The Spire - Affton Christian Church


The Spire - Affton Christian Church
The Spire
Monthly Newsletter for June/July 2016
What’s Inside?
Pastor Jody’s Message
Prayer List
Spire Deadline Info
Happenings at a Glance
Office Closings
Church Directory Change
Rebecca’s Ramblings
VBS News
Thanks from the CELT
Youth Outing
Mission Trip Fund Report
Movie Night
Welcome baby!
Food Truck Thursday
Knit Wits
Christmas in July
Inasmuchas Opportunity
Many Thanks
July Celebrations
Congregational Meeting
Fisher Class Lunch
Scrapbookers Note
Leadership Council Notes
Happy Coffee TUESDAY!
Pub Theology
Serving Schedule
Be in Touch
E-Mail & Website
[email protected]
Office Phone: 314-631-5777
When you see this
symbol in our Spire
it indicates an
inasmuchas opportunity to
Welcome, Love, & Serve
Were you ever the “new kid” at school? My family moved
four times between my first day of kindergarten and my last day
of high school, so I wore this label through much of my childhood.
Teachers and classmates alike were concerned that I didn’t get
lost, but even with my poor sense of direction, I wasn’t worried
about finding my way around in the new place (for one thing, the
schools weren’t that big!). Other things were more intimidatingsocial groups already formed, back stories everyone else seemed
to know, peers with whom I didn’t always find things in common.
How did I fit in a place where others seemed to set what was going on and what was expected of me?
Most of you are familiar with my face and voice, but becoming
your Sabbatical Pastor over the summer gives me a little bit of
that “new kid” feel. Don’t worry- after two years with you, even
I know my way around the building! However, accepting full responsibility as a pastor for worship and care is new territory for
me, and for you with me. How do we fit into a new time together? How do all of us go forward, now and after David returns,
with the work God calls us to do? I still remember the knot in
my stomach each time I walked into a new school, but I take
comfort in this: in God’s work, we are often “new kids”. Following God’s call will always take us to new places, new people, and
new challenges. These new things may be distressing, but we’re
also taking part in the new things God is doing through us and the
hopeful reminder that God equips us for this ministry.
During June and July, the sermons will take us through the
books of Galatians and Colossians. As we read and take in these
“postcards from Paul,” and as we use the Sabbatical Journal to
walk together in prayer, I hope we will all listen to the Spirit’s
voice and direction. I can’t say enough how thankful I am and
grateful to you for the confidence you have placed in me to be
your Sabbatical Pastor. This time, I’m happy to be the “new kid”,
in the same way we all are: kids who have “put on the new self,
which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” (Col. 3:10)
Pastor Jody
You Can Find Us on Facebook:
Affton Christian Church St. Louis, MO
Happenings at a Glance!
Monday, June 20 - Disciples Women Planning Mtg-10am
Wednesday, June 22 - Pub Theology - 7pm @ Syberg’s
Friday, June 24 - Movie Night - 7:00pm
When Praying, Please Remember:
Our Church Family…
Jan Carson
Jeanette Haller
Wesley Iagulli
Bev McKinney
Our Homebound…
Darlene Burke, Jean Culbertson,
Linda Kennedy, Jim Lasterni,
Don Rice, Jeannette Santagato
Our Friends…
Ron Blackmon (Montgomery)
Florence Carter (Viers)
Bob Cole (Cole)
Bill Compton (Compton)
Carmen Dampf ((Cole)
Family of Tom Hohman (Valle)
Family of Leo Ives (Atwell)
Al Lammers (Tockstein)
Evelyn Merchant (Bruemmer)
Family of Trent Meyer (Denno)
Family of Charlie Montgomery
Laura Morrison (D&J Morrison)
Nikki Payne (Forward)
Lisa Rodak (Haller-Day)
Bob Snell (Potts/Snell)
Sanella Spahich (Haller)
Family of Bob Woodsmall (Franzer)
Jim Zaricor (Mosier)
Please make sure to turn
your articles in before or
by the deadline. If they
are late I may not be able
to fit them in. Thanks,
Sunday, June 26 - Congregational Meeting after Worship
Fishers Lunch Outing after Meeting
Monday, July 4 - Independence Day - Office Closed
Tuesday, July 5 - Happy Coffee Day - 6:30am - 8:30am
Thursday, July 7 - Food Trucks - 4:30pm to 7:00pm
Angels’ Arms Meal
Sunday, July 10 - Safe Sanctuary Training after Worship
Monday - Friday, July 11-15 - Vacation Bible School
Wednesday, July 13 - Pub Theology - 7pm @ Syberg’s
Sunday & Monday, July 17 - 18 - Youth Overnight Outing
Monday, July 18 - Elders Meeting - 6:30pm
Wednesday, July - Knit Wits Group - 6:30pm
The office will be closed
In honor of the holiday
Please change Karen Czaicki’s
e-mail address to:
[email protected]
Next Spire Date is July 21
Deadline: Thu. 7/14 - By Noon
(Please do not use her old e-mail address)
Steve & Aimee Tedoni’s new address
2061 Seven Pines Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63146
We need to cover news up to
and maybe a little beyond the
August 18 Spire. Think ahead!
