacobs
Kathy and Norm Jacques
Mark T. Jefferson*
Susan and Brian Jobson
Cori and Ron Jodice
Eric and Priscilla Johnson
Norman and Alice Johnson
Elaine B. Jones
Edwin and Donna Jutila*
Michael and Joyce Kai*
The Kane Family
Col. Len and Dr. Judithe Kaplan
Dick and Betsy Katz
Arnold and Sheila Kaufman
Drs. Sheldon and Judith Kaufman
Hali and Gerry Keeler
Dr. Andrew and Lynn Keene
John and Betty Kelly
Mr. Arthur Kelsey
Sandi Kerzner and Larry Costa
Barbara and Paul Kiefer
King Family Eye Care, LLC
Maxine Klein & David Zeleznik
Michael J. Klingensmith and
Ruth A. Shields
Patty Knowlton
Mr. and Mrs. Hans H. Koehl
Mrs. Walter O. R. Korder
Jerry Korman & Gladys Weisman
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Kosto
Deborah Kotchen
Mr. and Mrs. John Krawski
Mary J. Krenn
Darlene F. Krenz
Douglas R. Krenz
Ruth and David Krugman
Mr. James Kruk
Rev. Roger J. Lamoureux
Valerie Lanning*
Peter and Dolores LaPointe
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larson
and Thelma and Nancy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lavery
Judy Lavin
Mr. and Mrs. James Lawler*
Mr. Robert M. Lee and
Ms. Linda Morasutti
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Leibowitz
David and Elizabeth Leigh
Joyce and John Lemega
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence T. Lescoe
Robin Lewis and Bob Rich
John and Donna Liljestrand
Jean and John Linderman
Lindquist Insurance Associates
Thomas Lorenzo
Deborah O. Lyon+
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Ian G. MacDonald
Nancy and Merrill Mack
Emanuel and Irene Makiaris
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Makuch
Sharon Malone
Anita and William Mancoll
Dr. Claire Manzi and
Dr. Vincent Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marino
Jack and Deborah Matava
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Maynard, Jr.
Jay McAnally
Paul and Jan-Gee McCollam
Karin McCormick
Mrs. Virginia McCurdy
Sue and Neil McElroy
Victor and Catherine McGrady
Kathryn and Jack McKeen
Thomas and Deborah McKernan
Mary K. McKone
Mrs. John F. McManus, III
BENEFACTOR ($250+) (cont.)
Mark and Sandra Meadows
Jeanne Merola
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H.
Mr. David Mika
Jane Ann Miller
Robert and Sylvia Miller
Jack and Donna Moffly
Scott Mokoski and
Meg Sakellarides
Michael and Marie Moore*
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Morley*
Gail and Andy Morris
Laura and Alan Moss
James C. Moyer
Daniel S. and Alice S.
Kenneth and Nancy Mull
Chuck and Galina Murphy
Mr. Ken Nasshan
Stephen and Catherine Negri
Gail and Anthony Newman
Kristina Nilsson
Lee and Pamela Nordstrom
Mike and Gwen O’Connell
Nancy and Peter Olsen*
Bill and Carol O’Neill
Alan and Joyce Ortner
Pagnozzi-Schwam Family
Domenic W. Papa
Frances and William Patsiga
John and Barbara Pattison
David and Jo-Ann Pearson
Carol L. Pellegrine
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pendola
Jud Perkins
Lyn Mathews Perrin
Sue Ellen Perry
Paul and Lynn Peszynski
Charles and Charlotte Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson
Joan and Craig Phillips
William and Andrea Phinney*
Wayne and Laurie Pipke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pipoli and
Kara and Thomas Pipoli+
Chris and Beth Pitt
Mr. and Mrs. Myron J. Poliner+
Milton Porter & Alma Derway
Steven and Halina Potter
Caitlyn Prescott and Erik Bee
S. Prestley and Helen Blake
Cathy and Jim Probolus*
Mr. Richard V. Proffitt and
Ms. Carol Sirot
Ms. Patricia Puglia
Diana Putnam
Paul and Elaine Puzzo
Miriam W. Ragsdale
Jed and Ann Rakoff
Richard and Pamela Rapacz
Edward C. Raymond
Michael and Erika Reen
Cynthia and Jack Rehm
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds
Barbara and Art Riihimaki
Joshua S. Ritter and
Catherin Sedano Zelada
Mr. William Rivero
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Robbins
Peter and Terry Roberts
Joy and Joseph Robichaud
Alix Rokita
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rose
Lea and Richard Rubenstein
