woman emancipation as seen in abidah el khalieqy`s novel


woman emancipation as seen in abidah el khalieqy`s novel
Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)
In English Department of Education Faculty
NIM: 113 06 066
Don't wait around for other people to be
happy for you.
Any happiness you get you've got to make
Do the best as we can
(Bli Citut)
This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to:
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2. My beloved sister (Mbak Kutixx) thanks for being my nice friend and
3. My lovely friend, Yuli Nur Ariyani. Thanks for everything.
4. All of my friends in TBI-C ‟06 (bang Toing, rifky, danang, Jumery,
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5. My “crazy partner” in my college , Worro Septiyarsih, thank for
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heart. ... I‟m proud of you all. And.. Mitapasa JAYA !! Seluruh Baktiku
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Disa, Nia Lestari, Kartolo, akh Munawar, Sari & Heri “kopma”, fian,
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Mr. Denny, Bang Qodir, Sugeng, Waskito, Agus Jempol, Mas Hendrik,
Mbak Ayuk „adikusuma‟, mas Dicko, etc. Thank you.
10. My best motivator “Yunani” thanks for your motivation.
11. All of my friends who can not be mentioned one by one.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord of
universe, because of him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of
the requirement for the Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Department of
Educational faculty of State Institute For Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in
Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad
SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.
However, this graduating paper success would not be achieved without
those supports, guidance, advice, help and appropriate moment for me to deepest
gratitude for:
1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the head of State Islamic Studies Institute
(STAIN) Salatiga.
2. Suwardi, S.Pd. MA, as a chief of Education Faculty.
3. Maslikhatul Umami, S.Pd.I., MA, as a chief of English department.
4. Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum.,M. Ed, as a consultant who has educated,
supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion, and
recommendation for graduating paper from beginning until the end.
5. All of the lecturer in English department.
6. All of the staff who helped the writer in processing of graduating paper
7. My beloved father and mother, thanks for all support, trust, finance,
8. All of my friends who have help me to finish this paper.
Finally this graduating paper expected to be able to provide useful
knowledge and information to the readers.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Salatiga, 29th Februari 2012
The writer
Paryono (11306066): Woman Emancipation as seen in Abidah el
Khalieqy’s Novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban. There are two research
problems proposed of the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban; how are the
intrinsic literary elements of the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban used by the
author to express the theme of woman emancipation; how the author describes the
emancipation of women in the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban. The method
used in analyzing the novel Perempuan Berkalung sorban by Abidah El Khalieqy
is descriptive method. She gives many values of emancipation, there are;
emancipation in making decision, emancipation in marriage, emancipation in
economic, emancipation in education, and emancipation in family environment.
Key word: Woman emancipation, literary.
TITLE .................................................................................................................... i
STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION .................................................................. ii
DECLARATION .................................................................................................. iii
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES .................................................................. iv
MOTTO ................................................................................................................ v
DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... x
A. Background of the Study .................................................... 1
B. Problem Statements ............................................................ 4
C. Objectives of the Study ....................................................... 5
D. Benefit of the Study ............................................................ 5
E. Definition of the study ........................................................ 6
F. Review of Related Researches ............................................ 7
G. Research Method ................................................................ 8
H. Paper Outline ...................................................................... 10
A. Definition of Emancipation ................................................ 11
B. General Description of Woman Emancipation ................... 12
C. Emancipation of Woman in Various Field ......................... 15
D. Intrinsic Literary Elements of novel ................................... 19
A. Biography of Abidah El Khalieqy ....................................... 24
B. Synopsys of the Novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban ........ 28
A. Intrinsic literary elements of the novel Perempuan
Berkalung Sorban .............................................................. 32
Emancipation of Woman in the novel Perempuan
Berkalung Sorban ............................................................... 51
A. Conclusion .......................................................................... 62
B. Suggestion........................................................................... 63
A. Background of the Study
Literary work is a picture of societal life. Literature can also be used to
illustrate what the author feels on the life around her. Literature can entertain
by presenting the beauty, giving meaning to life (death, misery, or joy) or
providing the release to the world of imagination. According to Matthew
Arnold in Graham Little (1970: 1), a literature is a principal element of its
culture. It contains the record of the people‟s values, on their thoughts, on
their problems and conflicts-in short on their whole of life. Whether
transmitted through the spoken or the written word, literature may be fairly
regarded as the chief art of mankind. Through this art, each generation tries to
pass on to next “the best which has been thought and said ". On the other
hand, literature is also a response to the development of an era. Then,
literature can be a factor in influencing the change in a day.
The novel is one kind of literatures. As said by Robert Stanton (1965:
44), the novel is a long story. It presents in detail the development of a
character or a large complex or a social situation involving many characters
relationship or a complicated event covering many years or a complex
relationship among a few characters. Novel has a variety of themes and
content, among other social problems, which generally occurs in the
community, including women. The problems concerning women are still
interesting and very important to discuss. Women underwent oppression,
exploitation, business, social pressure, and even sexual harassment.
Many women who have a dual role other than as housewives, they also
serve as the women who work, or better known as career women. Therefore,
women can not participate in the community intact. On one side of the women
wanted to participate fully both in the family and society, on the other hand
women should not forget his nature as a woman. According to Ratna
(2005:43), in social life also looks the role of women. In many areas women
have participated, either as civil servants or private. Even many women who
occupy important positions in government, as ministers, the directorate
generals, even as a president. Faced with these problems is necessary to
appropriate strategies to support women in the active role both within and
outside the family as a career woman without getting a negative view of
society. The strategy is women emancipation.
According to Nawal El Sadawi (2007: 311), a battle between men and
women was established patriarchal system and has continued for centuries
until today. Man is the human species that has never has a fear when woman
will get the position higher than him and he will try to get back his right or
position. Starting from these opinions, then women do struggle against the
powers that place them at a lower position compared with men.
This is contrary to the statement of Mahatma Gandhi (2005: 5) that
women are partners of men who have the same abilities with the man and have
full rights to participate in the activities of men in the smallest details. Women
also have the right to liberty and freedom same as men. It means women have
highest place in her activity same as man.
In Islam, a woman is not responsible for the families earn, so she can
fully devote her attention to the affairs of her family life, educate children and
raise them. However that does not mean women should not work, studying or
doing other activities. So, the position of women equal to men in God's eyes,
this can be seen in Surat Al-Hujurat: 13.
Men, we have created you from a male and female, and made you into
nations and tribes, that you might get to know one another. The noblest of
you in Allah’s sight is the righteous of you. Allah is wise and all know.
(Zayid, 1980; 384)
From the above verse we can understand that the religion of Islam was
also prospering between men and women, even more precious.
In this study the authors wanted to discuss about Abidah El-Khalieqy‟s
Novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban. The characters and the issues raised in
this novel show the injustice to the woman and then lead to the female
emancipation movement. Basically, the novel tells the story of Annisa life's
journey as a main character who encounters some problems with the figures,
namely: Syamsuddin, Kudhori, Kalsum and Rizal. Emancipation of women
contained in the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban associated with
perspective on the role of men and women is shown by the presence of
characters that experience various events related to the problem of injustice
toward women.
Abidah El Kalieqy is an expert literary, so she is sensitive to the sociocultural phenomenon that occurred in Indonesia. Life is so complex, she was
able to write with simple language, daring to break taboos, especially about
sex and it is often understood as a kind of liberation of women even as
feminism. She was also able to describe the lives of women with inequality
against men.
In this study the authors showed the emancipation values of the novel
Perempuan Berkalung Sorban. The writer hopes that this research can reveal
the problems of women who applied unfairly by life. And the writer hope to
the women can face her day wisely, not defeat. So, for this purpose the writer
is interested in conducting research entitled “WOMAN EMANCIPATION AS
B. Problem Statement
In this research, the writer would like to focus on the following problems
1. How are the intrinsic literary elements of the novel Perempuan Berkalung
Sorban used by the author to express the theme of woman emancipation?
2. How the author describes the emancipation of women in the novel
Perempuan Berkalung Sorban?
C. Objectives of study
Based on the statement of the problems above, the objectives of the
study are as following:
1. To describe the intrinsic of literary elements of the novel Perempuan
Berkalung Sorban .
2. To describe the values that conveyed the author's emancipation in the
D. Benefit of Study
The benefits of this research are divided into two parts:
1. Practically
The benefits of this study are:
a. For readers, this research can help the reader to add the interest in
reading literary works, especially among students STAIN Salatiga.
b. For researchers, these researchers can enrich literary insights and add
vocabulary of literary research.
c. Enlarge and develop the study of literature, especially with a feminist
approach to literature.
d. Provide the knowledge and right understanding of emancipation to be
used as reference for students of English Language Programs in
arranging a graduating paper.
2. Theoretically
This study can be a reference about women emancipation in the general
theory of conception and Islamic point of view.
E. Definition of the study
This research entitled “WOMAN EMANCIPATION AS SEEN IN
Then, the writer need to define terms used in this study as follows:
1. Woman Emancipation
a. Woman is the female of the human race, and adult or grownup female,
as distinguish from a man, a female attendant on a person of rank, a
female domestic, mistress or sweetheart, a man having effeminate
qualities, as timidity (Grolier:1974; 1144).
b. Emancipation is the act of emancipating; deliverance from bondage or
controlling influence, liberation (Grolier, 1974: 319).
c. Emancipation of woman is giving or obtaining all or some of the
rights, opportunities. (Hornby, 1978: 281).
2. Novel
According to Graham little (1970: 101), a novel will display
realism of background and atmosphere. A novel will present us with a
clear picture of its times, and lead us to feel that we know its setting as if
we have lived in it ourselves. The social, as well as the physical setting, its
part of this background. Even when the novel is a fantasy, realism of
presentation of setting is still vital to the success of the work.
F. Review of Preview Researchers
Iswatun Maftuhah (2002) in her thesis entitled The Concept of Gender
(A Quranic Perspective) says that gender occurs because of the social
construction. The problems that occur are unfair, especially for woman. The
problems are the violence, double burden, the differences stereotype,
discrimination, and subordination. Then she tried to connect the issue of
gender inequality with perspective Quran, because there are many explaining
about gender. It does not talk about the relationship between man and woman
but also talk about their role and position in society.
Shoifah Muslikhatis Shofa (2007) in her thesis The Concept of Islamic
Gender Relationship (A case study in Sachiko Murata Perspective) also says
that, discriminative acts are caused by the lack of understanding about the
values of equality between man and woman, which finally cause
stereotype, violence and burden. Then, women to justify their own existence
on their position against the men. Many sexiest acts can be seen due to the
raise of group that struggle for the equality between the woman and man,
feminism. Paternalistic ideology has pushed the group of feminist to create
ideas about the equality between the woman and the man. They wanted an
equal condition where is no discrimination in all life aspects. She also explains
that position of men and women is naturally equal. From these opinions,
Shoifah try to correlate between the concept of gender in Islam toward
Sachiko Murata‟s perspective (Concept of Taoism Philosophy, YIN and
YANG) about feminism.
