
Kazakhstan food and national meals
Kazakhstan food info
First of all the guest of Kazakhstan family
regaled with kumiss (the drink based on mare
milk), shubat or airan, next meal was tea with
milk or cream, baursaks, raisins, irimshik, kurt.
Then the guest was tasting horse-flesh or
mutton snacks - kazi, shuzhuk, zhal, zhaya, suret, karta, kabirga. Wheat flour cookies were
very common too.
Kazakhstan traditional food facts and features
The main meal of every dastarkhan and one of the
most delicious for Kazakh people was Kazakh style
cooked meat. Boiled meat was served in large
uncut pieces. The host was cutting the meat
himself and treat every guest: pelvic bones and
shank for honourable old people, brisket for son-inlaw or daughter-in-law, neck-bone for girls and so
The most honorable guest received particular
method cooked head of the ram. The guest should
part the head between people around the
dastarkhan obeying to ancient ritual showing
respectful attitude to guests, old people, kids, near
and far relations.
The delicious aromatic meat was eaten with thin
boiled pieces of pastry. Excellent addition to this
dish was rich flavoured meat bouillon - sorpa,
served in phials. Kumiss and tea were the last
dishes of the meal.
Baursaks (savoury doughnuts) - are
must-have food in every Kazakh family.
Now, baursaks are not only cooked and
eaten by the Kazakhs. Baursaks are
served to tea, before main course, to
mare’s milk (‘kumys’), to snacks, and to
strong broth (‘sorpa’). It is both festive
and everyday food liked by many, both
young and old.
Kurt is prepared from milk. After
boiling milk, it will be poured into a
sack. when it gets rid of yellow water
women make kurt and put it on the
roof to dry
Kazy is a very delicious and
expensive food. Kazy is a horsesausage
Beshbarmak (Bashkir: бишбармаҡ,
bişbarmag, Kyrgyz: бешбармак, Tatar:
бишбармак — five finger) is the
national dish in some Turkic peoples.
The term Beshbarmak means "five
fingers", because the dish is eaten
with one's hands. The boiled meat is
usually diced with knives, often mixed
with boiled noodles, and spiced with
onion sauce. It is usually served in a
big round dish. Treating to beshbarmak
is accompanied with an original ritual.
The meat itself is served in large
pieces. Beshbarmak is usually served
with shorpo – mutton broth in bowls
called kese. ‘Amen’ is always said at
the end of the meal to give thanks
to God.
Kuyrdak, kuurdak (Kazakh қuyrdaқ, Kirgh. Kuurdak,
Uzbek. Қovurdoқ - letters. Zazharku) - the traditional
roast the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz meat and onions. The
name derives from the Kazakh word kuyru or Kyrgyz
kuuru what it means to fry. In the Kyrgyz version of
commonly used loin meat and onions. [Citation 76
days] In addition to the Kazakh version adds meat
liver and other offal (kidneys, liver, chopped lungs,
heart, spleen, for greater richness, density and
saturation flavoring scale, sometimes also added
additional pieces of poultry and kazi) and potatoes to
increase the profile of (sometimes also add carrots
and slices of pumpkin - for flavoring scale). Potato
stew with fried slices of meat, while it may seethe and
during mixing to reach the state of puree. In the
prepared dish may be some (usually small) number
of very thick soup.
DORO WETT, a chicken stew from Ethiopia.
Wetts (also spelled wats), or stews, are a staple
of Ethiopian cooking, and doro wett is one of the
best known. Consisting of chicken pieces, on
the bone, cooked in a thick, spiced red sauce,
it's often served for celebrations such as
weddings and holidays. (In Ethiopia, chicken is
an expensive ingredient, typically costing more
than beef or lamb.)
There are two key elements that give the sauce
its flavor. One is nit'ir qibe, or spiced clarified
butter. This Ethiopian pantry staple is made by
cooking butter with an array of spices and
aromatics. It's used to sauté the stew
ingredients, creating a complex flavor base for
the dish.
Baklava - this is one of the most famous sweets
East - very sweet, moist, obscene calorie, timeconsuming, but VKUUUUSNAYA! There are many
recipes for baklava. I suggest you make baklava
as often it is prepared Turkish housewives.
Baklava turns tender and tasty, long stored and,
most surprisingly, over time becomes even more
delicious. Try it!
Kormas are typically made by marinating the
main ingredient in yogurt and spices like
ginger and garlic. It is then cooked in its own
juices and a gravy made of onions, lots of
tomatoes, green chillies and whole spices like
cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, coriander,
cumin, etc. Kormas can range from mild to
medium hot and taste nice with breads like
Chapatis (flatbread), Parathas (pan-fried
flatbread) or Naans (leavened flatbread made
baked in a tandoor or oven). You can also
make this dish with mutton or goat meat.
The traditional Egyptian breakfast of dried fava beans is also the national dish,
eaten at all times of the day, in the fields, in village mud-houses, and in the
cities. Restaurants serve it as a mezze, and it is sold in the streets. Vendors put
the beans in large, round, narrow-necked vessels, which they bury through the
night in the dying embers of the public baths. Ful medames is pre-Ottoman and
pre-Islamic. It is probably as old as the Pharaohs. According to an Arab saying:
“Beans have satisfied even the Pharaohs.” Egyptians gleefully tell you that the
little brown beans have been found in pharaonic tombs and have been made to
germinate. There are fields of them, and promotional explanations on fake
papyrus by the Ministry of Agriculture. Of course, they could have been put
there by tomb robbers. There are many types of dried fava beans—small,
middle-sized, and large, all of which can be used—and there are very goodquality canned ones. Most expatriates are happy with canned ones, which they
improve on with flavorings and trimmings. These need to be turned into a pan
with their juice and cooked for 15 minutes.
2 cups small Egyptian fava beans (ful medames), soaked overnight (and left
1/3 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
Extra-virgin olive oil
3 lemons, quartered
Salt and pepper
4–6 cloves garlic, crushed
Chili-pepper flakes
Ынтымақ жүрген жерде,
Ырыс бірге жүреді.
Еда человеку силу дает,
Единство и счастье едины.
Meal gives the person strength.
Unite and happiness are indivisible.
Тере берсе, тезекте қызық.
Аштық ас талғатпайды.
Аппетит приходить во время еды.
Appetite comes with eating.
Қарны ашқанға, қара талқан майдай көрінеді
Голодному и толокно кажется маслом
A hungry man takes an oat flour for butter
Таспен ұрғанды аспен ұр.
Тебя бьют камнем, ты бей хлебом.
To the evil answer good.
Арпа, бидай ас екен,
Алтын, күміс тас екен.
Ячмень и пшеница-пища,
Золото и серебро – железяка.
Barley and wheat is food, gold and silver-iron.
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