Roger and Sheila Rubitz*
Dr. Jeffrey C. Rudikoff
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Rutan, III
James J. Ryan
Timothy J. Ryan and
Nicole Frechette
Anne D. Ryder+
Dorothy Safalow
Francine and David Salsburg*
Robert and Joan Sananiero*
Kathleen McKeown Sauer
Matthew Saunders
Lawrence A. Sax
Dr. Craig and Pietrina Saxton
MaryAnn and Joe Scafidi
Richard Scierka
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scherzer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan N. Schiff*
Captain Gary S. Schmid
Paul Schneider and Bryan Garcia
Karl and Judy Schumacher
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwager
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schwartz
Mr. Lester P. Scott
Kathryn Smith and
Andrew Seddon*
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sevitch
Frank and Kathryn Sherer*
Sonia and Mark Shipman
Donald and Karen Shirer
Francis and LoretteSimcic*+
Millie Simonzi
Bob and Sue Sinagra
Mr. Rick Skoglund
Mr. and Mrs. David Sloan
Mr. Paul Slosberg
DeForest and Nancy Smith
Eugene and Elizabeth Smith
Lon and Susan Smith
Tim and Jennifer Smith
Tim and Susan Smith
Clifford H. Snow, Jr.*
Marjorie Snydal
Cecile I. Sobol
Mary Louise and Dennis Spencer
Mr. Harold S. Spitzer and
Mr. Thomas A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stack
Annemarie Stanford
Gloria Star and Richard Roess
Peter and Marge Stehman
Alex and MaryAnn Stein*
Mrs. Deborah Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stevens
Joan and David Stewart
Steven Sudigala*
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Summa
Carol Z. Sundlin
Edythe Sussman
Frederick and Patricia Swan
Richard and Ginna Swan
Mrs. Robert Szczarba
Donna and Brad Tafel
Bette D. Taylor
Peter H. Taylor
Edmund and Mary Terracciano
Dennis and Joan Welch,
The Wheatmarket
Timothy and Katherine
Dr. and Mrs Robert Tigelaar
Polly M. Timken
Anthony and Alva Torre
Robert and Nancy Treuhold
Bruce C. Tuthill& Ellen M. Lee
Richard & Jessica Tyrol
Louis and Joy Van Leeuwen
Mrs. Josiah G. Venter+
GO ODS P EED M U S I C A L S | 2 0 1 6 S EA S ON 45
BENEFACTOR ($250+) (cont.)
Robert and Virginia Vocelli
Richard and Debra Voelker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Wallack
Marc and Cynthia Wallman
Charlie and LoreyWalz
Jerry and Linda Wanosky
Charles M. Ward, CPA
Burton Warner
Bruce and Beverly Watrous+
Ellen M. Webster
Christopher and Tracy Weed
Bob and Roz Weinstein
Dr. Nancy J. Weinstein and
Mr. Robert Stiehler
Mrs. Kenneth A. Welch
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Werle
Jeanne Wheeler
Joseph R. Wheeler*
Michael A. Wheeler
Alan and Alice White
Carol A. Wiggins+
Babs Wilkinson and Kate and
Nelsi Armentrout
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Wilson
Thomas and Andrea Wing
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Wisch
Michael W. Wolchesky
Donald G. and Jane C. Workman
William and Dorothy Wurts
Robert and Henrietta Yeaw
Jim and Evelyn Young
Lorry and March Young
Robert and Anne Yurch
Christopher Yurkovsky and
Deborah McArthur
Francis and Patricia Zak
Stephen Zebrowski
Mrs. Elizabeth Zelek
John and Diane Zukowski
For a complete membership listing, including Supporter ($175+), Family ($100+)
and Associate ($65+) members, please visit our website at
Goodspeed Musicals acknowledges the following corporations that have provided matching gift
contributions for Goodspeed Members this season. Members with an asterisk (*) next to their names
have received these donations from their employers.
ACE Charitable Foundation,
Matching Gifts Program
Aetna Foundation
Alliance Bernstein, L.P.
Allied World Assurance Company
American International Group, Inc.
Amica Companies Foundation
AT&T Foundation
Bank of America Matching Gifts
BNY Mellon
Chubb & Son
CIGNA Corporation
Compass Group Management
Covidien Employee Matching
Gift Program
Diageo North America
Dominion Foundation
Ensign-Bickford Foundation
ExxonMobil Corporation
GE Foundation
General Re Corporation
Google, Inc.
