MFTR-2100/45 - Tech-Bel


MFTR-2100/45 - Tech-Bel
Weibel Scientific
Solvang 30
3450 Allerød
High Accuracy Long Range TSPI Radar
45 dB Ultra High Performance System
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 3
SYSTEM OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 5
The function of the sub-modules ........................................................................................... 6
Technical Specifications ..................................................................................................... 12
Main System parts ................................................................................................. 6
Accessories ......................................................................................................... 10
Miscallaneous parts ............................................................................................. 11
Technical Specifications: Main parts .................................................................... 12
Technical Specifications: Options ........................................................................ 16
Data output ........................................................................................................................ 20
TRACKING MODES ......................................................................................................................... 21
Scripting / State Machine .................................................................................................... 21
MFTR-2100/46 to the left and MFTR-2100/40 to the right
at Weibel Test Range in Denmark
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
The MFTR-2100/45 Multi Frequency Trajectory Radar system is based on a MFDR-2100 X-band
continuous wave Multiple Frequency Doppler Radar, mounted on the ultra high performance AP2100/45 Antenna Pedestal.
The MFTR-2100/45 system is the second generation of the MFTR-2100/46 system, now with quadratic
1 x 1 deg antenna. The Ultra High performance of the new pedestal is achieved by using very high
accuracy components together with full temperature control in the system, the use of sunshields and
with extensive and automated calibration techniques.
The system measures and computes directly in real-time for Multiple Objects:
Slant range
Azimuth and Elevation angles
3-D trajectory
Radial velocity
All measurements are Time synchronized to IRIG-B or GPS
The range, angles and velocity measurements are based entirely on spectrum analysis and
digital signal processing. This enables the system to measure on all types of objects:
Rocket launches
Re-entry vehicles
Aircraft, drones and towed-targets
Projectiles of all types and calibres
Base bleed and rocket assisted projectiles
APFSDS and tracer projectiles
Intercepts - Kill assessments
The system is based on X-band frequency in order to ensure:
High accuracy
Compact system
High mobility
High range performance
Operation in all weather conditions
Insensitivity to ionized gases and rocket exhaust plumes
The Multiple Frequency CW/FM-CW ranging technique gives the following advantages:
Optimum MTI (Motion Target Indicator) based on 100% duty cycle on CW Doppler
Optimal range accuracy
Optimal velocity accuracy
Optimal angle accuracy
Continuous measurement - 100% duty cycle
High range resolution in FM-CW mode (High bandwidth)
No minimum object size
Low elevation measurement
Selectable Rx beam-width from 16° x 16° to 1° x 1° with automatic or manual switching.
Ideal for RCS measurement
The MFTR-2100/45 is based on the Weibel Azimuth & Elevation Tracking Radar System technique in
operation for more than 25 years all over the world. The radar antenna is based on the proven Weibel
MSL antenna family, the AP-2100/45 is a further development of the previous AP-2100/46 pedestal
again based on the TC-700i Tracking Controller. The Real Time Processor RTP-2100 used in the
MFTR-2100/45 is identical to the processor used in the previous MFTR-2100 system, and is a further
development based on the previous W-1000/W-2100/RP-2100 processor family.
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
The MFTR-2100/45 is based on state of the art radar technologies. Transmitting and receiving antennas
are micro strip array antennas and all components in the system are entirely solid state. A very rugged
mechanical system design and modern electronic design ensures high reliability and resistance to
weather, vibrations, and blast.
AP-2100/45 improvements compared to AP-2100/46:
New elevation gear with less wobble
New elevation encoder with higher accuracy
New Azimuth turntable bearing with less wobble
New azimuth encoder with higher accuracy
New alignment and calibration sensors
Temperature control of pedestal structure using full sun shielding and controlled airflow
New calibration routines
AP-2100/45 with Sun Shields and forced airflow to stabilize temperature.
The use of high quality components, temperature control, and automated calibration methods, ensures
an overall angular accuracy of the antenna pointing of 0.05 mil or 0.003 deg!