Besides two researches above, the writer also analyzes the research
entitled The Concept of Kartinian Woman Emancipation a Quranic
Perspsective written by Lisna Hasanah (2002). In her thesis, Kartini argued
that the goal of national development would be reached by education; woman
also had the right to get education. It means, her idea is in accordance with
Islamic teaching. Lisna Hasanah tries to analyze the woman emancipation of
Kartinian in Qura‟nic perspective.
G. Research Method
This is library research. According to Supranto (2003: 28), library
research is research done by reading literature, such as, books, magazines,
journals and other data sources in the library.
The method used in analyzing the novel Perempuan Berkalung sorban
by Abidah El Khalieqy is descriptive method. Descriptive metods is telling
and interpreting existing data, for example, about the situation is experienced,
one activity relationships, outlook, attitude was revealed, or a process that
took place and affected by what is happening, abnormalities that often occur,
the tendency which seemed, pointed disagreement, etc. (Surakhmad, 1964:
This research method as follows:
1. Data source
a. The primary data source
The primary data source is the original source. A source of data
in this study was novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, by: Abidah El
Khalieqy, published by Galang Printika Yogyakarta, First Printed on
March 2001.
b. Secondary data sources
It is a data source, which is used to support and complete the
primary data. The data is taken from any kinds of books and relevant
materials such as books of hadist, journal, internet, which support the
2. Data collection techniques
In collecting the data, the writer does some following steps:
a. Reading and analyzing the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban.
b. Collecting the data from books and academic writing that have
relation with the research.
c. Writing down the important note in the novel Perempuan Berkalung
Sorban and others books.
d. Arranging the data into several parts.
e. Concluding the data
3. Data analysis techniques
To analysis the data the writer uses descriptive analysis and the
interpretation of the text is content analysis. The steps are:
a. Collecting references relevant to the analysis of the novel
b. Describing synopsis of the novel
c. Extracting the values of emancipation
d. Concluding the data analysis
H. Paper Outline
To make easier for the readers to understand the content this paper, it
is necessary to divide a thesis into several parts. The writer decides to organize
this paper into five chapters.
Chapter I is started by Introduction, which consists of Background of
the Study, Problem Statement, Objectives of Study, and Benefits of Study,
Definition of study, Review of Related Researchers, Research Methods, and
Graduating Paper Outline. Chapter II is Review of Literature, it consists of the
definition of emancipation, general description of woman emancipation,
Emancipation movement in various field, and the Intrinsic Element of novel.
Chapter III is Certain Element of the Novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban
which presents the Biography of the Author, and Synopsis of the Novel.
Chapters IV presents the Analysis and Discussion, which consist of the
Intrinsic Literary Element of the Novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, and
Woman Emancipation as seen in the Novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban.
Chapter V is Closure that deals with Conclusion and Suggestion. The last part
is Bibliography.
In this chapter, the writer will present the theory that supports the Analysis
of the novel. There are; the definition of emancipation, general description of
Woman Emancipation, Emancipation movement in various fields and the Intrinsic
Element of novel.
A. Definition of Emancipation
There are many definitions about emancipation. First, emancipation is
the act of setting free from the power of another, from slavery, subjection,
dependence, or controlling influence; also, the state of being thus set free;
liberation; as, the emancipation of slaves; the emancipation of minors; the
emancipation of a person from prejudices; the emancipation of the mind from
superstition; the emancipation of a nation from tyranny or subjection.
on 25 Desember 2011, 13:02). It means that emancipation is the equality of
rights in various areas or aspects of life in society.
In Collins English Dictionary (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/
dictionary/english/emancipation, acceced on 25 Desember 2011, 13:09) said
that emancipation is the act of freeing or state of being freed; liberation and
the freedom from inhibition and convention.
Then, according to Nadiyah (in Widoyo 1991: 16), emancipation of
women is the balance of participation between men and women. She argues
that women's emancipation in a harmonious progress is that between men and
women do not have the same alignment for a woman is to develop the
potential to be able to function harmoniously.
In A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (Palmowski, 2004)
says that the women emancipation is the achievement of complete economic,
social, political and religious equality of women with men, an aspiration
whose realization in the course of the twentieth century has been gradual,
varied and incomplete.
Nawal el Sadawi (2001: 8), she is a doctor and socialist Egypt
feminism, states that true emancipation means free from all of kinds of
emancipation, wheter economically, politically, sexually or culturally.
From the opinion above, it can be concluded that the emancipation of
women is not just dealing with the emancipation of equal rights with men, but
a true human emancipation, both of mental and spiritual.
Then, emancipation should be able to create a woman who has
character, personality and high integrity, which could eliminate all that
insulting and degrading of women. The honor and dignity for women can
occur and uphold human values, truth and justice.
B. General description of Woman Emancipation
When we discuss about the emancipation of women in the general
concept, is closely relation to feminism. Feminism is a movement that
demands the emancipation of women or equality and justice rights with men
(http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminisme Accesed on 25 Desember 2011,
According to Rachmat Hidayat, feminist movements emerged in
various forms and explore vast areas where women are involved and
interested in it. In late 1970, attention feminism experienced significant
deflection. From their focus on areas of empirical and concrete, legal political,
economic and social discrimination against women, feminism began to realize
the point of view of the profound influence of the gender concept on the order
of life to the abstract regions-normative, education, science, philosophy and
even building and rationality are considered established (2004:2).
Feminist is conciousness about the effect of gender for woman in both
of family and society. Besides, it also means a man and woman action in
changing this condition.(Ilyas, 1998:42)
According to Mansur Faqih in Tutle‟s book about emancipation
movement says emerged because of existence of the view that in community
was received by a mistake in treating the woman as the realization from
injustice gender, that covered : (1) the marginalization of woman in various
family life field, the work and community, (2) the subordination of the woman
as resulting from the existence of the view that woman was irrational, (3)
stereotype that caused a loss to the woman, (4) various violence against
woman, both physically and in a mental manner, was caused by the existence
of the view that the woman was weak, (5) double burden. (Tutle, 1986: 107)
There are many theories of feminist. They are:
a. Liberal
Equality and similarity are basis for defining this theory. It
assumes that everybody has the same opportunity and right,
whether man or woman. (Ilyas, 1998:42)
b. Marxism
The oppresion of woman is caused by the politic, economic,
and social construction. Besides, it also influences by the
capitalism system. According to this theory, woman will not
get her right and opportunity if she still life in capitalism.(Ilyas,
1998: 48)
c. Radical
This theory assumes that the main factor of the division of
labour is the patriarchal system. It also refuses the devision of
labour based on sexes. It refuses the sexual discourse.
d. Social
Acctualy, man oppresses woman trought the patriarchal
system. For this reason it is important for woman to have the
conciousness to make a movement in order to against the
system. In other hand, the theory refuses the patriarchal system.
In Indonesia, there are many feminists such us Ratna Megawangi, who
divides the woman potential into universal and specific potentially. With her
universal potentially, woman has similary with the man, especially in her
intelligence. And the specific potentially from her as to has natural feminity
(Megawangi, 1999:5)
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that everybody
requires the equality and fairly. Its seems that the greater part of society,
however,wants to express themselves freely without by limited by sexes.
Thus, the concept of emancipation of women in the general concept is closely
related to the feminist movement.
C. Emancipation of woman in various fields
Emancipation movement it is occurs in all sector of life. There are;
emancipation in making decision, emancipation in marriage, economics,
education, and family life. The following, the writer will explain the
classification of the woman emancipation movement.
1. Emancipation in making decision
Emancipation also occurs in decision making for women. Some
people consider the position if held by women will lead to chaos. Women
considered incapable of taking responsibility imposed on her. What has
been described above is called subordination.
Policies are made without "assuming important" of women. The
assumption that women have innate "emotional" so it is considered
inappropriate featured as party leader or a manager even as a president is a
process of subordination and discrimination based on gender. (Fakih 2008:
Through the emancipation movement, the woman tried to demand
justice for them to be recognized and given the opportunity to participate
in decision making and become equal partners with men. One of the
demands of women is so they can maintain their own decisions without the
intervention of men.
2. Emancipation in marriage
Social position of women in Indonesian society is very low. For
example, women could only 'keep silence' in their parent‟s house, are
prepared to get married. After marriage, women are under the authority of
her husband.
Through emancipation movement in marriage, is expected no
longer to harm the women and provide justice to the fair for women, so
they feel protected from gender inequality in law made by men.
3. Emancipation in Economic
In development Era, requires the participation of all parties
expected both of men and women to participate. But, in fact actually
economic impoverishment (marginalization) of women is still happen.
Although not every marginalization of woman is caused by gender
inequality, but most of the marginalization of women is caused by
injustice. Besides that, the society's belief that men are the breadwinners,
for example, whatever work performed by women is valued only as
"additional" and therefore should be paid less (Fakih, 2008: 74).
Women's emancipation movement in the economic field this is for
them given the freedom to work according to their talents and abilities,
and be treated equal with men. Opportunity for more advanced wide open
and there are no obstacles that are often associated with gender issues. In
modern sector, opportunities more opened up the possibility for women to
make choices, better choices in an effort to develop them and improve
living conditions, by improving education and skills.
4. Emancipation in Education
The subordination and marginalization of women occurs because
of men assume women do not have the ability like men. This is because
women are not given the opportunity to get the highest education. Unlike
men, they were given more opportunities and facilities to get an education,
so they can work in all fields.
The notion of society that women “will be go kitchen”, why should
high school, because women do not advance. Duping is intended for
women are always under men, so that they can be treated arbitrarily by
According to Isna (2001: 64) education is the keyword in handling
the all problem that happened. By education we wil find the best way to
fix our problem.
Therefore, through the movement of emancipation, women want to
get the opportunity to acquire an education that height as obtained by men.
Woman had their right for learning and gaining the knowledge as much as
posible, in the same manner like men.
5. Emancipation in Family Environment
Besides; political, economic, and educational, gender inequality
also occurs in the environment of the family (domestic). What is the
process of decision making, division of labor and interaction between
family members in many everyday household is accomplished by using
the assumption of gender. Therefore, the household is also a critical place
in socializing gender inequality. The last and most difficult to change the
gender inequality that has taken hold in confidence and become the
ideology of women and men. Thus, it can be concluded that the
manifestations of gender inequality is rooted from the belief of each
person, family to the state level that is so global (Fakih; 2008:23).
