MURWEH SHIRE - Charleville


MURWEH SHIRE - Charleville
 Community Directory Charleville – Augathella – Morven – Cooladdi
MURWEH SHIRE Contents CHARLEVILLE & DISTRICT .............................................................................................................................. 7 PLACES OF INTEREST .................................................................................................................................... 8 MORVEN .................................................................................................................................................... 10 AUGATHELLA ............................................................................................................................................. 11 COUNCIL SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................... 12 OFFICERS OF COUNCIL ...................................................................................................................................... 12 MEETINGS OF COUNCIL .................................................................................................................................... 12 LIST OF COUNCILLORS ...................................................................................................................................... 12 IMMUNISATION CLINICS .................................................................................................................................. 12 CHARLEVILLE MUNICIPAL LIBRARY ............................................................................................................. 13 MURWEH SHIRE COUNCIL SWIMMING POOL .............................................................................................. 13 INFORMATION CENTRE .............................................................................................................................. 14 COSMOS CENTRE & OBSERVATORY ............................................................................................................ 14 EMERGENCY SERVICES ............................................................................................................................... 15 QLD FIRE & RESCUE AUTHORITY .................................................................................................................... 15 ROYAL FLYING DOCTOR SERVICE ................................................................................................................... 15 HOSPITALS/DENTISTS ..................................................................................................................................... 15 DOCTORS ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE .............................................................................................................................. 16 COMMISSIONER OF DECLARATIONS ........................................................................................................... 16 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS ................................................................................................................... 17 CHURCHES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18 COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANISATIONS ..................................................................................................... 19 SERVICE CLUBS ........................................................................................................................................... 20 CLUBS ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 SPORTING GROUPS .................................................................................................................................... 21 ACCOMMODATION .................................................................................................................................... 23 ACCOUNTANTS .......................................................................................................................................... 24 ADVERTISING MEDIA ................................................................................................................................. 24 AIRCRAFT SERVICES .................................................................................................................................... 24 AGRIBUSINESS ........................................................................................................................................... 24 AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICES ....................................................................................................................... 24 BAKERIES ................................................................................................................................................... 25 BANKS ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 2 BUS/TOUR HIRE ......................................................................................................................................... 25 BUILDERS/CARPENTERS ............................................................................................................................. 26 BUTCHERS .................................................................................................................................................. 26 CARRIERS – GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 26 CARRIERS – LIVESTOCK ............................................................................................................................... 27 CAMPING/FISHING SUPPLIES ...................................................................................................................... 27 CATERERS .................................................................................................................................................. 27 CHEMIST .................................................................................................................................................... 27 COURIERS .................................................................................................................................................. 28 CLEANERS .................................................................................................................................................. 28 CLOTHING/SHOES – RETAIL ........................................................................................................................ 28 CRAFTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 COMPUTER SUPPLIES ................................................................................................................................. 29 CREATIVE SERVICES .................................................................................................................................... 29 CHILD CARE/KINDERGARTENS .................................................................................................................... 29 CHIROPRACTOR ......................................................................................................................................... 29 CORNER STORES ......................................................................................................................................... 29 COUNSELLING ............................................................................................................................................ 30 COURT HOUSE............................................................................................................................................ 30 DRY CLEANING/AGENTS ............................................................................................................................. 30 EARTHMOVING .......................................................................................................................................... 30 ENTERTAINERS ........................................................................................................................................... 30 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS/ RETAIL ........................................................................................................... 31 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ............................................................................................................................ 31 FARM & STATION MERCHANDISE/SUPPLIES ............................................................................................... 31 FENCING CONTRACTOR .............................................................................................................................. 31 FIREARMS .................................................................................................................................................. 32 FLOOR COVERINGS/FURNITURE ................................................................................................................. 32 FRAMING ................................................................................................................................................... 32 FINANCE .................................................................................................................................................... 32 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ................................................................................................................................. 32 FOOD ......................................................................................................................................................... 33 RESTARAUNTS .................................................................................................................................................. 33 CAFE’S/COFFEE SHOPS ..................................................................................................................................... 33 FAST FOOD ....................................................................................................................................................... 33 3 FUELS/GARAGES/CAR SALES ...................................................................................................................... 34 GAS SUPPLIERS .......................................................................................................................................... 34 GRAIN/SEED/STOCK FODDER ..................................................................................................................... 34 GROCERS (FRUIT/VEGETABLE SUPPLIERS) ................................................................................................... 35 GRAZIERS ASSOCIATION ............................................................................................................................. 35 HAIR/BEAUTY/MASSAGE SALONS .............................................................................................................. 35 HALLS/VENUES .......................................................................................................................................... 35 HARDWARE ............................................................................................................................................... 36 HOME PROTECTION ................................................................................................................................... 36 INSURANCE AGENTS ................................................................................................................................... 36 INTERNET – PUBLIC USE ............................................................................................................................. 36 JEWELLERY ................................................................................................................................................. 36 KANGAROO/GOAT MEAT & SKIN MERCHANTS ........................................................................................... 36 KENNELLS/PET CARE/HOME CARE .............................................................................................................. 37 LAUNDROMAT ........................................................................................................................................... 37 LIBRARY ..................................................................................................................................................... 37 MARRIAGE CELEBRANT .............................................................................................................................. 37 MOTORCYCLES ........................................................................................................................................... 37 MOTOR MECHANICS .................................................................................................................................. 37 MUSEUM ................................................................................................................................................... 38 MUSIC ........................................................................................................................................................ 38 NEWSAGENCY ............................................................................................................................................ 38 NURSING HOME ......................................................................................................................................... 38 OPTOMETRIST ............................................................................................................................................ 38 PAINTERS ................................................................................................................................................... 38 PANEL BEATING ......................................................................................................................................... 39 PARTY HIRE ................................................................................................................................................ 39 PEST CONTROL ........................................................................................................................................... 39 PLANT NURSERY/INTERFLORA AGENT ........................................................................................................ 39 PLUMBING ................................................................................................................................................. 39 POST OFFICE .............................................................................................................................................. 39 R.A.C.Q. ..................................................................................................................................................... 40 RAILWAY ................................................................................................................................................... 40 READYMIX CONCRETE ................................................................................................................................ 40 REAL ESTATE AGENTS/AUCTIONEERS/RENTALS .......................................................................................... 40 4 REFRIGERATION MECHANIC ....................................................................................................................... 40 ROAD SURFACES ........................................................................................................................................ 40 ROADHOUSES ............................................................................................................................................ 41 SADDLERY .................................................................................................................................................. 41 SAWMILL ................................................................................................................................................... 41 SAVE THE BILBY FUND ................................................................................................................................ 41 SEWING/EMBROIDERY ............................................................................................................................... 41 SHEARING CONTRACTORS .......................................................................................................................... 42 SIGNWRITING ............................................................................................................................................ 42 SCHOOLS .................................................................................................................................................... 42 STORAGE SHEDS ......................................................................................................................................... 42 SOLICITORS ................................................................................................................................................ 42 SPARE PARTS ............................................................................................................................................. 43 SPORTS STORES/TOYS ................................................................................................................................ 43 SURVEYOR ................................................................................................................................................. 43 TAXI ........................................................................................................................................................... 43 TELSTRA ..................................................................................................................................................... 43 TRAINING .................................................................................................................................................. 43 TREE LOPING .............................................................................................................................................. 43 TOURISM ................................................................................................................................................... 44 TRAVEL ...................................................................................................................................................... 44 TYRES ........................................................................................................................................................ 44 VARIETY STORES ........................................................................................................................................ 44 VENDORS – MILK ....................................................................................................................................... 44 VIDEO ........................................................................................................................................................ 45 VETINARIAN SERVICES ................................................................................................................................ 45 WHOLESALERS ........................................................................................................................................... 45 WASTE SOLUTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 45 WOOLBUYERS ............................................................................................................................................ 45 ALTERATIONS/INCLUSIONS TO ................................................................................................................... 46 COMMUNITY DIRECTORY PUBLICATION ..................................................................................................... 46 5 Mayor’s Welcome Welcome to the current edition of the Murweh Shire Community Directory.
This publication is a great resource for locals and visitors. Readers will notice by the
great number of entries in this edition that the Murweh Shire is alive and prospering
and is home to a wide variety of business and community activities.
It is the people that make communities great places to live and visitors will find that
the people in the towns of the Murweh Shire are friendly and helpful. This easy going
nature is borne out of a life style of rugged gentleness and an affection for the
I recommend the use of this publication as a starting point to discovering the richness
of living in the communities of the Murweh Shire.