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
The MFTR-2100 system consists of:
• MFDR-2100/45 Multi Frequency Doppler Radar antenna
CU-2100 Cooling Unit – water cooled transmitter
PS-5000 Antenna Power Supply (2 pcs)
OM-2136D or OM-2148D Dual Frequency Oscillator with up to 50 MHz modulation
AP-2100/45 Continous Azimuth Antenna Pedestal
RTP-2100 Real Time Processor
RTDS-2100 Real Time Data Storage
IC-2100 Instrumentation Controller with WinTrack 2009 software
ASM-2100 Additional Sensor Mount (Optional)
Bore sight Camera with zoom optics.(Optional)
IR cameras several models supported (Optional)
MC-100 Monopulse Calibration device (Optional)
VT-2100 Video Tracker (Optional)
OPS-2100 20 Operator Shelter (Optional)
MCS-2100 Motion Compensation System (Optional)
The MFDR-2100/45 antenna is mounted on the AP-2100/45 Antenna
Pedestal with the transmitter on the left side and receiver on the right side
as seen from the front.
The optics – visual and/or IR camera - are mounted on the ASM-2100
Additional Sensor Mount
The optional MCS-2100 Motion Compensation System can be placed
inside the Antenna pedestal base
The system can also optional be delivered with Self Survey for quick
The AP-2100/45 with antenna is placed on custom designed trailer, on a ship or on a permanent
installation. The system is made so it can be broken down and transported by commercial truck or
commercial cargo planes and set-up in less than a day.
All the data processing and data storage units, together with the operator consoles, are placed in the
protected environment inside the operator shelter.
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
The function of the sub-modules
MFTR-2100 system overview
Oscillator in
Visual / IR
AC line
Video Signal
Camera control
1 Gbit optical Link
Digitized Doppler Data
IRIG- B in
<-Encoder data
<-Status messages
Command Position->
Antenna Control ->
Commands. ->
AC input
Optica l Port
1 Gbit Ethenet
Master/Slave I/O
RS-422 or Ethernet
Range Network
* Master/Slave data
* System Control
* MOT TSPI data
Master /Slave via
RS-232 / RS-422
AC line
1 Gbit optical Link
Digitized Doppler Data
Platform motion
Remote Console
Main System parts
The 45 dB antenna consists of one transmitter and one receiver. All microwave
components including micro-controllers and DC-DC converters are located in the
The microwave oscillator OM-2136D or OM-2148D generates the two
frequencies F1 and F2. These two frequencies are amplified and transmitted in
the transmitter antenna.
The 45dB transmitting antenna consists of 64 micro-strip antennas each with an
8°x8° opening angle.
The advanced Weibel Power Pack microwave transmit unit (HPA) is used in the
transmitter with built in power supply and processor for optimum performance,
redundancy, control, diagnostics and maintainability. The Power Pack design
eliminates the need for re-calibration of the transmitter if it ever needs repair.
The Power Pack design in the transmitter also includes power detectors with
feedback in order to operate with constant output power for RCS measurements.
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
The receiver receives the reflected signals (F1 and F2) and generates 4 I/Q
channels corresponding to F1 and 4 IQ channels corresponding to F2 – totally
16 channels.
The 45 dB receiving antenna consists of 256 micro-strip antennas each with a
16°x16° opening angle. This enables the received to change from a wide 16x16°
opening angle during acquisition to a narrow 1x1° opening angle when acquired.
The advanced Weibel Receiver Pack microwave units are used in the receiver,
with integrated filtered low noise amplifiers (FLNA), built in LNA control and
diagnostics for optimum performance, redundancy and control. This design also
eliminates the need for re-calibration of the full receiver if it ever needs repair.
The use of a filter low noise amplifier (FLNA) design in connection with the
micro-strip antennas in the receiver, is giving a noise figure of less than 3 dB.
The filtering of high power pulsed radars in the front end prevents the Doppler
signal from being distorted in the input LNA.
Also the receiver include fully controlled diagnose of LNA’s, base band
amplifiers, and the Oscillator Module. Also all voltages, currents, and
temperatures are sensed by the antenna micro-controllers.
Both transmitter and receiver are protected with a fiberglass radome for optimum
weather protection; the advanced sandwich structure of the radome ensures
minimum signal reduction due to rain, snow, etc on the radar surface.
