Hominins (Hominids)


Hominins (Hominids)
Hominins (Hominids)!
Piltdown man!
A hoax!!
Hominin evolution and climate!
Sahelanthropus tchadensis!
c. 7-6 MYA!
Sahelanthropus tchadensis!
c. 7-6 MYA!
Zollikofer et al 2005!
Sahelanthropus tchadensis!
c. 7-6 MYA!
Zollikofer et al 2005!
Orrorin tugenensis"
c. 6 MYA!
Orrorin tugenensis"
c. 6 MYA!
Analysis of femur
Richmond and Jungers 2008
Ardipithecus kadabba and ramidus"
c. 5.8-4.4 MYA!
A. afarensis!
A. afarensis!
Laetoli footprints!
c. 3.6 MYA!
The Australopithecine radiation!
The Australopithecine radiation!
Taung child (Australopithecus africanus)"
c. 2.5 MYA (discovered in S. Africa, 1924, R. Dart)!
Gracile types: Australopithecus!
Australopithecus africanus 2.5-2.6 MYA!
Australopithecus garhi c. 2.5 MYA!
Robust types: Paranthropus!
Paranthropus aethiopicus c. 2.5 MYA!
Paranthropus boisei c. 1.8 MYA!
Paranthropus robustus c. 1.5-2 MYA!
Kenyanthropus platyops!
c. 3.5-3.2 MYA!
Transition to Homo!
Australopithecus/Homo habilis"
c. 1.9 MYA!
Australopithecus/Homo rudolfensis c.
1.8 MYA!
Oldowan tools!
Oldowan tools!
Hominin invasion of the predatory guild!
Social carnviores!
Social carnivores!
Social carnivores!
Social carnivores!
Lions, hyenas, hominins appear at
roughly the same time in the same place!
•! Modern lions -- Laetoli 3.5 MYA?!
•! Bone crushing hyenas -- 7 MYA!
•! Spotted hyenas -- 3.5 MYA!
Meat eating!
Meat eating!
Brantingham 1998!
Meat eating!
Meat eating!
Meat eating!
Meat eating!
Meat eating!
Homo ergaster c. 1.75 MYA (Africa)!
Homo erectus c. 1.6-0.7 MYA (Asia)!
H. ergaster!
Evolution of hominin brain size!
H. erectus sites.!
Acheulian hand axes!
Acheulian hand axes!
H. heidelbergensis!
c. 400,000 BP!
Neanderthal tools!
Neanderthal diet!
Neanderthal diet!
•! Nutritional!
–! Frequency!
–! Location!
–! Type!
–! Survival!
–! Dietary!
Ritual, magic, funerary!
Endo vs. exocannibalism!
Similar butchering techniques!
Similar patterns of long bone
Identical patterns of postprocessing discarding of remains!
Evidence of cooking similar to
animal remains!
Masseter muscle
Funerary procedures?
Divergence from chimps (7-5 mya)
Cuts would have separated the
mandible (lower jaw) from the head
Emergence of Homo (2 mya)
Modern Human (0.25 mya)
Bodo c. 600,000 (Africa)!
17 areas of stone tool cut marks consistent
with defleshing the skull
Divergence from chimps (7-5 mya)
Emergence of Homo (2 mya)
Modern Human (0.25 mya)
Cannibalism at Atapuerca c. 780,000 BP!
Hominids (MNI):
two infants (3-4)
two adolescents (11,14)
two young adults (16-18)
20 animals (10 species)
Divergence from chimps (7-5 mya)
Emergence of Homo (2 mya)
Modern Human (0.25 mya)
Cannibalism at Atapuerca!
Human remains
Divergence from chimps (7-5 mya)
Emergence of Homo (2 mya)
Modern Human (0.25 mya)
Cannibalism at Atapuerca!
Human radius
Divergence from chimps (7-5 mya)
Human femur
Emergence of Homo (2 mya)
Bovid tibia
Modern Human (0.25 mya)
Cannibalism at Atapuerca!
Divergence from chimps (7-5 mya)
Emergence of Homo (2 mya)
Modern Human (0.25 mya)
Cannibalism at Atapuerca!
•! Pollen indicates temperate climate!
•! Fauna!
–! Large number implies availability (5 tons)!
–! Diversity implies rich environment!
•! Gastronomic cannibalism?!
Divergence from chimps (7-5 mya)
Emergence of Homo (2 mya)
Modern Human (0.25 mya)
Neanderthal vs. modern human!
Homo sapiens!
Homo sapiens!
Europe c. 25,000-50,000 BP!
Homo sapiens!
Europe c. 25,000-50,000 BP!
Genetic diversity: Chimp vs. human!
Human dispersal based on
genetic evidence!
Evolution or revolution?"
Africa c. 75,000 BP!
Evolution or Revolution?!