Cr Mark O’Brien
6 CHARLEVILLE & DISTRICT The explorer, Edmund B Kennedy was the first white man to see this part of the State in 1847 and
not long after in 1865, 2500 acres was set aside for a township. The Surveyor who surveyed the
town came from Charleville, Ireland and so that is how Charleville came by its name.
Charleville used to have a Town Council once, but in 1961 the Shire of Murweh and the town of
Charleville were merged to make a Local Authority - "The Shire of Murweh".
Charleville is situated 766 kilometres, approximately (483 miles), west of Brisbane on the banks
of the Warrego River, which flows south into the Darling River. The town has a population of
about 3,100 (Shire being approximately 5,030), and is 997 feet above sea level. The Murweh
Shire Council covers an area of 40,762 square kilometres.
Charleville is fortunate in that it is situated on the Great Artesian Basin and therefore is assured of
a constant and reliable supply of bore water. Four (4) artesian bores provide the town with over
1,000,000 gallons of water per day. The depth of these bores range from 1300 to 3200 feet and
although the water flows from the bore holes under its own pressure, pumps are needed to give
adequate water pressure to every household.
The town is completely sewered thanks to the foresight of previous Councils. The sewerage
scheme is one of the oldest in the west and still functions perfectly.
Up until 1978, Charleville generated its own electricity, and supplied the two (2) smaller towns in
the Shire, Augathella and Morven, as well as outlying properties. However, we are now
connected to the State Grid System, receiving power from Gladstone and Tarong Power Station
and various other generating sites in Queensland.
The climate of Charleville varies a great deal. In winter the temperature fluctuates between -3%
to 20%, whilst in summer temperatures range from 200C to 400C. The lowest recorded
temperature recorded was -5.2° and the hottest recorded temperature has been 47°. The average
rainfall is 18 inches per annum, which is quite adequate if received regularly.
The town has an established sheep and goat abattoir, which after being burnt to the ground in
February 1997 is now fully operational. The surrounding rural area is used for sheep breeding and
wool growing. Properties range in size from 25000 to 40000 acres, however, there were
properties over 100,000 acres. Because the price of wool has fallen so low over the last ten (10)
years, many graziers have now begun to graze cattle. Participants in the AUSBUD Project are
growing selected Australian Ornamental Eucalyptus Trees for export overseas as well.
In an effort to keep people from drifting to the cities, Council has attempted to provide every
amenity. It has built an Olympic Swimming Pool on a Recreation Reserve which also
incorporates Basketball, Netball and Tennis Courts. It is the Trustee for the Showground where
Race Meetings, football, cricket, pony club, as well as the Annual Show and Rodeo are held. In
1987, Council received approval and funds to construct a $1.6 million Grandstand Complex at the
Racecourse/Showgrounds, which was officially opened on the 24th September, 1988.
This complex consists of Grandstand seating and auditorium/conference facilities. Residents have
also helped to stop the drift to cities, by forming such clubs as Golf, Bowls, Rotary, R.S.L.,
numerous sporting clubs including squash, cricket, softball, tennis, archery, table tennis and many
7 As you would realise, education is just as important to the people of Charleville as it is to the
people of any other town or city. A private school takes students to a level of year 7 and the State
Government has provided educational facilities to Year 12 as well as a TAFE College providing a
multitude of courses. Charleville is also the base for the School of Distance Education.
Charleville is also acknowledged by the Guiness Book of Records for the baking of the World's
Largest Damper, at the Showgrounds, which took place during the Back to Charleville Festivities
April/May 1994.
Recent signs of development in Charleville, include the newly re-opened Western Exporters
Abattoir, which was reconstructed after a devastating fire in January 1997 as well as construction
of a new 26 room Motel (Mulga Country Motor Inn) as well as refurbishment/extension of the
Charleville Motel to accommodate the increasing number of travellers through our region. Both
Motels have Licensed Restaurant facilities on site for the convenience and enjoyment of both
visitors and the community.
PLACES OF INTEREST Charleville, pleasantly situated near the left bank of the Warrego River, is surrounded by thick
belts of mulga scrub dominating a skyline of grazing lands that stretch to every horizon. The trees
are a symbol of the region providing welcome shade and, in times of drought, fodder for the
district's huge sheep flocks.
The statue of swagman "Weary Willie" in the main street of the town is a popular tourist
attraction, an effigy of the outback spirit that conquered the hardships of the west.
A tree 16 kilometres downstream from Charleville bears the mark of explorer William
Landsborough who passed this way in 1862. Streets are named in silent tribute to other explorers
Burke, Wills, Eyre and Sturt.
A monument 19 kilometres north-west of Charleville on the Adavale Road marks the spot where
pioneer aviators Sir Ross and Keith Smith landed for repairs, on their historic flight from London
to Sydney.
The Queensland National Bank, built in 1888, has been restored to house records and items of
pioneer days. (The building is now known as "Historic House Museum")
In the Bicentennial Park grounds, Sturt Street, stands the unusual Steiger Vortex Gun, one of six
rain-making devices set up around the town to end the great drought at the turn of the century. It
is a monument to failure because no rain fell - only the hopes of the inventor.
On the corner of Wills and Watson Streets is a large stone marking the site of the Cobb and Co.
Coach factory. Charleville was the last place in Australia to have a working coach factor y.
In the grounds of Historic House is an old drovers thorough brace wagon thought to have been
built in Charleville at the coach factory formerly located in Wills Street.
The South West District of the National Parks and Wildlife Services was opened on June 1st
1984. This complex is landscaped with Australian shrubs and trees and has an extensive display
8 of native fauna found in the south west areas of Queensland. The centre is open each week day
from 9 a.m. till 4.30 p.m.
The Pastoral Research Laboratory (D.P.I.) in Hood Street, Charleville is making an important
contribution to the future of Queensland's primary industries through research into animal
management and studies in the management and maintenance of native pastures and semi-arid
Charleville's spectacular clear night sky, unaffected by the lights and pollution which cover the
stars in city areas, is the focus of the Charleville Cosmos Centre. The Queensland Heritage Trails
Network contributed $2.5M towards the $3M project to redevelop and expand the former
Skywatch Centre into a dynamic attraction with popular visitor appeal that includes interactive
displays, facilities and powerful telescopes. The displays focus on unravelling the mysteries of
the Australian night sky and the role of astronomy in terrestrial navigation and Aboriginal
cosmology and how they timed their journeys to water holes and food sources according to
signals they read in the stars. A sophisticated sun filter joins a range of equipment and powerful
telescopes used for viewing the stars and our solar system.
Establishment of the Graham Andrews Parkland & Recreation Reserve in Sturt Street is an
ongoing project with the installation of a free flowing bore, windmill and lake and preparation of
sporting fields. Goals of the parkland are to enable tourists to observe many different species of
trees and shrubs which are unique to this area, in plant groups signed with details of the history of
each species and its significance. Information shelters will be constructed throughout the
parkland, each identifying a special subject of importance with a tourist walkway included. The
Parkland has been officially named the "Graham Andrews Parkland & Recreation Centre".
Royal Flying Doctor Service Base Visitors Centre is open to the public, with sections introducing
the works of the R.F.D.S. and explaining procedures, as well as a nostalgic look at the past,
outlining the formation of the service and the different kinds of aircraft used by the flying doctors
over the years, as well as early radio equipment.
9 MORVEN The traveller coming west from the coast will pass through many towns claiming to be
"Gateways" to this or that. Morven can justly claim to be the gateway to the Murweh Shire which
covers 43 905 square kilometres of Western Queensland.
Situated about 17 kms inside of the Shire's eastern boundary on the Warrego Highway the little
town of Morven (Population 190 - 2002 Census) has been in existence for more than a century.
In the 1860's a certain Captain Sadlier camped beside a large waterhole which later became
known as Sadlier's Waterhole. It soon developed into a stopping place for bullock teams on the
road from Mitchell to Charleville and an overnight stop for Cobb & Co. coaches.
A Mr and Mrs Corbett built a store and a hotel on this site and from then on the town grew
steadily until by 1887 there were four hotels, school, store and a railway station.
Today's town is somewhat smaller but is the service centre for a very large area. Morven's
location on the Warrego Highway and Western rail lines means that large numbers of livestock
and thousands of bales of wool are transported by rail or road transport, thus passing through the
Mail contractors with runs of more than 200 km in some cases still carry goods out to the stations.
Sadlier's Waterhole, which once supplied the water for the town and for the Chinese market
garden, is now silted up, and holds only a shallow supply for a short time after good rain.
The town draws its water from two bores, the first of which was completed in 1897.
The district was once a stamping ground for the notorious bushranger gang of the Keniff brothers.