All antenna functions are controlled automatically by the RTP or manually by the
operator from the Operator Console including the variable opening angle.
OM-2136D / OM-2148D:
The Oscillator Module generates two transmitting frequencies F1 and F2. The
two frequencies are transmitted simultaneously.
• F1 is pure CW and is used for angle tracking and accurate unambiguous
Doppler measurement.
F2 operates either in jittering CW or FM-CW (Frequency-Modulated
The stepping CW is used to measure the range very accurately using the MFCW (Multi- Frequency CW) principle.
The FM-CW is used to measure and angle track targets with low radial velocity
(less than 5-20 m/s depending on external conditions) or to measure on multiple
targets with little radial velocity separation.
The status and the control of the OM is displayed and controlled from the
Operator Console.
The AP-2100/45 Antenna Pedestal is a very ruggedized mount and accurate
positioner for the MFDR-2100 antenna.
The AP-2100 has built-in extremely accurate tilt sensors enabling the system to
compensate for the uncertainty in the mechanical leveling.
The elevation axis has two independent positioning systems, one for the
transmitting antenna and the other for the receiving antenna.
The integrated Continuous Azimuth base includes a highly accurate turn table
bearing with dual high precision AC servo motor system for redundancy and
counter torque. A slip-ring/rotary joint system incorporating power to the AP2100/MFDR-2100, control lines to AP-2100 / MFDR-2100 / OM-2100, optical
high speed fiber for Digital Doppler data and control/status, 3 video coax, video
control, IRIG-B, Ethernet and spare signal lines.
Above the Azimuth rotating point, two PS-5000 transmit power supplies with 48
VDC nominal output to MFDR-2100 antenna are located. The power supplies
are supplied by 3-phase AC input.
All servo and sensor systems are controlled from the AP-2100 main processor.
The main processor handles all tasks including real-time data exchange with
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
RTP-2100 and other instrumentation, azimuth and elevation servo-algorithms,
motor control and reads all sensors such as encoders, tilt, temperatures,
voltages, currents, motor status, etc.
Water based cooling unit for MFDR-2100/45 antenna and AP-2100/45 pedestal.
Control Console:
Rack where RTP-2100, IC-2100, RTDS-2100 and optional VC-2100 are located,
typical near antenna, and with operator console. Standard cables are 76 meters.
Remote Console:
Remote location where control software can be installed in additional IC-2100 in
order to remotely control the full system. Connected to Control Console via
Ethernet network.
Range Network:
Customer network, where the radar data output wants to be used. Can also
include Master/Slave data that can be used to guide the MFTR system towards a
From the Range Network, control of the radar is also possible.
Master/slave data interface can be either Ethernet or RS-232 / RS-422.
The Real Time Processor is the ‘main processor’ of the MFTR and interfaces to
Antenna, Oscillator Module, AP-2100, Instrumentation Controller, Real Time
Data Storage, Real Time Display, Video Tracker, Motion Compensation System,
real time pointing of other systems or real time data from other systems for
pointing of the AP-2100.
The RTP receives the digitized Doppler signals from the AP-2100 via the high
speed optical interface.
The RTP incorporates advanced multi-object tracking software (MOT). The MOT
calculates the velocity, range, and angles for multiple objects in the radar beam
in real-time. The objects are grouped into one main track and secondary tracks.
The RTP receives the azimuth and elevation encoder position from AP-2100 and
uses this together with the azimuth and elevation error angles from the main
track or from the optional VT-2100 to calculate angle of sight to the main object.
From this, the RTP generates the desired mount position and transmits it to the
AP-2100. The AP-2100 includes all software and hardware to control the
movement of the mount very accurately.
The RTP transmits in real-time the measured velocity, range, and angles for
each track (object) to the Instrumentation Controller. The Instrumentation
Controller displays the main and secondary tracks in real-time.
Switching between objects is either automatically performed by the RTP or
commanded by the operator.
The Instrumentation Controller is based on a 19" rack mounted High
Performance PC with color monitor and command panel. The IC-2100 is running
Win7, and the Display, Control, Diagnostic and Processing Software – WinTrack
2009. The IC is equipped with high speed Ethernet for communication to the
RTP and to the RTDS-2100..