Family environment of women's gender roles is to manage the
household, many women bear the burden of domestic work more and
longer also become burden. In other words, these women's gender roles,
has resulted in the growth of traditions and beliefs of society that they
should be overall responsibility for the implementation of domestic work.
Socialization of gender roles creates a feeling of guilt in the woman, if it
does not work domestic tasks.
As a men, he has no responsibility about it, even in many
customary traditions of men are prohibited from engaging in domestic
work. The workload is doubled for women who work outside and at home.
Besides, her working outside; they also still have to be responsible
for all domestic work. Workload by women is very heavy and often men
do not appreciate them. Both of physical and mental violence are often
men give to women when in she completing domestic work or the other, is
not maximal.
Therefore, women are also seeking for men also get a part in
domestic work, although not large in scale. The women also demanded for
domestic work in completing these men helped to not only give the
command, scold or criticize the domestic work of women who are not
maximal. In this case, men become equal partners with women.
D. The intrinsic literary elements of novel
The intrinsic and extrinsic elements are the elements that build novel,
poetry and drama in order to get better understanding about the content of the
It is necessary to know about the elements that construct the unity of
novel thus the reader will have full satisfaction in reading a story. There are
several kinds of intrinsic elements of novel. They are character, theme, setting,
point of view, style and plot. Each element completes the other.
1. Character
Character is a person in a narrative or drama. Character is divided
in two parts: the major characters and minor characters. The major
characters are the most important figures, men and women in a literary
work. The major character is not by itself representing a noble nature
because it can also be negative, but because he was the central figure in
the story. Meanwhile, minor characters are figures that the properties and
behavior characterizations serve to support the main character (Melani,
2002: 188).
Based on the explanation above, it can be understood that the
action or work, the attributes of actor and physical appearance and the
emotion of character inner self can be used to make character in the story.
2. Theme
The theme is underlying issue to be elaborated in a narrative essay.
Translation can be trough narration or dialogue the actors of the story.
Themes can vary depending on the author's taste, such as love, humanity,
divinity, culture, social criticism, revenge. (Stanton, 1965:20)
3. Setting
Setting is the actions of the characters take a place at sometime in
some place, amid something, temporal and spatial surroundings. Setting is
divided into two parts, setting of place and setting of time. (Potter, 1967:
4. Point of view
According to James L. Potter, point of view of a story is to identify
the narrator. The point of view show the position from which the story is
told. (Potter, 1967: 28).
5. Style
Style in the literature is the author‟s manner of using language.
Even if two authors were to use the same plot, characters and settings, the
result would be two stories different. Because on their language would
differ in complexity, rhythm, sentence length, subtlety, humor,
concreteness and the number and kinds of images and metaphors. The
particular mixture of standard and poor qualities in each story would
constitute its style. (Stanton, 1965: 30)
Style is deals with the figurative language. Figurative language is
expressed by means of metaphor or other figure of speech. Figurative is
addicted to or abounding in figures of speech (Webster, 1994:350)
There are kind of figurative language expression, such as simile,
metaphor, hyperbole, sarcasm, personification, metonymy,symbolism,
synecdoche, irony, and litotes.
a. Simile
Simile is a means of comparing things that are essentially unlike
directly by using connection word,e.g similar to, like, same as,etc.
(Perine, 1978:54)
b. Metaphor
Metaphor is means of comparing things that are essentially a like
directed without any connective word showing comparison, e.g.
like, as, etc. (Perine, 1978:54)
c. Hyperbole
Hyperbole is a figure of speech which greatly exaggerated the
truth.(Webster, 1994: 476)
d. Sarcasm
That is a mockery or satire with rude words.(Webster, 1994: 1117)
e. Personification
Personification consist in giving the attributer of human being to an
animal, an object, or a consept .(Perine, 1978:55)
f. Metonymy
Metonymy is a figure of speech characterized by the use of the
name of or a thing in place of the name of something that is
simbolizes. (Webster, 1994:300)
g. Symbolism
Symbolism is representation of ideas by the use of literary and
artistic movement that used artictic invention to express sensually
ideas, emotions, abstraction in place of realism. (Hornby:
h. Synecdoche
Synecdoche is the style of figurative language that use something
to all (pars pro toto), and used to explain part of something to all
(totum pro toto).(Dinyani, 2002: 563)
i. Irony
Irony is a mode of speech in which the real meaning is exactly the
opposite of that which is literary conveyed.(Wern &Malik,
j. Litotes
Litotes is expression of one‟s meaning by saying something is the
direct opposite of one‟s thought, it to make someone‟s remarks
forceful (Hornby, 2000:451)
6. Plot
Plot is a sequence of events that constitutes a whole unit separate
from the happenings that precede or follow it. A plot is based on a series
of events that are partly the result of some continuing cause, formed by a
casual sequence of events and begins when the continuing cause begins
and that cause carries the sequence forward. (Potter: 1967, 24)
A. Biography of Abidah El Khalieqy
Abidah El Khalieqy was born in Jombang (East Java) on the First
March 1965. She was known as women's contemporary Indonesian poet. She
was born in a family of santri. After graduation from Islamic Elementary
School, she continued her school in Pondok Pesantren Modern Putri
"PERSIS", Bangil, Pasuruan, for six years. In this boarding school, she writes
short stories and children stories in mass media by name Ida Arek Ronopati,
Idasmara Prameswari, or Ida Bani Khadir. Then, she looking for similarities
in SMA Jakarta Utara and in MAN Klaten (one year). She resolving S 1 from
Syari‟ah Faculty (Criminal Civil Islam) at IAIN Sunan Kalijaga with a thesis
on "Women in the Physical Value Commodity Perspective of Islamic Law
(Studies in the field of advertisement)". (Khalieqy; 2001, 307)
Since in Jogjakarta, she was active in the community of ESKA teater,
Study and Appreciation of Literature, Lingkaran Penyair Yogyakarta (Forum
Pengadilan Puisi). Become sympathizers of woman movement; write a lot of
essay about women. Active in the Kelompok Diskusi Perempuan
International (KDPI) Jogja, also follows a meeting the Asian Pacific Forum
on Women, Law and Development.
As a creative poet, in 1994 and 2000, she was invited by the Arts
Council to read her poetry at Taman Ismail Marzuki and read her poems at
the ASEAN Secretariat (1998). In addition to reading his poems, she was also
a featured speaker at Forum 21 in TIM Century Poet (1996), was a speaker in
Sastrawan Bicara, Siswa Bertanya (SBSB, 2000). In the year 1995,
represented Indonesia in ASEAN Writer's Conference, Workshop Poetry in
Manila, Philippine and become a companion in the Bengkel Kerja Penulisan
Kreatif Majelis Sastra Asia Tenggara (MASTERA, 1997). And in 1998, she
received an Art Award in Literature from the Government of DIY (1998).
(Khalieqy; 2001: 308-309)
Besides that, she also wrote Anthology Together : ASEANO: An
Anthology of Poems Southeast Asia (1996), Album Cyber Indonesia Australia (1998), Force Major (2007), Rainbow: Indonesian Women's POET
(2008), Indonesian Literary: A Women's Short Story (2008), the American EJournal - Word Without Borders (2009), E-Books Library For Di fabel
(2007), Author of Women of Indonesia (1997), 18 Indonesian Women Poets
(http://beitelkhaliy.wordpress.com, accesed on 27 Desember 2011, 08:00).
The books of Abidah El Khalieqy are:
1. Ibuku Laut Berkobar
It is a book that contains a collection of poems Abidah El Khalieqy
called for women's voices and their content. It is published on 1997.
2. Menari di Atas Gunting
It is a short story. It contained many links to explore the history
and reality of women in Muslim communities.
3. Perempuan Berkalung Sorban
This is the first novel Abidah El Khalieqy. It is published on March
2001 by Galang Printika Yogyakarta in cooperation with Yayasan
Kesejahteraan Fatayat (YKF) Yogyakarta and the Ford Foundation. In
the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, Abidah progressive moves to
raise a rebellion and resistance against the system of patriarchal culture
through the characters. With characters Annisa in this novel, Abidah trying
to defend against the ownership of the body and reproductive rights of
4. Atas Singgasana
This is the second novel. It is published on 2002. About the
struggle of women who have been directed to alleviating the status and
position of women from the shackles of patriarchal traditions in domestic
and public space. Kamila, the main character, a representation of female
rebels who tried to find authenticity himself in the midst of threats and
men decay. Therefore, in taking his career, Kamila characters always
move from one job to another job type. And then becomes more precious
self, dignity, when he became active in the organization of women who
have goals are no different from struggle.
5. Geni Jora
It is published on 2004, describes the persistence of a santriwati
ideal, moderate-minded, intelligent and often argues with the ustadz
especially for things that were deemed disturbing thoughts and feelings.
Kejora dare refuse an invitation and seduction Zakky (her boyfriend) to do
something that deviates from the value of religion. Kejora plainly stated
that women had the right to express opinions, to take the initiative to
accept or reject all matters relating to the body and soul, including in
matters of love. Women also have to dare to make the interpretation of
Quran verses as a tool that can be used to protect themselves from male
oppression. In other words, the novel also contains a goal to introduce
Islamic theological perspectives in the discourse of gender.
6. Mahabbah Rindu
It is published on 2007, is a novel that tells of an Arab woman
named Aya gets tough challenges from the family because of a
relationship with a regular guy. Thus, in this novel, often explore the links
between the Arab and Javanese traditions in the life of the Muslim
7. Nirzona
It is published on 2008, is a novel that tells women characters in it
are more socially and politically while traveling on her ideals. With the
social and cultural settings in Aceh, far before reaching the post-Tsunami,
Nirzona emphasize position of women and the struggle between the affairs
of state, power and violence.
8. Mikraj Odysey
It is published on 2009, is a book of short stories under the theme:
exploring love, humanity and spirituality of women in the middle of the
(http://beitelkhaliy.wordpress.com/about/ accesed on 27 Desember 2011,
B. Synopsis of Perempuan Berkalung Sorban Novel
In the middle of the village, there is a boarding school founded and
nurtured by Kyai Hanan and Kyai Ali as his partner. Kyai Hanan has three
children, two men (Wildan and Rizal) and one woman, named Annisa
Nuhaiyyah. But unlike the second brother, Annisa is blessed with intelligence
and a critical attitude since childhood. Critical, intelligent and have a passion
for life that was the figure of Anissa.
Until the age of nine years, when she wanted to learn to ride a horse,
as both her brother, father banned and even scolded him. Starting from this
event, Annisa grow as a woman who always asks about things not related to
his position as a girl. Since she was at Islamic Elementary School, she was
known about differences assumption between man and woman.