What is Christian Education? This query, by itself, is
insufficient to answer many questions, doubts, passions,
and practicalities about religious education in Christian
churches. For one not only needs to ask what Christian
education is, but also some questions like these:
 Who do we choose to educate about faith?
 When do we begin to educate people of faith and do
we ever stop learning about faith?
 Where are we choosing to participate in Christian
Education and does that impact the conversations we
have about faith, spiritual growth, and Christian formation?
 What is our foundational knowledge of Christian Education and what choices do we make about what to
 How do we create and lead programs of Christian
Education that are theologically rich and diverse while
challenging and respecting differing interpretations of
God, Jesus, humanity, the Holy Spirit, and the
 Why is doing the work of Christian Education desperately important to our relationships in our own
congregations and the wider communities in which we
live and serve?
So, to give a taste of the depth of Christian Education, I
turn to a few words I find to be guiding sources in how I
think of, imagine, and create within my own expressions
of Christian Education. Thomas Groome, an Irish
Catholic theologian, sees Christian education as the intentional attention to God’s activity in our time and in
the story of Christian faith communities while imagining
the vision of the Kingdom of God. Maria Harris, another Catholic theologian (and my personal favorite for
Christian Education), leans toward Christian Education
as the fashioning of a people.
Christian Education is not done to be a business of constructing a youth program or increasing the numbers of
the church. Doing the work of Christian Education, for
me, is the intentional participation in the fashioning of a
compassionate Christian people who deeply believe in
the theological richness of our difficult Biblical text and
that the liberation of all peoples can be found buried
within it. It requires authenticity, doubt struggle, and a
yearning for ‘something more.’ I invite all of you to join
me fiercely in the work of Christian Education; it is the
work of a people for the fashioning of a people.
VBS is COMING SOON! July 11 - July 15
We still need 10-15 people to volunteer as Storytellers, Group Leaders, Prop Designers, and various other
roles!! Please speak to Rebecca Mularski or another
member or the CELT to volunteer. All volunteers must
be Safe Sanctuary trained in order to work with chil-
A big giant “Thank You” to everyone who
helped with the Graduate’s Luncheon. A
lot of people stepped up to wash dishes
and put stuff away that are not on the
CELT. We could not have done it without
you. It was a fun day and well attended.
There will be a Youth Outing to Innsbrook on July
17th - 18th. It will be an overnight stay in a cabin,
so bring extra clothes & toiletries. Also bring
money for lunch on the way Sunday. Attending
youth will need to obtain a permission slip for
emergency purposes and a list of food and/or
medication allergies. Deb Morse, Rick Tockstein,
and Karrie Bopp will chaperone the event.
Youth Mission Trip Fund & Lucinda Pins
As you may know, there is a Youth Mission Trip Fund
that is part of the budget. Several years ago, Christian
Education used the sale of the Lucinda pins as a way to
increase that fund. We are reporting that the 30 pins
have been sold and $150 has been deposited in that
account. As of now, no plans are in place for a mission
trip in 2016, but the money will remain in the account
until needed. Thanks to all those who supported this
July 7, 4:30pm—7:00pm
Free popcorn,
bring your own drinks.
Attendance prize
to be given away!
Announcing the newest
arrival for
Steve & Aimee Tedoni!
Allison Elise Tedoni
Born June 6, 2016
7lb. 10oz.
20” inches long.
to the entire
Tedoni Family!
The first Food Truck Thursday of the year
was a big success! Thanks to everyone
who helped set up and take down.
This was no easy chore.
We can use your help again on July 7.
Please plan to help set up about 3:30pm
See sign up sheet in the Clipboard Area.
The next meeting of
The knit wits Will be
on Wednesday, July 20
At 6:30 pm.
Affton Christian Food Pantry
is having Christmas in July!
They are collecting items for their
Christmas Boutique in December.
Their wish list is for NEW ITEMS:
Toys & games ($5 to $10), decorative mugs,
glasses, flashlights, hand tools, all sizes of
clothing - T-shirts, socks, sweat shirts, hats,
and gloves. Cash is always welcome.
If you would like to help or have any
questions, call 314-809-3979
Thank you!
Thank you to Beth Snell, Chris Potts, Janet
Jacquot, Madeline Stevens, Reta Scott and
Neita Heinzman for providing a meal on
June 2nd for the Angels’ Arms
South County Foster Care Home.
Thanks to everyone who donated
to the Fill The Van event. 510
items were donated to the Affton
Christian Food Pantry. This will
help keep the pantry’s shelves full this
summer. The web site for the A.C.F.P is
My sincere thanks to the Special Members
of Affton Christian Church for the
July Celebrations
beautiful cards and prayers. Both are
greatly appreciated.