Paddy Keniff was the last man to be hanged in Queensland.
10 AUGATHELLA The early history of this district shows that Augathella owes it existence to the bullock teams that
camped on the Warrego River over 100 years ago, where two tracks joined, one from Charleville
and one from Tambo, from here another track went to Burenda Station.
Indeed originally the settlement was known as Burenda Township until 1880 when the town was
officially surveyed and called Ellangowan. At the time of being gazetted in May 1883 it was
renamed Augathella; the syllable "thella" being aboriginal for water.
The first white settlers arrived in the district in the early 1860's and prior to this time the area
supported a large aboriginal community who lived along the river that was to become known as
the "Warrego" an aboriginal word meaning "River of Sand."
The siting of Augathella has great significance to the present time and it is certainly an area
where great roads meet.
The main highways from the eastern seaboard and southern capital cities intersect here and
continue to Mt Isa and Darwin.
Also a road runs into the Carnarvon Ranges, and has the future potential as a major tourist road,
as this area has magnificent views and many historical aboriginal sites.
If current efforts are successful in having a new road constructed over the Great Dividing Range
to connect the Tambo/Springsure Road, the whole area should become of major importance as a
tourist destination.
Augathella is also situated in the centre of the wool growing area of the state and as such, wool
and its associated work requirements provide the major source of employment for the local
residents. The population of Augathella is approximately 380.
The area north of the town also abounds in cypress pine timber, so necessary for the building
industry. A sawmill is located in the town for this purpose. Timber for the area is transported all
over the State.
Most members of the local community are only too willing to have a "yarn" with anyone visiting
the area. Although most travellers will get the impression of a very quiet, sleepy place, there is
generally more activity over the weekend, as during the week the working community is away
from the town returning Friday.
11 COUNCIL SERVICES Murweh Shire Council
95‐101 Alfred Street, CHARLEVILLE Q 4470 or P.O. Box 63, CHARLEVILLE Q 4470
Phone: (07) 4656 8355 Fax: (07) 4656 8399 email: [email protected] OFFICERS OF COUNCIL
Chief Executive Officer Director Corporate Services Director of Engineering Services Economic Development Officer RADF Liaison Mr Chris Blanch
Mr Neil Polglase Mr Russell Hood Mr John Nicholson Mrs Jill Usher MEETINGS OF COUNCIL
Council meets at the Council Chambers, Alfred Street, Charleville, on the 2nd Thursday of each month, commencing at 9.00am. Meetings are open to the public. LIST OF COUNCILLORS
Mayor Mark O’BRIEN P O Box 125, Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3537 Mobile: 0427 568 324 Councillors Cecil RUSSELL P O Box 93, Augathella 4477 Phone/Fax: (07) 4654 5195 Denis COOK (Deputy Mayor) PO Box 31, Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1305 Fax: (07) 4654 2555 Andrew McINNERNEY Ularunda Stn, Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 9507 Fax: (07) 46 543271 Annie LISTON “Rhondavale” Stn Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1979 IMMUNISATION CLINICS
Council provides free Immunisation for •
DTPa‐HebB (Diphtheria Tetanus, Pertussis & Hepatitis B); OPV (Oral Poliomyelitis Vaccine); Pneumovax; Pedvax (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B – Hepatitis B; MMR (Measles/Mumps and Rubella); •
ADT (Diphtheria & Tetanus)
Community Health Centre Charleville Medical Centre Eyre Street 71 Galatea Street Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Last Friday of each month 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month 12 CHARLEVILLE MUNICIPAL LIBRARY Alfred Street, Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1296 Librarian: Mrs Lyndy Steer Email: [email protected] Opening Hours Monday to Friday – 8.30am to 1.30pm 2.30pm to 4.00pm Saturday – 9.00am to 12 noon
MURWEH SHIRE COUNCIL SWIMMING POOL Warrego Street, Charleville 4470
Phone: (07) 4654 1025 Opening Times:
5.30am to 7.30am, 9.30am to 12 noon, 2.00pm to 5.00pm
5.00pm to 6.00pm (lap swimming only)
to Friday
5.30am to 7.30am, 9.30am to 12 noon, 2.00pm to 6.00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3.15pm to 5.00pm
3 lanes in use for training, 3 in use for public swimming
& Sunday
10.00am to 6.00pm
No child under 10 years old will be allowed to enter the pool grounds without a responsible person
over the age of 16 years, this person will be responsible for those children.
Entry Fee
Adults $2, Child/Student (U17) $1, Pensioner $2
12 month & under and spectator/carers (non-swimming) Free
Adult $125, Child/Student $42,
Pensioner $42, Family $210
For private hire and any further enquiries
please contact
the pool manager Shelley Lawton on 4654 1025
13 INFORMATION CENTRE (within Cosmos Centre) Matilda Highway (Sturt Street) Qantas Drive, Charleville Airport Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7771 Fax: (07) 4654 7772 Manager: Rachel Wilson Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Opening Hours April to September: Open seven (7) days 9am ‐ 5pm October to March: Monday – Saturday 10am ‐ 5pm
COSMOS CENTRE & OBSERVATORY Matilda Highway (Sturt Street) Qantas Drive, Charleville Airport Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7771 Fax: (07) 4654 7772 Cosmos Centre Manager: Jane Morgan Email: [email protected] Charleville is the perfect place for viewing the beauty of the Outback night sky. The Centre has day & night time activities for visitors and locals to enjoy. BY DAY: The Interactive displays are designed to pique your interest about all things “cosmic”. A short film & Seven interactive displays include information on: Aboriginal Dreamtime Cosmology Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Mayan & the ancient Celts. Formation of the Universe Rocks from Space The NEW Solar System And MUCH MUCH MORE BY NIGHT: In the Cosmos Observatory you have the opportunity to view distant stars & planets through powerful Meade telescopes. Enjoy a guided tour of the night sky with your guide’s then take the opportunity to look through the telescopes. There is nothing quite like seeing the distant objects of the universe with your own eyes. Opening Times APRIL/MAY 2010 Interactive Centre 10am – 5pm Daily Observatory 7.30pm Every Night JUNE – 15 OCTOBER 2010 Interactive Centre 9am – 5pm Daily Observatory 7.30pm Every Night 16 OCTOBER – MARCH 2011 Interactive Centre 10am – 5pm Daily Observatory 8pm (Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat Nights) BOOKINGS FOR THE NIGHT OBSERVATORY ESSENTIAL
FREECALL 1800 333 000 Phone: (07) 4654 1200 Charleville Police Station Alfred Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Augathella Police Station Main Street AUGATHELLA 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5200 Morven Police Station Eurella Street MORVEN 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8100 QLD FIRE & RESCUE AUTHORITY FIRE EMERGENCY ONLY ALL HOURS ALL AREAS PHONE 000 Phone: (07) 4654 1453 Area Director All other Administration Matters call Area Director, Charleville Phone: (07) 4654 1453 Charleville Alfred Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Headquarters Phone: (07) 46 541 859 Allan Pemberton (Local Controller) Phone: (07) 46541198 Mobile: 0427 568 360 AUGATHELLA Headquarters Troy McQueen Phone:(07) 4654 5197 Phone: (07) 4654 5113 Morven PO Box 46 MORVEN 4468 Sandra Gordon Ph. (07) 46548 227 AMBULANCE ALL HOURS ALL AREAS EMERGENCIES Non urgent ambulance attendance Charleville Ambulance Station 55 Edward Street, CHARLEVILLE 4470 PHONE 000
Ph: 13 12 33 General Administration only Phone. (07) 4654 1970 Phone: (07) 4654 1443 ROYAL FLYING DOCTOR SERVICE Medical and Emergency Calls Only ‐ 24 Hours Old Cunnamulla Road CHARLEVILLE 4470 Charleville Base Ph. (07) 4654 1233 HOSPITALS/DENTISTS CHARLEVILLE Charleville Base Hospital 72 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4650 5000 AUGATHELLA
Augathella Hospital
Cavanagh Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4959 7100 MORVEN Morven Hospital Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone. (07) 4654 8133 DOCTORS CHARLEVILLE Charleville Medical Centre
71 Galatea Street Charleville 4470 Dr Chester Wilson Phone: (07) 4654 3210 Fax: (07) 4654 3211 AUGATHELLA Augathella Doctor’s Surgery Cavanagh Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5125 15 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE CHARLEVILLE AUGATHELLA RUSSELL, Cecil James
Russell St
AKERS, Ronald George
38 Hilda Street
ASCHHOFF, Karl Franz J.