About Kyai Hanan, he was Annisa‟s father , he was a gruff, oldfashioned and outdated, Kyai Hanan always assume Annisa is a girl who is
not submissive, she was always treated differently Annisa with two older
brothers. Annisa also always arguing with Kyai Ali, Kyai Ali is one of the
instructor or Ustadz who teaches at the pesantren of Annisa‟s father. It was
he who holds a lesson and the main books that must be followed by all santri.
Kyai Ali is a figure of arrogant, so old, and Annisa did not like the opinion of
Kyai Ali that the status of women is lower than men.
Therefore, Annisa never felt comfort with the family and the
pesantren environment. She always felt excluded, because she is female. His
mother, Nyai Muthmainah, also be silent.
About Lek Khudori, Khudori is a smart young man, open minded and
alumni of a modern Islamic boarding school (Gontor), a distant relative of his
mother who lived several months at home, so Khudori is Annisa's uncle, he
would often complain and share about anything that she has a protector. But
the Khudori‟s protection does not last long. Khudori went to Al-Azhar ,Cairo
to continue his studies there. Annisa leave alone.
When Annisa was still studying in Junior High School, Annisa was
married to a Bachelor of Law named Syamsudin, the son of a well-known
Kyai who has abundant wealth. Annisa young married forcibly by
Syamsudin. Although Annisa married to an educated and wealthy, but Annisa
did not feel the beauty of the marriage, Annisa is felt abuse and rape, Annisa
feel like become as slave and only serve as satisfied appetite.
Early marriage brought Annisa to another world, world filled with
threats, violence and abuse against women in a family's existence. Later,
Annisa's wedding increasingly messy, especially when one day came home a
widow named Annisa Kalsum and has been pregnant since her husband's
depravity, Annisa was eventually polygamy, and her husband forced him to
agree to polygamy, Annisa courage to revolt against to her husband. But
Annisa always tell her suffer to Lek Khudori (when she was continuing S2 in
Cairo, Egypt) through the mail.
Seven years later, Khudori completion of his studies in Cairo, and
again came to the Annisa‟s pesantren, at the time greeting or tasyakuran of
Lek Khudori ,Annisa was eventually encouraged herself to tell her mother and
father about her suffer due to Syamsudin‟s act. The finally Annisa‟s family
act immediately, that Annisa divorces with Syamsudin. Then, Annisa alone to
get freedom and justice that always missed so Annisa returned to her family,
and refused to live together with Syamsudin, until they officially divorced.
Annisa was relieved that there would Lek Khudori who always help him. But
it turned out; his arrival could not help Annisa.
Furthermore, Annisa graduated from Senior High school. She decides
to continue her study at Islamic college in Yogyakarta. In this city, Annisa
never tired to keep fighting and active in various campus activities, especially
activities in favor of equality and justice to women. And seeks to criticize
opinions and myths about women who delivered by "the kyai” and "kitabkitab kuning" which are missoginis, then offer the solution change;
reinterpretation of the verses of al-Quran and Hadith, and jurisprudence
related to reconstruction existence and problems of women.
In the end, when Annisa has obtained enlightenment in Yogyakarta,
suddenly Khudori come and grow back the love that missed by Annisa when
she was child. Annisa did not know it was supervised by Lek Khudori, he also
sign up to become a lecturer at universities in Yogyakarta and finally they
continue the story in Jogja.
Then, Lek Khudori apply to Annisa by visiting her parents, and they
get married. They lived in Yogyakarta and have one child, whose name
Mahbub. Both of them live in tranquility, mutual understanding, and mutual
support and push to complete various household problems with justice, virtue
and goodness in accordance with the teaching of Islam.
Until one day Annisa got a call from the hospital, that her husband
had an accident. Khudori bleeding in the brain, due to concussion in the head,
and eventually Khudori died. Annisa receive this ordeal with the trust, he
remained calm. Although, she knew Khudori is hitted by Syamsudin. After
Khudori dead, Annisa never tired to continue fighting independently,
alleviating women's oppression around her.
A. Intrinsic literary elements of the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban
The literary elements of a novel are character, plot, setting, point of
view, styles and themes. The literary elements of the novel Perempuan
Berkalung Sorban are following:
1. Character
Character may be presented trough description and discussion or
by author‟s simply reporting and the character speech or action (Little,
1970 : 89). In this story there is major and minor character.
a. Major Character
1) Annisa
Annisa is a central figure in this story. Her full name is
Annisa Nuhaiyyah.
Aku tak tahu, apalagi menerka, kenapa bapakku
memberiku nama Annisa. Lengkapnya Annisa Nuhaiyyah.
Aku hanya mengerti bahwa kata itu memiliki arti
perempuan yang berakal, atau perempuan yang
berpandangan luas.( Khalieqy, 2001:51)
(I don‟t know, let alone to guess, why my father gave me
name Annisa. The complete name : Annisa Nuhaiyyah.
I just understand that the words have meaning; an
intelligent woman, or women who are liberal-minded.)
She is a Muslim woman who is not radical, she always
criticizing a man's world.
“Memang urusan laki-laki itu apa ? Apa perempuan tak
boleh mengetahuinya?” kata Annisa (Khalieqy, 2001: 9)
(“What is the business of man? What women should not
know? “said Annisa) 32
From Annisa‟s statement above we can know that she has
great ambitions to struggle for women's rights; she wants to fight
the power of patriarchal.
Annisa as an intelligent and beautiful woman can show
from this quation:
“Kamu cerdas, Nisa”, bisik Lek khudori.
“Cerdas dan cantik”, tandas lek Khudori.
(Khalieqy, 2001: 29)
(“You are smart, Nisa”, whispered Uncle Khudori,
“Intelligent and beautiful "said Uncle Khudori.)
2) Khudori
Khudori is the second central figure in this story, he is
Annisa‟s uncle. He was brother of Annisa‟s mother, but he is
brother in law. He is a man who was calm; polite pious, intelligent,
handsome and also graduated from Modern Boarding school
“Memang lekku lulusan Gontor. Sudah hampir dua tahun
ini ia kuliah di Al-Azhar, Kairo. (Khalieqy, 2001:60)
("My uncle graduates from Gontor. It was nearly two
years he studied at al-Azhar, Cairo)
It also can we know from the statement following by
Anissa‟s mother:
“Memang Lekmu itu sangat halus perasaannya Nisa.
Perangainya baik dan membaca kitabnya juga lancar.
Pengetahuannya luas tetapi ia tidak pernah
menyombongkan diri. Ibu lihat ia juga sayang sekali
sama kamu. Tidak seperti Lek Mahmudmu itu.”
(Khalieqy, 2001:55)
(Your uncle has soft-feeling, Nisa. He has good attitude
and can read Islamic book (kitab) too clearly. He has rich
knowledge, but he never arrogant. I (Nisa‟s mother) can
see, he is very love you. He was different with Uncle
Mahmud. ")
Khudori is place Annisa to share about anything; he is
Annisa‟s friend in sadness and happiness time.
b. Minor Characters
1) Samsudin
Samsudin is the first husband of Annisa. He is the son of a
famous Kiai. He is a Bachelor of Law, but his behavior did not
indicate that he knew about the law. He is stubborn temperament,
emotional and often do domestics violence. As the following
Annisa‟s statement:
”Sekalipun telah Sarjana, Samsudin tidak bekerja atau
belum mendapat pekerjaan. Mula-mula seharisemalaman ia hanya berurusan denganku, dengan
cumburayu penganti baru yang aneh dan tidak seimbang.
Kukatakan aneh sebab ia seorang Sarjana Hukum namun
sama sekali perilakunya tak mencerminkan bahwa ia
tahu tentang hukum, secuil apapun .Sering ketika aku
sedang mengepel lantai, ia datang diam-diam dari
menyetubuhiku di lantai itu juga tanpa memberi
kesempatan kepadaku,bahkan sekedar untuk bernafas
dari jepitan mulutnya yang dipenuhi oleh bau asap
rokok.”( Khalieqy, 2001: 130)
("Although he is a Bachelor, Samsudin do not work or
have not got a job yet. At first a whole day he was just
stay with me, with a strange sweet talk as a new
bridegroom and. I said it is strange because he was a law
degree but his behavior did not reflect that he knew about
the law, nothing at all. When was mopping the floor, he
often came quietly from behind, hug me, flirt me have
sexul on the floor and also he did not give me the
opportunity, to breathe from the clamp of his mouth was
filled with the smell of cigarette smoke).
From explanation above tells about Samsudin, as a husband
he cannot treat his wife well. He is a cruel and brutal husband, and
also has a sexual disorder. He always torture Annisa every day.
2) Annisa's father (Kiai Hannan)
Annisa's father, he is a father who always treats his children
different, between Annisa and her brother. He has opinion that
Annisa always wrong, and he was often scolded him. It can be seen
in the following statement:
”Di usia sepuluh tahun, Rizal masih mengenakan celana
kolor pendek untuk pergi mengembara sejauh bermil-mil
mengellilingi Kaliangkrik. Ia tertawa ngakak, meloncat
dan naik pohon pencilaan seperti Tarzan tak ada yang
peduli. Bapak tidak pernah mengatakan kalau Rizal tak
tahu adab. Tak tahu sopan-santun. Sepertinya sopan
santun memang tidak berlaku untuk kalangan laki-laki.
Hukum apapun tidak mampu menjamah kemerdekaan
mereka,sebab mereka adalah manusia. Fitrah nya adalah
merdeka. Berbeda dengan perempuan, tubuhnya saja
mirip manusia, tetapi nafsunya mirip binatang. Untuk
itulah sopan santun harus diperkenalkan padanya.
Begitulah bapak pernah mengatakan”. (Khalieqy,
("At the age of ten, Rizal was still wearing pants to go
around Kaliangkrik for amiles. He laughed out, jumped
and climbed trees as Tarzan, and feel like nobody care
him. Father never said that Rizal did not know manners;
do not know politeness, looks like a good manner does
not apply to men. Any law cannot touch their
independence, because they are human who has naturally
independence. Unlike women, their body just likes
humans, but animal their lust like animal. Therefore
Father said that manner should be introduced to her).
From the statement above we can seen the different
treatment by Kiai Hanan about how educating their children,
between boy and girl. For Kiai Hannan, Annisa always wrong. He
is the figure of a father who always loyal with the tradition of
boarding school, and hard in educating for their children.
3) Annisa‟s mother (Hajjah Muthmainah)
She was always quiet, and obedient to whatever her
husband said. She is figure of a mother who is loving and obedient
to husband.