The Instrumentation Controller controls the RTP-2100 both during set-up and in
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
WinTrack 2009:
The Control, Diagnostic and Processing Software is the main operator interface
both during set-up, mission, and post-processing. The software accomplishes
the following main tasks:
• Mission planning
• RTP control, set-up, and diagnostics
• AP control, set-up, and diagnostics
• Antenna control, set-up, and diagnostics
• OM control set-up, and diagnostics
• User selectable real time display of multiple tracks (objects) - can
- A-scope, DTI, Velocity history, Range history, Elevation history,
Azimuth history, Ground track, Altitude track, Bore sight, Maps,
Radar plot, Numerical, System, and Track status
• Real-time track selection and real-time control of IC, RTP, AP, antenna,
and OM
• Play back
• Off-line processing
- Multi object processing (MOT)
- Target motion analysis (Spin)
- Coordinate transformation
- Curve fitting
- Trajectory Modelling (PM and MPM)
- Output data generation and presentation
The Real Time Data Storage System is based on 19" rack mounted High
Performance PC.. The RTDS is running Win7. The RTDS receives the digitized
Doppler data from the RTP in real-time using a dedicated 1 Gbit Ethernet
interface and stores the data in real time on the hard drives, and thereby gives
nearly unlimited storage capacity (based on the size of the disk).
The RTDS-2100 is controlled from the IC-2100 via Ethernet.
MFTR-2100/46 – sea based operation
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
Motion Compensation System used to measure platform motion in case the
radar is placed on a non fixed platform such as a ship. The MCS-2100 consists
of a Kearfott SEANAV IMU or similar, Novatel PROPAK-V3-HP-424 GPS
receiver or similar, and motion compensation software in the RTP-2100.
The overall angular accuracy in this configuration is limited by that of the
attached IMU, which is typically better than 0.03 deg
Self Positioning option enables a quick deployment of the system as it very
accurately will determine the location of the system
Visual / IR Cameras:
The optional bore sight optics system consists of a color video or B/W camera
with zoom optics and/or IR camera. The bore sight optic system is used for
alignment, star calibration, and event documentation.
Various camera solutions can currently be delivered – please refer to the
UG-3068-BSC-2100_Installation_And_Maintenance_Guide manual for details
about the different solutions.
The Video Controller VC-2100 integrates full control of the video cameras
mounted on the AP-2100/45 including: (Camera selection, zoom, overlay control,
Tracking Control, and more). The VC supports 2 cameras, e.g. 1 color camera,
and 1 IR camera.
The VC-2100 optionally supports the VT-2100 video tracker, which can be used
for calibration and tracking assistance in e.g. low elevation.
The VC-2100 inserts important radar information (Time, Range, Azimuth &
Elevation as well as target information) in the image, and offers digital recording
of the video.
The Weibel Monopulse Calibration Device MC-100 is an active X-band
transponder using phased-array antennas. It is designed for highly accurate
calibration and alignment of the Weibel Azimuth & Elevation Tracking Radar
System. The MC-100 can be positioned more than 40 km from the MFDR2100/45 Tracking Radar System and will still return a Doppler signal giving an
excellent signal-to-noise ratio.
The LRT-2100 Long-Range MF-CW Radar Transponder is a miniature precision
radar augmentation device used to enhance the tracking capability of Weibel Xband MF-CW Doppler radars. Primarily for range safety functions and high
accuracy TSPI measurements. Suitable for both manned and unmanned
vehicles, airborne or at sea.
With the LRT-2100 transponder you get high precision and reliable tracking
capabilities at very long ranges due to advanced CW technology, adjustable
code frequency and adjustable output power. Please refer to the manual
UG-3014-LRT-2100_Installation_And_Maintenance_Guide for further details.
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
Miscallaneous parts
The 45 dB systems can be delivered with a Weibel trailer for easy installation at
various places. The MTB-2100/12 includes automated cover enabling the user
for remote operation.