9 Watson St
BALSILLIE, George Robert
5 East St
BALTUS Fiona Margaret
28 Parry St
BROWN, Toby Lawton
L6 Howitt St
FERGUSON, Toni Lloyd
Parry St
GURNETT, Patricia Ellen
"Weaner Creek"
GURNEY, Helen Joyce
2 Deverell St
HULL, Henry Binnie
4 Burke St
JOHNS, John Charles
8 Sturt St
"Ivanhoe Downs"
JOHNSTONE, Beryl Edith
135 Alfred St
28 Hood St
GADSBY, Robert
KRANZ, Ronald
LEEDS, Richard Alan
203 King St
15 Baker St
McQUEEN, Sue-Ellen A
MANNS, Sandra Leigh
Murweh Shire Council
MOORE, David M.C.
13 Alfred St
Neighbourhood Centre
PHILLOTT, Gregory Paul
19 Hilda St
Murweh Shire Council
RANSON, Richard Mark
Murweh Shire Council
SCOTT, Vernon Leslie J
44 Hilda St
STEER, Jenny
Frawley St
TULLY, Karen Lesleigh
Galatea St
WAGNER, Thomas John
169 Parry St
Sturt St
Neighbourhood Centre
GADSBY, William
"New Farm"
Cnr North & Newton Sts
SMITH, Ramon John
MARIS Madonna
JOHNSON, Ann-Maree
23 Partridge St
23 Partridge St
Hood St
Murweh Shire Council
Murweh Shire Council
Murweh Shire Council
Murweh Shire Council
Murweh Shire Council
Centrelink: 78‐80 Edward Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4656 5199 Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries Hood Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 4200 Fax: (07) 4654 4235 Blue Care, Respite Centre & Community Care 145 Alfred Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1346 Fax: (07) 4654 2111 Palliative Care & Healthy Ageing 112 Alfred Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7950 Corrective Services: Work Camp CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3132 EPA (National Parks & Wildlife) 1 Parks Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 4777 Department Natural Resources:
Hood Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 4276 Queensland Transport:
98 Galatea Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4656 8400 Neighbourhood Centre: 114 Alfred Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3935 Queensland Rail: Phone: (07) 4654 4520 Phone: (07) 4654 4522 Department of Community Child Safety Services 86‐88 Alfred Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2577 Population Health Unit
Westpac Bank Building 18 Wills Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4656 8100 South West Healthy Communities Program PO Box 689 30 Wills Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3055 Community Health 2 Eyre Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4650 5300 QBuild:
46 Edward Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4656 5066 South West NRM 66 Galatea Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4656 8500 Fax: (07) 4654 1600 17 CHURCHES All Saints Anglican 41 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1043 Christian Outreach Centre
Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Mark Ironside Mobile 0418 788 221 Phone: (07) 4654 0119 Seventh‐Day Adventist Church 101 Watson Street Charleville 4470 Conan Jerrard Phone: (07) 4654 7766 Pastor David Bryce Visits Monthly from Roma Salvation Army Presently under ROMA AREA Phone: (07) 4654 1659 CHARLEVILLE
St. Mary's Catholic
Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3394 Uniting Church
Blue Care Building, 145‐147 Alfred St Charleville 4470 Jennifer Claydon Phone: (07) 4654 3947 St. James Presbyterian 76 Galatea St Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3100 Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses 8 Bentwell Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4622 1935 Phil Thouard Phone: (07) 4654 1138 AUGATHELLA
Augathella Anglican Church St Patricks’s Community Auxiliary Annie Street, PO Box 25 Augathella 4477 Augathella 4477 Lyn Carmichael Sister Di Phillips Phone: (07) 4654 5127 Phone: (07) 4654 5130 Ailsa Russell Phone: (07) 4654 5247 Lyn Phone: (07) 4654 5195 Beryl Barnsley Phone: (07) 4654 5296 MORVEN
Anglican Church
Catholic Church Morven Morven Will & Narda Roberts Win.Smith Phone: (07) 4654 8118 Phone: (07) 4654 8219 Capt Ellen McMellon Phone: (07) 4622 4029 Rural Chaplain South West Area Capt Ron McMellon Phone: 0428 877 980 Sat Phone : 0147 143978 18 COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANISATIONS CHARLEVILLE
St. Vincent De Paul Society
63 Edward Street, CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3340 Charleville Red Cross CHARLEVILLE 4470 Margaret Maris Phone: (07) 4654 1884 Charleville Q.C.W.A. Galatea Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Madonna Maris Mobile: 0417 742 563 Meals on Wheels CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2198 Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 507, CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1790 Charleville Senior Citizens
107 Alfred Street, CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2139 Charleville & District Community Support Association, (Neighbourhood Centre) Cnr. Alfred & Eyre Streets CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1307 Aussie Helpers
Edward Street Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0488 123 400 Uniting Church of Australia –
Frontier Services Phone: (07) 4654 3157 Email: [email protected] Life Line
Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2404 Australian Workers Union 104 Galatea Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2211 Fax: (07) 4654 2237 SW Disability Support Service
Neighbourhood Centre PO Box 327 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3500 Uniting Church Frontier Services –
RAFS (Remote Area Families Services – field workers) 110 Alfred Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3157 Bidjara Aboriginal Housing & Land Co 51 Wills Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3218 Fax: (07) 4654 1721 South Western Retirement Village Inc. PO Box 216 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3683 CWAATSICH – Bidjara Health Centre 16‐18 Eyre Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3277 Fax: (07) 4654 3332 Email: [email protected] Cultural Centre
Alfred Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA
Cultural Association AUGATHELLA 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5393 Augathella Play Group Phone: (07) 4654 5094 Meals on Wheels
AUGATHELLA 4477 Phone: (07) 4656 7100 Augathella Hospital Auxiliary (Health Support) Phone: (07) 4654 5127 Augathella C.W.A. Phone: (07) 4654 9127 MORVEN
Morven C.W.A Phone: (07) 4654 8256 Meals on Wheels
MORVEN 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8126 Blue Care
MORVEN 4468 Gail Heaydon Phone: (07) 4654 8168 19 SERVICE CLUBS CHARLEVILLE Lions Club PO Box 298 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Venue: Lions Club Den, Hilda St, Charleville 4470 Contact: Madonna Maris Mobile: 0427 678 285 Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month 6pm start Charleville Masonic Lodge
70 Galatea Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Bob Sommerfield Phone: Rotary Club
CHARLEVILLE 4470 Venue: Corones Hotel, Wills Street Charleville 4470 Contact: Frank Jongkind Phone: (07) 4654 1144 Meets every 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 7pm AUGATHELLA
Tourist & Progress Assoc.
AUGATHELLA 4477 Cecil Russell Phone: (07) 4654 5195 Augathella Masonic Lodge PO Box 157 AUGATHELLA 4477 TL Brown Phone: (07) 4654 4582 MORVEN
Progress Assoc. PO Box 12 MORVEN 4468 Dot Shepherd Phone: (07) 4654 8160 CLUBS CHARLEVILLE
R.S.L Memorial Club 37 Watson Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1449 Fax: (07) 4654 2811 Charleville Bowls Club Epacris Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1520 Fax: (07) 4654 2387 AUGATHELLA Charleville Golf Club
May Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3551 Fax: (07) 4654 7236 Email: [email protected] Warrego Club
96 Galatea Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1052 R.S.L Memorial Bowling Club
Nelson Street AUGATHELLA 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5254 MORVEN
Morven R.S.L MORVEN 4468 Mr Tommy Finley Phone: (07) 4654 8171 Morven Country Club Inc. Golf Club MORVEN 4468 Geoff Warren Phone: (07) 4654 8192 20 SPORTING GROUPS CHARLEVILLE
Archery: Charleville Field Archers CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2680 Frank Phone: (07) 4654 1786 Barry Aviation: South West Aero Club P.O. Box 397 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3304 Campdraft: Warrego Camp draft Association CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3427 Jess Cricket: Charleville Senior Cricket Assn. Po Box 299 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3542 Dance: Charleville School of Dance CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7096 Eileen Darts: Charleville Darts Association CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3348 Polocrosse: Charleville Polocrosse CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1359 Daryl/Lyn Junior Soccer League C/ Youth Activities Service Neighbourhood Centre CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1307 Phone: (07) 4656 8333 Rugby union: Charleville Rugby Union Club P.O. Box 135 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1179 Lawn Bowls:
Charleville Bowls Club Epacris Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1520 Music:
Charleville Youth Music PO Box 13 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3542 Charleville Eisteddfod Committee
PO Box 13 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3201 Lois Scouts:
8 Chester Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7127 Horse racing:
Central Warrego Race Club PO Box 95 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: 0417 746 554 Email: [email protected] Rugby League Charleville & District Schoolboys Rugby League Association CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2434 Sandra Senior citizens: SW Healthy Communities Program CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 4384 Show Society: Charleville & South West Qld Show Society Railway Station CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2290 Netball:
Charleville Netball Association Charleville Squash Club CHARLEVILLE 4470 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Mobile: 0417 742 563 (Seniors) Mobile: 0427 573 133 Phone: (07) 4654 2434 (Juniors) Email: [email protected] Pistol Shooting etc.