“Ibu selalu mengatakan bahwa aku harus sabar. Seorang
istri harus menurut dan mentaati keinginan suami…”
(Khalieqy, 2001:161)
("My mother always told me that I have to be patient. A
wife must obey her husband... ").
4) Sister Kalsum
She is the second wife of Samsudin. She lived at home with
Annisa and Samsudin. She is a wife who fears her husband,
Samsudin. She let her husband do something rude to him. She is a
widow with not good temperament. It can be seen in the following
“... Kalsum lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas belasan
tahun lalu. Tetapi karena lingkungan sosial dan
budayanya berbeda denganku, Kalsum memiliki
pemikiran yang serba bebas tanpa batasan hukum
agama. Ia juga sama sekali tak berpikir tentang Syari’ah
sebagaimana caraku berpikir. Sebab itu, Kalsum tak
pernah peduli mengenai kesucian dan cinta sejati. Ia juga
tak peduli, seaneh apapun perilaku Samsudin baginya,
sepenuhnya itu urusan Samsudin sendiri ...” (Khalieqy,
("... Kalsum graduated from high 11st years a go. Because
of social and cultural environment differences from me,
Kalsum have free thought without restriction of religious
law. She also did not think of Syari‟ah as the way I think.
Therefore, Kalsum never cares about the virginity and
true love. She also do not care, about Samsudin strange
behavior toward her, it's Samsudin own privacy... ").
5) Wildan and Rizal
Both of them are the older sister of Annisa, they are always
treated differently and privileged by his father, Kiai Hannan. It can
see when Annisa‟s father scolded Anissa that she should not ride a
“Ow…ow…ow… jadi begitu. Apa ibumu belum
mengatakan padamu kalau naik kuda hanya pantas
dipelajari oleh kakakmu Rizal, atau kakakmu Wildan.
Kau tahu mengapa? Sebab kau ini anak perempuan,
Nisa. Nggak pantas anak perempuan kok naik kuda,
pencilaan, apalagi keluyuran mengelilingi ladang,sampai
blumbang segala. Memalukan! Kau ini sudah besar
masih bodoh juga, hh!!” (Khalieqy, 2001: 6)
(Ow ... ow ... ow ...It so like. That your mother told that
riding a horse is only learned Rizal your brother, or
Wildan. You know why? Because you are a daughter,
Nisa. It‟s decent, girl ride a horse, go around fields, or
river. Embarrassing! You are an adult but still ignoramus,
dd! ").
6) Ustadz Ali
Ustadz Ali or Kiai Ali is also one of the founders of Pondok
Pesantren Putri K.H. Hanan Abdul Malik. He is the representative
of Annisa‟s father in this boarding school.
He is a so old, he is a rigid. In the boarding school, Kiai
Ali always said to all santri that the status of women lower than
men, women only as a slave for men. There are no santri who dare
to argue with this opinion, except Anissa. It can be seen in the
following statement:
“Kiai Ali menikmati betul status dan posisinya sebagai
seorang kiai sepuh yang dihormati dan ditaati
perintahnya, dilaksanakan ajaran dan petuahnya secara
“sami’na wa atho’na”.Tak ada seorang santri pun yang
berani mendebat pendapatnya,apalagi menyudutkan dan
menolak alasan-alasan kuno yang disampaikannya.”
(Khalieqy, 2001:86)
("Kiai Ali enjoys his status and position as an elder Kiai
is respected and obeyed his orders, carried out his
teaching and religious advice: sami'na wa atho'na.”None
of the students dared his opinion, let alone cornering and
reject reasons ancient conveys").
7) Sister May
She is a teacher Qiro’ah of Annisa. At this boarding
school, she was given the task to train the students who are
interested in learning Qira’ah. She also has a melodious voice, nice
to hear when she read Qur‟an and her also very beautiful girl. It
can be seen in the following statement:
“… Aku suka memperhatikan Mbak May, begitu ia
dipanggil. Pertama karena Mbak May mempunyai kulit
putih dan halus. Mbak May juga memiliki rambut yang
panjang yang dikepang dua, dan kalau dilepas jilbabnya
seperti para pendekar Putri Shaolin. Selain itu, dan ini
yang membuatku tertarik memperhatikan Mbak May,
suaranya sangat merdu,enak untuk didengar oleh telinga,
apalagi ketika membaca Alqur’an. Memang, Mbak May
pernah menjadi juara Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an
Tingkat Kabupaten untuk golongan remaja. Dan di
lingkungan pondok, Mbak May diserahi tugas melatih
para santri yang tertari belajar Qira’ah.” (Khalieqy,
("... I like to pay attention to Sister May, so she was
called. Firstly because Sister May has white and smooth
skin. Sister May also has long hair is braided in two, and
if her headscarf was removed, she is like the Shaolin
princess warrior. Moreover, I was interested her voice is
very beautiful, nice to be heard by the ears, especially
when reading the Koran. Indeed, Sister May ever be a
champion of Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an of District for
youth groups. And in the boarding School environment,
Sister May was assigned to teach the students who learn
8) Aisyah
Aisyah is familiar with Annisa. She is not santri at the
Annisa‟s boarding school, but she is a village woman who often
came to Annisa‟s house, Annisa also often come to her house.
Annisa never hesitate to talk about her feelings to Aisyah.
“Meskipun ia sudah kelas satu Tsanawiyah, aku tak
pernah sungkan untuk menumpahkan perasaan
kepadanya” (Khalieqy, 2001:59)
("Although she was junior high school, I never hesitate to
tell about my feelings").
9) Mr. Joko
He is Indonesian teacher of Annisa. He likes to tease
Annisa with his eyes.
”... Seseorang mencolek pundakku dari belakang. Aku
terkejut bukan main sebab dia adalah Pak Joko, guru
bahasa Indonesiaku yang baru, yang suka menggodaku
dengan lirikan mata keranjangnya.” (Khalieqy, 2001:56)
("... Someone touch my shoulder from behind. I was so
surprised by Mr. Joko my Indonesian teacher, who likes
to tease me with his greedy playboy ).
10) Mr .Tasmin
He is a man who often work on paddy fields Annisa's
father. He also had help Annisa and Aisyah when they disturbed a
pimp, when they back to home from the bookstore. As in the
following statement:
“ Jeng Nisa, Jeng Nisa … ada apa? Apa yang terjadi?
Seorang laki-laki setengah baya yang kemudian kuingat
sebagai tetangga desa yang pernah menggarap sawah
bapak, namanya Pak Tasmin, mendekat dengan
sekeranjang dagangannya, benda-benda tajam seperti
belati, arit, bendho, godam dan lain-lain.
Begitu suara Pak Tasmin memanggil namaku, laki-laki
itu surut dan mengurungkan niatnya. Ia melepaskan
tanganku dan menoleh ke arah Pak Tasmin.Kugunakan
kesempatan itu untuk melangkah menjauhinya dan Pak
Tasmin paham. Ia mendelik ke arah laki-laki monster
dengan pisau besar (bendo) yang baru digenggamnya.
Beberapa orang melintas dan kemudian berduyun-duyun
para penonton keluar dari gedung pertunjukan.
Perasaanku menjadi tenang dan kuceritakan semuanya
pada Pak Tasmin.” (Khalieqy, 2001:67-68)
("Mrs. Nisa ... Mrs, Nisa ... what up? What is happened?
A middle-aged men who I remembered as my neighbor in
the village who had worked my father on fields, his name
is Mr.Tasmin, he is coming with a basket of wares, sharp
things such as daggers, sickles, sledgehammers and
“After Mr Tasmin call me, the man carried on his
intention, released my hand and look back Mr Tasmin.
He let go of my hand and turned to the Mr.Tasmin. I use
this opportunity to step away and Mr. Tasmin understand
it. He with a big knife (Bendo) that just he holds glared at
the monster male. Some people came and then the
viewers flocking out of the theater. I feel calm and I told
Mr. Tasmin about everything”).
11) Uncle Mahmud
He was also uncle of Annisa, but Annisa does not like
Uncle Mahmud. He often holds the thigh of Annisa when he taught
to read the Qur‟an, when Annisa still child. As in the following
“... Tidak seperti Lek Mahmud yang suka mengelus-elus
pahaku sewaktu mengajariku mengaji, sehingga bapak
melarangku untuk belajar ngaji bersamanya. Bahkan
bapak telah berkali-kali mengusir dan menyuruh Lek
Mahmud untuk tidak bermain-main di rumah kami.
Padahal ia adalah adik kandung bapakku sendiri.”
(Khalieqy, 2001:36)
("... Unlike Uncle Mahmud who like stroking my thigh
while teaching me, so my father forbide me to learn the
Koran with him. Even my father has repeatedly told
Uncle Mahmud for not playing in our home. Eventhough
he is the younger brother of my father).
Uncle Mahmud, as a husband, he was also not so
responsible. He does not know the rights and obligations in the
housekeeping. He cannot be responsible for the physical needs
(material) and the biological needs (sexual needs) to her wife.
It can be seen in the following quotation:
“Sampai Sania lahir, satu kalipun aku tak pernah
meminta untuk itu, Nis. Bahkan sampai kini” (Khalieqy,
("Until Sania was born, I never asked for it until now,
12) Lek Ummi
Her full name is Ummi Sa‟adah, she was the wife of Uncle
Mahmud. She is a woman who is inferior (less confident), she is so
tortured by his home life; she wants his rights as a wife in
proportional. But she was embarrassed and did not dare sue her
rights to her husband.
“Paling-paling yang dikerjakan Lek Mahmud hanya
menyuapi Sania kalau pagi. Selebihnya aku semua yang
mengerjakan. Kau bisa bayangkan betapa capek nya,
dari mencuci baju dan perabot dapur, menyapu,
mengepel, memasak dan menyetrika pakaian. Kadangkadang mas Mahmud mau juga menyetrika,jika kebetulan
Sania rewel dan minta bersamaku. Wah! Nis, tak
terbayangkan repotnya punya anak tanpa PRT.
“(Khalieqy, 2001:258)
("As usual Uncle Mahmud only feed Sania in the
morning. Other job is mine. You can imagine how tired I
am, from washing clothes and kitchen utensils, sweeping,
mopping, cooking and ironing clothes. Sometimes he
likes ironing, if Sania fussy and want to beside. Wow!
Nis, how troublesome has children without servant")
And also in the following statement:
”Dan Lek Mahmud pernah tidak menanyakan padamu,
apa kau sudah siap mengandung atau belum, atau kau
ingin menundanya mungkin?”
”Sama sekali tidak. Mungkin aku terlalu sibuk dan tak
pernah membicarakan masalah seperti itu.”
