APPLICffiIO}{. .FOR GREDIT .1[r0R,K ADDRESS NAMEOF EXPENSES l BANK DETAILS NEXIOF KIN CONTACTABLE RELATIVE 0R FIRST NAME SURNAME -..1 FHIEND' ADDRESS NOt UVtt'i&' WITH YOU RELATIONSHIP TELEPHONE The Customer hereby agrees and acknowledges that by his/her signature hereto that the Company is entitled to conduct all and any credit checks which it may deem necessary, at any time it deems necessary, with any credit check agency/ies of its choice, as to establish the credit worthiness of the Customer and by her signature hereto he/she duly authorizes all and any such checks and the information of all and any relevant information by such credit check agency/ies to the Company. Application criteria o Copy of ID document o Copy of pay slip or 3 months bank statements o Proof of address Eg: Water or electricity bill with your name and postal address on. once all the criteria are fulfilled and completed, please Fax lE-mail the required paper work through to Schulmans Home . Fax : (021) 592 6665 E-mail : admin@schulmansh