Main features:
Hardcover with remote controlled and automatic opening/closing
Automatically levelling
OPS-2100 20:
The Operation Shelter is based on a 20 feet ISO container. The shelter
3 operator/work spaces
42U 19" instrumentation rack for: RTP-2100, RTDS-2100, IC-2100, 16 port
Ethernet switch, Video control, etc
Storage shelves and drawers
Outside connector panels for all system cables including IRIG, GPS, etc and
a cable duct
Antenna mount on roof for communication and GPS antennas
All internal wiring and cables including ethernet
Air-condition / Heating panels
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications: Main parts
MFDR-2100/45 Multi Frequency Doppler Radar
Antenna Type
Multiple feeding micro-strip based on 8 x 8° (Tx) and 16 x 16° (Rx) sub-arrays
Each transmit sub-array is driven by a HPA
Each receive sub-array incorporates filtered low noise amplifier LNA
Number of sub-arrays (Tx/Rx) 64 / 256
Power Consumption
< 8 kWatts
> 254 dBm2/s
Performance factor
> 250km at 10ms Tobs, >450 km at 100 ms Tobs; single frequency operation
Maximum Range
> 210km at 10ms Tobs, >380 km at 100 ms Tobs; dual frequency operation
Both transmitter and receiver are protected with single fiberglass radome for
optimum sealing and weather protection
Opening angle selection
Adaptive, automatic, and manual from maximum beam to minimum beam
X-band: 10.000 Ghz to 10.300 Ghz (factory setting at production)
RF bandwidth
> 50 MHz
Input voltage
48 VDC
Antenna Gain 3
45 +/- 1 dBi
Maximum beam width
Azimuth: 8° Elevation: 8°
Minimum beam width
Azimuth: 1° Elevation: 1°
Max Transmitting power
Unregulated/regulated: > 800 /640 W
1.8 x 1.8 x 0.3 m
Transmitting power level
Automatic or manual with feedback for constant power output
Opening angle
Adaptive, automatic, and manual from maximum beam to minimum beam
45 +/- 1 dBi
Antenna Gain
Maximum beam width
Azimuth: 16° Elevation: 16°
Minimum beam width (46)
Azimuth: 1° Elevation: 1°
1.8 x 1.8 x 0.3 m
Noise figure
< 3 dB including front end microwave filter
Receiver type, angle
Monopulse phase-phase comparison for angle tracking and TSPI
Receiver number
8 IQ
Doppler bandwidth
+/- 1 MHz
Dynamic range
>150 dB for 100 msec observation time
Data Acquisition
16 Differential channels
14 bits analog to digital converters with up to 50 MHz sampling rate
Time reference
External IRIG-B , accuracy < 5 us (option)
Data Output
1 Gbit optical Link, 850 nm Multi Mode (other options can be delivered)
0 - 100%
Temperature range
-20°C to +50°C (operating), -40°C to +65°C (storage)
0 to 2500 meter
Calculated for maximum power, single frequency operation
Calculated for 0 dBsqm target, no atmospheric loss
For minimum beam, including radome
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
OM-2136D / OM-2148D Dual Frequency Oscillators
Frequency 1 (F1)
Frequency 2 (F2)
Instrumented range
F1 Duty Cycle
F2 Duty Cycle
F1 and F2 frequency
MF switching time
MF repetition frequency
FM Sweep
FM repetition frequency
CW Oscillator Phase noise
Dimensions (HxWxD)
Temperature range
MF-CW or FM-CW modulation
> 1500 km both in MF and FM mode
From 0 to >10 MHz
< 1msec
Form 1 Hz to >10 Hz
From 0.5 MHz to at > 50 MHz
From 1 Hz to at >100 Hz, depend on selected sweep
OM-2136D: <-136 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset
OM-2148D: <-148 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset
230 x 400 x 150 mm
15 kg
0 - 100%
-20°C to +50°C (operating), -40°C to +65°C (storage)
AP-2100/45 Antenna Pedestal4
Elevation range
Azimuth range
Angular velocity
-5° to >185°
Unlimited - Continuous Azimuth
Angular acceleration
Encoder resolution
Leveling resolution
Power Consumption
Angular sample rate
External Interfaces
29 bits (El Rx), 25 bits (El Tx), 32 bits (Az)
< 0.00005°
3~N 400 VAC, peak 10 kWatts
3 Fully Digital servo loops – Az in two-motor configuration
1 ms
2 ea. RS-232c/RS-422
1 Gbit optical fibre, Multi Mode or Single Mode
1 ea. IRIG-B input
< 5usec External DC-IRIG-B (< 50usec External AC-IRIG-B)
Extensive, indication to block level on operator console
Time accuracy
Self test
Temperature range
0 to 100%
-20°C to +50°C (operating), -40°C to +65°C (storage)
For operational configuration, including Antenna, Radome, Power Supply, Oscillator, etc
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
RTP-2100 Real Time Processor
Real Time
Calculation Rate
Number of Multiple Objects
Complex FFT’s
FFT Observation time
Trajectory Motion
Platform motion
Velocity Range
Instrumented range
Data Acquisition
Data storage
Digital Section
Central processor
Operating system
Signal processor
High Speed interface
Temperature range
Velocity, range, azimuth and elevation error angles are calculated on-line up
to 1000 times/second for multiple objects
Up to 256
Simultaneously phase-phase comparison monopulse measurement on CW
and FM-CW. The antenna pointing is either taken from CW or FM-CW
This is performed automatic or user controlled.