Swimming: Charleville Pistol Club Charleville Swimming Club PO Box 40 CHARLEVILLE 4470 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2327 Phone: Charleville Small Bore Rifle Club
CHARLEVILLE 4470 Charleville Tennis Club Phone: (07) 4654 1517 Joy CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2252 Robert Phone: Charleville Gun Club
Adavale Road Charleville Girl Guides CHARLEVILLE 4470 80 Watson Street Mobile: 0427 541 480 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3221 Michelle Warrego Pony Club Inc.
Toastmasters CHARLEVILLE 4470 CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1096 Shaun Phone: (07) 4654 3500 21 Golf: Charleville Golf Club May Street CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3551 Fishing: Charleville Fishing & Restocking Club CHARLEVILLE 4470 Mobile: 0428 578 195 Email: [email protected] Cricket: Junior Cricket Club Phone: (07) 4654 3133 Horse Riding:
Charleville Endurance Riders CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2128 Maurie Phone: (07) 4654 3613 Julie Touch Football
CHARLEVILLE Phone: (07) 4654 1477 Comets Rugby League Football Club CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: Volley Ball: Phone: (07) 4654 2054 Eileen Email: [email protected] Gym (Charleville Weights Group)
Showgrounds Complex PO Box 508 Charleville 4470 Phone: 07 4654 1633 (Lee) Phone: 07 4650 5046 (Trish) Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA
Golf club: Bendee street AUGATHELLA 4477 Russell Cox Phone: (07) 4654 5113 Campdraft: Natalie Porter Phone: (07) 4654 5834 Pony club:
Po box 164 AUGATHELLA 4477 Claire Frazer Phone: (07) 4654 5312 Tennis club: AUGATHELLA 4477 Jeff Bean Phone: (07) 4654 5196 MORVEN
Cricket Club MORVEN 4468 Contact: M Jukes “Box vale” Phone: (07) 4654 8124 Horse Racing
MORVEN 4468 Lyn Cadzow Phone: (07) 4654 8264 Tennis Club MORVEN 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8216 Cathy COOLADDI
Sport & Recreation Associations: Cooladdi Recreation Association Cooladdi Fox Trap Phone: (07) 4654 0347
Nebine Community Centre
Mr Bruce Hartnel “Preston” MITCHELL Phone: (07) 4623 2663 SCRUBBY CREEK
Scrubby Creek Recreation Club Pat Bredhauer “Lambert” CHARLEVILLE 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 0160 22 COMMUNITY DIRECTORY
Charleville*Augathella*Morven*Cooladdi ACCOMMODATION CARAVAN PARKS Bailey Bar Caravan Park (½) 196 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1744 Fax: (07) 4654 3740 Email: [email protected] Cobb & Co Caravan Park () 1 Ridgway Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1053 Evening Star Tourist Park
() 818 Adavale Road Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2430 Fax: (07) 4654 7308 Email: [email protected] Red Lizard Camping Ground Lot 3 Mitchell Highway Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0427 547 047 HOSTEL CHARLEVILLE
Mulga Country Motor Inn
Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3255 Fax: (07) 4654 3381 Email: [email protected] HOTEL/MOTEL Cattle Camp Hotel Motel 149 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3473 Fax: (07) 4654 3093 Warrego Motel & Luxury Units
73‐75 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1299 Fax: (07) 4654 2317 Email: [email protected] Waltzing Matilda Motor Inn
125 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1720 Fax: (07) 4654 3049 Email: [email protected] Corones Hotel Motel 33 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1022 Fax: (07) 4654 1756 Email: [email protected] BUSH COTTAGE Travel West Frawley Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3155 Fax: (07) 4654 3155 Email: [email protected] Charleville Motel
148 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1566 Fax: (07) 4654 2370 Email: [email protected] School of Arts 48 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2599 Tama Augathella Palms Motel 84 Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5045 Fax: (07) 4654 5045 Email: [email protected] HOTELS COOLADDI Fox Trap & Motel Units Quilpie Road Cooladdi 4479 Phone: (07) 4654 0347 Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA
Augathella on the Highway
Cnr Landsborough Hwy & Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5255 Fax: (07) 4654 5037 Email: [email protected] Ellangowan Hotel Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5241 Fax: (07) 4654 5040 Email: [email protected] MORVEN Morven Hotel/Motel Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8101 Recreation Grounds
Extension of Victoria Street Morven 4468 Facilities are on a donation (honour system) basis. Fax: (07) 4654 8097 23 ACCOUNTANTS Phillott & Company 81 Galatea Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3168 Fax: (07) 4654 1278 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Wagner Doyle Gordon Pty Ltd
23 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1013 Fax: (07) 4654 1684 Email: [email protected] Condon Treasure Accountants
58 Alfred St Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1222 Fax: (07) 4654 1232 Email: [email protected] ADVERTISING MEDIA CHARLEVILLE
Radio 4VL Western Times Radio 4RR FM 14 Wills Street 62 Alfred Street 51 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1444 Phone: (07) 4654 1099 Phone: (07) 4654 1112 Fax: (07) 4654 1908 Fax: (07) 4654 3065 Fax: (07) 4654 3604 Email: Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CUNNAMULLA ROMA Western Sun Maranoa Mail
38 John Street 48 McDowall Street Cunnamulla 4490 Roma 4455 Phone: (07) 4655 1617 Phone: (07) 4622 7849 Fax: (07) 4622 7846 Email: [email protected] AIRCRAFT SERVICES Western Qld Aircraft Maintenance Qantas Drive Charleville 4470 Mark Robertson Phone: (07) 4654 3030 CHARLEVILLE
South West Air Service – Outback Airtours Qantas Drive Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3033 Fax: (07) 4654 3395 Email: [email protected] AGRIBUSINESS CHARLEVILLE
Devine Agribusiness 72 Wills St Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3533 Fax: (07) 4654 3547 Email: [email protected] AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICES Western Auto Electrical 84 Edward Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2232 Fax: (07) 4654 3958 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
D.C. Electrix – Glen Collins
Eyre Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1187 Mobile: 0429 724 823 24 BAKERIES Continental Bakery 29 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3333 Fax: (07) 4654 3988 CHARLEVILLE
Heinemann’s Country Bakery
84 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3991 Fax: (07) 4654 2083 Email: [email protected] BANKS CHARLEVILLE
Westpac Banking Corporation
National Australia Bank
(In store at Charleville 21 Wills Street Newsagency) Charleville 4470 67 Alfred Street Phone: (07) 4656 8000 Charleville 4470 Fax: (07) 4654 2423 Email: [email protected] Phone: (07) 4654 1124 Suncorp Bank Bank of Queensland (In store at McCurran Real Estate)
13 Wills Street 92 Alfred Street, Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2963 Phone: (07) 4654 3683 Fax: (07) 4654 2938 Fax: (07) 4654 3233 Email: [email protected] MORVEN
Building Society/Credit Union/ Agencies: Agent for Medicare & Centre link Morven Post Office Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8147 AUGATHELLA
Augathella Post Office – CBA Agent Augathella Rural Transaction Centre Main Street Main Street Augathella 4477 Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5247 Phone: (07) 4654 5007 Commonwealth Bank 61 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1455 Fax: (07) 4654 3108 BUS/TOUR HIRE Eckel Bus Service “Pretty Pines” Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2585 Fax: (07) 4654 2976 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Travel West Tours
Frawley Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3155 Phone: 1800 654 541 Email: [email protected] 25 BUILDERS/CARPENTERS FJ & TJ Jaeger Lot 2 Coolabah Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2333 Fax: (07) 4654 1836 Mobile: 0418 798 686 Clifford Thompson Lot 5 Coyne Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1215 Mr David Curley 222 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2391 Phil’s Home Maintenance
247 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0427 306 446 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Gecko Builders & Concreters Ross Walton Watson Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 46 542 090 Mobile: 0427 465 410 Ben Rowland
57 Partridge Street Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0448 525 131 Gary Brunckhorst
4 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1677 Mobile: 0428 541 677 Email: [email protected] TE & KL Gofton
Mobile: 0418 661 285 Email: [email protected] K.C. (Charlie) Wyatt 27 Partridge Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1355 Mobile: 0417 746 554 Email: [email protected] Rob Street Mitchell Highway Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0429 854 374 Stuart Blacker Jupp Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1597 Mobile: 0429 031 269 AUGATHELLA Gill Norris 114 Russell Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5003 Mobile: 0417 761 674 BUTCHERS Dunne’s Butchery 68 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1096 Fax: (07) 4654 3635 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Western Butchery
19 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1718 Fax: (07) 4654 1077 Email: [email protected] Cornets IGA Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1627 Fax: (07) 4654 7178 Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA
Frazer Brothers Butchers
Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 46 545 101 CARRIERS – General Brooks Bros Transport 35 Hilda Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1823 MORVEN Bulldog Transport 69 Roma Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8301 Fax: (07) 4654 8301 CHARLEVILLE
M. & L. Carriers
Carter Street 82 King street Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7599 Phone: (07) 4654 1342 Fax: (07) 4654 1322 Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA
Augathella Freight Services
