Övning om Lincoln
Övning om Lincoln
LINCOLNS INTÅG I RICHMOND APRIL 1865 Övning om Lincoln En experimentell övning Lincoln besöker Richmond KÄLLOR 1 BAKGRUND Bakgrunden handlar om det amerikanska inbördeskriget. 2 TAVLA Tavla målad 1866 av Dennis Malone Carter 3 ÖGONVITTNE Två medlemmar i nordstatsarmén skriver om Lincolns besök. 4 FOTO OCH ETSNINGAR Foto och etsningar från Richmond april 1865 5 ETSNING Etsning på nordstaternas intåg i staden från 1865 6 ÖGONVITTNE 2 En journalist skriver 7 ETSNING En etsnings om beskriver Lincolns intåg i Richmond 8 EFTERHANDSSKILDRING Tre moderna tolkningar Inledning en konfederation, vars huvudstad Denna övning handlar om att värdera information, och om att värdera hur mycket information man behöver. Du ska samla information så att du har tillräckligt på fötterna för att kunna kortfattat, cirka 1-2 minuter, muntligt presentera hur det gick till när Lincoln besökte Richmond,(söderns huvudstad) omedelbart efter det att staden hade kapitulerat i det amerikanska inbördeskriget. Det finns en rad olika källor. Till att börja med får du, utöver en bakgrund, bara en enda källa. Om du anser att du behöver ytterligare en källa så säger du till så får du källa nummer två. Om du fortfarande inte är nöjd så säger du till så får du en till och så vidare. Jag tror att det är lämpligt att arbeta två och två med denna övning men om du vill kan du få arbeta ensam. blev Richmond i Virginia. Strax därefter bröt ett blodigt inbördeskrig ut som varade mellan 1861 och 1865. Kriget tog slut först när Söderns alla resurser var uttömda och nordstaternas arméer hade härjat och förstört stora delar av landet. I krigets slutskede var Richmond utsatt för en belägring. Sydstaternas ÖB, Robert E. Lee, sade den 2.4 1865 att han inte kunde försvara staden längre. En brådstörtad evakuering inleddes, och sydstaterna brände lager med bomull och krigsmaterial. Bränderna spred sig till delar av den övriga staden. Nordstaterna hade under belägringen beskjutit delar av staden med artilleri. Mot slutet av kriget stod svarta förband, s.k. negerinfanteri, för stora delar av nordstaternas krigföring. Den första enhet som rörde sig mot Richmond , då sydstatarna övergav staden,var också ett ne- Källa 1 Bakg rund Abraham Lincoln vann det amerikanska presidentvalet 1860. Han vann valet då den amerikanska nationen var djupt splittrad. 1861 bröt sig flera stater ur den amerikanska unionen och bildade Sidan 1 gerinfanteriförband. De fick emellertid order om att avbryta sin framryckning i förstäderna, och själva centrum av Richmond intogs av ett ”vitt” förband. Dagen efter erövringen besökte president Lincoln staden. Hur detta besök gick till ska du nu ta reda på. LINCOLNS INTÅG I RICHMOND APRIL 1865 Källa 2 DENNIS MALONE CARTER Lincoln’ s Drive Through Richmond, 1865 Tavlan är från 1866 Sidan 2 LINCOLNS INTÅG I RICHMOND Källa 3a Ögonvittne 1 APRIL 1865 is ought to be obtained in the line At the Davis house, he was of reliable news. He was in Peters- shown into the reception-room, lem i medicinalkåren) to burg this morning and now he is in Richmond. But I have not time to with the remark that the housekeeper had said that the room was Pre- Rugg, April 5, 1865) "Having a few leisure moments write more this morning. I told you I would write you from Richmond sident Davis's office. As he seated himself he remarked, 'This must this morning I will use them up by troubling you with a few lines from before I returned home - and here have been President Davis's chair," this portion of Uncle Sam's Do- is the best that I have time to do. We are all in the A. No. 1 tip topest and, crossing his legs, he looked far off with a serious, dreamy expres- main, which at this time is an object of no small amount of atten- of spirits while the down-in-themouth representatives of Jeff and sion. At length he asked me if the housekeeper was in the house. tion The cry of on to Richmond is now played by the occupation of his ignoble supporters the northern Upon learning that she had left he the late residence of the arch trai- copperheads are on the double quick."2 jumped up and said, with a