MF-CW or FM-CW with automatic or user controlled switching
CW or FM-CW with automatic or user controlled switching
4 ea CFFT’s for CW and 4 ea CFFT’s for MF-CW or FM/CW
From 256 µsec to >1 sec @ 1 MHz sample rate (256 to 1M Points)
Velocity and acceleration input for trajectory motion compensation are
estimated in-real time based on measured data or pre-loaded data
Continuous stabilization of the antenna pointing relative to inertial
North-East-Down frame using attitude information from external IMU.
Automatic compensation of radar location relative to external cueing
sources (nominal trajectories, master and slave data) using position
information from external GPS receiver
> 8,000 m/s
> 1,500 km
16 digital channels from Antenna through 1 Gbit optical Link
To external Real Time Data Storage - RTDS-2100
cPCI Intel Pentium based with memory, Interfaces, hard-disc, etc
6 ea. Analog Devices TigerShark Array Processor - 9 Gflops
1 Gbit optical Link, 850 nm Multi Mode (other options can be delivered)
2 Ethernet, 4 ea. RS-232/RS-422,build-in network switch.
19" rack mountable. Height: 4U Depth : 50 cm
< 20 kg
120 / 240 VAC, 200 Watt
0°C to +40°C (operating), -40°C to +65°C (storage)
0 to 95% non-condensing at +40°C
RTP-2100 Real Time Processor
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
CU-2100/45 Transmitter Cooling
Cooling effect (46/49)
Cooling liquid
Weight (46/49)
Temperature range
Water based forced cooling
> 15 kWatt
Water with anti freeze (glycol)
L< 1.5 meter , W < 1 meter , H < 1 meter
< 150 kg
0 to 100%
-20°C to +50°C (operating), -30°C to +65°C (storage)
IC-2100 Instrumentation Controller5
Mass storage
Operating system
IC-2100 software
System interface
Data storage
Temperature range
Intel Quad Core: > 2.2 GHz
Minimum 4 GBbyte RAM
> 500 Gbyte hard drive internal
24" color monitor
Win7 (or WinXP on request)
WinTrack 2009 Operator Real-time control, display and post processing
0°C to +40°C (operating), -40°C to +65°C (storage)
0 to 95% non-condensing at +40°C
19" rack mountable, 4U
120 / 240 VAC, 300 Watt
RTDS- 2100 Real Time Data Storage5
Mass storage
Operating system
RTDS-2100 software
High speed interface
System interface
Data storage
Temperature range
Intel Quad Core: > 2.2 GHz
Minimum 4 GBbyte RAM
> 500 Gbyte high speed hard drive
Sustained storage > 40 Mbyte/sec
Win7 (or WinXP on request)
Weibel Real-Time Storage software
1 Gbit Ethernet – Jumbo Frame compatible
0°C to +40°C (operating), -40°C to +65°C (storage)
0 to 95% non-condensing at +40°C
19" rack mountable, 4U
120 / 240 VAC, 300 Watt
Typical specifications – Other configurations available
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
Technical Specifications: Options
MCS-2100 Motion Compensation System
GPS Receiver
Motion Compensation System used to measure platform motion in case the
radar is placed on a non fixed platform such as a ship.