HP Employee Charitable
Giving Program
Hudson City Savings Bank
IBM Matching Grants Program
John Hancock Matching
Gifts Program
KX Technologies, LLC
Lane Industries, Incorporated
Macy's Foundation
Mobil Foundation, Incorporated
NRG Energy Inc.
Occidental Petroleum Corporation
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Pitney Bowes Giving Station
Prudential Foundation
Schneider Electric/
Square D Foundation
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Thomson Reuters
Travelers Insurance Company
United Technologies Corporation
Virtus Investment Partner
Voya Foundation
Goodspeed Musicals gratefully acknowledges the following staff for donating to the 2016 Membership Campaign.
Nancy Altschuler
Matt Francis
Michael O’Flaherty
Robert C. Alwine
Michael Gennaro
Michael P. Price
Cinda A. Barbuto
Erica J. Gilroy
John Riccucci
Dawn Barlow
Gloria J. Gorton
Joshua S. Ritter
Michele R. Baumann
R. Glen Grusmark
Shannon Robbins
Robert A. Bennett
Jay and Donna Lynn Hilton
Donna Tafel
Edward C. Blaschik
Shanna Lisitano
Beryl Thorpe
Lori A. Cartwright
Dan McMahon
Katie Wasserman
Lynn Collins-Rucker
Mary Miko
Barbara Wilkinson
Katherine Desjardins
William Nivison
Paul Zajac
46 G O O D S P EED M U SI CALS | 2 0 1 6 SE ASON
Michael Gennaro................................Executive Director
Michael P. Price.................................Founding Director
Bob Alwine........................................Associate Producer
Donna Lynn Cooper Hilton..................Line Producer
Jorge Lopez.......................................Assistant to the Producers
Michael O’Flaherty.............................Resident Music Director
R. Glen Grusmark...............................Production Manager
Erica Gilroy........................................Assistant Production Manager
Rachel J. Tischler...............................General Manager
Donna Tafel........................................Assistant to Mr. Gennaro
Liz Ottone..........................................Receptionist
Edward C. Blaschik............................Theatre Manager
Karin Nickel.......................................Building Services Assistant
Jonathan Cubeta, John Sola,
Paul Zajac..........................................Building Services Services
Kristan McLaughlin............................Senior Company Manager
Jen Levine.........................................Company Manager
Max Schwager...................................Company Management Assistant
Jenny Martin.....................................Company Management Apprentice
Nancy Altschuler................................Director of Development
Gloria Gorton.....................................Director of Major Gifts
Michele R. Baumann..........................Membership Director
Mary Miko.........................................Special Events Coordinator
Katie Wasserman...............................Institutional Giving Manager
David Mai..........................................Development Associate
Joshua S. Ritter.................................Education Manager & Library Director
Erin Lafferty.......................................Education & Outreach Manager
Molly Jones, Gwen Pond....................Education & Library Interns
William F. Nivison...............................Director of Finance
Stacy Booth.......................................Accounts Payable Manager
Joanne D’Amato................................Payroll Manager
WithumSmith+Brown, PC,
Karen Kowgios...................................Accountants
Amanda Michaud...............................House Manager
Kathy Raczka, Beryl W. Thorpe,
Leigh Beatty, Alison Harris,
Diane Rottmann.................................Assistant House Managers
Bob Bennett, David Loffredo,
Paula Moriarty, Joe Kaminski.............Bartenders
Dan McMahon...................................Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Elisa G. Hale......................................Public Relations Manager
Lori A. Cartwright...............................Marketing Manager
Katherine Desjardins..........................Creative Content Manager
Diane Sobolewski..............................Official Photographer
Jeffrey Mays......................................Systems Administrator
Cinda Abercrombie Barbuto...............Box Office Manager
Shanna Lisitano.................................Assistant Box Office Manager
Shannon Robbins,
Barbara Wilkinson..............................Box Office Manager on Duty
Mollie Carey, Dominique A. DeLuca,
Stephanie Garvey, Kailee A. Goodine, Kelly E. Johnson,
Sue McCann, Daniel G. Varghese
Katey Williams.....................................Box Office Representatives
Kathryn Micari...................................Group Sales Manager
William Addison.................................Subscription Services Manager
Kim Kane, Linda Misarski,
Judy O’Mara......................................Subscription Services Representatives
Mark Adam Rampmeyer....................Costume Rental Manager
Dawn Barlow, Breeanna Korcak,
Felia Williams, Stephanie Wooley.......Costume Rental Assistants
Cindy Kubala.....................................Costume Director
Anna Blankenberger..........................Costume Shop/Design Assistant
