douald ddds# dc#srfdo ferJ,Sa
douald ddds# dc#srfdo ferJ,Sa
qc| do(- I douald ado&: ddds# dc#srfdo d.u-se.rc' ,l&rf d"-ry (dodqeld oaddso dS€*) aond.lAd:, zopdG irodr$ait>€ oa{de d0e{ofutro ddCrd dqx;on doaEaid <nq a*4q* eee+e eddr so$a:d 1*oina{) ddeidJa er;ildroebdDd a$. d-qa** d,iCerofid: t. oood: dr-asO esded do: Aegd:q g4 eeJ€ 2o12. 28.o3.2ot+d 2. d6dqdd sdeFddd), sobd.t66, Edd 6eu-aod:a7 -11.2o14d-Cg do: KSEDC/MD /e$ovlOnline 3- dirosdd +- Exar#20 I 4=15Bnrood: 11.11-2O14d dg da,t'e:dr:q *derddd:, $dqdd /e4ov/Onlire *oJlaa{, 1O4 qerq 2014. add 6o-acd: re.rr-zor+d adgi do: KSEDC&,iD Examl20l 4-l 5- @aid: t- dnnscrd .r'5t:e de;ro (dodgac uoddso eCoe{i' ooiabrt*, zorzda dodgr^ld ;s-ogiduoaCOe{oJcdl"dddod aaodrr;Jab* doara:d <laerdadrdo-gd esodrQ edd) eo$tud (&cbde{)ri dade.u *ed (0dg f-dend 6oood: ee.og.zoud erdeddgioJo dtraEdcJ d:oarro<ra3dS" &ederdnd- elddod, a.obaaue do{ofl edd eJod<r doaSg KSEDC/IT EDU/001/201+15dd"n "On-line Test and Assasrrent operator" d esoQrnn dodo'dddr. erago.$dr- * oes d6rLood a3odo6_gigdron** dnorrlou&d dodd dgdqdd 'ndesddrb, soJlos6" ddd, d:ed (2)dg f-d@d 6oood: ECEddon d0egri e"Crnrbd gi€-daaro aJaddOrnna"a:gd(dero) {zgsd & ddrl oJJ5* 1 ddd droEdd aecsp-(Jaodo€oJrdd edrdraeddoj,-dr. dneOdrsod:- d)il .$a €Jdaae)ege-s esax,J66 (Mls Sify TechnologiesLimited) giuoa.r,d, dd (negotiated rate) 2- adOegrt aldrrdrbd $€ duaro dodd0rrafl aofds66 {270 (42+od dd deao dd, a,r4 {zzo) <2s d {ea-o zbg(service charge) ar€3) .6] {egs (edo"d dnod$;ul Trl*r eEl e. abeerd -C€.n $ab doaft:zdgd deaa eLrg{(service charge) doa@&dod d{9traeoi ru{eEad, qgdeedr} _-eSg.ferJ,Sa &ee1 (3)dg U"dtrdd daoadd 6araod: aCgddof} doederoordr rsd{ giegor>doq, abeei (4}dg €derad ftuaod: rs.rr.zor+d esod dgid*on *d%dd edegdddeJdr * dCr3 erod0adod ddldsd ee&&qd:- "KEONICS has subrnitted the proposalfor onlisre examination project ato*rg with detailed tendering process and the pries received from the strccesiful bidderKEONICS has followiag roleand rcrymsibility -in thispraject andtherefc,re I 13\KEONICS proposes rto ctablish a Monitoring Cell rvhichshalllrc as follorvs: 1- Exclusiye teamconsistingof 4 to -5 rnembers headedby an officer has to be formd tosupewise,monitor and corrtrol the entire systemand procedure fbr conductingonlineexaminafi on 2- The team has to periodicalty visit the examination cantersand ensure that appropriateinfrastructure is set up at each iocation. 