Kearfott SEANAV IMU or similar
Novatel PROPAK-V3-HP-424 GPS
Motion compensation software in the RTP-2100
OPS-2100 Self Survey System
GPS Receiver
Self-Survey System used to measure platform location accurately.
Novatel PROPAK-V3-HP-424 GPS
Self-Survey software in WinTrack 2009
VC-2100 Video Controller6
Mass storage
Operating system
IC-2100 software
System interface
Data storage
Temperature range
Intel Quad Core: > 2.2 GHz
Minimum 4 GBbyte RAM
> 500 Gbyte hard drive internal
24" color monitor
Win7 (or WinXP on request)
Weibel VC-2100 Control software support to 2 cameras, overlays on screen
capture of both pictures and video, camera control, overview and control of
radar tracking.
0°C to +40°C (operating), -40°C to +65°C (storage)
0 to 95% non-condensing at +40°C
19" rack mountable, 4U
120 / 240 VAC, 300 Watt
Typical specifications – Other configurations available
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
VT-2100 Video Tracker
Detection Window
Number of Targets
target tracking
Selectable algorithm
Track Window
Video in/out
Video Inputs
Video Outputs
Control Interfaces
Multiple and single target detection modes available
Position: Movable to any FoV position
Symbology overlay of Radar track data, boresight marker, status
Break lock and re-acquire algorithms
Programmable two axis platform drive (PID) filters
- Centroid
- Correlation
- Edge (top, bottom, left, right)
- Multiple Target Track
- Others
Position: Automatically controlled to follow target to any FoV position
Variable from 4% to 90% of the FoV with manual or adaptive
2 Analog Inputs: Composite Video 1.0Vp-p, 625/525 Line, CCIR, PAL or
RS170, NTSC, differential
4 Analog:
Composite video 1.0Vp-p into 75 Ohm, single ended
4 ea. RS232 and/or RS422, asynchronous, up to 115,200 baud
VC-2100 with VT-2100 tracking airplane
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
MTB-2100/12 Trailer
Maximum payload
12,000 kg trailer, 2 axles
6,000 kg
Hydraulic, with auto levelling
Connector panel
Temperature range
Hard Cover, remote operated (optional)
Outside for easy access
L = 6m + drawbar , W <= 2.55 m, H <= 4 m
6 Tonnes (Metric)
0 to 100%
-20°C to +50°C (operating), -40°C to +65°C (storage)
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
OPS-2100 20 Operator Shelter
Operator / Work spaces
Instrumentation Rack
20 feet ISO container with door and window
42U 19" instrumentation rack for: RTP-2100, RTDS-2100, RTD-2100,
IC2100, 16 port Ethernet switch, Video control, etc
Storage shelves
Connector panel
Temperature range
1 set
Air condition and heating panels
Outside for easy access
L = 20 feet, W = 2435 mm, H = 2591 mm
< 2.5 Tonnes (Metric)
0 to 100%
-20°C to +50°C (operating), -40°C to +65°C (storage)
OPS-2100 20 feet shelter
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
Data output
The system uses FFT to extract the Velocity, Range, Azimuth and Elevation data versus Time for
multiple objects from the 8 IQ Doppler signals. This is done in real-time in the RTP or as a post process
in the RTP/WinTrack. In most cases, the complete trajectory analysis can be performed directly on the
on-line results and is available immediately after the complete signal has been collected.
The system stores the digitized Doppler signals and the on-line results in the RTP or RTDS in real-time
enabling the system to perform measurements lasting for hours and keeping all information for off-line
The system outputs are calculated based on the time, velocity, range, and angular positions results from
either the on-line analysis or from the post process the results can be presented in multiple coordinate
systems and include among others:
Graphical Output to Instrumentation Controller and hardcopy (Examples):
Velocity versus time and distance (radial, 3D, and tangential velocity) for multiple objects
Acceleration versus time and distance (radial, 3D, and tangential acceleration)
Distance versus time
Vertical angle of sight versus time and horizontal angle of sight versus time
Vertical trajectory, horizontal trajectory and offset trajectory
Drag coefficient (CD) versus time and Mach number
Target motion analysis (spin)
Spin versus time and distance
Doppler signal versus time, for each channel
User specified graphics
Numerical Output to Instrumentation Controller, file or hardcopy:
Velocity & Range results
Azimuth & Elevation angle results
3-D Trajectory, and drag results
Calculator function
User specified events
Parameter settings
Data storage and retrieval from mass storage.