”Yang sibuk itu hanya kamu, Lek sebab semua kau
tangani sendiri. Dan masalah seperti itu harusnya
dibicarakan berdua dan kaulah yang berhak
menentukannya, sebab kaulah yang akan menanggung
”Benarkah seperti itu,Nis?” (Khalieqy, 2001:260)
("And Uncle Mahmud never asked you, what are you
already pregnant or not, or you might want to postpone
"Absolutely not. Maybe I'm too busy and never talk about
this problem."
"You are busy, because all job you handle alone. And
such problems should be discussed together and you're
entitled to decide, because you're the one who will bear
the burden,”
"Really, Nis?")
From some quotes above it can be seen that as a wife Lek
Ummi did not feel happiness from her husband. Uncle Mahmud is
not so responsible with his household.
13) Nina, Sister Ummi, and Sister Laila
They were college friends of Annisa in Yogyakarta. And
they also lived in the same boarding house.
“Dan kami pun bercanda dengan akrab hingga malam.
Begitu aku masuk dapur untuk membikin minuman, Nina,
Mbak Ummi, Mbak Laila dan beberapa teman indekos
menyerbu ke dapur mengerubungiku dan menghujaniku
dengan berbagai pertanyaan.” (Khalieqy, 2001: 202)
("And we were joking familiarly until evening. As soon
as I entered the kitchen to make drinks, Nina, Sister
Ummi, Sister Laila and several friends burst into the
kitchens stand around and ask me with questions").
14) Sister Maryam
She is chairman of a women's organization. The husband of
Maryam is a director of an Agency of Law. She is active in campus
organizations; she also worked as a prospective batik traders.
.. Mbak maryam adalah istri seorang direktur sebuah
lembaga hukum yang selain aktif di organisasi kampus,
ia juga nyambi sebagai pedagang batik yang prospektif.
Mbak Maryam memiliki karakter yang kuat sebagai
pemimpin...( Khalieqy, 2001:223)
(Sister Maryam is the wife of a director in a institution of
law, she is active in campus organizations; she also
worked as a prospective batik merchants. Sister Maryam
has a strong character as a leader.)
She is a woman who is sensitive to the injustices
against women.
... Mbak Maryam memiliki kepekaan yang luar biasa
dalam ketidakadilan. Mungkin hasil pergaulannya
dengan suaminya (Khalieqy: 2001:223)
(Sister Maryam has an extraordinary sensitivity in
injustice. Maybe, it is the results of interaction with her
And also can see in the following quation:
“…kritikannya yang tajam terhadap kasus-kasus para
suami-suami yang menelantarkan istri, melecehkan istri,
perlakuan kasar sampai membunuh dan penyelewengan
umum yang dilakukan para suami secara sembunyi dan
terang-terangan di muka anak-istri, Mbak maryam
adalah pusat kekagumanku karena kedalaman
kritikannya jauh dari kesan kanak-kanak yang menang
sendiri. Ia juga sering melontarkan kritik tajamnya
mandiri..”(Khalieqy, 2001: 223)
("... Her criticism of the cases of husbands who
abandoned his wife, abusive wife, killing up to harsh
treatment and abuse committed by the husband's general
secretly and openly in front of the child-wife, Sister
Maryam is the center of my admiration for the depth
criticism, not childish who win his own way. She also
frequently do depth criticism toward women's
organizations that are not independent).
In this novel, the plot is so simple. The plot of the novel is as
a) Exposition
The story begins when Annisa was a kid, she likes playing in
the river with Rizal, to get fish. As a woman Annisa prefer fishing,
climbing trees, and learning to ride a horse. She always wanted to be
like her brothers. But, Annisa always felt he was in the wrong
situation. Then Annisa put secretly in love with Khudori, because only
Khudori who always accompany Annisa. Kudhori is placing of Annisa
express her feeling when she was treated unfairly by her family.
But, Annisa always still discriminated by her father opinion
that women are creatures of number two. Annisa always get the not
advantageous position. Until one day she suddenly married to
b) Conflict
The conflict began when Annisa wading households with
Samsudin. Annisa always gives harsh treatment from Samsudin. He is
a male with psychological disorders and sexual disorders. He was a
man possessive and rough. Annisa always gets abuse from her own
husband. Until one day, Annisa must face the fact that Samsudin will
be married a widow named Kalsum. Then, polygamy is occur in
Annisa‟s household.
c) Resolution
Resolution in this novel is when Lek Kudhori returned to
Indonesia after he completed his studies at Al Azhar University. He
come back to Annisa‟s boarding school, He was meeting with Annisa
and then Annisa tells of her suffering when living with Syamsudin.
Finally, Annisa dares to tell her family that she had been getting the
constant torment from Syamsudin. Annisa divorced Syamsudin. Then,
Annisa continue her studies in Yogyakarta. After that he met with
Khudori again, they were married. They live happily.
3. Setting
Setting is divided into two parts, namely setting of place and
setting of time. There are as follow :
a. Setting of place
1) Boarding school of Kiai Haji Abdul Malik Hanan
It is the place where Annisa live, learn, and read Alqur‟an
together with other santri.
2) Kajoran Village
This is one of a village in the district of Magelang, where
Annisa learn to ride, and she usually stops there, then fishing in the
3) Al-Hikmah Bookstores
This is one of the most complete bookstores in the city.
Usually, Annisa and Aisyah often buy books there.
4) Porch of Mosque (on left side)
It is placing the santri to study Kitab Kuning with Kiai
5) Movie Theater
It is located near the bookstore, precisely on the left the
restaurant. They never want to watch a movie there, but they
disturbed a pimp. Fortunately, there are people who help them, Mr
Tasmin. They will not be watching movie.
6) Campus
Annisa studied in one of Islamic University in Jogjakarta
after she has divorced by Samsudin.
7) Annisa‟s Boarding House or Indekost
In Yogjakarta Annisa has lived in the boarding house
8) Hospital
When Khudori had accident, he treated at the hospital and
finally he was died.
b. Setting time
Setting the time this novel is about the year 2001. Authors get
information from the statement:
Ketika menulis novel ini, saya sedang mengandung anak
ketiga, dan beberapa hari setelah novel selesai, tepat nya pada
17 Januari 2001, lahir pula anak kami. Karena itu pula, saya
sering menyitir bahwa kelahiran PBS memiliki sejarah
tersendiri yang melekat pada tetesan keringat, air mata dan
darah kami. (http://beitelkhaliy.wordpress.com/about/ accesed
on 29 Desember 2011, 04:00)
(When I am writing this novel, I was pregnant of third child,
and for few days after the novel is finished, its precise on
January 17, 2001, our son was born too. Because of that, I
often cite that the birth of the PBS has its own history attached
to the droplets of sweat, tears and our blood).
4. Point of view
In this novel, the author uses the first point of view because the
novel uses the word "Aku" to tell the story.
The following example will show the author in using the first point
of view;
“Aku menggangguk dengan rasa ragu. Kulirik kondisi Rizal
bajunya basah kuyup. Aku ingin tertawa menyadari betapa
sesungguhnya ia lebih bodoh dariku, tetapi khawatir Rizal semakin
berang. Maka kusimpan tawa itu dalam kenangan, Dan Rizalpun
semakin tidak sadar bahwa sekalipun mulut kami membisu, kondisi
tubuhnyalah yang akan berbicara kepada bapak.” (Khalieqy,
("I nodded with a sense of doubt. I glanced at Rizal‟s wet clothes. I
want to when realize how stupid he is more than me, but I worry
Rizal increasingly irate so I keep the laughter in my memories and
also Rizal realize hat even though our mouths is silent, the
condition of his body that would speak to my father).
5. Style
Discussion about style in this novel, the author describes the
style use of author‟s language and his style of imagination.
1) Personification
Personification is parable‟s inanimate which has properties such as
living beings.
a. Sungai-sungai kecil melengkungkan tubuhnya seperti sabit para
petani yang menunggu musim panen. Sawah dan ladang
berundak-undak seakan tangga untuk mendaki ke dalam istana
peri. (Khalieqy, 2001:1)
(The small rivers such as sickle arched farmers awaiting harvest.
Paddies and fields as staircase steps in the ladder to climb into
fairy palace)
b. Seperti senja meminang malam dan pagi mengantarkan siang,
burung-burung tak pernah selesai mengunjungi cakrawala.
Sepenggalah matahari terus mendaki, menaiki takhtanya diatas
bumi, bergerak perlahan menuju garis edarnya. (Khalieqy,
(As dusk proposed to deliver during the night and morning, the
birds never finished visiting the horizon. Half of the sun
continues to climb, up the throne upon the earth, moving slowly
toward an orbit)
From two sentences above, the style of the sentences are
personification, because the sentences are always using the word
"as" in the style of writing. Here, the author using other objects to
illustrate a situation.
2) Hyperbola
That is a way to express something with the author's
exaggerated. Contain in the following examples.
a. Ketika perceraian berlangsung juga, kutatap langit
diatasku berhamburan bintang-bintang. Bunga-bunga
bermekaran mengirim wangi merasuki sanubari,
mengangkatku jauh menaiki keindahan tak terperi.
Sukmaku melayang ringan menjemput purnama dan udara
kebebasan. (Khalieqy, 2001: 186)
(When the divorce has taken place, I looked up at the sky
poured upon me the stars. The flowers blossom fragrance
permeated the heart, lifted far up the unspeakable beauty.
Mild float pick up my soul is full and the air of freedom.)
b. Terkuburlah airmata dan duka lara. Kini aku telah menaiki
tangga kebebasanku kembali setelah terpuruk dalam
lobang gelap gua hitam minotaurnya Samsudin. Aku
kembali bersatu dengan bapak dan Ibu serta Lek Khudori.
(Khalieqy, 2001: 186)
(There goes the tears and grief. Now I have my freedom
back up the stairs after dark cave deep in the black hole
miniature of Samsudin. I was reunited with the father and
mother, and Lek Khudori)
c. Kami pun melaju, menyongsong impian baru dan masa
depan, bersama seribu zikir dalam dada, seribu pedang di
medan laga. Sementara ribuan bidadari di depan
mata.(Khalieqy, 2001:220)
(We set off, to meet new and future dreams, with a
thousand of Zikir in the chest, a thousand swords on the
battlefield. While thousands of angels in front of my eyes).
From the two sentences above, the style of sentences are
hyperbole, because the sentence is always using exaggerate
words in expressing something (a feeling, a state, etc) in the
style of writing.
3) Sarcasm
That is a mockery or satire with rude words.
a. “Mual perutku melihat tampangmu.” (Khalieqy, 2001:
(Look your face, make my Stomacheache)
“Persetan dengan ancamanmu ! Katakan apa yang kau
inginkan. (Khalieqy, 2001: 115)
(Go to hell with your threat! Say what you want.)
c. “Aku menyesal menikahimu, perempuan sial!” (Khalieqy,
2001: 116)
(I'm regret; I married you, damn girl! ")
From some expressions above, the styles of the expression
are including sarcasm, because the author uses obscene words
or phrases in the style of writing.