boyish manner, 'Come, let's look at the tor Jeff [Davis] by the Uncle Sam's brave boys in blue. You ought to Letter from A.R. Lord (medlem i medicinalkåren) to house!' We went pretty much over it; I retailed all that the housekee- have been with us when we entered the city [Richmond]. The citizens Rugg, April 5, 1865) per had told me, and he seemed were out in goodly numbers, and Källa 3b Ögonvittne 2 Letter from A.R. Lord (med- were not at all offended by the sight of Old Glory [Stars & Stripes]. On the contrary they cheered the flag most heartily though it was born in the hands of the darker hued of the Uncle Sam's brave defenders. The first troops that put into practical effect the long continued cry of on to Richmond was those portions of the 24 (white) and 25 (Col[ore]d) Corps (Army of the James) that were left on the right of the James when the other portion of the Army of the James moved across the James and joined with the Army of the Potomac in castigating the minions of Lee, which the boys done in fine style. The fighting at the left of Petersburg and vicinity was very severe, and of course our loss was quite large, though much smaller than that of the rebs. It is hardly worth while for me to write you the particulars as you will doubtless have learned them through the columns of the Boston Journal as lines reach you as Carleton is here, there and everywhere where there T.T Graves tjänstgjorde i staben hos general Weitzel "The next day after our entry into the city, on passing out from Clay Street, from Jefferson Davis's house, I saw a crowd coming, headed by President Lincoln, who was walking with his usual long, careless stride, and looking about with an interested air and taking in everything. Upon my saluting he said: 'Is it far to President Davis's house?' I accompanied him to the house, which was occupied by General Weitzal as headquarters. The President had arrived about 9 o'clock, at the landing called Rocketts, upon Admiral Porter's flag-ship, the Malvern, and as soon as the boat was made fast, without ceremony, he walked on shore, and started uptown. As soon as Admiral Porter was informed of it he ordered a guard of marines to follow as escort; but in he walk of about two miles they never saw him, and he was directed by negroes. Sidan 3 interested in everything. As we came down the staircase General Weitzel came, in breathless haste, and at once President Lincoln's face lost its boyish expression as he realized that duty must be resumed. Soon afterward Judge Campbell, General Anderson (Confederates), and others called and asked for an interview with the President. It was granted, and took place in the parlor with closed doors. I accompanied President Lincoln and General Weitzel to Libby Prison and Castle Thunder, and heard General Weitzel ask President Lincoln what he (General Weitzel) should do in regard to the conquered people. President Lincoln replied that he did not wish to give any orders on that subject, but, as he expressed it, 'If I were in your place I'd let 'em up easy, let 'em up easy. " LINCOLNS INTÅG I RICHMOND APRIL 1865 Källa 4a FOTO PÅ RICHMOND Fotot är taget från den sida av floden James som Nordstaterna ockuperade Fotot är från april 1865 Källa 4b ETSNING ÖVER RICHMOND Etsningen är från 1865 Sidan 4 LINCOLNS INTÅG I RICHMOND APRIL 1865 Källa 5 ETSNING Federal army enters Richmond Jag har supit bort varifrån jag fick denna bild, men den är troligen från 1865 Sidan 5 LINCOLNS INTÅG I RICHMOND APRIL 1865 Källa 6 shaken or presented the soldiers hours, ignoring the furnacelike En tidningsartikel skriven av en nordstatsjournalist with offerings: gifts of fruit, flo- heat and the smoke-choked air, wers, even jugs of whiskey. Fede- they lingered in the dusty streets ral officers riding alongside as Federal soldiers passed, bowing promptly reached for the liquor and giving thanks ('de Yankees at ted behind shutters and blinds, bottles and smashed them with last has gone and cum!'). In the black Richmond spontaneously their swords. But the crowd was late morning, when black troops took to the streets. From the moment Union troops