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A CALL TO ARMS Errata This document contains all official updates to A Call to Arms: Star Fleet and will be repeated in all reprints of the rulebook. Revised 18/04/2012. Page 8 Drone: Drones can only use a limited number of control frequencies when tracking their targets. No more than three ships may attack any single target with Drones in a turn. Plasma-D Torpedo: If a ship has not used a loaded Plasma-D torpedo in a turn and is attacked by enemy drones, it may choose to forego any firing of the Plasma-D in that turn and instead gain the Anti-Drone trait with a score equal to the number of Plasma-D torpedoes it is dedicating to this duty. When finished, the Plasma-D torpedo will require reloading. If the ship runs out of ammunition while using the Anti-Drone trait, it may continue to use the Plasma-D torpedo during the battle but will need reloading first. Page 14 The Immobile and Slow traits should be in italics as they can never be lost for any reason. Remove the Lumbering trait and delete all references to it from the rest of the rulebook. Page 15 Seeking: Seeking weapons must travel across space to their target but will doggedly pursue it until they impact and explode with deadly effect. A weapon with this trait will automatically hit a target within 18”, without rolling any Attack Dice. At greater ranges, it will require Attack Dicerolls as normal. Apply modifiers (such as long range) to the Attack Dice as normal. With the damage spread around the entire target ship, no rolls are made to see if the weapon penetrates Shields. Page 17 Romulans cannot use Plasma Carronades – sorry guys, but your plasma launchers just aren’t built that way! Page 19 Tractored ships may not use the Engage Cloaking Device! Special Action. Page 20 A shuttle can carry one Marine or cargo unit. Federation Police Cutter: Add Labs 2. War Destroyer: DWD variant is +10 points. Battlecruiser: BCJ variant is +0 points. The new Photon Torpedoes form a separate weapon system. Klingon E4 Light Frigate: Add Labs 2. D6 Heavy Cruiser: Change Transporters to 5. D5 War Cruiser: Change to 180 points D5W New Heavy Cruiser: Change to 190 points C7 Heavy Battlecruiser: Add Command +1. 240 points. Romulan War Eagle: Add Armoured trait. Gorn Destroyer: Add the Agile trait. Light Cruiser: Change Transporters to 2. The F, P and F, S Phasers-1 should have 1 AD. Medium Cruiser: The PH and SH Phasers-1 should have 1 AD. Kzinti Light Cruiser: Add Labs 4 and Tractor Beam 2 War Destroyer: Change Turret arc Phaser-1 to Phaser-3. Battlecruiser: Change Turret arc Phaser-3 to Phaser-1. Heavy Battlecruiser: Add Command +1. 260 points. Dreadnought: Add Command +1. 330 points. Tholian Patrol Corvette: Remove Probe 0. Destroyer: Remove Probe 0. Change Marines to 4 and Shuttles to 2. Heavy Cruiser. Remove Probe 0, change Labs to 4. Orion Raider: Add a third Fore arc Weapon * with 1 AD. Salvage Cruiser: On Drones, change Guided to Seeking. Change AD of both Weapon * to 1 AD. Civilian Small Freighter: Change Damage to 12/4. Large Freighter: Change Damage to 18/6. Free Trader/Prime Trader: Change Damage to 6/2. Any fleet may take a Phaser-2 as a Variable weapon. APT/Armed Cutter: Change Damage to 4/2. Heavy Freighter: Change Damage to 42/14. Mobile Base: Change Damage to 46/16. Add Scout trait. Battle Station: Change Damage to 80/27. Add Command +1, Labs 4, Tractor Beam 6, and Scout traits. Change Drones to Variable *. Add Plasma Torpedo-D to Romulan and Gorn choices. F5 Frigate 100 points A strange ship, the F5 Frigate is either the largest frigate in the galaxy or the smallest destroyer. Manoeuverable and quick, it is used for raids and counter-raids, along with a host of small ship missions such as convoy escort, patrol and reconnaissance. Ships of the Class: 15 Ardent, 38 Arduous, 4 Audacious, 51 Barracuda, 47 Blackguard, 45 Blackstar, 32 Courageous, 31 Hero of Zursk, 54 Stalker, 43 Undaunted, 26 Vandal, 16 Violation. Turn: 3 Damage: 14/5 Craft: 1 Shuttle Weapon Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-2 Disruptor Drone Range 18 18 12 15 36 Shields: 16 Marines: 4 Traits: Agile, Anti-Drone 1, Transporter 2, Labs 2, Tractor Beam 1 Arc F, P F, S A, P, S F T AD 1 1 3 2 1 Special Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 4, Precise Accurate +1, Multihit 2 Devastating +1, Multihit D6, Seeking D7 Battlecruiser 175 points The quintessential opponent for any Federation captain, the D7 is an improvement over the previous D6, which was itself a much larger version of earlier cruiser designs. The D7 is a combat ship throughout; exploration and rescue are left to unarmed auxiliaries. Ships of the Class: 14 Anarchist, 34 Antagonist, 20 Avenger, 10 Challenger, 30 Decimator, 27 Defiler, 41 Klothos, 16 Nemesis, 32 Relentless, 40 Princess Sangfroid, 