6. Theme
In this novel has a theme of Struggle for women's rights. Annisa
has statement about the right of woman in life:
“Perempuan bukanlah pelayan bagi laki-laki. Bukan juga budak
bagi kehidupan.”
”Aku tidak mau menjadi budak. Pun massa depan yang kerontang
bukanlah impianku dan bukan impian siapapun.” (Khalieqy, 2001:
("Women are not servants of men. Nor slave for life"
"I do not want to be slaves. The bad future is not dreams of mine
or other . ")
Therefore, Annisa with every effort wanted to be free from the
shackles of patriarchal culture, a culture that is curbing freedom of women
to more advanced and equal with men. She also always fights for women's
rights around her.
B. Emancipation of Women in the Novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban
The novel of Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El Kalieqy
demonstrates the problems of gender inequality and other problems related to
it. Women discrimination still exist in the real social, political, economy,
cultural, law, and educational contexts. The problems are interrelated and
when seen from feminism, the problem of gender inequality encourages the
cause of woman emancipation.
In this novel presented about the emancipation of women. The
following will be discussed about the emancipation in making decision,
marriage, economics, education, and family environment:
1. Emancipation in making decision
Emancipation in making decision is the problem of subordination.
The emergence in the decision-making for emancipation movement in this
novel is illustrated by the lack of freedom of women in decision-making.
The law views women as inferior beings than men. Women are prohibited
from taking a decision because it was not right, but the right of man.
As a woman, Annisa is only obliged to accept all decisions made
by men and not allowed to deny it. It happened when Kiai Hannan wanted
Annisa to match with Samsudin, the choice male of Annisa‟s father.
Annisa‟s parent have been negotiating the future of Annisa,
without asking first to Annisa, whether Annisa is ready and willing to
marry with him or not. In there, Abidah describe undemocratic in Annisa‟s
family. In this novel, Abidah tells the attitude of Kiai Hanan (Annisa‟s
father) who does not look Annisa`s right as a woman in choosing a life
Acctually, woman had the right in marriage. They are the right of
being treated kindly, to be appreciated and to express their ideas and will.
As an emancipator woman, Annisa tried to fight this situation with her
opinion, we can see in the following quotation:
“Tetapi aku tidak pernah sekalipun bermimpi mendapat suami
seperti itu. Aku tidak pernah kenal, lihat wajah, apalagi punya
rencana untuk menjadi istrinya. Aku tidak pernah merasa
menjadi istri siapapun sebab aku tidak merasa telah menikah
atas kemauan dan pilihanku sendiri.” (Khalieqy, 2001:159)
("But I never dreamed of getting a husband like that. I never
know, look at his face, and have a plan to become his wife. I
never feel like a wife of anyone, because I do not feel has
married in my own volition and choice")
2. Emancipation in Marriage
Emancipation in marriage in this novel is discussed about an
arranged marriage and polygamy.
Emancipation also appeared in the marriage. Customary law and
state law in the form of laws on marriage is less protecting the rights of
women from gender inequality. Women are not prioritized in making
decision and marriage, their role was always under the domination of man.
For example of gender inequality in marriage in this story is
matchmaking. Annisa forced to accept marriage of their parents and forced
to submit to husbands.
This occurs when Kiai Hanan to match Annisa with Samsudin. The
statement as contained in the following quotation:
“Sebenarnya Annisa masih terlalu muda .Jika seseorang melihat
sosok tubuhnya memang seperti anak usia lima belasan. Padahal
sebenarnya baru sepuluh tahun...Ia masih terlalu bodoh dan
banyak naifnya dalam pergaulan hidup. Bukankah begitu,
Bu?”Suara bapak terdengar agak jelas.
“Memang benar, “ibu menimpali ,”Annisa masih harus banyak
belajar untuk mengerti hidup, juga untuk persiapan di hari
depannya kelak.”
“Tetapi anak perempuan kan tidak perlu sekolah tinggi-tinggi,
cukup jika telah mengaji beberapa kitab... kami juga tidak terlalu
keburu, ya... mungkin menunggu sampai Udin wisuda kelak. Yang
penting kita sepakat untuk saling menjaga. Mengenai kapan
dilangsungkannya pernikahan nanti kan bisa dirembug lagi.
Bukankah begitu, Pak Han? Kita khan sama-sama orang
tua..”suara laki-laki sang tamu mempengaruhi. (Khalieqy,
("Actually, Annisa is still too young. If someone look at her body
was like a child at fifteen. In fact she is ten years old ...She is too
stupid and naive in the social intercourse, right, Mr.Han? "The
father's voice sounds a bit obvious.
"That‟s true," the mother replied, "Annisa should learn to
understand life, also for the preparation of her future."
"But girls do not need go to school higher, learning a few books is
enough... We are also not too hurried ... may wait until Udin
graduation. We agreed to look after each other is important.
Marriage can be discussed again later, right Mr. Han? We are
parents. A male voice as the guest affects other).
Then, the polygamy is done by men against women. This occurs
when Samsudin married again with Kalsum, and Annisa allowed she in
poligamy, without deny her husband‟s desire. The statement as contained
in the following quotation;
“Pada suatu saat, seorang dari para janda itu datang ke rumah
dan mengadukan perilaku Samsudin yang telah menghamilinya. Ia
minta pertanggungjawaban Samsudin untuk menikahinya. Karena
aku kurang fasih dengan urusan masalah seperti itu,kuserahkan
semuanya pada mertua untuk diketahui juga bagi mereka bahwa
anaknya benar-benar menderita sakit yang sulit disembuhkan dan
orang yang sehat tak dapat menerimanya. Karena tak ada pilihan
lain, mertua akhirnya menikahkan mereka dan jadilah Samsudin
melaksanakan niatnya untuk berpoligami.” (Khalieqy, 2001:117)
("One day, one of the widows came to my house and complained
toward Samsudin behavior that has to impregnate her. She asked
responsibility of Samsudin to marry her. Because I'm not
conversant with this problem, I let my parent in law handle it and
knew that their son‟s do sick are difficult to cure and healthy
people can not accept it. Because there are no choice, my parent in
law eventually marry them and Samsudin carry out his intention to
There is one more verse about polygamy in the Qur‟an (Q.S
Annisa: verse 129).
             
          
It states: And you cannot do justice between wives, even though
you wish (it), but be not disinclined (from one) with total disinclination, so
that you leave her in suspense. And if you are reconciled and keep your
duty, surely Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.
Thus in this verse gain the Qur‟an tells the believers that they
cannot do justice, even if they so desire, between wives, so they should
refrain from taking more wives than one. (Engineer, 1992: 103)
3. Emancipation in Economic
Emancipation in economic in this novel discusses the issue of
marginalization or economic impoverishment of women that causes
dependence of women against men.
Emancipation movement in this sector arises because of gender
inequality in the economic field which has led to the marginalization or the
economic impoverishment of women. Woman is only allowed working in
the domestic sector (households), such as cooking, housekeeping, and
child care. Automatically, women should not work outside the domestic
sector. Women cannot work outside the home as men. Therefore, women
are poorer than men. In fact, they depend on the man.
In this novel, the main character female (Annisa) and other female
characters have the opportunity to work outside the domestic sector (work
in public). For example, Sister Maryam has batik business and success as a
chairman of an organization, while Annisa worked as a famous writer, a
profession that really represents the soul as a smart girl. The statement as
contained in the following quotation:
“Mbak Maryam adalah istri seorang direktur sebuah lembaga
bantuan hukum yang selain aktif di orgAnnisasi kampus, ia juga
nyambi sebagai pedagang batik yang prospektif. Mbak Maryam
memiliki karakter yang kuat sebagai pemimpin. Ia mampu
memobilisasi massa dan mengelola keuangan sekaligus dengan
begitu rapinya. Bicaranya pelan penuh tekanan. Selain itu, Mbak
Maryam memiliki kepekaan yang luar biasa dalam hal
ketidakadilan. Mungkin hasil pergaulannya dengan suaminya yang
pengacara.” (Khalieqy, 2001:223)
("Sister Maryam is the wife of a director of a legal law
organization that is active in campus; he is also a prospective batik
merchant. Sister Maryam has a good character as a leader. She was
able to mobilize the masses and manage their finances well. She
speaks soft and clarifies. In addition, Sister Maryam has sensitivity
remarkable in terms of injustice. Perhaps it is results of her
interaction with his husband as a lawyer”).
“…Itulah kebiasaan tiap akhir minggu, mengecek surat dari
teman-teman atau artikel-artikel bermasalah yang dikembalikan
dari mass media atau juga surat-surat dan majalah dari luar
negeri langganan mas Khudori. Beberapa surat masuk dan
majalah, juga Wesel honorarium tulisanku dari salah satu mass
media, teronggok di kantor pusat.”( Khalieqy, 2001: 237)
("... That's her habit over every weekend, checking mail from
friends or problematic articles that are returned from the mass
media or even the letters and magazines from overseas as
subscriptions of Khudori. Some mail and magazines come in, as
well as writing notes honorarium from one of the mass media,
sitting at the headquarters”).
Annisa as a protagonist female in the novel thought that
emancipation is eliminate all gender inequalities in the economic field
which could cause the economic impoverishment of women,
4. Emancipation in Education
Emancipation of education in this novel is discussing the issues
important to obtain a decent education for human welfare.
Society considers women inferior to men and only capable of
doing domestic work, therefore women are not allowed to study high and
work outside the home as men. This is a duping against women. They are
stupid because they do not get a chance for studying. In fact it is done by
their parents. It causes the lack of intellectual women who are the result of
restraint their lives and the limitations of formal education. Women are
stupid (no education), be passive and just give up on the willingness of
other people.
In Indonesia, for example we have R.A Kartini. She was one
Indonesian‟s pioneer who tried to oppose that rigid concerning with
woman emancipation. In her era she protested loudly about this
discrimination because it was unfairly and caused stupidity and misery.
(Widyosiswoyo, 1991: 146)
Therefore, through the emancipation movement, in this novel
Annisa are fighting for their rights for freedom and opportunity to increase
knowledge, to sharpen the brain, to express opinion, and to control what
should be done according to their talents and abilities.
The education among women and men should be balanced.
Women and men should have the right or the opportunity for reach the
higher education.