AR & SM Russell Cavanagh Street Russell Street Augathella 4477 Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5111 Phone: (07) 4654 5239 Mobile: 0427 752 827 26 CARRIERS – Livestock John Everitt (Meat Ant) 185 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2292 Castles L G & C Lot 2 Cunnamulla Road Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1644 Fax: (07) 4654 3308 CHARLEVILLE
P G Richardson Livestock Carriers
Breakaway Crossing Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3828 Brooks Bros Transport 35 Hilda Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1823 AUGATHELLA Steve Godsell Transport Hill Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5131 Mobile: 0415 130 958 CAMPING/FISHING SUPPLIES CHARLEVILLE
DJ’s Produce (CRT Agent)
126 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2446 Fax: (07) 4654 3029 Email: [email protected] Judy's Browse‐in 78 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1777 Fax: (07) 4654 1777 CATERERS Charleville Historical Society 91 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3349 Fax: (07)4654 7351 (Morning & Afternoon Teas) Di Coble & Leith Brennan
C/ 29 Walter Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1251 CHARLEVILLE
Blue Gum Café
74 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1104 Muffin Top Catering
16 Wills Street Charleville Q 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7144 Hayes Bistro
RSL Club Watson Street Charleville 4470 Phone: Fax: Coffee 84
84 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3991 Fax: (07) 4654 2083 Email: [email protected] Continental Bakery
29 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3333 Fax: (07) 4654 3988 CHEMIST CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Pharmacy 20 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1672 Fax: (07) 4654 3178 Email: [email protected] 27 COURIERS Warrego Courier Services
67 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1124 Fax: (07) 4654 3072 Email: [email protected] Michael Vigilante 19 Edward Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7177 Mobile: 0408 536 683 Outback Couriers (TNT) Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7599 Mobile: 0458 711 850 CHARLEVILLE
M. & L. Carriers (Kurtz)
82 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1342 Fax: (07) 4654 1322 Email: [email protected] Wade Direct Courier
4 Hunter Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3374 Fax: (07) 4654 3374 Mobile: 0428 543 374 CLEANERS CHARLEVILLE
McLennan's Cleaning Service PO Box 60 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1902 Fax: (07) 4654 1902 CLOTHING/SHOES – RETAIL CHARLEVILLE
Target Country 6 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1588 Crazy Clarks
Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2628 Modern Mode 10 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1080 Juz Unique (upstairs) 2/12 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7794 Email: [email protected] Wrappers
8 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2381 Email: [email protected] Tan‐Talize Fashion’s
Cnr Wills & Alfred Streets Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0428 719 899 Golders
71‐73 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3952 Fax: (07) 4654 3957 Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA Modern Mode
96 Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5002 CRAFTS Charleville & District Cultural Assn. 94 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2337 CHARLEVILLE
Schoutens Store
188 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1164 Just Curtains 66 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2877 28 COMPUTER SUPPLIES CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Post Office
63 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1383 Mulga Training Network 6 Alfred St Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1616 Mobile: 0417 739 990 Email: [email protected] Powerit 269 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: 0428 305 207 Email: [email protected] Home Service Centre 26 Wills St Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1366 Fax: (07) 4654 1330 Email: [email protected] Charleville Radio & TV 14 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1633 Fax: (07) 4654 2266 Email: [email protected] CREATIVE SERVICES CHARLEVILLE
Karen Brook Studios 16 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2364 Mobile: 0438 022 006 Email: [email protected] CHILD CARE/KINDERGARTENS Multi‐Functional Child Care Centre 2 Baker Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2596 Fax: (07) 4654 2436 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Kindergarten
134 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1843 Fax: (07) 4654 1843 Email: [email protected] Sam’s Place Cnr Park & Partridge Streets Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7263 Email: [email protected] CHIROPRACTOR CHARLEVILLE
Western Chiropractic Service ‐ Visits fortnightly
58 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Appointments Ph: (07) 4622 6222 CORNER STORES Schoutens Store 188 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1164 CHARLEVILLE
Parkside Store
20 Watson Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1546 29 COUNSELLING Neighbourhood Centre Eyre Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1307 Fax: (07) 4654 3240 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Life Line 24 hour crisis
65 Edward St Charleville 4470 Phone: 13 11 14 Phone: (07) 4654 2404 South West Healthy Communities Program 30 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3055 COURT HOUSE CHARLEVILLE
Clerk of the Court 43 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Ph. (07) 4656 5011 DRY CLEANING/AGENTS CHARLEVILLE Bright & Fresh Dry Cleaners Brown Gouge Dry Cleaners
C/‐ Wrappers C/ Charleville Newsagency 8 Wills Street 67 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2381 Phone: (07) 4654 1124 Email: [email protected] Fax: (07) 4654 3072 Email: [email protected] MORVEN Brown Gouge Dry Cleaners C/ Morven News & Country Store 68 Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8231 Fax: (07) 4654 8331 Email: [email protected] EARTHMOVING Akers Earthmoving PO Box 639 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1915 Email: [email protected] Butlers Grader Hire Wellwater Road Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2109 EJ & JE Heinemann Mobile: 0428 723 906 Phone: (07) 4654 3140 a/h CHARLEVILLE
RW & KA Bignell
Page Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1461 Brolga Contracting
Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0429 636 267 Two Dogs Truck & Bobcat 213 Parry Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7576 Mobile: 0418 196 469 Email: [email protected] Gus Berry
Coolibah Street Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0408 912 202 ENTERTAINERS Ned & the Kellys Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0427 568 324 Mark CHARLEVILLE
Richard Ranson
Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7526 Work: (07) 4656 8355 DJ Mobile: 0432 066 196 30 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS/ RETAIL Home Service Centre 26 Wills St Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1366 Fax: (07) 4654 1330 Email: [email protected] Town & Country Electrical
100 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2311 Fax: (07) 4654 3152 Mobile: 0428 774 723 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
R F Beale
Hilda St Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7076 South West Electrical Service 4 Burke Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1486 Charleville Radio & TV 14 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1633 Fax: (07) 4654 2266 Email: [email protected] Einam’s Electrical 24 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3137 Mobile: 0428 728 003 Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA
TH & JM Russell Russell Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5250 Fax: (07) 4654 5389 Mobile: 0427 545 250 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CHARLEVILLE
Max Employment Shop 5/16 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2677 Fax: (07) 4654 3303 Email: [email protected] FARM & STATION MERCHANDISE/SUPPLIES DJ’s Produce (CRT Agent)
126 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2446 Fax: (07) 4654 3029 Email: [email protected] Elders Limited 111‐119 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1333 Fax: (07) 4654 1952 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
John Gurney
2 Deverell Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1236 Outback Spares
127 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2355 Fax: (07) 4654 7501 Email: [email protected] Landmark Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1711 Fax: (07) 4654 1073 Western Rural Services 81 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1179 Fax: (07) 4654 3207 Email: [email protected] FENCING CONTRACTOR Gus Berry Coolibah Street Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0408 912 202 CHARLEVILLE
Schmidt Contracting
Mobile: 0438 554 873 R & P Taylor 4 Watson Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3242 Mobile: 0427 545 242 31 FIREARMS J.P. Motorcycles & Armory
112 Parry Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1940 Fax: (07) 4654 3183 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Mulga Parts & Tools
70 Galatea Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1270 Fax: (07) 4654 3166 Email: [email protected] FLOOR COVERINGS/FURNITURE CHARLEVILLE
Home Service Centre 26 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1366 Fax: (07) 4654 1330 Email: [email protected] FRAMING CHARLEVILLE
Outback Framing Wills Street Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0429 793 829 Phone: (07) 4654 1959 Email: [email protected] FINANCE CHARLEVILLE
Select Lending & Finance
PO Box 166 Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0427 573 133 Fax: (07) 4654 3433 FUNERAL DIRECTORS/STONE MASONS South West Funeral Directors Kurrajong Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1079 Fax: (07) 4654 2893 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Sonya Street