- Esther Hofer
Don Morrison - 4th
Mike Mosier - 8th
John Scott - 10th
David Woodard - 11th
Aimee Tedoni - 12th
Amanda Davis - 15th
Madeline Stevens - 15th
Barb Grofe - 17th
Keith Panzer - 17th
Don Rice - 19th
Deb Morse - 22nd
Bob Atwell - 24th
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayers, concerns,
cards and over all love for Ken and me
while I’ve been on this medical journey.
The doctors are pleased with my progress
Thank you all, Ken and Jeanette
Thank you for all the cards and thoughts
of concern during the loss of my son. The
support from my church family is most
Love, Evelyn Detzel
Bill & Fran Wilson - 1st
Bob & Audrey Franzer - 20th
Dan & Rhonda Cole - 21st
We need to approve the new budget.
Fisher class
Sponsored lunch
At the
Blue Owl
Sunday evening, June 19th is the last
chance to make reservations for lunch on
June 26 after Worship & meeting.
Sunday, June 26th
Immediately After Worship
There will be no
Scrapbookers meeting
in the month of July.
Leadership Council Notes
The Leadership Council met June 6, 2016.
We concluded our discussion on the book, “Winning On Purpose”.
We talked about the “gifts” we have. Later this summer, you may be
asked to fill out a questionnaire to determine what your “gift” is.
Everyone has a gift!
Jack Suetterlin presented 2 budgets prepared by the financial team.
The L.C. unanimously voted on one of them. This budget will be brought
to a vote at the congregational meeting on June 26.
Please plan to attend this important meeting.
Beth Snell looked into The Shower to Shower Ministry and we
are looking at ways to support this important outreach project.
She also has set up a fund raiser for Affton Christian Food Pantry a Cooking Class! Please see the details in this Spire.
Pastor David presented updates on the upcoming “preschool”.
Paper work and background checks have been completed, all that
remains are inspections.
We ask that you support and pray for Pastor Jody as he assumes the
role of Sabbatical Pastor and pray for Pastor David while he is away.
NOTE: There will be no Leadership Council Meeting in July.
Leadership Council—Jean Hirsh, Joe Mihok, David Morrison, Beth Snell,
Rick Tockstein, Terry Valle and David Woodard
Stop by for a FREE cup of Fair Trade Coffee
or join the fun and help us wave in and
serve the passersby on their way to work!
Join us as we discuss our faith.
June 16 & July 13 @ 7:00pm
7802 Gravois Rd. 63123
Elder, Communion
Rhonda Cole
Sarah Woods
Karen Bess
Deb Morse
Rhonda Cole
Elder, Offertory
Sarah Woods
Rhonda Cole
Deb Morse
Karen Bess
Deb Morse
Deacon, Captain
John Guenther
John Guenther
Deidra Woods
Deidra Woods
Deidra Woods
Deacon, Communion
Deacon, Chancel
Deacon, Usher
Deacon, Usher
Deacon, Cleanup
C. Montgomery
Ginny Macrum
Rick Tockstein
Jeff Nowland
Lila Daus
Lila Daus
C. Montgomery
Ginny Macrum
Rick Tockstein
Jeff Nowland
Joe Mihok
Connor Woodard
Phyllis Thomas
Bryant Woods
Joe Mihok
Connor Woodard
Phyllis Thomas
Bryant Woods
Bryant Woods
Joe Mihok
Connor Woodard
Phyllis Thomas
Jerry Garrett
Jerry Garrett
Deb Morse
Terry Valle
Louise Nowland
Greeters (8:45)
J&C Bear
J&C Bear
H&L Nowland
H&L Nowland
H&L Nowland
Greeters (9:45)
Phyllis Thomas
Jeff Nowland
T&K Valle
Phyllis Thomas
Jean Hirsh
Door Monitor - 8:45
Door Monitor -10:15
Children's Chat
J&B McKinney
Don Morrison
Don Morrison
Linda Tockstein
Karen Viers
J&C Bear
Don Morrison
Don Morrison
Sarah Morrison
Phyllis Thomas
J&B McKinney
Mike Burke
Chris Potts
Beth Snell
Rebecca Mularski
D&J Morrison
Joan Morrison
Joan Morrison
Heather Phipps
Jody Clegg
C&N Heinzman
Mike Burke
David Morrison
Debbie Davis
Rebecca Mularski
Jean Hirsh
Jackie Warner
in Worship
in Worship
in Worship
in Worship
Kids Konnection
Nursery Cleaning
Joan Morrison
Debbie Davis
Jeanette Haller
Maureen Tedoni
Don Rice
Doris Rice
Reta Scott
J. Santagato
Sandy Suetterlin
Janet Jacquot
Membership Calling