We can see from the following hadist:
‫ طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم ومسلمة‬:‫قال رسول هللا ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص‬
“Belajar dan menuntut ilmu itu adalah kewajiban bagi setiap
muslim laki-laki dan perempuan”. (Syaikh Ibrahim Ibn Ismail: 4)
(“Learning and studying is an obligation for every male and female
And also; Seek for knowledge from cradle to the graveyard
(Hadith). This is what is popularly known as life long education. Futher
there is a hadith that invites both men and woman to seek knowledge even
if it is in China. Thus, it can be seen that Islam stresses the importance of
knowledge.(Salleh, 1985: 115)
Women right of study and gaining knowledge as much as possible,
in the same manner with men is in accordance with command of learning
in the 1-5 verses of Al-Alaq.
              
         
Recite in the name of your Lord who created –
Created man from a clinging substance.
Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous Who taught by the pen Taught man that which he knew not.
In this novel, Annisa is proud about emancipation in education.
She thought that education is very important for women to be equal with
men. The statement as contained in the following quotation:
“Tetapi aku masih ingin kuliah dulu, Lek.”kata Annisa
“Dan siapa bilang kalau aku melarangmu kuliah.Justru yang
kuinginkan, pendidikanmu lebih tinggi dariku. Jika kau dapat
meraih gelar doktor, itu adalah sebuah kebanggaan buatku dan
anak-anak kita nanti.”( Khalieqy, 2001:196)
("But I still wanted to continue in a college, Uncle." said Annisa.
"And who's say if I forbid you continue in college. I agree your
education is higher than me. If you can be earning a doctorate, it is
a pride for me and our children later.")
The value equality of education for women who indicated the
author was given the freedom to Annisa. Khudori suggested to her that as
women she must study higher, and also her husband suggested Annisa to
achieve a higher degree than him. Lek Khudhori supports Annisa‟s efforts
to continue her studies.
Khudori has tremendous respect for the emancipation of women in
education. According to him, with education woman can be equal with
men in all areas of life or even dominate much than men. A woman is
possible can obtain the highest education and master anything that should
be controlled in accordance with ability. It has become important for
women not to be underestimated and not demeaned by men. In there,
Annisa was not aiming to beat the men, but only to give equal
opportunities woman to be more advanced.
5. Emancipation in Family Environment
Emancipation in the family environment in this novel is discussing
the problem of the tendency of women who received gender inequality
within the family.
The case of gender inequality is most prevalent in the family
environment. Family is the most vulnerable places for women. The
position of women in family is often being potential victims of gender
inequality. This is caused by women's subordinate position in society that
resulted in their lack of mastery of the socio-economic resources as a
Then, women are treated different from men, especially in
marriage (were forced to accept the marriage of parents). As experienced
by the Annisa, she must accept his father mate. By reason, the man comes
from a boarding school family, scholars, and the obvious wealth and
...” tetapi laki-laki dapat memilih jodohnya sendiri atas kehendak
Tuhan dan perempuan dijodohkan oleh bapaknya yang belum
tentu dikehendakinya “ (Khalieqy, 2001:174)
(.."but the men can choose his own soul mate by the willing of
God, but woman were betrothed by his father that maybe it is not
necessarily desired”)
And also, usually a woman was also forced to submit to husbands.
This is experienced by Annisa, Mbak Kalsum and Lek Ummi. They have
great respect for her husband, and never denied all her husband's wishes.
Because, according to Annisa‟s mother, as a wife must accept whatever
treatment from her husband.
Because of the weak position of women, men often to treat a
woman (wife) as a thing has, liked other objects. Husbands often act
arbitrarily against the wife, while his wife seems not to have the right to
act against their husbands, including preventing the husband to marry
again (polygamy). This is experienced by Annisa. She received her
husband's decision to remarry with another woman or even had many
This is very contrary to the conscience of Annisa. What is done by
Samsudin is the biggest mistake in the woman life. What was experienced
by Annisa is a form of oppression of men to women. Annisa also often
experienced sexual violence in their own households; it is a criminal act of
rape crimes in the household. The statement as contained in the following
“Sejak malam pertama sampai sekarang, tak bosan-bosannya ia
menyakitiku, menjambak rambutku, menendang dan menempeleng,
memaksa dan memaki serta melecehkanku habis-habisan.”
(Khalieqy, 2001:161)
("Since the first night until now, he do not get enough to hurt me,
pull my hair, kick and slap, force and cursing and harass me at
As a woman who wanted to reach their rights, Anissa not surrender
to his fate, she always protested all bad behavior from her husband's
(Samsudin) .As with many women suffering violence from their husbands,
Annisa does not dare to tell her parents about her experience. The first
person she confides in is Lek Khudhori. When he comes back from Egypt,
she tells him everything, and with his support they inform her parents
about the violence Annisa endures.
After the obligatory waiting period („idda) has passed, her parents
demand a divorce, and Annisa can finally marry Lek Khudhori. He is
construed as the opposite of Samsudin in all aspects. Finally, Annisa finds
a true, loving and understanding husband.
A. Conclusion
After analyzing the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, in this chapter
the writer would like to draw the conclusions as follows:
1. The literary elements of the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban consists
a. The major character in this novel is Anisa and Khudori. The minor
character is Samsudin, Anisa's father (Kiai Hannan), Anisa‟s mother
(Hajjah Muthmainah), Sister Kalsum, Wildan and Rizal, Ustadz Ali,
Mr. Joko, Mr. Tasmin, Uncle Mahmud, Lek Ummi, Nina, Sister
Ummi, Sister Laila, and Sister Maryam.
b. The plot of this novel is exposition, conflict and resolution.
c. Setting of place in this novel are Boarding School of Kyai Hanan
Abdul Malik, Kajoran, Al Hikmah bookstore, Porch of mosque, Movie
Theater, Campus, Anisa‟s boarding house (Indekost), Hospital. And
setting of time in this novel is about of the year 2001.
d. In this novel the author uses the first point of view because she uses
the word “Aku” to tell the story.
e. This novel is written with personification, hyperbola, and sarcasm.
f. This novel has a theme of struggle for woman rights.
2. The emancipation of women in the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban
a. Emancipation in making decision
b. Emancipation in marriage
c. Emancipation in economic
d. Emancipation in education
e. Emancipation in the family environment
B. Suggestion
To close this paper, the writer would like to give some suggestion as
1. For the Reader
The writer suggests that analysis of this graduating paper entitled
beneficial to provide knowledge and true understanding about the
emancipation of women to readers of literature.
2. For Researcher
The contribution from this research to other researcher can read
this paper to improve their ability to appreciate the values of women
emancipation in the novel. The writer hopes this paper can be a reference
for future research.
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: 113 06 066
Jenis Kegiatan
Orientasi Program Studi
dan Pengenalan Kampus
Masa Penerimaan Anggota
Salatiga 2006
English Friendship Tour
Movie Apreciation and
Breaking The Fast CEC
Penghijauan dan Lomba
Lintas Medan (PL2M)
English Festival CEC
Workshop Jurnalistik
Mahasiswa LPM Dinamika
Participant in the TVRI
Relax Show UPB
Koordinasi I PKD Jateng
11 Penghijauan Tanam Pohon
Untuk Keselamatan DiengPKD Jateng
12 Koordinasi II PKD Jateng
13 Pelatihan Karya Tulis
Ilmiah DEMA
14 Bedah Buku “Jalan Cinta
Para Pejuang” LDK
15 Sarasehan Nasional
“Simpul Budaya
Indonesia” Teater GETAR
16 Lomba Kaligrafi pada
MTQ II Jamiyyatul Qurro
17 Seminar Lingkungan
Hidup Mapala Mitapasa
18 Koordinasi III PKD Jateng
Jurusan/Progdi : Tarbiyah/TBI
: Dr. Sa’adi, M.Ag
26 – 29 Agustus
14-16 September
17 September
6 Oktober 2006
8 Mei 2007
17 April 2007
9-12 November
13 Desember 2009
20 Desember 2009
10-21 Februari
27-28 Februari
27 Maret 2010
30-31 Maret 2010
24 April 2010
8 Mei 2010
24 Mei 2010
24 Mei 2010
7-8 Agustus 2010
Pendakian Massal dan
30-31 Oktober
Bersih Gunung Merbabu
Gorah Masal Jamiyyatul
12 Maret 2011
Qurro‟wal Hufadz
Pelaksana Lomba TPQ Se- 1 Mei 2011
Kecamatan Tegalrejo KKN
STAIN Salatiga
SK Pengurus MAPALA
Per- 3 Januari
Salatiga, 14 Februari 2012
My name is Paryono. I was born on Wednesday ,
October 9 th 1986. I am Indonesian. I live in Tetep Wates
Rt 03/06 Kumpulrejo, Kec. Argomulyo, Salatiga. I am
the last child of two children of Mr. Sarmin and Mrs.
I like reading novels and poems so much. I really admire
Chairil Anwar, he was a great poet. Each stanza in the
poem contains a big spirit for facing our life. As the
following quotation: Aku ini binatang jalang... Dari
kumpulan yang terbuang ... Biar peluru menembus
kulitku.. Aku tetap meradang menerjang...Luka dan bisa kubawa berlari... Berlari
Hingga hilang pedih peri... Dan aku akan lebih tidak perduli ... Aku mau hidup seribu
tahun lagi. I ever read Novels, as follows: Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, Perempuan Di Titik
Nol, Tuhan Ijinkan aku jadi Pelacur ,Trilogy Novel of Andrea Hirata,
Habbiburohman’s novel, Trilogy novel of Ahmad Fuady’s, Toto Chan: Little Girl at
the Window, etc. But the most interested novel are novel that tell about Gender,
especially novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah el Khalieqy . In this novel I
found many of injustices that occur in women. Figures Annisa struggled to get
women right and position equal with men.I like it. Actually, i also love writing, until
now i still typing my first novel. I hope it can be read others too.
I graduated from Tarbiyatul Banin XXVI Kindergarten, Semarang in 1992. Then, I
graduated from SD N Kumpulrejo 3 in 1998. After that ,in 2001 i have graduation
from SMP N 6 Salatiga. Then i have finished my study in Language Class of
“SMANDA” Senior High School Salatiga in 2004. After that I worked on the
Ramayana Mall Tamansari for 2 years. I really enjoyed my experience working there.
Lots of experience I have gained.
In 2006, I continued my study in English Department of Education Faculty of State
Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga. I also love hiking, so i join with
Mapala MITAPASA (Nature Lovers Organization). I got many experience here, in
happines and sadness. I'm glad to meet with Mapala’s friends from all over of
Indonesia. I'm sure every Indonesian Mapala members are brothershood. I have search
something unique and went to anywhere with all my friend. Please visit my FB with Email: [email protected] or my personal blog http://muhammadriyonopha.blogspot.com/.
Finnaly, I just want to be better than ever, and do the best as we can !! Keep on Spirit.