Radar Gun Flyer - Safe Drive Training
Radar Gun Flyer - Safe Drive Training
RADAR GUNS ast in how f d e t s e r km/h inte 1 - 600 anyone 1 r m or o f o l r f o d (m/s) le to eeds r secon incredib ures sp e ed s p n r a a e s e r w is m e t po Radarâ„¢ ving. It discreetlyr hour (MPH), meP Radar is t e k c Pocket in o g is mo speed miles pe y is +/- 2 km/h. 0,000 someth sure in 1 c a in the a e o r t u m c p o c als e speed he a ake u r t T u . n s d a a c n e o but can m d c n you can t per se pplied) a s. Now ries (su even fee e ie t r t e a t t b a AA set of b by 2 x A nts on a e m e r u meas nd. your ha palm of peeds sures s ea r has -1911) m 0 peedste 1 S l e e h d T o . un (m to 450 metres speed at the Radar G r e t s f up hest d e e e p S rang o ll s the hig vidential speed e a w n t o h a h s s u /h d B non-e 22 km rip an r mph l g - 3 km/h o provides y, pisto from 16 edster between e s displa t p c ic ed) and S h le p e e a s h r n to er. T ot includ g io LCD g (n t ig p r s t o ie e r e e th of th ize batt /h) and release by 2C s 1.5 km n guide. d /e io (+ t r c e y u c w r o t p s in is d accura nit ouch an s. The u -string p w readout a two r d a with We offer comes adar types of R sed for: u e b n a c Guns that - Physics students to understand the Laws of Motion, Speed Measurements, the Doppler Effect and Speed Enforcement - Sports coaches and clubs to measure tennis serves, bowling and pitching speeds (for cricket, baseball, softball) - Schools and Mining Companies to use for conducting speed monitoring and safety audits on roads surrounding their sites - Traffic Engineers to conduct discrete speed measurements without alarming approaching drivers - Schools to use for HPV (Human Powered Vehicle) races, cycling or solar challenges. - Other uses include speed measurement of Go-karts and Remote Control Cars, Spectators at Motorsport events (Check the speed of your favourite driver) SPECIAL OFFER TO SCHOOLS: If your school enrols in either the Physics in Motion: Science Program or Safe Drive Test Drive: Young Driver Safety Program you can purchase a Radar Gun for $30 off the RRP price. Safe Drive Training Pty Ltd Phone: +617 3299 7723 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sdt.com.au
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