

2012-11-10 09:02 - 最后更新 2012-11-25 05:06
Phytobiophysics® — Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between / Bach Flower Remedies/ Flower essences &
1. Flower essencessuch as Bach and Bush Flower essences have an extraordinary quality of
highlighting emotional circumstances and help to alleviate associated negative feelings.
Phytobiophysics® offers the 100 Hedgerow Elementals which are flower essences used by the
practitioner for diagnostic and investigative purposes and to offer their patient a personalised
chosen formula . Whilst essences have a very special effect their healing quality is of a
transient nature.
2. Phytobiophysics® Flower Formulas can actually encourages the body’s innate ability to
heal the repercussions of spiritual, mental and emotional trauma on a profound level.
3. Phytobiophysics® is a philosophy of vibration; it is essentially an electrical therapy.
Formulas, consisting of combinations of hundreds of essences of plants, all resonating on a
specific frequency, are specifically matched with particular frequencies of the body’s various
organs and systems; cellular structures, acupuncture meridians, emotions, toxins, and disease
taints. This brings about an electrical rebalancing of the body’s energetic system and thereby
facilitates our body’s innate ability to heal on a deep level.
4. By combining thousands of essences, a resonance is created, which is then further
amplified, producing VASER-like (Vibrational Amplification by Stimulation Emission of
Radiation) electrical frequency — thus producing a remedy that is capable of dealing with past
historical damage as well as deep degenerative disorders resulting from spiritual and
emotional traumas in people’s lives which have manifested on the physical plane.
5. Bach Flower remedies deal with emotions — but are not always capable of dealing with
either the cause or the manifestation of a trauma on the physical plane..
6. Phytobiophysics® deals with both the cause and the effect on all planes of
consciousness whether Spiritual, Mental, Emotional or Physical.
7. Bach Flower essences — are individual tinctures of various flowers diluted in brandy.
Bach Flower remedies have 36 individual essences and 1 combination essence (Rescue
8. Phytobiophysics 100 Hedgerow elementals are practitioner sets of 1ml Mother tinctures
in Pure Vodka which can be used to make individual formulas for each patient.
9. Phytobiophysics® has 20 flower formulas which treat the spiritual and emotional causes
of disease with each formula resonating on a specific nanometre frequency — and 10 Superfit
formulas — which work on the physical level of symptoms. The flowers and trees used to
make Phytobiophysics are often rare — and their healing qualities have not been previously
investigated or used in other essences. They include essences created from some of the
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world’s oldest living plants and trees which have been collected from many of the remotest
countries on the planet such as Tibet, Peru, the Andes, the Himalayas, Thailand, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Trinidad etc and combined with the most humble little hedgerows or pathways of
one’s own garden.
10. 10. Phytobiophysics® products are formulated into sucrose pills — which are coated in
the tinctures made from specific combinations of hundreds or thousands of flower and tree
essences. Professor Mossop does not believe that liquid essences are stable enough to retain
the high level of amplification which is created in order to harmonise profound, healing on a
deep level. This is why Phytobiophysics® — uses a “solid sucrose mandala” which is sucked by
the patient —enabling the “electrical charge” to penetrate deep into the body’s cellular
system. Each formula vibrates on a particular frequency [registered in nanometres] to
correspond with a particular energy system or organ of the body.
The Importance of treating Viruses.
1. Modern medicine relies greatly on the use of pharmaceutical products, which have been
developed to treat symptoms and bacterial infections. Pharmaceuticals have not been
successful in the treatment of viruses. This is because unlike bacteria, viruses are electrical in
nature — they interfere with the electrical field forces of the body. One of the most exciting
aspects of vibrational medicine, such as Phytobiophysics®, is its remarkable capacity to deal
with viruses.
2. The Phytobiophysics® formulas rebalance the electrical field forces which have been
damaged by the virus — thereby mending the circuitry of the body’s meridians; returning the
blue print of the cell back to normal, restructuring the cellular matrix, restoring balance and
thereby allowing the innate ability of the body to heal itself on a profound level.
3. We call it “acupuncture in a bottle”. Like acupuncture, Phytobiophysics® restores faulty
meridians by bringing them back to normality. Whilst restoring meridian balance is certainly
profoundly powerful, it is by no means the only system incorporated into the
Phytobiophysics® system.
4. Phytobiophysics® also embraces the endocrine system, chakra system, metabolism etc.
Is Phytobiophysics® Homeopathy?
1. No. Homeopathy is a stimulating therapy of “like curing like”. A toxic substance is diluted
from six to hundreds of times, and administered to a patient to create a negative effect,
thereby stimulating the body’s healing mechanism. Homeopathy was invented some 300 years
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ago by Hahneman — and was ideally suited to the health challenges of the day. However,
bacteria and viruses have mutated and developed to an alarming degree and homeopathy is
ill-equipped to now deal with these. Phytobiophysics ® practitioners who were once
homeopaths report how desperately frustrated they felt as homeopaths as they were not
equipped to treat the serious level of illness in today’s patients.
2. Phytobiophysics® uses the LIVING vibration of plants — captured as a memory in water,
then amplified (as opposed to homeopathy that dilutes). Each formula combines thousands of
plant essences vibrating together to produce a specific frequency i.e.: like an orchestra with
one million instruments all playing the same note. We then turn up the volume (amplify)
which enables the energy to penetrate deeper into the cell by amplifying the vibrational
charge of the living essences. The secret is the capturing of the LIVING essence of the plant.
3. Phytobiophysics® uses the living energy of plants to restore balance and harmony to
the body. It does not stimulate. Instead, it restores the body’s innate harmony - from
abnormal to normal - by balancing the body’s electrical systems. The formulas work in a
similar way to switching on a light switch. The practitioner looks for the electrical fault, and
then corrects it. Phytobiophysics® is energetic therapy in its most pure form.
Phytobiophysics® is:
1. Non addictive
2. Non Harmful
3. Non-invasive
Do patients experience “healing crises” when being treated by
The Body will produce physical symptoms when it is diseased or imbalanced, but it also
produces symptoms when it heals. Phytobiophysics® helps the body work harder to restore
balance and as a result, whilst the systems are clearing, there may be extra mucous, fever,
itching or slight discomfort. However, these symptoms create a feeling of relief, rather than
distress. Most patients report an overwhelming feeling of wellbeing from the moment they
commence treatment with Phytobiophysics®.
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Stages of Production of Phytobiophysics® Flower Formulas:
1. Collection of the living essence of the flower/trees — samples are collected 12 days a
year — on the full moon. The samples are placed in pure water and left in the sun — the
memory of the water captures the vibrational essence of the flower.
2. Verification — there is a particular spiritual skill involved in capturing the living energy of
the plant — to retain its innate vibration.
3. Recognition — we ensure we have collected the right species and that the energy is still
4. Assessment — of the vibrational colour level of the frequency and the corresponding
energy and organ systems of the body. Vol techniques are used for this.
5. Matching of frequencies to cell structure — We use a Galvanometer (a modified
Vol-meter) to test the formulas on various meridian points of the body - matching these
frequencies with periodic charts, vitamin and nutritional information, etc
6. VASER amplification — a patented process to amplify the captured energies.
7. Impregnation and preparation of sucrose pills at the Helios laboratories in Tunbridge
Wells, UK.