Permaculture Presentation, Mar 6, 2014
Permaculture Presentation, Mar 6, 2014
Gardening 2.0 Melissa Miles Tom McGlynn Environmental Biologist Founder of Feed the Burbs NOFA Accredited Organic Lawn Care Professional “Facilitating a culture of regeneration” Founder of Two Miles Micro-Farm Founder of the Permanent Future Institute Organizer of Eastern PA Permaculture Guild) Permaculture Design techniques ! ! Ethics ! ! principles strategies Three ethics underpin all Permaculture Design: EARTH CARE PEOPLE CARE CARE of the FUTURE THERE IS NO WASTE IN NATURE! Permaculture Strategy: Sheet Mulching sheet mulching is a no-dig gardening technique which mimics natural processes When done properly (and in combination with other strategies) sheet mulching can help create healthier, more productive and low maintenance ecosystems. Horizons (layers) in “natural” soil profile Monday, December 12, 2011 “Ultimate, Bomb-proof Sheet Mulch” My version of Toby Hemenway’s, Gaia’s Garden, recipe As you add, WET DOWN EACH LAYER (w/ non-chlorinated) water! SEEDLESS MULCH: straw, dried leaves (2 - 3”) THIN layer of COMPOST (1 - 2”) Bulk O.M.: old hay, stable bedding, etc. 8 - 12” THIN layer of NITROGEN-RICH MATERIAL (1/4 - 1”) Overlap! no spaces between Slashed, amendments added if needed Cardboard, newspaper - or natural fabric (no “shiny” or colored ink!) ~1/2 “ THIN layer of well rotted Manure (1 - 2”) Existing vegetation Existing soil (replete with LIFE)! Water harvesting Bio-infiltration swales (a.k.a. “keyline”) Melissa Miles, AOLCP Permanent Future Institute " [email protected] Water harvesting: on a site located in Bucks County, eroded soil & 8 - 15 % slope Melissa Miles, AOLCP Permanent Future Institute " [email protected] Herb Spiral Sun (dry condition) loving herbs at the top Herbs which prefer Cool/wet conditions at the bottom Mary Ann’s Herb Spiral, 2013, NJ Rethinking Weeds! “A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill, except for learning how to grow in rows.” -Doug Larson “What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson “WEEDS” Not a botanical group: Plants in the wrong place, at the wrong time indication that something is out of balance in the soil Nature’s way of attempting to heal the landscape (pioneers: coming in to restore balance) Bare soil is damaged soil, before removing a weed be ready to put something else in its place (or, you might end up with an even more aggressive “invader”). Can’t beat ‘em, Eat ‘em One of my favorite strategies Permaculture Strategy: Plant Guilds Similar to ‘companion planting’ A plant guild: any group of plants which support each other while growing in proximity to one another. “Guilding” is the act of intentionally placing plants to grow near one another so they may help to provide for each other’s needs; creating a more healthy and diverse ecosystem (while making less work for us). A classic sample guild would be the traditional “Three sisters” [corn-beans-squash combo] used in the gardens of some indigenous gardeners. “Three sisters” guild (corn, beans, squash) residential permaculture garden ! Fruit Tree Guild Apple or Pear (Malus spp. or Pyrus spp.) as central element Comfrey shades roots of the tree, competes with grasses, chop & drop mulch (also a medicinal plant) Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) also competes well with grasses, effective against Monilia in apple trees (edible/medicinal plant) Chives (Allium spp.) extremely pest resistant, and are anti fungal and insecticidal. Flowers attract wasps and other predatory beneficials (also edible/medicinal) Clover (Trifolium spp.) grown as a ground cover amidst the other plants to fix nitrogen and compete with other less desirable weeds Sweet Peas (Lathyrus spp.) will climb into the branches and provide summer-long blooms, as well as fixing nitrogen in the soil Tulip (grass-supressing bulbs) bloom before other perennials have emerged, attract pollinators to apple blossoms (add aesthetic element; minimally, a medicinal). illustration: Permaculture Strategy: Edible Forest Gardens mimic the architecture and beneficial relationships of a natural forest (an analogue of a natural system) Highly productive, largely self-maintaining, systems with diverse product yields (‘the 7 fs'): food forests are not ‘natural’, but are designed and managed ecosystems rich in biodiversity and productivity food, fuel, fiber, fodder, fertilizer, 'farmaceuticals' and, fun! Edible Forest Gardens: Perennial Polycultures of Multi-purpose plants (a guild of 7 levels) Can you name ... The Most extensively irrigated crop in the US (~ 270 billion gallons water/week) Responsible for drawing down/depleting aquifers throughout the US Covers (roughly) the same amount of land as the entire country of England ? Our beloved lawns USA: Annual maintenance budget for this crop: >$29 billion Monday, December 12, 2011 50 - 70% residential water use LAWN Monoculture (low biodiversity) High energy input (time/$) An ecological sys. at it’s most immature - we are always fighting nature to maintain it! Low permeability/infiltration of water (just slightly better than concrete) Not resilient or terribly useful (maybe for croquet?) Consider: how much of it do I really need? Books, organizations and websites Eastern PA Permaculture Guild (a regional organization offering education and events related to permaculture; no cost to join): Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, by Toby Hemenway Perennial Vegetables: From Artichokes to Zuiki Taro, A Gardener's Guide to Over 100 Delicious and Easy to Grow Edibles, by Eric Toensmeier Edible Forest Gardens (2 volume set), by Dave Jacke NOFA Organic Land Care:
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