8 Thunderchild, 45 Warhammer. Turn: 4 Damage: 22/8 Craft: 2 Shuttles Weapon Phaser-1 Phaser-2 Phaser-2 Phaser-2 Disruptors Drones Range 18 12 12 12 24 36 Shields: 18 Marines: 7 Traits: Agile, Anti-Drone 1, Labs 4, Tractor Beam 3, Transporter 5 Arc F, P, S A, P A, S T F T AD 3 2 2 2 4 2 Special Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 4, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 4, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 4, Precise Accurate +1, Multihit 2 Devastating +1, Multihit D6, Seeking D7C Variant (11 Dawnslayer, 12 Dareslayer) +30 points Replace Turret fire arc Phaser-2 with Phaser-1, change Marines 8, Anti-Drone 2, Transporters 7, add Command +1. C8 Dreadnought 345 points The C8 was used as a flagship and led the most dangerous planetary and starbase assault missions. They never patrol alone and are the flagships of each border fleet. Ships of the Class: 1 Victory, 2 Admiral Kang, 3 Atrocity, 4 Carnivorous, 5 Admiral Kruge, 6 Terror. Turn: 6 Damage: 64/22 Craft: 5 Shuttles Weapon Phaser-1 Phaser-2 Phaser-2 Phaser-3 Disruptors Disruptors Drones Shields: 30 Marines: 12 Traits: Anti-Drone 1, Command +1, Labs 6, Quick Launch, Tractor Beam 3, Transporter 8 Range 18 12 12 6 24 24 36 Arc F A, P A, S A F, P, S F T AD 10 * 1 1 4 2 4 4 Special Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 4, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 4, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Multihit 2 Accurate +1, Multihit 2 Devastating +1, Multihit D6, Seeking * The C8 may choose to fire up to six of these Attack Dice into each of the Port and Starboard arcs. KF5R Destroyer 105 points Based on the excellent Klingon F5 frigate design, at least a dozen of these Klingon-built hulls were converted to Romulan technology with cloaking devices and plasma torpedoes. As with all frigates, these ships performed supplementary missions such as convoy escorts, patrols, screens and raids. Ships of the Class: Centaurii, Rapier, Scimitar, Shillelah, Retiariis, Triumver, Nemesis, Galley, Tribune. Turn: 3 Damage: 14/5 Craft: 1 Shuttle Weapon Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-2 Plasma Torpedo-F Plasma Torpedo-F Shields: 16 Marines: 4 Traits: Agile, Cloak, Labs 2, Tractor Beam 1, Transporter 2 Range 18 18 12 16 Arc F, P F, S A, P, S F, P AD 1 1 3 2 16 F, S 2 Special Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 4, Precise Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking * So long as it has a Shields score above 0, a KF5R Destroyer suffering an attack from within its Fore arc will have the number of hits it sustains halved, rounding up, with the exception of any hits that penetrate the shields. These are treated as normal. SparrowHawk Light Cruiser 170 points (SPA) The most common of the Hawks, the light cruiser known as SparrowHawk has served on all Romulan fronts and theatres, in every fleet. Designed for efficient production (the hulls of the SparrowHawk and the larger FireHawk were more than 80% identical), SparrowHawks have been built in vast numbers. Ships of the Class: Adversary, Avenger, Defiance, Fearless, Formidable, Furious, Havoc, Harrower, Loyal Warrior, Triumph, WhiteHawk. Turn: 4 Damage: 22/8 Craft: 3 Shuttles Weapon Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Plasma Torpedo-F Plasma Torpedo-F Plasma Torpedo-S Shields: 24 Marines: 5 Traits: Agile, Cloak, Labs 2, Tractor Beam 2, Transporter 3 Range 18 18 18 18 6 6 6 6 16 Arc F, P, S F, P F, S A, P, S PH SH A, P A, S F, P AD 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 16 F, S 2 16 FH 4 Special Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking FireHawk Heavy Cruiser 225 points (FH) The FireHawk was built in considerable numbers. It was, in effect, a SparrowHawk with a fourth engine, a second type-S plasma torpedo and an enlarged hull packed with extra systems. The excellent spaceframe formed the basis of a bewildering array of even larger (and more heavily loaded) ships such as the NovaHawk, RoyalHawk, RegalHawk, ThunderHawk, KillerHawk and SuperHawk, among others. Ships of the Class: Praetor Maximus, Praetor Karzan, Starhawk, Allegiance, Coalition, Praetor Rolandus. Turn: 4 Damage: 32/11 Craft: 4 Shuttles Weapon Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Plasma Torpedo-F Plasma Torpedo-F Plasma Torpedo-S Plasma Torpedo-S Shields: 28 Marines: 6 Traits: Cloak, Labs 2, Tractor Beam 2, Transporter 3 Range 18 18 18 18 6 6 6 6 16 Arc F, P, S F, P F, S A, P, S A, P A, S PH SH F, P AD 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 16 F, S 2 16 FH 4 16 FH 4 Special Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking KRC Command Cruiser These were some of the best warp-powered starships that the Romulans deployed prior to the General War, converted from the Klingon D7C. Each ship mounts