entered the undaunted. Just a day earlier, they had been prohibited from smo- “marched in lockstep ('majestically and proudly defiant,' in the city - 'Richmond at last!' Black king, publicly swearing, carrying words of an onlooker), the dan- Union cavalrymen shouted - canes, purchasing weapons, or ced with unimpeded joy. And crowds, the skilled and the unskilled, household servants and hou- procuring 'ardent spirits.' Yet now, most of all, they praised God, to the sounds of 'John Brown's shouting 'hallelujah.' Recalled on sehold cooks, rented maids and Body,' they jubilantly waved ma- Connecticut soldier, 'Our recep- hired millworkers, jammed the keshift rag banners; to the tune of tion was grander and more exul- sidewalks to catch a glimpse of the 'Battle Hymn of the Re- tant than even a Roman the spectacle. No longer enslaved, public,' they enthusiastically hug- emperor...could ever know.” they thrust out their hands to be ged and kissed the bluecoats. For “As white Richmond retrea- Sidan 6 LINCOLNS INTÅG I RICHMOND APRIL 1865 Källa 7 ETSNING Bildtexten (sannolikt i en tidning) "Abraham Lincoln Entering Richmond April 3, 1865." I verkligheten besökte ju inte Lincoln staden förrän den 4 april. Ritad av L. Hollis and etsad av J. C . Buttre. Etsning och skiss är från 5 april 1865 Sidan 7 LINCOLNS INTÅG I RICHMOND Källa 8 Nutida skrifter 8a Bildtext APRIL 1865 desk, symbolically saying to the nation that the President of the United States held authority over Bildtexten handlar om källa the entire land. He was greeted at 2, och finns i en bok som he- the city as a conquering hero by ter The Civil War in Art skri- freed slaves, whose sentiments ven av Doranne Jacobson were epitomized by one admirer's In this romantic, Nother- quote, "I know I am free for I have seen the face of Father Abra- ner’sview, Lincoln rides through conquered Richmond with ham and have felt him." When a throngs welcoming him on every general asked Lincoln how the side. Actually, while freed slaves were enthusiastic, most white con- defeated Confederates should be treated, Lincoln replied, "Let 'em federates turned away with revul- up easy." Lincoln arrived back in sion from Lincoln’s entourage. Washington on the evening of The ruins of the city frame the April 9, 1865, the day Lee sur- imagined scene. rendered at Appomattox Court 8b Ur Wikipedia House in Virginia. The war was effectively over. The other rebel Near the end of the war, Lin- armies surrendered soon after, coln made an extended visit to and there was no subsequent Grant's headquarters at City Po- guerrilla warfare. int, Virginia. This allowed the 8c En webbsida som kallar sig Son of the South At about 11:00 AM, Mr. Lincoln entered the city of Richmond on foot, accompanied by Admiral Porter, Captain Bell, and a small protective force of about a half dozen soldiers. Crowds thronged the streets, and chief and eager among them were the emancipated, wishing to pay homage, and give thanks to their Great Emancipator. As Lincoln walked the streets of Richmond that day, a small boy clutched his hand, and walked by his side. The small boy was Tad Lincoln, the President's own son, whom the President had taken with him to the fallen rebel city. This day, April 4, 1865 was Tad's 12th Birthday. This day was one of Mr. Lincoln's last. He fell president to visit Richmond after it was taken by the Union forces victim to the Assassin John Wilkes Booth a short 10 days after this and to make a public gesture of walk. sitting at Jefferson Davis own Sidan 8 LINCOLNS INTÅG I RICHMOND APRIL 1865 Frågor • Hur många källor behövde du använda? • Vilken eller vilka av källorna fann du mest användbara? Varför? Hade det räckt med dessa källor dvs vilka källor behövdes inte för att lösa uppgiften? • Hur såg Richmond ut? • Hur färdades Lincoln i Richmond? • Vilka omgav honom? Hur var stämningen när han var i Richmond?Fanns det någon skillnad mellan svarta och vita? • Vad gjorde Lincoln i Richmond? • Är du nöjd med din presentation? • Är denna övning bra? Vad var syftet med övningen tror du? Sidan 9
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