Mitchell Highway Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1304 32 FOOD CHARLEVILLE Outback Restaurant Mulga Country Motor Inn Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3381 Hayes Bistro (RSL) 37 ‐39 Watson Streets Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2775 Fax: (07) 4654 2790 Email: [email protected] Coffee 84 84 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3991 Fax: (07) 4654 2083 Email: [email protected] Blue Gum Cafe 74 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1104 Blue Gum Cafe 74 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1104 Augathella on the Highway
Matilda Highway Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5341 Fax: (07) 4654 5037 Email: [email protected] RESTARAUNTS
Menzies Steakhouse
Charleville Motel 148 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1566 Young Tiger (Thai)
Warrego Club 95 Galatea Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2996 CAFE’S/COFFEE SHOPS
Continental Bakery
29 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3333 Fax: (07) 4654 3988 Corones Hotel Motel 33 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1022 Fax: (07) 4654 1756 Email: [email protected] Ming Court Chinese Restaurant
85 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1942 Cosmos Centre Cafe Qantas Drive Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7771 Fax: (07) 4654 7772 Email: [email protected] FAST FOOD
BP Roadhouse
Parkside Store 50 Wills Street 20 Watson Street Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 46541740 Phone: (07) 4654 1546 AUGATHELLA
Augathella Post Office & Brew’n’Buns 64 Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5247 Email: [email protected] MORVEN
Morven Roadhouse Warrego Highway Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8246 33 FUELS/GARAGES/CAR SALES CHARLEVILLE
B.P. Riverview Service Station BP Roadhouse
Shell Roadhouse Wills Street 50 Wills Street 79 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1664 Phone: (07) 46541740 Phone: (07) 4654 3002 Robert Eckel Repairs South West Ford & Nissan
Price Rite Tyres 88 Edward Street 50 Alfred Street 133A King Street Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1358 Phone: (07) 4654 1477 Phone: (07) 4654 2261 Fax: (07) 4654 1488 Fax: (07) 4654 1609 Fax: (07) 4654 3274 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA
Augathella on the Highway
Warrego Repairs
Matilda Highway Main Street Augathella 4477 Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5341 Phone: (07) 46 545 179 Fax: (07) 4654 5037 Mobile: 0428 225 855 Email: [email protected] MORVEN
Beefy’s Outback Trading Post & Mechanical Repairs
Morven Roadhouse
Albert Street Warrego Highway Morven 4468 Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 46 548 215 Phone: (07) 46 548 246 GAS SUPPLIERS M. & L. Carriers 82 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1342 Fax: (07) 4654 1322 Email: [email protected] Boral Gas C/ Q‐link Freight Terminal Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 4524 Email: CHARLEVILLE
DJ’s Produce (CRT Agent)
126 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2446 Fax: (07) 4654 3029 Email: [email protected] Origin Energy
Customer Service Centre Phone: 13 2462 Emergencies & Gas Leaks 24 hr Free Call Phone: 1800 808 526 Western Rural Services 81 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1179 Fax: (07) 4654 3207 Email: [email protected] GRAIN/SEED/STOCK FODDER DJ’s Produce (CRT Agent)
126 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2446 Fax: (07) 4654 3029 Email: [email protected] Landmark Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1711 Fax: (07) 4654 1073 CHARLEVILLE
Western Rural Services
81 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1179 Fax: (07) 4654 3207 Email: [email protected] Schoutens Store
188 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1164 Elders Limited 111‐119 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1333 Fax: (07) 4654 1952 Email: [email protected] 34 GROCERS (FRUIT/VEGETABLE SUPPLIERS) CHARLEVILLE Cornets IGA 77 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1003 Cornets Supa IGA 22 Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1627 Fax: (07) 4654 7178 Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA
Friendly Grocer
Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5230 Morven Foodland
Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8281 MORVEN
Morven News & General Store
Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8231 GRAZIERS ASSOCIATION CHARLEVILLE
Agforce – South West 83 Galatea Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3675 HAIR/BEAUTY/MASSAGE SALONS Just Jazz Hairworks 27 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1134 Hair 61 61 Edward Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3090 Email: [email protected] Juz Unique Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: 07 4654 7794 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Town Talk Hair Stylists
Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2122 Indulge Beauty Therapy
64 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2044 Email: [email protected] The Barber Shop 11 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1055 Karen Johns ‘Bowen Therapy’ Charleville 4470 Phone: 0429 310 147 HALLS/VENUES Raceview Complex Warrego Room & Newmarket Bar Partridge Street Charleville 4470 Contact: Murweh Shire Council Phone: (07) 4656 8355 AUGATHELLA Augathella Town Hall Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5190 CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Town Hall
Wills Street Charleville 4470 Contact: Murweh Shire Council Phone: (07) 4656 8355 RSL Hall
37 Watson Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1449 Fax: (07) 4654 2811 Manager: Robbie & Prue Illguth MORVEN Morven Town Hall
Albert Street Morven 4468 Ph: (07) 4654 8080 35 HARDWARE CHARLEVILLE
Tower Hardware Mitre 10
Charleville Home Hardware 114 Parry Street 76 Edward Street Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1140 Phone: (07) 4654 1399 Fax: (07) 4654 3220 Fax: (07) 4654 1407 Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] AUGATHELLA Augathella News & Hardware 82 Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5136 Fax: (07) 4654 5561 Email: [email protected] HOME PROTECTION CHARLEVILLE
(Australian Bandog and Neopolitan Mastiff Breeds)
Abcalert Maria Bryan Page Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3272 INSURANCE AGENTS Wesfarmers Federation Insurance 91 Galatea Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1711 CHARLEVILLE
Elders Limited
111‐119 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1333 Fax: (07) 4654 1952 Email: [email protected] INTERNET – PUBLIC USE Marg Reynolds (After Hours) 6 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1616 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Library
Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1296 Cosmos Centre Qantas Drive Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7771 Fax: (07) 4654 7772 Email: [email protected] JEWELLERY CHARLEVILLE
E.W. Wilkinson Jeweller 65 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1108 Fax: (07) 4654 2284 Email: [email protected] KANGAROO/GOAT MEAT & SKIN MERCHANTS Western Exporters Abattoir Warrego Highway Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3311 CHARLEVILLE
Wild Game Resources
Kurrajong Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7518 United Game Processing Warrego Highway Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4656 8777 36 KENNELS/PET CARE/HOME CARE CHARLEVILLE
Huddles 4 Cuddles (Cats, Dogs, Horses, Feathers & Fin. Home Security)
Elise Huddle Phone: (07) 4654 7461 Mobile: 0429 470 264 LAUNDROMAT CHARLEVILLE
Golden West Laundromat
(rear Ming Court Chinese Restaurant) Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1942 LIBRARY CHARLEVILLE Charleville Library Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1296 AUGATHELLA Augathella Library & Information Centre Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5244 MARRIAGE CELEBRANT CHARLEVILLE
Cathy Barker Charleville 4470 Phone: MOTORCYCLES CHARLEVILLE
Tas Mini Motors
Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1732 J.P. Motorcycles & Armoury 112 Parry Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1940 Fax: (07) 4654 3183 Email: [email protected] MOTOR MECHANICS Robert Eckel Repairs 88 Edward Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1358 Fax: (07) 4654 1488 AUGATHELLA Warrego Repairs Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5179 CHARLEVILLE
South West Ford & Nissan
50‐56 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1477 Price Rite Tyres 133A King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2261 Fax: (07) 4654 3274 MORVEN
Beefy’s Outback Trading Post & Mechanical Repairs Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8215 37 MUSEUM CHARLEVILLE Historic House Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3349 MORVEN Morven Historical Museum Society Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8131 (Ethel Johnson) MUSIC CHARLEVILLE
Home Service Centre
Wills St Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1366 Charleville Newsagency
67 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1124 Fax: (07) 4654 3072 Email: [email protected] Charleville Music & Sound
7 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2366 4RRFM CD Shop Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1112 NEWSAGENCY CHARLEVILLE Charleville Newsagency 67 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1124 Fax: (07) 4654 3072 Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA
Augathella News & Hardware 82 Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5136 Fax: (07) 4654 5561 Email: [email protected] MORVEN Morven News & Country Store
68 Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8231 Fax: (07) 4654 8331 Email: [email protected] NURSING HOME CHARLEVILLE
Waroona Multi Purpose Centre 72 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4650 5200 OPTOMETRIST George Row Optometrist ‐ Visits Monthly 102 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Appointments Ph: (07) 4654 1155 CHARLEVILLE
Outback Optical ‐ Visits Monthly Brett Whitehill 17 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Appointments Phone: 1300 552 020 PAINTERS Craig Coble 71 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1997 CHARLEVILLE