two Plasma-F torpedoes, two type-S torpedoes and two launch racks for type-D plasma torpedoes. Ships of the Class: Subjugator, Conqueror, Victor. Turn: 4 Damage: 22/8 Craft: 4 Shuttles Weapon Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-2 Phaser-2 Plasma Torpedo-S Plasma Torpedo-S Plasma Torpedo-F Plasma Torpedo-F Plasma Torpedo-D Plasma Torpedo-D Shields: 18 Marines: 8 Traits: Agile, Cloak, Command +1, Labs 4, Tractor Beam 5, Transporter 7 Range 18 18 18 12 12 16 Arc F, P, S PH SH A, P A, S F, P AD 3 1 1 2 2 4 16 F, S 4 16 F, P 2 16 F, S 2 16 SH 1 16 PH 1 Special Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 4, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 4, Precise Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking * So long as it has a Shields score above 0, a KRC Command Cruiser suffering an attack from within its Fore arc will have the number of hits it sustains halved, rounding up, with the exception of any hits that penetrate the shields. These are treated as normal. 230 points FastHawk Heavy Cruiser 235 points (FFH) As did other empires, the Romulans built a fast raider version of their heavy cruiser. More powerful engines drove the ship but the weapons load had to be reduced due to stress. Ships of the Class: Paulus. Turn: 4 Damage: 40/13 Craft: 4 Shuttles Weapon Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Plasma Torpedo-S Plasma Torpedo-S Shields: 28 Marines: 6 Traits: Cloak, Fast, Labs 2, Tractor Beam 2, Transporter 3 Range 18 18 18 18 6 6 6 6 16 Arc F, P, S F, P F, S A, P, S PH SH A, P A, S FH AD 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 16 FH 4 Special Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking Frigate 120 points (FF) A small ship for escort and picketing duties, the Kzintis prefer to send teams of one cruiser and one frigate on larger missions, rather than sending cruiser or frigate squadrons. Ships of the Class: Kzinti frigates have numbers, not names. Turn: 3 Damage: 18/6 Craft: 1 Shuttle Weapon Disruptor Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Drones Range 15 18 18 6 6 36 Shields: 12 Marines: 3 Traits: Agile, Labs 2, Tractor Beam 1, Transporter 3 Arc F F T PH SH T AD 1 1 1 1 1 4 Special Accurate +1, Multihit 2 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Devastating +1, Multihit D6, Seeking Medium Cruiser 160 points (CM) Appearing just as the General War began, the medium cruiser, like the Klingon D5, was designed for mass production, to greatly enlarge the fleets. Costing 60% as much as a battlecruiser, it had 75% of the firepower and was more efficiently designed. The addition of anti-drones (a system previously ignored by the Kzintis) reflected acceptance that the Klingons were using ever increasing numbers of drones in their fleet. These provided a second layer of defence along with the traditional phaser-3s. Ships of the Class: Ripper, Slasher, Snaggletooth, Frenzy, Shadowcat, Death Claw, Night Howler, Blooded Fang, Night Fang, Night Stalker, Black Fang, Silver Fang, Predator, Carnivore. Turn: 4 Damage: 22/8 Craft: 2 Shuttles Weapon Disruptors Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-3 Drones Range 24 18 18 6 36 Shields: 24 Marines: 6 Traits: Agile, Anti-Drone 2, Labs 4, Tractor Beam 3, Transporter 3 Arc F PH SH T T AD 3 1 1 2 4 Special Accurate +1, Multihit 2 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Devastating +1, Multihit D6, Seeking New Heavy Cruiser 170 points (NCA) By Y175, the Kzintis faced the same problem as all of the other fleets – a lack of true heavy cruisers. The pre-war battlecruisers had suffered steady losses and the production rate of these heavier ships could not keep pace. Ultimately, the Kzintis turned to adding a large section to the back (or top) of their medium cruiser, adding a fourth engine and thousands of tons of additional weapons and equipment. Produced more quickly than the battlecruiser class (which remained in production), the new heavy cruiser kept the fleet up to strength as the General War dragged on. Ships of the Class: Thunderstrike, Swordbreaker, Shadowcutter, Grimholder, Firedancer. Turn: 4 Damage: 33/10 Craft: 2 Shuttles Weapon Disruptors Phaser-1 Phaser-1 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Phaser-3 Drones Range 24 18 18 6 6 6 36 Shields: 24 Marines: 9 Traits: Anti-Drone 2, Labs 6, Tractor Beam 3, Transporter 4 Arc F PH SH A, P A, S T T AD 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 Special Accurate +1, Multihit 2 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise Devastating +1, Multihit D6, Seeking Command Cruiser Variant (Deathdealer) +25 points Add Command +1 trait. Add an Attack Dice to both the Phaser-1.
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Errata - Mongoose Publishing
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