Opmaak 1
Opmaak 1
chemistry and strategy Chemical Sciences Sixty years of Sixty years ago, the Scheikundig Onderzoek Nederland (SON) foundation was established. It evolved from that distinct foundation into the current NWO division of Chemical Sciences, whose primary mission is to stimulate excellent and innovative chemical research in the Netherlands. In the last 60 years it has also played an important role in the development of strategic plans for the chemical field, in strengthening the chemical community, in the development of public- private partnerships and in stimulating interdisciplinary cooperation, among other activities. Four former and current board members comment on some of the highlights of the last 60 years, and look to the future. 24 Cr Chromium elements atomic mass: 51,996 / discovered by: Louis Nicolas Vauquelin Jan Reedijk (Prof. em. UL), board member 1993 (SON)-2001 (NWO CW) ‘The transition of SON into a division of NWO was a challenging one. It was not at all self-evident that NWO would allow the chemical community to act as its own separate division. During the SON era, the study groups had the task of reviewing and prioritising research proposals in their own respective fields, before the SON board made a final decision. Currently, perhaps one of the most important tasks of the study groups is the training of PhD students. Their experience in presenting research to their national peers offers Dutch PhD students a clear advantage over many of their European colleagues, for example, in obtaining grants.’ Colette Alma-Zeestraten (VNCI), board member 2001-2006 Bert Meijer (TU/e), board member 2001-2008 Titia Sixma (NKI-AvL), board member 2012-present ‘In the early 2000s, the involvement of industry in scientific research was not obvious. We had intense discussions about the positioning of ACTS, the large-scale public-private partnership, in relation to NWO. During this period, chemical science and industry organised themselves into a joint platform: the Regiegroep Chemie. This was the basis for the choice of chemistry as one of the key national areas by the former Innovation Platform and for the current Top Sector Chemistry. ‘During the celebrations of the fiftieth birthday of the Chemical Sciences, a high government official asked why he should invest money in chemistry, as the number of chemistry students was so low. That question was one of the triggers for the realisation of the Sectorplan Natuur- en Scheikunde. ‘These are turbulent times for chemical research in the Netherlands. Funds are scarce, especially for fundamental research and basic infrastructure. Furthermore, we are in the middle of the transition of NWO into four scientific domains. The chemical industry and academia are still well connected. In the future, we should focus on creating continuity in R&D activities all the way from fundamental science to applications.’ The plan resulted in the current strong coupling of research and education in both chemistry and physics. We were able to strengthen the different disciplines, focus expertise and expand it, as well as attract both new research talent and more students. My main concern now is how we make sure these talented new people stay in the Netherlands. It is essential that we create more financial opportunities for mid-career researchers.’ NWO Chemical Sciences has always invested in stimulating new talent and establishing a well-equipped research infrastructure. Our contact with researchers is good: they know who to turn to. And we have an efficient palette of grants to fund the entire chain from fundamental research to public-private partnerships. Our main task as a board is to conserve these achievements in the new NWO structure, and take every opportunity to enlarge the research budgets.’ atomic mass: 54,938 / discovered by: Johann Gottlieb Gahn elements 25 Mn Manganese