The following can be stored on the Instrumentation Controller disks:
RTP tracking results, stored in real-time
Digitized Doppler signal including data acquisition parameters and antenna elevation & azimuth
Post processing results for further analysis
3-D position, angle, and velocity results
Ballistic results from PM or MPM trajectory model
Raw Time, Velocity, and Position data from off-line or on-line analysis
Setup parameters for the RTP-2100 Real-Time processor and the AP-2100 pedestal
Numerical output stored in ASCII files
Graphical output stored in Windows standard formats
MFTR-2100/45 Specification
The system tracks the target both in azimuth and elevation. The system can operate in 6 different
modes independently in azimuth and elevation.
In all modes the actual trajectory can be computed and displayed for all objects moving in the radar
! Active real time tracking on moving target.
In this mode the radar follows the moving target based on real time closed loop tracking using spectrum
analysis and digital signal processing. If the active real-time track is lost, the system automatically
extrapolates the trajectory based on the data up to that point. The radar will follow the estimated
trajectory until valid measuring points are collected again and the system returns to the active mode.
! Preprogrammed illumination operation.
The antenna moves in accordance with predetermined trajectory data, but measures the radial velocity
and angles to the target in both azimuth & elevation as long as the target follows the predetermined
trajectory. The predefined trajectory can be updated in real-time based on the actual measurement
either automatic or manually. It is, at any time, possible to command the system into the active real time
tracking mode and back to the preprogrammed mode if desired.
! Fixed head illumination operation.
The antenna does not move, but measures the radial velocity and azimuth & elevation angles to the
target. It is, at any time, possible to command the system into the active real time tracking mode.
! Manually tracking illumination operation.
The user can, while reading the on-line results from the tracking controller, manually move the antenna,
either with the cursor keys or with an optional joy-stick. It is, at any time, possible to command the
system into the active real time tracking mode.
! Cued mode operation.
In this mode the system receives its elevation and azimuth angles from another device, e.g, another
Tracking radard working as master device. Also GPS position data or other sensor data outputs can be
used as master input data to the radar. It is, at any time, possible to command the system into the
active real time tracking mode and back to either fixed illumination or slaved mode.
! Video Track operation (with optional VT-2100).
In this mode the system determines its elevation and azimuth pointing based on the tracking error
information from the optional VT-2100 Video Tracker, this mode is especially useful when acquiring free
flying targets i.e. airplanes.
! Scanning mode.
In this mode the system scans a predefined sector, looking for targets. This mode is useful when
acquiring free flying targets e.g. airplanes or drones.
Scripting / State Machine
The RTP includes scripting capabilities in order to pre-program the radar behaviour based on time.
The State Machine can be used to pre-program the radar behaviour based on events – e.g. “switch to
Radar Track if valid data for longer than 0.5 sec” or “If a new target is seen with lower velocity, switch
tracking to this target automatically”
Using the scripting and State Machine, is it possible to adjust the behaviour to the specific test
automatically without user interference.
However – the operator can at any time take the full control of the radar if needed!
44001 Indian Fields Court
Lansdowne, VA 20176-1641
Phone: +1-571-278-1989
E-mail: [email protected]
Weibel Equipment GmbH
Am Oxer 35
24955 Harrislee
Phone: 08001-820429
E-mail: [email protected]
Solvang 30
3450 Allerød
Phone: +45-7010-8511
E-mail: [email protected]
- Contractor reserves the right to change the specifications as long as overall performance is not decreased
- All specifications are typical and cannot be guaranteed under all conditions
- Not all features are included in all configurations and some features may be offered as options
- Not all specifications can be meet simultaneously
Doc ID: CS-1041-001
Prepared by: KMP
Date: May-2012
Expires: April-2012