3. A monitoringcenterat our following address will be setup to hive an onlile - interaction withall thedistrict head quarters. KEONICS TrainingCenter 4. Periodical review of the question banks and updatingthe questions in consultationwith Centerfor e-Governance5- To co-orrdinatewiththe Crnter for e-Governance andtheimplementingagency for online examinationfor.all related activitiesIn view of the factsexplained above, KEONICS would chargea nominal {25 per candidateservicec,harge'overand above the price receivodby the successful bidder-" s. de ad.doig, de fddodod esde3.t d. +- giroaddoiq 416,$d ad"doJ:g, do-osard .i'sef Jea-o(doaCgaroo arogidoa doe{) eotu$d9r, 2ot2da dodogao. uogidoo eCoe{oixb,dildud de*aan do-oci^:d @*d "rctr5oa;d*CIdo?srld) soi"bd (sotrdo{) $aga,$d, doe{ri a,drncbd gi.9 duorO #ddOrn0 ?"qd (dua) Tzesd es"$drdeddo$abd de dlnt:d sedua0d:1 2- * ddri ddrn6.r,d olrS€ zsosrmd do$oJrocJ efurr F"lr-_dtraaerae;f eea)6Jc66(lr,I/sSify Technologies Limited) giqa*d, doqad dd (negotiatedrate) .soedrt a,drnrbd $.9 dror0 dd€ dtrardd .{zzo (tz+od dd + 12.36 deAa dd, a,e,g tezo) aJoddOo-on soijteuu3 {zs de ara zbeS(service charge) '------tuLl) €3 Tzgs (e&ad *aod9adr <rldr -ltug) s- atxd (t)dg {derod &au-ood:2a.o3.2omd, ndedd$oi daoso daddorroh *o? dodrguxn -d9T dararard o-aa5ad4"%s-rp*oQ ertdr &oJoa)d {oe{ondr" (sobasf)d dooand g0d@n dcfdd€* * o{edqn eallo-d asd:rldrran- gi;s-oddrlddr. darorard odard adr5aroad ? esCIdoQ &d"$ &on.h)d (sofia,t*)d deo$od .119o6doe erdud *qloss a--.J (q-esdsd)d d€q dd:olxJg dd>add c!. '> $ ! i ilad{t@*'S" ::iffi:Y* do;cddc$- - -5e .tcib@d a_ eg€E-d qneeon eLre "o toJ*13,- d€d"ba -34s1eitr&e.:rs* ;;_=* *€ni" (ai-eea,;8)_ojla .ad_dod: 01_12.1 eso€d qe'aar.ruao: d*ilsoriod-;ff;:S]*"jffin sss dsi-rz2or4d.ior,doaeoJd craa6aood eccseuaa$uod ;ne esdd ddOdee, ddOd. dododaad.b, d-ura# oe6sg!,,. dorld.ocb efori_ de erdedddtr adead oa"..' S*H'"-"-ff; *egdoa(,-lJ;+. Ht"trH*t fu;l-r, a,.*x*:Ja gie 1- adaardcJ c)p.Er pr:*rr -r--_- 2 duasdd;S,thH:*ifJ,?S:Jn* t€ G- dO-u* _t _u.:u""u".f, e"".*.aF"l), \-wwr 5398, e3ortctod)-rra. --do-ot a$a_aeJeoaoed{gercFe ' '-- -tcldF ))' s3sa, ejorldodl-or- eg6r;6 eddd, 6.6; dgd, *o"f .S€.f a,o: erau. aidd, d,ad dgd, esoe' afgd s' do-aaoTY?*odr ("rce),_ tu-*s dHrd.e:ortdncb_ol 6' aba-oodeEddcb, esdss'J;;; y"€r .aJ;;* dd, abddracb_s7o orr ;co: f.,.,:.'J'J*aaroie,,.b J :A':Ln$ffirgg'"o'" s' odesdj&.u"**q, 3"F.ln za'e abad6.ecar, aao.gdrld, od:64 "d" d.der6- oq. *o"rn**r_rrR6u, ggsr2g;sr,s*, -W agrid ]1. c.-1e3eee3 ".Aa_"6"r,*JJ* -Ooo-*f".Og;; trao$codsaduaouaooid$rt€b t*'"5 ui* ra*r;##T :: 66Jd.**dd,+*#*r#:"d;.-u-J*3*$ld"o?oj.yp :-:-:::::::!g:::::6f i^ ,o. eeeResded do$rrd .lrp g".lror.r* 1o- arerad_a66a0 redaaedcr #ffi*ffiff#Tffi ,r. *"Su#.T""i" ;;"G*,.*rer t*1- "-"''' .. do --*oaccu"d%' egeaera;d ;$ei.) ae-a"d aPd' aiorJdocl', re- duaEocJ-*--:1-ry'(-td-t2): *t d_dorrdesc.n{d *g _*rrrroarofu*c) lg- adc_acdd o*o 20. soa'ad*d #fi! e** (q-ercdtrdl' "i"*i da-ao$dd:
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