Via Basilicata,1 - Siracusa (Italy) Dirigente - "S. Chindemi"
Via Basilicata,1 - Siracusa (Italy) Dirigente - "S. Chindemi"
Via Basilicata,1 Phone 0931-411817 Siracusa (Italy) fax 0931-701124 Dirigente Scolastico: dott.ssa Pinella Giuffrida 1 Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca 2 Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca 16° ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO “S.CHINDEMI” Via Basilicata, 1 - 96100 Siracusa It’s for forty years then, that the School operates in the area and has been able to make more time in their current educational provision and cultural right to respond in an effective and relevant to the question of education and training of users . In recent times the Institute: · enhanced the interaction with other local institutions (families, local authorities, church, working and volunteering) · was open and integrated better into the local context · has become more open to experimenting with "school time" more complex and flexible, consistent with its educational activities and teaching · was more sensitive and attentive to the problems of reception, continuity of education and orienteering. SCHOOL EDUCATION ORGANIZATION Our school includes three types of teaching: NURSERY SCHOOL (for children aged from 3-5) PRIMARY SCHOOL (for children aged from 6-10) SECONDARY SCHOOL (for children aged from 11-14) The organization typology is: REGULAR TEACHING TIME FULL TEACHING TIME EXTENDED TIME MUSIC ADDRESS 3 MUSIC ADDRESS COURSES The classes, where teaching of a musical instrument is given, are formed according to general criteria used for the formation of the classes, after appropriate orientationaptitude tests while taking into account the important training and educational significance of making music together. The pupils are divided into four groups, as four musical instruments are taught: the piano, the flute, the clarinet, the guitar. The pupils are part of the school band and choir. During the school year, through curricular and extracurricular activities they prepare musical performances and their teachers support them allowing the development of their personality and their involvement in social life. COORDINATION IN ACTIVITIES OF INTEGRATION FOR DISADVANTAGED AND DISABLED PEOPLE The school has specific formative responsibilities towards training all users in the sense that it provides each pupil with the independence required to be a citizen able to place himself significantly in the world. Based on the experience of the previous school year a working group (GLH) has been set up, consistentlywith what the Law 104/92 provisions for, which pays particular attention to the prevention of school dropout, recovery of disadvantaged pupils and integration of disabled ones. PON The proposals which have been carried out relating to PON financed by FSE, concern the introduction of sport, foreign language qualification, Italian and Mathematics strengthening. The integrated plan of action through the psychomotor skills of sports teams (basketball, swimming, volleyball, table tennis etc.) aims to form pupil’s aptitude to search for the optimal performance through the game, the training, the finalization of sports actives. LABORATORIES - Founding from FESR and European Union recently allowed the school to realize the following laboratories: COMPUTING LABORATORY MUSIC LABORATORY LANGUAGE LABORATORY 4 SCIENCE LABORATORY OUR SCHOOL’S INAUGURATION 6 ottobre 2010 SOME ACTIVITIES OF OUR SCHOOL FESTIVAL OF TREES 5 HORSE THERAPY COURSE CERAMIC DESIGN 6 AUTUMN FESTIVAL MOTHER EARTH DAY PROJECT 7 KARNAVAL PARADE SHOW MUSIC 8 PROJECT “GROW WELL …EAT WELL ... " PON 2007-2013 “COMPETENZE PER LO SVILUPPO” - FSE (National Operative Programs) Sponsorized by EU 9 150° ANNIVERSARY OF ITALIAN UNIFICATION 10 TROPHY ERG (sponsorized by ERG Petroleum - Siracusa) MUSICAL CORSES 11 Siracusa - Italy Email: [email protected] PEC: [email protected] Sito web: Grafica e impaginazione a cura di Eva Ruggiero 12