Stephanie Taff....................................Draper/Craft Manager
Adrienne Webber...............................Draper
Emilia Corbin.....................................First Hand/Draper
Stephanie Gift....................................First Hand
Amy Gawthrop,
Amanda Rose Smith..........................Stitchers
John Riccucci....................................Wardrobe Master
Jaimie Farnick, Amber Kuennen,
Fiona Shaw Mumford.........................Wardrobe Run Crew
Erica Layman.....................................Terris Theatre Wardrobe Supervisor
Ashley St. Pierre, Fiona O’Hagan........Terris Theatre Wardrobe Assistants
Allison Burkholder..............................Wig Stylist
Will Johnson......................................Lighting Supervisor
L. Clay Little.......................................Production Electrician
Josh Peterson....................................Terris Light Board Operator
Ryann D. Lee.....................................Props Manager
Troy A. Junker....................................Master Artisan
Lou Fuchs..........................................Props Carpenter
Iris Indicott.........................................Props Artisian
Nicole Wiegert...................................Props Run Crew Head
Crystal Gonzalez................................Terris Props Run Crew Head
Matt Francis......................................Technical Director
Jason Wadecki...................................Assistant Technical Director
Daniel Goodwin, Eric Hansen,
Jesse Hoyer.......................................Shop Carpenters
Andy Smith........................................Stage Carpenter
Andrew Boucher................................Terris Stage Carpenter
Carla Tiezzi........................................Charge Scenic Artist
Miranda Casler..................................Lead Scenic Artist
Gina Smothers...................................Staff Scenic Artist
Patti Lizotte.......................................PT Staff Scenic Artist
Jay Hilton..........................................Audio Supervisor
Becca Stoll........................................Production Audio Engineer
Sarah O’Gleby....................................Associate Choreographer
Nikhil Mehta......................................Directing Observer
Jordon Cunningham..........................Music Assistant
Christopher Ash.................................Associate Scenic Designer
Jackson Miller...................................Assistant Lighting Designer
Jessica Browning..............................Production Assistant
Jenny Martin.....................................Child Supervisor
Christie Koppe...................................Directing Observer
Catherine Mason...............................Stitcher
Edward Dawson/Dawson Tailors........Additional Costume Construction
James Carter Pianos..........................Piano Technician
Renata Brewington, Andrea Goodwin,
Kacey Skurja.....................................Scenic Artists
Valerie Drake, Harrison Kay, Clara Lim,
Megan Ruskey, Michael Siddell,
Patrick Sutterer, Felina Sutterfield,
Jen Trewhella, Elizabeth White...........Apprentices
Emily Yoder........................................Elaine McKirdy Student Apprentice
Special Thanks: Bank Street Cobbler, Bettina Bierly, Kathleen Gephart,
Corrine Huhnke, Lenore McLean
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Box Office
The Goodspeed
6 Main Street, East Haddam, CT 06423-0392
860.873.8668 • [email protected]
Monday & Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesday & Thursday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday & Saturday: 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Follow us on
Infra-red Hearing System:
The Goodspeed offers the Sennheiser infra-red hearing
system to assist hearing-impaired patrons. Free
headsets are available from the Box Office. Goodspeed
Musicals gratefully acknowledges the Carol L. Sirot
Foundation for underwriting.
Goodspeed Guild:
The Goodspeed Guild is a volunteer organization
dedicated to supporting Goodspeed Musicals’ operations
and productions. Since 1975 it has provided services to
artists, patrons, and staff on a year-round basis, while
offering its members the opportunity to become part of
the behind-the-scenes activities at Goodspeed. To find
out about volunteer opportunities that fit your interests
and schedule, visit our website at or
contact Amy Campbell at 203.494.7328.
Sets, costumes, and props are designed especially
for The Goodspeed and are built in Goodspeed
Musicals’ shops.
Goodspeed Musicals is a professional
theatre operating under an agreement
between the League of Resident
Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association,
the Union of Professional Actors and
Stage Managers in the United States.
Orchestra members are represented by The Connecticut Valley Federation of Musicians, AFM Local 400.
Goodspeed Musicals is a member of The League of Resident Theatres.
The scenic, costume, lighting and sound designers in LORT
Theatres are represented by United Scenic Artists, Local USA829 of the IATSE.
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