C & N Matthews
Mobile: 0418 737 387 38 PANEL BEATING B & W Bodyworks 86 Edward Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2102 CHARLEVILLE
Gordon’s Panel & Paint
Lot 5 Coolabah Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7777 Fax: (07) 4654 7222 Jones Smash Repairs Sturt Street PO Box 684 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3909 Fax: (07) 4654 3930 PARTY HIRE CHARLEVILLE
Mobile: 0432 066 196 Laser Skirmish Mobile: 0428 616 598 Email: [email protected] PEST CONTROL CHARLEVILLE
Amalgamated Pest Control
Bruce Osborne 45 Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2785 Fax: (07) 4654 7501 Email: [email protected] Norqueen Pest Control Jack Wright 144 Parry Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3197 PLANT NURSERY/INTERFLORA AGENT CHARLEVILLE
Tony’s Pets & Plants
Cnr Alfred & Sturt Streets Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3293 Fax: (07) 4654 3350 Cottage Flowers & Garden
74 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1919 PLUMBING Plumbing Hardware & Air Conditioning Supplies 153 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1311 CHARLEVILLE
Paul Shearwin Plumbing
12 Deverell Street (PO Box 434) Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3877 Mobile: 0417 747 260 Jake Sullivan Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0427 147 647 POST OFFICE CHARLEVILLE Charleville Post Office 63 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: 07) 4656 5680 AUGATHELLA
Augathella Post Office & Brew’n’Buns
64 Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5247 Fax: (07) 4654 5247 Email: [email protected] MORVEN Morven Post Office Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8147 Email: [email protected] 39 R.A.C.Q. CHARLEVILLE
South West Ford & Nissan ‐ Agent 50‐56 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1477 RAILWAY Queensland Railways 112 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 4520 Phone: (07) 4654 4522 CHARLEVILLE
Q‐Link Freight Depot
Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 4524 READYMIX CONCRETE CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Concrete Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1783 Mobile: 0417 726 215 Email: [email protected] REAL ESTATE AGENTS/AUCTIONEERS/RENTALS CHARLEVILLE
McCurran & Co 92 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2380 Raine & Horne
58 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2455 Fax: (07) 4654 2922 Elders Limited
111‐119 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1333 Fax: (07) 4654 1952 Email: [email protected] Landmark Sturt Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1711 Fax: (07) 4654 1073 REFRIGERATION MECHANIC CHARLEVILLE
Mark Boland Phone: (07) 4654 5250 Mobile: 0428 209 284 ROAD SURFACES CHARLEVILLE
Road Surfaces Pty Ltd 83 Parry Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2174 40 ROADHOUSES CHARLEVILLE BP Roadhouse 50‐52 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1740 Shell Roadhouse Cnr Wills & King Streets Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3002 MORVEN Morven Roadhouse Warrego Highway Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8246 AUGATHELLA Augathella on the Highway
Matilda Highway Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5341 COOLADDI Cooladdi Roadhouse
Foxtrap Cooladdi 4479 Phone: (07) 4654 0347 SADDLERY CHARLEVILLE
DJ’s Produce (CRT Agent)
126 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2446 Fax: (07) 4654 3029 Email: [email protected] SAWMILL AUGATHELLA
NK Collins Industries Pty Ltd Charleville Road Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 46 545 229 SAVE THE BILBY FUND CHARLEVILLE
Save the Bilby Fund Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 4717 Fax: (07) 4654 3113 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: SEWING/EMBROIDERY Just Curtains 66 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2877 CHARLEVILLE
Schoutens Store
188 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1164 R & P Taylor
4 Watson Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3242 Mobile: 0427 545 242 41 SHEARING CONTRACTORS CHARLEVILLE
Bob & Tracey Tully
Lot 11 Little Page Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 46 541 331 Troubleshooters Available
183 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 46 542 525 SIGNWRITING CHARLEVILLE
Bronkys Signs and Graphix
4 King St Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1677 Mobile: 0428 541 677 Email: [email protected] SCHOOLS Charleville State High School Parry Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4656 8888 School of Distance Education Parry Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4656 8999 P.C.A.P P.C.A.P Dalton House Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1044 Contact: Mr Graham Iffland CHARLEVILLE
Charleville State Primary School
Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 46546 8222 St Mary's Catholic School
66 Watson Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1638 AUGATHELLA
State Primary School
Cavanagh Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5120 Charleville Kindergarten Assn. 134 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1843 Email: [email protected] Southern Qld Institute of TAFE Parry Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 4900 MORVEN State Primary School Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8151 STORAGE SHEDS CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Self Storage Cnr Sturt & Kurrajong Streets Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2380 SOLICITORS CHARLEVILLE
Frank Jongkind & Co 24 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1144 Fax: (07) 4654 1409 Email: [email protected] 42 SPARE PARTS CHARLEVILLE
Outback Spares 127 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2355 Fax: (07) 4654 7501 Email: [email protected] SPORTS STORES/TOYS CHARLEVILLE
Golders (Toyworld) 71‐73 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3952 SURVEYOR CHARLEVILLE
Inland Surveys Pty Ltd PO Box 137 Charleville 4470 Phone : (07) 4654 1365 (Richard Hume) Email: [email protected] TAXI CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Taxi Service 106‐108 Galatea Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1435 TELSTRA Charleville Depot ‐Technicians Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1111 CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Line Depot
Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1049 TRAINING CHARLEVILLE
SWQ Training & Assessing
167 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0427 543 120 TREE LOPING Gary Brunckhorst 4 King Street Charleville 4470 Phone/Fax: (07) 4654 1677 Mobile: 0428 541 677 Email: [email protected] CHARLEVILLE
Lawn Mowing
Phone: (07) 4654 7641 Mobile: 0432 576 342 43 TOURISM CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Cosmos & Info Centre Qantas Drive Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 7771 Fax: (07) 4654 7772 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] COOLADDI Cooladdi Roadhouse Foxtrap Cooladdi 4479 Phone: (07) 4654 0347 AUGATHELLA
Augathella Visitor Information Centre Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5500 MORVEN Morven Visitor Information Centre Post Office Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8147 TRAVEL CHARLEVILLE
South West Air Service
1 Qantas Drive Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3033 Western Travel Service 65 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1260 Fax: (07) 4654 2284 Email: [email protected] TYRES CHARLEVILLE
Beaurepaires Price Rite Tyres
71 Wills Street 133A King Street Charleville 4470 Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1359 Phone: (07) 4654 2261 Fax: (07) 4654 3217 Fax: (07) 4654 3274 Email: [email protected] AUGATHELLA Warrego Repairs 37 Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4554 5179 VARIETY STORES Target Country 6 Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1588 CHARLEVILLE
Crazy Clarks Discount
Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2628 MORVEN
Home Service Centre Wills Street Charleville 4470 Phone: Morven News & Country Store 68 Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8231 Fax: (07) 4654 8331 Email: [email protected] VENDORS – MILK Charleville Milk Depot 106 Watson Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 3418 Mobile: 0429 663 154 CHARLEVILLE
Paul’s Milk Depot
30 Watson Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1911 Phone: 1300 300 534 44 VIDEO CHARLEVILLE Video 2000 96 Parry Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1602 Morven Foodlands 66 Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8281 AUGATHELLA Augathella News & Hardware 82 Main Street Augathella 4477 Phone: (07) 4654 5136 Fax: (07) 4654 5561 Email: [email protected] MORVEN
Morven News & Country Store
68 Albert Street Morven 4468 Phone: (07) 4654 8231 Fax: (07) 4654 8331 Email: [email protected] VETINARIAN SERVICES CHARLEVILLE
Charleville Vet Surgery Lot 127 Alfred Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2605 Fax: (07) 4654 2199 Email: [email protected] WHOLESALERS Western Wholesalers 30 Watson Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 1051 Fax: (07) 4654 3339 CHARLEVILLE
Warrego Food Supplies Lot 3 Coolabah Street Charleville 4470 Phone: 0427 541 822 Fax: (07) 4654 3130 WASTE SOLUTIONS Charlie Skips Charleville 4470 Mobile: 0427 147 647 Jake Sullivan CHARLEVILLE
T Radnedge
88 Parry Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2594 WOOLBUYERS CHARLEVILLE
Geo Gardner & Co Contact: Darryl Aspinall Hood Street Charleville 4470 Phone: (07) 4654 2581 45 ALTERATIONS/INCLUSIONS TO COMMUNITY DIRECTORY PUBLICATION
Could you please alter/include the following details in the Community Directory Publication listing of our Organisation: NAME OF ORGANISATION/BUSINESS/PERSON: NAME OF CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE (postal or email) TELEPHONE NUMBER INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED DATE Please return to: The Chief Executive Officer, Murweh Shire Council, PO Box 63, CHARLEVILLE Q 4470 or [email protected] 46